PC 03-12-79
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
Telephone: (408) 252-4505
Ch. Blaine called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM with the Salute to
tile Flag.
Comm. present:
Comm. absent:
Adams, Gatto, Koenitzer, Ch. Blaine
Cl aud y
Staff present:
Assistant Planning Director Cowan
Assistant Planner Piasecki
Assistant City Engineer Whitten
Assistant City Attorney Kilian
Deputy Assistant City Attorney Aikens
Hinutes of Regular !!eeting of February 12, 1979:
Pages 7 anù 8 -- the spelling of a name should be changed from
"Baten" to "Bateh".
Moved oy Comm. Adams, seconded by Comm. Koenitzer to approve the
Minutes of February 12, 1979 as corrected.
:!otion carried, 4-0
Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 26, 1979:
twved by Camm. Gatto, seconded by Camm. Koenitzer to approve the
llinutes of February 26, 1979 as submitted.
~fution carried, 4-0
Page 1
II Feb. 12th
Minutes apprcveé
Feb. 26th
l1inutes approve¿
Page 2
1. Applications 2-Z-79 and I-TM-79 of C&~ON VIEW ESTATES (Richard
Childress): REZONING approximately 25 acres from Rl-80 (Residential,
Single-family, 80,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size); Rl-120 (Residential,
Single-family 120,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size) and Al-43 (Agri-
cultural, Residential, 43,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size) to RHS
(Residential, Hillside, Slope-Density Formula) zone or whatever zone
may be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission; TENTATIVE MAP
to resubdivide four parcels consisting of approximately 25 acres
into six parcels equaling approximately four acres each; and
~¡VIRO~ŒNTAL REVIEW: The Environmental Review Committee recommends
the granting of a Negative Declaration. Said property is located on
the westerly ridge in Regnart Canyon approximately 800 ft. north-
westerly of Regnart Road approximately 1,000 ft. southwesterly of
the terminus of Lindy Lane. First Hearing.
The Assistant Planning Director reviewed a series of maps on the bulletin
board, one of which was labeled Master Plan - Lindy Canyon/Regnart Canyon.
He stated the zoning and the tentative map are consistent with the General
Plan. In terms of new building, there will be two new homes on the 25
I acres. From a geological point of view, the plan is acceptable. The
Health Department feels that, because of the proximity to a sewer line,
I that these homes should be sewered. The staff has explained to the Health
Department the position taken by the City Council that it is the property
owner's option to go to either sewer or septic tanks.
The Equestrian Trail was reviewed. The most logical route from the
Grandview Estates to the Open Space District would be through the Kaiser
Permanente property.
Comm. Koenitzer was answered by the Assistant Planning Director that it
will not be possible for these lots to be further subdivided. He said
the Canyon View tentative map cannot be recorded until after the Nellis
map is finalized.
!1r. Richard Childress, 22025 Regnart Road, said this subdivision is the
remaining link between the two canyons with an emergency road and few
lots. This subdivision has been worked on for a long time. He asked
the Planning Commission for approval.
Since there were no comments from the audience, it was moved by Cemm.
Koenitzer, seconded by Comm. Gatto to close the Public Hearing.
tfotion carried t 4-0
Comm. Gatto commented that the zoning and final configuration will help
iinisl.l up the area between the ~¡ellis property and Grandview. If we are
talking about 5-6 horses, perhaps we are over-emphasizing a problem
with the horse trail.
Comm. Adams said Condition 16C should be reworded. Comm. Gatto
said he would be willing to strike Condition 18. Ch. Blaine
agreed. Mr. Childress said that apparently, Buck Norred stables
are going out of business~
it was
it was apparent a member of the audience wished to speak,
moved by Comm. Adams, seconded by Comm. Koenitzer to
tne Public Hearings.
