PC 01-10-77 CITY OF CUPERIINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California Telephone: 252-4505 ~- MINlTrES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION HELD ON JANUARY 10, 1977, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA SALlTrE TO THE FLAG Chairman Adams opened the meeting at 7:35 p.m. with the Salute to the Flag. ROLL CALL Comm. present: Comm. absent: Blaine, Gatto, Koenitzer, Chairman Adams None Staff present: Director of Planning and Development Sisk Assistant Planning Director Cowan Assistant City Attorney Kilian City Engineer Whitten Deputy City Attorney Foster APPROVAL OF MINlTrES: Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 13, 1976 Page 3, last paragraph, second sentence to read: "She though!: agglomera- ting commercial uses in separated areas would better enable them to con- trol traffic." Same paragraph, last sentence, last line to read, ".. .nearby regional shopping center." Page 3, paragraph 4, second sentence, replace the word "They" wi th ''The Commission...." Comm. Gatto moved to accept Minutes of December 13, 1976, as amended. Seconded by Comm. Koenitzer. Motion carried, 4-0 POSTPONEMENTS: Item U6 - Application 30-TM-76 of ROBERT NELLIS. Comm. Koenitzer moved to continue to meeting of 1/24/77 as requested by the applicant. Seconded by Comm. Gatto. Motion carried, 4-0 PC-245 Page 1 Minutes of 12/13/76 approved as amended 30-TM-76 continued t 1/24/77 PC -245 Page 2 25-U-76 Sunny View Lutheran Home . MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 10, 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Application 25-U-76 of SUNNY VIEW LlTrHERAN HOME: USE PERMIT to allow construction of a 100-unit senior citizens housing project. Said property is located easterly of and adjacent to Foothill Blvd. approximately 100 ft. northerly of the intersection of Cupertino Rd. and Foothill Blvd. First Hearing continued. Assistant Planning Director Cowan advised the Council had approved of this application in concept. Mr. Cowan noted the applicant had modified the site plan to increase the minimum distance from the northerly property line to the building by an additional 5 ft. and increased the northerly planter to a width of 10 ft. Condition No. 24 requires a minimum landscape strip of 20 ft. along the northerly property line. Mr. Jay W. Mitchell, 701 Welch Road, Palo Alto, architect, said they had made several adjustments to their plans based on discussions at previous meetings. These were shown on the amended drawings which had been sent to the Commissioners. Using a large scale drawing, Mr. Mitchell illus- trated relationship of building to apartments on Salem Drive. Mr. Mitchell questioned the need for a 20 ft. landscaping strip to ensure adequate screening. The net effect of tree placement would be to soften and minimize impacts of the buildings. Mr. Mitchell said the buildings had been moved 7 ft. and to move them further would create an adverse impact on the site. Mr. Cowan noted ordinance requires 29 ft. back-up space, but staff felt extra green space could be gotten by decreasing back-up space to perhaps 24 ft. The stall width could be widened. Having the 20 ft. landscaping strip would create greater flexibility for placement of trees. Mr. Mitchell refe=ed to Condition No. 22 which said the applicant would provide a bus stop shelter. He said they would try to do this but since this was a HUD project, their resources were limited. They need to know how costly it will be and how the funds can be shared with the City before they could make a decision. MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 10, 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PC-245 Page 3 Mr. Sisk answered Comm. Gatto there is a standard pre-fab type unit available. He explained how cost would be shared or funded from the Santa Clara County Transit District. Comm. Blaine spoke of her concern for the elderly people crossing Foothill Blvd. after leaving the bus. She wondered if the bus could be routed into the development. Mr. Mitchell said this had been dis- cussed with the County who indicated this might be a possibility at a later date. Comm. Blaine also was concerned about sound impact of automobiles in parking area on the apartments on Salem. Mr. Mitchell used site plan to illustrate proposed traffic circulation. He noted one road was cordoned off and would not be used as a loop road. Comm. Gatto-suggested relocating some of the parking stalls away from the northerly boundary area. Mr. Mitchell said this could be done, but reiterated there are very few automobiles among ~he senior citizens. An aerial photo was displayed which showed relationship of the apart- ments to the existing and proposed developments. The hearing was then opened for public comment. Mr. Leland Appleberry, 22462 Salem Avenue, Cupertino, said everything that was being allowed here was denied him on his triplex for Lot 51 on Alpine Drive. He did not think senior citizens should be put in a 3 story building. He said there are four apartments in a row that will be impacted by this development. He had offered to completely screen his building and had been denied a 3 unit development and this was for 100 units. He said the City hadn't worried about Appleberry I s expenses. He ~elt more time and study should be put into this proposal. He said there would be ambulances and garbage trucks going behind their apart- ment. Mrs. Robin Appleberry, 22448 Salem Avenue ,Cupertino , said she lived di rectly in back of this road and her building was closest. to the proposed addition. She has a playground