PC 11-13-89 CITY OF aJPERI'INO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue OJpertino, CA 95014 (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF 'mE RmJI.AR MEEI'ING OF 'mE PI1INNING cx:MIISSION HElD ON NOVEMBER 13, 1989 SAllJIE TO 'mE FI1IG: 'Ihe mee~ was called to order by Cbairperson 1\dams at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Cammissioners Present: 01airman 1\dams Commissioner Mackenzie Camnissioner Sorensen Camnissioner Szabo Cammissioners Absent: vice Cbab:1nan Claudy Staff Present: Rebert Cowan, Director of Conum.mity Developœnt I:Orothy Cornelius, city Clerk Mark Caughey, City Planner Travice Whitten, Assistant City En;¡'ineer Marilyn Norlirq, Hcusirq & Services eooroinator Leslie IDpez, Deputy City Attorney APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meetirq of october 9, 1989 - 'Ihe minutes were corrected. Page 2, item 2 tentative map should read .8± acres; page 6, Item No. 5 (Application 14-'IM-89) votes should read 4-0, with Canun. Mackenzie abstainirq . It was lrOVed by Canun. Sorensen, secorrled by Canun. Mackenzie am passed unaIÙlIV:JUsly (4-0) to approve the minutes as corrected. Regular Mee~ of october 23, 1989. It was lrOVed by Conun. Sorensen, secorrled by Conun. Szabo am passed unaIÙlIV:JUsly (4-0) to approve the minutes as sul:mri.tted. RJSTroNEMENI'S : -None -1- PlANNING <n1MISSIœ MINUl'ES Regular Meetin;¡' of November 13, 1989 WRI'ITEN CXHIONICATIœS -None ORAL CXHIONICATIONS -None CX)NSENT CAIENI:1AR -None roBLIC HF.ARIN:;<;: Item 1: Application No(s): Applicant: 25-U-89 Alexander Cboi Use Pex:mit to allow reduction of requirej rear yard setback distance for a solarium, in aexxn:danœ with solar design awroval p:rooedures specified in section 13 of Ordinance 1449. FIRST HEARJNG ENVIRDNMENTAL DEI'ERMINATION: categorically Exel1'pt: Director of Plannin;J am Developnent COWan informed the Ccmunission that the solarium is within the 25 foot setback; otheI:wise, no review would be necessaxy . It was mved by C'amn. Sorensen, secorrled by C'amn. Szabo am passed 1.1I1allÌJ1rJUSly by those present to close the p..¡blic hearin:J. It was mved by C'amn. Sorensen, secorrled by C'amn. Szabo am I""·sed (3-1) with C'amn. Mackenzie d:issent.in:] to awrove the awlication per fin::tings am con::litions as in the staff report. Item 2: Application No(s) : Applicant: 4-EXC-89 Mark Rathert Exception to Section 16.28.040(2) of Ord:il1ance 686 to allow placement of fence on the street side of a corner lot closer than five (5) feet to the property line. FIRST HEARJNG ENVIRDNMENTAL DEI'ERMINATIœ: categorically Exel1'pt: -2- PlANNING romssroo MINUI'E'3 ReguJ.ar Meetirq of November 13, 1989 Camn, Sorensen stated that she would not participate in the discussion or decision because of perceived conflict. City Planner Mark caughey reviewed his report am the awlication with the Commission. Mark Rathert, Commission that his fence. 287 Las 0n::1as 0::>1Jrt, larrlscape architect, told the he did not check the City's ordinance prior to rebuilding Dave Eberl1ardt, 10320 Las 0n::1as Way, told Carranission that he has the m:Jst direct view of the fence am urges approval. '!be previous setback had aCC\J!lUllated trash. He stated there were many other thin;¡s in the neighborhood that were less attractive an::l m:Jre .inh:ibitin:J of view than the fence urðer <'Ii "<'J.Ssion. It was 1I'CJVed by Camn. Szabo, secaOOed by Ccmm. Mackenzie an::l passed una.nimJusly (3-0) to close the p..¡blic hear~. It was 1I'CJVed þy Ccmm. Szabo, secaOOed by Ccmm. Mackenzie an::l passed una.nimJusly (3-0) to approve Application No. 4-EXC-89. Item 3: Application No(s) : Applicant: lS-U-80 (lIIren:led) Oksana OkoPnvi Use Permit to I1XXÜ.fy previously approved Use Permit to allCM a 97o± sq. ft. addition to an exist~ residential senior care facility. FIRST HEARING ENVrnONMEm'AL DETERMINATION: categorically Exen'pt city Planner caughey reviewed the backgrourxi of the original application an::l the requested amerrltrent. Oksana OkDpnyi, San Jose, told Camnission that she had done an upgrading of the facility when she had p.