PC 05-11-81
10300 Torre Avenue~ Cupertino, Ca. 95014
Telephone: (408) 252-4505
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7 :30 P.M.
Present: Com. Adams
Com. Binneweg
Com. Blaine
Chr. Claudy
Absent: Com. Koenitzer
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 27, 1981 were approved after
the following corrections:
Page 1, Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman, the motions to close both
nominations to read: PASSED 4-1 abstention.
The applicant in Item #10 had requested that it be removed from the calendar.
MOTION: Com. Blaine to withdraw Item #10, Application 6-U-8l of West
Valley Montessori School, Inc. from the calendar.
SECOND: Com. Adams
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
CHR. CLAUDY advised that two written communications had been received, and
would be read into the record in the appropriate Hearings.
ITEM #1, Application 28-U-8l of VALL CO PARK, LTD.: PUBLIC HEARING to amend
Condition 22 of Use Permit to alter the site exhibit by shifting allowable
building space to alternative locations on the site and by modifying the
internal Parking and Circulation Plan and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The
project was previously assessedt hence, no action is required. The subject
property is located on the south side of Pruneridge Avenue approximately
500 ft. westerly of Tantau Avenue in an MP (Planned Industrial Park)
zoning district. First Hearing. Tentative City Council hearing date -
May 18, 1981.
Assistant Planning Director Cowan reminded the Commission that in January
they had approved the construction of 495,000 s.f. of industrial space in
Vallco Park by Grosvenor International, setting a ceiling on each of four
parcels. Staff was now recommending that Condition 22 be modified to
allow greater square footage on parcel 3, as the applicant was now in the
Page 2
process of leasing it, and needed to expand beyond the space approved, but
with the understanding that the ctlrr"ntly ¡lppro.ved square footag" ¡;m the entire
propert¥ would not change.
He listed other minor changes, such as traffic circulation and the shifting
of parking structures, and advised that they reflected the intent of the
original site plan, and mentioned that a new Condition, number 23, had been
proposed so that the Planning Director could make deviations.
COM. ADAMS assumed that traffic and parking had been considered in the expansion.
Assistant Planning Director Cowan said that nothing had changed from the
traffic point of view, this being a reallocation of space only.
COM. BLAINE inquired , as parcel 4 was now considerably larger than planned,
how the buildings and parking spaces would fit on each parcel.
Assistant Planning Director Cowan indicated that square footage ceilings
would be altered, but that no parcel would be intensified to the point that
others were unbuildable.
Mr. Frank Juszczyk, representing Grosvenor International, enlarged that the
tenant for parcel 3, Trilogy, Inc., wanted to make it their World headquarters
and required a larger building than planned.
CHR. CLAUDY wondered, IDecause of shifting lot lines, whether parking require-
ments still computed.
Mr. Juszczyk advised that Trilogy, Inc. had been in negotiation with the City
for some time, that everything complied and that they were on the Agendas
for H. Control and Planning Commission Hearings.
Mr. Don Beck, Vice-President of Trilogy, confirmed that they had elected to
make their World headquarters in Cupertino and said they had been working
with Grosvenor International for three months. They intended to put money
into the company image by having beautiful buildings, and would bring to the
community a corporation to compete with IBM and Amdahl.
MOTION: Com. Adams, to close Public Hearing.
SECOND: Com. Blaine
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
OTION: Com. Adams, to approve Application 28-U-80, subject to Conditions
15, 22 and 24 as modified in the Staff Report.
ECOND: Com. Blaine
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
ITEM #2, Applications s-Z-8l and 8-U-8l of CANADA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY: REZONING
pproximately .99 gross acre from AI-43 (Agricultural-Residential, 43,000 sq.
t. minimum lot size) zone and Rl-7.s (Single-family Residential, 7,500 sq.ft.
inimum lot size) zone to P (Planned Development with Residential Cluster Intent)
one or whatever zone may be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission;
Page 3
USE PERMIT to construct nine attached residential dwelling units and
ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Environmental Review Committee recommends the
granting of a Negative Declaration. Said property is located at the
northeast quadrant of Blaney Avenue and Beekman Place. First Hearing.
Tentative City Council hearing date - June 1, 1981.
Assistant Planning Director Cowan indicated on an aerial photograph the
property of almost one acre, including land currently in the public right
of way, and made it clear that the application uould only be approved
subject to the abandonment of the right of way. He described the situation
of the property as being in a single-family neighborhood with a single-famil
home to the north master-planned for the same density, i.e., 5/10 per acre,
with an existing apartment complex to the northeast, having a density of 16
per acre, and Beekman Place, a planned unit development with a density of
7/8 units per acre, on a private street to the south and east.
COM. BINNEWEG wondered how road closure would be effected.
Assistant Planning Director Cowan replied that it was presently closed, and
it would be the responsibility of the applicant to initiate the abandonment
of the right of way with City Council, should he obtain approval.
COM ADAMS inquired if there was an existing sidewalk.