for her children which will be affected by the parking area and she stressed with 100 units thére will be traffic. The 3 story building will block what sun her place is now getting. Mrs. Sandy France, 22462 Salem Avenue, Cupertino, questioned what type of fence would be put up. The present fence will allow car lights to disturb her tenants. A 3-story building behind their 2-story building will bring their property value down a lot. She doubted if her tenants would pay rent to look at parking lots. PC-245 Page 4 MINlTrES OF THE JANUARY 10, 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Public Hear- ing closed There being no further comments, Comm. Gatto moved to close Public Hear- ings. Seconded by Comm. Blaine. Motion carried, 4-0 Comm. Blaine said she felt having an additional 5 or 10 ft. of planter area would help as the buildings have to be screened. The kind of screening can be left to H-Control. Screening, however, will not help the noise problem. She felt Comm. Gatto 's proposal to move the parking stalls should be investigated further. Chairman Adams also felt there should be a 20 ft. landscaping strip and the parking stalls relocated. Comm. Blaine was answered by Mr. Cowan that no condition spoke to noise impact on residences on Salem Avenue. Mr. Cowan said he had a letter from the regional director of HUD regarding their experiences with parking needs in this type of project. HUD estimated a 100 unit develop- ment would need 50 spaces. Comm. Blaine pointed out the ratio between the 2-story buildings and the 3-story building was the same as the I-story buildings and 2-story build- ings found intermixed throughout the City. Mr. Cowan referred to Condition No. 17, noting this could be expanded to include traffic related noises and visual impact on residences on Salem Avenue. Comm. Koen1tzer pointed out that since part of the living areas were on the second floor, even a sound barrier would not be effective. Comm. Gatto proposed to change wording of Condition No. 25 to read as follows: ''The Architectural and Site Approval Committee shall have the ability to slightly modify and relocate the number of on-site parking spaces to accommodate the landscape area provided for in Condition No. 24 and/or improve the visual relationship to residences on Salem Avenue." Comm. Gatto felt the parking on the Salem side should be for residents only and signing to this effect should be included. Also, the refuse area should not be along back of Salem. Location of these areas and truck circulation for picking up trash was discussed. Mr. Oliver Rlidd, Administrator of Sunny View Lutheran Home, said the traffic in back area will be minimal and very seldom after dark. With regard to 3-stories, he referred to high rise development on Lytton in Palo Alto, which has been very successful. MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 10, 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING The applicants agreed to relocate. the refuse area and to limit parking in back to residents only. Comm. Gatto suggested adding a condition 26 to specify that parking along north side would be exclusively for residents and signed appropriately. Also that refuse at easterly side of the building would be relocated to the westerly side. Comm. Koenitzer said he felt the same concern should be shown to the residences on Salem Avenue that had been shown to those on Vista Knoll. He suggested switching the two and three story portions of the building so the two story would be nearest to the residences on Salem Avenue. This was discussed. Mr. Mitchell thought that it might be possible to switch the 2- and 3-story elements. Comm. Gatto moved to approve Application 25-U-76, subject to 14 standard conditions, 15 through 23 as presented in staff report, 24 to be modi- fied to indicate a minimum of 15 feet, 25 to be modified as follows: "The Architectural and Site Approval Committee shall have the ability to slightly modify and relocate the number of on-site parking spaces to accommodate the landscape area provided for in Condition No. 24 and/or improve the visual relationship to residences on Salem Avenue." Condition 26 to specify parking on northerly side adj acent to residences on Salem will be for residents only, excluding visitor parking in that area, and the refuse located in northeast quadrant will be relocated to the Foothill side of that building. Seconded by Comm. Blaine. Attorney Kilian advised this is a final decision subject only to right of appeal to CounciL He read findings required for approval of use permit. Chairman Adams said it was his belief they had found positive findings for all four elements. Comm. Gatto noted it is in conformance with the General Plan in light of stated goals; there is adequate land; by nature of the project, the amount of traffic that will be generated can be supported by Foothill Blvd. and surrounding streets; and it is the opinion of this body who approve of this application, that conditions existing are such that there will not be any substantial detriment to the existing property. Comm. Koenitzer commented it appeared that a 3-story building at 90 ft. will have the same effect of a 12 ft. high building 20 ft. from the property line. VOTE ON MOTION: AYES: NOES: Blaine, Gatto, Koenitzer, Chairman Adams None Motion carried, 4-0 Attorney Kilian advised any appeal to the City Council must be made within five days of this decision. PC-245 Page 5 , 25-1}-·76 approved w/ conditions PC-245 Page 6 12-U-76 , USA Petroleum! Corporation ¡ , , , c \ ¡ , , ! Continued to ; end of agenda) , 1 i .