PC 10-10-77
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014
Telephone: 252-4505
Page 1
Comm. present:
Comm. absent:
Adams, Blaine, Gatto, ~~rkkula, Chairman Koenitzer
the I
The meeting was ~alled to order at 7:34 PM by Chairman Koenitzer with
Pledge of Allegiance.
Staff present: Assistant City Attorney Kilian
Assistant Planning Director Cowan
Assistant City Engineer \{hitten
Assistant Planner Piasecki
Minutes of the regular meeting of September 12, 1977
Page 2, paragraph 1, line 3, should read "3.5 units per acre", same page
next to the last paragraph the first line delete the word '~nswered'and
replace with pointed out'~ Same line delete the word "his"and repla~e with:
"this". Same paragraph last sentence should read 'he believes that a street
connecting Beardon and Mariani should be created; therefore, Mariani
should be extended to Greenleaf Drive."
Page ll, first paragraph, has to include:
"17. That the applicant shall enter into reciprocal ingress/egress agree-
ments with the Gazzera property (Fisherman's Village Restaurant site)
located to the east and with the developed portion of the U.S.A.
Petroleum site located to the west. Said agreement shall be subject to
the review and approval of the City Attorney prior to recordation of the
final map. The easement area shall be located on the final parcel map
which shall be recorded concurrently with the closing of escrow on the
subject property. If the applicant is unable to obtain the permission of
the adjoining property owners to implement said reciprocal drives, the
appli~ant shall sign a statement acceptable to the City Attorney, agreeing
to provide reciprocal ingress/egress easements with the adjoining proper-
ties at such time as the City can require the same from the adjoining
property owners."
Page 11, last paragraph, the last three lines should read'tondition lS
and 16 in the staff report, modified Condition 17 per the tentative map,
addition of etc."
Page 12, the words '1:inding for the zoning"must be included right after
the first motion on that page.
Page 16, second paragraph, third line, add the words "but the monitory
effort has been decreased" after the word monitory in the third line
delete the words "they have had" in the same line.
Pag e 2
Page 16, paragraph 5, line three: after the words"those kids"add
"she would also like to reserve the easement for public occasion".
Page 16, paragraph six, at the end of the sentence after the ~ords
'easement rights"add "for public works".
Motion carried 4-1
Delete the sentence "Commissioner Blaine would like to reserve the
easement for public occasions".
Moved by Commissioner Blaine, seconded by Commissioner Markkula to
approve the minutes of September 12, 1977 as amended.
Motion carried 3-0-2
(Commissioners Adams and Gatto abstained).
Minutes of the Joint City Council and Planning Commission meeting of
September 13, 1977.
Page 3, last paragraph, delete the last two sentences.
Moved by Commissioner Gatto, seconded by Commissioner Markkula to
approve the minutes of September 13, 1977 as amended.
Motion carried 4-0-1
(Commissioner Adams abstained).
Item #1 - Application 6-Z-77 - Thomas L. Nafe & Gail Nafe (Staff
request for continuance pending completion of the plan line hearing).
Item #4 - Applications 18-Z-77, 21-TM-77, 24-U-77 - Brenda Williams
(Applicant request for continuance to meeting of November 14, 1977).
Item #5 - Application 26-U-77 - Kened Corporation (Kenneth L. Wagner)
(Applicant request for continuance to meeting of November 14, 1977).
Moved by Commissioner Gatto, seconded by Commissioner Adams to continue
Item 4 (18-Z-77, 21-TM-77, 24-U-77) and Item 15 (26-U-77) to November 14, 1977.
Motion carried 5-0
Moved by Commissioner Blaine, seconded by Commissioner Markkula to continue
Agenda Item #5 to the end of this agenda since the applicant was not yet present.
Motion carried 5-0
Chairman Koenitzer stated he had received
Scenic Drive with a number of questions.
response to these questions.
letters from some residents on
He asked the staff for a detailed
Page 3
1. Application 6-Z-77 of THOMAS L. NAFE & GAIL A. NAFE.
PREZONING approximately .11 acres from County ML (Light
Industrial) to City of Cupertino ML (Light Industrial)
or whatever zone may be deemed appropriate by the Planning
Commission. Said property is located at the northwest
quadrant of the intersection of Imperial Avenue and Granada
Avenue. First Hearing continued.
Upon the advice of the Assistant City Attorney, it was moved by
Commissioner Adams, seconded by Commissioner Gatto to remove
Application 6-Z-77 from the calendar and to readvertise at such time
as the City is prepa:;-ed to act upon it,
Motion carried 5-0
2. Application l5-Z-77 of BILLY J. BAXLEY. PREZONING
approximately 1,05 acres from Santa Clara County RI-IO
(Residential, single-family, 10,000 sq. ft. per dwelling unit)
to City of Cupertino Rl-10 (Residential, single-family,
10,000 sq. ft. per dwelling unit) or whatever zone may be
deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission. Said property
is located adjacent to and westerly of San Felipe Rd. at the
teninus of Alcalde Rd.. First Hearing continued.
