Reso 222 File No., 7-V-64
WHEREAS, the Planning Cormi:.,sicn of the City of Cupertino re-
ceived the application cf 7• ? `1eron
for a VARIANCE FOR R allowing ttno (2: po i.e signs on side where
Ordinance allows one (1) ; and
WHEREAS, the applicant has_ mct tag. burden of proof required, to
support his said application,
That after careful. consideration of maps, facts, exhibits and
other evidence submitted in this matter, the application for the
VARIANCE be and the same Is , hereby recommended for approval
to the City Council of the City of Cupertino for appropriate :action,
subject to the following conditions :.
I. This VARIANCE is to be .automat�..ca7.7.y terminated in the
event of the finding by the City Staff that it is not
legally necessary for erection of said ,sign,
2. The present Used Car sign must be rcinov ad f:c'om the premises .
That the report of findings attached hereto are approved and
adopted, and that the Secretary be, and is hereby, directed to
notify the parties affected by this decision.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of
Cupertino, State of California, thi;i 10 _ day of August ,19649
by the following roll call vote `
AYES : Comm. : Frolich, Gates; I Iirshon, Johnson, Small, Traeumer,
NOES : None
/s/ Scott Thomson
ATTEST : Chairman, Planning Commission
City and Traffic Planner
File No. 7-V-64
The application for a VARIANCE on behalf of J, I, Bacon
shows :
1. That there are special contions o exceptional charaCter:-
istics in the nature of the prperty to be affected or that its
location, or its surroundings ar:esuchas will permit the Commission
to make a determination that a literal enforcement of the Ordinance
would 'result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships. and
2 . That the granting of the application is necessary for the
preservation and enjoyment of substantial ppo-oerty rights; and ,
3„ That the granting of the application will not materially af-
fect adversely the health or safety of persons residing or working in
the neighborhood of the property which is the subject o2 the applica-
tion, and that the use of said property in the manner which it is pre-
posed to be used will not be materially detrimental to the public
welfare or injurious to .tho value of property or improvements- located
in said surroundings.
AFT' 1. Install ornamental street lights . All lighting shall be de-
signed to in no way interfere with adjacent residential district.
2. Street trees will be planted in the public right-of--way and shall
be of a type approved by the City in places designated by the City.
g. Traffic control signs will be placed at locations to be specified
by the City.
4. Fire hydrants shall be located as requested by the City.
5. - A masonry wall six feet high will be built separating the
commercial area from the residential area.
6. All parking areas and driveways will be paved as shown on the
plot plan.
7. Curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and structures shall be installed to
grades and be constructed in accordance with standards specified
by the City Engineer.
8. Drainage within and without the development shall be to the satis-
faction of the City Engineer,
9. Street improvements abutting the applicant ' s property shall be
• according to City standards and specifications_.
10. The applicant shall be responsible for completing site as shown
on approved plot plan, and shall be required to pay for required
engineering, checking, and inspection fees prior to issuance of
building permit.
11. Landscaping shall be as approved and maintained as shown on plot
12. Street widening and dedications shall be in accordance with street
widths approved by City Engineer.