¡rchased it. '!be residents in the facility do not drive. CUrrently, there are eight residents. 'Ihere is an on-site couple that acts as caretakers. '!be garage will be eliminated; the laurxhy facility will be retained. It was 1I'CJVed by Ccmm. Szabo, secaOOed by Camn. Sorensen am passed una.nimJusly (4-0) to close the p..¡blic hearin;¡'. It was IOCJVed by una.nimJusly (4-0) the staff report. Ccmm. Sorensen, secaOOed by Camn, Mackenzie am passed to approve the application per <'I i """'JSsion fin:lir:gs an::l -3- PI..I\NNING aHlISSIOO MINUI'ES Regular Meeting of November 13, 1989 Items 4 ani 5: A¡::plication No(s) : Applicant: 10-Z-89. l5~-89 ani 34-EA-89 Hanv Gheno RezonirY:1 of 1.9 gross acres from city of CUpertino Rl-lO (sin;Jle-family residential, 10,000 sq. ft. minimum lot area), to city of CUpertino Rl-6 (sin;Jle-family residential, 6,000 sq. ft. minimum lot area), or such other zonirY:1 classification as may be deemed awropriate by the Planning Commission or City Council. FIRST HEARING ENVIRONMENI'AL DEl'ERMINATION: Negative Declaration rec:ommerrled Application No(s): Applicant: 2l~-87 (Amerrled) ani 5l-EA-89 ci tv of Cl1Pertino Tentative Map (Amendment): Amendment of COrxiition 1 of subdivision 2l~-87 to <'Ii...-,,¡ss ani define alternative access configuration(s) for Hall Court between Blaney Avenue ani Wilson Park, incluð.in:J possible development of right-turn ingress-egress to Hall Court. FIRST HEARING ENVIRONMENI'AL DEl'ERMINATION: Categorically Exempt Director of CcammJnity Developrnent eor...ran reviewed the awlication ani staff report with the Ccmuuission. Upon bein;J asked by the Camnission, he stated that the heritage tree ordinance requested by the City Council should be ready for review by the en::1 of JUne. Camrnission <'Ii """'''sed the desire for a tree preservation plan to be in place prior to issuance of de=lition permits for existin;J buildin;¡s. The filin;J of a borx:l with the city was also <'Ii"""JSsed. Ted Wilson, ICier ani Wright civil ~ineers, told the Camnission that he would like to c::harY:Je the name of Parkside Lane to Gheno Lane. He was infonned that this would require a p.¡blic hearin;J at this point. Mr. eor...ran was directed to contact Mr. wilson ~ the procedure for the street name c::harY:Je. Gerry steinberg, Los Altos Hills, expressed support for the awlication to allow for orderly development of the school property. It was moved by Cœ1m. Szabo, secorrled by Cœ1m. Sorensen ani passed unanilr£Jusly (4-0) to close the p.¡blic hearin;J. Following discussion, the Camrnission expressed awroval for 2l~-87 ani directed that the last sentence of COrxiition No. 14 of the proposed resolution perta.iniD;J to l5~-89 be re=ved ani that the corxlition be aJ1'oeIñed to state that a borx:l of $5,000 per tree shall be suJ:mitted to the -4- PI.ANNING OH>!ISSION MINUl'ES Regular Meet1n;J of November 13, 1989 city with a rebate upon 0CC'I1pëU'1Cy of the dwell~(s) . Camnission directad that the trees listed in that corñition shall be protected before recorà.:irq the final map or issuaœe of any denx:>lition permit. It was IIXJVed by Canm. Sorensen, secarxjed by Canm. Mackenzie ani passed 1.1.I1ðlÚlocJUsly (4-0) to awrove Af,plication 34-FA-89 ani reocmnended the grant~ of a Negative Declaration. It was IIXJVed by Camm. Sorensen, secarxjed by Camm. Mackenzie ani passed 1.1.I1ðlÚlocJUsly (4-0) to awrove the awlication subject to the fin::lin;rs ani subconclusions of the hear~. It was IIXJVed by Camm. Sorensen, secarxjed by camm. Szabo ani passed 1.1.I1ðlÚlocJUsly (4-0) to approve Application 15-'IM-89 subject to the fin::lin;rs ani subconclusions of the hearin;¡'s as per corñitions 