PC 01-26-76
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino; California 95014
Telephone: 252-4505
Chairman Gatto called the 1!Ieeting to order ,at 7 :36 p.lII. with the
Salute to the Flag.
COIIIID.. present: 'Adams, Cooper, (7:50), O'Keefe, Woodward.
, Chairman' Gatto
CODDIl. absent: None
Staff present:
Director'of Planning and Development Sis~
Assistant Planning Director'Cowan
Assistant City Attorney Kilian
Assistant City Engineer Whitten
Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 12, 1976: Add to the bott
of page 3: "Application was taken off calendar to permit the
staff to prepare a General Plan Amendment so the Zoning Map can
be in conformance with the General Plan. It
Moved by CODDIl. O'Keefe, seconded by Conm. Adams, to approve the
Minutes of January l2, 1976, as amended.
Motion carried, 4-0
Minutes of Adjourned Regular meeting of January 15, 1976, not
available at this time.
Agenda Item III . 12-11-75 of PHOTOTECHNOLOGY. Dr. Myronek has been
retained to review air quality data received from University, of !
'Page 1
Page 2
l2~-75 cont'd
to Feb. 9th
l-Z-76 cont'd
to Feb. 23rd
Moved by Comm. Woodward, seconded by Comm. O'Keefe to continue
application l2-U-75 to February 9, 1976.
Motion carried, 4-0
Agenda Item U6 = l-Z-76 of CITY OF, CUPERTINO
Moved by Comm. O'Keefe, seconded by Comm. Adams to continue application
l-Z-76 to February'23, 1976, to enable the property owner to be
present at the Public Hearing.
Motion carri'ed, 4-0'
1. Application l2-U-75 of PHOTOTECHNOLOGY: USE PERMIT to allow a photo
kiosk in a CG (General Commercial) Zone. Said property is located
at the southwest corner .of the intersection .of Stevens Creek Blvd.
and East Estates Drive. CONTINUED TO YEBRUARY 9, 1976.
2. Applicatians l6-U-75 and l6-TM-75 .of SA!.. CARLOS HOMES & DEVELOPMENT;
USE PERMIT to allow construction of 50 single-family residences in
a planned development zone; TENTATIVE MAP to subdivide 50 resi-
dential,lots plus one lot contai~ing 11.9 acres to be held in common.
Said property is located southerly of and· adjacent to Voss Avenue
at its westerly terminus. First Hearing.
The Assistant ,Planning Director stated the concept of building single-
family homes in the dntensity' of approximately 50 has been approved
by the City Council.' Since some of the' technical details are not
available at ,the present time, the staff ,recommertded holding the tentative
map;~ssue in abeyance, It was the staff's intention at this meeting to
familiarize the Commission with the·pr~~erty and to discuss planned
development concepts. He went over the details of the January 23, 1976,
memo on ~his proposal and' showed co1ared' slides of the property. He
also reviewed the origina~ site plan and subsequent modifications.
He ask~ the Comm1ssioners to~onsider a field trip to the site.
'the.re are two pï>nds on the property, the ret,ention of which must be weighed.
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IPage 3
Comm. O'Keefe acknowledged this parcel presents some problems.
When we correct one problem with grading we create others.
Chairman Gatto asked for comments from the applicant.
Mr. Jack Chamberlain, of San Carlos Homes, explained their pro-
posal for a mix of 3 and 4 bedroom homes with 3, 2 or 2-1/2 baths'
Structures run 1700 to 2100 square feet. Present thinking is 1
that they will cost in the neighborhood 'of $~~900Ç, Colored i
slides of the type of architecture were" shown, consisting of :
. , ,
wood sid:Lng, shake'roof and heavy exterior trim around windows, .. I
etc, The detail work will take place all, the way around the unit~
not just the front. Five or six landscape plans will be offered i
to the homeowner and they will be expected to abide by them. i
There will be a $ inducement which will run out if the landscaping
is not accomplished within about three months. I
, ' I
Mr. Chamberlain answered Comm. Adams that he would prefer to have!
a decision on the tentative map as well esrthe use permit at this:
meeting, but was willing to hold, the map in abeyance if requested~
Chairman Gatto was answered by Mr. Chamberlain that they feel the'
pond would be an attractive and dangerous nuisance. Any insurance
costs would be transferred to the homeowners.
Comm. O'Keefe would like the applicant to consider single-story
dwellings along the side where there are existing duplexes.
Mr. Chamberlain said it would be difficult to have all single-story
homes there.
