PC 04-16-80 -- CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone (408) 252-4505 PC-330 Page 1 (13) MINUTES/APRIL 16, 1980 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED FROM.PRIL 14, 1980. CALL TO ORDER/SALUTE TO THE FLAG 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Commissioner Claudy Commissioner Koenitzer Commissioner Blaine Staff Present: Assistant Planning Director Cowan Associate Planner Piasecki City Attorney Kilian Assistant City Attornp.v Foley City Engineer Whitten ITEM #7. Applications l2-Z-80 and 3-U-80 of GEORGE H. BUCK: REZONING of approximately .3 of a gross acre from Rl-lO (Residential, Single-family, 10,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size) zone to P (Planned Development with office intent) zone or whatever zone may be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission; USE PERMIT to convert a residential structure consisting of approximately 1,300 sq. ft. into an office building and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Environmenta Review Committee recommends the granting of a Negative Declaration. Said property is located on the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Stevens Creek Boulevard. First Hearing. Tentative City ,Council hearing date -- May 5, 1980. Assistant Planning Director Cowan pointed out the site that was bordered in red (redline showing residual area after all dedications for Foothill Boulevard) and amounted to 7,500 sq. ft. The request was for zoning to Planned Devel- opment. A point of clarification: Paragraph 2 of the Staff Report indicates that the plan was amended. Actually it should be termed approved by the Planning Commission and expedited toward the City Council by April. The Site Plan indicated the work that had been done, and it was in conformance. On Condition #l7, Mr. Cowan asked that the Site Control Committee review landscaping, and specific~lly on Condition #17, the barrier on the east property line should be a 6 ft. fence (although the County proposed the barrier height for Foothill Corridor). CHR. KOENITZER pointed out that normally a solid masonry wall would be required between commercial and residential - 6 ft. in height to be additional sound abatement; and he said that usually it was not based on noise study. He said he was concerned that a high barrier would seem to convert a requirement of a solid dividing wall into a requirement for sound attenuation. PC-330 Page 2 MINUTES/APRIL 16, 1980 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED FROM APRIL 14, 1980 (14) COM. BLAINE asked if there was a steep drop. COM. CLAUDY said that there was along the northern run of the easterly property line. COM. KOENITZER said he was aware the site was fairly level with a slope in the back. CO~. CLAUDY questioned the staff about the parking spaces (2 parking spaces at the bottom of the diagram.) and he stated that he did not want a concrete slab. Assistant Planning Director Cowan said the Staff would like to delete the parking spaces and landscape with one curb cut. The passage would extend north. Mr. George H. Buck, owner of property, mentioned that he had had discussion with the Staff and was in agreement with providing landscaping at the location. He stated that they would be getting together on the esthetics of the building and the property in general. ~r. Buck pointed out the section that had some drop-off, at the rear of the property, and he suggested the wall would have to be higher or go down lower. The site was level behind the structure. The back corner, however, would require fill in order to level it up as he would like to. He was not certain as to how much fill would be required. COM. CLAUDY asked about fill in terms of feet 6 inches or 2 to 4 feet above,existing grade. raising Mr. Buck answered that they were probably talking about 4 feet of fill. COM. BLAINE'S inquiry concerned the architectural com- position of the building. She noted that composition shingles were to be pDt on the roof. Com. Blaine stated that she was concerned about the corner because of the moving of a building or house onto it and converting the building or house to office use. She wished to determine that the corner, being an important one in the City, would look good and attractive and would be an asset. What she had seen so far was not impressive. The com- position shingles and the building looking like a house concerned her, and she proposed H-Control be given a message from the Planning