PC 11-27-89
10300 Torre Avenue
CUpertino, CA 95014
(408) 252-4505
SAIlJl'E 'ro 'lEE: FIAG:
The meeti.n;¡' was called to order by O1airperson Adams at 7:30 p.m.
Commissioners Present:
O1airman Adams
Commissioner Blaine
Commissioner Claudy
Commissioner Mackenzie
Commissioners Absent:
staff Present:
Rebert Cowan, Director of CamIm.1ni.ty Development
Dorothy CoJ:T1elius, city Clerk
Travice Whitten, Assistant City Engineer
I.eslie Lopez, Deputy City Attorney
Chairperson Adams stated that cammunications have been received fram Mr.
Paradise, Mr. Kintera and Mr. Halsted.
Comm. Mackenzie requested that Item No 1 be rem:wed fram the Consent Calerrlar
and placed unjer Public Hearings.
Regular Meetin;J of November 27, 1989
Item 1:
Application No(s):
9-U-89 (Amended)
University of San Francisco
Followin;J review of the application by Director of Cammmity Developnent Cowan,
Adelle Salle, University of San Francisco on Bolli.n;Jer Road, told the
commissioners that currently there are three classes bein;J given from
6:00-10:00 p.m. 'Ihe university would like the flexibility to not turn awayarr:¡
students. 'Ihese are adult, back to school students. ihere usually are spaces
left in the par~ lot; there is par~ available on the streets. No
complaints have been received fran surroun:lin;¡' areas. students attending the
classes are responsible adults. K Mart am Bank of the West have given vert>al
approval for students to park in the lot, but are not willin;J to make a
lon;J-teDn cx:llmnibnent.
Mr. Cowan told cammissioners that the City did not knc7,.¡ USF was in that
buildin;J 1.n'ltil a dance studio use pemit application had been received am was
goin;J through. the process for awrevaJ..
Ms. Salle stated that if this application does not get approved, the university
will have to IOCJVe to San Jose. 'Iheir current lease expires December 31, 1989.
'Ihe cammission discussed lack of par~ am upon inquirin;J about the
secretarial am support staff, they were Ínfo:rmed that support staff leaves in
the even:Ïn3',
It was m:JVed by Ccmm. Mackenzie, seconded by Ccmm. Blaine am passed
Ul'1éIIÚII¥:n.11 Y ( 4-0) to close the plblic hearin;J.
Ccmmissioners suggested that class size be limited to 18, the use pemit be
subject to review in 12 =nths am the university get a reciprocal parking
agreement. (City Clerk Note: Camnission requested that Mr. Cowan check on the
dance studio trash enclosures.)
It was IIKWed by Ccmm. Mackenzie, seconded by Ccmm. Claudy am passed
Ul'1éIIÚII¥:n.1ly (4-0) to approve Application No. 9-U-89 (Amended) with firxtings am
conclusions as per staff report am discussion am to amend Con:tition No.2
allowin;J for a total of 54 persons durin;J normal1rlOr~ hours am 20 on
Saturdays, addin;¡' Con:tition No.5, directin;J that there be a reciprocal parking
agreement approved by staff shcW.d one parcel be sold.
Item 2:
Application No(s):
City Center Associates
Regular Meetin:J of November 27, 1989
Various cptions were presented to the camnission: the possibility of a short
tenn use with the developer wr~ with the neighbors for a long tenn use,
eliminatirr;J the use of the trian:Jle for par~ as it is no longer needed. Mr.
Cowan stated he did not believe that the City can require the plantin::J of turf
on that piece of property; however, it can J:.........,......d that the ~t be torn
up. nus is not a ~lic park area, ha.lever camnission can recamnerxi open
space. In 1983, the Parks ani Recreation camnission ani the Planning
Camnission J:.........,.,""'!ded elimination of any ~lic park at that area as larger
parks suitable for organized activities rather than small passive parks were
determined to be best for the City. As the property reM exists, the "no
devel,¥''''''lL potential" is USEd because the density was transfeITed to another
location. 'IWo decisions need to be made: status of parkin:J on that space and
use of that space if not for parkin:J.