The Assistant Planning Direotor introduced this application pointing
out that this property is located on the County's unimproved four lots.
The purpose of this prezoning is to allow the applicant to gain water
The applicant, Mr. Billy J. Baxley said he plans to bui1d on all these
lots and live in one of the homes,
Moved by Commissioner Blaine, seconded by Commissioner Adams to close
the public hearing.
Motion carried 5-0
Moved by Commissioner Gatto, seconded by Commissioner Blaine to
recommend to the City Council approval of Application 15-Z-77,
AYES. Commissioners Adams, Blaine, Gatto, ~kkula, Chairu.n Koenitzer
NOES. None
Motion carried 5-0
Page 4
Standard Oil Company Service Station site located at the
northeast corner of the intersection of De Anza Boulevard
and Homestead Road. First Hearing continued.
Per the staff request, and since there were no comments from the
audience, it was moved by Commissioner Blaine, seconded by Commissioner
Markkula to continue Application .5-U-.59 to November 14, 1977.
Motion carried .5-0
4. Applications 18-Z-77, 21-TM-77, and 24-U-77 of BRENDA WILLIAMS I
previously continued to November 14, 1977.
.5. Applications 19-Z-77 and 28-U-77 of TERiUu~OMICS DEVELOPMENT
CORFORATION I continued to the end of the agenda.
6. Applications 22-Z-77 and 27-U-77 of PETE AND MARLENE SULAVER
AND MARILYN AND AL HIATT I REZONING approximately .39 acres
from CG (General Commercial) to P (Planned Development with
commercial and professional office use intent) or whatever zone
may be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission; USE
PERMIT to utilize existing structure for a restaurant/professional
office. Said property is located adjacent to and northerly of
Stevens Creek Blvd, and No, De Anza Blvd, First Hearing.
The Assistant Planner stated this plan is to use the existing Baer
house for a restauzant on the main floor and office space above. He
reviewed several proposed site plans. The staff believes there is
some historical significance in this structure. This site, however,
can only hold 21 parking spaces. Therefore, the staff is recommending
against the second story office space. Colored slides of this site
were displayed on the screen. It was pointed out the palm trees along
Stevens Creek Blvd. will have to go as they are in the paved strip.
Applicant Gene Devich, 969 Duncan, San Francisco, CA, said the plan is to
put a restaurant here so the residents of Cupertino may enjoy this old
home. Because of the parking problem they will have to forget about the
offices upstairs.
Commissioner Blaine asked if she had spoken to Mr. Boice about additional
parking on the adjacent property. Ms. Devich said this has been a
difficulty and bas not yet been clearly defined. The Assistant Planner
answered Commissioner Blaine that according to the ordinance the bank
has excessive parking stalls. But the bank does not believe this.
Ms, Devich answered Commissioner Gatto that present plans for the
restuarant are for both lunch and dinner. They have applied for a
license for the convenience of the customers but they do not plan
Page 5
a cockuil lounge, They would like to encourage foot traffic also.
COlllllissioner Adams suted he would like to retain this structure if
at all possible.
Mr. Phil Boice, president of Pacific Valle1 Bank agreed that a
restaurant here is a fine idea.. But he is concerned about traffic
congestion on his propert1. He said he was required. to put 9 pieces
of propert1 together, at that time the Cit1 Council felt it was too
bad. the1 could. not acquire the service station and. the Baer house
&lso to finish up that entire corner. He is concerned about traffic
going through his parking lot particularly during the lunch hours
when his bank is open for business. Another conoern of his is the
50 ft. setback &long Stevens Creek Blvd.. The Baer house and. the old
house present11 being used by an a.ttorne1 on Stevens Creek Blvd. are
both located within the 50 ft. setback. This puts his development
back out of sight. Another concern is that the present plan is for
putting parking in the patio &rea. of the Baer house rather than cutting
down the seating capacity of the restaurant in omer to meet the
restrictions of the ominance. He said he is interested in being a
good neighbor but he is also interested. in achieving full utilization
of his property.
In response to Commissioner Adaas' question, Mr. Boice answered. that
h. owns a 20 ft. non exclusive right-of-way along the easterly property
line of the serTice sution.
Mr. Boice answered Commissioner Ma.rkItula that normal bank hours are
9100-6100. Further it was his opinion that requiring one parking space
for 4 seats in the resuurant is completely impractical. He said
he has a.bout 6 emplo1ees who leave the bank between 5115 and. 5:30.
Chairman Koenitzer asked for cOlllllents from the a.udience. Mr. Noel
Everhardt, 21407 Krzich Place, commended the applicant for her efforts
to preserve this structure. However, he would like to see an overall
plan for this quandrant. He felt it was important to save the house,
to save the patio, and. to achieve adeqU&te parking without infringing
on the neighbors. And lastly, he would like as many of the trees
as possilbe to be saved.
Commissioner Blaine said she is pleased to see an application for
saving the Baer house. She would like to see it used rather than
making it into & parki~ lot. She would. like the two property owners
concerned to get together with the staff to try to work out something
equi table.
