PC 10-23-89 CITY OF aJPERI'INO, S'IWI'E OF CALIFORNIA 10300 'Ibrre Avenue CUpertino, CA 95014 (40B) 252-4505 MINUI'ES OF THE RmJIAR MEm'ING OF THE PIANNING CXNITSSION HElD ON ocroBER 23, 19B9 Chairman l\dams called the meetin1 to order at 7:30 p.m. SAIIJTE 'IO THE FIAG: BOIL CALL: Carmnissioners Present: Chairman l\dams vice Chairman Claudy Carmnissioner Mackenzie Carmnissioner Sorensen Commissioner Szabo staff Present: Rebert Cowan, Director of ('nmmmu.ty Development Glenn Grigg, Traffic Erqineer Isslie IDpez, Deputy City Attorney Roberta Wolfe, Deputy city Clerk Chairman l\dams expressed sympathy on behalf of the Commission to Mark Caughey, City Planner. APPROVAL OF MINUI'ES: None :rosTroNEMENTS: None WRITl'EN cnMJNICATIONS: None ORAL cnMJNICATIONS: None CDNSENT CAI.ENDI\R: ITEM 1: Application No(s): Applicant: Property OWner: 4-U-B6 CllPertino City Center Associates (Prometheus Develoanent Co.. Inc.) CllPertino City Center Associates (Proroetheus Develoanent Co.. Inc.) Southeast auadrant of DeAnza Boulevard and Stevens Creek Boulevard Location: Request for extension of the validity period for the Hotel portion of the project Use Permit for one additional year. PlANNING CXNITSSION DECISION FrnAL UNlESS APPEAIED. PIANNING CXHfiSSION MINUTES Regular Meetin] of October 23, 1989 Page 2 PC-583 earn. Claudy stated that the Camnission may not want to extend this again after this time; it is three years old. MJrION: SECDND: VOI'E: earn. Claudy =ved to approve the Consent Calendar. earn. Sorensen Passed POBLIC HEARINGS ITEM 2: Application No(s): Applicant: Property OWner: IDeation: Parcel Area: 13-U-89 and 14-FA-89 Sobrato Develoanent CatuJanies Sobrato Interests II East side of DeAnza Blvd.. between Interstate 280 and Mariani Avenue 1.7 Acres USE PERMIT to de:rro1ish an existin] 570,000 sq. ft. in:1ustrial building and constru.ct a 965,000 sq. ft. (785,000 proposed net floor area) office structure, with related site :i1Tprovements. ENVIRONMENTAL I:1EI'ERMINATION: Negative Declaration TENTATIVE CITY crJONCIL HFARING DATE: November 6, 1989 CDNTINtJED FRCM '!HE PIANNmG CXHfiSSION MEErr'ING OF SEPl'EMBER 11, 1989 staff Presentation: Mr. Cowan said the traffic would work at level of service D. Area wide issues that were looked at were jabsjhousin] balance and c:camm.mity design. 'Ihe project meets the design criteria in teDns of setback fran DeAnza Ba.ùevard, is four stories or less (General Plan limitation), meets the 4 to 1 height/distance ratio between the project and the Rl district to the east, and canplies with parkllxJ requi.reIrents. Mr. Cowan said there would be sane noise when the four existin] buildings are tom down. He suggested that they work frau east to west so the rema:inin;J buildings would act as a noise buffer between the residents and the de:rrolition. 'lbere were also concerns regardin;J privacy intrusion and the possibility that the landscapin] against the back wall might block same light. Regardin;¡' vehicular noise, the road at the back would be c.harxJed so it does not go straight thJ:'oogh. Mr. Cowan discussed the prqx¡sed eomition 20 and a carjvan pool agreement. 'Ihe awlicant has agreed to a traffic demarrl management program which will be replaced by the city's own ~.LUI,j.r:am within a few years. eomition 20 should be rewritten to reflect this agreement. earn. Claudy said the Canunission is bein] asked to do two~: (1) Lower the trip generation factor and (2) Not CXJUIlt 180,000+ sq. ft. of the building. He was =ncerned regardin;J the justification for these -2- PIANNDC cx:t!MISSION MINUTES Regular Meetin:J of October 23, 1989 Page 3 æ-583 actions. He said the 128,000 sq. ft. atrium was a potential worry. since this would be a sin;Jle-o<:xJl¡pant/tenant b.rlldin;J, there would be no incentive to keep the atrium space. Mr. Claudy said he would rather have beautiful amenities on the outside to mitigate iDpact on the lY'III1!IIIl11Ìty. Mr. Cowan said that What is actually required for hallways am. the lobby is included. In order to take away space it must be truly extraordinary amenity space. In answer