Civil Engineer James Carroll, 15 South BayshoreBlvd., San Mateo "-
said they have attempted to keep the pr~files low to minimize
the privacy problem. They have attempted to stay within the
spirit of the conceptual plan for this property. The plan
mitigates the EIR problems. They have accommodated the site
rather than change the site to fit their plan, Each house will be
on a lot. and colilmon:,aréa::to'be'maintainedby..achámeowners" ,,' ,~
¡¡\ìsociàtion;;" "They: plan:- ton :iì1biude" the ~l'ònd "aua¡!néthe ,'dedièàted
"peli'2space;2and'.w111èléÍlV'e.T'thé decistotiiof. th¡¡¡:'ponci"to('ty"è-Cfty. '
iiìã þlån/èall$ctorctlO% '&ííUdinS"co17e1"age~ 6% >in åtre8t8..and~21.5%
:l.n"-priva'feLlDpen spàceç''''''Private andce01llllÍo'U' ,opetitspace"of fT1è. site'
òccupy~84%.:: About 25,OOOuêu1)ictyatds of ,dirt'iÒwill be ~oved. '. ,
Mr. Car1"ollsaid the conditions proposed hythe staff ar.eaacept~r
able except 16 (ò) with regud to financial responsibility for
investigation of sheet flow characteristica,ofthe Bite' and"
potential springs, and Condition 18 requriinggdélëttonno£f,UUittl'~.
He countered with a rearrangement of some of the Å“1ta tt:l l'~GV~g,1i
a better visual corridor through the developœent.
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Page 4
The Assistant Planning Director answered Chairman Gatto that the
rationale behind Condition 16 (b) is purely economic. The staff
teelithat if there is a potential problem,for the-developer, that
the deVeloper should stand the cost. Mr. Carroll said they feel
thi,s site is difficult to grade without making a' substantial impact
~q~he site. He noted there is the possibility of loss of some
i trees with the rearrangement of the structures.
C~. Adams observed there ia a drainage trough near one of the
homes, and he wanted to know what pròvisions have been made to protect
that home. Mr. Carroll said the storm drain will take care of it.
C~. Adams asked if they have planned-pedestrian walkways. Mr. Carroll
said the walkways will on~y be on Alcalde and Voss Avenues. They prefer
to encourage the people to walk along the open·'space than along the
In regard to the 25,000 yards ,of soil movement, Mr. Carroll answered
Chairman Gatto that in one area there will be4 feet of fill and a
4 foot cut in another cul-de-sac.
Chairman ~atto asked what investigation has been conducted in regard
I to the man~de pond. Mr. CarrQll said there is no question that
this was designed to act as a catch basin to regulate the flow of water.
It is their intent to have the slope banks outside the lot lines, and
they will be maintained by the homeowners association.
Landsçape Architect Mel Lee, San Francisco, reviewed the planting
concept for Alcalde Knolls Planned Development. They will put
hydroseed plants wherever cut and fill have taken place. They wïil
put evergreen trees in the cul-de-sac areas. Each property owner
will be given credit for three trees. The rear areas will be
developed by the owners. The view from the southeast corner will
I provide :... visual corridor. They offer flo.weringas well as deciduous
I trees of different colors. llndulating of the trees and plantings
II relieves the monoto"nous effect of 'the landJlC, aping. He answered
C~. Cooper that he is not anticipating adding any specimen trees.
He answered Couùn. Adams that the plant mater-ial used will not require
high tQaintenance'. An _irrig¡¡¡tion ,system, will be put in the common area.
He answered Chairman Gattõ that hydrom1x includes the seeds, fertilizer
and soil compacting material.
Chairman GattCl~sked for coument,s f'r,P'll the audience.
Mr., Frank Fana,of: Scofield DrLve, Cupertino, said the'.Audùb'on Society
is concerned' about the pond. ,In the event none of the school districts
are iµter-ested~,he would like the staff to contact the Mid Peninsula
Park DistJ:'J.ct. ~Also, h~"said he ,read were theY'are.a.sking people to
donate property. A pond is a unique tiling and this one.is free for the'
as king .
Comm. O'Keefe asked the staff to follow up on Mr. Fana's, sug- ,
gestions. He felt the pond should be fenced. He said the amount:
of damage of failure of the dam could be minimized by lowering'" i
the spillway. It was noted a fence could cost about $7!foot. "1
installed. The Assistant Planning Director said the Mid Peninsula
Park District and the Santa Clara County Water District have beeni
contacted about the pond.