Mark Kroll, CUpertino City Associates, stated that he believes the general plan
allows for residential developnent of the triaß3'le. There was no intent of
Council to ever keep that area open space. He expressed the belief that the
project presented 18 m:mths ago was the best use of the lani. If anyone wants
a park in that location, they can purchase the lani. He is willin:J to talk
with the neighbors that have other deman:1s besides the park. He expressed the
opinion that the park is not the issue. He also believes that there is no
legal requirement for City Center to rip out the existin:J ~t. Both Apple
ani Chateau CUpertino are usin:J the trian:Jle space for parkin:J. There is
residential density umer the general plan allowed on that site. The current
lan:lscapin:J on the corner of DeAnza Boulevard ani Stevens Creek Boulevard is
temporazy until such ti1ne as the hotel is built.
Fhilip Halsted, 20286 Pinntage Parkway, read a position statement into the
record. His statement expressed the opinion that this was an issue of
integrity. The i1c:InIecMners will stard firm ani line up with the park and
recreation groups. He felt that the character of CUpertino was at stake. Mr.
Halsted was informed that any applicant has the right to request a chan:Je in a
use pemit.
Farokh Deboe, Board of Directors of the CUpertino Waterfalls, addressed
Commission statin:J that John Gatto had spoken against the abuse of lani. Mr.
Deboe urged that a green space be left there. He stated that CUpertino
Waterfall residents were not apprœched by Praœtheus for meetin;¡s ani that the
fountaiI1s at the Praœtheus apartments are continuously spootin;¡" water. Mr.
Deboe said that many residents bought property based on Carditions 16 ani 19 of
the use permit. He rec:amnen:ie:l that the parkin:J lot be turned into a temporazy
park-like settin:J ani that the City mve toward pennanent open space. He wuld
like to see the plans Praœtheus has for that area. He felt the construction
of the mi.= linage buil~ as orig:i11ally proposed'tlCUld add balance to what
is already there. A traffic problem exists at this ti1ne. Mr. Deboe expressed
the opinion that there was a credibility problem ani that the Board appears to
be workin:J with the business interests, not the citizens.
Regular Maetin;r of November 27, 1989
MiJœ Mull1oJ.land, 0Jpertin0 Waterfall, 10237 Nile Drive, felt that the original
intent was very iJIportant. antitions 16 ard 19 are for open space. He stated
that last year, it was the clear intent of the City cwn::::il not to develop this
piece of property, I::ut to develop the rest of the site first. Citizens are
against high density. A pr'-":L..ssive stance ItICUld be to place a park in that
location. He believes that the City shoold buy the lard. 'n1e second choice
ItICUld be to leave it as a parld.1q lat.
Carol Ban:Jham, Pinntage Parkway, said residents were not contacted by
Pranetheus recently for a meetin;r. She wanted no high density as traffic is
already a problem. She is not q:posed to a parld.1q lat, I::ut ItICUld like a
little less noise in the summer.
Albert Hoffman, 22577 san Juan Road, told the l"nnmi ..don that he IoIIOrks in City
Center ard finds that the green space on the corner of stevens creek Boulevard
ard DeAnza Boulevard a pleasant aspect of his day. He spoke in support of the
l'Y'I1IIIIØ1'\ts made. 'n1e parld.1q sb:uc:ture is not beirq used, essentially because it
has a low cei1i.rq ard dim lightin;r, He also feels that the earthquake has an
iJI¡¡act for people not wantin;r to park in a sb:uc:ture, but rather parki.rq
outdoors. He 5t:9.ted that parki.rq is J"I""(1"(j for the anpUtheatre. He expressed
the opinion that the staff report ard resolution have a pro-developœnt tone,
He urged that the review of open space in the general plan not be rushed ard
requested that this trian;¡'le remain pen¡anent open space.
sally Waite, OJpertino Waterfall resident, urged the l"nnmi""3ion to look to the
future. More density is not needed.
Anthony santiliWO, 10173 Danube, addressed l"nnmi..sion regardi.n;¡ the traffic
barrier at Torre. He stated that if there is no traffic problem, why are these
mitigation ""''''''''1reS beirq done.
Assistant City ED;Ji11eer Whitten WoDDed him that there had been a cancern
regardi.n;¡ cammuter traffic intrusion.
