PC 11-10-80 CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFO&~IA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, Ca. 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 PC-345 Page 1 MINUTES NOVEMBER 10, 1980 REGULAR PL&~ING COMMISSION MEETING CALL TO ORDER/SALUTE TO THE FLAG 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioner Adams Commissioner Blaine Commissioner Claudy Chairman Koenitzer APPROVAL OF MINUTES The approval of the Minutes of the Regular Adjourned Meeting of September 10, 1980 was deferred, as there was need for further work and review. POSTPONE~ŒNTS/NEW AGENDA ITEMS ITEM #6, Application 20-TM-80 - Roger Mason - was withdrawn from the calendar at the applicant's request. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS A letter dated November 7 from Commissioner Phil Johnson, resigning effective that date, having been elected to City Council. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC HEARINGS: ITEM #1, Application 2-GPA-80 of CITY OF CUPERTINO: PUBLIC HEARING to consider a General Plan Land Use Amendment involving two groups of vacant properties (Sites F and G) located on the north side of Stevens Creek Boulevard. The first group of vacant properties is generally located mid- block between Randy Lane and Blaney Avenue. The second group of vacant properties is generally located mid-block between Blaney Avenue and Portal Avenue. The General Plan Amendment hearing will consider the addition of ,8 commercial and office designation to the existing exclusive residential land use designation for said properties. The acreage of said groups of properties is approximately 8.5 acres. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Environ- mental Review Committee recommends the granting of a Negative Declaration. First Hearing. Tentative City Council hearing date - December 1, 1980. Planning Director Sisk gave a brief Staff Report to the effect that this situation had evolved over the past couple of months. The matter had been discussed at the last Council Meeting, and the amendment before the Commission tonight had been initiated. A map of the overall Crossroads area was exhibited showing the properties involved. He explained that the amendment was to consider the addition of commercial land use on these properties, the existing General Plan land use being planned residential, PC-345 Page 2 MINUTES NOVEMBER 10, 1980 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING with a density of 10/20 dwellings per acre. There had been a consensus at Planning Commission level to lower the density to 10/15 units per acre, the only land use being residential. Past discussions had seemed to demonstrate concerns regarding traffic, but Staff felt that allowing commercial land use would not have a measurable effect on the traffic along Stevens Creek Boulevard. The main issue would be what effect it would have on the Town Center development, which was difficult to say at this point, as various realtors had differing opinions on this.. Planning Director Sisk then showed slides of a site at Bandley and Portal wÌlere a condominium/office development had been approved, and one at Randy and Blaney where Clear lake Development had applied to build a condominium p1':'0ject. Ci)M. BLAINE wanted an exp:,anation of what had happened at the City Council Meèting. Planning Director Sisk said the applicant had asked the Council to initiate a land use amendment allowing the option of commercial land use on property. It had been initiated, and had been sent back to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Another hearing would be held by the Council after receiving tne Planning Commission's recommendation to see whether they actually wanted to amend the General Plan. There had been a limited discussion on the effect on Town Center. CHR. KOENITZER observed that he had looked at the figures quoted in the environmental review, and unless there was a drastic revision in thinking, it would certainly have an impact on the Town Center development. He wondered what the vac~ncy factor of commercial buildings was in the City, as he had seen some empty facilities. Planning Director Sisk did not think there was much of a vacancy factor, and in general discussions he had had with major real estate firms, they thought commercial land use in this case would have no effect on Town Center which they had ceased to perceive as a commercial core in favor of Valco Park. CHR. KOENITZER noted that there were certainly other developable parcels like these along Stevens Creek and wondered what was also available along De Anza Boulevard, vacant and under-used. Planning Director Sisk agreed that some land was vacant and under-used, such as around the pet hospital and nursery on N. De Anza Boulevard, but the buildings were not. Likewise, on