Assistant City Enginner Whitten advised that one had been installed recentl
Assistant Planning Director Cowan went on to explain that the application
was a joint one for zoning and a Use Permit, and though Staff recommended
approval of the zoning, a two-week continuance was suggested for the Use
Permit because of concerns about the tightness of the plan, conformation
of set-backs and some of the two-storey structures, and also that there
should maybe be a focal point, such as a square. To prevent privacy
intrusion, Staff was suggesting that the homes be designed to provide for
obscure windows and sidelights.
He indicated, Qn..an.architectural sketch, elevations proposed by the
applicant and remarked that because they were partly one-storey with
cathedral ceilings in the living rooms and half the length wás taken up
with a single storey garage, the units did not appear too massive.
COM. ADAMS remarked that three rear elevations would be facing Beekman
Place, and that there would be a fence along the curb without a sidewalk.
CHR. CLAUDY asked that slides be shown, there being no further questions of
Assistant Planning Director Cowan showed seven slides of the area, includin
units to be removed and replaced by the project and the typical homes on
Beekman Place.
There was a discussion on setbacks and the visual impacts of the two-storey
Roger Griffin, representing Canada Development, explained that by combining
the two separate parcels in the proj.ect they were avoiding the southerly
parcel having direct access onto Blaney Avenue. Only one home would have
Page 4
to be removed, and the utilities situated in the right of way would not have
to be moved. He stated that they had tried to maintain privacy by providing
windowless walls where necessary, especially near Beekman Place and had
ensured that upper level living area windows would not have direct vision to
the rear; also, each of the units would have a two-car garage attached.
In conclusion, Mr. Griffin said his company realized some guidelines had
changed because of acquisition of the second parcel, that they would cooperate
with Staff and only wanted zoning approval at this time.
CRR. CLADDY read an anonymous communication from the neighborhood, questioning
the quality of the units and asking for information on comparable units in
the area, and said he would call for the applicant's answer later in the Hearing.
Mr. Frank Lawrence, representing Mrs. Geraci, said she owned the property
directly to the north of the site, and asked the Commission to consider that
this was a fairly well used traffic area, and that maybe access should be on
Blaney; this being so, the property that had been owned by Mrs. Geraci, which
had been given to the City of Cupertino by right of trespass to use, would
revert to her, enabling her to develop her property. If the Planning Commission
was considering giving the right of way to the new developer, he felt they
should also consider giving it back to the original owner.
CHR. CLAUDY pointed out that this was not a matter for the Planning Commission,
being a legal abandonment procedure on which the City Council should be approached.
Jean Grant, Beekman Place, Cupertino was concerned that she would be looking
out on high-rise buildings.
COM. ADAMS asked Assistant City Engineer Whitten whether the potential for
access on Blaney had been examined.
Assistant City Engineer Whitten replied that it had, and another opening there
would result in three access points within 300 ft., with traffic conflicts
also. He was not aware of particular problems at the intersection, but volunteered
to check accident maps.
COM. ADAMS thought that Mr. Lawrence's suggested
also did not like the idea of another curb cut.
had been given to an entrance off Beekman.
access was in a bad place, and
He wondered if consideration
Assistant City Engineer Whitten advised that Beekman was a private street, so
that there was no automatic right of access.
CHR. CLAUDY then addressed Mr. Griffin on the question of whether there were
any similar developments constructed by Canada Development in the area.
Mr. Griffin stated there were none in Cupertino, though some had been constructed
in San Jose and Campbell. He went on to describe the quality of the homes as
being large, energy-efficient, selling in the $200/220,000 range, with no FHA
financing anticipated, as loan amounts would be too high.
COM. ADAMS commented that units 6A and 9A on the plan were too massive to be
so close to the intersection and Beekman Place.
Mr. Griffin explained that tpey had other elevations, but. he ?ad not presented
them as he knew the Use Permlt would not be pursued at thlS tlme.
Page 5
MOTION: Com. Blaine, to close the Public Hearing.
SECOND: Com. Adams
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
The Connnission felt the zoning range was reasonable for the area.
MOTION: Com. Blaine, to recommend the granting of a Negative Declaration.
SECOND: Com. Adams
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
MOTION: Com. Blaine, to approve application s-Z-8l, subject to Standard
Conditions 1-14, Conditions 15 and 16 as in the Staff Report,
with findings and subeonclusions as in the Staff Report.
SECOND: Com. Adams
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
MOTION: Com. Blaine, to continue application 8-U-8l to the Meeting of
May 26, 1981.