Commissioner Adams said he would &Rree to a continuance if the
applicants would like to negotiate further with their neighbors,
Commissioner Markkula would. like to save the structures as well as the
trees here. The problem seems to be with the lunoh hour, He proposed
openi'ng the upstairs for a lounge and additional dining at night and
close for lunch. Perhaps the entire bank parking lot would then be
ava.iJa.ble to the restaurant for parking during the dinner hour.
Page 6
Another suggestion of Commissioner Markkula was that the restaurant
could offer lunoh to bank employees and clients only.
Chairman Koen! tzer recapped the staff recouendatlons. Reducing the
width of parking stalls to 9 ft. and allowing less than the required.
parki~. He would prefer that the two property owners get together
to discuss reciprocal parking.
Ms. Devich said that if the structure is used as an office building
then there would be !lOre of a parking problem. The question is
whether or not the City would like a resta1lZ'al1t here. She said she
had. aet with Mr. Boice and he wants a percentage of the sales.
Mr. Boice said he would like a staff lIember present at any future
meetings with the property owner to a.void any misunderstandings.
Moved by Comaissioner Blaine, seconded by Commissioner Adams to
continue Applications 22-Z-77 and 27-U-77 to November 14, 1977.
Motion carried 5-0
7. Application 23-Z-77, 22-TM-77, and 4-V-77 of MAY INVESTMENT
COIÅ’ANYI REZONING approx1m&tely .39 a.cres from R3 (Residential,
IIUltiple) to RlC (single-family cluster) or whatever zone II&Y
be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission; TENTATIVE
MAP to subdivide approximately .39 acre into two parcels;
VARIANCE request from Section 9.3 of O:rd.ina.nce No. 575 to reduce
the minimum lot width requirement from seventy feet to sixty-
six feet. Said property is located easterly of and adjacent
to Terry Way at its southerly terminua. First Hearing,
The Assistant P1a.nn1ng Director reviewed the proposal. There is
presently a four-unit apartment complex on this property.
Mr. Martin Hall of May Investment Corporattion said that originally
four individual hOlies were proposed. here. He always feU there should
be two duplexes on the site. He said they meet all the City requirements.
Mr. E. J. Farrell, 20616 Paradise Drive, stated that he 18 very concerned.
about the garbage dump with all the flys from Ralphs Market. He
recommended the City Council do something about the acoustics of the Council
Chamber because people in the audience cannot hear what is going on.
Ms. Patti Brisco said that compared to so.. of the workmanship that goes
on here she believes this is very well done.
Since there were no further cODUllents from the audience it was moved by
Commissioner Gatto, seoonded by Commissioner Adams to close the public
hearing .
Motion carried 5-0
Page 7
Collllllissioner C&tto said that from a. co_unity standpoint by parceling
this prOperty off you increase the owner occupied. units. What disturbed.
hiJl was the "back door approach".
Collllldssioner Adams noted the construction here 11&11 not a joined four-
plex but rather two duplexes on the one lot.
Moved by Commissioner Gatto, seconded. by Commissioner Adams to recommend
to the City Council approval of Application 23-Z-77.
AYES I CoDissioners Adaas, Bl.a.1ne, Gatto, larkkula.. Chai%1ll&!l Koenitzer
Motion carried 5-0
Mr. Hall stated that this 11&11 discussed at length 111 th the sta.ff,
Moved by Collllllissioner Gatto, seconded by Collllllissioner Blaine to
approve Application 4-V-77. The exception 111 that we are f&ced with
two existing structures. The var1a.nce is necessary to lII&ke this a
cOnfoning use and to allow preservation of rights.
1. That there are special conditions or exceptional characteristics
in the nature of the property to be affected, or that its loca..-
tion or its surroundings are such as will perm! t the Collllllission
to make a determination that a literal enforcement of the Ordinance
would result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardshipsl
2. Th&t the granting of the, application is necessary for the preserva-
tion and. enjoyment of substantial property rights I and
3. That the hearings show that the granting of the application will
not aa.ter1a.lly affect adversely the health or safety of persons
residing or working in the neighborhood of the property which is
the subject of the application, and that the use of said property
in the lII&I1Zler in which it is proposed to be used will not be
materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the
value of property or improvements located in said su=oundings.
AYES I Collllllissioners Adau, Bl&ine, Gatto, Markkula, Chairman Koenitzer
Motion ~ed 5-0
Moved by Commissioner Gatto, seconded by Commissioner Adams to approye
Application 22-TM-77 subject to the 14 St.anr!2TÙ Condtions.
15. That the approval is based upon Exhibit A of-Applicatiqn 22-TM-77
as may be amended by a.d.di tional conditions contained herein.
PC-265 '
Page 8
16. That the applic&l1t shall be required to raise the height of the
III&sonry block wall located on the easterly property line of parcels
I and 2 to a minimum height of 6 ft. throughout its entirety
as measured from the westerly side of the wall.
