PC 03-14-77
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014
Telephone: 252-4505
Page 1
Chairman Adams called the meeting to order at 7:32 PM with the
Salute to the Flag.
Comm. present: , Blaine, Gatto, Koenitzer, Markkula, Chairman Adam
Comm. absent: None
Staff present: Assistant Planning Director Cowan
Assistant City Engineer Whitten
Assistant Planner Piasecki
Minutes of P~gular Meeting of February 28, 1977
Page 3, paragraph 4, first
into the tile field." and
residential sewer usage."
on the same page.
sentence: strike "are being dumped
replace with "is a working estimate for
Strike last sentence in last paragraph
Page 4, paragraph 5, beginning on line 4:
"The average mortgage lasts approximately 2
of septic tanks."
Sentence should read:
to 2.5 times the life
Page 4, paragraph 6 from the bottom, add the following sentence:
"The Sanitary District said they feel that fee is inappropriate
for low density development in hillsides.
Page 4, 4th paragraph from the bottom should read: "Comm. Blaine
suggested the City consider allowing septic tanks for an interim
period, and then require sewers."
Page 4, 3rd paragraph from the bottom, add: "Among the approache
discussed was direct hookup to the sewer system and to allow in-
stallation of septic system and dry sewer system that could be
hooked up at a later date."
Page 2
Page 4, second paragraph from the bottom, strike: "as well as the seWers.
Page 5, second paragraph from the bottom, after "1976-1977", delete "is
very good" and replace with "reflects attainable objectives and cannot
offer any constructive changes at the present time."
Page 6, paragraph 3, 3rd line should read: "Council to ask them 1£ they
want the Planning Commission to look at the problem and what priority it
might have."
Moved by Comm. Koenitzer, seconded by Comm. Gatto to approve the Minutes
as corrected.
Motion carried, 5-0
Letter from Rev. John P. Tierney regarding agenda item 5.
1. Application lZ-U-76 of U.S.A. PETROLEUM CORPORATION: Modification
of USE PERMIT to convert existing self-serve gasoline station to
post pay design. Said property is located at the southeast corner of
the intersection of Stevens Creek Blvd. and Blaney Avenue. First
Hearing continued.
The Assistant Planning Director briefly reviewed the previous hearing
on this application. Last summer the applicant received approval for
a change in circulation on the site. This use permit will be in effect
until next summer. The approved plan is to use the existing structure
on the site. However, the modification proposal is to delete the
building and add a cashier's structure. The canopy will be altered. A
large percentage of the surfaced area will be removed and redone.
Mr. Kenn Sorgatz, 1633 - 26th Street, Santa~onica, California, stated
he was representing the applicant. He is Director of Facilities
Development. He said that over the last 12 years they have developed
a type of business that is being copied by other companies allover
the world. He said his proposal would function the best and at a
remodeling cost they can justify. It is his opinion there would be no
stacking problems with his current proposal, with 60? of the cars coming
in from Blaney Avenue. He answered Chairman .~ams that he would not be
willing to close off one of the entrances onto Stevens Creek Blvd.
Page 3
In answer to Comm. Markkula's question, Mr. Sorgatz said the
anticipated increase will be from 150,000 to 175,000 gallons
month, with these modifications.
Comm. Mark.kula asked how long the average customer would be there.I'
Mr. Sorgatz said the average sale is 7.3 gallons. A customer ,
is at the islands about 2.5 minutes. With this site plan pro- I
posal they can stack 6 cars for each pump.
Comm. Markkula asked if the applicant had experience with station
similar to this. Mr. Sorgatz answered that each locale is unique
in some respects. Economics plays a big part. At this station,
he felt that between the hours of 5:30PM and 8:00PM they would
conduct about 30% of their business. The balance would be spread
over the remainder of the day, except for the wee hours of the
Comm. Blaine asked if it is possible to see any other way to
design this without having the stacking along Stevens Creek Blvd.
Mr. Sorgatz said this could only be accomplished if it were torn
down and put somewhere else. He wants to leave the canopy except
for the lighting.
The Assistant City Attorney advised there could be conditioning of
the use permit that if a traffic congestion problem occurs, the
Planning Commission would review the use permit and possibly'
close one of the ingresses on Stevens Creek Blvd. I
Mr. Sorgatz stated that for $10,000 worth of improvements at this I
site the City will have a much better looking and better function-¡
ing service station.