SECOND: Com. Binneweg
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
ITEM #3, Applications 6-Z-8l, 3-TM-8l and ll-U-8l of B & C CONSTRUCTION
(BARRE BARNES): REZONING approximately .66 gross acre (.38 net acre) from
Rl-7.5 (Single-family Residential, 7,500 sq. ft. minimum lot size) zone
to P (Planned Development with Single-family Residential Cluster Intent)
zone or whatever zone may be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission;
TENTATIVE MAP to subdivide one parcel consisting of approximately .38 acre
into three lots ranging in size from approximately 5,200 sq. ft. to
6,100 sq. ft.; USE PERMIT to construct two single-family detached homes and
ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Environmental Review Committee recommends the
granting of a Negative Declaration. Said property is located on the north-
west corner of Price Avenue and Mello Place. First Hearing. Tentative
City Council hearing date - June 1, 1981.
Associate Planner Piasecki indicated the location and explained the applican 's
request was to subdivide approximately 2/3 of a gross acre, 4/10 of a net
acre into three parcels and change the zoning to PD. Staff was concerned,
as the lot sizes in the area were between 7,500 and 10,000 sq. ft., these
being between 5,200 and 6,300 sq. ft., and felt they would not be within the
character of the neighborhood.
Barre Barnes, the applicant, felt he met the requirements of the General
Plan, and said that Staff was changing the City ruling to measure to the
center of the street, in this case. He stated that he was meeting all R.l
setbacks and was building two houses away on approved 4,200 ft. lots.
He submitted a petition from neighbors in favor of the development.
CRR. CLAUDY described the petition as being signed by 15 people, 10 from
Mello Place, 2 from Price Avenue and 3 from surrounding streets, and that it
requested the City of Cupertino to approve the two new residences mentioned.
He called for input from the audience. There was none.
P·~e 6
MOTION: Com. Blaine, to close the Public Hearing.
SECOND: COID. Binneweg
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
COM. BLAINE felt that even though the development would meet setbacks
it would change the tone and feeling of the neighborhood, and that lots
should be 7,500 sq. ft. at least.
COM. BINNEWEG agreed with this point.
COM. ADAMS wanted to know the zoning for the vacant area to the south of Price.
Associate Planner Piasecki said it was master planned for Rl.lO, but that
the General Plan was in the 5/10 range.
COM. ADAMS appreciated the need for housing, but favored Staff's recommen-
dation, on the basis that if the land had been part of prior development
it would have been split into two lots only.
CHR. CLAUDY, commenting on the petition, said he felt it was a desire of
the neighbors to get rid of an existing warehouse rather than to approve
three houses on the lot, and he also agreed with Staff.
MOTION: Com. Adams, to accept the Negative Declaration of the Environmen-
tal Review Committee.
SECOND: Com. Blaine
(Com. Keonitzer absent)
MOTION: Com. Adams, to deny Application 6-Z-81 on the grounds that
technical compliance with the density designation of the General
Plan did not of itself warrant approval of the Application.
SECOND: Com. Blaine
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
CHR. CLAUDY advised Mr. Barnes that he could appeal the decision, if he
wished, at the City Council Meeting of June 1st.
ITEM #4, Applications 7-Z-8l, 4-TM-8l and l-V-8l of TERRY BROWN (LOUIS &
DIEDRICH): PREZONING approximately .46 acre from Santa Clara County Rl-8
(Single-family Residential, 8,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size) zone to City
of Cupertino Rl-7.5 (Single-family Residential, 7,500 sq. ft. minimum lot
size) zone or whatever zone may be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commis-
sion; TENTATIVE MAP to subdivide one parcel into two equal lots of approxi-
mately 9,900 sq. ft. each; VARIANCE from Section 7.2 of the Rl (Single-
family Residential) Zoning Ordinance to permit a 50 ft. width for each
proposed lot in lieu of 60 ft. as required by Ordinance; and ENVIRONMENTAL
REVIEW: The Environmental Review Committee recommends the granting of a
Negative Declaration. Said property is located on the north side of Alcazar
Avenue approximately 300 ft. westerly of Orange Avenue. First Hearing.
Tentative City Council hearing date - June 1, 1981.
l'C- 356
Page 7
Associate Planner Piasecki described the location, 300 ft. from Orange on
the north side of Alcazar, and explained that the applicant's request was
to subdivide into two 50 ft. wide properties of 9,900 sq. ft. each approxi-
mately with a depth of about 200 ft. As the City standard lot width was
60 ft., the Application included a variance to permit the 50 ft. width
proposed. Staff had rationalized that because surrounding parcels were
similarly divided, and Manta Vista was a unique neighborhood, the variance
was warranted, and further felt that two parcels was a reasonable use, and
that this was the best solution, as they wished to discourage flag lots.
COM. BLAINE observed that though the lots in the area were similar, she did
not think the homes were as large as those being proposed.
Associate Planner Piasecki acknowledged this, but thought it should be
borne in mind that the amount of building frontage would have to fit
setbacks, so that the public's view would be minimized.
COM. BINNHWEG pointed out that the side setbacks would probably be paved.
Associate Planner Piasecki thought, especially in the event of a detached
garage, that they would be.
Joseph Louis, of Louis and Dietrich, San Jose, representing the applicant,
said they intended to stay within the character of the Manta Vista area,
and pointed out that the lots were a little larger than those to the east.