I. That the Planning Commission makes the following findings 1
a) That the proposed III&p is consistent with the general &I1d
specific plans.
b) That the design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is
consistent with the general and specific plans.
c) That the site is physically suitable for the type of develop-
d) That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density
of development.
e) That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements
are not likely to cause substantial environmental da.mage or sub-
stantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat.
f) That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements
are not likely to cause serious public health problems.
g) That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements
will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at
large, for access through or use of, property within the
proposed subdivision.
AYES. Commissioners Adams, Blaine, Gatto, Markkula., Chairman Koenitzer
NOES 1 None
Motion carried 5-0
PLAN for approximately 1/8 acre to allow construction of a proposed
tri-plex. Said property is located adjacent to and easterly of
Alpine Dr. approximately JOO ft. from the intersection of Foothill
Blvd. and Alpine Dr. First Hearing.
The Assistant Planning Director identified the property on the overhead
map. He noted that Alpine Drive has a mixture of duplexes, tri-plexes,
and four-plexes adjoining single-family homes. He said this plan is in
conformance with the ordinance, but the staff feels that the applicant
did not go far enough to protect the privacy of the neighbors, The staff
would like the applicant to consider a flip-flop of the plan to further
Page 9
insure privacy for the neighbors. The primary purpose at this point
is to allow the Planning Commissioners to study the conceptual plan
acd perhaps save the applicant several thousand dollars in plans that
might not be acceptable.
Chairman Koenitzer asked about the possibility of lowering the pad.
Mr. Mike Pisano, 10201 Hillcrest Road, Cupertino, said this is the
second proposal he has presented to the staff and he understood that
this plan before the Collllission at this time is what they wanted.
He deleted the balconies and added wing lIallS. There are only two lot
left in this subdivision. He and his architect tried talking with the
neighbors and lIere told the neighbors don't want any lIicdows or in
fAct any buildings on the property.
Chairman Koenitzer asked for comments from the acdience.
Mr. Paul HardIIan, 10:397 Vista Knbll Blvd., Cupertino, stated that he
has never objected to a building on this property nor to windows. He
does object to the priVACY intrusion. This is the "Appleberry" lot.
He referred to Sections 6.24, 9.1, and 12.16 in the new Ordinance. He
does not believe this plan complies with these Seotions of the
O3:ù1na.nce. He would like the applicant to consider changing the
living area so those windows do not intn1de on his privacy.
Mr. Tom De Franco, 10427 Vista Knoll Blvd., Cupertino, wanted to
address the line of site drawing on the bulletin board. He recommende
keeping the second floor portion closer to the front of the property
and away from the neighbors back yards,
Sinoe there were no further comments from the audience it wa.s moved
by Commissioner Blaine, seconded by Commissioner Markkula to close the
public hearings.
Commissioner Gatto said he would be inclined to continue this
application to allow the applicant tue to restudy his plan, keeping
in m1nd. those things that were brought up at this meeting. Mr. Pisano
said this would pose some problems for him. But that he would prefer
a continuance to a denial.
Motion carried 5-0
Commissioner Ada.ms reviewed some of the privacy problems. Commission
Gatto felt the applicant had not sufficiently considered the privacy
issued with the submitted plans,
Moved by Commissioner Gatto, seconded by Commissioner Blãine to deny
Application 2-CDPR:3-77.
AYES I Commissioners Adams, Blaine, Gatto, Markkula.
NOES Chairman Koeni tzer
Motion carried 4-1
Page 10
Chairman Koenitzer said the view that overlooks the bay area un:f'ortunately
overlooks these peoples back ya.;r:d. They could have planted. trees several
years ago to protect their own privacy. He iJl:f'ormed. the applicant that
his application has been recommended. for denial and will be hea.;r:d by
the City Council November 7, 1977.
Cha.irma.n Koenitzer called. a recess at 9145 PM. The meeting reoonvened.
at 10100 PM.
Chairman Koenitzer announced. that Agenda. Items 9 and 10 would be
heard concurrently.
9. Application 17-TM-77 of THE KOLL COMPANY (WT" ,INC.) 1 TENTATIVE
MAP to divide 5.2 acres into three parcels. Said property is
located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Alves
Dr, and Ba.nd.ley Dr. First Hearing.
10. Application 20-TM-77 of THE KOLL COMPANY (liTW, INC,) TENTATIVE
MAP to combine two parcels into one parcel. Said property is
located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Bandley
Dr. &lid Stevens Creek Blvd. First Hearing.
The Assistant Planner gave an overview of the proposal for an Alpha
Beta. Market.
Commissioner Gatto stated. he was abstaining from the public hearing on
these two items,
Chairman Koeni tzer Was concerned about the traffic restrictions imposed.
upon the Ba.'1k of America when their remodeling was approved. He would
like the Bank of America file researched on this point,
Commissioner Adams noted the location of the loading platform for the
market. He wondered if that would cause reconsideration of lot lines,
The Assistant Planner said this point was addressed by the H-Control
Committee and the City Council and it was felt that this proposal was
a viable solution.
Engineer 1i arren Wha.ly.. 2202) Baxley Court, Cupertino, representing
D. Cole, said they have connected the easement down to the Bank of America
site. They have discussed. reciprocal easements with Bobs Big Boy Restaurant
on De Anza Blvd.