to Can. Szabo's question regardin;J whether the 590,000 sq. ft. is net, Mr. Cowan said it is gross sq. footage. Can. Szabo stated that they are a1loost doublin;J the space frcm What is presently there. Mr. Cowan said one 1::W.1din;J will be leased by !tXorola. Can. Adams asked if the parJdn;J lot exits am. entrances were satisfactory. Mr. Grigg said that the circulation plan has been checked am. the intersection will be JOOdified. Cern. Sorensen asked about the iDpact of traffic at DeAnza am. 280. Mr. Cowan stated it was not known to What degree this shoold be factored into tonight's decision. Jàm Sobrato, Sobrato Develcpnent Co., awlicant, said that 25 buildings ago he started 1::W.1din;J in CUpertino. He said he was not talking about chan;Jin;J the trip generation factor. He was forœd to use one trip per 1,000 sq. ft. Hewlett-PackaJ:d in Santa Clara generated far less, so this number is very conservative. '!he level of service at the intersection of DeAnza am. Mariani is at D. If it goes belOW', the con::lition says the applicant must widen DeAnza Boulevard. '!he gross floor area does count the air space in the gross enclosed area as well as the silos to be used for equipment storage. '!he silos are 18 ft. in diameter. As Mr. Cowan mentioned, the chan;Jes to the rear parJdn;J lot are to avoid a straight through road. Re said the læ:ge atrium space was to help give employees a pleasant work area. Employees in læ:ge b.rlldings sometiJnes lose their identity. '!he atrium will provide outdoor/daylight win:iow areas for all employees. Mr. Sobrato said the glass is a bl~ high perfomance glass. Cern. Adams said that sane businesses use their large atri1.Dl1S for technical trade shows am. that if this were the case here, it would generate !lV:)re traffic. Has this been taken into account? -3- PLANNING a:t!MISSIOO MINt1I'ES Regular Meetin;J of october 23, 1989 Page 4 PC-583 Mr. Sabrato said there is a bus parJdn;J area. '!he cafeteria space was also taken into the 785,000 sq. ft. as well as the lobby an:l the 44" required for hallways. He stated that Mr. Sennett !ran Motorola was here to answer questions. Mr. Schrato introduced the project architect, Jorge De(;.Uesada. Mr. De(;.Uesada stated that he hates corridors; people get lost or disoriented in buildirgs with lQn3' hallways. In this builclin:J employees would be no farther than 35' from a wilrlow or opening. He said the circulation is aroom the perimeter of the builclin:J. '!he atrilnn will have large trees. '!he towers are for air conditioning an:l staUways. There will be fountains an:l avenues in the courtyard. '!he design has a European feelin; to it, an:l he hopes it will be a contribution to the City. Mr. Sabrato said that the buildirgs have been ncved farther æ.ta.y from the fence than the existin; buildirgs are. He said that same residents had concerns that the security cameras used to watch the parJdn;J lot would be "spyin;" on their property; he would be willin; to mount the cameras on the fence an:l shoot the other way. Mr. Sabrato gave a slide presentation of the project. He then showed the revised site plan. There are no trees alQn3' the property line, so there will be no invasive roots. Instead, there is an evergreen hedge. can. Szabo inquired about the builclin:J height. He was told that it is 14 ft. 8 in. per floor. Cc:npm!d to the old builclin:J which was a 35 ft. high, two-story builclin:J, this one is four stories, 65 ft. high. Mr. Sobrato said that the courtyard is a two acre park area. Mr. Schrato introduced Wayne sennett, Vice President/General Manager of Motorola cœp¡ter Systems Division. can. Mackenzie said he was concerned regardin;J the square footage, an:l asked if the escalators in the atritn11 were counted. Mr. Schrato said they were not. H-P had wanted the escalators so they are in the design, but another tenant might not want them. Mr. sermett said Motorola is very pleased with the concept. He wanted to set the reco1.