COM. BLAINE wondered if the home designs and sizes had been decided.
Mr. Louis stated that it was planned to build 2,000 square foot two-storey
homes on each, and that the 200 ft. depth of the lots provided room for
building these larger homes.
A discussion followed, which established that the property was probably a
double lot when subdivided in 1917.
MOTION: Com. Adams, to close the Public Hearing.
SECOND: Com. Blaine
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
COM. ADAMS supported the request.
COM. BLAINE Observed that though the lot sizes would be in keeping, the
size of the homes would contribute to a change of character for Manta Vista
but said she would not vote to deny the Application.
COM. ADAMS thought the new two-storey homes in the area were in good taste.
COM. BINNEWEG saw Manta Vista as an area that could allow much flexibility
and would support the Application, though she was in favor of flag lots.
caR. CLAUDYapprec-Í<lted any effort to avoid flag lots, and was favorably
disposed to the Application.
Pç...ße 8
MOTION: Com. Adams, to accept ~he Negative Declaration of the Environ-
mental Review Committee.
SECOND: Com. Blaine
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
MOTION: Com. Adams, for approval of Application 7-Z-8l.
SECOND: Com. Binneweg
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
CHR. CLAUDY called for the Variance l-V-8l to be discussed, so that the
Commission could make the specific findings uequired and list them.
In regard to the first finding necessary, that there were exceptional or
extraordinary circumstances applying to the land, building or use, the
Commission surmised that in 1917 a lot line had been deleted, and further
thought that on this land a flag lot would be out of character.
On the subject of the second finding, that the granting of the application
was necessary to preserve the property rights of the petitioner, the Commission
agreed that the applicant was not going beyond the rights he had and could
obtain in another fasnion.
CHR. CLAUDY, referring to the third finding necessary, that it would not be
detrimental to persons or property in the neighborhood, felt this had been
MOTION: Com. Blaine, to recommend approval of l-v-8l with findings as stated
in the prior discussion.
SECOND: Com. Binneweg.
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
MOTION: Com. Blaine, to recommend approval of Application 4-TM-8l
Standard Conditions 1-14, Condition 15, with Findings and
clusions as set forth in the Staff Report.
SECOND: Com. Adams
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
ITEM 115, Application s-TM-8l of LEONARD C. MOLANDER: TENTATIIJE MAP to sub-
divide one parcel consisting of approximately 1.30 acres into six parcels
ranging in size from approximately 6,030 sq. ft. to 14,400 sq. ft. and ENVIRON-
MENTAL REVIEW: The Environmental Review Committee recommends the granting of
a Negative Declaration. Said prpperty is located on the east side of Stelling
Road approximately 350 ft. north of the Highway 85 right of way in an Rl-6
(Single-family Residential, 6,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size) zoning district.
First Hearing. Tentative City Council hearing date - May 18, 1981.
Asst..l'~anning..nir. ~Ca"'1ir outlined the puoperty on the view graph, contiguous
to Stelling Road and Jollyman Park, with Jollyman School sAd a church to the
north, bordered by existing single-family development.
Page 9
COM. BINNEWEG wanted to know whether Stelling was to be widened.
Assistant Planning Director Cowan said it would be; that this was an area
to be widened.
COM. ADAMS wondered where the creek ran.
Assistant Planning Director Cowan was not sure, as it was in conduit here.
Resuming the Staff Report, he said there were some flag lots involved in
the southern half, but that Staff was requiring the applicant to have a
common driveway serving 4 lots, to provide a fairly wide visual corridor
leading to the two flags. He explained that the lot line configuration
reflécted the 'concept of retaining two existIng homes.
He informed the Commission that negotiations were proceeeding between
Mr. Mollander and the City to explore the possibility of acquiring the
southern half of the project site for a park, but that the Commission was
required to continue as if no park acquisition was imminent.
COM. ADAMS asked City Attorney Killian whether the Commission should procee ,
as a judgement would affect the appraisal value.
City Attorney Killian replied that as the Application was presented by the
property owner, they should go ahead with a review in terms of planning
principals and should ignore the acquisition issue.
Mr. Warren Whaley, WTW Engineering, Cupertino, representing Mr. Mollander,
said they were in concurrence with the Staff Report.
There was a discussion on setbacks and lot lines for lots 1 and 2, and
Assistant Planning Director Cowan felt confident that Mr. Whaley's map
submitted at the Meeting would be adequate.
MOTION: Com. Blaine, to close the Public Hearing.
SECOND: Com. Adams
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
COM. BLAINE thought there were no problems.
MOTION: Com. Adams, to support the Negative Declaration of the Environmen-
tal Review Committee.
SECOND: Com. Blaine
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
MOTION: Com. Adams, for approval of s-TM-8l, subject to Standard Condition
1-17, with Condition 18 modified so that the property line between
lots 1 and 2 could be moved to meet legal setbacks on lot 1.
