PC 08-22-77 CITY OF CL'PERIINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, 95014 Telephone: 252-4505 MINUTES OF mE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PUNNING Cm1MISSION HELD ON AUGUST 22, 1977, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CDPERIINO, CALIFORNIA SALUTE TO THE FLAG The meeting was opened at 7:35 p.m. by cnairman Koenitzer with the Salute to the nag. ROLL CALL Comm. present: Comm. absent: Adams, Gatto (7 :40), Markkula, Chairman Koenitzer Blaine Staff present: Director of Planning and Development Sisk (8:20) Assistant Planning Director Cowan Assistant City Engineer Whitten Assistant City Attorney Kilian APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Comm. Adams moved to approve the Minutes of July 25, 1977, as presented. Seconded by Comm. Markkula. ~!otion carried, 3-0 Comm. Adams moved to continue approval of Minutes of August 8, 1977 until the next regular meeting. Seconded by Comm. Markkula. Motion carried, 4-0 POSTPONEMENTS: None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: A copy of a letter from Mr. Sal Niosi rela- tive to Item 1 was distributed to Planning Commissioners. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None PC-262 Page 1 Minutes of 7/25177 approved as presented Minutes 0 f 8/8/77 continued PC-262 Page 2 ML'IlTrES OF AUGUST 22, 19 77 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PUBLIC HEARINGS: City of Cupertino 1. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearing to consider a specific general plan for the area bounded by Freeway Route 85 on the east and Byme Avenue on the west and consideration of a street plan line for Stevens Creek Blvd. between Freeway Route 85 and Ridgeway Drive (entrance into De Anza Oaks residential development). First Hearing continued. Chairman Koenitzer noted the main purpose of the hearing tonight would be to discuss zoning in the area known as Old Menta Vista. Using a series of maps displayed on the board, Assistant Planning Director Cowan reported on the existing and proposed zoning of the area. 'Jh e fundamental change would be the use of a commercial store front/industrial mix. Chairman Koenitzer ascertained the existing residential is predominantly single family construction; it is zoned for apartments 4-12 per acre. , Comm. Adams felt the residential and industrial went together and both aspects should be considered. Chairman Koenitzer noted the residents of the area wanted to preserve d1 aracter of Old ¡1c)nta Vista area. Zoning some areas for higher density or uses might create opportunity for change at some later time. Comm. Gatto ascertained that under the proposed General Plan eleven acres would be zoned for industrial and 20 acres for commercial store front/industrial mix. He pointed out the residents had wanted the commercial uses as a service for Monta Vista area only. He pointed out these are narrow streets and fragmented lots. He did not see how the conceptual development plan and proposed General Plan could be integrated. Staff member Cowan agreed, and explained changes. He referred to letter from Mr. Miosi, who was seeking to construct a transmission facility on the comer of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Pasadena Avenue. Mr. Cowan said staff did not feel <:ommercial frontage should be used for automotive activities. Comm. Markkula felt the scatterL~g of various types of uses made sense relative to what is there now. He th ought part of the objective should be to try to eliminate sandwiching of residential between industrial uses. He felt the industrial could b e moved closer to Stevens Creek Boulevard and the residential occupy areas now used as commercial. MDDTES OF THE AUGUST 22, 1977 PLANNING COM!:1ISSION MEETING PC-262 Page 3 Comm. Gatto poin~ed out it would be difficult ~o control ~o ~he extent of absoluteness, particularly in an area already developed. Comm. Markkula felt it should be zoned ac~ording to the choices that people had already made there. Comm. Gatto pointed out the importance of the zoning for the transition area. Chairman Koenitzer then opened the hearing to the public for comments on the zoning of this area. Public Hear- ings opened Mrs. Ann Anger, Imperial Avenue, Monta Vista, felt the most important area to start in was the south side from Stevens Creek Boulevard, Imperial Avenue and Granada. If something ni~e is put there, the rest of the development will be nice. If it is hodge podge, the rest will be hodge podge. Menta Vista has been waiting for the Stevens Creek plan line for a long time. She is afraid Monta Vista will look like Bascom which is nothing but autolOOtives. She named several services Monta Vista has lost because of uncertainty of plan line. She said owners of buildings will not improve the buildings until they know what is going to be done. She would like to see a very low