PC 02-11-80 .. "I, CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 9501~ Telephone (408) 252-4505 PC-326 Page 1 MINUTES FEBRUARY II, 1980 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEET IN CALL TO ORDER/SALUTE TO THE FLAG 7:40 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Commissioner Claudy Commissioner Adams Commissioner Koenitzer Commissioner Blaine Chairman Gatto Staff Present: Assistant Planning Director Cowan Associate Planner Piasecki City Attorney Kilian Assistant City Attorney Foley APPROVAL/MI~UTES of JANUARY 28, 1980 COM. CLAUDY: Page 2, par. 3, strike from the sentence the incorrect statement "in order to enable the Council to deter mi.ne whether or not the area should be annexed." Page 2, par. 5, line 2 & 3, strike from the sentence the statement \.¡ithin parenthesis II (which was provided)." Page I" ] ine 4 from bottom, insert "by 1990" after the word expec.t.¿d. Page 7, reference to Southern Meeting be changed to refer to San Diego Meeting. Strike last sentence. COM. BLAH;!: Page 5, par. 5 edit to read, "COM BLAINE felt that the density of 20 to 35 might create problems in each area where it was zoned for such. She suggested that the Commission review all properties with higher density." HOTION: PASSED: Com. Claudy, Approval. Second: Com. Koenitzer 5-0 APPROVAL/MINUTES of JANUARY 30, 1980. COM. BLAINE: Page 2, par. 6, last sentence to be changed to read: "If there was no traffic problem because of the under pass, she suggested that Town Center could be allowed to develop as a regional shopping center. CO'!. ADAHS, Page 2, par. 2, line 7, delete the \?ord "done." MOTION: PASSED: Com. Adams, Approval. Second: Com. Blaine 5-0 POSTPONEMENTS/NER AGENDA ITEMS Assistant Planning Director Co\?an asked for continuance of Item #2 (Application of Woolworth Construction Company) in order that Staff could complete necessary work on traffic alternatives. Since agendas were heavy and since the PC-32ó MINUTES FEBRUARY II, 1980 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Page 2 Woolworth matter would be lengthy (public interest was hiRh), it was agreed that continuing the matter ovp-r to the ~larch 10, 1980 Agenda would insure proper preparation and time for discussion in the public hearing. Mr. Gordon Lachland, legal applicant, through Hoolworth Construction Company, explained that delay would crente a hardship on his family in that they would not be able to move into their new property until much later than they had planned. Mr. Woolworth, developer, reminded the Commissioners that they had been delayed since November because of a shack in the back of the property. He reRretted further delay. but he recognized the problem and felt delay was inevitahle. Second: VOTE: Com. Claudy, Continue Item #2, 24-Z-79 and 27-TM-79 to the Regular Planning CommIssion MeetIng of March 10, 1980. Com. Blaine AYES: Commissioners Claudy, Adams, Catto, 810lne NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioner Koenitzer (Knowledge of Project). 4-0 NOTION: PASSED: WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Assistant Planning Director Cowan called tile Cc)mmissionerR' attention to letters from Greg C. Bunker, Item "4, wllte11 had been delivered just prior to the meeting. The second matter was the letter from Oakdell Ranch Homeowners Asso- ciation, which had been considered during the continuance discussion of Item #2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC HEARINGS Item #1, Applications 28-2-79, 32-U-79 and 30-TM-79 of DOROTHY HELDMAN: REZONING approximately .nn gross acres from RI-IO (Residential, single-family, ln,nnn sq. ft. minimum lot area) to P (Planned Development with single- family residential cluster intent) zone or whateuor 2onO may be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission; USE PERMIT to construct three new single-family residential cluster homes; TENTATIVE MAP to subdivide tht! sllh1l!ct property into four parcels and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Environmental Revie,.¡ Committee reco¡;L¡:en~ls thè grantin¡.\ of a Negative Declaration~ Said property is loenttHl at tht! northeast corner of Blaney Avenue and Price Aven11e. J~irRt Hearing continued. Tentative City Council hl!i\rlng datl! - Harch 3, 1980. MINUTES FEBRUARY 11, 1980 REGULAR PLANNING CO~~ISSION I1EETIN PC-326 Page 3 Associate Planner Piasecki reviewed the application and advised the Commission that Mrs. Heldman had conformed to the advice given during the First Hearing, January 14, 1980. The number of windows looking into adjoining yards had been decreased, one unit had been eliminated, and the modified roof lines had better solar orientation. City Attorney Kilian advised, on the question as to whether or not the City had accepted dedication of the small piece of land on which the water tank stood, and which was in the right-of-way on city property, that there were three ways to resolve the problem: 1) ~ove the tower. 