¡ ! City of ; Cupertino ¡ Public Hear- ing on I 30-U-74 ! I ¡ j . ¡ J f , í ¡ I I . j ¡ ¡ i 1 , j ; I ¡ MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 10, 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 2. Application l2-U-76 of USA PETROLEUM CORPORATION: Modification of USE PERMIT to convert existing self-serve gasoline station to post pay design. Said property is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Stevens Creek Blvd. and Blaney Avenue. First Hearing continued. Since the applicant was not present and had indicated he would be, Comm. Gatto moved to continue 12-U-76to the end of the agenda. Seconded by Comm. Blaine. Motion carried,4-0 3. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearing to consider revocation of USE PERMIT 30-U-74 to allow retail tire sales in an existing service station located at the southwest corner of the inter- section-of Stevens Creek Blvd. and Pasadena Ave. First Hear- ing. Assistant Planning Director Cowan briefly reviewed background of Use Permit 30-U-74 which was a temporary permit for a two-year period. The two year period expired in November of 1976. Mr. Cowan pointed out the use permit was linked to the completion of the Stevens Creek Boulevard Plan Line Study. He also pointed out certain conditions of approval of the original use permit had been violated by the applicant which would warrant a public hearing to consider revocation of the use pe rmi t. Mr. Cowan referred to a letter from the Steering Committee of Monta Vista. Staff was recommending an extension of the use permit with the applicant being forewarned that an effort should be spent in reviewing alternative locations for the facility in recognition that within this time period there is a likelihood that the use permit for the present operation will not be further extended or made permanent via a use permit application for a permanent facility. Length of extension to depend on probable time needed for comPletion of Plan Line Study. Comm. Koenitzer said he felt they should set a realistic period for getting the study completed. ;~ ¡ Mr. Kilian answered Comm. Gatto that as a legal matter, the use could , be abated at any time after use permit expired or decision became ¡ effective. Mr. Paul Castaneda, 1858 Mandarin Way, Cupertino, said he would agree with what had been said with regard to a temporary permit. ¡ ¡ ¡ MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 10 I 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING In answer to Comm. Gatto, Mr. Castaneda said they had tried to answer the citations. Comm. Gatto said he had seen tires on the of the dumpster. Mr. Castaneda said he would get a bigger bin. outside Mr. Castaneda said the owner was planning on building a bigger build- ing and then everything would be inside. Mr. Sisk pointed out that under the present permit the tires were to be behind the building inside the fence. Mr. Castaneda answered Comm. Blaine the tires were only changed on the outside when the vehicle was too large to go into the building. The hearing was then opened for public comment. Mrs. Ann Anger, Manta Vista, agreed the use permit should be extended. until the Plan Line Study was completed. She wanted to make sure this. use would not be permanent as it was not what they wanted for Monta ' r Vista. She hoped another building would not be allowed on the lot. ( ¡ Mr. Gene Collinge, 10090 peninsula Avenue, Monta Vista, said he was ¡ president of the Monta Vista Homeowners Association. He said the I , general agreement among steering committee members was that they \ would like to see a bigger fenced in area. The building is too small., for what it is used for. Personally he would rather see this business: than another service station on this corner. [ There being no further comments from the audience, Comm. Gatto moved to close Public Hearings. Seconded by Comm. Blaine.. Motion carried, Comm. Gatto said he thought the staff's suggestion of a specific period was better than an open end time period. This would give automatic review and put the applicant on notice. Based on past experience, he felt nine months would be a minimum reasonable time period. time an Comm. Blaine said she was concerned about the past history of this applicant violating conditions. Once this use permit was renewed, the same situation might prevail. Comm. Gatto said the applicant would be on notice that if violations continue'revocation action could be instituted again. I , j PC-245 , ¡ Page 7 I (: :~ ~ i ¡ ! ¡ 4-01 I , , r I I I ¡ f I ¡ ¡ I I I i Public Hear- ings closed , ¡ ¡ i ! . PC-245 Page 8 30-U-76 extended to 9/15/771 24-Z-76, - 28-U-76, and,' 28-TM-76 May Invest- ment Co. MINlTrES OF THE JANUARY 10, 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Attorney Kilian assured Comm. Blaine the Planning Commission or City Council could initiate a revocation hearing at any time. Comm. Blaine moved to not revoke the use permit and to extend Use Permit 30-U-76 until September 15, 1977 as recommended by staff. Seconded by Comm. Gatto. AYES: NOES: Blaine, Gatto, Koenitzer, Chairman Adams None Motion carried, 4-0 4. Applications 24-Z-76, 28-U-76, and 28-TM-76 of MAY INVESTMENT CO.: REZONING approximately 0.4 acres from R3 (Residential, multiple) to P (Planned Development with RlC single-family cluster intent) providing for a total of four dwelling units or whatever zone may be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission; USE PERMIT to construct four dwelling units in a planned development zone; TENTATIVE MAP to divide 0.4 acres into four lots. Said property is located