PC 07-25-77 CITY OF CUPERTINO, STAIE OF CALIFORNIA ~0300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: 252-4505 PC-260 Page 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEE'rING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION HELD ON JULY 25, 1977 IN THE COUNCIL C!ù\MBER, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA SALUTE TO THE FLAG Chairman Koenitzer called the meeting to order at 7:40 PM with the Salute to the Flag. R.OLL CALL , I I Adams, Blaine, Gatto, Markkula, Chairman Koenitzer None I I I I I , I I i I I I , 1 I 1 Page 7, next to the last paragraph, last line: Delete "feasibility" and replace with "setbacks and visual break-up." I ! , ! Staff present: Director of Planning and Development Director of Public Works Viskovich Assistant Planning Director Cowan Assistant City Engineer !{hitten Sisk Comm. present: Comm. absent: APPROVAL C)II MINUTES Minutes of July 11, 1977: Page 9, paragraph 5, line 2, add "said" after "applicant". read: "Comm. Adams. . .compressor the on/off cycling and relief valve I ~ Change 'f..manpooling" to "vanpoolingfl.. i Y 1" I Moved by Comm. Gatto. seconded by Comm. Adams to approve the Minutes of- July 11,1977, as corrected. Page 10, last paragraph should running during work hours with noise.'" Page 12, paragraph 8, line 4: ~..1nutes of July 11th approved Motion carried, 5-0 PC-260 Page 2 MINUTES OF JULY 25, 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Minutes of July 13, 1977: Page 3, paragraph 1, line 2: Add "8-U-77" after "City Council". Minutes of July 13th approved Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Adams to approve the Minutes of July 13, 1977 as corrected. Motion carried, 5-0 POSTPONEMENTS . I Se].smic/Safety 'As recommended Element removed 'I' Comm. Adams to from Calendar by staff, it was moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by remove the Seismic/Safety El~ent from the Calendar. Motion carried, 5-0 WRITTEN COMMlJNICATIONS The Assistant Planning Dire<:tor referred to the packet submitted by Mrs, Patti Briscoe. ORAL COMMlJNICAXIONS None PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearing to consider a specific general plan for the area bounded by Freeway Route 85 on the east and Byrne Avenue on the west and consideration of a street plan line for Stevens Creek Blvd. between Freeway Route 85 and Ridgeway Drive (entrance into De Anza Oaks residential development). First Hearing continued . The Assistant Planning Director presented the case for four lanes. Stevens Creek Blvd., between Orange Avenue and Bubb Road is presently wide enough for four lanes and a median. which would require the taking of five feet of public sidewalk (leaving a five-foot sidewalk) and reconstructing the curb. There would be no taking of buildings nor major structures or large trees. He added that it is important for future businessmen to know what the City plans for this area. Present thinking is for a six-foot median between Orange Avenue and Bubb Road with turn pockets at Orange Avenue. It ia not desirable to have left turns at Imperial Avenue. This plan provides a safety measure to control traffic and can be used as an aesthetic device to soften the look of it. MINUTES OF JULY 25, 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING The Assistant Planning Director said the Mercants I Association is concerned about the lack of left-turn movement. There is the . possibility of perpendicular parking along Pasadena and Imperial. I The main circulation would be Granada and Orange Avenue. The Assistant City Engineer said the left'-turn-only on Pasadena I would only work with a 12-foot median. With an a-foot median ther, would not be enough room. I I I I I I Comm. Blaine asked the staff if this plan called for bike lanes through Monta Vista. The Assistant Planning Director said the only recommendation is to do away with bike lanes and add parallel parking. He added that the County Board of Supervisors will also be studying this plan. Comm. Gatto was answered by the Director of Public Works hypothetically, 1£ a developer came in with a major plan area, he would be required to put in the medians, etc. that, for this The Assistant Planning Director next reviewed the July 25, 1977 "Stevens Creek Roulevard Plan Line Study"; The Case for Four Lanes, He said the Traffic Consultant has not yet had a chance to review i tlús document. He added that we are planning for 1995 traffic I based upon assumptions. Even a minimal development will require ! four lanes on Stevens Creek Blvd. The discussion switched to the area along Stevens Creek Blvd. from Bubb Road to Foothill Blvd. The staff recommended 2 lanes west of Foothill Blvd. The Assistant Planning Director said the consultant's studies indicate that if Stevens Creek Blvd. is widened to four lanes there will be some traffic leaving the freeway at Foothill Blvd. and continuing on southeast. However, this will never reach F level of service. The staff said Stevens Creek Blvd. will neVer be made so attractive that people will get off the freeway, go down Stevens Creek Blvd., and then get back on the freeway. The County Planning Department feels there is a need for a wider Orange Avenue. There won't be so much additional traffic, but there will be truck traffic and we must ensure a sufficient turning radius. Chairman Koenitzer opened the discussion to the public at this point. Mr, Wesley Williams, 10067 Byrne Avenue, Homeowners Association, read his summary Stevens Creek Plan Line:which included: President of Monta Vista t on recommendation for the I' 1) It is important to I I I I I PC-260 Page 3 PC-260 Page 4 MINUTES OF JULY 25, 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING have left-turns at Imperial Avenue. 