The Assistant City Engineer answered Mr. Wha.ly that they have to take
some core samples and discuss the resurfacing matter with Alpha Beta.
Commissioner Blaine would like to see the parking aisles lined up better
with the adjoining parking lot.
Commissioner Adams wondered. if Condition 20 of the first and Condition 17
of the second satisfy the requirements. The Assistant City Attorney said
these are standard conditions.
Since there were no further comments from the audience. it was moved
by Commissioner Adams. seconded by Commissioner Markkula to close the
public hearings on Applications 17-TM-77 and 20-TM-77.
Motion carried 4-0-1
Commissioner Gatto abstained,
Moved by Comm.1ssioner Adams. seconded by Collllllissioner B~e to
approve Application 17-TM-77 subject to Conditions 1-20 as listed in
the October 6. 1977 staff memo.
AYES I Commissioner Adams. Blaine, Markkula, Cha1r1Ian Koenitzer
ABSTAINED. Comm.1ssioner Gatto
1. That the Planning Commission makes the following findingsl
a) That the proposed map is consistent with the general and
specific plans.
b) That the design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is
consistent with the general and specific plans.
c) That the site is physically suitable for the type of develop-
d) That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density
of development.
e) That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements
are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or su
stantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their
f) That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements
are not likely to cause serious public health problems.
g) That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements
will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at
large. for access through or use of, property within the
proposed subdivision.
Moved by Commissioner Adams. seconded by Commissioner Gatto to approve
Application 20-TM-77 per the Condition stated in the October 6, 1977
staff memo.
AYES I Commissioners Adams, Blaine, Markkula. Chairman Koenitzer
!lOESI None
ABSTAINED. Commissioner Gatto
I PC-26S
Page II
Page 12
I. That the Planning Commission makes the following findings.
a) That the proposed. map is consistent with the general and
specific plans.
b) That the design or improvement of the proposed. subdivision is
consistent with the general and specifio plans,
c) That the site is phYsically sui table for the type of develop-
d) That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density
of development.
e) That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements
are not likely to cause substantial environmental dama.ge or sub-
stantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat,
f) That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements
are not likely to cause serious public health problems.
g) That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements
will not oonflict with easements, acquired by the public at
large, for access through or use of, property within the
proposed subdivision.
Moved by Commissioner Blaine, seoonded by Commissioner Adams to direct
the staff to restudy the traffic pattern on this and adjacent properties
prior to final action on these tentative maps,
Motion carried ~-O-l
Commissioner Gatto abstained.
11. Application 23-TM-77 of DEBCOR CORPORATION (R. H. Childress).
TENTATIVE MAP to adjust property lines dividing three existing
parcels. Said property is located in Regnart Canyon westerly
of Regnart Rd. (22025 Regnart Rd.) First Hearing.
The Assistant Planning Director said the application tonight is to
adjust property lines between three existing lots of record. for the
purpose of making two of these lots buildable, The issue involved here
is the question of emergency fire acoess to this property and to the
property on the west. He said the applicant is concerned about Oondition 19.
He would like a waiver of storm drain fees since this application does
not create another lot. The site was checked and it was found there is
an adequate drain field. The staff feels strongly that there should be
as many a.ccesses as possl1e in case of fire.
Page 13
Mr. R. Childress, ZZOZ5 Regnart Road, owner of the property said he met
with Mr. Nellis and Mrs. Virovich and the owner of Lindy Canyon'. He
is presently negotiating for another Z3 acres, He would like to reduce
Conditions 18 and 19 for the present time and save then until the time
of development of the property.
Since there were no cOllllUents from the audience, it was moved by
Commissioner Gatto, secoaded by Commissioner Adams to close the public
Motion carried 5-0
Moved by Commissioner Gatto, secoaded by Commissionvr Markkula to
recommend to the City Council approval of Application 23-TM-77 subject
to the 14 Standard Conditions, Co~.ition 15-18, and Condition 19 as
modified by the staff. Condition ZQ, delete Condition 21, Condition ZZ
as added by the staff, and Conditions Z;, Z4, and Z5.
Adams, Blaine, Gatto,Markkula, Chairman Koenitzer
Motion carried 5-0
1. That the Planning Commission makes the following findings,
a) That the proposed map is consistent with the general and
specific plans.
b) That the design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is
consistent with the general and specific plans.
c) That the site is physically suitable for the type of develop-
d) That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density
of development.
e) That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements
are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or sub-
stantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their
f) That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements
are not likely to cause serious public health problems,
g) That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements
wi n not conflict with easements. aC'lU1red by the public at
large, for access through or use of, property within the
proposed subdivision.
Page 14
12. Application 24-TM-77 of MABK THOMAS & CO., INC. (Sunny View
Lutheran Home)1 TENTATIVE MAP to adjust lot lines involving
three parcels and to consolidate two of said parcels into a
single parcel. Said property is located easterly of and adjacent
to Foothill Blvd.. approximately 100 ft. northerly of the inter-
section of Cupertino Rd. and Foothill Blvd. First Hearing.