easterly of and adjacent to Terry Way at its southerly terminus. First Hearing. " , Assistant Planning Director Cowan briefly reviewed background of the application. He advised new plans had been submitted. These revised plans were designed to resolve the Planning Commission's objection relative to potential privacy intrusion, the narrow side yard to building height ratio, and most importantly to develop a plan which makes better use of space located within the side yards. ,. ~. Mr. Cowan said the zoning classification had been changed (readvertised) to reflect a Planned Development. This was prompted by the applicant's desire to not incorporate commonly held area within the development to be administered by a homeowners association. ~ . Mr. Roger W. Griffin, 3238 McKinley Drive, Sunnyvale, architect, used exhibits to describe the changes made and the present proposal. The hearing was then opened for public comment. , Mr. Ron Mallard, 20608 Shelly Drive, Cupertino, said the colored render- ing of the elevations showed the houses to look like a row of horse stalls. He said the 5 ft. strip on north side of property would be in perpetual shade and he doubted if too much would grow there. It would probably be a storage area. Mr. Mallard said the last unit would not have adequate privacy with just the wall between it and the shopping center. More variety to the design would make it more pleasing to the eye. i ¡ ¡ I MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 10, 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Mr. Martin Hall, developer, said he agreed with Mr. Mallord and was very disappointed in this design. He indicated some points that were not shown by this presentation. All units would have individuality. He felt this would be a better project because of input -received. It would certainly look nicer than was indicated by the drawing. Comm. Koenitzer moved to close Public Hearings. Seconded by Comm. Gatto. Motion carried, 4-0 CODDD. Koenitzer moved to recommend approval of 24-Z-76 to the City Council with the 14 standard conditions and condition 15 as presented in staff memo. Seconded by Comm. Gatto. AYES: NOES: Blaine, Gatto, Koenitzer, Chairman Adams None Motion carried, 4-0 Comm. Koenitzer moved to recommend approval to City Council of Use Permit 28-U-76, with 14 standard conditions, and conditions 15 and 16 as presented in staff memo. Seconded by Comm. Blaine. Comm. Gatto ascertained it was intended that the landscaping screen would be installed by the developer at the time the building was built AYES: NOES: Blaine, Gatto, Koenitzer, Chairman Adams None Motion carried, 4"-0 Comm. Koenitzer moved to Council with 14 standard presented in staff memo. recommend approval of 28-TM-76 to conditions, and conditions 15 and Seconded by Comm. Blaine. City 16 was AYES: NOES: Blaine, Gatto, Koenitzer, Chairman Adams None Motion carried, 4-0 Chairman Adams advised this would go before the City Council on February 7, 1977. PC-245 Page 9 Public Hear- ings closed 24-Z-76 approved w/ conditions 28-U-76 approved w/ conditions 28-TM-76 approved w/ conditions PC-245 Page 10 26-U-76 James Jack- son, Daniel Donovan, Ralph Brogdon Public Hear ing closed 26-U-76 approved w/ conditions 30-TM-76 Robert Nellis continued to 1/24/77 MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 10, 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 5. Application 26-U-76 of JAMES JACKSON, DANIEL DONOVAN, RALPH BROGDON: USE PERMIT to allow construction of a single-story professional office. building containing approximately 4200 sq. ft. within a Planned Development zone. Said property is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Pacifica Dr. and Torre Ave. First Hearing. Planning Director Sisk referred to staff memo of January 6, 1977. He noted the application is consistent with the General Plan. The building is to be constructed in two phases. Set backs are in accordance with guidelines. He pointed out reciprocal ease- ments that would be required. Comm. Gatto ascertained the easements are a matter of record. Comm. Koenitzer asked to have original conceptual plan exhibited. This was done and briefly reviewed. Mr. Stanton Elliott, 131 E. Hamilton Ave., Campbell, architect for the project, said that as far as they are aware, they have complied with all requirements. ~he hearing was opened for public comment. There were none. Comm. Gatto moved to close Public Hearings. Seconded by Comm. Koenitzer. Motion carried, 4-0 Comm. Gatto moved to recommend approval of 26-U-76, 14 Standard Conditions and Conditions 15 through 17 the staff report. Seconded by Comm. Blaine. subject to the as enumerated in AYES: NOES: Blaine, Gatto, Koenitzer, Chairman Adams None Motion carried, 4-0 Chairman Adams advised this would go before the City Council on January 17, 1977. 