PC 12-11-89 · -CITY OF aJPER1'INO, STATE OF CAIJ:F()RNIA 103QO Torre Avenue CUpertino, CA 95014 (408) 252-4505 MINOl'ES OF '!HE RmJIAR MEE1'lliG OF '!HE PIANNING CXDIISSION HErD ON DECEMBER 11, 1989 SAIlJI'E 'IO '!HE FIAG: The meet:in:J was called to order by 01aizpars0n Adams at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: 0laiZ1IIan Adams Chnmi.....ioner Blaine CcBmnissioner Claudy Chnmi ....ioner Mackenzie Commissioners Absent: None staff Present: :Robert cowan, Director of Caram.mity Development Dorothy OJrnelius, City Clerk City Planner Cëwghey Travice Whitten, Assistant City Eß;Jineer Leslie IDpez, Dep.tty City Attorney ro5TFONEMENTS : It was II¥JVed by Camn, Mackenzie, seocIOOed by Camn. Claudy and passeð unaIÙJ'OC>USly to continue Items No.3, 6 and 7 to the regular meeting of JanuaIy 8, 1990. WRITI'EN o::!>IMDNICATIONS: OJai:rperson Adams anna.moed that all written t'nIIIYII"'Iications received pertail1ed to agema items. ORAL o::!>IMDNICATIONS: -None a:>NSENT CAIENI:1àR: -None -1- -' -, ~ PI.ANNING CD1MISSION MINO'l'ES Regular Meetirg of December 11, 1989 roBLIC HEARINGS: Item 1: AwJ.ication No(s) : Applicant: 13 -U-89 and 14-FA-89 SObrato Develooment CC!11canies Director of Cammunity Develo¡:ment Cowan reviewed the city Council action and r~ c:hëmJes. John SObrato presented ('nmmi "'-sion with new drawin;Js and stated that there had been an error in the original calculation of square footage. There was actually less square footage than originally deter1niI1ed. Build.i.rx;r.õ in the new proposal are c10ser to I.any way residents; however, protection 1.IIOU1d be offered via wide barrls of trees, J::ut not alon; the property lines so the sun will not be blocked from those livin;J nearlJy. Mr, Sobrato proposes to plant the trees l'ICM so that they will be large by the time the development is ~lete. 'Ihe dense p1antirgs will also prevent a visual co=idor into the site. Unusable as office space amenities planned include cafeterias, an atrilml and main co=idor space. 'Ihe main differences !ran the project previously presented are the c10ser proximity to I.any way; the back building is 1'ICM two build.i.rx;r.õ and there is =re green space; nm'e parki.n; has been buried resultin;J in a mre canp.IS-liJœ settin;J. A major artpiece has been incorporated near DeAnza Bou1evard. '!here is reè!t'oeñ gross square footage as a result of reduced atrilml space. 'Ihe silos on the exterior of the build.i.rx;r.õ have been eli.mil1ated and air con:li.tionin;J units plaœd on the roof. 'Ihe City Council had directed that the follCMin;J be looked at: height, setback, traffic and amenity space. In regard to the height of the build.i.rx;r.õ, in recent times floor heights have been increased as a direct result of open space floor plans. 'Ihe m:xle is 1'ICM at least 10 foot high in a finished state. '!here are few colUi!D1S. 'Ihe proposed buildings are 62 feet !ran the top of the parapet to the floor. other buildings in town are 59 feet. Including mechanical equipment, they are 67.6 feet and with a doghouse, 71 feet. With a building 62 feet high, the addition of the doghouse on the roof1tlOUld result in a 75 ft. high building., Mr. Sobrato told the C"nmmi "'-sion that he was willin;J to go to the extra expense to put mechanical equipment in the œ-11t. He wants to retain the atrilml glass roof. Mr. SObrato shewed a transparency of the existin;J development with an overlay of that which is proposed. '!here would be 283 feet from the back property line to the proposed buildiIg which is nm'e than the present develo¡:ment. He passed out the design guidelines for stevens Creek Boulevard "san:ipile" effect. Slides shc:Mi.n:J the views of the exi.stin;J build.i.rx;r.