2) They recommend bike lanes and 'left turn lanes in downtown Menta Vista. They are against on-street parking on Stevens Creek Blvd. They recommend 3' medians. They would like to cul-de-sac Old Stevens Creek Road. Mr. Dave McLeroy, 21920 Hermosa, Menta Vista, spoke for the Small Business Association. They wanted to know on what legal basis the City of Cupertino is procéeding on this. The Planning Director said the City does have the ability within its planning area to make plans. The State allows cities to make such plans. Monta Vista is within Cupertino's sphere of influence. Mr. McLeroy asked if the people in the unincorporated area have the right to vote for the representatives who make these decisions. The Planning Director said the County Board of Supervisors will act on this plan. The people in the unincorporated area have the right to input to the County Board of Supervisors. Mr. McLeroy said they are concerned whether they will be guaranteed access to the businesses along Stevens Creek Blvd. They are concerned about the routes for the large trucks with this proposed street design. They are also concerned about the commute traffic that will only pass through their community. Mr. Louis Stocklmeir, 22120 Stevens Creek Blvd., referred to the letter he wrote the previous week to the Planning Commissioners which expressed his particular stand on the widening of Stevens Creek Blvd. He is not ¡OPposed to the widening. He is concerned about the centerline in relation to his property on both sides of the road. He wanted to know where this road is going to be shifted between Phar Lap and Foothill Blvd. lIt is his contention that a straighter road would be conducive to fewer accidents. He is cbncerned about the status of the old, historical trees that may be threatened. The Director of Public Works stated that through the use of retaining walls and other means, some of the trees will be able to be saved. Seven trees OVer 12'" diameter would be affected with the staff's recommended southerly option. It also takes three homes. The northerly option would take five homes in the Roo Hoo Hill area. Mr. Stocklmeir said it looks like the southeast baseline will take out most of these heritage trees. The eucalyptus was planted the same year the United States Post Office named the Cupertino Post Office. He said this section of roadway has some of the most intriguing history in this area, The Assistant Planning Director said a new bridge would have to be constructed over Stevens Creek. He believes the eucalyptus tree is far enough away frcm the abutment. MINUTES OF JULY 25, 1911 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Mr. Stocklmeir said he is concerned about the impact of the traffiq along Stevens Creek Blvd. to the new homes on his property. Mr. Mike Bullock, 21851 Hermosa Avenue, said he is a Member of the Menta Vista Homeowners Association and he also has his Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering. For the last four years he has been involved in computer modeling. He had some questions for Mr. Goodrich and was disappointed that he was not present. He said this plan line hinges on the Goodrich study. The Planning Commission has received the material he submitted the previous Thursday. He contends that if extension of Freeway 85 was not in the computer model there would be lower traffic levels on Stevens Creek Blvd. The reduction in traffic comes about because card would not have to wait for traffic lights. However, the most critical freeway is /1280. He questioned the B/C criteria which he contends the City holds as a fact. Traffic flow is far from the most important factor for the City to consider. He said the air in Cupertino does not meet the Federal Air Quality Standards. He stressed that we need to provide transportation alternatives, and there are ways the City can promote transit. Chairman Koenitzer asked Mr. Bullock if cars sitting in long lines at a stop light or cars moving along cause more pollution. Mr. Bullock agr,eed moving cars cause less pollution, but he feels that 4 lanes on Stevens Creek Blvd. will bring more traffic onto that street. Attorney Lester G. Sachs, 675 North First Street, San Jose, said he was representing Blackberry Farm. They prefer the existing situation. They are in sympathy with the Monta Vista merchants. They are concerned about medians. At this point, the Assistant' Planning Director showed how there will be protected left turns east and west from Blackberry Farm. Old Stevens Creek Road will be cul-de-sac'd. In the future, there will be a control signal I at Orange Avenue. Comm. Gatto