FAC 06-28-05 ø",..,,'.,',.,..'".,, .....!,. .. ......::.. iíitl ''-''''-' - CITY OF CUPEIQ1NO APPROVED MINU IJ!.~ FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting, Conference Room A 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino June 28, 2005 CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL Present: Vice Chairperson Hema Kundargi and Commissioners, Martha Bills, Nancy Canter, Robert Harrison Staff present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith APPROVAL OF MINUTES I. Minutes of the regular meeting of March 22, 2005. Commissioner Nancy Canter moved to moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of March 22, 2005. Vice Chairperson Hema Kundargi seconded and motion passed unanimously with Commissioner Janet Mohr absent and Commissioner Robert Harrison abstaining. PRESENTATIONS - None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None COMMISSIONER REPORTS 2. Welcome new commissioner Robert Harrison. Vice Chairperson Hema Kundargi introduced Robert Harrison to the Commission. Commissioner Harrison gave a brief summary of his art background and indicated that his focus has been more towards music and performing arts. 3. Arts-related news updates ITom Commissioners. City Clerk Kimberly Smith reviewed Commissioner Janet Mohr's report on the June I Mayor's meeting. Commissioner Nancy Canter reported that the San Jose Museum of Art was updating their collection guidelines and suggested that the Commission review its guidelines as well. The City Clerk indicated that she would add any updated guidelines that are received ITom other agencies as they become available so they can be reviewed along with the Commission guidelines. June 28, 2005 Cupertino Fine Arts Commission Page 2 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 4. Update ITom subcommittee to identifY potential art locations in the Cupertino Library. Vice Chairperson Hema Kundargi reported that she bad met with the City Librarian again and conveyed the message that the Fine Arts Commission is interested in facilitating the process to obtain art for the library. No response ITom the library has been received. Commissioner Nancy Canter suggested that the Commission continue to meet occasionally with the Librarian to keep communication open between the library and commission. Commissioner Martha Bills volunteered to act as a back up ad hoc member. NEW BUSINESS 5. Select Distinguished Artist for 2005. The award ceremony is tentatively scheduled for July 17 at Free Shakespeare in the Park. City Clerk Kimberly Smith distributed the nomination that was received for Commission review. Commissioner Martha Bills moved to nominate Janet Leong Malan as Distinguished Artist of the Year. Vice Chairperson Herna Kundargi seconded and motion passed unanimously with Commissioner Janet Mohr absent. Commissioner Bills agreed to present the award during the Shakespeare performance on July 17. The Commission also discussed revising the award criteria for the Distinguished Artist of the Year and expressed interest in adding guidelines that would include an award for kids. 6. Report on status of donated statue of Cyrus the Great. City Clerk Kimberly Smith updated the Commission on the status related to the project. She indicated that the agreement bad not yet been signed, but that Fariba Nejat would be in touch as soon as they are ready to sign. It was also noted that once the agreement is signed, the Commission would hold a public hearing to determine where the statue should be placed within the perimeters of the Quinlan Community Center. The Commissioners requested detailed maps of the Quinlan Center to ensure that proper locations for the statue are identified before the public hearing. June 28, 2005 Cupertino Fine Arts Commission Page 3 STAFF REPORTS City Clerk Kimberly Smith provided a brief summary of the one percent for art program and stated that it has been included in the General Plan update that City Council will be reviewing. It was also noted that City Architect Terry Greene is expected to attend the next Fine Arts Commission meeting to discuss the Mary Avenue Footbridge project. NEWS ARTICLES ADJOURNMENT At 9:00 p.m. the meeting was adjourned. . ðndt ~cityClerk