Commission. Possibly ~he use of shake shingles would improve the appearance considerably. Giving the building the appearance of commercial structure and of~ice building was of first importance. Mr. Pat McCernan, said he was constructing a home at 10164 Foothill (South). He had received a notice in the mail, but a neighbor had not. He expressed concern for MINUTES/APRIL 16, 1980 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED FROM APRIL 14, 1980 PC-330 Page 3 (15) permits issued for residential structures and then the change to commercial. COM. KOENITZER explained the procedure of notification of residents within 350 ft. of a subject property. Also, he explained that the City was in the process of changing the General Plan to reflect commercial zoning on the property, along Foothill to Stevens Creek and old Cupertino Road. Residential zoning would be retained, in accordance with the General Plan, in single-family residential zoning as much as possible. The subject lots were changed because they have high noise and heavy vehicular traffic. PUBLIC HEARINGS CLOSED: PASSED: UNANIMOUSLY Com. Claudy. Second: Com. Blaine 3-0 The Commissioners discussed the problem of the fence andl or wall. MOTION: SECOND: PASSED: MOTION: SECOND: PASSED: MOTION: Com. C1audy, Recommend Granting of Negative Declaration of environmental impact. Com. Blaine UNANIMOUSLY 3-0 Com. Claudy, Approval l2-Z-80, subject to Standard Conditions #1 through #14; #15 and #16 as per Staff Report. Com. Blaine UNANIMOUSLY 3-0 Com. Claudy, Approval 3-U-80, subject to the Findings and Subconclusions of the Staff Report. Standard Conditions #1 through #16 as per Staff Report. /117 modified to read, "...wall to stop at building setback and be stepped down as it approaches the sidewalk. The applicant shall be required to install a 6 ft. high wall along the easterly property line that is stepped down at Stevens Creek Boulevard -- to be reviewed and approved by Architectural Site Control Committee. MINUTE URUKK: to ~-CUNTKUL explaining our conc~rn about Com. Blaine: this property -- rehabilitation of the house, the materials used on the outside, on the roof and concern that it look like an office building and not a house moved onto the prop- erty. Care and concern should be taken that the landscaping be professional as possible. The stepping down of the fence should be done in a manner that doesn't present a walled appearance to those driving up Stevens Creek towards Foothill. COM. BLAINE CLADDY UNA,"n1!OUSLY HOTION: SECOND: PASSED: 3-0 PC-330 Page 4 (16) MINUTES/APRIL 16, 1980 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED FROM APRIL 14, 1980 ITEM #1, Application 3-TM-80 of ELDON R. HOFFMAN (ANY MOUN- TAIN, LTD.): TENTATIVE MAP to subdivide approximately 2.3 acres into two parcels equaling approximately .65 acres and 1.65 acres and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project was previously assessed, hence no action is required. Said property is located on the southwest corner of De Anza Boulevard and Mariani Avenue in a P (Planned Development with industrial, commercial and residential (4-10 dwelling units per gross acre) intent) zoning district. First Hearing. Tentative City Council hearing date - April 21, 1980. Associate Planner Piasecki pointed out the variation of the property line (to be moved 20 feet to the west) to en- sure that parcel A and parcel B are separate with respect to parking. Reciprocal ingress and egress between parcel A and parcel B parking easements to be recorded simul- taneously in escrow and be transmitted only with transfer of ownership. Mr. Tim. Collins, Comptroller of Any Mountain, Ltd., and Mr. Hawkins, Financial Advisor, explained that the request was being presented to satisfy state requirements for the building of the l3,200 sq. ft. building located on parcel A. They indicated they'd rather have the property line moved only 10 ft. The Planning Commission members discussed the shifting of the property line. Assistant Planning Director Cowan suggested Condition #17 should be changed to read, "...parking spaces serving parcel B -- to the westerly-most edge of parcel B..." PUBLIC HEARINGS CLOSED: PASSED: Com. Blaine. UNANIMOUSLY Second: Com. Claudy 3-0 MOTION: Com. Claine,' Recommend Approval 3-TM-80 as per Findings and Subconc1usions of the Staff Report. Standard Conditions #1 through #14 as per Staff Report; #17 to read, "The property line between parcels A and B shall be to the west to corres- pond to the