Ù. straight regardin;J same rumors as to Motorola's intent. He said that in 1982-83 they came to the Valley in a big way. There are four divisions, an:l the cœp¡ter Systems Division which is housed in CUpertino is one of them. It is the software arm of the cctI'IpaI1Y, involved in software research an:l development. '!hey are housed here because people are here. It makes sense to have a software technical center. Motorola has a stellar reputation in busiI1ess. '!hey recently received an award that is given to the top cctI'IpaI1Y in the country in terns of quality. He said the builclin:J is a perfect backdrop for the type of employee Motorola -4- PIANNING mHISSION MINUI'ES Regular Meetin;J of october 23, 1989 Page 5 PC-583 is hopin;J to hire. As to the atrÍ1.nn, he said he is excited about the concept because of the opennesS. It would be an encouragement to potential enployees as Motorola is recruitin;J. It would be 1.U1thinkable to put desks :in the atrium - they want to have the feelin;J of outside on the inside. Com. Adams asked about a TI:M (traffic deman:l management) P:r"': LaJII. MI:'. sennett said Motorola wants to be a good citizen :in the CCII!IIIILIIÙ.ty. '!'hey are prepared to participate :in such a pr"': LCUU. Com. Szabo asked if there would be a sales office. MI:'. Sennett said there would be very few salesmen, no large general sales office, maybe 12 or so people. Com. Claudy stated that even though the Apple I::W.ld:in:J across the street an:i the Sabrato headquarters I::W.ld:in:J were bath designed by the same architect, this devel'¥uel1t seemed different from them. He asked the architect heM he oonceived all of those three as work:Ïn3' together architecturally. MI:'. DeQuesada said he had used uniformity without IID1'1Otony :in the design. Also, the lan:isca.pin;J ties the buildin;¡s together. '!he design is derived from European city planI'1Ín;J. All three I::W.ldin;¡s are the same l:iInestone color. Com. Szabo said Sobrato I::W.ld:in:J . kÏIrl. he thought this I::W.ld:in:J has m:Jre curved lines than the Mr. DeQuesada said the Sabrato I::W.ld:in:J is one of a Com. Szabo said people have ........lWICIltted that there are too many different styles :in CUpertino - no uniform theme. MI:'. DeQuesada said he thought they would fiIXl a continuity of design between the Four R1ase build:in:J, the Apple I::W.ld:in:J on Iazaneo an:i this I::W.ld:in:J. In 50 or 60 years, people will recx:JgnÍze they were designed by the same architect. Jane Bierstadt, senior associate with Barton Aschman, traffic consultants, said a traffic analysis had been c:orrlucted. Ms. Bierstadt shcx>Jed slides cœparin;J trip generation rates, trip generation estimates for the proposed project, level of service criteria for signalized :intersections, an:i :intersection level of service SUIIUI1aJ:Y. '!he four slides showed three scenarios at five intersections. Ms. Bierstadt said that the il'rprovements necessazy to make the level of service acceptable are DeAnza Boulevard¡Hamestead Road, DeAnza Boulevard/I-280 ranp north, DeAnza Boulevard/I-280 ramp south, DeAnza BoulevardjMariani an:i DeAnza Boulevard/Stevens Creek Boulevard. Traffic ErY;rineer Grigg said the overpass will be widened. -5- PIANNING cx::t1MLSSION MINUTES Regular MeetinJ of october 23, 1989 Page 6 PC-583 Com. Claudy said the state In.'-': .LCWl is meanirr;Jless at this tiJne because earthquake repairs will take precedence. Com. Szabo said this deals with isolated intersections as ~ to a system. Ms. Bierstadt said the study considers the intersections as isolated but with ti1nin;J fran Mr. Grigg's traffic c::cmplter. Mr. Grigg said the calculations had been made on a = cycle l~. Ms. Bierstadt said that the 2.00 figure used is very canservative. Van poolinJ am car poolinJ will be con:iitions of a TrM. Com. Mackenzie said the DeAnza Boulevard¡'Hamestea :Read intersection is already in trouble. What happens if the proposerl :iJ!1provements are not made? Ms. Bierstadt answered that it needs to be fixe::l now. Upon bein:J asked what the improvements at DeAnza Boulevard am stevens Creek Boulevard consisted of, Ms. Bierstadt said there would be restripin] am wider1in;. Mr. Mackenzie asked if the