õ from I.any Way were reviewed. 'Ihe top story of the exi.stin;J buildings can be seen except where trees exist in the plantl.rq strip and within the parki.n; lot. He shewed examples of various other sites in CUpertino with trees ~ -2- PlANNING CXMrrSSION MINUTES Regular Meetirq of """""'"her U, 1989 A gentJ.eman residin;¡' at 10698 I.any way said that the new deveJ.opment is significantly different than that previously passed by the Plannin;¡' Chnmi"'8ion. 'nJe number of buildin;¡s are different, the height is different, the buildi.r¥Js are closer to the residents. He felt that inaccurate data has been presented. :Residents do see the present buildin;Js. He expressed conœm regardin;r traffic flow ani requested a new traffic study with guidelines from the City, He expressed coœern regardin;r traffic to be generated from the project, He said it looks like there will be a 71 ft. buildin;¡' on a 10 ft. berm which equals 81 feet ani expressed corx:eJ:T1S that Hewlett-Packard is no lon;¡er the ~u~ tenant. He requested that the development be resubmitted to CalTrans ani that there be an EIR on the project. Wes Wiegel, 10726 I.any Way, said that he had called CalTrans that afternoon ani had talked to Mr. Chan;¡". Four different tenants in the development chan3'es the prospects regardin;r car pools, etc, He asked when the traffic study was done by Barton-Aschman ani was infomed the period COITered was May through October. Mr, wiegel said that when it was done, there was one tenant in min:i. 'Ibis area will h'pact all of OJpert:ÍI1O, Saratoga, etc. Kenneth Johnson, 10511 I.any Way, expressed coœern regardin;J the choice of trees. He requested that they be evergreen ani not acacia. His allergies are affected with arr:¡ kin:3. of acacia. Also, pine trees would result in needles droppin] in yards. Darwin nu:one, 22958 Cricket Hill Road, said the proposed development is an :iJ¡provement aver \llhat currently exists; however, arr:¡ development needs careful review. Same of his corx:eJ:T1S were alleviated; however, he had still had concem regardin;J umerestimation of current space. He encouraged the Chnmi "",ion to look at the numbers carefully ani to look at the lon;¡-teJ:m possibilities. He expressed uOOerst:arñin;J f= the residents' corx:eJ:T1S ani stated that tonight's concerns SOIJI'ds like: \llhat do you see ani how much sun do you lose. Mr. Sobrato presented a shadow study transparency. At 2:00 p.m. on June 21, there would be no shadow on the residential property. At 2:00 p.m., December 21, there would be none on the residential property. 'Ibis study was done as per City Council direction. At 4:00 p.m. in June, there would be no shadow on residential property. At 4:00 p.m. in December, there would be some. In regard to Mr. Johnson's coœern about height of trees, Mr. Sobrato said that the ideal would be 30-35 feet ani the approval could contain a condition that the developer maintain that height f= the trees ani keep them tr:iJnmed. In regard to Mr. Prosser's coœern, an average had to be used. As per City Council, he W'OrIœd with Mr. Carlan to deteJ:mine the siteline drawin;r. If there is a problem, Mr. Sobrato said he would use a tree other than acacia; it just may take lon;¡er to grow. '!he traffic study was done by looki.n;J at the zip codes of the cars at various c::œplter businesses in the cx:mm.mity. '!he results shewed that they cx:me about 50% north of town ani 50% south of town. '!here may be a differential of about 5%. No Environmental In'pact Report had been requested. A focused EIR was done. 'Ibis project is not different enough than the previous one for a new EIR. 