P&R 01-07-2021
Teleconference Meeting
Thursday, January 7, 2021
7:00 PM
Chair Kumarappan called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. via remote teleconference.
Commissioners present: Gopal Kumarappan, Carol Stanek, Neesha Tambe,
Xiangchen Xu, Sashikala Begur
Commissioners absent: None
Staff present: Joanne Magrini, Whitney Zeller, Rachelle Sander,
Alex Corbalis, Jason Bisely
1. Subject: Presentation on Holiday Programs.
Recommended Action: Receive a presentation on holiday programs.
Recreation Coordinator, Jason Bisely, provided a presentation on holiday programs.
Commissioners thanked the staff for their work and making the holiday events
happen this year.
2. Subject: Meeting Minutes for the December 7, 2020 Parks and Recreation
Commission Special Meeting.
Recommended Action: Review and approve the minutes for the December 7, 2020
Parks and Recreation Commission special meeting.
Commissioner Xu amended her comment on item five to clarify that the reasoning is
because the parks are spacious and would be good to have playground facilities for
older kids.
Commissioner Xu motioned to approve the minutes with the amendment to item
five. Commissioner Stanek seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 votes yes and
Commissioner Begur abstaining.
3. Subject: Project Evaluation Criteria and Process
Recommended Action: Discuss and establish a process and criteria for project
Administrative Assistant, Whitney Zeller, provided a presentation on the item.
Commissioner Begur suggested having a calendar with Commission due dates to
provide an opportunity to prepare and suggested that the submission deadline
should be around 9 a.m. or 10 a.m.
Commissioner Tambe suggested that staff let the Commission know the data
processing time and provide a recommended timeframe and a secondary timeframe.
She recommended using a shared folder to submit data, which would also address
the confirmation of receipt of data.
Vice Chair Stanek noted that the Commission needs to know how much time staff
will require to process data. She added that a confirmation receipt of data is critical,
as this is where we have had issues.
Commissioner Xu recommended allowing to delay the deadline in extreme
conditions and agreed that submission deadlines should be set in the morning.
Chair Kumarappan noted that if a shared folder is utilized, it should trigger an
automated alert when updates are made to the folder.
The Commission determined that staff will communicate to the Commission the
earliest and latest possible dates that data needs to be submitted to staff. Deadlines
should be within the regular workday, set in the morning to allow time for
The Commissioners agreed to utilize a shared folder which will be time stamped,
and staff will send an email to all Commissioners at the due date to let them know
what data has been received. If the shared folder cannot be accessed, data can be sent
to staff through email.
The Commissioners considered deadlines and agreed the Commission should be the
ones to provide an extension, which can be requested and approved through email
and updated on a calendar viewable to the public.
4. Subject: Community Funding Grant Program Evaluation Form.
Recommended Action: Review and approve the Community Funding Grant Program
evaluation form.
Recreation Supervisor, Rachelle Sander, presented on the item.
Chair Kumarappan commented that the qualifications of the organization should be
weighed heavier than the City mission and values.
Vice Chair Stanek commented that because uniqueness was moved to a new section,
the five points could be allotted to that section. She also agreed with the Chair that
qualifications of the organization would be a good section to add the five points.
Commissioner Tambe commented that the original uniqueness section was intended
to counter past participants and that the uniqueness category could still add points to
those organizations that have an innovative proposal. She added that the past
performance category was intended to indicate how well organizations achieved their
goals. Commissioner Tambe suggested adding a section to indicate if organizations
achieved their goal with choices of yes, moderate, or no. She recommended adding
the five points to uniqueness and added that assigning the additional five points to
qualifications of the organization could work against new organizations.
The Commissioners agreed to use the original evaluation sections, but to split past
performance and program efficacy and uniqueness into two separate sections each
work 5 points, with past performance and program efficacy to be applicable to
returning applicants and uniqueness being applicable to new applicants.