1-13 as presented by staff; Con:lition 14 arærxled as per ñi"""'lSsion; Con:litions 15 ani 16 as submitted ani an additional =rrlition which authorizes return of a borxi upon oc:cu:pancy if the tree is determined to be in healthy corxiition. It was IIXJVed by Camm. szabo, secarxjed by camm. Mackenzie ani passed 1.1.I1ðlÚlocJUsly ( 4-0) to approve Application 51-FA-89 ani recammerxi the grant~ of a Negative Declaration. It was IIXJVed by Camm. Mackenzie, secorrled by camm. Sorensen ani passed 1.1.I1ðlÚlocJUsly (4-0) to approve Af,plication 2l-'IM-87 (Amen:ied). Item 6: Application No(s): Applicant: 6-GPA-89 city of CUPertino General Plan amerximent to include incentives which foster ani retain private recreation facilities within the City. ENVIRONMENTAL DEI'ERMINATION: 1989. Director of CamlmJni.ty Development Cowan requested that C1Jairperson Adams appoint a subc::amnittee to meet with a subcammittee of the Parks ani Recreation camm:ission. Mr. Adams could include þim"""lf in that subcommittee. It was suggested that a meetin;J be held in the late aft.ernoon, 4:00 or 4:30 p.m. Initial Study to be reviewed November 9, Darwin 'Ihrone, Cricket Hill Road, IÆ!I!Iber of Citizens to Save Cupertino Recreation, stated that this was not a panacea which would solve the recreation problems of Cupertino. He asked if the citizens were go~ to be involved ani would they be included in a \\IOr~ group with Parks ani Recreation ani the PlaJ1I1.Í1'Yj Ccmnnission. -5- PI1INNING CXHITSSION MINUl'ES Regular Meetin;¡' of November 13, 1989 C1airperson J\dams WoDDed Mr. 'Ihrone that =nsiderations of general plan amerrlments are p.¡blic hearirçs. '!be two rnnmi "'Sioners fran the varioos camnissions will cane up with recaI1IIIeIrlations. Mr. 'Ihrone stated that when the S!,hYmnnittee convenes, members may wish to invite representatives fran recreation groups. Ccmu. Mackenzie expressed c:orx:ern regard:Ì1Y,J a.oother layer in the process. Mr. Caolan stated that he could notify Mr. 'Ihrone when the subcanunittee meets . Nancy Burnett, 729 Sterrlahl Lane, inquired regard:Ì1Y,J the schedule of general plan amen::!ment heariIqs. '!be Commission was WoDDed that the representatives fran the Parks am Recreation Commission would be David eoroon am Wally Dean. Ann Arqer stated that if work was beiIq done on a general plan, it shoold not have special interest groups at work on it am then have p.¡blic hearirçs. She urged the Commission to consider a third citizen goal canmittee incl~ the Cfuunber of Cœunerœ, School District representatives, DeAnza College representatives, citizens at large, etc. am not just special interest groups. O1aiJ:person 1\dams WoDDed those present that even after any subcanunittee meetings, there is still a p.¡blic process. Mr. Caolan stated that the subcanunittee's charge was to work cut same technical details. Mrs. Arqer would like to see better use of existing facilities, both Mid Peninsula Regional Open Space areas am Camty open space areas. John vidovich said that he did not believe this study YlaÙd affect the DeAnza Racquet Club as it does not seem to speak to buyiIq property. Recreation areas are usually last because of econanics. He urged the subcommittee to look at both sides. It was lOCWed by Ccmu. Mackenzie, seconded by Cœnn. Szabo am passed unaniJrously (4-0) to continue =nsideration of 6-GPA-89 to the meeting of December 11 am for O1aiJ:person 1\dams to aPJ.X>int two members to the subcommittee. RECESS: 9:05-9:10 P.M. -6- PIANNmG <n1MISSION MINUl'ES Regular Meet.in;J of November 13, 1989 Item 7: AH?lication No(s) : AH?licant : 36~-86 (Revised) DeAnza Properties Use PeDnit (Revision) to delete ParaÇ¡ra¡:i1 1 of Corrlition 3 (b) of Use PeDnit 36~-86 (Amerrled) to renove the age restriction on 51 apartment units an:i to designate ten (10) units within the OJateau CUpertino Retirenent Developnent for OCC'¡pancy as