Stevens Creek, there was the area on the east of Barclays Bank by Finch Avenue, but an application would be in on this shor tly. COM. CLAUDY felt that if commercial or office use was allowed on this site, all sites in the area would want to go the same way, and combined with the Mariani office complex, etc., Town Center might be forced to be mainly resi- dential, which he did not feel to be a bad thing. MINUTES NOVEMBER 10, 1980 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PC-345 Page 3 COM, BLAINE said she had also been thinking that Town Center could not be protected. It was not economically viable for the Cole Company~ at the present density, to build offices there, and it seemed to be a good spot for residential development, though if the underpass was built, a buffer of offices would probably be desirable. CHR. KOENITZER was concerned that the Commission might be asked to raise commercial and office densities in Town Center. COM. ADAMS thought that the densities presently allowed would preclude the average person from renting or buying housing in Town Center, and that maybe a mix should be allowed, letting the market place balance itself out. On the western portion of the Torre intersection, there was quite a lot of commercial now, including specialty shops. COM. CLAUDY observed that there were vacancies in the Cupertino area in regard to specialty shops. COM. BLAINE thought the market was faddish, and did not balance itself out. It looked for the highest monetary return over the shortest period of time and did not address tne needs, which were for housing, rental housing in particular. COM. CLAUDY thought there would never be much rental housing in Cupertino because of the high price of land. The City would have to go to higher densities in any case, and Town Center was more suitable for this, being isolated. He had come to the conclusion that the developers in this instance should be allowed to go the way they wanted and housing should be placed in more acceptable areas. COM. BLAINE questioned the traffic impact, if 600 units were put in Town Center. Planning Director Sisk said this could be looked at as part of a study to be done on eliminating downtown constraints. CRR. KOENITZER observed that in terms of trips, residential and office use seemed to be pretty close, though for commercial use it was multiplied by almost a factor of ten. Re felt that if more land was zoned residen- tial such outrageous prices for housing might not be asked. Mr. Pepper Schneider of Clearlake Development Company explained that they had purchased the land with a proposed density of 20 units to the acre, and had felt they could produce af£ordabl~ housing., When the density was reduced, they had found it difficult to design something which was affordable and yet had appeal, so that office seemed the only possibility, and one with which the neighborhood was in agreement. Mary Callaghan, 19954 Wheatton Drive said that a petition had been signed by 300 people that wanted the commercial option on the two sites. With regard to area "F" she wanted to point out that it presently had a commercial option, and wanted the record corrected to show the option still existed. She asked the Commission to imagine high density housing on the sites, in terms of living in the area. PC- 345 Page 4 MINUTES NOVEMBER 10, 1980 REGULAR PL&~NING COMMISSION MEETING CHR. KOENITZER verified, for the record, that site "F" was designated mixed zoning, residential 10/20 whereas "G" was designated residential 10/20 with 10/15 proposed, but not yet approved by City Council. Carl Tucchi, owner of the adjacent property, said he fully endorsed the amendment. He felt the market-place really did take care of itself, and that policies could not be dictated based on articificial economic foundations. As a native Cupertinan, ne felt Stevens Creek Boulevard was the commercial backbone and that housing should not be placed there. Jack London, representing the owners of the Cupertino Professional Center, totally agreed with Mr. Tucchi, and felt it was not right to put high- density residential next to professional ana commercial on a busy street such as Stevens Creek. They had been told by Mr. Papalias,a local realtor, that there was a tremendous demand for professional-type buildings in Cupertino, 10,000 sq. ft. having been built in Town Center and completely filled within four months. They were proposing 19,000 sq. ft. of a similar type, oriented to Stevens Creek, next to the presently-existing Professional Center. COM. CLAUDY observed that speakers often said residential should not back-up to commercial, or should not be across the street from commercial, and he wondered how there would ever be two types of use in the City, on this basis. MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Corn. Claudy