Mr. santiliWO said there's already ~t there, so why not make it a tennis
court or perhaps a bocci ball court. '!hat area ItICUld be a merge of residential
ard busi11ess.
Mark Kroll said that if that area were not used for a parld.1q lat, it ItICUld not
be a trash di.mp; City Center Associates have too JDJJCh pride in the ccmm.mity.
He ItICUld like to meet with the residents as he feels a caoprcmi.se is possible.
Disc"....ion followed regardi.n;¡ "no develcpnent potential". All office J::uildin;¡s
on that site that can be J::uilt, have been J::uilt without a general plan
amendment. 'lhis trian;¡'le is developable as residential.
CaJUn. Blaine suggested a zonin;¡ hearin;J to help clear up aIrý confusion.
Mr. Deboo asked aIxm the Vidovich äevelcpnent currently bein;J ccnstJ:ucted ard
was informed it was for 160 units, Mr. De!!oo stated that a lat of housin;
credits have been used up.
Regular Meetin;J of November 27, 1989
'!be camnissioners suggested that staff facilitate a meetiIxJ with
representatives fran Waterfall, pinntage Devel..'l....a::ut, OIateau CUpertino am
City center Associates am cane back with a summary of potential uses
acceptable to all sides. Also, the zonin;J map should not say open space on
that triangle if that's not What it is a~ for.
Mr. Kroll hoped that the ccmmi.ttee TNCUld be made up of JŒ)re than one £ran each
area as that TNCUld not be enough people to develop widespread support for a
It was m:JII'e:i by Camn. Mackenzie, seoon:3ed by Camn. Claudy am passed
unani:Jrously to close the p.1blic hearin;J.
It was m:JII'e:i by Camn. Mackenzie, seoon:3ed by Camn. Claudy arrl passed
unani:Jrously to adopt a resolution n..-u.LWa::lrlin;J approval for an eight m::>nth
extension of use of a 2.5 acre site for temporary park:in;J.
It was m:JII'e:i by Camn. Mackenzie, seoon:3ed by Camn. Claudy arrl passed
unani:Jrously to direct staff to facilitate a meetin;J between Pranetheus
Development am surrounlin;J neighbors am to agermze a p.1blic hearin;J no later
than June of 1990 either by the property owner or by the city.
RECESS: 9:30-9:43 P.M.
Item 3:
Application No(s) :
Bih-Tau SUrr;:
Followin;J review of the report submitted by the Director of Community
Development, the Camnission cH"""USsed upgrað.in:J of the center.
Emil Nijameh, center owner, said that has wanted to remodel, however, he has
been urdergoin;J harassment. P. J. M.1lligan's has a leD] lease (about 10 JŒ)re
years); ~, he does have plans to remcdel arrl add a¡:proxiJnately 5,000 sq.
ft. Large trucks use the center for a park:in;J lot arrl he has called the police
many t:i1nes. '!here have been two dance studios at that location. Parents drop
their children off arrlleave; they do not park arrl stay.
Bih-Tau SUn:;¡' said that IIPSt students are in night classes. '!hey are left arrl
picked up by parents who are not allowed to stay for class. Classes are CNer
by 8:30 p.m. P.J. 's ~ arrives around 9:00 p.m. '!he largest class
currently in existence consists of about 10 people. '!he ather classes are
smaller .
Mr. Nijameh told the Camnission that his architect said there is adequate
park:in;J for the addition.
Eric SUn:;¡' questioned Camnission regardirg proposed Con:lition No.3. It was
suggested that an explanation be added to that corñition statin;J it would not
be activated l.mtil the 25% rule was activated
Regular Meetin;¡ of NOITE!IIIber 27, 1989
It was lIDVed by Camn. Blaine, secon:ied by Camn. Mackenzie an:l passed
~ly to close the p¡blic hearin;¡'.
It was moved by Camn. Blaine, secon:ied by Camn. Mackenzie an:l passed
~ly to recamnerx3. approval of the application as per hearin;¡' an:l staff
report: Cotxlition No. 1 approved as sul::mitted; Cotxlition No. 2 II'Cdified to
show that hours of operation are from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. daily with a
maxiJnum class size of ten students an:l no =re than bio instructors; Cotxlition
No.3, the requirement of iItprovements woold be iItplemented vmen aggregate
upgrac:lin;J equals 25% of the square footage of the center an:l the Cotxlitions 4,
5, 6, an:l 7 approved as sul::mitted.