profile town and ~ountry center. Monta Vista is one of the most beautiful areas left in Santa Clara County. A moratorium should be set until a decision is made. She has been working for 21 years to have Monta Vista upgraded. Mr. Sal Niosi, 1502 Old County Road, Belmont, displayed plans for a transmission shop he would like to build at the corner of Pasadena and Stevens Creek Boulevard. He stressed it was not an auto repair shop. He described the type of activity whi~h would be engendered by his business. His building would have 0 ffices facing Stevens Creek Boulevard. He understood there was a need for this type of business here. He would like the Planning Commission to reach a decision as to ,..here the boundary line for commercial would be so he would know how to proceed. Mr. Yamasaki, architect for Mr. Niosi, said there ""uld be a retail store on the front, not offi~es. He said this would be a low key type of construction with minimal traffic impact. A discussion was held on boundary lines for the zoning of ~ommercial, industrial or a mix. Mr. Cowan indicated on the proposed Goaneral Plan the boundaries recommended by staff. PC-292 Page 4 MINlTrES OF THE AUGUST 22, 19 77 PLAJ.'lNL'{G COMMISSION MEETING Ms. Barbara Trubell, 10354 Imperial Avenue, said she had been a resi- dent for eleven years and seconded Mrs. Angers comments and pleas for quality development along Stevens Creek Boulevard. She was concerned about trend toward automotive industry in Monta Vista area. She said they had lost business activities which the residents of the area would like to see attracted back, such as doctors, dentists, bakery, etc. Mr. Regis Bokler, 21914 Granada, with a business at 10271 Imperial, said for some reason the street blockages have been dropped from this discussion. Zoning should be tied in with these. The proposal to close Byrne makes Granada a freeway. His business had been zoned industrial for 20 years and now it was being proposed for something else. Truck traffic on Granada should be seriously considered. Mr. Dave McLeroy, 21920 Hermosa, Monta Vista, said the viability of business in Menta Vista is not being considered. He said the routing of traffic as proposed was not feasible. Businesses will fold with this proposal. He is ellDtionally involved and is at a loss about what to do. The environment will be changed and businesses will be lost. In answer to Comm. Gatto's request for specifics, Mr. McLeroy said people traveling east could not come in to the businesses because of the median and would go on to Gemco, etc., trucks could not get through because of lack of space, grocery store is not accessible. He said the business men are frustrated because 0 f relations 'Nith City HalL There has been no response to their problem. He had e~ected the plan line would be discussed tonight and a vote taken. Mr. McLeroy said tDOst of the business men did not understand the plan line and felt there were a lot of ambiquities. He answered Comm. Gatto that on-street parking is very important to the business men in Monta Vista. Chairman Koenitzer pointed out the City was planning for traffic in 1995. Mr. McLeroy said as soon as phase I was started the businesses would be affected. He did not think there would be that much traffic in 1995 because of gas shonage, etc. Priority of the town was more important than routing 280 through a small historic town like Monta Vista. He said they feel like the City is saying if their businesses close, that's just too bad. Mr. McLeroy said the median, four lanes and There is no traffic j am even at peak hour. non-syncronization of light at Bubb. off-street parking are bad. Any back-up is caused by ~NUTES OF THE AUGUST 22, 1977 PL&~ING COMMISSION MEETING PC-262 Page 5 Mr. McLeroy said 2000 people had said they didn't want the widening of the area and he wondered if this would affect their decision. Mr. Cowan displayed and explained a transparency showing median and proposed accesses to the area. Mr. McLeroy said it was not feasible to envision this type of traffic circulation. He felt there were a lot of problems that could not be handled by widening the streets. Mr. Cowan pointed out the City is trying to meet the problem of expected traffic increase and was interested in any ideas anyone could submit. Comm. Gatto enumerated specific items that would be incorporated in any recommendation: right-of-way between Bubb and Foothill description, description of actual improvements in right-of-way, General Plan statement and document showing proposed diverter system between Stevens Creek and Granada, general description of various access procedures to both sides of the street. Mr. Cowan described scope of plan that would be adopted and sent to the County. At 9:45 p.m. a recess was called, with the meeting reconvening at at 10:05 p.m. Recess Chairman Koenitzer announced