PC 01-15-76
l0300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014
Telephone: 252-4505
¡Page 1
Chairman Gatto called the meeting to ordar at 7:35 p.m. with the
Salute to the Flag.
Comm. present:
Comm. absent:
Staff present:
Adams, Cooper, O'Keefe (8:23), Woodward
Chairman Gatto
Director of Planning and Development Sisk
Director of Public Works Viskovich
Assistant Planning Director Cowan
Chairman Gatto announced this was a continuation of the Stevens i
Creek Blvd. Plan Line Study and Land Use Goals of Old Monta Vista".:
. I
That portion of Stevens Creek Blvd. from Freeway #85 to the west I
City Limits will be discussed as to location of the road and
road width. This is to insure that as development occurs the
plan line will be protected. The economics will be discussed at
a later date. The Assistant Planning Director reviewed the
Schematic Diagram of the SCB planning process. Goals include
land use and road design. The next step would be to study alter-
native land uses and road designs. Then would come the technical,
evaluation, including environmental, social and economic impacts. ,
Last would be the implementation of the plan. Traffic assumptionS
are based upon 1995 traffic. As land develops adjacent to this
street the developer will be required to make dedications and
improvements, as they would anywhere else in town.
The Director of Public Works summarized the traffic projections
and how they were arrived at. He next reviewëd the January 15,
1976 Appendix A Stevens Creek Blvd. Plan Line Study and Street
Design Primer, including the Glossary of Terms.
Page 2
The Director of Public Works ,next summarized his January 15, 1976,
pàper é'fititled "Stevens Creek Boulevard Plan Lines", with answers to
the following three questiohs:l) 'Why the four-lane requirement?
2) Will the Stevens Creek Blvd. widening'serve as a shortcut to
bypass freewaý' congestion?' an¡! , '3) éán Ste,fens Creek Blvd. remain
four lariesat the major' intél:sect1ons and De 'reduced to two lanes
âf'mid-block! He stated that "t~a{fic cdunts~áré being taken at this
time, réàults of which shoul'd be readY' 'in 'tw'Óweeks. He did not believe
at this time that Stevens Creek Blvd. can be narrowed down through
Manta Vista.
~. .
Chairman Gatto announced that this 'was 'ba'sièalfý a workshop session
, and no decisions were anticipated at ,this, time. Certain basic data
is ne'eded, as well as citizen input'. , ' -"
:.." ~.. ~,.-'
, . " ...,.. . - . ," .~
Mr. Louis B .Stocklmeir, Stevens Cré~k Blvd':;, gave 'his observations
of the traffic' patterT:\1n,'this s'üièiy 'area. iie'i,~ c~ncerned about the
cooiinuters using the secondarý "as ':well as the 'pr:Cma'ry roads. He would
like to keep the through traffic off the reaidêhtiäl streets. There
should be some control of the speeding cars and he also felt there
'should be a traffic signal ät Phàr'Lap Drivê"iihich will give a gap
in the' traffic to aUi:Ìw the cars t"o get o,£t 'onto Stevens Creek Blvd. from
Carmen Road. There should '!lot be to'o'much 'traffic built up from Byrne
Avenue to Stevens Canyon Road.
,. ^.,
The Director of Public Works said the City' is working with the State
at the present time to provide douot: right turns onto Bubb Road, double
left turns onto Bubb Road, and double le.ft turns onto Freeway ¡185.
He then explained the useofthe'-C:ahran'S computer model. He answered
Chairman Gatto that one ~f; the assúmptions 'is,that Freeway #85 will
continue to De Anza Blvd. It is schedulea to c~mmence in l883 t~ the
extent 'Of pU~sing thé'right'.:..o£-way'. it 'is'' est':I:rltÍited this stretch
wou-ld" -Cost ~6 m±llfon at' ft'e'eway" standárds or $'4 lIî~l1ion at expressway
st'amard"s ."" - - - - - '"
- . .--.
The}lreCtor of
traffic signalS
of s ervi'Ce-':
publ'ic' Work's ca~tioned that 'once'you start constructing
you decrease' flow 'Of' traffic änd decrease the level
, ,
;;:. "
Since'thëi:e wet-e no more commeñt's'fromth,e áiiãiènà at this point, Chairman
Gatto tùrne,F the= discussion t?' thè,. land, use~ goals for Monta Vista: and
street design goal dir-êètion.J He: aga1nc:blvited connnents from the audience.