added that this is just a suggestion at this point, and until it is adopted by the City Council it is 'I' not a fact. I I I I I I The staff was asked if the people along Granada had been notified they will have Blackberry Farm traffic along their street if this plan goes into effect. The Assistant Planning Director said the staff has notified the people within 300 feet of this planning area. In addition there have been a series of notifications pos ted . Mr. Craig Hermsmeyer, 21700 Granada, Monta Vista, said he does resource policy work at San Jose State College. He has been studying-petrolium availability by 1995. He said it will peak at 1989. He said the Environmental Impact Statement does not include the social ramifications.related to this proposal. PC-260 Page 5 , , , PC-260 "age 6 I j MINUTES OF JULY 25, 1977 "LANNING COMMISSION MEETING I I Chairman Koenitzer called a recess at 9 :50 PM. The meeting reconvened I at 10 :10 PM. i Mr. Mike Bullock read a letter from the Transportation Commission, dated June 4, 1977. ¡Mr. Wesley Williams spoke, representing himself rather than the Menta I Vista Homeowners this time, said he is impacted by the traffic on Byrne ¡Avenue today which is mostly commuter traffic rather than local ¡traffic caused by the two-lane Stevens Creek Blvd. He is in favor lof slowing down the traffic along the routes his children walk to their !school and the store. He wants some kind of traffic controls. ¡Mrs. Patti Brisco, Russelhurst, Monta Vista, urged the "lanning ¡Commission to preserve their small town environment which is unique. ¡She felt the County and LAFCO should be represented at these Planning ¡Commission discussions so they could benefit by all the input. , I The Assistant Planning Director answered Chairman Koenitzer that the ,staff has explored this possibility and will check with them again. Mrs. Brisco said Ms. Steinberg is her representative and she should be attending these meetings. Barbara Trubell, 10354 Imperial Avenue, said she has lived there for eleven years. She favors changes to Stevens Creek Blvd. to encourage commuters to remain on Stevens Creek Blvd. rather than on Orange Avenue, 'I Hyrne and McClellan. She likes the idea of four striped lanes on Stevens Creek Blvd. She likes the idea of a signal at Orange Avenue in combination ¡ with the Adriana and Mann Drive configuration to align with Orange Avenue. j This will give a safer access to the shopping area. She would like to I See off-street parking so bike lanes could be continued through Monta '¡Vista a.,'nd so visibility would not be impaired for drivers getting onto Stevens Creek Blvd. !Comm.!Gatto said he had four basic concerns here: Monta Vista character ¡ and e""ironment. There is something unique about Monta Vista. Residents ¡would like to retain the somewhat rural characteristics. The businesses ¡in Mpnta Vista need revitalization and needS to be accessible to the people. Traffic flow is another concern; movement of cars and bicycles from Foothill Blvd. to Bubb Road. There needs to be protection of the residential area, basically to the south of Stevens Creek Blvd., from intrusion of commute traffic. The dilema is if we satisfy the movement of cars we impair the existing character of the area. There are several options to consider. We could leave the road exactly as it is; we could, as the staff suggests, go to 4 lanes, or we could make it 6 lanes and handle eVen more traffic. Some balance has to be achieved. I I MINUTES OF JULY 25, 1911 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PC-260 Page 7 As to different modes of travel, Comm. Gatto said a person chooses I a certain mode of travel as long as it is available. If the oil ' people are right, it is his contention that we will still be looking at sane personal means of transportation. He sees traffic in- ! creasing because the number of people in the area will be increas-I ing. The point he was not sure about is whether widening a road will encourage more traffic or will solve the traffic problems. i He said he does not have an answer at the present time. i ! Comm. Markkula commented that Mr. Bullock has brought up enough points about this matter to ponder. As to the traffic study, he i believes there is enough margin for error. Most of the assumptions are accurate. He believes there will be more personal vehicles -- perhaps powered by some other means than petroleum products. If there is mass transit we need a way to get to the transit. He feels we should go to four lanes but he would like the Planning Commission to spend more time on design details. He would like i very much to save those trees if at all possible. As to off-street I park:lng, he is in favor of it rather than on-street parking i I because it is safer and permits smoother flow of traffic. He prefers cul-de-sacing of the Old Stevens Creek Road which is presently very dangerous. If, somehow, a mass transit system hecanes a reality that reduces personal vehicles there will be time to alter the City's plans. He is in favor of establishing a four-lane right-of-way for Stevens Creek Blvd. Comm. Blaine said she has weighed all the alternatives. She , believes