Motion carried, 4-0
Ms. JoAnn Gholson, 22125 Regnart Road, stated she is going to file
suit against this proposal. She quoted portions of a real estate
board report. She charged that Mr. Childress has not gone by the
rules. He has stated he owns all this property when, in fact, he
àoes not at this point. She objects to the fire route and the
loop road. She said this proposal before the Planning Commission
tonight is in violation. She requested the City investigate her
charges. She wanted everything she said put in the Minutes. All
her statements are recorded in the Minutes on tape.
The Assistant City Attorney said the charge here is that the
proposed Tentative Map and Nellis and Childress violate the Map
Comm. Gatto asked the City Attorney if this Body should be pro-
hibited from acting upon this proposal. The Assistant City
Attorney said Nellis has an approved tentative map but no final
map as yet. It is his understanding the final map of the Nellis
property will be recorded prior to the City Council public hearing
on this proposal.
Gholson said Regnart Road is overburdened with houses. Sne
requested this proposal should not be acted upon by the City until
tae ~ellis matter is settled.
Attorney John J. Hayes, Jr., speaking for the Nellis', said this
is not tile forum before which this Subdivision Act should be
Mr. Childress said he has not purchased property. He has intended
to do so for two years.
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Adams to close the
Public Hearings.
Motion carried, 4-0
Moved by Comm. Adams, seconded by Comm. Gatto to reopen tne Public
Motion carried, 4-0
Page 3
Page 4
Kathy Nellis, 22325 Regnart Road, said she would be happy to answer
any questions in regard to the horse trail. They do not anticipate
many "horse people" will be living here.
Cn. Blaine's concern is whether or not we are going to require any
horse trails to be put in4 Do we put in new trails and easements?
Ms. Nellis said we are not talking about high volume here. The long
range trail plan is through the Kaiser property.
The Assistant Planning Director said the only public. concern here is
50% of the Grandview Estates may have horses. There is no legal access
to the Open Space. The public matter is horses on public streets.
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Adams to close the public
hear ing.
Motion carried, 4-0
Comm. Adams observed that the emergency fire road is going to be there
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comma Adams to support the determina-
tion of the ERe and grant a Negative Declaration.
Motion carried, 4-0
Moved by Carom. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Koenitzer to recommend to
the City Council approval of application 2-Z-79 subject to the Findings
and Subconclusions on page one of the staff report of March 9, 1979.
Comma Adams, Gatto, Koenitzer, Ch. Blaine
Comm. Claudy
Motion carried, 4-0
Moved by Comma Gatto, seconded by Comma Adams to recommend to the City
Council approval of application l-TI1-79 sub;ect to the Findings and '
Subconclusions and Conditions 1-14, 15, 16-Mcdified, 17, delete 18,
and Conditions 19-26 in the March 9, 1979 staff report.
¡,¡oES :
Camm. Adams, Gatto, Koenitzer, Ch. Blaine
Comm. Claudy
Motion carried, 4-0
Tne Assistant City Attorney reconfirmed the Findings and Sub-
conclusions were acknowledged and approved by the Planning
Commission. This goes to the City Council on April 2nd.
2. Applications 3-Z-79 and 4-U-79 of STATE MUTUAL SAVINGS &
LOAN ASSOCIATION: REZONING approximately two acres from CG
(General Commercial) to P (Planned Development with
residential and commercial intent) zone or whatever zone may
be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission;
USE PERMIT to allow construction of a 10,000 sq. ft.
commercial/office building and 24 residential townhouse/con-
dominium units; and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIE·"¡: The Environmental
Review Committee recommends the granting of a Negative
Declaration. Said property is located on the southwest
corner of Stevens Creek Blvd. and Finch Avenue. First
Hear ing.
The Assistant Planner reviewed the proposal with the aid of tne
maps and elevations on the Bulletin Board, per the March 9th
staff report. In terms of site layout and architecture, this
proposal is very good. The density, in terms of General Plan
Consistence, snould be discussed, however. He stated the
3elow Market Rate will be instituted here. The parking needs
have not yet been met. The Policy ",..integrate commercial and
residential and help to meet social goals..... II has been met.
