BPC 02-19-2020
February 19, 2020
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.
• Present: Muni Madhdhipatla, Gerhard Eschelbeck, Ilango Ganga & Erik
• Absent: Jennifer Shearin
• Staff: David Stillman, City Transportation Manager, Michael Zimmermann,
Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Manager, Mellownie Salvador, Public
Works Project Manager
• Others Present: Nicholas Poplarghgy??, Mathew Widmann, Atharv Sule,
Ashwini Tamhane.
1. Chair Eschelbeck corrected the recommended action date to January 15, 2020.
Commissioners reviewed and agreed on six error corrections, as well as the addition
of the Vice Chair Election to the draft. Chair Eschelbeck moved to approve the Jan
15, 2020 meeting minutes including the six error corrections and adding the Vice
Chair Election. Commissioner Madhdhipatla seconded. The motion passed 4-0-1
(Shearin absent)
Erik Lindskog: Target made renovations but is missing bike racks to lock the bikes.
David confirmed that they are required to build the bike rack, but he’s not sure when
they will do it. The city cannot force them to build it in some order.
Muni asked for the requirement of the bike racks during renovation. Erik confirmed
that there was a bike rack there, but it got removed as part of the renovation while the
store was open. David is to review the Municipal code for this issue and suggest
changes if needed, as it is odd for a store to operate without a bike rack.
Mathew Widmann: He wanted to know if the commission is aware of a state survey on
speed limit rules. AB2121 says that if the speed limit was installed 6 years ago, it
becomes unenforceable without conducting another study. In Cupertino, some streets
seem to be allowing higher speed for their intended use. Is the city commission and
council interested in sending a letter supporting this new legislation? Erik suggested to
add it for future meeting agenda.
2. McClellan Road Two-Stage Left-Turn Bike Boxes
a. McClellan road two stage left turn box: There was a lot of feedback from
residents initially and the noise died down of late. Staff observed recently how it
is being used during morning and afternoon school peaks. No one seems to be
using the boxes. People always seem to do what they have done before. One
person seems to have used the bike box on Bubb/McClellan crossing on 2
occasions. With this information, do we want to keep them or change it?
All Commissioners suggested to keep it and educate the community. Gerhard
made a motion to keep the bike boxes, augment it with training elements, and
conduct feasibility of Dutch intersection at these junctions. The motion passed 4-
0-1 (Shearin absent).
3. Bicycle Transportation Plan
Capital Improvement Manager Michael Zimmerman provided updates on various
CIP projects.
a. Bike Boulevard project Phase 1 – Staff recommended to Council to reject all
1. The staff did some study with cones to assess resident’s reaction to these
2. The budget was for $1.5 mil and the bids came in at $1.75 mil for just Phase
3. The staff is going to recommend asking for more funding in upcoming CIP
cycle and approach all 3 phases in one go.
4. The council may have to prioritize and choose between multiple projects
between Bike projects, parks projects and so on.
5. Ilango asked if we are looking at other funding sources?
6. Staff said we will look at all avenues.
b. Byrne avenue (McCLellan to Granada) sidewalk project is close to completion.
1. PG&E install their new poles. Comcast work is continuing and AT&T will
be next.
2. This project is fully funded.
c. McClellan Ph 1 & Ph 2 are complete.
d. Bubb Road project is being planned. This is fully funded by Apple and is being
coordinated with Apple.
e. Mary Ave Protected Bike Lane: Not launched yet. Some inhouse consultant
design is being performed. This is also funded by Apple.
1. What happens to the bike lane between property and 85 sound wall? Is this
staying or going to rerouted?
2. David said that City is working with the property owner.
f. Regnart Creek Trail: Designs are ongoing. Permits filed with the California
Department of Fish and Wildlife. Staff is working with Water District to build a
new ramp into the creek by this summer. The study is open to public comments
now. If the Water District agrees to build, we need to enter into a maintenance
agreement with them. This project is fully funded.
g. Junipero Trail: This is in design stage only. It is Apple funded.
h. Linda Vista Trail: Waiting for 95% plan submittal. It is planned to start by June.
i. School walk audits are under way. Most schools are done and two are left.
j. Bicycle Way Finding: Working on finding a project manager to get moving on
k. McClellan remaining bike lane to be targeted this summer. The intersection to
be handled in Summer 2021.
l. Stevens Creek Blvd: Phase 1 study 95% complete. Signal polls have been
ordered and have 20-week lead time. Staff will put out the contract for bid
4. Blackberry Farm Entrance Road Feasibility:
a. Alternatives A to E presented.
b. Commission recommending Option B with both bikes and pedestrians
dedicated to use.
5. Technology, Information, and Communications Commission (TICC) & Bicycle
Pedestrian Commission Partnering:
a. Ilango presented on how the TICC Commission was working on using 5G
sensors and data to improve traffic flow and safety.
6. Adopting Best Practices from Other Commissions (Ganga)
a. Ilango presented a proposal of best practices of other commissions.
i. We agreed to agendize this topic in the next meeting to come up with ideas
for committees and solicit volunteers.
7. Staff Report (David Stillman)
a. Work on proposal for expanding the Commission to 7 members as per Mayor
speech. New Commission will have expanded responsibility, including
transportation, focusing on streets, in addition to bi cycle and pedestrian issues.
b. David reviewed 3 work plan items: Staff is recommending Bollinger Road safety
to be considered. Staff doesn’t have time for the School Area Safety Study, so it is
not being recommended. Civic Center Safety will be folded into another project,
such as the Parking Study by Library Commission.
8. VTA BPAC Report (Lindskog)
a. None.
9. Public Relations Subcommitte Report (TBD)
a. None.
10. Report on Committee Assignments and General Comments
Meeting with Mayor
a. Commissioner Eschelbeck met with the Mayor.