City would have to coIñemn lam. Mr. Grigg said he didn't know, but the project is in the five year program. Com. Mackenzie asked Mr. Sennett how' many people are on the site now. ihere are approximately 350-375. Harold Johnson, 10571 Larry Way, thanked the Commission am Mr. Sobrato who has worked with the neighbors. He appreciated the circulation plan but said the plantinJ did not thrill him at all. He said there are reflections from the win:lows of the current buildin;¡s on the site. Mavin] the video cameras is a good idea. He said he was =ncen1Erl re the noise fran the towers conta~ air handlinJ equipnent. Steve Prosser, 10699 Larry Way, said he is ooncerned with the number of trips. DeAnza Boulevard will have to be widened. He said he has seen only about 30 cars at the site; with 800 employees there will be a big difference. He said equipnent noise would escape from the towers. More study is ~eð. Mr. Johnson asked about the line of sight am height of the buildin;J. He asked where the 65' was measured from. Mr. Sobrato said there had been a SOIJOO study done by Edward Pack Associates am the project thoroughly met the City's stardards. ihere is no increase in noise at the property line. He said that Syva has air handlers on their roof am they are only 80 feet fran the property line, whereas the proposerl project is over 400 feet fran the line. Mr. Sobrato stated that he was surprised about the -6- PIANNING œMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meetin3' of october 23, 1989 Page 7 PC--583 reflections iran the existin;J kuildirgs as the glass is not reflective. He said the height is measured iran a .........'011 line fran the top of the curb at DeAnza Boulevard. Com. 1Idams asked about parkin;J un::Jer the kuildin;J. Mr. Sobrato said there will be one level of depressed parkin;J for visitors. Motorola has two levels of depressed parkin;J. '!hey will not daylight the parkin;J - it is truly beneath groI.Ini and hidden. A woman residin;J 10698 Larry Way, said the traffic issue is not resolved. It is depenjent on in'provE!lœlrt:s not yet ful'Xied and no t:iJne has been set. Traffic will get onto DeAnza Boulevard fast, but will it get on the freeway any quicker? :Regarcij.n; ' the p1anti.n3', she asked if the trees will be ': .LUUI,.ed and the hedges trintmed. He major concern was that the traffic issue has not been resolved. Boyd Johnson, 10671 Larry Way, said ivy grows aver and through the wall now. He had concerns regardin;J the addition of two m::>re stories - he has already lost sight of the orchard and the 1OOUI'lt:ail1s. Com. Szabo said there are lots of unknowns in the project. They are talkiIxJ about a 1at of bui1din;J. He also stated concerns about the :ÌlIIpact on traffic relatin:J to freeway traffic and widenin;J of the ovezpass. 'Ibis is the largest sin:J1e approval considered by the Camnission, and care should be taken. Com. Mackenzie said he favored a traffic study showin:J what TNCUld happen if this project were built without the proposed road iIrprovements bein:J done. Mr. Sabrato said the traffic study had been revised at least six ti1nes. '!he study included the Marriott and Doub1etree hotels and the Tandem eight-sto~ project as approved projects. He said you can't stop p1:og1:ess. '!he project 1tICrks with mitigation measures, and hasn't been rushed into. He ~ for approval at this meetin:J. Com. Szabo asked when the Mazy Avenue mitigation TNCUld occur. Mr. CCMan said after the first of the year. '!he City has control t:Ner all the proposed in'provE!lœlrt:s except the t:Nerpass widenin;J. Can. Claudy said he TNCUld like to see what TNCUld happen if the assuITptions of the traffic study don't take place. It may not be in the best interest to approve the project no matter how nice it is because it has to fit into the rest of the system. It can't be assumed that the state will be able to fuIX:i sane projects because of the earthquake damage. He said he TNCUld rather be inconvenienced and safe. -7- PLANNING o::IHrSSICN MINt1I'ES Regular Meetin;J of October 23, 1989 PageS PC-583 Com. Sorensen suggested that in regard to traffic maybe the TI:M comition should be higher than 10% - possibly 15-20%. '!he noise level of the mechanical equipnent wt'cld be 46 dba level at the property line. She said the larxJsœped area should be 15 ft. wide. She stated that she likes the I:W.lð.i.n;J . Com. Adams suggested a course of action. Mt'. Sobrato CXJUld look at what wt'cld happen if the :i1nprovements were not made for five years an:i come back an:i give the Cmmission an assessment. Mt'. Sobrato said they had volunteered to the TI:M pI.