The Assistant Planner said purpose for this tentative ID&p is to allow
Sunny View Manor to construct a 100-unit apartment project for senior
citizens, at the northeast corner of Foothill Blvd.. and Cupertino Rd.
Mr, Ron Vistski, Assistant Administrator for the Sunny View Lutheran
Home, stated. this is a HtJD application which requires the financing
application to separate new construction areas from non construction
areas. This is the reason for the parcel map.
Ms, Patti Brisco, Monta Vista resident, said she is very concerned.
about this pa.rCel~ She said the plan for the new addition is not
compatible with the original structure, She wondered. what it would
be used. for if it beoame vacant.
Since there were no further comments from the aud.1enoe, it was moved.
by Commissioner Gatto, seconded. by Commissioner Blaine to close the
public hearing.
Motion carried 5-0
Moved. by Commissioner Blaine, seconded. by Commissioner Gatto to approve
Application 24-TM-77 with the 14 Standard Conditions and Condition 15,
Exhibit A.
Commissioners Adams, Blaine, Gatto, Markkula, Chairman Koenitzer
Motion carried. 5-0
1. That the Planning Commission makes the following findings,
a) That the proposed. map is consistent with the general and
specific plans.
b) That the design or improvement of the proposed. subdivision is
consistent with the general and specific plans.
c) That the site is physically suitable for the type of develop-
d) That the site is physically suitable for the proposed. density
of development.
e) That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements
are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or su,b-
stantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat.
Page 15
f) That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements
are not likely to cause serious public health problems.
g) That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements
will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at
large, for access through or use of, property within the
proposed subdivision.
1:3. Application 2:3-U-77 of ST, JOHN'S RESTAURANT I USE PERMIT to
allow placement of four game maohines in an existing building
to be occupied a.s a restaurant. Sa.id property is located a.t
19541 Richwood. Drive. First Hearing.
Reference was made to the October 5, 1977 staff memo regarding this
proposal. Discussion of policy was to take place a.t another time.
Mr. JohBerwald, 261 Creekside Drive, Los Altos, said he was represent-
ing the applica.nt for St. John's Restaurant, John and Limea Carroll
and his son. He stated that a project as far along as this one is
should not have such additional conditions imposed, such as the staff
is recommending, He said these young people have invested much money,
time, and effort in this project. They do not object to the Planning
Commission creating a policy but please do not make it retroactive. The
three game machines are simple ancillary addition; this is not a game
Since there were no additional comments from the audience, it was
moved by Commissioner Blaine, seconded by Commissioner Adams to close
the public hearing.
Motion carried 5-0
Commissioner Gatto commented that three or four machines are not a
principle part of this business and this use permit application should
not even be be£ore the Planning Commission. The other members of the
Planning Commission agreed.
Upon the advice of the Assistant City Attorney, it was moved by
Commissioner Gatto, seconded by Commissioner Blaine to adopt a
Resolution indicating in the opinion of' the Planning Commissioners a
use permit is not neoessary in this case and should be withdrawn by the
Motion carried 5-0
14. Application 25-U-77 of HEWLErT-PACKARDI USE PERMIT to
allow construction of Phase 2 and :3 of the Hewlett-Packard
facility. Said phases involve three industrial buildings
totaling approximately 467 I 640 sq. ft. Sa.id property is
located at the southeast corner of the intersection of
Homestead Rd. and Wolfe Rd. First Hearing.
Page 16
The Assistant Planning Director said in 1973 a master use permit was
approved. At this time the use permit application involves two key
decisions. NUllber one. the relationship òf the request to the applicant's
commitment to reduce the sites development potential by 11.2 acres
as per the Vallco Park construotion phasing memo. Number two is the
relationship of t he request to the applicant' s commitment to fund. traffic
control and street construction improvements as per the Vallco Park
construction phasing memo contract. Because the land use intensity has
been reduced,Hewlett-Packard can be allowed to develop Phase 9-2 and 9-3
at this point. A condition should be imposed that Hewlett-Packard agree to
participate in a LIV when it is needed.
Chairman Koenitzer asked the amount of traffic generated. by the original
proposal as opposed to this with the less intense development. The
Assistant Planning Director stated. we will just have to depend on the
Director of Public Works' judgment.
Chairman Koenitzer asked how much worse must the traffic get before we
determine there must be street improvements. The Assistant Planning
Director said when it appears the traffic is reaching some threshold,
then the street improvements will be required.
Commissioner G&tto said when the original Vallco plan was developed,
certain road improvements were required. This was all deleniated during
the general plan hearing.
Moved by Commissioner Blaine. seconded by Commissioner Gatto to continue
Item 17. 18, 19, 20, and 5 to 7130 p,m. Wendesday, Ootober 12, 1977,
Motion carried 5-0
Architect, John Erlich, representing Hewlett-Packard, said they took a
three day traffic count. The primary concern was trip ends confined to
6100 p.lI. daily. 650-900 cars were allowed on the original chart.
extrapolating this we come to 1500, whereas'the originá.l utrapolation
was 2300. This shows a 30% deduction froll the original projection. This
data was gathered August )0, through September I, 1977 by Consultant, Traffic
Engineer, Lewis Larson. The II acre reduotion was based on the intensity
of use of ellployee occupancy to the amount of acreage. He noted there are
very large open park like areas distributed throughout the entire site.