SECOND: Com. Blaine
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
Pa2e 10
MAP to subdivide one parcel consisting of approximately 1.74 acres into
17 air-space office condominium units and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project
is categorically exempt, hence, no action is required. Said prç¡perty is
located at the northwest corner of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Foothill
Boulevard in a P (Planned Development with Single-family Cluster, Multiple
Residential and General Commercial Intent) zoning district. First Hearing.
Tentative City Council hearing date - May 18, 1981.
Associate Planner Piasecki clarified that in this Application the applicant
was asking to subdivide the building into condominium offices, and that it
did not involve any building activity or question of land use in the Silver
Oaks shopping center.
CHR. CLAUDY inquired whether a commercial district could consist of office
use only.
Associate Planner Piasecki confirmed that office was a permitted use within
a commercial zone, and explained that the applicant thought the market place
was not ready for the commercial use visualized when the development commenced.
He showed an illustration of the requested subdivision into 16 condominium
units, with the 17th being a common area, and observed that selling off the
units for office use would not pre-empt the possibility of commercial uses
in the future. He advised that the Conditions of Approval suggested by Staff
included a requirement that landscaping be completed prior to sale of the units.
COM. ADAMS established that the common area would consist of a walkway and
pool area, probably with a storage closet, but no parking.
COM. BLAINE inquired about the position in regard to the condominiums which
were an indirect part of the development, and observed that in the present
situation, the commercial center provided leverage for the City in having
problems corrected in the condominium development, and that this would be
lost in the event of the proposed sale.
Assistant City Engineer Whitten said though deficiencies were not completely
corrected yet, repairs were well underway, and advised that action could be
taken against the performance and maintenance bonds still in force if improve-
ments were not completed within a reasonable time.
COM. ADAMS wondered if additional requirements should be added to the original
resolution, as the Condominiums would require common maintenance.
City Attorney Killian ad¥ised that Condition 16 resolved this matter.
CHR. CLAUDY's understanding was that at least three of the units had been
tentatively leased as shops, and he felt the problems had arisen partially
because the developer had been tardy, the lessees having gone elsewhere,
which he saw as a relevant aspect of the Application.
He called on the applicant to address the Commission on some of the issues,
but the applicant was not in the audience.
Page 11
Catharine Graham, resident of Westridge, a townhouse complex to the north-
west of the area, wanted to express her own and her neighbors' disappoint-
ment, it being particularly disappointing for the senior citizen project
in the vicinity.
CHR. CLAUDY felt the case might be prejudiced without hearing the applican
City Attorney Killian advised that the Commission had the right to proceed
continue, deny or remove the Application from the calendar.
COM. ADAMS presumed that the applicant did not have the funds to develop
a viable operation and was trying to get one off the ground in this fashio
Commercial uses were not impossible, as two units could be combined, and
the applicant had not changed the character, except to make the units
smaller. He felt that this solution gave a chance for the units to be
occupied in the near future.
COM. BLAINE felt Com. Adams had made a good point, but her concern was
that the space might all go to office, and therefore would not be serving
the purpose for which it was built, as a commercial area to serve the
surrounding neighborhood.
At this point, City Attorney Killian announced that Assistant City Enginee
Whitten had just given him some information to support a continuance, in
that he had had conversations with the developer when he had questioned
whether the developer would underwrite the improvements to the residential
area, the developer indicating that he could not make that decision at
this time.
COM. ADAMS highly recommended a continuance on the basis of that informatio
COM. BLAINE and COM. BINNEWEG wanted to be able to talk to the developer.
COM. CLAUDY observed that the development had been approved as a neighbor-
hood commercial center and he would not be inclined to vote for it being
changed to a regional office center, unless there was a stipulation that
half would be retained for commercial. He suggested that the Use Permit
might be changed, and recommended a continuance for two weeks, and if
the applicant did not appear at that time, to continue again.
MOTION: Com. Blaine, to continue Application 6-TM-8l to the Meeting of
May 26, 1981.
SECOND: Com. Adams
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
ITEM #7, Applications 7-TM-8l and 3-V-8l of PAT-WHALE, INC. (WTW):
TENTATIVE MAP to resubdivide ~hree parcels consisting of .90 acre into
three lots ranging in size from approximately 7,850 sq. ft. to 20,900 sq.ft
VARIANCE from Section 8.2 of the Rl (Single-family Residential) Zoning
Ordinance to permit a reduction in the required front yard setback distance
for Parcel F of the subject map and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Environmen-
tal Review Committee recommends the granting of a Negative Declaration.
Said property is located at the southerly terminus of San Felipe Road
approximately 300 ft. south of Alcalde Road in an Rl-lO zoning d i.strict.
First Hearing. Tentative City Council hearing date - May 18, 1981.
P-~e 12
Assistant Planning Director Cowan pointed out the site at the southerly terminus
of San Felipe Road, consisting of Mr. Nolan's 4omesite, a lot next to the dry
creek bed and another, relatively flat, lot, the application being to adjust
the lot lines to make the creek lot more buildable, to correct ~he historical
survey discrepancies in the area, and to try and reach a conclusion regarding
the position of the cul-de-sac at the terminus of San Felipe Road.
COM. BLAINE wondered how this could correct the discrepancies on the Pisano
Assistant Planning Director Cowan advised that each map straightened a part
of the problem, there being a 13 ft. discrepancy on the eastern boundary of
the entire subdivision. He pointed out the 13 ft. discrepancy between the
lands of Garcia and the applicant on the map, and said an incorrect fence
line had been in operation for a number of years. He advised that the
applicant proposed to reconfigure the lot line 1 ft. inward from the existing
fence line, as an existing house was built over what was thought to be the
original boundary approved in 1917.
CHR. CLAUDY established that the change to be made would be in favor of the
lands of Garcia.
Assistant Planning Director Cowan thought the Garcias probably had adverse
possession rights, as they had used the land historically. He continued
that the Application was basically to reconfigure parcels,and that the creek
parcel, because of the aforementioned, had been reduced to 7,800 sq. ft.
However, as the creek environment would be preserved with only one tree being
removed, Staff approved this, even though the zoning was for 10,000 sq. ft.
He went on to explain the variance, that Staff had worked with Mr. Whaley,
the applicant and the engineer on shifting the cul-de-sac bulb considerably
to the west, Mr. Whaley having prepared a two-storey house plan for lot C,
but that the Public Works Department had determined the alignment shown on
the map was poor street planning, thereby creating problems for parcel C.
He indicated on the map where the cul-de-sac was to be moved to, and stated
that as the house plan as drawn with the cul-de-sac shift would make the buil-
ding illegal, and because of the reduced lot, Staff felt the best solution
was to find extenuating circumstances to justify a variance of the front yard
setback for parcel C.
CHR. CLAUDY observed that Parcel A showed an existing garage with a floor
remaining and wondered if anything would be built on it.
Assistant Planning Director Cowan said that it would not be allowed.
COM. ADAMS thought new problems would surface in relation to the cul-de-sac
with the 13 ft. strip of land given to Garcia.
Mr. Whaley advised that when the parcel map was filed and recorded they would
be quit-claiming the 13 ft. in favor öf the Garcias.
City Attorney Killian inq~ired whether he was planning to file an actual quit-
claim deed.
Page 13
Mr. Whaley had not considered this to be necessary, but said he would
discuss it with his partner.
City Attorney Killian recommended that it be made a Condition to do so.
Mr. D.W. Larson, 22070 Mercedes Road, confirmed that lot lines were erroneo
in the area. In regard to Mercedes Road, he told the Commission that it
was not the standard width of 40 ft., and was highly dangerous for traffic
going in opposite directions. He wondered if it would be finished, and als
whether the proposed development would have access onto Mercedes Road and
if Dr. Mayerle's propert" would also, if developed.
Assistant City Engineer Whitten advised that even though the developer was
not using Mercedes he would be resonsible for improvements, but as far as h
knew, there would not be an access to Mercedes. He did not have information
in regard to the Mayerle property, but advised that there would be an acces
from San Felipe.
Assistant Planning Director Cowan, observing that the Commission in the
past had felt that upper Mercedes and Cordova Roads should be rural in
character, with no curbs or gutters, was not sure of Mr. Larsonts requireme ts.
Mr. Larson was concerned mainly with brush, which made the curve area
particularly very dangerous. He stated that he would cooperate in any
improvements, but felt that if the brush was cleaned out it would aid great y.
Mr. Mike Pisano, 10201 Hillcrest Road, Cupertino, establishing that the
property to the north of parcel C was lands of Pisano, and not Gilbert,
said he had a question on the southeast corner of his property, as the
cul-de-sac bulb would encroach. He had not been in receipt of the map, so
did not know how many feet would be annexed, he said. Having already put
the improvements for San Felipe Road in, he did not want to be financially
responsible for changes.
The map was referred to, and it was shown that roughly 12 ft. of Mr. Pisano s
property would be taken, which he said was a problem, and was more than
had been discussed previously.
COM. CLAUDY observed that Mr. Pisano would get back a piece of property he
had currently paved if the street was shifted east.
Assistant City Engineer Whitten said a short section of the new curb and
gutter would have to be removed to start the curvature for the cul-de-sac,
should the plan be approved.
City Attorney Killian advised that the cul-de-sac location had not been
finally established, as it was under litigation between Mayerle, Pisano
and the City.
Mr. Whaley felt the litigation to be irrelevant, as it was regarding the
Mayerle access only.
COM. ADAMS asked Mr. Pisano if the cul-de-sac cutting off the corner of his
land was acceptable to him.
Pa!!e 14
Mr. Pisano replied that he had been in partial agreement, but that he might
have problems with setbacks for the structure he would be building, and
reiterated that he did not want any financial responsibility to replace the
street.. However, he felt that he would have time to look at the figures
before the City Council Meeting, and could then present his feelings on the
problems with his corner.
CHK. CLAUDY felt that if the cul-de-sac was put in the suggested position,
Mr. Pisano should be allowed to continue with his structure as if it were
not there, lesser setbacks being allowed if a road was constructed, and he
did not see why Mr. Pisano should have to pay again for road paving.
City Attorney Killian believed that one of the issues of the litigation was
who should pay for the cul-de-sac, and it had not been resolved.
Assistant City Engineer Whitten wanted to try to resolve the Pisano corner
matter before the Application went to Council, as it only needed some fine
tuning, he believed.
Mr. Whaley explained that the cul-de-sac came in at an angle and had been
somewhat of a hardship, as if it extended further south, or up the hill,
there would be grading problems. He advised that Public Works Director
Viskovitch had been working with the owners to adjust it so that it was more
equitable, and to make access easier for Mr. Mayerle.
MOTION: Com. Blaine, to close the Public Hearing
SECOND: Com. Binneweg
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
COM. BLAINE was sure that the City and the owners could solve the minor
problems, and could see grounds for granting a variance. In regard to Mercedes,
she felt Public Works Department could remove some brush and so make it safe,
and her inclination was to approve the Applications.
COM. ADAMS observed there were a couple of points that needed cleaning up, but
otherwise he had no problems. He reminded the Commission that there should
be another Condition, number 19, to require the applicant to file a quit-claim
deed for the 13 ft. portion on the easterly area of the Tentative Map's line
to account for a shift from the previous records.
MOTION: Com. Adams, to accept the Negative Declaration of the Environmental
Review Committee.
SECOND: Com. Binneweg
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
Com. Adams, for approval of Application 7-TM-8l with Standard Con-
ditions 1-14, Condition 15 modified to reflect the finalization of
the San Felipe Road cul-de-sac location, Conditions 16, 17, 18 and
Condition 19, to require the applicant to file a quit-claim deed
on the 13 ft. segment to the east of the subject property, subject
to Findings and Sub conclusions as presented in the Staff Report.
Com. Binneweg
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
Page 15
MOTION: Com. Adams, to approve Application 3-V-8l, subject to Standard
Conditions 1-16.
SECOND: Com. Blaine
DISCUSSION: Com. Adams wondered whether the 13 ft. should be considered
again tn the variance.
Com. Claudy, reading the Resolution, said it mentioned a
maximum deviation of 13 ft., and he felt it should read a
maximum distance of 13 ft. and a maximum deviation of 7 ft.
Com. adams noted that all three requirements to approve a
variance application were satisfied.
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
CHR. CLAUDY trusted that all issues would be resolved before it went to
City Counc il.
ITEM #8, APPLICATION 2-V-8l of RONALD JONES: VARIANCE from Sections 8.3lb
and 9.1 of the Rl (Single-family Residential) Zoning Ordinance to permit a
reduced side yard setback and a one-car garage, in lieu of the minimum
10 ft. setback and two enclosed garage parking spaces as required by
Ordinance and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is categorically exempt,
hence, no action is required. Said property is located on the north side
of Scenic Boulevard approximately 100 ft. easterly of Carmen Road in an
Rl-lO zoning district. First Hearing. Tentative City Council hearing
date - May 18, 1981.
Assistant Planning Director Cowan established that Mr. Jones' lot was
located on Scenic Boulevard and taèt the variance concerned two aspects
of the zoning code; setbacks and the construction of a single, instead of
a double, garage.
He explained that the applicant had purchased the property and a pre-
packaged factory built home, on the assumption that he could build in the
County, but in the meantime the property had been annexed to Cupertino.
The home, however, had been tailored to County, not City, setbacks, so that
a variance certainly seemed justifiable in this case.
On the second aspect of a one car instead of a two car garage, if Mr. Jones
had built in the County no garage at all would have been required. Mr.
Jones wanted to preserve a tree, he advised, and Staff was leaving the
decision up to the Commission, realizing that both the Planning Commission
and the City Council were interested in tree preservation, as from Staff's
point of view , being purely technical, there was not enough hardship
Mr. Ron Jones, the applicant, confirmed the circumstances and advised that
the closest another home could be built on the easterly side of the house
was 33 ft., as there was a driveway to a flag lot there. Though the tree
did not qualify under the City Specimen Tree Ordinance, he felt a section
in that ordinance pertained to all trees, that those of any stature contri-
buting to the value of a home should be preserved. He presented a petition
signed by neighbors on Scenic who had shared in the fruit harvest over the
years, and who were concerned about possibly losing the tree.
COM. ADAMß inquired about the age and_character of the tree.
l'.age 16
The applicant described the tree as being approximately 20 ft. high with a
circumference of more than forty inches, being thirty years old or more.
He s~;id it was the only shade tree on the property and was deciduous, and
that it could live another sixty to eighty years, based on his horticultural
knowledge. He pointed out that there were three other homes on the street
with one-car garages.
COM. ADAMS felt the tree should be kept.
MOTION: Com. Blaine, to close the Public Hearing.
SECOND: Com. Binneweg
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
COM. ADAMS supported the 8 ft. sideyard setback and the one-car garage.
COM. BINNEWEG agreed with Com. Adams, and said there were plenty of examples
of one-car garages in the area. also, she preferred a tree to a garage.
COM. ADAMS felt the extenuating and extraordinary circumstances necessary
to grant the Application were present, as the house was purchased before the
City annexed the property, and if the land was still in the County the
applicant would not have either problem.
MOTION: Com. Blaine, to approve Application 2-V-8l with Finding l,approval of
a téduced 'sideyàrd setback is jùstified, Finding 2" that approval
of a one-car garage is justified, subject to Conditions 1-16.
SECOND: Com. Adams
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
for an existing pre-school facility for 36 children and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW:
The project was previously assessed, hence, no action is required. Said property
is located on the east side of Stelling Road approximately 50 ft. south of the
85 right of way, in a BQ (Quasi-Public) zoning district. First Hearing.
Associate Planner Piasecki established the location and explained that the
pre-school had been in operation for a number of years in the County. He
confirmed that Staff was in favor of renewing the Use Permit but recommended
Condition 24 for dedication and improvement of Stelling Road as a matter of
course, as in all Use Permit applications there were standard conditions to
require street improvements, and in the conditions imposed by the County,
Condition 23 covered possible additional conditions being considered at renewal.
He advised that exception procedure information had been included, however,
should the Commission feel it appropriate.
City Attorney Killian thought Condition 24 was the same as one of the Standard
Conditions of a Use Permit.
Assistant City Engineer Whitten observed that the Use Permit would normally
have the Standard Conditions 1-14.
City Attorney Killian surmized that Condition 24 would be superfluous under
a normal Use Permit application, and that the Unimproved Street Ordinance
and the exceptions did not apply here, because it was a Standard Condition.
Page 17
What the applicant was requesting was a waiver of one of the Standard
Conditions, he observed.
Associate Planner Piasecki concurred,
what procedure should be followed for
and asked City Attorney Killian
excepting from the Standard Conditions.
City Attorney Killian advised the procedure would not require a variance, but
as the Commission would be setting a preBedent he believed something should
be put on record.
II.ssociate Planner Piasecki suggested that Condition 24 of the CóuntjkUSe Permit
only should be eliminated.
Mr. Bob McNaughton, a co-owner, asked that they not be subject to the improve-
~ent requirements as he felt they did not qualify.
City Attorney Killian agreed they did not, but advised Mr. McNaughton that
there was a Standard Condition in the Use Permit that the Planning Commission
could waive, as then they would not have to make specific findings.
CHR. CLAUDY pointed out to the applicant that he still had to convince the
Commission taht he needed the Condition to be waived, but would not have
to work as hard as in the case of an exception from the Unimproved Street
The applicant described the situation that the school was run by a small,
family-owned enterprise, and was a small operation with a moderate income.
The huge section of road to be improved was something they could not afford,
he explained.
COM. ADAMS established there was just one building on the site, and no
residence. He was of the opinion that a waiver of the street improvement
requirement was acceptable, and felt that in this case a precedent would not
be set, as the City had exercised an option to incorporate the area.
City Attorney Killian gave another basis; that none of the fourteen Standard
Conditions applied here.
CHR. CLADDY made it clear that if the school was expanded or the land developed,
conditions for improvement would be applied.
Assistant City Engineer Whitten suggested that if the applicant was to be
relieved of the standard condition, any additional rights of way required
for Stelling Road be dedicated.
Mrs. Margaret McNaughton, current director of the school said the school could
not afford to make the improvement, and would be f~rced into the jaws of
developers. As the school ranked as one of the top pre-schools in the County,
this would be unfortunate, she felt.
MOTION~ Com. Blaine, to close the Public Hearing.
SECOND: Com. Adams
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
Page 18
,COM. BLAINE felt there were enough differences in the subject Use Permit to
use the County Conditions.
MOTION: Com. Blaine, to approve Application 10-U-8l, subject to Conditions
1-22, deleting Condition 23 and modifying Condition 24 to pertain
to roadway dedication only, of the County Use Permit.
SECOND: Com. Adams
(Com, Koenitzer absent)
Witndrawn from the calendar.
ITEM #11, Application 3l-U-79 - MCKNIGHT/CARMEN: Request for extension of
time for use permit, The subject property is located at the southeast corner
of Pasadena Avenue and Granada Avenue.
There being nobody in the audience, it was decided that the Staff Report
was self-explanatory, and there was no discussion.
MOTION: Com. Blaine, to extend Use Permit 3l-U-79 for one year.
SECOND: Com. Binneweg
(Com. Koenitzer absent)
11:15 P.~.
~ ~.
/1 . /
/John Claudy, Cha' n
City Clf¡¡,:1
a. ,d. '