6. Application 30-TM-76 of ROBERT NELLIS: TENTATIVE MAP to divide 5-acre parcel into two parcels containing approximately 2~ acres each. Said property is located at 22322 Regnart Road. First Hearing. Continued to 1/24/77 per applicant's request. MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 10, 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 7. Application 27-Z-76 of RICHARD H. CHILDRESS: REZONING approxi- mately 20.39 acres from Al-43 (Agricultural-Residential, single-family, l-acre lots) to Rl-120 (Residential, single- family, 120,000 sq. ft. per dwelling unit) or whatever zone may be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission. Said property is located in the Regnart Canyon west of Regnart Rd. First Hearing. Assistant Planning Director Cowan referred to displayed diagram and located property. He noted the tentative map had been delayed in order to finalize the geologic report and septic tank percolation tests. Mr. Cowan explained proposed rounding up of slope formula. Staff was recommending rounding up to the next whole number as long as the rounding increment did not result in a density increase exceeding 10%. Mr. Cowan said after reviewing application it was found that the smallest lot was 3 acres, so staff was suggesting the Rl-120 be designated as Rl-l30. Comm. Gatto thought tying down to specific lot sizes might create too much inflexibility. He asked if there was any way to zone it to conform to General Plan under the present ordinances. Mr. Cowan said they intended to develop an ordinance of appropriate density to prohibit lots being further divided. He said all the information on this property would be available in two weeks at the time of review of the tentative map. Mr. Richard Childress, 22025 Regnart Road, Cupertino, felt the Rl-120 designation would give more flexibility. He wanted to ensure there would not be 7 lots; he only wanted 6. Comm. Gatto advised this woul be resolved at time of the tentative map review. The hearing was opened to public comment. There were none. Comm. Gatto moved to close Public Hearings, seconded by Comm. Koenitze Motion carried, 4 Comm. Blaine moved for approval of Application 27-Z-76. Seconded by Comm. Gatto. AYES: NOES: Blaine, Gatto, Koenitzer, Chairman Adams None Motion carried, 4 PC-245 Page 11 27-Z-76 Richard H. Childress Public Hear- ings closed 27-Z-76 app roved PC-245 Page 12 Minute Order 29-Z-76 and 31-TM-76 Dividend Industries MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 10, 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Chairman Adams advised this would go before the City Council on February 7, 1977. A discussion was held on rounding up. Comm. Gatto proposed a recommendation for future guidelines be that five units or greater (more than half) be rounded; under five units, no rounding would be allowed. Seconded by Comm. Blaine. Comm. Gatto proposed a recommen- dation for future guidelines for 5 units or greater, that the number of units shall be rounded out, but for less than 5 units, the calculations would not be rounded out. 8. Applications 29-Z-76 and 31-TM-76 of DIVIDEND INDUSTRIES: REZONING 21.3 acres from R3-2.2 (Residential, multiple, . 2,200 sq. ft. per dwelling unit) to Rl-7.5 (Residential, single-family, 7,500 sq. ft. per dwelling unit) or whatever zone may be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission; TENTATIVE MAP to divide 21.3 acres into 57 to 87 single- family residential lots depending on acquisition of 7.4-acre park .site by the City of Cupertino. Said property is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Alves Drive and Stelling Road. First Hearing. Planning Director Sisk advised the tentative map portion of the appli- cation would be continued to the next meeting because of questions concerning the impact of the pedestrian easement and the ultimate right-of-way necessary along Stelling Road. The easement currently exists connnecting the subject site and the neighborhood to the northwest at the corner of Rumford Drive and Castine Avenue, but is not improved or used. A site plan was displayed and Mr. Sisk pointed out areas of concern. He noted if a pedestrian easement is deemed desirable it would be relatively easy to modify the plans to reflect the existing dedicated right-of-way for Ann Arbor Avenue. Mr. Dick Oliver, P. O. Box 2805, Santa Clara, said their concern was that the City might decide not to buy land for the park which would force them to come in again. It would also help them to know if the walkway was wanted or not. Comm. Blaine felt a road might be better than the narrow pedestrian walkway. Comm. Koenitzer pointed out if no access was provided in this general area, residents to the north would have no access to the park. MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 10, 1977 PLANNING CO~1ISSION MEETING Both Comm. Koenitzer and Comm. Blaine said they felt the residents near the park should have convenient access to the park. Mrs. Don E. Scheiman, 21150 Hazelbrook Drive, Cupertino, said Ann Arbor would be a natural way for residents of Hazelbrook and other streets in this area to get to the park. She ascertained a decision on the road would be made when the tentative map was discussed. Comm. Gatto answered Mrs. Scheiman that the road pattern would depend on whether it was multiple or single-family. Mr. W. W. Phelps, 27090 Hazelbrook Drive, Cupertino, was concerned about width of lots. Mr. Sisk said the minimum was 70 ft. Ms. 0 'Patti Brisco said she would rather see land purchased on other side for Garden Gate residents. She thought this density was too high Comm. Gatto moved to close Public Hearing on zoning application. Seconded by Comm. Koenitzer. Motion carried, 4-0 Comm. Gatto moved to recommend approval of Application 29-Z-76 to the City Council. Seconded by Comm. Koenitzer. AYES: NOES: Blaine, Gatto, Koenitzer, Chairman Adams None Motion carried, 4-0 Comm. Gatto moved for a Minute Order to recommeud to City Council that hearings be initiated to rezone any property acquired for parks at the time the land is acquired. Seconded by Comm. Blaine. Motion carried, 4-0 Comm. Gatto moved that Application 31-TM-76 be continued to meeting of January 24, 1977. Seconded by Comm. Blaine. Motion carried, 4-0 A recess was declared at 10:15 p.m. with the meeting reconvening at 10:23 p.m. PC-245 Page 13 Public