2) Switch the lot line to go around the water tower within the City right-of- way, and abandon the small area. 3) Issue an encroachment permit. In the event an encroachment permit was issued, if tl1erc was any liability, the City, as the underlying owner of the land, could be made a defendant in a suit. A Hold Harmless Agreement could be required of the owner of the Ian and holder of the permit; yet, the agreement could not guar- antee the owner of the land would be in a position to de- fend the City in a suit. After discussion the Commissioners agreed that the property should not be accepted by the City through dedication. Mr. Norman Garcia, representing Mrs. Heldman, reminded the Commissioners that the offer to move the building out of the right-of-way was still valid. He noted that they were talking about fifteen inches. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED: Com. Blaine. PASSED: MOTION: Second: VOTE: PASSED: MOTION: Second: VOTE: PASSED: MOTION: Second: Com. Claudy 5-0 Corn. Claudy, to Support Environmental Review Com- mittee recommendation for a Negative Declaration. Com. Koenitzer AYES: Commissioners Claudy, Gatto, Koenitzer, Blaine NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioner Adams (Knowledge of Project) 4-0 Corn. Claudy, Approval, 28-2-79, subject to Standard Conditions #1 through #14; #15 to note approval is based on Exhibit A of Application, and Staff Report Com. Blaine AYES: Commissioners Claudy, Gatto, Koenitzer, Blaine NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioner Adams (Knowledge of Project) 4-0 Corn. Claudy, Approval of 32-U-79, subject to the Findings and Subconclusions as outlined in the Staff Report of February 7, 1980. Standard Conditions #1 throcgh V14; #15 as per Staff Report; #16 changed to PC-326 MINUTES FEBRUARY 11, 1980 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MKKTTNC Second: VOTE: read two (2) units instead of threu ("I) unHR; /"17 and #18 as per Staff Report of February 7, IYRO. Com. Blaine AYES: Commissioners Claudy, Catto, Koeniteer, Blalne NOES: None ABSTAINED: Commissioner Adams (Knowledge of Project) 4-0 Page 4 PASSED: MOTION: Com. Claudy, Approval 30-TM-79, subject to the Findings and Subconclusions as outlined in the Staff Report of February 7, 1980. Standard ConditlonR II through #14; #15 as per Staff Report; eliminate #16; substitute for Condition #16 the option that the Applicant shall bave the option of removing the water tower from the right-of-way of City pr0l'urty; or, consulting with the proper City aAent, or, shall modify the right-of-way in dedication so as to retain the water tower within the private property line. Second: VOTE: Com. Blaine AYES: Commissioners Claudy, Gatto, Koenttzer. Blatn~ NOES: None ABSTAINED: Commissioner Adams (Knowledge of Project). 4-fl PASSED: ITEM #3, Application 26-Z-79 of CITY OF CUPERTINfl (MANN DRIVE PUMP AND STORACE FACILITY): REZONING approximately ;25 gross acres from Rl-10 (residential, single-family, 10,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size) zone to BA (Puhlic ÐuildinA) or whatever zone may be deemed appropriate by the Plutlning Commission and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Environmental Re- view Committee recommends the granting of a Nenative Oeclar- ation. Said property is located on the northeaRt side of Mann Drive approximately 100 ft. northerly of the inter- section of Dos Palos Court. First Hearing. Tentative City Council hearing date - Ma~ch 3, 1980. Assistant Planning Director Cowan reviewed the Staff ¡(eport and located the property on the Exhibit on the board. lie said the water tank size would be reduced from 4flfl,OOn nol- Ions to 180,000 gallons, the existing pumps would be re- placed with more efficient pumos~ and a new concrete buildlnf~ to house the pumps, City equipment and an office woulll b~ ~onstructed. Landscaping and decorative fencing would he installed on the Mann Drive frontage. He pointed nut that 180,000 gallons of water was not judged to he 0 problem in the residential neighborhood. UHLIG HEARING CLOSED: Com. Koenitzer. PASSED: UNANIMOUSLY Second: Com. Adams 5-0 MINUTES FEBRUARY 11, 1980 REGULAR PLANNING CO~MISSION MEETING PC-326 Page 5 Second: PASSED: Com. Blaine, recommend Granting of Negative Declaration. Com. Koenitzer MOTION: 5-0 Second: PASSED: Com. Blaine, Approval, 26-Z-79, Standard Conditions #1 through #14; #15 & #16 as per Staff