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Blaine to close the PUbliC!
Motion carried, 5-0
Comm. Koenitzer reflected that last summer, although the Planning
Commission was not entirely pleased with this site they agreed to
approve the use permit because it upgraded the site somewhat.
However, this modification proposal is much more extensive and
puts it in a different light.
The Assistant Planning Director answered Comm. Gatto that the use
permit application approved last summer was to rebuild the islands
and concrete material on top of the tanks was to be replaced.
The Assistant City Attorney advised there would have to be grounds
to revoke the use permit approved last summer.
Page 4
The Assistant City Attorney went on to say that th~ City has the polic~
power to temporarily clos~ off these ingresses and/or egress~s if a
special condition exists. Th~ Sheriff's Department has th~ power to
control traffic. However, closure of one or two ingresses and/or ~gress~s
would r~quir~ City Council approval.
12-U-76 mod.
Mov~d by Comm. Gatto, second~d by Comm. Koenitzer to approve application
12-U-76, subject to the 14 standard conditions, conditions 15, 16 and 17
in the March 8, 1977 staff report and condition 18: That the City shall
reserve the right to revi~w the stacking and circulation of all ~ntranc~s
to determin~ if a problem exists to traffic flow on public streets and if
a hearing should be h~ld to ~liminat~ such access~s.
Comm. Blaine, Gatto, Ko~nitzer, Markkula, Chairman Adams
Motion carried, 5-0
FINDINGS: The Planning Commission finds the modification of the application
12-U-76 presented at this me~ting to be minor modification to th~ pr~viously
approved use permit and will not cr~ate any major changes to th~ approved
use permit. Th~ Planning Commission furth~r finds that:
I. Th~ use or uses are in conformance with the g~n~ral plan and not
detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted
in the zone in which the proposed us~ is to be located.
2. Th~ property involved is adequat~ in siz~ and shape to accommodate
th~ proposed use.
3. The proposed us~ will not gen~rat~ a l~vel of traffic ov~r and beyond
that of th~ capacity of the existing str~~t system.
4. The propos~d use is otherwise not d~trimental to the health, safety,
peace, morals and g~n~ral welfare of persons residing or working in
the n~ighborhood of such proposed use nor injurious to property and
improvements in the neighborhood.
Comm. Koenitz~r stat~d that the changes now contemplated include tearing
down of the existing building,~nd constructing n~w buildings.
Application 1~Z-77 of REYNALDO PEREZ: PREZONING 0.06 acre
from Santa Clara County R2H (Residential, duplex) and 0.09
acre from Santa Clara County CG (General Commercial), totalin
0.15 acre, to City of Cupertino Rl-7.S (Residential, single-
family, 7,500 sq. ft. per dwelling unit) or whatever zone may
be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission. Said pro-
perty is located northerly and adjacent to Peninsula Blvd.,
approximately 80 feet easterly of the intersection of Grand
Avenue and Peninsula Blvd. First Hearing.
The Assistant Planning Director located the
map. There are three lots involved, one of
a home. One lot has commercial designation
zoned duplex.
site on the overhead I
which is occupied by ¡
and the other two are I
Comm. Koenitzer said he had no objection to the rezoning, but
wondered if a tentative map should not be required.
Comm. Markkula wanted to know what types of buildings exist on
either side of this property. The Assistant Planning Director
said there are single family homes on either side.
It was noted the applicant was not present at this meeting.
Chairman Adams asked for cOllllllents from the audience. There were
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Koenitzer to close the
public hearing.
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Comm. Koenitzer, seconded by Comm. Gatto to recommend
to the City Council approval of application l-Z-77.
Comm. Blaine, Gatto, Koenitzer, Markkula, Chairman Adams
Motion carried, 5-0
It was noted this will be on the April 4th City Council agenda.
Page 5
recommended for
Page 6
3. Application 6-U-73 of VALLCO PARK, LTD.: Amendment to USE PERMIT
to allow construction of approximately 9,000 sq. ft. restaurant.
Said property is located in Vallco Fashion Park easterly of Wolfe
Road, approximately 200 feet southerly of Freeway Route 280.
First Hearing.