Hear- ing on Zoning closed 29-Z-76 approved Minute Order 31-111-76 continued to 1/24/77 PC-245 Page 14 30-Z-76 James G. Boghosian Public Hear- ing closed 30-Z-76 approved MINlTrES OF THE JANUARY 10, 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 9. Application 30-Z-76 of JAMES G. BOGHOSIAN: PREZONING 0.44 acres from Santa Clara Co. CN (Commercial) and 0.71 acres from Santa Clara Co. Rl-IO to City of Cupertino Rl-IO (Residential, siagle-family, 10,000 sq. ft. per dwelling unit) or whatever zone may be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission. Said property is located westerly of and adjacent' to Foothill Blvd. approximately 150 ft. southerly of Stevens Creek Blvd. and one lot located in the southeast corner of Camino Vista Dr. and Stevens Creek Blvd. First Hearing. Director of Planning Sisk located property on an aeriel photo. He noted this application is intended as a step in the preparation of these properties for construction of single-family residences. As there is heavy truck traffic in this vicinity, staff will work closely with the developer to encourage the use of architectural and/or acoustical techniques to minimize adverse interior noise impacts. Mr. Martin Hall, representing now five industrial parcels. in the exhibit. Mr. Boghosian, said the property is He pointed out a slight discrepancy The hearing was opened to public comments. There were none. Comm. Gatto moved to close Public Hearings, seconded by Comm. Koenitzer. Motion carried, 4.-0 Comm. Koenitzer moved to recommend approval of 30-Z-76 to the City Council. Seconded by Comm. Gatto. AYES: NOES: Blaine, Gatto, Koenitzer, Chairman Adams None Motion carried, 4-0 Chairman Adams noted this would go before the City Council on February 7, 1977. MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 10, 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 10. Appl1cations31-Z-76 and 32-TM-76 of REYNALOO PEREZ: PREZONIN approximately 0.1 acres from Santa Clara County R2 - duplex to Rl-7.5 (Residential, single-family, 7,500 sq. ft. per dwelling unit) or whatever zone may be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission; TENTATIVE MAP to combine two lots. Said property is located southwesterly of and adjacent to Santa Clara Avenue approximately 80 ft. southerly of the intersection of Santa Clara Ave. and Grand Ave. First Hearing. Assistant Planning Director Cowan indicated site on aerial photo. He said the only concern was a 25 ft. frontage lot adjacent to this property that would be difficult to build on in the future. Mr. Reynaldo Perez, 10066 Peninsula Ave... Monta Vista, said he had no control over the 25 ft. lot. The hearing was opened to the public for comments. There were none. Comm. Gatto moved to close Public Hearings. Seconded by Comm. Koenitzer. Motion carried, 4-0 Comm. Gatto moved to recommend approval of Application 31-Z-76. Seconded by Comm. Koenitzer. AYES: NOES: Blaine, Gatto, Koenitzer, Chairman Adams None Motion carried, 4-0 Comm. Gatto moved to recommend approval of Application 32-TM-76 with 14 standard conditions. Seconded by Comm. Koenitzer. AYES: NOES: Blaine, Gatto, Koenitzer, Chairman Adams None Motion carried, 4-0 Chairman Adams advised this would be heard by the City Council at its February 7, 1977 meeting. PC-245 Pag~ lS 3l-Z-76 and 32-TM-76 Reynaldo Perez Public Hear- ings closed 31-Z-76 approved 32-TM-76 approved PC-245 Page 16 27-U-76 Michael T. Cobler Togo's Eatery . MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 10, 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 11. Application 27-U-76 of MICHAEL T. COBLER (TOGO'S EATERY): USE PERMIT to allow a take-out food facility in a general commercial zoning district. Said property is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Richwood Dr. and Eas,t Estates Dr. First Hearing. Planning Director Sisk located site on aerial photo and described the surrounding land uses. He referred to trip end count made at the Togo's in Campbell. It was apparent that the noon time hour could become a more critical peak period for this restaurant. Photos of store in Campbell were passed among the members of the Commission. Mr. Sisk said it was his understanding the applicant intended to have a sit down restaurant at this site whether or not they received approval for a take-out facility. Comm. Gatto ascertained that the ordinance states that since there were only 16 on-site parking stalls there could only be 40 seats and the take-out would mean additional impact. Mr. Michael T. Cobler, 4452 Little Meadow Ct., San Jose, said the Campbell store was the busiest of their establishments and not a fair comparison to the one planned for Cupertino. The Cupertino location is hidden from Stevens Creek Blvd. and will not generate a high volume usage. Mr. Martin Blimer, 1510 S. Bascom, San Jose, answered Comm. Blaine that the Campbell store is within walking distance of two high schools. Mr. Cobler felt the students from the Cupertino a.cho'ols would be walk- ing also. Comm. Blaine thought they would probably be driving. Chairman Adams ascertained the store has been unoccupied for about two months. A gentlemen who said he was representing the owner said this building is facing the wrong direction and will be difficult to lease except for a restaurant of this type. He noted it had been vandalized since being vacant. Mr. Gene Saalwaechter, 10920 Prieta Court, San Jose, owner of the Lost Mine restaurant, said his property had been vacant for two years before he took it over. He thought a sandwich shop of the sit down type would be more desirable. He objected