'nJe developer is ac:c:epti.D] the TI:M IreasUres PrarWgated by the Golden Trian;¡-le Task Force. -4- PIANNING CXJMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meetin;J of December 11, 1989 Mr. cowan addressed l"nmmiRSion reg¡u:din;J the accuracy of data. He said that the city had also been oonœrned ani got a civil erqineer. 'lbose residents furthest frail the wall will see the buildin;J, J:ut it will be far away, '!be City's traffic erqineer ani Director of Public Works I\¥JI'Ù.tored the Barton-Aschman report. It was m:JVed by camn. Mackenzie, BeCOl'I3ed by camn. maine ani paesed 1J1'1aIÚ.m:JuSly (4-0) to close the public heariIq. Commission <'Ii """1SSed the proposed height of the buildin;Js ani setbacks as follows: 12 ft. stories is no 10l'KJer a practical way of buildin;J; expressed conc:em reg¡u:din;J height in general; expressed conc:em reg¡u:din;J the shift of buildin;Js to the east; invasion of privacy fran an office buildin;J is different than that fran another house because it means hun:3reds of stran;Jers lookin;J into yoor bane; has not yet decided if the trees will be adequate screenin::J, however trees IIDJSt be evergreen ani no acacias should be used; æœn.ity space all right; Level D traffic acceptable; arùy conc:em is privacy introsion. If the trees will \<IOrk as a screen, then the buildin;J location is acceptable; however, would prefer them xwved to the west or the height rearran;¡ed. Prefers placement of mechanical equipnent in the ba=møT\t; buildin;Js are tolerable where they are proposed; however, could slide evmythin;J 20 ft. tcMards DeAnza Boulevard; height, per se, is not a big deal as 10l'KJ as ÍIl¡)acts are mitigated; likes proposed architecture; suggested that buildin;Js not be hidden, but be exposed. Mr. Cowan pointed out that the general plan places a four-story limit on the buildin;Js . Ccmn. C1.a\ñy - Ccmn. m.aine - Ccmn. Maclœnzie - Ccmn. Maclœnzie - Felt design was better; can uroerstan:l height of floors J:ut believes the l"nmmi"'sion had 11-12 ft. stories in mini; consider rencviIq one stoxy frail each of B.1i1din;Js C ani D ani addin;J one to B.1i1din;Js A ani E; no major problems with the traffic; sane concem reg¡u:din;J what is ani isn't counted as æœn.ities. SUggested the front buildin;Js be Jrore square; felt trees are a good solution in regard to privacy; expressed a conc:em that proposed improveœnts for traffic be :ÌJ!plemented in a timely fashion; stated that the æœn.ities issue is a policy issue ani may need to be looked at; however, for this develq;ment, the æœn.ity calculation should remain as is. -5- PIANNING CXMoIISSION MllIUTES Regular Meetin] of ~hø.r 11, 1989 Felt the proposed layout of builc:lin;s was better than before; in regard to height, suggested that the builc:lin;s be terraced and there be mre ~ parkin;J; fOUIXi the setbacks acceptable with the trees; satisfied regardin;J the traffic issue as lan,; as the improvements are done; in regard to amenities, fOUIXi the calculations acceptable, but the City may want to look at the policy. Summary: Setback acceptable, but if possible, 1001ld prefer it be mved or :rem::we a story from arllc:lin;s C and D. Trees must go in. Traffic and proposed iltprovement acceptable. It was mved by Camn. Mackenzie, secon:'Ied by Ccnmn. Blaine and passed 1.1l'\al'liJoouly (4-0) to send a summary of remarks to the city council alan,; with :rec:amnen:3ed changes to con:litions. Calm. Adams - Chúzperson Adams announced that the tentative date for this application to be heard by the City council will be JanuaI}' 16, 1990, RECESS: 10:30-10:40 P,M. Chairperson Adams announced that Item No.5 on the ageOOa will be taken at this time.. Item 5: Application No(s): 27-tJ-89 and 38-FA-89 Applicant: Pasadena-Granada Com. '!he architect and applicant have requested continuance of