The Assistant Planning Director reviewed the Vallco Fashion Park landscape
plan on the bulletin board and located the site presently under review
for a restaurant. The proposal is to shift 9,000 sq. ft. of floor area
from the main structure to a free-standing structure. They are currently
below the allowable square footage. The question is whether or not this
is an appropriate location for a free-standing restaurant.
Comm. Koenitzerwas concerned that the customers might step out into the
lanes of traffic directly from the steps by the retaining wall. Mr. Ward
indicated there is a sidewalk next to the retaining wall on that side of
the drive.
Vallco Park General Manager Walter Ward said Messrs. Bill Tagg and Bill
Rudolph were available to answer any technical questions. Mr. Ward said
they have always planned for a restaurant on this side of Wolfe Road.
They had originally planned a restaurant within each loop. As to the
retaining wall, the pedestrians would have good vision of the lanes of
Comm. Gatto was concerned with the traffic circulati , pattern. There
followed a lengthy díscussion of the parking layout.
Comm. Markkula asked what the rationale was for placing the restaurant in
this location. Mr. Ward said each of the department stores has a reciprocal
agreement in regard to the parking, and the restaurant needs maximum
exposure. He said all the department stores feel this is the best location
for the restaurant.
Comm. Blaine was concerned that once the 35 parking spaces were filled up,
the rest of the customers will have to cross streets to get to the
restaurant from their cars.
Mr. Ward said that because of the Fire Code these restaurants cannot be
in the mall; therefore, they want to get them as close to the shoppers as
Comm. Gatto suggested the northern tip of the property, presently for the
overflow parking, would be a good place for the restaurant and its parking.
Mr. Rudolph said there are 225 seats in the bar and restaurant. Comm.
Koenitzer noted the Ordinance calls for 58 parking spaces and here we
have 35. He said 1/3 to 1/2 of the business will have to be walk-in.
Mr. Ward answered Comm. Markkula that a pedestrian walkway would be
economically unfeasible.
Page 7
Chairman Adams asked for comments from the audience. There were
Moved by Comm. Blaine, seconded by Comm. Gatto to close the
public hearing.
Motion carried, 5-0
The Assistant City Engineer assured Comm. Blaine that the site
distance through the tunnel is quite good.
Comm. Gatto said his only concern is the parking problem potentia
on Wolfe Road and the limited parking by the restaurant. There
will be a problem of visually connecting the north parking lot
with the restaurant site. Solution of this can be made in the
site design.
Moved by Comm. Koenitzer, seconded by Comm. Blaine to approve
amendment to application 6-U-73, subject to the 14 standard
conditions; Condition 15. The approval is based upon Exhibit A
and may be modified by conditions herein.; and Condition 16 in
the March 9, 1977 staff report.
6-U-73 amend.
Findings: That the use or uses are in conformance with the genera
plan and are not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifi-
cally permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is to be
located. That the property involved is adequate in size and shap
to accommodate the proposed use. That the proposed use will not
generate a level of traffic over and beyond that of the capacity
of the existing street system. That the proposed use is otherwis
not detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals and general
welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of suc
proposed use nor injurious to property and improvements in the
neighborhood .
Amendment was made by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Blaine, to
add Condition 17: Exhibits B, C, D and E were expressly left to
H-Control approval and one of the other items the Planning Com-
mission would like H-Control to review is pedestrian linkage to
the parking area to the north and signing for directing traffic
to that parking area.
Vote on the Amendment:
AYES: Comm. Blaine, Gatto, Koenitzer, Markkula, Chairman Adams
NOES: None
Amendment carried, 5-0
Vote on Motion:
AYES: Comm. Blaine, Gatto, Koenitzer, ~~rkkula, Chairman Adams
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
Page 8
Chairman Adams called a recess at 9:12PM. The meeting reconvened at 9:25P}
4. Applications 3-Z-77, I-TM-77 and 3-U-77 of WOOLWORTH CONSTRUCTION
COMPANY: REZONING approximately 1.39 acres from CG (General
Commercial) to P (Planned Development with commercial use intent)
or whatever zone may be deemed approriate by the Planning Commission;
TENTATIVE MAP (1-TM-77) to combine three parcels containing a total
of 1.39 acres into one parcel; USE PERMIT to allow construction of
approximately 13,400 sq. ft. of commercial building space. Said
property is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of
Stevens Creek Blvd. and Blaney Avenue. First Hearin~.
The Assistant Planning Director explained this site has been expanded
to include everything north to the 7-11 store from Stevens Creek Blvd.