to the take out operation because of inadequate parking space. The noon hour business is very important to his success and his restaurant already has a parking problem. Mr. Blimer said their employees would be using spaces at the Mobil service station. They already have a written agreement to this effect. MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 10, 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Mr. Cobler answered Comm. Gatto they didn't want a strictly sit-down operation, and they hadn't decided as yet whether they would go ahead on that basis. He pointed out the 16 stalls will v~cate much faster than those of a sit-down restaurant. Comm. Koenitzer pointed out some people would be sitting in their cars to eat. Comm. Gatto agreed there would be a real problem in trying to combine a sit-down and take-out operation. ~omm. Blaine wondered if something could be worked out with Brentwood since there always seemed to be an excess of parking spaces there. Mr. Saalwaechter explained their circulation pattern and said any more traffic would create congestion that will lose them customers. He said they had made their investment in good faith. Mr. Cobler referred to a suggestion that they erect an ivy covered fence between their establishment and the Lost Mine. The natural thing would be to go on across to Brentwood and they would be willing to investigate this further. He said there was also on-street parking. Comm. Gatto asked about the possibility of having the entrance face the Brentwood shopping center. Mr. Cobler said this would be considered if the cost were not prohibitive. Mr. Cobler ,answered Chairman Adams that the operation would be open from 10:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. He described some architectural treat- ment they had planned for the building. The hearing was then opened to public comment. There were none. Comm. Gatto moved to close Public Hearings, seconded by Comm. Koenitzer. Motion carried, 4-0 Comm. Koenitzer said he did not think the parking was súfficient for the proposed use. Comm. Blaine agreed, noting it was too bad since Togo's reputation had preceded them. Comm. Gatto said this pointed up problems they had run into before with leases on isolated sites and while the suggestion was a good one, people just would not park across the street. PC-245 Page 17 Public Hear- ings closed PC-245 Page 18 27-U-76 denied 32-Z-76 Hen ry Hom MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 10, 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Chairman Adams said a fast food operation would be a desirable use and another advantage would be the fact that they would be using a store that was closed. However, the parking situation was too detrimental. Comm. Blaine moved for denial of Application 27-U-76 with staff findings and subconclusions. Seconded by Comm. Koenitzer. AYES: NOES: Blaine, Gatto, Koenitzer, Chairman Adams None Motion carried, 4-0 Attorney Kilian advised this was a final decision of Planning Commission but could be appealed to the City Council within five days. 12. Application 32-Z-76 of HENRY HOM: REZONING 5 acres from Rl-10 AG (Residential, single-family, 10,000 sq. ft. per dwelling unit, agriculture allowed) to A(Agricultural) or whatever zone may be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission. Said property is located northerly of and adjacent to McClellan Rd. approximately 700 ft. westerly of the 'intersection of McClellan Rd. and Bubb Rd. First Hearing. Assistant Planner Cowan located site on aerial photo. He described the adjacent properties. Mr. Cowan said the staff was currently assessing the circulation needs of the nearby Monta Vista neighborhood in conjunction with the Stevens Creek Blvd. Plan Line Study. One alternative circulation pattern being examined by staff was the joining of Alcazar Street and Imperial Avenue at the north end of the Hom property. Mr. Cowan noted there are some uses allowed under exclusive Agriculture that would not be suitable for this property. He read these uses. After further discussion, Mr. Sisk suggested City Council not finalize zoning until contract with Williamson Act was negotiated. The hearing was opened to public comment. MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 10, 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Mrs. Ann Anger, Monta Vista, said she felt the applicant did not understand this. LAFCO does not favor very small parcels. The Williamson Act should be explained to Mr. ,Hom. Mr. Sisk said he given Mr. Hom all the facts of the Williamson Act. had Comm. Blaine noted she would like to help anyone that was trying to preserve open space. Comm. Gatto moved to close Public Hearings, seconded by Comm. Blaine. Motion carried, 4-0 Comm. Blaine moved to approve Application 32-Z-76. Seconded by Comm. Gatto. AYES: NOES: . Blaine , Gatto, Koenitzer, Chairman Adams None Motion carried, 4-0 Comm. Blaine moved to send a Minute Order to the City Council asking them to approve the zoning at the same time the property is put under the Williamson Act. Seconded by Comm. Gatto. Motion carried, 4-0 13. Application 33-Z-76 of CLAYTON T. WOODS: REZONING approxi- mately one acre from R2-4.25 (Residential, duplex, 4,250 sq. ft. per dwelling tmit) to RlC (Residential, single-family cluster development) zone or whatever zone may be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission. Said property is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Foothill Blvd. and ,Alcalde Rd. First Hearing. Planning Director Sisk located property on an aerial photo. He exhibited