this is the time to set a four-lane plan line. If things' change and there is no traffic for one reason or another, then the 1 widening will not be constructed. As far as the location of the plan line, she wants very much to save those trees. We are talki~ about one of the nicest sections in this area. She believes we should work around the trees and save as many as possible. Comm. Blaine asked why there is no signal planned for Phar Lap Drive. She believes one way to discourage commute traffic is more traffic: signals. Chairman Koenitzer said he believes a signal there at the base of the hill might be more hazardous than one at Orange Avenue. The Director of Public Works explained how an intersec- tion must have a certain number of warrants before a signal can be installed. Comm. Blaine believes combining Adriana and Mann Drive is an excellent idea. She is also very much in favor of continuing the bicycle lanes. She prefers off-street to on-street parking. If the median takes up space that bicycle lanes need, she would opt for bicycle lanes and a double/double lane in the center. PC-260 Page 8 I MINUTES OF JULY ,25, 1971 PIÄ'fflING COMMISSION MEETING I As to the proposed textured pavement walkways, Comm. Blaine said èldetì}' and handicapped people find them difficult. As to the diverter system, it may be necessary in the future. The Assistant Planning Director said that if four lanes go on Stevens Creek Blvd., then the staff feels at least a portion of the diverter system should go in. It is very important to keep the residential traffic separate from the industrial traffic. Comm. Blaine said that she would like the railroad crossing to be made safe as soon as possible. Comm. Adams said he agreed basically with the comments of the other Commissioners. The four lanes would impact Mr. Stocklmeir most of all. In regard to parking along the street, he said he has seen bicycles run into open car doors when the cars are parked along the curb. It is not safe to have bicycles going alongside parked cars. He believes the cul-de-sac at Byrne Avenue is a must. Going west, he thinks the Idiverter system within Monta Vista is very important. He thinks the alignment of the four lanes could be more fine-tuned. He weighed in his mind the taking of those trees against the taking of houses, but has not come to any conclusion. Four lanes appears to him. at this point to be the way to go. Chairman Kcenitzer commented that he has always felt that one of the jobs of the Planning Commission is to study long term planning. He feels it is necessary to set the plan line for 4 lanes. The decision [to actually construct the four-lane road should be made at the time traffic conditions dictate. There is the chance that this might never I come to pass. He would like the staff to work on an alignment that ¡avoids the trees but does not take as many houses. Another suggestion he made is to have the staff investigate some way of connecting Bubb Road more directly with the H85 off-ramp. Chairman Koenitzer said there has been discussion about setting B/C level of traffic. This was established during General Plan hearings. He said he would hesitate to change the City's goals that were set after many, many hours of public hearings. Comm. Blaine said she would like to know, before making a decision, when the taking of these, houses would occur. She would also like a more definitive plan line, taking into consideration the trees, houses, etc. The Direc tor of Public Works said the worst case would be to take some of both sides. He then revuwed the interconnect system. Chairman Koenitzer woúId like at the next public hearing to study the detailed Monta Vista plan and alternative plans for Stevens Creek Blvd. He would like the Planning Commission to adopt a plan line at the next if possible. He noted the Commission opts for 4 lanes. I hearing I I I MINUTES OF JULY 25, 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Ms. Ann Anger, Imperial County representative: Department. Avenue, stated this public hearing had a Mr. Bratton, from the County Planning Comm. Gatto recapped there were two sections of road under con- sideration here. Existing downtown Monta Vista has enough width. From Phar Lap Drive and on up the hill is undecided. The HooHoo Hill area is subject to Cupertino programming, according to the Director of Public Works. It must all be done at once. Comm. Markkula disagrees with the idea of making access from #85 to Bubb Road easier, which would just put more traffic on resi- dential streets. He said the real answer is to extend #85. The Planning Director distributed copies of the policy statements adopted by the City Council, to be used as a reference. He also stated there is some serious effort for development of the Town Center area. He distributed copies of the conceptual plan for the town center area. The City Council sent to the Planning Commission a proposal to amend the Fence Ordinance. They should consider what the setback should be for side yard fences. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Koenitzer adjourned this meeting at 11:30 PM. APPROVED : ~~-~ R.D. Koenitzer Jr. Chairman ATTEST: PC-260 Page 9