Circulation of the parking lot will come within 13 feet of existing
residential. There will be no alcoholic beverages. This will not be
a 24-hour operation, as was the recent Denney's proposal. There is
interface between this and the adjoining commercial property to the west.
Cars travelling east would have the option of a U-turn at the intersection
and then turning into a limited number of driveways. He said this plan
shows the heaviest concentration of traffic in an aisleway running
parallel to Stevens Creek Blvd.
The Assistant City Engineer answered Comm. Koenitzer that the staff has
no definite location, but they recommend a 12 foot area be reserved for
a bus stop along Stevens Creek Blvd.
The Assistant Planning Director recommended a condition be attached that
there be no external noise.
Mr. Al Woolworth, Azalea Way, Los Altos, said a bus stop would take just
that much more off Blaney, but that is the City's option. An irrevokable
offer of reservation could be offered and if it is not needed it just
won't be picked up by the City.
Comm. Blaine asked if there will be any trucks connected with this operation.
Alco representative Jack Blake answered there will be some trucks; however,
most will operate out of the Santa Clara location. This will not be a
service center, but rather a sales location. They want to make this a
very beautiful store.
Mr. Bill Nurick, 20094 Wheaton Drive, Cupertino, said he was not speaking
particularly against this proposal but he had some questions. At the
previous proposal, one Councilman said concerned citizens living in that
area should get involved. He said he left his name with the City but was
never contacted. One of his concerns is the turn-out only 15 feet from
the adjacent neighborhood. He believes this is too close. He also suggested
there might be some problems in the parking lot at night with the 9 PM closing.
Page 9
Mr. Nurick was happy to see there would be restrictions as to
noise. He noted a book store was planned for the other building
and cautioned them about the type of book store. He asked where
the trash bins would be located. He hoped they would not be up
close to the residentiaL
Chairman Adams said there is a condition eliminating outside
Comm. Blaine said H-Control might want to consider an 8 foot
instead of a 6 foot masonry wall.
The Assistant City Planner said Mr. Kinsey and Mr. Grant were
contacted by the City in regard to this public hearing.
If approved at this meeting, the matter will go to the City
Council April 4th and to H-Control after that.
Mr. Tom Siron, 20064 Wheaton Drive, Cupertino, said he lives
ümnediately west of the parking lot. He said the group of
homeowners present in regard to this proposal wanted to make sure
it is something compatible with the neighborhood.
The Assistant City Engineer commented that left turns in and out
of this site may be a problem and right turns only may be recom-
mend ed .
Mr. Dave Johnstone, 10128 Myer Place, Cupertino, thinks we finall
have something workable for this site. However, he is concerned
about the buffer area between the residential and this property.
He is also concerned about the east/west traffic aisle.
Mr. George Foster, 10151 North Blaney, Cupertino, is also con-
cerned about the buffer, lighting, left turns, etc. He asked
if, once the building is built, there are any controls over
hours of operation and types of use. Chairman Adams answered in
the affirmative. Comm. Gatto explained conditions of approval.
Camn. Blaine is concerned about the 30 foot landscaped buffer tha
the turn aisle juts into. Chairman Adams suggested deleting the
last 4 parking spaces. Comm. Gatto suggested a relatively
heavy and continuous planting along the buffer area with the
plants in groups or groves.
Moved by Comm. Blaine, seconded by Comm. Koenitzer to close the
Public Hearing.
Motion carried, 5-0
Comments of the Commissioners followed. Comm. Koenitzer would
like to see some better architecture here. Comm. Gatto would lik
Condition 17 to contain a list of permitted uses.
Moved by Comm. Koenitzer, seconded by Comm. Gatto to recommend to
the City Council approval of application 3-Z-77 with the 14 stand
ard conditions, Condition 15 to delete Exhibit C of 3-U-77,
Condition 16 as proposed by staff, Condition 17 shall read:
"That this approval is for an 8,400 sq. ft. and a 3,000 sq. ft.
general retail store. The allowed uses shall be restricted to
those identified on the list submitted by the applicant (labeled
Exhibit B-1 of 3-U-77) and a record and electronic stereo store.