the application to the Canunission meetin] of JanuaI}' 8. It was mved by Ccnmn. Mackenzie, secon:'Ied by Ccnmn. Claudy and passed unaniJwusly (4-0) to continue Applications No. 27-tJ-89 and 38-FA-89 to the meetin] of JanuaI}' 8. At that time it will be the first item on the agema after the Consent Calerx:lar. Item 2: Application No(s): 5-V-89 Applicant: steve Ho Assistant City Planner Caughey reviewed the application with the Ccnmnission. Ron Dick, Cémpbell, representin] the applicant, gave backgroun:i of the application to Ccnmnission. He stated that, at the t:iJne of the application, he was not told of the need for the dedication. He had brought a plot plan into the city and it was approved aver the counter. After drawin;¡' up the fiI1a1 plans and goin:J in for a buildin:J permit, he was told of the dedication. -6- PIANNING CD1MISSION MINt1I'ES Regular Meetin:f of ~her 11, 1989 Travis Medley of San Jose, a partner in the group bui.1cl:in3 the heme, said the general contractor had asked questions about what was allowed, what was necessary, etc. 'Ihese questions were never answered. '!be proposed variance will not hurt the area am the resultin:¡ bui.1cl:in3 will conform with those surroun:iin;J. He UIged the I"nmm; "'sion to relieve the an;¡uish of those bui.1cl:in3. Morey Nelson, stevens Creek Boulevard, 0Jpertin0, addressed cammission regardin;J the width of Granada Avenue. He stated that it was wider than Oran:]e by five feet. If Granada were the same width as orange, the variance \oIClÙd not be necessary. Ran Dick told the I"nmm; "'sion that to the east one lot ever, are others who had the same problem am went through the same precess. Applicants are not gettin:¡ the right information. steve He, one of the owners of the property, said that the issue goes back to early May. '!be first plan was turned down as too large; plans were nKlrawn am the square footage of the bui.1cl:in3 ~1~. 'Ihœe plans were turned down because of the necessary dedication which had not been mentioned previously. He sees no reason for Granada to be 60 ft. wide. Travis Medley stated that they had anticipated cums, gutters am pavin:¡, but there was no mention of dedication. He stated there apparently is a lY1mmI mication problem in staff. Mr. Nelson said that what is c:onfusin:¡ is that the bui.1din;¡s right across the street do not meet the setbacks Mr. He is bein::J asked to meet. Mr. Dick told the Cc:mnission they had asked plenty of questions am did not get the right answers. If one were to measure setbacks further down the street, sjhe \oIClÙd firxi that what is bein::J proposed is in accoràance with what is already there. Mr. Medley said that the boose next door is a new one; it was not built when his bui.1cl:in3 was started. It is still not done; however, on the front it looks like if it conforms, it is very, very close. Travice Whitten, Assistant City ErxJineer, said the street widths are part of the general plan am part of the Manta Vista specific plan, Mr. Nelson has done a n 1mhør of projects in this area requirin:¡ a dedication. Mr. cowan said that Granada is the only east-west street 60 ft. wide; it carries extra traffic by design. Mr. Nelson stated he was brought into the project at the final stages. He has been involved in projects with am without dedication requirements. He expressed the opinion that arr¡ dedication requirement should be brought out at the be;JinniIx;J of the process. -7- PlANNING o::H{[SSION MINUTES Regular Meetin;J of nør-ømher H, 1989 It was m:JVed by camn. Claudy, seoorxied by camn. Mackenzie am passed m1aI1.i.Joously to close the public hearirg. It was m:JVed by camn. Claudy, seoorxied by camn. Blaine am passed 1.1I1aI1:!