Desk Item 03-10-20 DESK ITEM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 3 - 10 - 2020 Overview of the California Environmental Quality Act March 10, 2020 CARMEN J . BORG, AICP JOSEPH PETTA SHUTE, MIHALY & WEINBERGER LLP SHUTE, MIHALY WLINRFRGtRir 1 Objectives of CEQA Environmental Protection Avoid/Minimize Effects j \ Mitigation Disclosure Inform decision makers about environmental consequences Disclose to the public why decisions were made Public Participation SHUTS 'MIK [_Y -' EINBERGErR ;_U 2 Interpreting CE A CEQA Statute CEQA Regulations and Guidelines Local CEQA Guidelines Court Cases Governor's Office of Planning and Research SHUTE� MIH ALl` LT -A EINBERGER Lu 3 doesWhen Public Agency determines vrhether Not the activity is a "project" Project Project is ministerial Public Agency determines if No possible significant effect the project is exempt „�,,,,,,,■,Statutory exemption =me Categorical exemption I Not Exempt Public Agency evaluates project IF to determine if there is a possibility No further action rr that the project may have a Notice of Exemption required under significant effect on the environment may be filed CEQA S H U T E M I H A Ll, " -WEINBERC,LRI 4 Types ofCEQADocuments Exemptions Initial Study (IS) a.k.a. "the CEQA Checklist" Negative Declaration (ND)/Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) Environmental Impact Report (EIR) SHUTS MIHALY &WEINBERGERuP 5 Initial CEQA Guidelines § 15063. Initial Study An "Initial Study" is a preliminary analysis prepared to determine if the project may have a significant effect on the environment. An IS must be prepared prior to issuing a Negative Declaration or a Mitigated Negative Declaration. Must be based on facts not argument, speculation, unsubstantiated opinion, or erroneous information. Si-lUI_F M, lHAL -W L I N t R G E p w, 6 Negative Declaration CEQA Guidelines § 21064. NEGATIVE DECLARATION "Negative declaration" means a written statement briefly describing the reasons that a proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment and does not require the preparation of an environmental impact report. SHUTE MIHALY -WEINBERGERLLP 7 Declaration Negative PREPARED WHEN : There is no substantial evidence, in light of the whole record before the lead agency, that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. SHUTE:, \1[HA[_Y C..J�--\X/Ef 4BE[RGE,R 8 Mitigated Negative Declaration M D CEQA GUIDELINES § 21064.5. MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION "Mitigated negative declaration" means a negative declaration prepared for a project when the initial study has identified potentially significant effects on the environment, but (1) revisions in the project plans or proposals made by, or agreed to by, the applicant before the proposed negative declaration and initial study are released for public review would avoid the effects or mitigate the effects to a point where clearly no significant effect on the environment would occur, and (2) there is no substantial evidence in light of the whole record before the public agency that the project, as revised, may have a significant effect on the environment. SHUTS MIHALY -WEINBERGERu.r 9 Mitigated Neative Declaration M D PREPARED WHEN : The lead agency, based on the initial study, determines that there is substantial evidence in the record that the project may have a significant effect on the environment but: revisions in the project plans or proposals would avoid or mitigate the effects to a point where clearly no significant effect on the environment would occur and there is no substantial evidence in light of the whole record that the project, as mitigated, may have a significant effect on the environment. SHUTS MIHALY -WEINBERGERLLP 10 Environmental Impact Report EIR An informational document to inform regarding environmental impacts, ways to minimize impacts, and alternatives. Prepared when : When there is substantial evidence, in light of the whole record, that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. EIR conclusions must be based on substantiale evidence (e.g., technical studies) Much more detailed than an IS Includes evaluation of alternatives to the project sHulL ' - F INRLRGIsRtir 11 MND or EIR ? MND - "Fair Argument Standard": whether it can be fairly argued, based on substantial evidence, that project may have a significant effect on the environment. ( Initial Study/ND/MND) EIR - "Substantial Evidence Test": means enough relevant information to support a conclusion . Substantial evidence shall include facts, reasonable assumptions predicated upon facts, and expert opinion supported by facts. ( EIR) SHUTS NIIHAIY" � 'EIiNBERGERp_w 12 MND or EIR ? "Fair Argument Standard" Whether it can be fairly argued, based on substantial evidence, that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. - any substantial evidence showing potential for significant effects - burden on the lead agency to provide evidence 13 MND or EIR ? "Substantial Evidence" "Enough relevant information and reasonable inferences from this information that a fair argument can be made to support a conclusion, even thought other conclusions might also be reached. Whether a fair argument can be made that the project may have a significant effect on the environment is to be determined by examining the whole record before the lead agency. Argument, speculation, unsubstantiated opinion or narrative, evidence which is clearly erroneous or inaccurate, or evidence of social or economic impacts which do not contribute to or are not caused by physical impacts on the environment does not constitute evidence. " Pub. Resources Code, 