Los Altos Ruling on April 28th Oral Communications.msg1 Beth Ebben From:Jennifer Griffin <grenna5000@yahoo.com> Sent:Thursday, May 7, 2020 6:17 AM To:City Council; City of Cupertino Planning Commission; City Clerk Cc:grenna5000@yahoo.com Subject:Los Altos Ruling on April 28th CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the  sender and know the content is safe.    Dear City Council: Los Altos had an SB 35 decision made on April 28th to allow a five story building. Okay, yes, let's build that five story building in an area of maximum height of two stories. Let's involve Sacramento in the day to day drama of a small town fighting for its very soul. Lets have Big Time Sacramento Drama in a Small Town of California. Convenient that the decision was made now in a Pandemic. Will Saratoga be next? These are our towns and they are fighting for their very souls. Sincerely, Jennifer Griffin