discussion of Item 1 would continue until 10:30 p.m. which time it would be continued to the second meeting in Septembe r. Mr. :11ke Bullock, 21851 Hermosa Avenue, said most of what he had to say pertained to the widening of Stevens Creek which he liad thought would be continued at tonight's meeting. He said he 'Ñould have his remarks printed and keep his comments to zoning. He said with regard to the median as a devise to control traffic, less lanes would do this. Maintaining persent character of Old Monta Vista cannot be done with d1 verters. With regard to the transmission application, he agreed with Mrs. Anger that this type of development should not be included. He also wanted to stress that type of parking impacts heavily on the character of a city. Requiring so· much parking space is a big consumer of land and forces a sprawl. There is a conflict. If they adhere to the City ordinances, it will not look like a small rural tow. They should encourage having less parking spaces. Pay parking would be a motivation for using transit. PC-262 Page 6 P. C. Meeting to be 9/21/77 Item I con 'd. to 9/21/77 2-GPA-77 City 0 f Cuper- tino MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 22, 1977 PL&1NING COMMISSION MEETING Mr. George Hangano, 10204 So. Portal Avenue, Cupertino, referred to a letter from the Planning Director dated March 28, 1977, relative to Lot 9 being downzoned from commercial to residential. He noted this property is involved in Item 4, 14-2-77 of Oxbcw Land & Development Co. Chairman Koenitzer suggested this be considered in conjunction with zoning at later hearing. He would like to look at residential in terms of keeping it R-l and permit uses with multiple dwellings on single parcels to be varianced under grandfather clause. He said he would like IIICre information about the density of the surrounding areas. Mr. Louis Stocklmeir, 22120 Stevens Creek Blvd., said he wanted to speak on road widening west of Byrne Avenue. He gave historical back- ground on Old Monta Vista. Mr. Sisk reminded the commissioners of conflicting dates for the second meeting of September. Chairman Koenitzer summarized the commission would like more study of where the right-of-way would be, where the median strips would be located, where systems for diverting traffic would occur and where lines between commercial and industrial zoning would be drawn. Comm. Adams moved to hold the second meeting of September on Wednesday, September 21, 1977. Seconded by Comm. Markkula. Motion carried, 4-0 Comm. Adams moved to continue Item 1 to Planning Commission meeting of Wednesday, September 21, 1977. Seconded by Comm. Markkula. Motion carried, 4-0 2. CITY OF CUPERrrNO: GENERAL PLAN A.'1ENDMENT (2-GPA-77) to amend the l~d use element of the general plan. First hearing. Planning Director Sisk described areas involved and located them on a map exhibited on the board. He said Highway 280 seemed to be the logical boundary between Los Altos and Cupertino. He said a small pocket of Cupertino west of the freeway could be traded for the Los Altos land under the proposed reorganization. Mr. Sisk described the procedure that would have to be followed before the property would be de-annexed from Los Altos and annexed to Cupertino. He stressed that the commission could not make a decision on the annexation itself. MINlTrES OF THE AUGUST 22, 1977 PLA..'WI."G CO!1MISSION MEETI~G PC-262 Page 7 Mr. Sisk explained the designation represents the city "going on record" about its intentions for the land, if and when it is annexed. It would have to be made before the councils of either city could hold public hearings on the reorgnization. Relative to Area I, Planning Director Sisk pointed out a residential land use of zero to 3.5 dwellings on an acre was designat.ed. This is essentially the same zoning the land now comes under in Los Altos. Chairman Koenitzer then opened the hearing for public comments. Mr. Robert M. Nome, 210 N. 4th Street, San Jose, said he was speaking on behalf of Mr. Ray Balch, owner of property involved. He said he was objecting procedurally because Mr.Balch had received word about proposed annexation orally only last week and a letter just last Friday. This did not give them time to prepare for this hearing Also Mr.Balch did not receive notice of any hearing before LAFCO about annexation of his property and he was objecting on this basis also. Mr. Nome said M¡:; Balch would ask that zoning remain at 1 unit/10,OOO sq. ft. Mr.Balch objected to being annexed to Cupertin Mr. Ray Balch, 12361 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Rd. ,said he was about to receive building permits and he understood Cupertino street addresses would be assigned. He felt this was premature,. People are buying this property in the belief it is in Los Altos. It was ascertained Mr. Balch would have to contact the Los