The Assistant Planning Director briefly described the Old Manta Vista
land use pAttern west of Byrne' Ävenue, which is pretty much residentiaL
Oneàrgümeñt' against the feasièllitý of commercial development in Old
Monta Vista 'is that'Thè Oaks 'Shopping Center has been built for L5 years
and' only' 3, shope are occupied'~' One reason may be because the owner
is' Very "þicky". "
, , '
Mr, William Cox, of Cox arid Dumont CÒII1ro.ercial Builders "said ,,:l.t.
is his contention th~t en axpa.nded commercial development in' '
downtown Monta Viatac:4Il : serve the area toireeway 28Q on the
north, Stelling or U8~'ori the east and Columbus Avenuè.to the..
south. There are 5,JOO'people :l.n thil! area; ,He suggested a
grocery store, liqûot: stQre, d~ug ,störe, dry 'cleaners, etc",folë
J or 3.5 acres on the south side,of,the $treetfrom Granada to
Byrne.: '
. :.. ¡
It was Comm. O'Keefe's contention that we would have to allow the
"little man" to remain little.
Chairman Gatto said tie Would n.ke. to know ";.mat kind ,of c01Dlll.&rcia-l
the residents in the area woufd like' to have; what kind 'of' '
streetscapej e.g., parking in front of .the buildings. What ,abo\¡<~
small, indepen,dent Du:l.1dings vex:sus larg~, ;:QlLbined businesses.. '. j
Should there be some type of mass red.evelo~t her~ ,or ~1µ>ul9: ~
let it gradually ~haI\8e. ' .' .', ' , _
Mr, Stocklmeir wanted 'to, :Ln&:lude Í{onta' Vist~'š historica'l p'';sitio
in these studies. He sa.i~ that prior ,to l88Q, this was a part of
the original Cupertino~' Monta Vista ,is only a subdivis:Lon.
Chairman Gatto called a recess at 9:05 p.m. The meeting i
reconvened at 9 :25 Pjll'. ,: ':', ~ " I
Mr. Wayne Swam eld,' 1.01'20' PharLáp, Drive.. wanted to ,~peak to Jha I
nature of the road and the traffic study. lÌe aD,Ci. the people in
his neighborhood that, he has sp.oken withue against ch,angi,ng:ÞhEL I
character of the, are,a.~ They, wa.nt....t,o }œep", ,the: rJght~f-way :ftS J,:- I
narrow as possible' and do ,not encourage. h:!,gh.sp,eed design,9f ç.þe' I
road. The social effect of mpacting Freeway 280 would Þ!1I: ·leS§i, , II
than mpacting the residential neighborhood. He sees no incon- I
venience in travelling" to Foothill Plaza to, s'þoy~, He hl.!:c tile, i
type of shopping center M:1:.. Cox referr!!4 to WO!:l~d ,change the,:, I
charactet: of the area'. lie would like to see some encouragE!!!l,e.;ltc'
of redevelopment to clean up some of the blighted areas. He aske~
if there is sOllIe reason. why. truck t,raffic cannot b.ere,a.t!=.iç~. " I'
The Director of Public Works said that stretch: is..not a truck" ,
route now, but th~re is no. way tlU! City clI.n, preven,t :,rtllr-1< d~ii¡~~
to residential and commercial' in' 'that area.' I
"Betty Boop" Hansen, Al~åzar,~~~t~. vis~~, ~~id~ ~hè. ~9~kS ~~ ~ I
local restaurant. She hop/\!s thesenipr c.:Ltizenli. ª-4-v:l.1;1g: i¡1,~ne- " I
area will be considered. She believes any developer wµ~cwan~~ ¡
to cOllIe into the area should take into account,.' the feel.1ngs..of the
people already living there, Instead o{widening the, r!3ad ,:,sheo .
suggested saving that money toward public transportation.
, '.
age 3
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I '::~i
" ""'I
, I
. ,_. ~ . " , " .-
Mrs."ToÓ1¡¡:seilo" sta¡:ed sbe.bot.Îgb.t p'r.operty in tbis area 14 years ago,
wbicb. theyr~t out to coilege stu.de¡1t:s.:." Their repair bills bave been
astronom:Œål ãnd taxes have gone ,up':',ShE\. said her new renters always
say bow lovely tbe area is and tbent~~y~is~se tbe place. She bas
res;l.d'~~:µ¡l ,~se Qn cQ1DDlerci,Ü.prope.trty a.Ilfi ....ith the uncertainty, their
hands ~ti¡â
~ .; ¡~ -:- '~'.
! '!:.,~
-." ..