affordable rental dwellirq units for senior citizens. FIRST HEARING ~ DEI'ERMINATION: Categorically Exe:npt City Planner Mark Caughey presented t"rImmi .....ion with the history of this request. '!he original age restriction did have an effect on the trip factor. Housirq an:i Services Coordinator Norlirq stated that the City Attorney has not looked at, the specific rec:amnen:1ations; however, the cammittee Jœt with John vidovich an:i he has agreed with the rec:amnen:1ations. Mr. vidovich also reviewed the history of events an:i stated that the current residents do have a corx:ern regardirq the c:œpatibility of the new tenants with those currently livirq there. He assures them that it will be all right. Sally Brennan, 19917 Twilight Court, Director of CUpertino Canu11u11ity Services, told Cammission that she would like the elderly who currently live in CUpertino to have the ability to stay in the City if they want to. '!he proposal before the Commission can make a difference for at least 10 seniors. She, an:i the agency which she directs, want people to fit in so no one will feel out of place. Mr. vidovich stated that there currently is a 10% vacancy rate in OJateau CUpertino. Everyone in the facility is, an:i will be entitled to the same services so no one will be aware of whose rent is beirq subsidized. He wants to be sure that all newcomers "fit in". Grace McNeil, resident of OJateau CUpertino, asked why she an:i other residents are in the middle of this problem. She expressed the opinion that openin;J OJateau CUpertino for low-cost housin;¡ would chan;¡'e the place. "Isn't it goin;¡ to CX)St higher rents for us?" Mrs. McNeil felt current residents would be asked to oover the difference in the rents charged. James Mehre, resident of OJateau CUpertino, objected that the residences could be subsidized housirq. He stated that current residents had occupied it as regular housirq. -7- PIANNING aHlISSION MINtJI'.ES Regular Meetin;¡ of November 13, 1989 Eulalia Hauck, resident of O1ateau Q.Jpertino, stated that IOOSt: of the residents are between the ages of 70 am 90. Many of the residents would like to be at the meet:i.n3' this evenin;J, but are not ¡:hysically able. Residents were never told that this would be a subsidizErl place umer HUD; it doesn't have to be. DeAnza Properties will make up the money some way. ihose liv:i.n3' there have already had a sizable rent increase within the year. Mr. Vidovich verifiErl that three who spoke are current residents of O1ateau Q.Jpertino. He wants them satisfiErl. Ten W'Ú.ts were chcsen because that number would not inpact the others in a f:Ì11al'X:ial way. DeAnza Properties wants a lot of control over who would be chcsen to live there. '!his is not subsidizErl hous:i.n3'. He is agree:i.n3' to subsidize certain people's rents. '!his has been done in the past am has not been noticed. It is iltportant to DeAnza Properties that what is done does not affect current residents; they are pay:i.n3' the bills. Sally Brennan stated that HUD guidelines are <Y'IIT1£"'ratively high-$21,OOO a year for a s:i.n3'le person. She suggested that current residents cc:W.d work with a ccmunittee, to fom guidelines for acceptaroe to O1ateau CUpertino. Francis McNeil, O1ateau CUpertino, stated that he am his wife pay $36,000 a year for rent at O1ateau Q.Jpertino ani is against the proposal. Mr. McNeil stated their rent is $2,945.00 a IOOI1th which is the IOOSt: expensive in the facility. Ms. Norl:i.n3' stated that the proposal is not a HUD project, '!he city am DeAnza Properties would be wor~ thraJgh a non-profit agerx::y which gives nore flexibility in select:i.n3' the tenant. Shirley Burg, South DeAnza Circle, ani a volunteer for CUpertino CarmmJnity services am a member of their board, stated that CCS has worked with clients am would not want to put a client in an uncomfortable situation for them or others. Canun. Maclœnzie suggested that the Camnission continue this item to allow Mr. vidovich to work with the tenants ani express their concems regardin;J rates am to allow the development of a mechanism to protect current tenants . Mr. vidovich said that all residents had received notice. Prior to the Camnission meetinJ, a meet:i.n3' had been held with the residents. He did not believe that this proposal would have an inpact on other tenants economically. He requested that a decision be made tonight. Courtenay Heater addressed the Camnission stat:i.n3' that there were actually two separate issues. '!he rent had been raised recently ani perl1aps two subsidizErl slots COlÙd be held in abeyance am a small rebate be made to current residents. -8- PIANNING a:HIISSICN MINUl'ES Regular MeetJ.n;J of November 13, 1989 Eulalia Hauck said that there were many people livin:J in Clateau CUpertino who are barely gettin;¡' by am they need thœe amenities, so they cannot move. She expressed corrern ~ the possibility of a private subsidy: rents bein;¡' raised to pay the subsidy for saneone else to live in a W1it. Mrs. Hauck stated that few knew about the Camnission meetin:J; they do not have a tenant I S association to keep residents infonned. Carran. Szabo stated that he felt there were two issues: 1) Will new people fit in? 2) will rents go up? He stated that he believed that Mr. vidovich would lose tenants if the rates go up, so they probably won't. He felt that rates would be set by the marketplace. Mrs. Hauck expressed corrern ~ notification am stated that the residents only heard rum::>rs about this hearin:J \D1.ti1 the last week. Mr. Vidovich felt that the residents had been notified by the City through the nonnal process in the CUpertino Scene. Mr. Cowan told the Carranission that he would check his files. Legally, the apartment manage;r gets notified, not all of the tenants. C1Jairperson Adams e¡¡q;t¡asized that Commission's decision would be a rec:orranen::1ation to Council. Council's consideration was tentatively scheduled for their meetirg of November 20, 1989. It was moved by Carran. Mackenzie, seoarded by Carran. Sorensen am passed t.1l1aIÚ1rously (4-0) to close the p.¡blic hearirg. Carran. Szabo suggested that durirg the next week, the residents, John Vidovich, Sally Brennan, am Marilyn Norlirg meet. Carran, Mackenzie expressed continued corrern regardiry;J rent protection am stated he would vote "no". C1Jairperson Adams stated he would vote in favor of it as it will then move on to Council. He stated that he believes that the major problem is one of CCIlTIIlUJIIication. It was moved by CamIn. Szabo, seoarded by Carran. Sorensen am passed (3-1) with Carran. Mackenzie dissentin;¡, to recx:mnen::1 approval of Application 36-U-86 (Revised) as per staff report. NEW BUSINESS 8. Staff requests to amen:i zon.irq Ordinance 1050 to include procedures to review sin:Jle-family residential projects. It was moved by Carran. Mackenzie, seoarded by Carran. Sorensen am passed t.1l1aIÚ1rously (4-0) to authorize the Plëll'1l1in1 staff to initiate a p.¡blic hearing to amen:i Ordinance No. 1050 per staff report. -9- ~--- PIANNING CXfo!MISSIŒ MINU1'ES ReguJ.ar Meet::\.n;J of November 13, 1989 9. Selection of P1anni.n;J Camnission representative to the Environmental Review Cammittee . By consensus, Caran. Mackenzie was appointe:i to the Envirornoontal Review Committee. REroRI' OF '!HE PIANNING CXfo!MISSIŒ: 'Ihe Commission ñi"('l'ssed the recent purchase of Val1co property by Tan::iem Cc:mp..1ter . REroRI' OF '!HE PIANNING DIRECI'OR: -None DISaJSSION OF NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS: The Ireet:i.rq was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Approved by the P1anni.n;J Camnission At the Regular Meet:i.rq of JanuaJ:y 22, 1990. ill~~ ~ \h, M"wu victor , Chainnan Attest: ~.~ Do ~us, City Clerk -12-