Report. Com. Adams MOTION: 5-0 ITEM #4, Application 33-U-79 of GREGG C. BUNKER: USE PERMIT to operate a photo driveup window facility in conjunction with retail sales of photographic equipment and supplies and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Environmental Review Committee recommends the granting of a Negative Declaration. Said property is located on the northwest corner of Wildflower Way and Saratoga/Sunnyvale Road in a C-I (Commercial) zoning district. First Hearing. Tentative City Council hearing date - February 19, 1980. Assistant Planning Director Cowan exhibited a diagram of the area and located the photo driveup facility as it was pos- itioned on Mr. Yamagami's property. Explaining that there had been conflict and violation of the General Plan and Use Permit regulations, and because of a transfer of property from San Jose to Cupertino, a grace period had been allowed to Mr. Bunker to permit him to make an application as through he was still in San Jose jurisdiction. He stated that Mr. Bunker had not acquired a Use Permit from San Jose; and, he said Mr. Bunker had been informed that in the absence of the Use Permit the operation was illegal within the boundaries of Cupertino and/or San Jose. COHo ADAMS asked about work having been done on the building after the issuance of a Stop Work Order. Mr. Cowan confirmed that such was the case, including landscaping. Mr. Gregg Bunker, 1337 South Saratoga/Sunnyvale Road, Cuper- tino, Applicant, outJined his position in the impasse on the photo driveup installation. Having 43 stores in the State of California, comparatively, with that number of cities, he found the City of Cupertino defensive and willing to find difficulty for him. Mr. Bunker denied making structural changes to the building and said that he'd not continued work aftpr receiving the Stop Work Order except for a paint in face lift, resurfacing the floor, installing a luminous ceiling and replacing a window with a sliding window. Mr. Bunker read a letter for the record (copy of letter in files). Mr. Bunker stated that his attorney had arranged for Cuper- tino to approve the project. It was to allow the particular position as to driveup windows as was used in San Jose at the time the property was annexed. PC-326 MINUTES FEBRUARY 11, 1980 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Page 6 City Attorney Kilian corrected Mr. Bunker by stating that the purpose of the Ordinance was to provide Mr. Hunker with an opportunity to present an application before the Planning Commission and City Council for the purpose of having them make a consideration as to whether thIs would be consistent had it been in San Jose at the t.lme. II" said the intent was not to allow him to utilize old pro- cedures or old guidelines in the City of Sao Jose. but, because Mr. Bunker had not filed for a Use Permit' ln either City, it was reasonable that the Planning Commission should take into consideration any changes in policy after annexation. City Attorney Kilian advised that the Planuing Commls.ion WaR still operating under the procedures of the Clty of Cupertino and that the findings must be made under the City Ordinance. However, Mr. Kilian also advised that a specilll. {)rrllnilncu had been adopted by San Jose to allow certain appllcant.8 t.o be considered under the criteria of that ordinance!. 1\e! pointed out that the applicant had not both.'r"d to apply for a Use Permit in either San Jose or Cupertino. 1'1", Applicant could not now complain that this waR adopted after final annexation. And, he said the 500 ft. distance should be considered as to whether or not to approve the application. I 'PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED: PASSED: Corn. Blaine. Second: Com. Claurly 5-0 CHR. GATTO asked City Attorney Kilian if the building and the drivein window was of non-conforming Use. City Attorney Kilian said that there were morlifications to the building and the drive in window, and the bulldlng was of non-conforming use. His office, he statall, w()il1rl in- stitute an action (an Order of Injunction) ReekIng the closing of the drivein window and asking for necessary applications for building permits and sign permits as re- quired by ordinances.