21082.2, subd. (c); CEQA Guidelines 15384. - burden is on challenger to provide evidence - courts defer to lead agencies SHUTS MIHALY Q -WEINBERGERLLN 14 Initial Study CONTENTS Table of Contents/Summary Discussion of Cumulative Impacts Project Description Discussion of Mitigation Measures Environmental Setting Mitigation and Monitoring Thresholds of Significance Program (usually Appendix G of CEQA Guidelines) 15 Initial PROCESS Publication Public review period (20 — 30 days) Lead agency review of IS/MND and any #v public comments . Approval of project, adoption of MND and mom Notice of Determination (starts statute of limitations) Si L [ ,y1111vLL WE JNB RGI Ri.. 16 E I R CONTENTS Table of Growth Inducing Impacts Contents/Summary Discussion of Cumulative Project Description Impacts p Discussion of Mitigation Environmental Setting Measures Thresholds of Alternatives Analysis Significance Mitigation and Monitoring A endix G ofProgram ( usually pp CEQA Guidelines) 17 E I R PROCESS Notice of Preparation (NOP) and Scoping Publication and Public review period (30 — 45 days or longer) Lead agency review of EIR and any public comments Publication of FEIR (includes responses) Approval of project, certification of EIR and adoption of MMRP Notice of Determination (starts statute of limitations). SHUTF, MIR-1 [Y �1_1Nl'")FRGE_R,i.r 18 Initial Study/ MNDand EIR - - - - -- - - Mitigation Measures Evidence of feasibility Cannot be deferred Fully enforceable Essential nexus 4 "Roughly proportional» -/ _ 19 Pitfalls Watch for: Incomplete Description Deferred Analysis Deferred Mitigation Cumulative Impacts Reasonable alternatives SHUTS MIF-IALY 20 WEJNRERGER .t.r Review and Q84 A is 7�M+t�y - 1�'--- heip`. answer .�: tirlx.,t rt ,.""". _ pu..un,. �.Inv ' igativn inquiry " a 3SIc ar�wors worry used °M ...�rK,r4.. _rri•� proble �, -stians „c-, .t. Pro,' lilt ,.4, �qu 11:3ne a ►�, �•ar,syon raid tea• ' RI�Qw•. ;Ma ^s•i r SHUTS MIHALY &--WEINBERGERap 21 Online Resources Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR) http://www.ca.gov/ http://www.opr.ca.gov/cega/technical-advisories.html Statutes, Guidelines, Appendix G/Initial Study Checklist http://resources.ca.gov/ceqa/guidelines/ http://resources.ca.gov/ceqa/flowchart/ SHUTS MIHALY & --WEINBERGERL.L.P 22 Ir SHUTS M I HALY ThankYou ! WEINBERGER Carmen J. Borg, A I C P Celebrating 40 years of serving the public interest Joseph Petta smwlaw.com it►tr I ,r i 4„ 1 ' ottook ..8 ♦f ri.4. 9','L,tT s rr . w, Benjamin Fu From: Jean Bedord <Jean@bedord.com> Sent: Sunday, March 8, 2020 11:28 PM To: City Council; City of Cupertino Planning Commission; Benjamin Fu; Cupertino City Manager's Office Subject: Planning Commission is wasting legal and staff resources -why???? CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Mayor Scharf, council members and planning commission, The agenda for the Planning Commission on Tuesday, March 10, consists of only Item #2 Study Session regarding common terms and documents related to the CEQA process No details. Presumably this is a remedial item for the inexperienced commissioners, including the chair. CEQA is complex, and compliance depends on the individual project which is also governed by multiple regulatory requirements. Why is this commission wasting valuable legal and scarce staff time for superfluous meetings which don't have action items? It was bad enough that the Planning Commission spent FIVE meetings reviewing the General Plan annual report line-by-line. The reformatting of the report could have accomplished in a single meeting; the rest of the review was outside the General Plan amendment process. Please cancel this meeting until meaningful development items are on the agenda. Warm regards, Jean Bedord Cupertino resident 1 Benjamin Fu From: David Fung Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2020 4:12 PM To: Benjamin Fu;Joseph D. Petta Subject: On topic and conflicts for tonight's PC meeting Ben,Seph— I wanted to express a concern regarding the study session on CEQA process (item#2) on the Planning Commission agenda tonight. There were no attachments, so I don't really know who is presenting or what material they were intending to cover. For the record, I was opposed to this session during the work plan process—a brief overview has little value for the public and an in-depth review is complicated and tedious,which will ultimately also be of little value to the public. But I'm particularly concerned about the potential for conflict of interest on the topic tonight, since Chairperson Moore is a current litigant against the City of Cupertino in a matter that materially contains a number of CEQA complaints. I believe that there is high potential for comments from the commission members challenging the efficacy and process of CEQA which are very likely to infringe on the territory of the lawsuit and are not appropriate for the discussion tonight. The charter of the Planning Commission includes"Endeavor to promote public interest in, comment upon, and understanding of the General Plan, and regulation relating to it(CMC 2.32.070.D). Holding an impartial, factual discussion of the CEQA process can promote that objective, but a biased presentation or discussion runs counter to that goal. I believe that Commissioner Moore did comment at the time of the work plan to the effect that understanding CEQA would increase the capacity for residents to oppose projects,which I believe would be outside the appropriate bounds of this item. I hope that staff and the CAO's office can frame the appropriate bounds of the discussion both before the item and in the ensuing discussion. Thank you, David Fung 1