LIB 06-01-05 City of Cupertino Library Commission Regular Meeting June 1, 2005 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:02 p.m. Sheila Mohan called the meeting to order at Cupertino City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, Conference Room A, Cupertino. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners: Sheila Mohan, Janet Riddell, Kathy Stakey, Susanna Tsai Citv/Countv Library Staff: Mary-Ann Wallace, Melinda Cervantes Absent: Ron Miller 3. MINUTES Commissioner Stakey moved to approve the minutes as amended from the May 4, 2005 regular meeting. Commissioner Riddell seconded and motion passed unanimously with Miller absent. 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None. 5. CITY OF CUPERTINO LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Mary Ann Wallace reviewed the monthly report. 6. COUNTY LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Melinda Cervantes reviewed election results with the Commission. She indicated that Cupertino's turnout rate for Measure A and B was 69.72% and 60.3% respectively. She also indicated that due to the passage of Measure A, $5.4 million has been restored to the budget. Melinda also noted that it has been proposed that the library be open four hours on Saturday and Sunday pending approval from the City, JP A Board, and staffing the positions for these hours. Commissioner Stakey expressed concern that the City would eliminate the line item for funding Sunday hours if it is perceived that the County can fund the four hours on Saturday and Sunday. She also stated that it is important that the Commission make City Council aware that funding for Sunday hours should remain in the budget. Melinda noted that the County is not adding additional hours, but simply moving hours between different days so that the library is open for more days each week. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Mayor's Meeting with Commissioners Commission Tsai reviewed the meeting highlights from the Mayor's meeting. She informed the Commission that the Commissioner's Reception would be held on July 21. 3-A June 1,2005 Library Commission Page 2 8. OLD BUSINESS A. Library Commission Orientation Handbook Commissioner Riddell noted that review of the document is now 75% complete. Commissioner Stakey and Riddell are comparing the City's handbook to ensure that the Commission handbook coincides with each other. A final draft should be available at the August meeting for full Commission review. Mary Ann Wallace agreed to meet with Riddell and Stakey to review historical data. B. Friends of the Library Commissioner Stakey reported that the book sale on June 21 and 22 was very successful. She recognized Riddell and Miller who assisted with counting cash and for Tsai who arranged for volunteers from the Chinese School. The next book sale will be held on October 1 and 2. C. Library Foundation Mary Ann Wallace reported that the Board met on May 25 and that the last check from Burl Leonard to the Endowment/Foundation was received. The next meeting will be held on June 22. 9. CALENDAR Melinda Cervantes provided the JP A Board meeting dates. Riddell will update the calendar to reflect the updates. The Commission discussed the feasibility of turning calendar duties over to one of the new Commissioners. The Commission concurred that giving the responsibility to new Commissioners would be a good learning experience for them. Commissioner Stakey moved to delegate calendar and secretary responsibilities to Commissioner Tsai for the remainder of the year and then rotate in January with the election of new officers. Riddell seconded and motion passed unanimously with Miller absent. 10. AGENDA BUILDING The Commission concurred to add an item regarding having the Morion installed by the anniversary date and the new hours of the library. 11. REPORTS BY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Riddell proposed that a request be forwarded to the Public Safety Commission regarding safety issues related to the lack of a pay phone. Commissioner Stakey suggested that one of the Commissioners attend the next Public Safety Commission and provide them with background regarding the item and what the Library Commission has done to date. Riddell will notify the Commission of the next Public Safety Commission meeting date and one of the Commissioners will volunteer to attend the meeting. June 1, 2005 Library Commission Page 2 Commissioner Stakey reported that there was a function at the soccer field in May and that parking was a huge issue. She indicated that every space on Rodriguez and Torre A venues were taken and one car could barely pass on the street. Commissioner Mohan suggested that Commissioners attend the City Council meetings as a member of the community to express concern regarding this issue. Commissioner Stakey also reported that while reviewing the orientation handbook, she learned that a Commissioner could miss 25% of the total meetings or three consecutive meetings before being removed from the Commission. 12. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. ~ ),jin;; kiXt Dorothy Steentì ") Recording Secr ary