P&R 01-20-2021 (Special)
Teleconference Special Meeting
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
6:00 PM
Chair Kumarappan called the special meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. via remote
Commissioners present: Gopal Kumarappan, Carol Stanek, Neesha Tambe,
Xiangchen Xu (joined at 6:40 p.m.), Sashikala Begur
Commissioners absent: None
Staff present: Joanne Magrini, Whitney Zeller, Alex Corbalis
1. Subject: Meeting Minutes for the January 7, 2021 Parks and Recreation
Commission Special Meeting.
Recommended Action: Review and approve the minutes for the January 7, 2021 Parks
and Recreation Commission special meeting.
Commissioner Tambe amended item six to note that if it is decided that the ponds
should be addressed, refinishing, or filling in the ponds should take place parallel to the
design phase being executed.
Commissioner Tambe motioned to approve the minutes with the amendment to item
six. Vice Chair Stanek seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes yes and
Commissioner Xu absent.
Community Member Lisa Warren commented on public noticing of the meeting. Staff
clarified that the agenda had been noticed on Friday, January 15, and the notice they
received prior to the meeting was an update to the teleconference information.
2. Subject: Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan Park Amenity Improvement Project
Evaluation and Prioritization Review.
Recommended Action: Provide feedback regarding prioritization for the Parks and
Recreation Strategic Plan Park Amenity Improvement Project.
Recreation Coordinator, Alex Corbalis, reviewed how the prioritization process would
be facilitated.
Community Member Sharon Blaine commented that the Cupertino Historical Society
will be putting signs marking historical references throughout the Stevens Creek
Corridor. They are working with the City to make sure the signs follow the branding
The first site discussed was the Stevens Creek Corridor
Commissioner Tambe commented that a hydration station at McClellan Ranch is a good
idea, but that the stocklmeir property area is narrow and has high traffic. She added
that if a hydration station is placed at the top of the corridor, we need to make sure it
doesn’t become a gathering space that could block the trail.
The Commissioners agreed that two hydration stations would be appropriate, one at
McClellan Ranch and one at the top of the corridor accessible to those using the trail.
The Commissioners agreed no changes to waste receptacles were needed in the Stevens
Creek Corridor.
The Commissioners agreed no additional benches or picnic tables were needed in the
Stevens Creek Corridor.
The Commissioners agreed with staff’s recommendation for a shade structure for the
bocce courts as a Capital Improvement Project.
Commissioner Tambe commented that community feedback showed a high demand for
outdoor table tennis and it would be a good addition near the bocce area in the corridor.
Vice Chair Stanek shared concern with outdoor table tennis and recommended finding
a location where it could be sheltered from wind, as well as what kind of maintenance
and upkeep would be needed.
Commissioners Tambe and Begur recommended looking at options for providing
indoor table tennis, such as Monta Vista or Creekside Parks buildings.
The Commissioners agreed with placing a bike rack in the Corridor, as long as there is
no environmental impact.
The second site discussed was Hoover Park.
The Commissioners agreed with staff’s recommendation to replace both water
fountains at Hoover Park with hydration stations.
The Commissioners agreed with staff’s recommendation to add four trios at the soccer
field (one on each sideline), and recommended adding a trio at both playgrounds,
replacing the existing garbage cans.
The Commissioners suggested adding benches near game areas as a low priority.
The Commissioners agreed with staff suggestion to add six trees near the park sign.
The third site discussed was Linda Vista Park.
The Commissioners recommended one hydration station at the lower walk‐in picnic
area and a second at the upper playground as a lower priority.
The Commissioners agreed with staff’s recommendation to move the existing waste
The Commissioners agreed with staff’s recommendation to add two benches near the
upper playground and two at the northeast corner. They suggested instead of adding
two along the eastern path to add two benches on the southern edge of the field in the
The Commissioners agreed with staff’s recommendation to add a shade structure at the
picnic area as a Capital Improvement Project.
Commissioner Tambe highlighted that if there are any playground elements added to
the parks, to make sure they have inclusive play elements.
