P&R 09-03-2020 CITY OF CUPERTINO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Teleconference Meeting Thursday, September 3, 2020 7:00 PM MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Chair Kumarappan called the meeting to order at 7:01p.m. via remote teleconference. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Gopal Kumarappan, Carol Stanek, Neesha Tambe, Xiangchen Xu, Sashikala Begur Commissioners absent: None Staff present: Joanne Magrini, Christine Hanel, Whitney Zeller, Kim Frey, Jenny Koverman Guest speakers: None CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. Senior Programming. Recreation Supervisor, Kim Frey, provided a presentation on Senior Programming. Community member Richard Alder spoke on the item and discussed the digital divide. Community member Jean Bedord spoke on the item and discussed advertising the programs offered at the Senior Center and asked the commissioners to consider how seniors utilize parks when discussing the strategic plan. Commissioner Tambe suggested having Kim return at a future meeting to hear more about what is happening at the Senior Center. Chair Kumarappan thanked Kim for the presentation and agreed that it would be nice to have Kim return in the future. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2. Meeting of August 6, 2020. Commissioner Tambe motioned to approve the minutes. Vice Chair Stanek seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously with 5 votes yes. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Written communications were received for an item not on the agenda. POSTPONEMENTS None OLD BUSINESS 3. Update on the Coronavirus’ Impacts to Parks and Recreation Department Programming. Director of Parks and Recreation, Joanne Magrini provided an update on the Coronavirus’ impacts to Cupertino’s Parks and Recreation Programs, including fall programming, air quality impacts, emergency response, and the #CupertinoCares initiative. 4. Athletic Field Use Policy Update. Recreation Supervisor, Jenny Koverman, provided an update on the Athletic Field Use Policy. Staff have reached out to organizations that utilize the fields and will move forward with the community outreach portion of the study. 5. Update on Strategic Plan. Joanne Magrini provided an update on the efforts and timeline of the strategic plan. Commissioner Begur shared a preference for extending the deadline to complete evaluations by one week due to the heat wave over the weekend. Vice Chair Stanek shared that she had completed the evaluations and wanted to know the status of the other commissioners. Commissioner Tambe shared that she had completed her evaluations. Chair Kumarappan shared that he still had parks to visit and wanted to prioritize everyone’s health when considering the deadline to submit the evaluations. Commissioner Xu shared that it has been difficult to visit the parks with the shelter in place, heat wave, and poor air quality. Commissioner Tambe suggested doing a virtual tour of the parks for any Commissioners who are unable to visit them in person and agreed to assist with this if necessary. The Commissioners agreed to continue with a deadline of September 14th. 6. McClellan Ranch Community Garden Volunteer Effort Update. Jenny Koverman provided an update on the McClellan Ranch Community garden and reviewed options for community outreach and volunteer efforts. Vice Chair Stanek recommended determining how many volunteer hours will be needed to complete the project and the time frame available to determine the quantity and type of volunteers needed. Vice Chair Stanek commented that students are always looking for experience to put on their resumes. Commissioner Tambe discussed the criteria for assigning garden beds and asked that the distribution is balanced between those who put in volunteer hours and those who have limited abilities to contribute to the volunteer efforts, as well as considering residents who do not have the physical space to have a garden at their residence. Commissioner Xu recommended updating the community garden webpage to include the most recent information, a timeline for the project and a request for volunteers. NEW BUSINESS STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 2. Receive Monthly Update Reports from: Director - Park upgrades including new tennis nets, shade trees and natural vegetation at parks. - Congratulations to Assistant Director, Christine Hanel, on her retirement. Commissioners - No items to report COMMISSIONER ATTENDANCE AT UPCOMING MEETINGS AND EVENTS Vice Chair Stanek will attend the September Mayor’s meeting. Chair Kumarappan will attend the October Mayor’s meeting. ADJOURNMENT – Chair Kumarappan adjourned the meeting at 8:41p.m. to the October 1, 2020 meeting at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Whitney Zeller, Administrative Assistant Parks & Recreation Department Minutes approved at the October 1, 2020 regular meeting