New uses may be permitted to occupy the retail space in this
project when, in the opinion of the Planning Director, they sub-
stantially conform to the list of permissible uses in Exhibit B-1
and which will not exceed the maximum trip generation of 2.0 trip
ends per 1,000 sq. ft." Conditions 18 and 19 as in the staff
report. Condition 20 shall read: '~he applicant/owner shall
consummate an irreversible offer of dedication for a 12-foot wide
easement adjacent to and paralleling Stevens Creek Blvd. for a
bus turnout. Condition 21: "There shall be no outside speakers
used by any tenant, nor shall the tenant make loud noises exceed-
ing the DBA noise level of the human voice during a normal
conversation." Condition 22: Per Exhibit B modified to show 30 ft
landscaping with no driveway nor access to this landscaped strip.
Comm. Blaine, Gatto, Koenitzer, ~~rkkula, Chairman Adams
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Comm. Koenitzer, seconded by Comm. Gatto to recommend
to the City Council approval of application I-TM-77, subject to
the 14 standard conditions and Condition 15 as presented by the
staff .
Findings: That the proposed map is consistent with the general
and specific plans. That the design or improvement of the pro-
posed site is consistent with the general and specific plans.
That the site is physically suitable for the type of development.
That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of
development. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed
improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental
damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or
their habitat. That the design of the subdivision or the type of
improvements are not likely to cause serious public health prob-
lems. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improve-
ments will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at
large, for access through or use of, property within the proposed
~tion carried, 5-0
Page 10
Moved by Comm. Koenitzer, seconded by Comm. Gatto to recommend to
the City Council approval of application 3-U-77, subject to the
14 standard conditions and Conditions 15 - 21 as enumerated in
the staff report.
Findings: That the use or uses are in conformance with the gener 1
plan and are not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifi-
cally permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is to be
located. That the property involved is adequate in size and shap
to accommodate the proposed use. That the proposed use will not
generate a level of traffic over and beyond that of the capacity
of the existing street system. That the proposed use is other-
wise not detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals and
general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighbor-
hood of such proposed use nor injurious to property and improve-
ments in the neighborhood.
Motion carried, 5-0
This proposal will go to the City Council April 4, 1977.
MINUTE ORDER: By Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Koenitzer, to
notify the H-Control Committee that one of the reasons for that
30-foot buffer is to provide heavy screening.
Motion carried, 5-0
5. Applications 4-Z-77, 2-TM-77 and 5-U-77 of PACIFIC VALLEY
BANK: REZONING 2.55 acres from CG (General Commercial) to
P (Planned Development with commercial and professional offic
use intent) or whatever zone may be deemed appropriate by the
Planning Commission; TENTATIVE MAP to combine five parcels
into one parcel containing 2.55 acres; USE PERMIT to allow
construction of approximately 8,000 sq. ft., 2-story office
building on Stevens Creek Blvd. and approximately 4,500 sq. f
bank facility and 6,000 sq. ft. office building on North
De Anza Blvd. Said property is located in the northeasterly
quadrant of North De Anza Blvd. and Stevens Creek Blvd.
First Hearing.
The Assistant Planner reviewed the site plan and architectural
proposal for this property. The project will be built in two
phases. The staff recommends one-way out. The applicant has
assured the staff they will save as many of the mature trees as
possible. The Architectural Review Committee was concerned about
the roofline.
Page 11
to H-Control
Pag e 12
The Assistant Planner said there is already a joint access to Stevens
Creek Blvd. between this property and the Catholic Church next door.
The rational for parking in an east/west direction is to get the most
utilization out of the parking area.
Colored slides of the site were shown. The two vacant structures have
been without electrical power since 1973, with the undergrounding of
utilities on De Anza Blvd. There is no historical significance to the
existing buildings on the site. The applicant will be utilizing all
trip ends allowed.
Comm. Blaine would like the staff to check further as to possible
historical significance of the 3 structures on the site. The Assistant
Planning Director said the City Council has determined the Baer house
has no historical significance. However, the blacksmith shop on the
property is a replica and is being moved to the Horse Ranch.
Comm. Markkula said he has been in this
say it has no historical significance.
old house. Comm. Blaine agreed.
old house and he would hate to
He believes it is an interesting
Mr, Phillip Boice, President of Pacific Valley Bank, stated he would be
delighted to donate the buildings to the City. They are in the right-
of-way and at the present time are an "attractive nuisance". Phase I
combines 7 pieces of property. He said they tried to purchase the corner
service station and the Baer property but were rejected. He said they
are very interested in saving the trees. He is interested in changing
the parking configuration in order to save trees.