to close the Public Hearing, Com. Adams PASSED 4-0 COM. CLAUDY reiterated that he was in favor of including the planned commercial, office, residential mix at 10/15 units to, the acre on both parcels. COM. ADAMS agreed. COM. BLAINE did not feel the community needs would be met. residential could be placed on the parcels and done well at She thought 15 units per acre. CHR. KOENITZER stated that this was also his position. There were existing parcels zoned commercial and office that could be developed, and the City needed the residential. The designations of these properties had already been changed, after long discussions, and he could not see anything to invalidate those discussions. COM. BLAINE pointed out that the reason residential had been considered in tIle first place was to break up the commercial, ete., and to address a housing need. The market-place took care of itself, but it did not take care of community needs, and that was why this body was needed, to make recommenda- tions to City Council who could then make a decision. MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Corn. Claudy to recommend approval of the Environmental Impact Report. Com. Blaine PASSED 4-0 MOTION: Com. Claudy to recommend approval of the Exhibits A and B with the mix alternative calling for planned commercial, office and residen- tial mix with a residential density of 10/15 units per acre. Com. Adams Gom.Adams, Corn. Claudy: Aye Chr. Koenitzer, Com. Blaine: Nay SECOND: VOTE: MINUTES NOVEMBER 10, 1980 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PC-345 Page 5 CHR. KOENITZER announced that as this was a split vote, under the rules of the Commission it represented a denial of the change. However, if would go to Council who aad the option to do with it as they wished. ITEM #2, Application 26-U-80 of SALEM SHAIKH: USE PERMIT to construct a single-family resiùence in a Planned Development zoning district and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Environmental Review Committee recommends the granting of a Negative Declaration. The subject property is located at the northern terminus of the paved segment of Riviera Road approximately 100 ft. north of the intersection of Riviera Road and Scenic Circle. First Hearing continued. Tentative City Council hearing date - November 17, 1980. Associate Planner Piasecki briefly showed the location of the site and reviewed the Staff Report, explaining that the applicant had been requested by the Commission to re-evaluate the possibility of preserving a large oak tree located at the center of the site, but that applicant was still requesting removal of the tree. Some drawings demonstrating the effect of designing the home to accommodate the tree were shown, necessitating a U-shaped building with three stories. The applicant's preferred plan was shown, with modifications for the Fire Department turnaround, the plan having been slightly shifted to accommodate this. Associate Planner Piasecki said that should the Commission wish to approve the Use Permit, Staff had included an additional_condition,requiring that the ingress/egress easement be shifted to the terminus of Riviera and the northerly property line, as the former location had been identified as subject to flooding. The building would have to be shifted in a westerly direction, to accommodate a required 20 ft. minimum fire turnaround. CtiR. KOENITZER wondered about the provision for future flood protection, as he noted that the bank in this location was open to the possibility of severe erosion. Associate Planner Piasecki said that construction was contemplated well outside of the flood plane area, and that condition 17 of the Use Permit required the applicant to retain a registered civil engineer to explore the stability of the embankment, preparing a report for the City on erosion measures taken. However, this did not mean it would be safe for ever in any flooding event. COM. CLAUDY pointed out that the 100-year flood prov1s10ns required that the finished floor of the lowest living level of a building be above the lOO-year event level, and this house would certainly be that. ChR. KOENITZER damage. observed that his concern was with erosion, not flood Planning Director Sisk established that the District's provisions did not include erosion, and that in event of major flooding, the damage would just have to be repaired. It was established that both plans had a right-of-way easement, and that the building would have to fall outside of the easement lines. PC-345 Page 6 MINUTES NOVEMBER 10, 1980 REGULAR PLANNING COMHISSION MEETING COM. BLAINE wondered if the applicant had any comments on the conditions. Mr. Matusa (pilOnetic) the designer and agent for Mr. Shaikh, said they had been in contact with Staff, and that the easement was