The staff is not suggesting Condition 20 be deleted.
Base 1.3 acres x 12 DU per gross acre 3 16 units (15 + 1 Blffi)
20% Bonus 1.3 acres x 14.4 DU per gross acre = 19 units (13 +
1 B¡ffi)
Added Bonus for Social Goal (B¡ffi; high density; design excellence;'
and combined residential and commercial. 19 units x 25% =
24 units (22 @ Market + 2 B¡ffi). I
Ch. 31aine is concerned that the developer is given all these
bonus but we are only getting 2 Below Market Rate units here.
Another of her concerns is that she is not sure she is in favor
of less than 20 units would not have to be rounded.
Corom. Gatto was concerned where we should draw the line. Secondly,
on the Land Use program, we have here a daytime office/bank use
and night-time and weekend residential parking. The bank will have
a community room so there will be meetings at night and the
parking spaces will be used. There will be some landscaping but
no wall between tae residential and commercial. It appears there
is a parking problem here.
Page 5
?aga 6
I ,mIU::ES 0 F T:1E :!A."c?
1 7
-- ,
1979 Pt.~;~¡~G CO}~rISS~ON ~SZ~I~G
ArcÜi:ac::. Tad Br:Jwn, ot Bond & 3rcW'n, o.jjQ oac,=:ry Street, Sa~ Francisco
said t~ey have thoroughly ¿iscussed ::'~e parki~g. :~e 3~'!R wlit will
be assigned one par~<.ing s-pace and the ochers will eacil bave 2 ?arking
spaces. The B~æ ~i:s ~ill ~ave t~o bedrooms and they are en one grade
level. ~ach unit has 1:"....·0 enclosed parking spaces. -::îe garages a=,=
oversized so C",.1o small cars can ~o inside. T:le o;ues::. ;:arking is l.oca:.e.d
off-site. The BMR units have 900 sq. ft. excluding terrace and stair~ell.
The other units vary from 1350 to 1450 sq. ft. and A unit has lóOO sq. ft.
The central courtyards will be or brick paver. The intention is to make it
look more like a European ~ar court. Garbage cans can go in the garbage.
Garbage people will have a key to the garage. This last statement was
not well received.
:~. 3row~ said tne BMR P~ogram is a very good ene.
~. 3ill Lauderdale, lOGiC Craf~ Drive, said he has 3 units on Craft
D~ive and there is never enough room :or parking. ~ach unit has a
3-~ar garage and there are al~ays 5 or 6 cars parked i~ the street.
~. ~. ~ariani stated ~e has :r~uol¿ witn parking rrow because of the
high schaal studencs. There are 3000 scuåents at the high school and
either their parking is inadequate or located in the ~rong area. He
said t~e ~revious plan for thi3 property called for triplexes. ~e
woul¿ like to See the entrance for this development on Fi~ch rather
t~la¡¡ C:.-aft wrive.
Lynsel Miller, 10Q60 Craft D~ive 43, stressed the poi~t there is li~i:ed
parki~g. ria sometimes has to park across the sidewalk. iuasåay and
Ttlursday nights there is night sellool e Unless there are ?e~its the
anile parking along Craft Drive will be used by t~e studen~s.
~hè Assista~t PlannL¡g Direccor acknowledged pre£a=~ntial parking ís
used in some are.as. i:cwever, tt1e proble'C. is enforc.ement.
Isabel Lau¿e.rdale, lOGiO Craft Drive, said slle has 9 units and each
a2.S an enclosed garage and not: cne uses the garage :..J:- ~heir car.
I:: is used for storage. They all have two cars.
Bro~vn said this proposal Qas a 2ó' deep
storage and cars. The carport is 22'.
pool for t.ile people to use, also.
garage so there is room
TQere is storage area naar
r~e Assistant Planner sugges~e¿ ~oving t~e 3~~ ~i:3 ~c=~i and ~a~~n3
garag~s ~U: 0: tie car?crt5.
