PC 08-20-63 • 10321 So." Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road 252-4505
- : ., CITY OF CUPE. RTINO . ..
SION", August:. 20, . 1963
TIME 800 P.M. •
PLACE:: Board Room, . -Cupertino. School Di strict Office, ,10300 Vista
Drive;. Cupertino, and Cupertino "High, School Auditorium,
• Miller Avenue, .Cuper-tino._
'I7 ., :.. ROLL:.CALL
Councilmen present: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett
Councilmen absent: Benetti '
Commissioners present: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Leonard, Rampy,
Small, Snyder,. Fro;lich
Staff present.: City :Manager, Deputy ;City• Clerk,-,
: .. . City Engineer,, City Attorney . ,
Meeting adjourned to the Cupertino High "School at 810 P.M.
• : :due ,to the large audience. (in. excess of ,400 citizens) .
III < ::: CHAMBER -OP COMMERCE: - This was not acted Upon:: :
d IV FLOOD CONTROL FOND - This was not. acted upon.
;V : . .. GENERAL PLAN ;Discussion of the.,Preliminary. General Plan
to bring Council up todate on previous
discussions held by Planning Commission.
Mr. Frolich, Chairman,.of. the Planning Commission
d intro-
uced •Mr, .George r orge Volker, :of Wilsey, Ham:and Blair, Planning. "Consult-
: :ants, who ,presented; the General Master, Plan.
Mr. Volker pointed out that city planning was relatively
,..new: thinking ;in our democracy, having its ,inception, in the last
quarter century. ,:.There .is .a new social. consciousness in our urban
areas. Today,; 70% of the population is,,living in cities, as, opposed
to the .greater, portion S.of the population living in rural areas a
:generation or; so ago .Mr, Volker''s. firm has been- studying the
nomics•,of .the.TCupertino area for the past two years and 'has- compiled
a.,general plan which .they:believe to be in the best interest of the
City of Cupertino and its. inhabitants:
Cupertino. will ,probably reach saturation by 1978. Where
Cupertinb,,has••been agriculturally: oriented until- recently, it is in
•• a rapid..,transition":and' budding-,into ,an urban area Its boundaries
Lawrence.:Expressway to the. east, Montebello bridge on the west,
Fremont Avenue to the north, and Cox Avenue to the south: In 1950
it had a population of 62500 neoni. In 1962 the population had
almost '.rea,ched 60,000_.. . There .is, .an increase of approximately 4, 000
per; year:, Cupertino has had an increase of`800°fo ,as opposed to a
100% plus increase in Santa Clara County. ..:
In. 1947, Cupertino!.had. 735 elementary, school children and
in 19.63" it had 17.,.000. The high schools; ser..ving. Cupertino had. 640
students in 1947 and in 1963 there were 7, 300. Cupertino has a
majority of young, large families.
• There 01s,a trend toward .the, multi:-family .type housing. To
• ::date; Cupertino; has:60% single family. dwellings and 40•% two-family
to multi-family units. . :
Cupertino, has: dedicated 400 .acr.es: t-o , freeways and there
are 6700 .acres. available for home .development. Commercial develop-
ment will: probably claim .22% and •,8%. will 'go ,into industrial develop-
ment Thirty-five acres- will go: into;:research and development areas
- .and •5;400 acres will go. into medium density residentxal areas. " This
will add 120,000 people to the medium density: areas:'; The ultimate
population of Cupertino will probably be 180, 000. High density areas
will claim 900 acres (7-82 families to the gross residential acre) .
- ---I-
Industrial area .recommendations are almns this railroad
tracks and along Stevens Creek Road where the 'freeway crosses. There
are 1,500 acres earmarked. for major park areas. There will be a
shopping center, comparable to Valley. Fair in San Jose, where Juni-
pera Serra Freeway crosses` Highway ,9.
Jewet=--r•equest:e . que
stions--- -Mayor from the City Council.
Councilman Saich questioned the proposed school sites, to which
Mr. Volker stated--that the Board of Education had the existing and
the proposed, sites marked on the -map. He pointed' out there were
four new sites in mind in the new areas which may be developed in
the future. ' Mr. Volker. stated that school 'sites, as well as the
master plan, must have a certain amount of flexibility at this time.
Mayor Jewett requested questions from the audience. 411
Mr. Boris Stanley, 10111 So. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, Cupertino,
wanted more specific information of the plans for the regional shop-
ping center. Mr. Volker stated there would be large department
stores, drug stores, ` variety stores and specialty shops similar to
Valley Fair.
Mr. Richard Wayne asked ±or a comparison of the base tax
rates to Los Altos. Mayor .Jewett pointed out that it is 260 per
$100 at present, but that in the future it will increase unless
industry comes in. fl
Mr. Robert helm, 10549 San Felipe Road, Cupertino, stated
that very little of Monta Vista is „within the corporate district of
Cupertino. Mr. Volker stated 'that "the plan is not to project any
annexation, but that Monta Vista should be included in the urban
renewal program because of the small sized lots' and the older homes
now in Monta Vista. This area will deteriorate, have more fires,
and. could very well 'have a •high percentage of' social- problems in the
Mrs. Val Chamblin, 7519 Leeds Avenue, Cupertino, question-
ed where the on- and off-ramps of the new freeway would be. Mr.
Volker stated there would be a semi-interchange at Stevens Creek,
an interchange at Wolfe Road, and an, `nterchange at Highway 9 and
Junipera Serra.
Mr. Loren Acker, 10510 Deodora Drive, Cupertino, asked
what the recommended lot size will ;;be' and requested more information
about the proposed neighborhood park`s.. The present recommend mini-
mum lot size is 7,500 feet, but the projected minimum lot size will
be 6,000 feet. The neighborhood parks should be adjacent to the
schools to more fully utilize their playgrounds and incorporate them
into the 'City's parks. . Mayor Jewett stated that the City is 'work-
ing on a program for• future' park sites. ' '
Mr. Ed Cali 11121 Bubb Road, Cupertino, wondered what
will happen to property already zoned industrial if it : conflicts .
with the new master plan., _ Mr. Volker assured the audience that the
City Council and the Planning Commission will try to adhere . as much
---as"possible to present zoning.
Mr. Martin Gandel, 10316';; Denison-Avenue, Cupertino, asked
if Varian is committed as yet, and,, was informed' that the first" pub-
lic hearing will be on Monday, August 26th.
Mr. David Lange questioned the role of the present town
center. Mr. Volker pointed out that it is too far removed from both
To Mr. [west' s question about how long until a plan such as 411
this takes effect, Mr. Volker stated that future building permits
would be guided by this. preliminary plan. The final plan will be
written within sixty days.
Mr. Jack Mepham, 10435 Pnevale Avenue, ` Cupertino, won-
dered how the traffic' and sewage problems would be handled. as in-
dustry moves in. He suggested a buffer zone, comprised of duplexes.
He was assured that the planning consultants had spoken with the
civic leaders in peripheral areas to help decide the best way to
handle these problems.
Mr. Paul Mariani, Jr. , 10930 N. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road,
Cupertino, pointed out- the economic chaos that could result from
some rezoning situations. He cited how 5 acres could sell for, say,
$50,000 and, if rezoned residential, could only be worth $20,000.
He was assured .the City Council and Planning Commission were well
aware of the underlying factors, and would be, guided by them as well
as the new master plan. Mr. Volker`itated 'that the-400 acres which -
have been under study included the neighborhood plan acreage.
Mayor Jewett adjourned the meeting at 10:45 P.M.
/s/ Verne H.-Jewett
' Deputy City Clerk