Comm. Woodward would like to pursue the possibility of the trail
system going through here.
Prof. Doug Cheeseman, De Anza College, said some students have
studied the Voss Pond and they feel it is a very valuable
resource. He said they have an on-campus fenced pond and have
had no problems with'it thus far. He said he would be willing ,
to work with anybody interested in saving the pond. He said they 1
would also be interested in other available land for students' 1
study. He feels a percolation pond would be a mistake here, II
because we would lose, the natural biota.
Mrs. Nancy Hertert, San Juan Road, said we have the opportunity i
here to save the pond. She has learned that Monta Vista High ,I
School could take care of maintenance of the area. Mid Peninsula ¡
Park District would be more willing to accept this pond 1£ they "i
find the maintenance of it is not required of them. She offered !
the information that David Voss made both of these dams on this i
property with supervision of his father and grandfather, to be I
used as cattle p'onds. He has the distinction of having ice skate~
on these ponds. She also stated that Glenn Moffett, of Foothill i
College has said this is the only pond of its kind that he has ' ~j
seen. ¡
, I
Mr. Bruce Burman, who stated he has lived on Clear Creek Court
for 11 years, said the spirit of this proposal is in the right
direction. He asked how access will be accomplished. He also
asked if there will be any fences along Voss and Alcalde.
Mr. Carroll said they will provide sidewalks along Voss Avenue.
They want some means of defining private from common property.
Any swimming pools will have to be fenced. Access to the pond
will be provided.
Mr. Francis Wallace 2218 Medina, said De Anza Oaks went wa11-to-
wall with two-story homes along the property 1ine'between the 1
row of 'duplexes along Medina. Proper precautions to save the oak~,
were not taken, either. He suggested that with this development:, j'
all the two-story units be put in the center of the project and 1
single-story units arm.¡nd the perimeter. He said "they got r~ped I,
by De Anza Oaks Subdivision" and doesn' t want that tohapp'en to :
the people along Voss Avenue. r
, ,PC-215
;page 5
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Page 6
Mrs. Judy Horst, Cupertino, spoke on behalf of her neighbors who were
in attendance at this meeting earlier but had to leave because of
babysitters, etc. She said this proposal is a great improvement over
the original one of ìoo+ units. She said they are concerned about
excessive amounts of grading and filling. She urged the Planning
Commissioners to go out and walk the property. She would like to see
quality development in Cupertino.
Mr. Don Pezzolo, Medina Lane, Cupertino, said there was a huge oak
on the De Anza Oaks property across from his property that died. He
said that development is an example of poor planning. He would like
to see the privacy of the people on Lockwood Drive protected. The
view of some of these homes will be obstructed. He was concerned about
fire hazard with increased population in the area and the narrow access
roads. He urged irrigation of this area. He is in favor of fewer
homes and less grading. He said the plans he was given show a large
drainage ditch, and he felt it was not clear what happens to the water.
Mr. Carroll answered that it will go into the same creek as the water
from the spillway and the storm drain empty into.
Mr. Pezzolo said he is concerned about what happens when you put 6'
fences around each of these homes. This will cut off the view for
the others. Open, split rail would be better than solid wood fences.
He said $ allowance for landscaping does'not assure landscaping. He
recommended something more mandatory be imposed.
Comm. Cooper asked if the duplexes are one or two-story. She learned
they are two-story.
Mr. John Claud said that he will be a property owner on El Prado·' by
the end of this week. He was concerned about the visual corridor
from El Prado.
Mr - Daniel McLean, presently residing in San Carlos, said he owns one
of the duplexes on the west side of Lockwood Drive and lived there
for five years. He said it would be nice if this area could be public
open space. There is a severe drainage problem in his back yard.
He understood most of the landscaping will not be native plants; this
changes the character of the landscape and would probably require
irrigation. This is a heavy water use. He is also concerned about
the height of the trees to be used. They could block the view of the
residents on Lockwood Drive. There will be a retaining wall at the
southwest corner. There is a 2-3' difference in elevation between his
patio and fence line. The fences in general behind the duplexes on
the west side of Lockwood are'in disrepair. He wondered if they would
bereplac~ and if so, at whose expense. He asked if there is any
intention of ùndergrounding the present overhead utility lines and if
so, at whose expense. ~He asked 1f the structure on Lot 15 could be
flip-flopped to keep thè 2-story portion of it from blocking his view.
Mr. Carroll said it is not possible to flip the Lot 15 structqre.