Parks and Recreation Director, Joanne Magrini, added that staff will look at the
potential of adding inclusive swings to the existing swing set at Linda Vista Park.
The fourth site discussed was Monta Vista Park and Recreation Center
Vice Chair Stanek recommended adding pickleball striping where possible in
neighborhood parks so that residents do not need to travel to access the amenity.
Commissioner Tambe added that all tennis courts do not need to be restriped to include
pickleball, we can choose to only stripe one of the two at Monta Vista. She shared that
there is already high use of Memorial Park and adding another amenity there could be
frustrating to neighbors by drawing more users. She recommended starting restriping
at Monta Vista, and if successful, to add more at Memorial Park. The Commissioner
added that there is a broader theme of singular use of facilities that needs to be
Commissioner Xu agreed that more facilities and amenities should be placed in
neighborhood parks, so residents do not need to travel to the larger parks. She added
that Monta Vista can be crowded and did not recommend pickleball striping at the site.
Chair Kumarappan recommended that staff revisit the topic at the final prioritization as
an action item.
The Commissioners agreed with staff’s recommendation to replace the water fountain
at the southwest softball field with a hydration station, as well as the water fountain at
the tennis courts, and to add a hydration station at the northeast softball field on the
third base line.
The Commissioners agreed with staff’s recommendation to replace the garbage cans at
the northeast softball field and the southwest softball field with trios, remove the
existing garbage cans at the northern BBQ area and add a trio near the building. They
also recommended adding a trio at the path north of the southern BBQ area and to leave
the existing receptacles for composting.
The Commissioners agreed with staff’s recommendation to add four benches near the
preschool area. They noted it is not a high priority, but would be a good addition if
funding is available.
Commissioner Tambe commented that it would be nice to have exercise equipment at
the larger playground.
Vice Chair Stanek and Chair Kumarappan recommended adding inclusive swings to
the playground, as it is near the preschool.
The Commissioners recommended adding nature play.
The fifth site discussed was Little Rancho Park.
The Commissioners agreed with staff’s recommendation to replace the existing waste
receptacle with a duo.
The Commissioners agreed with staff’s recommendation to replace the existing benches
with ones from Canyon Oak Park.
The sixth site discussed was Somerset Park.
The Commissioners agreed with staff’s recommendation to replace the existing water
fountain with a hydration station.
The Commissioners agreed with staff’s recommendation to add a trio waste receptacle
at the BBQ area and remove two existing waste receptacles. They added the
recommendation to include a duo at the basketball court.
The Commissioners agreed with staff’s recommendation to add two benches, one at the
northeast and one at the southwest corner of the park.
Vice Chair Stanek recommended the benches in the back corner of the park face the
grass area, as it could be a potential dog off leash area site.
Commissioner Tambe agreed with staff’s suggestion that Somerset Park could be a
good location for outdoor table tennis.
Vice Chair Stanek commented that because it is close to highway 280, the airflow
should be measured before moving with it as a site for outdoor table tennis. She added
that if the area can be sheltered from a breeze or wind it would be a good location.
The Commissioners recommended considering the total cost and evaluation of wind
interception for implementing outdoor table tennis at this site.
Commissioner Tambe recommended adding inclusive swings, interactive elements
such as sculptures and pieces with tactile and auditory stimulation, as well as nature
Vice Chair Stanek requested that at the next prioritization meeting, the Commissioner’s
averages be added as a column for each site.
Commissioner Tambe shared that Kennedy Middle School is putting together a
competition for their students to utilize the skills they have gained in their electives to
create ideas to help address social isolation. Commissioner Tambe passed the
information to Parks and Recreation Director, Joanne Magrini, and Recreation
Coordinator, Daniel Mestizo, and suggested they could provide a good repository of
potential projects and would be a good opportunity to engage with the program and
provide any external support.
ADJOURNMENT – Chair Kumarappan adjourned the meeting at 8:16 p.m. to the
February 4, 2020 meeting at 7 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Whitney Zeller, Administrative Assistant
Parks & Recreation Department
Minutes approved at the February 4, 2021 regular meeting