already conceded as having to be involved in the application COM. ADAMS said he was looking for arguments from the applicant against the alternative proposal for keeping the oak tree. Mr. Matusa pointed out that if one took the alternative plan and moved it 10 ft. up the hill, as was now required, the house would be split in half. He hoped the Commission recalled discussions on the condition of the tree, tnat it was damaged and decaying. COM. CLAUDY asked Staff if the alternative plan would have to be shifted 10 ft. up the hill. Associate Planner Piasecki said that it would. MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Com. Claudy to close the Public Hearing. Corn. Blaine PASSED 4-0 Com. Blaine to recommend a Negative Declaration of the Environmental Impact. Com. Adams PASSED 4-0 Corn. Blaine to recommend approval of 26-U-80 with standard conditions 1-14, conditions 15-23, with findings and sub- conclusions as in the Staff Report. Com. Adams _ PASSED 4-0 ITEM #3, Application :46-Z-80 of NANCY BINNEWEG: PREZONING approximately .4 gross acre from Santa Clara County Rl-8 (one family residence, 8,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size) zone to City of Cupertino, Rl-7.5 (Residential, Single-family, 7,500 sq. ft. minimum lot size) zone or whatever zone may be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Environmental Review Committee recommends tne granting of a Negative Declaration. The subject property is located on the south side of Alcazar Avenue approximately 100 ft. westerly of Orange Avenue in the Monta Vista neighborhood. First Hearing, Tentative City Council hearing date - December 1, 1980. Planning Director Sisk reported that this was a very straightforward application to change the zoning of two existing lots of record in the Monta Vista area, in accordance with the General Plan__ There were no questions for the applicant and no public input on the matter. MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Com, Adams to close Public Hearings Corn. Claudy PASSED 4-0 MINUTES NOVEMBER 10, 1980 REGULAR PLANNING CO~lliISSION MEETING MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: PC-345 Page 7 Com. Claudy to recommend the granting of a Negative Declaration. Com. Adams PASSED 4-0 Com. Claudy to recommend approval of 46-Z-80 as set forth in tne Staff Report. Com. Adams PASSED 4-0 ITEM 114, Application 19-TM-80 of PARK PLAZA DEVELOPMENT: TENTATIVE MAP to subdivide approximately 4.7 acres into 79 individual townhouse parcels and a parcel or parcels covering the remaining area to be held in common ownership and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project was previously assessed, hence, no action is required. The subject property is located on the southwest corner of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Portal Avenue. First hearing. Tentative City Council hearing date - November 17, 1980. Associate Planner Piasecki explained that the exhibits on the board displayed the approved project, which had been submitted to the Architectur 1 and Site Control Committee. There were basically two changes that Staff was recommending in response to comments from the Central Fire District, that the fire lanes be set up as emergency access easements, and that they comply with the minimum radius requirements of Central Fire District, requiring slight modifications. There was some discussion on the potential shifting by a couple of feet of pad #76, and it was established that this would not adversely affect any units or cause any hardship. Kathryn Beerman (phonetic) 19781 Bixby Drive, wanted to bring to the attention of the Commission that the silk trees ,which lined Portal were a concern of herself and her husband. Theyhad been saving to get them topped and some taken down, as they were dead and dying and affected their pool. They wanted this known before anything was decided that would affect their property. She was advised that these comments should go to the Architectural and Site Control Committee. MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Com. Claudy that Public Hearings be closed. Com. Adams PASSED 4-0 Com. Claudy to recommend approval of 19-TM-80, subject to conditions 1-18 as set forth in the Staff Report, subject to findings and sub conclusions as in the Staff Report. Com. Ad.ams PASSED 4-0 ITEM #5, Application 22-U-70 of P. BRIE~ WILSON: FIVE-YEAR EXTENSION OF USE PERMIT for continued use as a law office and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is categorically exempt, hence, no action is required. Said property is located at 20401 Stevens Creek Boulevard (north side of Stevens Creek Boulevard, approximately 400 ft. east of De Anza Boulevard) within a CG (General Commercial) zone. First Hearing. PC-345 Page 8 HINUTES NOVEMBER 10, 1980 REGULAR PLMNING