5. Subject: Update on the Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan Park and Amenity
Improvement Project and Selection of Meeting Dates and Times to Review
Evaluations and Provide Feedback Regarding Prioritization.
Recommended Action: Receive an update on the Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan
Park Amenity Improvements Project and select meeting dates and times to review
evaluations and provide feedback regarding prioritization.
Recreation Coordinator, Alex Corbalis, provided a presentation on the item.
Commissioner Stanek commented that the process works for her and would like for
the Commissioners to receive the evaluation data at least 72 hours prior to the
meeting date.
Staff agreed to look at scheduling options and determine the special meeting date
and time through email with the Commissioners.
6. Subject: Update on the Memorial Park Master Plan Capital Improvement Project.
Recommended Action: Receive an update on the Memorial Park Master Plan Capital
Improvement Project.
Director of Parks and Recreation, Joanne Magrini, provided an update on the
Memorial Park Master Plan Capitol Improvement Project.
Commissioner Tambe commented that if it is decided to fill or refinish the ponds, it
should be done silmutaniously while executing the design phase, noting that it will
be a long process between filling the ponds and waiting for the land to settle before it
can be repurposed.
7. Subject: Commission Proposals for the Fiscal Year 2021‐22 City Work Program.
Recommended Action: Provide a list of proposed items for the Fiscal Year 2021‐22
City Work Program, identifying the top 3 proposals, limited to no more than 5.
Director Magrini provided a presentation for the item.
Commissioner Stanek suggested an item to work hand in hand with Cupertino Union
School District as they discuss the potential of school closures and assess any
opportunities to incorporate their fields into the City. The item would evaluate what
the City can do to take responsibility for and have more access to those fields.
Commissioner Tambe agreed with Commissioner Stanek’s suggestion and added that
having more access to the fields would save money and allow us to provide things
the community has been asking for. Commissioner Tambe added two other item
suggestions, including a Parks and Recreation long term strategic plan to have
designated time and energy to implement to the Master Plan, and the all‐inclusive
playground at Jollyman Park.
Commissioner Xu agreed with Vice Chair Stanek’s suggestion and noted that Council
had previously discussed ways to work with CUSD.
Chair Kumarappan supported Vice Chair Stanek’s suggestion and added an idea for
a senior strategy to address the needs of seniors in collaboration with the City
Council and all other Commissions.
Commissioner Tambe recommended to have a comprehensive neighborhood events
or community engagement item which is modified for COVID and includes focused
programming from 2021 into 2022.
The Commissioners agreed to the following City Work Program item proposals with
the top three in no particular order, and items four and five as additional
1. CUSD Collaboration for Field and Playground Space
2. Senior Strategy
3. Jollyman All Inclusive Playground
4. Strategic Plan Long Term Implementation
5. Neighborhood Events
8. Subject: Monthly Update Reports
Recommended Action: Receive monthly update reports from the Director of Parks
and Recreation and commissioners.
Director Magrini provided a presentation and updated the Commission on
department projects, COVID impacts to parks and recreation, and upcoming events.
Commissioner Tambe shared interest in the teen civic engagement event and asked
staff to provide her with additional information.
Commissioner Stanek recommended that the sign at Scenic Circle be published on
both sides of the gate.
Commissioner Tambe noted that she attended a community meeting regarding how
to join the City’s Commissions and Boards.
8. Subject: Schedule for Annual Items, Future Agenda Items, and Prioritization for the
Parks and Recreation Commission Work Program Items.
Recommended Action: Review and provide feedback on the schedule for annual
items, future agenda items, and prioritization for the Parks and Recreation
Commission Work Program items.
Director Magrini reviewed the three attachments.
ADJOURNMENT – Chair Kumarappan adjourned the meeting at 10:29 p.m. to the
February 4, 2020 meeting at 7 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Whitney Zeller, Administrative Assistant
Parks & Recreation Department
Minutes approved at the January 20, 2021 special meeting