=.1s1y to deny Application No. 5-V-89 subject to fin:li.n;¡s am subconclusions of the public hearin;J am per wJ:ài.rq of the staff report. Item 3: Application No(s): Applicant: 23-U-89 am 33-EA-89 Maria Tuna Previously continued to the meetin;J of JanuaJ:}' 8, 1990. Item 4: Application No(s): Applicant: 16-'IM-89 am 37-EA-89 DeAnza Properties Assistant City Planner Caughey reviewed his report am told the n-mmi "''''ion tbat this was the last Below Market Rate pipeline project am tbat the developer 1NClÙd probably suJ:mit in-lieu fees. '!he tentative map fails to identify <Y'II11I'IIn1'\ areas; they will need to be identified in the final map. Also, there needs to be a covenant regardi.n;J access am maintenance. A covenant designatin:J 15 parJdn;J places within the project for C1ateau CUpertino also needs to be recorded at the final map stage. John Vidovich, applicant, said the apartment buildin:J will operate as a rental project. It was m:JVed by camn. Claudy, seoorxied by camn. Mackenzie am passed 1.1I1aI1:!=.1s1y (4-0) to close the p.¡blic hearin;J. CamIn. Blaine stated she cculd not approve the application because it cculd easily be converted to corx:1aminiums in the future. It was m:JVed by camn. Mackenzie, seoorxied by camn. Claudy am passed 1.1naI1im:xJsly to reopen the p.¡blic hearin;J. Mr. Vidovich stated tbat the propJSed aparbœnts had been redesigned so they cculd be proper corx:1aminiums. '!he bank looks at this as a large loan am if the corx:1aminium map is denied, there will be no rental units. '!he bank looks at the security of their loan am the corx:1aminium map enhances tbat security. Mr. Cowan stated tbat in m::>st large scale projects, the developers want the corx:1aminium map approved as it is of greater econanic value. Mr. Whitten pointed out tbat once the map is approved, the developer cannot be stopped fran recorc:Iirq it. -8- PLANNING cn!K[SSION MINUTES Regular ~ of ~¡""".r 11, 1989 Mr. vidovich stated that approval of this map would not harm the City in aIr:! way. It was l1¥JVed by Camn. Claudy, sec:on3ed by Camn. Mackenzie and passed 1.I1'1aI1ÍlooUsly (4-0) to close the p.Jblic hearirq. Ccmnnission suggested that durirq the general plan review an "aparbnent only" designation be considered. It was l1¥JVed by Camn. Claudy, sec:on3ed by Ccmm. Mackenzie and passed 1.I1'1aI1ÍlooUsly (4-0) to ~'Ù the granting' of a Negative Declaration. It was l1¥JVed by Camn. Claudy, sec:on3ed by Camn. Mackenzie and passed 3-1 with Camm. Blaine dissentirq to recommend approval of the application as per fin:ii.n;Js and subconclusions of the p.Jblic hearirq and staff report. UNFmISHED roSINESS: Item 6: Application No(s) : Applicant: 5-EXC-89 Lance Ge=' I:>racht Previously continued to the meetirq of JarlI.IMY 8, 1990. NEW BUSINESS Item No.7: Application No(s): Applicant: 51.868.1 and 36-EA-89 Citv of OlPertino Proposed "Xeriscape" (low water usage) landscapirq guidelines. ***STAFF RÐ;;.UESTS CX)N'I'IN(JANCE 'IO JANUARY 8, 1990*** Previously continued to the meetirq of JarlI.IMY 8, 1990. REroRl' OF 'mE PIANNING cx::t>!MISSION: Camm. Claudy asked what the requirements are regardi.rq outdoor display in the parJd.rr;J lot at the Payless Showirq Center. He also inquired about the City ordinances, if aIr:!, govem.in3' 40-45 ft. l1¥JVirq vans beirq brought home by persons and bei.n;¡ parked every night in residential area. Camm. Mackenzie expressed concern regardi.rq grocery carts beirq kept outside and the recyclirq machines along the pedestrian areas at the Payless Shoppirq Center. He requested that the City ask Central Fire Protection District to look at the fire lanes. He also inquired about the am:Jl111t of m:mey issued by the recyclirq machines when bottles are brought back. -9-