Mr. James Lyman. further explained the rationale used.
Mr. Burrel Lenard, 10050 North Wolfe Road, said he is one of the principles
in Vallco Park, He recommended putting this over to another night. He
said he has not received copies of the staff report. Va.llco·s ownership
is within the 300ft" 3/4 of the way around. the subject property. He
believes the Hewlett-,Packard people are doing a very diligent job and trying
to conform to the City's purposes. He is less willing to accept trip end
approach than they are. Mr. Lenard said the hotel is not by any means a
dead issue. He would like to be fully noticed on this issue so that the
matter can be considered comprehensively.
Page l?
The Ass1stant Planning D1rector stated. Valleo Puk was sent a copy of
the sta.f'f report, but evidently did not get their mail delivered since
this was a holida.y.
Moved. by Commissioner Gatto, seconded. by Commissioner Blaine to
continue Item 25, Application 25-U-77 to 71)0 p.m. Wednesday,
October 12, 1971.
Motion carried 5-0
15. Application Z6-U-71 of KENED CORPORATION (Kenneth L. Wagner) 1
USE PmMIT to allow construction of a temporary golf driving
range on the undeveloped Freeway Rt. 85 right of way. Said;
property 1s located southerly of and. adjacent to Stevens
creek Blvd. 1Dediately westerly of De Anza College. First,
This application was continued to November 14, 1971.
WHEEL) 1 REZONING approximately .212 acres from FÌJ-2.2
(Residential, multiple, 2,200 sq. ft. per dwelling unit)
to P (Planned Development with general coøunucia.l intent)
or whatever zone may be deemed. appropriate by the Planning
ColllÛ.ssion. Sa.id property is located at the southeast
corner of De Anza. Blvd. and La.za.neo Dr, First Hearing,
The Assistant Plalll11ng Director said this road pattern was develi:",ed in II
197). Forest Avenue was to intersect with De Anza. Boulevard and.
meet the north/south roa.d - Ba.ndley Drive. The Donut Wheel is within
the right of wa.y. The application tonight 1s to rezone from R)-2.2
to p(Planned Development) with general cOllllllercia.l intent. Technically
it cannot be rezoned commercial and be consistent with the general plan
The City Council'has directed the Planning Commission to review this
issue.' From a planning point of view both the Donut Wheel and. the
automobile repair facility should be demolished and. rebuilt with
residential structures.
The Assistant City Attorney answered. Commissioner Gatto that an
eminent domain proceding for Lazaneo to go thro~ has been filed.
Also, an agreement has been signed. for the agreement to be fulfilled.
but then must rezone the 'properly to cOll1lercia.l.
Chairman Koenitzer asked what plans there are for the remainder of the
widening of De Anza. Boulevard. The Assistant City Engineer sa.1d it is
in this year's budget.
Mr. Robert Peeparl, Architect. for the project, 4040 Moorpark Avenue,
San Jose, said this donut shop has been in this location for over
20 years and. has never received. a. complaint. He explained. the plans
Page 18
for the new building were white stucco walls, white cement roof, and
graphics. Development will be on only 17% of the property. 'They plan
to extend the walls along Paulette Pl. and around the corner. There
would be low lever lighting that would not disturb residential.
Commissioner Blaine asked. the hours of operation. She was told that
the 24 hour operation must keep hours of 6100 -9100 a.m. averaging about
4 automobiles at one time.
Mr. Gilbert Meyer, Vice President of B.A.S. Homes, said they feel
that it is essential to the integrity of the residential that their
subdivision be separated from the industrial and the cOlUllercial. If
the City feels it is best to allow the donut shop to continue there
should be some requirements, such as a 9 ft. sound wall and heavy planting
of trees that lIould. be placed behind the sound. lIall. People should have
access to the donut shop from De Anza Boulevard not Lazaneo Drive, He
prefers a commercial building be located. in the rear with parking close
to the front of the property.
Mr. Sid Berkett, said he lives in this subdivision and is the Sales
Director of it. Lazaneo Drive is bound to become much busier and Mariani
Avenue is going to be closed. off. The School District Offices
and a junior high school are in the immed1a te ar ea.. If the Donut 1íheel
stays, it should be oriented. toward De Anza. Boulevard and parldng should
be up in front.
Mr. 1íilliu 1íeil, stated. his donut shop is 20 years old, it is a clean
quiet business. Ten years ago there were some problems with motorcycles,
but that has been resolved. He answered :::ommissioner Gatto that the
busiest hours are between 6130 and 10130 a,m. Trucks don't come down
that way anymore, There are eight to ten cars here at the very most
at one time. The noise from the police cars can be controlled very easily.