The letter from Rev. John P. Tierney, of St. Joseph of Cupertino Church
was introduced.
Mr. Boice said that in talking with Father Tierney, he hopes to coordinate
parking with the Church if the Church is willing to proceed with the
completion of the De Anza Blvd. widening. He said he is interested in
being a good neighbor and in staying here a long time.
Mr. Boice said Phase I is going to run about $100 per foot; the project
will run $1 million. The sign will be tied in with the building design.
Comm. Gattoo, commenting on the l-way drive, said that if it becomes a
queuing problem he recommended perpendicular rather than angle parking.
The Commissioners seemed to like the ar~hitecture.
Since there were no further comments from the audience, it was moved by
Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Blaine to close the public hearings.
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Markkula to r~commend
to the City Council approval of application 4-Z-77, subject to
the 21 conditions as enumerated in the March 10, 1977 staff repor
Comm. Blaine, Gatto, Koenitzer, Markkula, Chairman Adams
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Comm. Gatto, s~cond~d by Comm. Koenitzer to recommend
to the City Council approval of application 5-U-77, subject to
the same 21 conditions as for application 4-Z-77.
Findings: That the use or us~s ar~ in conformanc~ with the
general plan and are not detrimental to existing us~s or to uses
specifically permitt~d in the zone in which th~ propos~d use is
to b~ located. That th~ prop~rty involved is adequate in siz~
and shape to accommodat~ the proposed use. That the proposed use
will not g~nerat~ a l~vel of traffic over and b~yond that of the
capacity of the ~xisting street system. That the proposed us~ is
otherwise not detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals
and gen~ral welfar~ of persons residing or workin~ in the neigh-
borhood of such propos~d use nor injurious to property a~J im-
provem~nts in the neighborhood. It has been demonstrated that
the trip ~nd gen~ration will not exceed that designated for this
Comm. Blaine, Gatto, Koenitzer, Markkula, Chairman Adams
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Comm. Blaine, seconded by Comm. Koenitzer to recommend
to the City Council approval of application 2-T}!-77 with the 14
standard conditions and conditions 15 and 16 as recommended by
the staff and th~ findings as listed in the staff report:
That th~ proposed map is consistent with the general and sp~cific
plans. That the design or improvement of th~ proposed subdivisio
is consistent with the g~n~ral and specific plans. That the sit
is physically suitable for the type of developm~nt. That the sit
is physically suitable for the proposed density of dev~lopment.
That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements
ar~ not likely to cause substantial ~nvironmental damage or sub-
stantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or th~ir habitat.
That th~ design of th~ subdivision or the type of improvements
are not likely to cause s~rious public health problems. That the
design of the subdivision or th~ type of improv~m~nts will not
conflict with easem~nts, acquired by the public at larg~, for
acc~ss through or us~ of, prop~rty within the proposed subdivisio
Page 13
Page 14
Comm. Gatto added the subconclusion that this very much conforms with the
general plan in that it agglomerates properties to make an integrated
development possible.
Comm. Blaine, Gatto, Koenitzer, l~rkkula, Chairman Adams
Motion carried, 5-0
The Planning Commission adopted a Minute Order to City Council recommending that
the historical background of the two houses and metal shed be researched prior
to approval oL:this: project.
Comm. Markkula suggested a flashlight with an arrow might make presenta-
tions somewhat smoother and more clear.
Comm. Blaine stated she attended the recent ABAG/MTC meeting and found it
very interesting to see that 7 of the 9 alternates showed West Valley Freeway
going through. It was brought out that they feel this is imperative, but
there is no money to accomplish it. She asked what,vill happen without
West Valley Freeway extension. All light rail exhibits showed freeways
going through Cupertino, not stopping here. They are asking for comments
at the Board of Supervisors. The Planning Director will report this to
the City Council.
Chairman Adams briefly reported on the February 28th meeting I sin-depth
study of sewers versus septic tanks in the foothills, alternatives for
fee structure and Bill Cotton's Seismic Safety report.
In regard to the second meeting of each month, the Assistant Planning
Director stated effort will be directed toward getting the Planning
Commission involved in regional studies.
Chairman Adams adjourned this meeting at 11:28 PM.
, f."vt
Victor J.
Wm. E.