A sh'ðw ofháþd~ ~ndièat,!,d:' 20';"2j 'p~o~ie
owned t'[\e!tresidences in Motfta: ,v:i\¡,ti1:.
. .," ,-.- ..;", : .;; '. ".~.-
..:- ,"... -).'
in the ~¡i¥nce either rented or
. : ;:.> - \
Comm. Woodward explained tbe City wants to find out what is economically
viable fo~ tbis,area~, wqat sbou~d ~h.e ç~ra~ter of that particular
commerciU be? .' '.' , :.':" "
:: ..;,: ......... - '--'
~ '__"~ ", - , - .0.-' , ...~, ..-:,., þ. ","'''','
Another sI1¡;-íì-ofh,Ü¡dS' indicrat~ã l1S?!f..t ,"~9 g:eppJie,in the audience have
commercial interests in Montà V!st'a'.
.-.... ., '-" ..-"~." .....:-,,-.' -- -....:~,..". ~.- ." '" - ;.....
, Mf¡;'Dertäis 'Fàu, Al¿åzar: A"IIeIñn!,' !{örtta'ViSta, said',making StevensC-ree:k
~,'.""~ ,.. "f..,~ ',",'_ ~."..,. ,r
Blvd, af:thètive'to "thro'tiglf tra-ffic"'wo'ùld' be' com:póunding their present
¡iroblelÍls. He believes the '-~b'ås{s 1th'oU:ldc bi! oÍí preservation.
Mr. satv'ádoie ;tömaseÜostá1ted' b'è: Ìi~e's:' Sontèwhere else but owns
c_è£l!ial ~ptoþ'ettyin Monta Vista ;" R~· thinks" the commercial area
should iie devàlðpéd because therè'ai:è'sefriÓr' citiZens in town and
this wduldmálttí sbopptng. easiêr for theìh:~" ' ',' ,
,,' , '1: i\.. ;:., ,>;: ~_.a- p~" 0_.-.:
Chair1Ílan iGãt\to"was aft~ed '\)'3>' diose' "prêàëni:: that - they would like some
-plan line established for~teVén~' £r~k~B1vd~'sò'they can proceed with
making plans.
.. ~ ..."
.... ,,- '. ~" -
PrivaU d~e10i*É!tIt ap¡f-eared '!:~' 'be llIÓ¥'e attrii:êdvë'to the members of
tbe audience tbal1 a redeve10pments:ttiiaHoif. 'Fôréêd redevelopment
was not well received. It did not appear to be important to the
resid~J:!;~lòi,tO' p:reserve'.thèexUt't.~g:"cófiJmé!;è:ial b,!¡Udings. They felt the
Rifredi-tYPOf,'éÒW3i!1e'S'Sc should' b'e:'èn..outägeè.. .,:;: ':.
Mr. 'Ma~t~,t\,JI'al]; su¡g.e'$teël formatión"of
people in ,tire ar;ea· to d<6¢!Ûi:e-, wbat: thè~
Plannit\fi'COIIIII1i!Ì'S.i:en" wit:h~heir ideas.,
a~èommitteé composed of the
w.dt'ànd then come to the
W .. ~
. , ....
'~~ ' -' ~ ,- '\.-, ~
Mr. ;'G'~r$-eMaIíßaÐ9"'s 'in';ere1l:t is in the.-'co1ílmQrciã1 corner east of
the' i::a.,ürQÙ.¡ ,trackii'. ,His þ&nds are" tieQ dil:i:i.l" this is resolved.
said" a f:QoP- $~rv,~çeb';$ine~1S,in he'te'would be walking distance to
sever"lhtiI!dt':edp;!.~PÀe" This'is right across the street from Bubb
He said he would likè to encourage restoring existing commercial.
Cbairman Gatto said the incentive is tbere to upgrade the property if
a person lives on his Own property or if there were some economic gain.
, ',"-. ':,>" -.,
Comm. O'Keefe said he believes the hames have dete~iora~~~,b~
necessity, not by choice. It is because. óf t,he uncertainty. '
Once the plan line is' establiShed atui'zontng is estabtiSh.eç.,; Jle
believes the area will, be ,u-pgraded. ' "d '
'-. '
_', ' . - -,"1<:: :~_ ~;>,
Mr. Martin Ball sa:ta' Stevens Creek Blvd. is a very 1mp"r~~l1lt<;"g
in the developraeat of Monta Vista. The ¡n:operty ownerS should
get together and, have some Id-nd of arcb1t~c:,turalc9~¡;ol..a.
would like to be'O'CÌe member ~of a. cO~Ttt~e to u;pJ,Qrè ~"t: tl;8 ",
people in Monta Vista want, 'èommercly . Residentially, it will
happen by itself,
. .. ."