The existing fence along the west side of Lockwood sits back some
5' from the existing property line, along the easement line ratJie
than the property line. They will build their fences along their
rear property line. He said that in California, the fenced back
yard seems to be a necessity. They are willing to have a,6',
privacy fence on half the proper,t)"aild _open: fence onc',the:-p'ther
half of the property in the long cul-de-sac area. It may be
necessary to put in a wall to achieve lot drainage at the south-
east corner. All these engineering problems will be solved
because of the potential liabilities. There are some problems
with subterranian drainage. It is their intent to use native
plants. He believes the fire hazard is reduced when people live
in the area. He said this is a single-family, detached house
development and not a townhouse project. This PD method is used
to achieve open space. They are not anticipating undergrounding
the existing utility poles that are no~ on their property. The
hydrology report will be made at tentarive map time.
The Assistant City Engineer said the open drainage ditch to
Voss Avenue won't be acceptable to the City.
Comm. O'Keefe said he would have to walk the property a third
time before he was prepared to make a decision on this proposal.
Comm. Cooper would like a decision to be made on the pond. She
was willing to continue this application in order to walk the
Comm. Adams concurred with the need to walk the site, and that, ,
additional examination of the data is needed. He had no objectio
to the compromise of siting the 50 units on this property. The
pond decision is touchy and should be further explored and
settled before a decision is made on the application. The burden
is on the applicant as to working out the financial responsibilit
of the dam site. The hydrology decision will come, with the
tentative map. Condition 21 should include the. earth-illoving ~ti -
,tty: co~trol: &, ,restoration 1)f, ground cover--'sha"J:be accotñpl:l:shed.
Comm. O'Keefe observed that the two-story units to the east,
present some intrusion on the existing homes.
- ..:.:
Chairman Gatto complimented the applicant and the audience for
their specific comments at this lengthy hearing. He said ~here
will be quite a few children on this site, based on the s~a of
the homes, and where and how they go ahould be addreased'." ~re
specific grading plans are needed. This plan is more linear' than
the original. He would like to see more random placement of, the
structures, as was done in the original pJ.,an. What about tþe
slippage area? The fence program should be brought to the Planni
Commission. Generally, he felt the proposal was a good one.
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Page 8
Comm. Woodward suggested that the cost of having an engineering study
pf the-safety, of the c;1am s1:.ryc,t:ur"" pr~bably ~utweigbs the cost of
#f!!lcing of the, pond; '!re opted for' the split rail fencing of the
common areas fröntin~'oftVoss Avenue.
- ;.-;~;.:. ~;.~'; .
l6-U-75 and I Moved by Comm. O'Keefe, seconded by Comm. Woodward to continue applica-
l6-TM-75 cont'd I tion 16-U-75 and l6-TM-75 to February 9, 1976.
to Feb. 9th I
I At the next hearing Comm. Cooper would like an indication on the plans
where the large, existing trees are. Also, she said it would be
difficult for her to approve this proposal if the pond were to be
Results Way to
be abandoned
Comm. Adams, Cooper, O'Keefe, Woodward, Chairman Gatto
Motion carried, 5-0
Chairman Gatto ~al1ed a recess at 10:45 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 10:55 p.m. Comm. O'Keefe left the meeting at this point.
Chairman Gatto announced the fact that no new items would be initiated
after midnight.
westerly of Bubb Road. First Hearing.
The Planning Director said that at the present time, this only involves
Measurex Corporation. The public utility easement retention is, ~equested.
Measurex Plant Engineer Wes Burgen said they would like to apply for
abandonment of this street as a public thoroughfare, and are agreeable
to the public utility easement. They plan to leave this street much
as it is now and 'stated that to add a 60' diameter turning circle would
be of no use to Measurex. They would prefer to have that street came
out as it does now and to fan out their traffic.
Mr, Burgen answered Comm. Cooper that they would maintain that street
at such time as it needs surface treatment.
Since there were no comments from the audience, it was moved by
Comm. Woodward, seconded by Comm. Cooper to close the public hearing.
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Comm. Woodward, seconded by Comm. Adams to recommend to the City
Council abandonment of Results Way westerly of Bubb Road and that the
public utility easement be maintained.
AYES: Comm. Adams, Cooper, Woodward, Chairman Gatto
NOES: None
ABSENT: Comm. O'Keefe
Motion carried, 4-0
Page 9
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4. Application 2-V-75 of VERNON MILLER: VARIANCE to add to a
nonconforming structure. Said property is located at
10345 Tula Lane. First Hearing.
The Planning Director referred to details of the January 23, 1976!
memo on this matter and showed colored slides of the site.