- The point' was made that the real ISHUD was the drivein facility and not the commercial facility. MOTION: Second: VOTE: Com. Blaine, for Denial of 33-U-79 under the San Jose Ordinances which prohibit drlvenp win- dows within 500 ft. of another drlv'''II' Installation, based upon date of application, and hilsed on th" finding that the proposed use is inconsistent with the City of Cupertino General Plan, and alNo considering the property is inade~\latu 1n H1ze and shape to accommodate the proposed use In that the City of San Jose guideliues øpunk to a 500 ft. difference between driveup wI ndowB; and, in addition, the proposed use is detrimental to tbe health, safety, peace, moral and generill welfare of those residing in the neighborhood. In addition, the Finding of City Council shall prevaIl. Com. Adams PASSED 5-0 MINUTES FEBRUARY 11, 1980 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEET IN PC-326 Page 7 Assistant Planning Director Cowan advised the Commissioners and Mr. Bunker that an appeal could be made. ITEM #5, Application l-V-RO of JAC0UES LASSERRE: VARIANCE from Section 9.3 of Ordinance 780 to permit a 8 ft. side yard setback for a proposed second-story addition in lieu of 9 ft. as required by Ordinance and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is categorically exempt, hence no action is re- quired. The subject property is located on the west side of La Roda Drive) in an Rl-7.5 (Residential, single-family, 7,500 sq. ft. minimum lot size). First Hearing. Tentative City Council hearing date - March 3, 1980. Associate Planner Piasecki read into the r.ecord ~ letter from the applicant (copy in file), which had not been re- ceived in the packets prior to the meeting. The Staff Report was reviewed by Associate Planner Piasecki, and it was pointed out that the criteria set forth for the granting of a variance was taken almost verbatim from the state law permitting variance ordinances. A major consideration was the recognition of extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the building, etc.. It was pointed out that the Staff felt the circumstances did not constitute extra- ordinary circumstances in this case. COM. KOENITZER inquiring about the present property lines of the house added that more than likely the owners of older homes would be coming in and asking for variances to expand one-story homes into two-story homes. Since the homes were oriented on the lo~ and conformed to regulations, Com. Koenitzer stated that he could see no reason to set a precedent. Mrs. Lasserre, owner and petitioner, said there was not annther two-story house on her street. Pointing out the major problems on the board exhibit, she asked the Commissio ers to grant the request. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED: Com. Koenitzer. Second: PASSED: Com. Blaine 5-0 Com. adams said that technically he had to believe it was feasible to build, but he agreed that offsetting the wall would leave a lack of foundation'for the second-story wall. After general discussion, the Commissioners found that they could not find extraordinary circumstances because the one-story building was correctly placed as a one-story home. The distinction was made between what the Commissioners would like to do and what they could do legally. PC-326 MINUTES FEBRUARY 11, 1930 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Page 8 MOTION: Second: ·VOTE Com. Koenitzer, Denial of l-V-30 on the has is of finding no exceptional characteristics, or special conditions in the nature of the parti- cular property that would justify granting a variance. There is no need for a variance to preserve property rights. Under denial of Conditions #1 and #2, Condition #3 is not applicable. Com. Adams PASSED 5-0 ITEM #6, Application 1-2-30 of RICHARD CHILDRESS: PREZONING approximately .3 gross acres from Santa Clara County Rl-R (Residential, Single-family, 3,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size) to City of Cupertino RI-7.5 (Residential, Single- family 7,500 sq. ft. minimum lot size) zoning district or whatever zone may be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Environmental Re- view Committee recommends the granting of a Negative Declaration. Said property is located on the north side of Lomita Avenue approximately 200 ft. westerly of Orange Avenue. First Hearing. Tentative City Council hearing date - March 3, 1980. The Staff Report was reviewed by Associate Planner Piusecki who pointed out that the property had no use under existing laws; however, he said that with conbining R1JrrOUlldlng parcels, it was likely that it would be subdivided. Since the zoning change was consistent with the Cupertino General Plan, Staff recommended for approval. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED: PASSED: MOTION: Second: VOTE: MOTION: Second: VOTE: Com. Adams. Seeon(l: Com. Clau(ly 5-1) Corn. Blaine, Approval, Negative Declaration. Com. Claudy PASSED 5-0 Com. Blaine, Approval, 1-2-80, as per Findings, Conditions, and Subconclusions of Staff Report. Corn. Claudy PASSED 5-0 ITEM #7, Application 3-Z-80 of RICHARD CHILDRESS: PßEZONING approximately .4 of a gross acre from Santa Clara Couoty Rl-B6 (Residential, single-family, 6,000 sq. ft. minImum lot size) and approximately .6 of a gross acre frt)ln S~)nta Clara County Al-43 (Agricultural, Residential I acre mini- mum lot size) zone or whatever zone may be deemed appro- priate by the Planning Commission and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Environmental Review Committee recommends the granting of a Negative Declaration. Said property i8 located on the east side of Bubb Road approximately l5a ft. northerly of Folkstone Drive. First hearing. Tentative City Council hearing date - March 3, 1980. PC-326 MINUTES FEBRUARY 11, 1930 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETIN Page 9 Assistant Planning Director Cowan pointed out parcels #30 and #31 and #44 on the board exhibit. He said it was felt the application was a straight forward request for rezoning that would bring the property into conformance with the Cupertino General Plan. It was expected that at some future time Mr. Childress would be back for a subdivision map. The parcel #44, he explained, would come into the City under the rule of any existing parcel was allowed to develop. Mr. Richard Childress, Applicant, 22025 Regnart Road, Cuper- tino, advised the Commissioners that at one time the three parcels had been in three different jurisdictions and that the request for Prezoning was an attempt to get it together for annexation. City Attorney Kilian dition of prezoning, with other parcels. asked if it was agreeable, as a Con- that the small parcel, #44, be combined Mr. Childress had no objection. Mr. Robert Brown, neighbor in adjoining property, said he was trying to get information on what was going to happen to the property. The rumors around reported five (5) single dwellings on the property. CHR. GATTO explained that the applicant was asking for pre- zoning only and that coming into the City the parcels would be Rl single family. Subsequent applications might indicate Mr. Childress' intent. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED: Com. Claudy. PASSED: Second: Com. Adams 5-0 ~!OT ION: Second: VOTE: MOTION: Second: VOTE: Com. Koenitzer, to support the Negative Declaratio of the Environmental Review Committee. Com. Adams PASSED 5-0 Com. Koenitzer, Approval, 3-Z-30. City Attorney Kilian asked that the motion record that although it was not usual to do so, in this instance the record should show that Lot #44 was not deemed a buildable parcel and should be combined with the adjacent parcels as shown on the subdivision map. Com. Claudy PASSED 5-0 MINUTE ORDER TO CITY COUNCIL: Com. Koenitzer. Second: Com. Claudy to indicate that as a Condition of annexation the Planning Commission does not consider Parcel #44 to be a buildable parcel and that Parcel #44 should be combined with the adjacent parcels. VOTE: PASSED 5-0 PC-326 Page 10 MINUTES FEBRUARY 11, 1980 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ITEM 118, Application l-TM-SO of VALL CO PARK, LTD: TENTATIVF MAP to adjust lot lines affecting three existing parcels con- sisting of approximately 45 acres and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Environmental Review Committee recommends the granting of a Negative Declaration. Said property is located in the southwest quadrant of Tantau Avenue and Pruneridge AV(!r1Ue in an MP (Planned Industrial Park) zoning district. First Hearing. Tentative City Council hearing date - March 3, 1980 (Correction: Assistant Planning Director Cowan reqllested the City Council hearing date be changed to February 19, 1980) Associate Planner Piasecki, after reviewin~ the Staff Report, advised the Commissioners that the plans exhihited were in conformance with City policies and that tho Stnff recommended approval. COM. KOENITZER was given a review of the changes In order that he might be certain he understood them. Mr. Walter Ward, representing Vall co Park, explnined that the application was largely an attempt to straighten IIp property lines, create more buildable lots, and comhine areas to create more parking. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED: PASSED Com. Adams. Second: Com. Koenitzer 5-0 ~IOTION : Second: VOTE: Com. Adams, Approve the Negative Declaration. Com. Koenitzer PASSED 5-0 MOTION: Com. Adams, Approval l-TM-SO, subject to the Findings and Subconclusions of StafE Report, and Standard Conditions #1 through #15 as per Staff Report. Com. Koenitzer PASSED 5-0 Second: VOTE: CHR. GATTO again called attention to the corrected date for hearing before City Cõuncil -- February 19, 1980. ITEM #9, CITY OF CUPERTINO: AMENDMENT TO VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE Rl (RESIDENTIAL, SINGLE-FAMILY) ZONING ORDINANGE including but not limited to setbacks, building height, lot width and architectural projections and ENVIHONMENTAL REVIEH: The Environmental Review Commíttet~ rncommendH the granting of a Negative Declaration. FIrst Hearing continued. Tentative City Council hearing date - March '1, 19i10. Assistant Planning Director Cowan advised tt1C CommiHRJor\ members that Item #9 dealt with the question of solar access, a problem which had been put off by the Staff for some time because of the press of critical projects. lie recommended a three-step process in City regulatIons governing solar rights. 1) Subdivision maps in terms of orientation of lots. 2) The question of the proper MINUTES FEBRUARY II, 1980 ~EGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETI G PC-326 Page 11 siting of homes. 3) Building Code Regulations. A book from HUD was shown and promised to each Commissioner as soon as additional copies were received. And, Mr. Cowan explained that the book was to acquaint them with the basic facts and problems of solar orientation of buildings. He recommended rather drastic changes in ordinances on height regulations and setbacks to prevent second-story buildings shadowing one-story buildings. There having been no time t go through all the subdivisions to determine the implicatio s of the changes, he said he'd like to have their reactions at the present time and then would like to corne back in six months for detailed discussions of a whole set of changes or setbacks based on solar problems. COM. KOENITZER said that the area of solar access being a subject that was unfamiliar to most people it would require considerable efforts to educate the public. And he sug- gested that the Staff use every advertising vehicle avail- able for ambitious advertising on the changes in ordinances that would corne about. Associate Planner Piasecki explained the setbacks, the roof slopes, and heights of structures: 25 ft. from two-sto y on rear yards, 10 ft. minimum required for sideyard two- story, and setbacks on accessory buildings (no overhangs) would have a 7 ft. restriction at the lower level (in- creasing at the rate of 1 ft./l 1/2 ft. from the property line). The angle of calculation was 330. The specific section of the Ordinance being changed was identified as Section 8.5, page 9. CHR. GATTO suggested they go through the ordinance and comment. COM. KOENITZER: page 8, called attention to square footage of homes vs. square footage of lots and pointed out that a two-story building of approximately 5,000 sq. ft.plus, an 400 sq. ft. garage could be placed on a 7,500 sq. ft. lot. He wondered if limitations should be imposed on house sizes. COM. BLAINE: Page 8, Section 7.1 -- the 6,000 sq. ft. size meant to bring San Jose lots into conformity. She asked that they consider other undeveloped lots corning in at R6. ~he variety of lot sizes and the possible modes of development were discussed. CHR. GATTO: Page 11, Section 13,-- what mechanism would be used for setbacks. Associate Planner Piasecki said that it would be through Use Permits and also Section 6.2:E re- quirements, public hearing and termination at the Planning Commission level. - PC-326 MINUTES FEBRUARY 11, 1980 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Page 12 PUBLIC HEARINGS CLOSED: Com. Blaine. Second: PASSED Com. Adams 5-0 MOTION: Second: YOTE: MOTION: Second: YOTE: Com. Claudy, Approval of Negative Declaration. Com. Blaine PASSED 5-0 Com. Claudy, Recommend Adoption of the RI Zonin~ Ordinance (PC-326, Item #9) in accordance with the Staff Report, with the following exceptions: Section 7.l, line 3, is amended to read, "(e.g. 7.5 corresponds to 7,500 square foot minimum lot area;...." Delete sentence beginning This number down to lot area;. Next sentence should read, "It is provided, however, that any parcel...." Section 10.3, change 30% to 20%. Section 8.5.1 (typographical error) chan~e 300 angle to 330 angle. Com. Adams PASSED 5-0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS REPORT OF PLANNING COMMISSION COM. CLAUDY asked if the three driveups at Home Federal had been approved. Mr. Cowan said that they had been. REPORT OF PLANNING DIRECTOR Assistant Planning Director Cowan asked that the Commissioners turn in the forms for the meeting in San Diego. And, the members of the Planning Commission were invited to attend la meeting at Saratoga City Hall, Thursday; 7:30 p.m. for a presentation on Living Within Our Limits. ADJOURNEMENT: 10:50 p.m. to the Joint Meeting on Public Safety at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Februsry 13, 1980 at City Hall, Cupertino, CA. A~~; City Clerk