COMNISSION MEETING Associate Planner Piasecki outlined the location of the property, being immediately adjacent to the access driveway to St. Joseph's Church and school. The applicant was asking for an additional extension of the proposal, originally submitted to the City in 1970 and extended in 1975 and Staff did not see any problem with continuing the use of the residential structures as office buildings. However, in 1979 a strategy had been adopted in the General Plan for linking commercial properties, and Staff was suggesting a Condition, number 16, to require the property owner to participate in such a program. He produced an exhibit which had been presented with an application from the lands of Rousseau, adjacent to Mr. Wilson's property, showing a hypothetical easement involving Mr. Wilson's land. It was basically a conceptual idea and Staff did not envision any linkages until new development happened. He pointed out that this was the final decision in terms of extension of the Use Permit. The applicant said he had a problem with the condition for an ingress/egress easement, as he was not seeking to develop at this time. He thought it would be more appropriate when he did, and he was completely in favor from a conceptual viewpoint. Serious things could happen to the property owner if he was left with an easement of record, and it was his feeling that the unification of property should be borne jointly by all parties to share in the burdens and benefits of it. CHR. KOENITZER stated that his understanding of the legal requirements was that a covenant was to be signed to obligate future possible ingress and egress driveways, and no locations were mentioned. It was a condition that had been imposed over the past four years or so on all commercial properties that came bèfore the Commission, to correct problems that had been experienced with regard to sharing driveways. Mr. Wilson pointed out that he would be developing eventually and would be coming in front of the Commission when it happened, at which time it would seem to be app~opriate to impose a condition. COM. CLAUDY observed that the covenant in condition 16 was not triggered by the applicant's use, and that he was just signing an agreement in casê either property was developed. MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Com. Adams to close Public Hearings Com. Blaine PASSED 4-0 MOTION: Com. Blaine for approval of 22-U-70 with conditions 1-16, as in the Staff Report, subject to findings and subconclusions as in the S~ff Report. In condition 16, in the third line from the bottom~ second word from the end of the line, to be changed from "surrounding" to"adjacentlt. Com. Adams PASSED 4-0 SECOND: VOTE: ITEM #6, withdrawn from the Calendar at the Applicant's request. UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS .. MINUTES NOVEMBER 10, 1980 REGULAR PLfu~NING COMMISSION MEETING PC-345 Page 9 REPORT OF THE PLfu~NING COMMISSION COM. CLAUDY noted with interest the LAFCO*change, and wondered if it would stand. He heard the Supervisors had voted against it. CHR, KOENITZER reported on the League**rneeting, and said the most interesting session he had attended was on manufactured housing. It was a fact that State law now required all cities and jurisdictions to permit the placing of manufactured housing on all lots. However, there was a condition that the housing had to meet Housing Development Board Standards Assistant installed finished. house. City Engineer Whitten advised that one such unit had been in the County area on Cupertino Road at Crescent and was It seemed to meet the building codes and looked like a standard Planning Director Sisk pointed out that there had been a modular house for years on Mercedes, so that it was not completely new. CRR. KOENITZER gave a brief report on the Mayor's meeting, One item of particular interest to the Commission was that on November 18 the City Council would review functions of all Committees and Commissio s. They were advised that it would be acceptable and welcome if they could attend. Another item was the parking problem at De Anza College, with particular reference to when Flint Center was in use during the school year. It was observed that the Flint Center parking lot was often blocked off, and that by 7:30 p.m. there was often no parking to be found anywhere on campus. In regard to an item on the Parks and Recreation Commission's review of the Monta Vista Community Center plans, COM. CLAUDY registered a protest that nobody in the neighborhood had known about the hearing that had been held, and tIe thought the City could do a better job of advertisin Public Hearings. REPORT OF PLANNING DIRECTOR MEETING ADJOURNED 9:20 P.M. ATTEST: APPROVED: ~ ¿?~~~- City Clerk * Local Agency Formation Commission * * League of California Cities