Construction was begun without building permit in 1974. The
plan showed the relationship of the 20 x 40' addition to the
existing norlconforming structure. A since-expired tentative map
was displayed on the bulletin board giving an overview of the
area that was approved by the City.
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Attorney Michael Field, Cupertino, said he was representing
Mr. Miller on this matter. He said we are dealing with a very
specific circumstance and a specific request. For lack of a
better term, this has been quoted as a request for a variance.
It was his contention that the entire 40 x 60 existing concrete
slab with existing 40 x 40 structure on it is nonconforming,
They are not seeking to extend the slab. This is a very rural
section of Cupertino and is not consistent with the General Plan.
This is a combination residence and business. There are three
such operations in t~e immediate area.
The Assistant City Attorney said that if this is an expansion of
a nonconforming use, then by law it cannot be allowed, If the
Planning Commission determines it is not an expansion, then the
applicant should file for a building permit.
The Planning Director said it is not consistent with the General
Plan; therefore, an environmental impact report would be requir,~.
After reviewing the proposal, the Environmental Review Committee
concluded the applicant is entitled to his "day in court", and
it was decided the only applicable vehicle was the variance
After quoting from the Ordinance, the Assistant City Attorney
advised that it was his opinion this proposal constitutes a
structural alteration.
Camm. Cooper was interested in what bearing the existence of the
concrete slab would have.
Comm. Woodward wondered if the equipment was set outside on the _
slab with or without the roof and outside walls and whether this
would constitute expansion of use rather than expansion of building.
Mr, Field said this is a question of expansion of use because the
slab has been used in the same manner as the rest of the slab.
It was his opinion that the proper vehicle here is a building
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Comm. Adama wa~ answered by Attorney Field that this is a mixture of
storage and repair of appliances.
Comm. Woodward did not believe this should require a variance, but
rather an application for change in zone.
Chairman Gatto said it is unfortunate, but this falls outside the purview
of this body for granting a variance in this instance.
Comm. Cooper said Tula Lane is unique and if she could find a vehicle
that would allow the applicant to continue walling in this structure
she would go along with it.
Mr. Field said Section 30 of Ordinance NS1200 that was quoted by the
Assistant City Attorney gives emphasis to the wrong thing. This use
is not being enlarged. The Assistant City Attorney said this is State
and County Law. It is the way' to discourage proliferation of
nonconforming uses.
Moved by Comm. Adams, seconded by Comm. Woodward to close the public hearing.
Motion carried, 4-0
Moved by Comm. Woodward. seconded by Comm. Adams to recommend to the
City Council denial of application 2-V-75. This Commission has
determined this to be a structural alteration of an existing nonconforming
Comm. Adams, Cooper, Woodward, Chairman Gatto
Comm. 0 'Keef e
Motion carried, 4-0
The applicant was told this goes to the City Council February 17, 1976.
S. Application lS-U-7S of SOBRATO-BERG PROPERTIES: USE PERMIT to allow
approximately 8.000 sq. ft. of an existing building to be utilized as
a health clinic and therapy studio. Said property is located at the
southwest corner of the interaection of Valley Green and Bandley
Drive. First Hearing.
The Assistant Planning Director reviewed the January 23, 1976 staff
memo concerning the proposed quasi-public use. Further data received
by the City indicates the applicant would be within the trip end
,Page 11
~~ i. S
Dr. Grady L. Jeter, Secretary-Treasurer of S oM.A.R.T. Clinic, Inc.;,
explained this is their first unit in the Bay Area. They have i
others in Garden Grove and throughout the 'Country. "He- noted"this '
is for serious training for professional and recreation athletes.
He answered Comm. Cooper that they probably would close at 9 p.m.
Since there were no comments from the audience, it was moved by "1
Comm. Adams, seconded by Comma Woodward to close the public hearirtg.
Motion carried, 4-0
Moved by Comma Cooper, seconded by Comm. Adams to approve
tion lS-U-75 as recommended by the staff.
applica~ l5-U-75
Adams. Cooper, Woodward, 'Chairman Gatto
Motion carried, 4-0
This will go to the City Council on February 2nd.
6. Application l-Z-76 of CITY OF CUPERTINO; REZONING 20 + acres!
from R3-2.2 (Residential, multiple, 2,200 sq. ft. per dwelling
unit) zone to P (Planned Development with residential land ,
use intended with a density of 0-4 units per acre) or whateve~
zone may be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission. ~i
Said property is located adjacent to and westerly of Foothill"
Blvd., opposite the intersection of Alpine Drive and Foothill
Blvd. First Hearing.