Altos and Cupertino planning departments on the matter 0 f street addresses. Mr. Robert Sharman, 1014 Hollenbeck, said he seconded the objection about receiving notice on August 1& for a meeting on August 22. More people would have been present or represented if there had been time and he asked to have the hearing continued. He was concerned because Los Altos would allow him 4 lots per acre and Cupertino would only allow two. LAFCO has not notified anyone about this annexation: Planning Director Sisk advi.sed there would be in excess of ten days notice for annexation hearing, but there was no time limit for amendments to general plan. Mr. Sisk answered Mr. Sharman that LAFCO needed to know what the property would be used for which made this pre-zoning necessary. It meant nothing until the property was annexed. Mr. Sharman ·.anted to go on record as saying he was against being annexed into Cupertino. PG-262 Page 8 Public Hear- ings clo sed I cem I approved I1INlTrES OF THE AUGUST 22, 19 77 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETL.'IG Mr. Clifford KÜi)y, 2452 Foochill Blvd., Los .-\lcos, said he wanted Co go on record as not being for this rezoning. He wanted to stay in Los Altos and noc be annexed Co Cupertino. He also objecced Co noC having a longer time to prepare. He would have liked to talk Co council of Los Altos before coming Co this hearing, but couldn't because of lack of notice. Comm. Gatto suggested che commission act ~ general plan and lec che annexation be discussed at the proper time. Comm. Gatto moved to close Public Hearing on Item I of 2-GPA-77. Seconded by Comm. Adams. Motion carried, 4-0 Comm. Gatto moved to recommend to City Council chat staff recommenda- tion be followed for General Plan designacion of Area I. Seconded by Comm. Adams. AYES: NOES: Adams, Gatto, Markkula, Chairman Koenitzer None Motion carried, 4-0 Chairman Koenitzer advised this would go before the City Council at its Sepcember 19, EI 77 meeting. Area /12 - First BapCist Church Planning Director Sisk noted this proposal involved a requesc by the property owner to permit a 1/2 acre portion of che total 2.1 church siCe to be redesignaced for residential 0-4.4 dwelling unics per acre. He said scaff believed che residential mould be permicced on che subject site with the clear understanding that the final subdivision design would be closely reviewed at it related co che existing natural setting, any remaining church buildings and che existing Ridgecresc development. Mr. W. D. Smiley, 10892 Canyon Vista Drive, said he was speaking for che applicant, the homeowners associaCion and himself. The church expeccs Co expand and selling Co Ridgecresc would permiC this expansion. He b defly described cheir proposal. Mr. Smiley answered Comm. Adams that ic would be economically undesir- able for all conce=ed Co puc only one unit on che sice. MINlTrES OF THE AUGUST 22, 19 77 PLAANING COMl·aSSION MEETING Comm. Gatto referred to a policy statement that allowed BQ for almost any other use and wondered 1£ that policy should be retro- active the other way. BQ could be used for other uses so general plan would not have to be changed. He suggested that through the Planned Development process, the applicant could request modification to BQ zoning without amending general plan. This was discussed. Chairman Koenitzer opened the meeting for public comments. There were none. Staff was asked to prepare a written policy statement. Comm. Adams moved to continue Item #2 of 2-GPA-77 to the meeting of September 21, 1977. Chairman Koenitzer asked if the applicant this would work a hardship on him. Mr. Smiley said they would prefer to have a ruling at this time, either positive or negative. Chairman Koenitzer explained intent of Planning Commission in zoning entire site to residential and the Assistant City Attorney assured the applicant the BQ would allow for building expansion of church facilities. Mr. Smiley then withdrew objection to a continuation. Motion carried, 4-0 Area IF3 - Howard Ruth Planning Director Sisk noted the site involves 2.3 net acres and approximately 2.8 gross acres. The applicant is requesting a change in the existing general plan designation 0 f planned professional office to permit the option of residential in the form of condomin- iums or apar1:m..nts. Staff was recommending approval of this combin&- tion of land use request for a planned professional office/ residenti (4.4-12 dwelling units per gross acre.) Chairman Koenitzer opened the hearing to public comments. Mr. Howard Ruth, Jr., 409 AJberto Way, Suite 2, Los Gatos, said he had entered into an agreement for development of this property. He felt the 16 units as he had requested was vital to development of this property at this time. Mrs. Rose Giddings, 20375 Silverado, CupertiIlo, said they had been concerned about a t·,o/O or three