:1::-. :'filler emphasized :::'1at ':1e obj¿c:e¿ to t:1e derrsi.~:..·.
C:l. j.:.a::.::.e called a :acess at: :"J ::0 ?~.!. ~~1e ::I!.ee:i.:1€ r.:c.cm....-::-:.¿¿ at
10: 25 2:-1.
Ch. Blaine commented that this proposal is an interesting concept.
However, she does not see any interrelationship between the resi-
de~tial and the commercial. She did not object to not having any
great distance between the two. She is not happy with the density.
The number of BHR units is not equitable. She is not convinced
tlIat the Unit B needs to be as small as it is; it is not a very
"livable" unit. She would like to see some reworking on the
number and size of the BMR units. There needs to be at least 2
parking spaces per unit in this development.
Comm. Koenitzer said a 900 sq. ft. BMR unit in relation to a 1350
sq. ft. unit is not equitable. And tucking them in there makes it
obvious they are BMR. If we did not have a BMR program, this
property would yield only 15 units. The parking will be a problem.
He suggested some cut in density_
Comm. Gatto said we are giving the developer 3 additional units
here. The bonus s~lOuld be something that only absorbs the BMR
w1i ts .
The Assistant Planner suggested a postponement m~gnt be in order
now, so the developer can restudy his plan, taking tonight's
comments into consideration.
Mr. Brown said he would have no problem in increasing the size of
the a,fi( units and making 2 parking spaces for each unit.
Moved by Comm. Koenitzer, seconded by Corom. Gatto to continue the
public hearings on 3-Z-79 and 4-U-79 until after Unfinished Busi-
ness item on this agenda.
Motion carried, 4-0
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Adams that Item 5 be moved
to after Unfinished Business and continuation of the item just
~~tion carried, 4-0
3. Application 3-U-79 of KATHRYN M. WITTMERS: USE PE~~T to
allow a dance studio consisting of approximately 1,200 sq. ft.
in an existing commercial building; and E~VIRO~Œ~TAL REVIEW:
Tbe Environmental Review Committee recommends the granting
of a ~egative Declaration. The subject property is located
on the north side of Stevens Creek Blvd. approximately 300
ft. easterly of Adriana Avenue in a CG (General Commercial)
zoning district. First Hearing.
Page 7
3-Z-79 and
4-U-79 cont'd
to later in
this agenda
Page 8
The Assistant Planner reviewed this proposal. It consists of approxi-
mately 1200 sq. ft. The existing building is nonconforming because of
the lack of on-site parking. He then reviewed the '~rch 9, 1979 staff
report details of this proposal.
The Assistant City Engineer acknowledged a safety program through the
railroad crossing on S~evens Creek Blvd. is taking place at this time.
Mr. Bill Wittmers, 10210 Adriana, said that at the time of the original
application he did not realize they have access to parking by the
Manta Vista '~rket. They now have sufficient parking.
Since there were no further comments from the audience, it was moved
oy Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Koenitzer to close the public
Motion carried, 4-0
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Adams to grant the Negative
Declaration in support of the findings of the ERC.
Motion carried, 4-0
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Koenitzer to approve application
3-U-79, subject to the Findings and Subconc1usions in the March 9, 1979
staff report and subject to Conditions 1-14, 15, 16-modified, and 17.
Comm. Adams, Gatto, Koenitzer, Cn. Blaine
Comm. Claudy
Motion carried, 4-0
This agenda had no Item 4.
Agenda Item 5 was continued earlier in the meeting.
Continued Discussion of Below ~rket Rate Housing Program.
The Assistant Planning Director reviewed the February 28, 1979 "BELm.J-
On page 1, it should be pointed out that duplexes are excluded.
~U':l1,¡"r~S OF Till: ~!A..~c..;. 11., ~979 1?u:~mG Cmß!.ISS'ZO~ ~t:n}1G'
Page 9
Come. Gatto said cae key here is cae percentage at the total units.)