, ~'
7. Applicat ion 2-Z-76 of CITY OF CUPERTINO: REZONING 13+ acres
from R3-2.2 (Residential, multiple, 2,200 sq. ft. per-dwelling
unit) zone to P (Planned Development with residential land '
use intended with a density of 0-4 units per acre) or whatever
zone may be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission.
Said property is located at the western terminus of Voss
Avenue. First Hearing.
The Assistant Planning Director reviewed details of the January
22, 1976 memo on this application. The purpose of this applica-
tion is to establish specific guidelines to bring this property
into conformance with the General Plan.
Page l2
There is the possibility that an earthquake fault line runs through
this property. The staff was suggesting that before any development
takes place on this propety, this should be investigated. Another
consideration is the extension of the walkway from De Anza Oaks
because school children walking along Stevens Creek Blvd. could be very
dangerous. The Assistant Planning Director then reviewed the staff's
recommendations for conditions of approval.
Chairman Gatto commented that if the Hillside Zoning is adopted, we
are looking at 14 únits on this l4-acre property. He believes 0-1 is
more appropriate than 0-4 density. In the event the City Council
changes the formula, the Planning Commission could review this again.
Mr. William.W."Hedley, Campbell, representing Eureka Federal Savings
and Loan, stated they are violently opposed to this rezoning. They
indirectly and inadvertently became owners of this property. They
have been paying taxes on it, based on the multiple zoning. In the
two yeats he has been working f'or Eureka he said they have delayed any
action on development of this property upon the advice of the City staff.
If this type zoning is forced upon them, he said there is no recourse
but to seek legality through the courts.
Mr. John Claud, ~o just became a property owner on El Prado, noted
that this property in question is extremely steep, The psychological
effect of people up there looking down on him is not pleasant. He
urged the Planning Commission to consider very low density for this
¡~' ~
Mr. Don Pezzolo, Medina Lane, said 0-1 is more appropriate than 0-4;
especially the O. It is unfortunate the owner is stuck with thi~ land.
It is even more unfortunate that he would consider placing an apartment
house on this steep property. He said that whole section should be
kept very low density. He suggested something could be worked out with
the Mid Peninsula Regional Park District for recreational use here.
- '
Moved by Comm. Adams, seconded by Comm. Woodward to close the public
Motion carried, 4-0
Moved by Comm. Woodward, seconded by Comm. Adams to recommend to the City
Council approval of application 2-Z-76 as recommended by the staff except
the density range should be 0-1 instead of 0-4.
Comm. Adams, Cooper, Woodward, Chairman Gatto
Comm. 0 'Keefe
Motion carried, 4-0
This will go to the City Council on February 17th.
OF SAN DIEGO: USE PERMIT to allow construction of a two-,
story branch office in a planned development zone. Said
property is located in the southeast quadrant of Stevens
Creek Blvd. and Wolfe/Miller intersection. (City Council
referred it back to Planning Commission for report.)
The Planning Director reviewed the January 23, 1976 memo on this
matter. the site plan iDdicated access to Richwood Court closed
off aDd the parking in that area has been deleted. the staff
reviewed this new site plan aDd fouDd it continues to function
aDd has suff icient parking spaces. One question at this point
is whether or not Condition 21 must be upheld.
Comm. Adams was answered that removal of the parldng to the
south did not present any future problems. Comm. Adams said he
did not obj ect to deletion of Condition 21.
Chairman Gatto said this plan allows a much wider range of uses
of that back property, whereas installation of the greenery on
the back portion could inhibit use of that property. Comm,
Woodward said he would at least like to see the street trees
installed .
Developer Victor Stark, P.O. Box 2Ó70, San Diego, Ca. 92112,
asked for permission to move the building 5 feet closer to Stevens
Creek Blvd. to allow adequate aisle width in the parking area.
Chairman Gatto said that at this point, we must abide by th,e ,,';'"
SO' buffer"along Stevens Creek B~vd.
Page 13
Moved by Comm. Adams, seconded by Comm. Woodward that Exhibit A ,9-11-75 Exhibit ~
Second Revision has been reviewed and is approved subj ect to 50' Sécond Revision
landscaped buffer along Stevens Creek Blvd. and 20' along Miller. approved as
Comm. Adams, Cooper, Woodward, Chairman Gatto
Comm. O'Keefe
Motion carried, 4-0
This will go back to the City Council February 2nd.