site plan of five cluster homes being proposed for this site. He described layout and site design. Colored renderings of the buildings were exhibited. Comm. Blaine ascertained Condition 16(b) referred to the driveway. PC-245 Pag~ 19 Public Hear- ings closed 32-Z-76 approved Minute Order 33-Z-76 Clayton T. Woods PC-245 Page 20 MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 10, 1977 PLANNING COM}!ISSION MEETING Mr. Clayton T. Woods, 440 Stanford Avenue, Palo Alto, answered Chairman Adams these would be 1,800 sq. ft. units with 3 bedrooms and two baths. Mr. Woods referred to Condition 19 which called for the hiring of an acoustical consultant. Mr. Woods said he knew acoustics and he would rather do what was necessary than hire a consultant. This was discussed. Mr. Woods described some of the methods that could be used in this project to prevent sound transmission. The hearing was opened to public comment. Ms. O'patti Brisco said she wanted to be sure how much open space was in this. She said there was not as much noise on Foothill Blvd. as there was from Permanente. Public Hear- Comm. Gatto moved to close Public Hearings. Seconded by Comm. Blaine. ings closed 33-2-76 approved w/ conditions l2-U-76 USA Petrole Corporation Motion carried, 4-0 Comm. Koenitzer moved to recommend approval of 33-Z-76 to City Council with 14 Standard Conditions, Conditions IS through 18 as presented in staff memo, Condition 19: The applicant shall demonstrate to the Architectural and Site Approval Committee that acoustical techniques have been applied to ensure that the' interior portions of all units meet the requirements of Title 25 of the Uniform Building Code; and Conditions 20 through 22 as presented in staff memo. Seconded by Comm. Blaine. AYES: Blaine, Gatto, Koenitzer, Chairman Adams NOES: None Motion carried, 4-0 Chairman Adams advised this would be heard by the City Council on February 7, 1977. 2. Application 12-U-76 of USA PETROLEUM CORPORATION: Modifica- tion of USE PERMIT to convert existing self-serve gasoline station to post pay design. Said property is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Stevens Creek Blvd. and Blaney Ave. First Hearing continued. It was ascertained the applicant was still not present. Mr. Cowan said he had been contacted and had planned to attend. At the request of the Commissioners, Mr. Cowan exhibited approved design, proposed design and two alternatives prepared by staff. MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 10, 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING After a brief discussion, Comm. Gatto moved to continue 12-U-76 for a period of one month to allow staff to contact applicant, discuss concerns listed in November 18, 1976 staff memo and finalize plans. Seconded by Comm. Koenitzer. Motion carried, 4-0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 14. Staff Report regarding condominium conversion ordinance Assistant Planning Director Cowan briefly reviewed City Council's position. Attorney Kilian presented two procedures which could be followed - urgency order or notice procedure. The choice would depend on when it was felt the Housing Element revision would be completed. Comm. Gatto moved to send a Minute Order to City Council requesting that they consider an interim ordinance for the purpose of prohibit- ing conversion of apartment condoniiriiums for a minimum period of one year on the basis that the potential for such changes is so drastic it would affect any housing element. Seconded by Comm. Blaine. Motion carried, 4-0 NEW BUSINESS: 15. Extension of Use Permit 10-U-74 - Westfield Co. Assistant Planning Director Cowan referred to staff memo of 1/6/77. Comm. Blaine moved to approve request for extension of use permit Application 10-U-74 for one year subject to same conditions. Seconded by Comm. Koenitzer. AYES: Blaine, Gatto, Koenitzer, Chairman Adams NOES: None Motion carried, 4-0 PC-245 Page 21 12-U-76 continued for one month Condominium Conversion Minute Orà· 10-U-74 West field Co. 10-U-74 extension approved PC-245 Page 22 Planning Department Reorganiza- tion MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 10, 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 16. Report regarding reorganization of Planning Department Planning Director Sisk referred to staff memo of January 7, 1977 which included a report to the City Manager regarding the reorganization of the Planning Department and Planning Commission meeting schedule and Department Goals and Objectives 1976/77. Both Comm. Gatto and Comm. Blaine objected to having the counter closed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8:00 to 12:00 o'clock. It was felt that at least one staff member could be available. Mr. Sisk advised it had been working without too much complaint. Comm. Gatto pointed out their main function was service to the public. Getting packets out earlier was discussed. With regard to meeting schedule, after discussion it was agreed to have one meeting for regular applications and one meeting for mid and long-range planning activities with adjourned meetings as necessary. Mr. Martin Hall commented that some cities provide that the Planning Department staff has the right to approve two lot subdivisions. REPORT OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION: None REPORT OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR: Mr. Sisk confirmed reservations for the Planning Commission Institute. ADJOURNMENT At 12:35 a.m. the meeting was adjourned to the next regular meeting on January 24, 1977. APPROVED: ATTEST: Wm. E. , City Clerk