<"<;¡.LêIlu in the first place; they are a responsible develcpnent campany. A consezvative approach was taken. He said it was not fair that he CXJUldn't go forward with his develcpnent because other developers haven't made :iJlprcvements. Com. Adams asked if Mr. Sabrato wanted a decision tonight. Mt'. Sabrato said that if the project weren't apprcve:i, maybe they wt'cld want to look at a residential project. '!he project is zoned residential. He hoped to achieve mre than the target 10% with the TI:M. He said they had ¡:AJrChased trips an:i are entitle:i to I:W.ld the project. '!he project 1rIOrks acx:ording to the rules. He said the earthquake was not his problem. He said that if they build two-sto:ry homes on the property, they can I:W.ld within 75-80 ft. of the property line. He wants to I\'CVe on with the proposed project because they have followed the City's rules. Mr. Grigg said the city can fImi the wic1ening of the overpass an:i the other :iJlprovements are furrle.:1.. '!he ~s CXJU1d be done with the $785,000 construction tax generated by the project. Donna Prosser, 10699 I.any Way, asked why the Camnission had been headed toward waitin;¡' an:i gettin; ' answers , an:i then when Mt'. Sobrato threatened to build two-sto:ry homes the whole tone charxJe:i. Com. Claudy said he wt'cld vote against the project if Mt'. Sobrato wanted a decision tonight because of insufficient traffic information. As to the conc:eptual plan, he felt the silos were ridiculous an:i not attractive in his eyes. Can. Szabo said the Camnission is not allowed to awrove the project if it does not meet the General Plan. '!he level of service of an :intersection cannot be below D. Acts of God should not be exenpt.ed. He said he wt'cld vote no. Com. Mackenzie stated he wt'cld consider requirin;¡' Mr. Sobrato to make :iJlprcvements at the four locations if they are not already made by other developers. '!he first to develop makes the :iJlprcvements an:i is re.i1nbursed by others as they develop. -8- PLANNING cx:t!MISSION MINtJI'ES Regular Meetin;J of october 23, 1989 Page 9 PC-583 Mr. SObrato said he thooght that was a sensible awroach. He said they would build the bridge if p.¡sh canes to shcNe. '!he TI:M should be established with a goal of 15% am the uroerst:an:lin; that they participate in the city plan when it is developed. Com. Szabo reiterated his lX'Sition that this is the biggest project considered by the Camnission am said he would like to take m::>re than one night to consider it. Com. Claudy stated that one awroach to traffic is to have the developer pay for the mitigation to level D am be reiInbursed. Mr. Grigg said the City has money to fun:i the inprovements, hIt only Council has the authority to fun:i projects. Mr. Cowan said that the corñitions of approval =1d state that contracts must be let before buildin;J permits are issued. Com. Claudy said that with corñitions he =1d say go ahead with the project. Com. Sorensen lnfomed the Camnission that Policy 2.14 of the I.arrl Use Element of the General Plan required 15 ft. of lanJscapin;¡'. Mr. Sabrato said he wculd be willin;¡' to p.tt that requirement in the plan. ]DI'ION: Can. Sorensen m::>II'ed to close the public hearin;¡'. SECOND: Com. Mackenzie VOI'E: Passed ]DI'ION: Can. Mackenzie m::>II'ed to :r.........,......m grantin;¡' of a Negative Declaration. SEroND: Can. Sorensen VOI'E: Passed ]DI'ION: SECOND: VOI'E : Can. Mackenzie m::>ved to reopen the public hearin;¡'. Can. Sorensen Passed with Com. Claudy dissentin:J. Mr. SObrato said that they have