story commercial going in. The City had promised there '.ould not be any iIlVasion of privacy. They were ',%rried that the only economically feasibla condominium would be a two s1:ory level. Because of the lateness, most of the neighbors had PC-262 Page 9 Area 1/2 continued to 9/21/77 Public Hear- ing opened PC-262 Page 10 MINlTrES OF THE AUGUST 22, 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION gone home, but everyone is concerned ab out what will happen to the residents who have lived on Silverado 15-22 years. Ms .Luise Schmitz-Salue, 203C9 Silverado Avenue, Cupertino, said she was opposed to this as there would be an invasion of privacy and their property would lose its value. She was afraid the condominiums would eventually be rentals. Usually apartments do not have enough parking space. She relt the original zoning of professional orfice was much better. Olairman Koenitzer said 2-1/2 to 4 parking spaces per unit '",ould be required. Mr. J. R. Greene, 20323 Sllverado Avenue, Cupertino, said he relt the same as his neiglDors. The problem of loss or privacy was real, as well as che problem of noise. He referred Co potential craffic problem. Proximity to Civic Center made the professional office zoning much better. Mr. N. M. Tucker, 20365 Sllverado Avenue, Cupertino, was answered by Chairman Koenitzer that tonight's consideration was for an amendment to general plan. Mr. Tucker said he relt there should be more time for preparation before this request was voted upon. Mr. Claude Giddings, 20375 Silverado Avenue, Cupertino, said they were well pleased with the development as it was to date. The only flaw was the two story office buildings. He relt a condominium would create a hodge-podge. Mrs. Gidding said the reason for protesting at this point was that they had found if they protested loud enough at Planning Commission it carried more weight; it was too hard to stop at City Council level. Mr. Jim Koch, 575 Tyndall, Los Altos, said he had prepared a tentative plot plan which might alleviate fears of the privacy invasion. The windows would race inwardly to the property. He relt a condominium project could be a good transition rrom single ramily residences into town center. Mr. John Mann, 20425 Silverado Avenue, Cupertino, said it was his understanding there would be proressional buildings. He waS in construction and he thought 90% or condominiums he had worked on had become a ruture slum. He was strictly against it all the way. --_.- ~.__._-_.~,- - - --.-- ---" ,----- MINlTrES OF THE AUGUST 22, 1977 PLANNING COMMISSION :1EETING Mr. Ruth said he did not env~s~on this becoming a slum area. Plannin staff was concerned about having enough housing for the future. He pointed out the City would have direct control of construction through the staff and Planning Commission. Mr. Giddings spoke to possibility of apartment complex across from Gemco. and the same thing could happen here. slum area and referred to the He said that was a rough spot Comm. Adams moved to close Public Hearings, seconded by Comm. Narkkul Motion carried, 4-0 Comm. Adams said he could see the condominiums as being a viable option for transition between residential and commercial. He doubted if this would become a slum. However, on the basis of comments, he would opt for keeping professional offices. Comm. Markkula felt either condominiums or professional offices, if done properly, would provide an effective transition area. The whole town center area has been well laid out and he would look very carefully at any t'NQ story structure for this location. Camm. Gatto said he did not feel the residential use would be adverse to existing Silverado if handled properly. If residential 'Nere to be considered, the density should be indicated at lower level than 12. He would suggest something of 4.4-7.6 range. Chairman Koenitzer said he has mixed feelings about it. He felt there would be more control of privacy intrusion with condominiums than with single family. While professional offices would not have evening traffic, the uses are sufficiently similar in terms of what could be developed that this seemed a reasonable approach. He though perhaps a maximum of 4.4-10 units per acre. Comm. Gatto moved plan designation units per acre. to recommend preliminary approval to change general to indicate professional office/residential 4.4-7.6 Seconded by Comm. Markkula. Motion carried, 3-1 No: Adams The PlannL,g Director advised'this would go to EIR Committee, back to Planning Commission for final action on September 21 and then to City Council on October 17. PC-262 Page 11 Public Hear- ings closed Area 113 approved PC-262 Page 12 City of Cuper tino Septic tanks and drain fields Continued to 9/12/77 14- z- 77 Oxbow Land & Development Co. mNUTES OF THE AUGUST 22, 1977 PLA.'lNING COMMISSION XEETL.'IG 3. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearing to consider an ordinance regulating the i:lstallation of septic tanks and drain fields for individual sewage disposal systems. First Hearing continued. The Planning Director referred to staff report of August 19, 1977 on amended septic tank ordinance. Comm. Markkula questioned whether this was the system used by Los Altos which had seemed to be the best. He also questioned what the difference was between the parallel system and the serial system as illustrated in the staff report. After a brief discussion, Comm. Adams moved to continue septic tank ordinance to the next regular meeting on September 12, 1977. Seconded by Comm. Markkula. Motion carried, 3-1 No: Gatto 4. Application 14- Z- 77 0 f OXBOW LAND & DEVELOPMENT CO.: PREZONING approximately .19 acres from Santa Clara County CG (General Co~rcial) to City of Cupertino P (Planned Development with duplex residential intent). Said property is located adjacent to and southwesterly of Santa Clara midway between Grand Avenue and Alhambra Avenue. First Hearing conti:J.ued. The Assistant Planning Director stressed salient points covered by the staff report of August 5, 1977. He suggested discussing some means for compromise on situations like these. He referred to suggestion in staff report that the Commission might wish to consider a General Plan Policy .~ndment for the Menta Vista area which would permit slightly greater density levels when substandard legal lots of record are consolidated. Mr. Rick Holm, representing the owner and Oxbow, said time is of the eseence on this. Comm. Gatto suggested including this on 2-GPA-77. It was ascertained this would be possible. However the applicant was advised it would be December before it would be adopted by the City. Mr. George Manganos, 10204 So. Portal Santa Clara Avenue wa.s being widened. falls within minimum of 8,075 sq. ft. that 50 ft. was minimum road standard. Avenue, Cupertino, asked why The property as it now exists Mr. Cowan advised Mr. Manganos • MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 22, 19 77 PLANNING COMMISSION ,tF'FTING PC-262 10 Page 13 Comm. Gatto pointed out the rest of the dedication could not be obtaine. because of existing development. Staff was asked to check further to see if there was any way this could be handled through the zoning procedure. Comm. Gatto moved to continue this application to September 21, 1977 meeting to investigate more expeditous way of handling. Seconded by Comm. Markkula. 14-Z-77 • continued to Motion carried, 4-0 9-21-77 5 . CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearing to consider an amendment Fence to Ordinance 686, Fence Ordinance, establishing new regula- Ordinance tions affecting fence setback lines on street sides of corner residential lots. First Hearing. Chairman Koenitzer opened the hearing for public comments, but because of lateness of hour there was no one present. Comm. Adams moved to continue to the next regular meeting of September Continued to 12, 1977. Seconded by Comm. Gatto. 9/12/77 410 Motion carried, 4-0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: 6. Discussion of land use. mix west of Bandley Drive--North De Land Use Mix Anza Blvd. Conceptual Plan. The Assistant Planning Director referred to August 5, 1977, B.A.S . report and requested the Commission to discuss the philosophical land use issue raised in the report. A transparency of the area was displayed and Mr. Cowan reviewed staff's concerns as to appropriateness of single family lots . Comm. Gatto said he felt each application should be handled on case by case merits. Chairman Koenitzer spoke to providing another access in the event residential was approved. If oriented to Bandley Drive the area would be cut off from Garden Gate area; should be able to interact with the Garden Gate neighborhood. , ""-262 " be 14 Percolation pond MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 22, 19 17 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 7. Review of percolation pond development plan - Santa Clara Valley Water District -- Northeast corner of McClellan Road and Bubb Road (Measurex site). Chairman Koenitzer said he would want a full discussion of hazards. He felt the hazards needed to be r~evaluated relative to when it is empty as well as when it is full. REPORT OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION: None REPORT OF THE PLANNING DlRECfOR 8. Discussion of Attendance of Planning Commissioners at League of California Cities Annual Conference September 25-28,1977 Mr. Sisk noted there would be a joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission on jobs and housing the week of September 12, 1977. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 12:55 a.m. to the next regular meeting on September 12, 1977 at 7:30 p.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: