Westport Bike Pedestrian Right of Way desk item.msg1
Beth Ebben
From:Byron <brovegno@sbcglobal.net>
Sent:Tuesday, May 12, 2020 11:59 AM
To:City of Cupertino Planning Commission
Subject:Westport Bike Pedestrian Right of Way
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Dear Commissioners:
The redevelopment plan for The Oaks submitted by KT Urban in 2017 included a ten foot easement [or donation to the
city] along the sound wall for bike pedestrian access and the current plan does not. This is unfortunate because that
easement would have provided for:
1. Continuation of the Junipero Sierra Trail to Stevens Creek Blvd
2. A possible landing for a bike pedestrian bridge across Rt 85
3. A possible extension across Stevens Creek Blvd to DeAnza College
4. Protection from vehicular traffic.
I would like to suggest consideration by the Commission of the following:
1. Insist on KT Urban deeding the ten feet along the sound wall to the city
2. In exchange, KT Urban could receive an equivalent offsetting increase to their parcel by doing away with some of
the head in parking on Mary Avenue.
Possible benefits:
1. Biking or walking along the sound wall is safe from traffic.
2. The current situation on Mary Avenue with the bike lane behind cars that are parked head in is dangerous for
3. Having to cycle through Westport means dealing with commercial, townhouse and apartment traffic which is
likely to be substantial.
This is your time to make a decision with a lasting effect on biking and walking in Cupertino. Thank you for your
Byron Rovegno
WalkâBike Cupertino Advisory Board Member
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