learned that when they are dealin;¡' with a state agency which they don't control, m::>II'in;¡' a project through can take m::>nths. Most cities have developers post a bon:l or deposit money in the bank. ihree of the buildin;¡s on the site '!'OÑ are structurally 1mSOUIXi, one has ten'poraty inprovements. Ravin;¡' to have a signed contract could p.tt them several m::>nths behiro.. '!hey need to m::>II'e fo:rwaro.. Mr. SObrato said they wculd fun:i the bridge if ~c"'azy am make ~ements at Mariani . -9- PIANNING a::&\!MISSICIN MINUTES Regular Meetin] of october 23, 1989 Page 10 K:-583 lÐI'ION: 0::In. Sorensen =ved to close the p.1blic hearin;J. SECX)NJ): 0::In. Mackenzie VOI'E: Passed lÐI'ION: 0::In. Mackenzie =ved to approve Awlication 13-U-89 per fin::lin:Js and =n:li.tions in the staff report with Corxtition 1 m:xlified addin;J paragraIi1 3 statin3' that builc:ü.m pemits camet be issued until contracts have been let for 1. widening of DeAnza Boulevard ove=ossin;J at 280. 2. Campletion of :iIrprovements at DeAnza Boulevard and Homestead Read, 3. widening of intersection and lane restripin;J for DeAnza Boulevard and stevens Creek Boulevard; m:xlify Corxtition 20 by addin;J paragraIi1 1 which will require the applicant to develop a traffic demani management pl.U<, .LaJIl with a goal of increasin;J average ridership by 15% and which will require that if the City develops a City wide program or participates in an area wide program, the applicant will participate in that p:t:'Og1am; m:xlify Corxtition 22.D to state that the landscape area on the east property line be widened to 15 ft. ; add Corxtition 24 statin;J that no builc:ü.m-IOOlll'lted surveillance cameras shall be aimed east. SEroND: 0::In. Sorensen VOI'E: Passed - Adams, Claudy, Mackenzie, Sorensen - yes, Szabo - no. 0::In. Szabo stated that he felt that since this is the biggest office project in CUpertino, waitin;J another 2-3 weeks wculd be reasonable. Cern. Adams announced that the application wculd be considered by the city Council at their NOVE!l'lŒr 6 meetin;J. Deputy City Attorney IDpez advised that the =n:li.tion dealin;J with CXJVe1'1a11'ts ~<>(I sane wordin::J regardil'1g City Attorney approval. RÐCESS: 10:15-10:25 p.m. 3. Application No(s): Awlicant: 5-GPA-89 City of Cmertino GENERAL PIAN - A p.1blic hearin;J to review the consolidated text of the ex:istin:J CUpertino General Plan and to enact minor technical é!IIIeOOments to said Plan. ~ IEI'ERMINATION: Negative Declaration TENTATIVE CITY CXXJNCIL HEARING DrœE: Not Det.eJ:nùI1ed o:JNTINUED F1<CM '!HE PIANNING cnmSSION MEEI'ING OF ocroBER 9, 1989 Mr. cowan reviewed the follOlllin;J changes: -10- PLANNING o::t1MISSION MINUTES Regular Meetin:J of october 23, 1989 Page 11 PC-583 Page 2-4, added Policy 2-1 describin;J diversity of laxxi uses. Page 2-6, FAR Chart, léln3lJage has been sll1i>lified. Page 2-14, Goal B had been left out, is now included. Page 5-4, delete reference to detailed air quality chart, this will go in a technical appen:lix. Page 7-2, add a figure showing uman service l:x::R.m:Iaries. Mr. Cowan stated that the seoorxi ~ will be a key piece of 1rIOrk. IDI'ION: Can. Claudy IICVed to close the p.¡blic hearin;J. SEO:JND: Can. Mackenzie VOlE: Passed IDI'ION: Can. Sorensen IICVed to rec:x:amæn:l the grantin;J of a Negative Declaration. SECX:>ND: Can. Claudy VOlE: Passed MJI'ION: Can. Claudy IICVed to approve the a~lication per staff ~,.,.errlation. SEroND: Can. Mackenzie VOlE: Passed. REroR1' OF PIANNING cnmssIOO Can. 1Idams asked if there ..-ere any l::Juildin;¡s that did not meet earthquake design standards. Mr. Cowan said that two had been red tagged but overall, the buildin;¡s in CUpertino had perfonned very well. Discussion followed:regardin;J earthquake issues such as stra~in;J of water heaters, hazardoos material, inspection priorities axxi voll.mteers. Can. Sorensen asked about the two exhaust fans that are visible on the brick builclin:;¡'. Mr. Cowan said he would check. REroKL' OF DIRECIOR - None. At 10:40 p.m., the meetin;J was adjoumed. ,,1i2¥~ Y3~ {/ Députy City Clerk ATTEST: -11-