Mr. Jim Tapley, JI66 Allen 1íay, Santa Clara, said he is about to become
a citizen of Cupertino. He asked why Laza.neo is opening up to De Anza
Boulevard. All the people are against it, The Assistant Planning Director
answered. the City Council would have to go back and do a lot of changing
on the trip end factor if Lazaneo were not to go through. The entire
traffic network for this part of town takes this into consideration.
Mr. Douglas Newey. 10151 Pargoti, said he is buying a home in the B.A.S.
development. He invisions even truck traffic using Lazaneo Drive. This
property has been zoned residential for some time now. Noise, lighting,
and signing should be oonsiderations,
Mr, Jim McAuley, 1128 Rolling Hill, said he will be living in one of these
homes also. He would like both the donut shop and the auto repair business
to go, He said trucks do stop there.
Mr. Louis Paviso, owner of the garage, said this has been a commercial
business at this location for 66 years, and will stay for another 33 years.
He was there first. He said anybody who would buy a house next door
to his garage is stupid.
Mr. Antone I.alfnich, said he Ifill' have an interezt in one of the B,A,S I
Homes. He felt the staff for the most part does an excellent job. For
the sake of the donut shop he hopes the cltlzens"wlll be able to reserve
entry to the shop not in conflict along De Anzá Boulevard. He says the I
sound wall does not do the job. The noise is not generated by the
Donut Wheel nor the auto repair shop but by the traffic along the
Mr. G. Walters, said future homeowners in this area on the south end
of Paulette are concerned about traffic on Lazaneo if it goes through
to De Anza Boulevard. He would like a defenition of 101f intensity
lighting.for that parking lot. He would be in favor on an ent:rrance
onto De Anza Boulevard. He would like to know what the policy is for
signing. Chairman Koenitzer informed Mr. Walters that most of his
questions will be covered during the H-Control meeting. Mr. Walters
closed with the statement that the 24-hour operation does not sit well
with him and he Ifould prefer that Lazaneo not go through to De Anza
Mr. Tom Stelfart, Saratoga Avenue, Santa Clara, said he was not in favor
of the City having a long range plan. He said he cannot except the
drivelfays of the donut shop anywhere but on De Anza Boulevard.
Moved by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Commissioner Blaine to close
the public hearing.
Motion carried 5-0
Commissioner Catto said the planning effort that took place in the City
are the results of a lot of publicinput~ This information should be
made available to nelf home buyers so they can realize how this can come
about. From a planning standpoint, Commissioner Gatto said he Ifould
have to concur with the staff. The integrity of that area was to look
at integrated plans, There is no commercial Ifhatsoever in the original
general plan. This was modified to permit the restaurant dOlfn by
Four Phase Systems. He Ifould opt f9r changing this from H) to HI from
an equity standpoint the City Council will have to make this decision.
Commissioner Markkula agreed with Commissioner Gatto'but for different
:çeasons. He said the reason we have planning is to try to soften the
b101f. He believes the donu'o shop and the garage should be zoned
residential. In agreeing they are going to create a long stretch
where there are no· breaks except for the garage. This could create
a safety hazard if someone decides as they are driving dOlfn Stevens
Creek Boulevard that they Ifant to stop at the donut shop.
Commissioner Blaine had no great difficulty making a decision here.
She said the Donut Wheel has been an asset to the community for many
years. She couldn't imagine anyone Ifanting to live in a house at
that busy corner, She wondered if possibly the Paviso garage screened
some of the noise from De Anza Boulevard. From a planning point of
Page 19
Page 20
view this all should be residential, she agreed. But if the garage
is going to be there for )0 more years, it does not seem to be good
planning to put a house next door to the garage. Her decision on that
point, hinges on what is going to happen to Mr. Paviso's garage. ~The
Assistant City Attorney advised the garage could stay there a minimum
of 10 years and up to )0 or 40 years. ,
Commissioner Markkula said Mr. Weil has been made aware tor a least
5 years of the City'S plan :for this property. We have tried to so:ften
the blow.
Chairman Koenitzer believes that
who have been here a long time.
will cause that much traf:fic. A
some oonsideration is due the people
He does not believe the donut shop
small commercial use here will not be
Moved by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Commissioner Blaine to reopen
the public hearing.
Motion carried 5-0
Susan Ha, 6921 Dartmore Way, San Jose, said the owners o:f the B.A.S. Romes
have to look 1,000 years ahead not just )0 years. She has a )0 year loan
on her property.
Moved by Commissioner Markkulà, seconded by Commissioner Gatto ~o_close
the public hearing.
Motion carried 5-0
Moved by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Commissioner Blaine to recommend
to the City Council approval o:f Application 20-Z-77 subject to Conditions
1-18 deleting Condition 15 in the staf:f memo o:fOctober 7,1977.
Commissioners Adams, Blaine, Chairman Koenitzer
Commissioners Gatto, Markkula
Motiüü carried 3-2
Chairman Koenitzer adjourned this meeting at 1.)0 a.m. to 7.)0 p.m.
Wednesday, October 12, 1977.
WID. E. Ryder