Item 4:
Application No(s):
~ie1 Nollan
Director of Camm.mity Devel'¥ucu¡t Cc7.1an reviewed his report an:l ~ized that
the existin;¡' sheppin;¡' center is close to residential an:l there are no sourxl
walls separatirq the bio uses.
~ie1 Nollan, South Blaney, San Jose, told Camnission that she woold like to
keep the restaurant open later than the hours mentioned un:ler coroitions of
approval. She said the neighbors had no problem vmen she talked to them about
stayin;¡' open \.U'ltil midnight.
Mr. Cc7.1an stated that the coroition as presented woold require people to be out
by 9:30 p.m.
otto Sowder, 10055 Byrne Avenue, suggested that Camnission consider heM many
similar places are in the area an:l that pemaps there was a better use of the
It was moved by Camn. Mackenzie, secon:ied by Camn. Claudy an:l passed
~ly to close the p¡blic hearin;¡'.
It was lIDVed by Camn. Mackenzie, secon:ied by Camn. Claudy an:l passed
~ly to recamnerx3. the grantin;¡' of a Negative Declaration.
It was lIDVed by Camm. Mackenzie, secon:ied by Camm. Blaine an:l passed
~ly to :t""^",",,r=iXl approval of the application as per staff report an:l
æœrrlments; that Cotxlition No. 2 (e) shall be amenied to state that no one shall
be on the premises except durin;¡' the hours of 9:00 a.m. an:l 11 p.m. an:l
Cotxlition No. 2 (f) shall be added statin;¡' that trash may be taken out only
between the hours of 9:00 a.m. an:l 9:00 p.m.
Item 5:
Application No(s):
Saratoæ sales & reasiM
Regular MeetirY;J of November 27, 1989
Mr. Cowan informed Camnission that this particular site was next door to P. J.
Mulligan's. consideration of this aw1ication will not be awroval of any sign
Chairperson Adams expressed the opinion that he would have preferred the car
display in front if the cars are left cut at night. This would, he felt,
eJ1hance security.
Mr. Cowan stated that there should no audible alams.
Dan Heime1, 157 EI Pinar, Los Gates, told the Camnission this outdoor display
is required by the California Department of Motor vehicles.
It was mJVed by Camn. Claudy, secoIXied by Camn. Mackenzie an:l passed
\JI1aIÙlroUsly to close the p.¡blic hearinJ.
It was mJVed by Camn. Mackenzie, secoIXied by Camn. Claudy an:l passed
\JI1aIÙlroUsly to aw=ve the awlication as per staff report with Condition No.5
al'Æ!OOej so that the sales tax goes to OJpertino.
Item 6:
Application No(s):
city of CllPertino
Chairperson Adams an:l Camn. Claudy will be members of a subcanunitt.ee which will
also oonsist of t\\Io members of the Parks an:l Recreation Camnission. Mr.
Mackenzie stated that he would like to see zonin; designations be looked at as
a tool.
Nancy Bun'Iett, 729 stenJhal lane, asked if the p.¡blic could attend these
oc:mnitt.ee meet:in;¡s.
Mr. Cowan informed her that rmwin '1hrone has been notified regaro.ing the
meetinJ. '!his will be a wor~ groop; it is a p.¡blic meetinJ, but not a
p.¡blic hearinJ. ihe p.¡blic may attend; ageroas are posted at the librcu:y.
It was mJVed by Camn. Blaine, secoIXied by Camn. Mackenzie an:l passed
\JI1aIÙlroUsly to =tinue this matter to the meetinJ of JaI'lUMY 22, 1990.
7. Discussion of staff recammendation to cancel :Regular Plannin3' Camnission
meetinJ of December 26, 1989.
It was mJVed by Camn. Blaine, secoIXied by Camn. Mackenzie an:l passed
\JI1aIÙlroUsly to cancel the regular Plannin3' Camnission meetin;J scheduled for
December 26.