Comm. Woodward said deaáènd .t1:eet~ discourage through 1;,r~f;Ú,.
this is what has preserved the small town atmosphere. tf this
commercial gateway to theCityi. upgr"aded, t'h,e1" he,feels ~b,e ,,'
residential will a.lSõ become uþgraded.: ,.', .
.s.:.'_,- .
Mr. Ball a.ked if, the Cit}"1s pl,alUl;i~,t;o upgr~e th.wat¡,~ li~8
The Director of N!!11c Wor~ sa1atnere :will,be SQID.e re'tiaio~ of
water lines to upitad~' the water: cs,y.t~.,. é" ", " ,
Mr. Marvin Quirt said h. wasc:urious&þout the ~own comm,rd~
at Mann Drive ancr Stevens Cireek Bl.vd. His wife l\u -a successf,¡¡:l
beauty shop thera. ~t:th.e ;ema1nd&r- 15, not ,successfuJ.. "He '"
suspects that shopping center was o~.. ¡I :lot, like the one"Mr. ,Cox
was describing. Mr. Ball said it is on septic tank and tbe Count
won't allow a restaurant there. ' He- ad¿ed, ;l;Þ4t¡. ];~O cfam.1J.i!!!!~ve
moved into the area since, t,hai: groce-y 8t01:ll went o,.ç- o.f busb,e'lI
Comm. Cooper wanted to know if redevelopment and a unified plan "
was what the people want,. O1;1e,< questj.on ~,s~ow1t:!,de. a'~nI6 of>
ccmmercial the people wouJ.å,}.~~.'" '~." , '
. .
Comm. Adams summa;~ze~Ltlu1.!; &:ttl$..s~t:lo~twear!rnot czhangit!\g.'"
the plan line very IIII.Ich iDe the preS4¥1t; c:oøærcial ar,ea.,/"'"
Chairman Gatto a~ke4 whether', it,!,s \!I&'I."e ~~t tO~v" -a toad
for relatively good trafU<:: f'low asd,'Ufgy than &-"'roadway that :
is less wide but takes less proper.ty.· Mr. Poo.se'gg'!!. ,resicfenr in
the area, said a 74" street with 2 tx-avel lanes on either side
of a 10' median should be adequate. 'rhey :&1.1 seeiìl$d' tp :wat'l't';ta'
discourage commute tra£-f1c. ,onty 4 people1.n the' aùdieftce 'wire '
in favor of a traffic light at:,i'bar"Laþ Ih:ive. ~out- b81f dui ' '
people were in favor of leaving ,the m1ddlestretch or ft=.veliS" ,
Creek Blvd. in two lanes. :.0 ~," ,"
r .... "( '~. _,: ...
-".-:',', '-
age 5
;~ "">: .;;
..... ~' t. '"'"
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Chairman Gatto said we must now determine the impacts of 4 lanes
narrowing down to 2 lanes and then, ,backup to 4 lanes again.
". ."~,~....
Tn_Assistant Planning Director asked'!f the Commission was satisfied
with the number of alternatives so the staff can go to the consultants
anAl have them begin the IDOre technical work. An added alternative
was signãls at Phar Lap Drive. The full and half loop schemes were
ëcinstdéred. Comm. Adams saw some advantage to the proposals.
Moved by Comm. 'O'Keefe to not investigate any further the full and half
loops because. of' the' cost involvedòc; ~t;f.on failed for lack of a second.
Atter 'furtherdi~:l.on-it,was, the c:om::lãnsùil' of th"e- Plann1n~' Co1lDlLission
to direct the staff to not investigate any fùrther the full and half loops.
It was decided the next meeting on this subject would be March 11, 1976.
The Director of Publ1c: Works said tt,wtll be very important to decide
on the amenities wanted, sUch as median~! 1>ike lanes, on-street or
off-street parking. .
One question raised ,from the floor was bow the school childreri would
be able to cross 4 lanes of Stevens'Creek Blvd. to Manta Vista High
Sc hoo1.
ì ~-
A gentleman in the audience said he was on a committee for San Jose
that investigated the cost of water damage to the streets from the
watering of the landscaped medians.
, -;"1"
Chairman Gatto adjourned this meeting at 11:02 p~m. to 7:30 p.m.,
March'll, 1976.
~~i'Y Ci",