~e would like to see the initial calculation cased on the actual I
number of units permitted not including the BMR units. If the
developer wis"es to build additional B~~ uni~s, ~here is the bonus?
The Assistant Planning Directo~ said trafÍic, sewer capacity, etc.,
all must be taken into ~onsideration.
If you apply the bonus first, the potential is to have more BMR
units and the coSt burden may be too much for the developer to
absorb. The bonus is to help :ake up the cost or the BMR units.
Ch. Blaine believes 20: bonus is plenty. She questioned whether !
they should be given a ;onus for a good design since that is their I
Comm. Koenitzer said there should be some criteria for the BMR unit
in comparison to the other units in the project. He stressed that I .
the BMR units should not be singled out.
Comm. Gatto said a project should come in with no SMR designation. !
Example: 15 units per site; 2 SMR; and 3 bonus. It should first
be figured out how many units the land can support.
The Assistant City Attorney advised that on page 2, Buyer quali-
fications is discriœina~ory.
Comm. Koeniczer said the Buyer Selection on page 4 needs some
criteria from which to select those who draw ror the units.
Item 6 on page 5 is a condition placed on the zoning.
~ntals are excluded from this Prograc.
After discussion of this document, the ~eeting returned to the
material method on calculating bonus and BMR units (Agenda Item
2: 3-Z-79 and 4-U-79). This should include (1) determine
reasonable number or units for property involved and ror the
surrounding area. (2) subtract 20% of that number or units and
(3) then calculate the ~~ requirements on that reduced number
or T.1nits.
Comm. Gatto said that using the e:'tercise just completed would 1"
mean 16 units plus 3 ;onus units equal 19 units. ~is would allow
additional on-site parking; 1 unit at 100% and 1 at 120: level.
Ch.. 31a:i:1e believes this land could con:ain at !e.as: 20 units vi~~
C~mm. .~ams could see za uni:s ~ere as vell as :era on-si:e ?arki~~¡
. :
P~..ie 10
3-2 ~ ~-I.:-ï9
Seismic Safety
~IT~t~tS OF ~h~ ~L~CH ~2, 19i9 Ptk~NI~G CO~~ISSION ~ŒETI~G
Comm. Kae~ic:er said the~e·are 46 on-siee parking spaces ~ow, whic~ would
allow 23 units and ~o guest par~iag. He said the 3MR units :ust be of
generall:r tile same size. If everybod:r else has garages, tile:r s"oul¿, too.
This parcel will probably yield 22 units.
Camm. Gaeta would look more favorably on ~2 units if there was one mars
~(m unit, providing they can solve the par~ing problem. There should oe
a minimum of 3 spaces for each unit plus 4 or 5 guest parking spaces.
C~. Blaine said that if the par~ing problem is solved she would li~e to
see 2 more units here. It is close to Vallco Shopping and employment
and co.ere is a 'Jlarket. wit:'lin p,,¡alkicg di5cance.
The A5sista~t City ~'gi~eer said i~ will be almost i~possible to enforce
t~le preferential parking program. If tilis is granted ~lere, the!! m.a.nyo
ot~er areas in the City will want to nave i~.
Mr. Brown said it is important. to a~ to have the configuracicn ot che
project, and would like some guidelines.
~ved by Comm. Adams, seconded by c~~. ~oe~iczer Co continue 3-:-ï9 and
4-U-79 to :1.ar<:h 26, 1979.
Motion car~ie¿, ~-O
OT:'¡ER m..I~nSHED Bt;S~ESS: None.
:'ÏEW BUS ¡¡.;ESS : ~lo[1e.
~oved by Comm. Koenitzer, seconded by Comm. Adams to continue Seismic Safety
Element to Marc~ 26, 1979.
Motion carried, 4-0
Ch. Blaine adjourned this meeting at 12:15 AM.
,(,c:Z~ ~ 4.:,
~ ~
Ch. Baine