westerly-most edge of the parking spaces servicing parcel B; #18 as per Staff Report. Com. Claudy UNANIMOUSLY 3-0 SECOND: PASSED: ITEM #9, Applications 10-Z-80 and 4-TM-80 of EDWARD GRAY: PREZONING OF approximately 1.4 gross acres from Santa Clara County Rl-lO (Residential Single-family, 10,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size) zone to City of Cupertino RHS (Resi- dential Hillside Slope Density Formula) or whatever zone may be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission; MINUTES/APRIL 16, 1980 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED FROM APRIL 14, 1980 PC-330 Page 5 (17) TENTATIVE MAP to subdivide the subject property into four lots ranging in size from 10,200 sq. ft. to 17,600 sq. ft. &nd ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Environmental Review Com- mittee recommends the granting of a Negative Declaration. Said property is located at the westerly terminus of Poppy Drive approximately 400 ft. westerly of Foothill Boulevard. First Hearing. Tentative City Council hearing date -- May 5, 1980. Associate Planner Piasecki explained that the property had one home, and the request was to create building sites for three additional homes under the Foothill Modified Slope Density Formula, under which it qualified. Drawings of the site were exhibited and the two options for building on the property were explained -- building on the slope and on fill, or building on flatter portions of the site and ex- tending driveways. BAS Homes construction grading was i- dentified at the rear of the subject site. A graph was exhibited on the board showing the fill pattern and depth required for the pads of the homes. The Commissioners discussed the location and degree of fill required in detail. The fill situation shown was lieu of an 8 ft. drop to decrease the amount of grading. Landscaping could be utilized to incorporate the levels of grading into the terrain pattern. Attention was called to the 4 ft. drop for the garage and it was suggested the de- sign could be made to work a little better. COM. CLAUDY noted that the fill slope had a vertical drop of 14 ft -- 14 ft. of fill. CHR. KOENITZER commentad that all of the houses did not have to be built at one level. He said he was concerned bout grading; yet, he stated it didn't seem to completely destroy the useability of the lots. Representative for Mr. Gray advised that they wished to de- visa a plan to accommodate sites on the hillside. He said he felt there was the possibility of building the homes on the level portion. The main reason for using the hillside was to minimize the step driveway for the fire trucks. He advised that there were many ways of use in cut and fill and poll foundations. What they really wished to do was to exhibit a workable solution to the site. Assistant Planning Director Cowan, in response to Com. -elaine, advised that there was a 5% cross slope, and the 'ire Department wanted it changed to 2%. He advised that City Engineer Whitten would be working to try to make the transition smoother between the grades. COM. CLAUDY said he was concerned and felt he couldn't vote for it. He felt the pads were installed to elevate the PC-330 Page 6 (18) MINUTES/APRIL 16, 1980 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED FROM APRIL 14, 1930 proposed homes above the BAS homes in an effort to take advantage of the view. He said he realized that Staff was trying to avoid a long driveway -- 30% slope being the maximum, but 15% being better, in either case, the turn- around .to facilitate the equipment m~king the run of the hill. COM. BLAINE suggested cutting the houses into the hill. COM. CLAUDY suggested two-story homes (one story on each side of the slope), which would eliminate considerable amount of fill. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED: PASSED MOTION: SECOND: PASSED MOTION: SECOND: PASSED: MOTION: SECOND: PASSED: Com. Blaine. UNANIMOUSLY Second: Com. Claudy 3-0 Com. Claudy, Recommend Granting of a Negative Declaration. Com. Blaine UNANIMOUSLY 3-0 Com. Claudy, Approval, 10-Z-80. Com. Blaine UNANIMOUSLY 3-0 Com. Claudy, Approval 4-TM-80, subject to the Findings and Sub conclusions as set forth in the Staff Report, Standard Conditions #1 through #14; #15 and #16; Condition #17, the grading plans approved to represent the worst case for a step and configuration of each lot. Delete sentence 3 of Condition #17. Add sentence, "The pad heights shall represent the maximum values, and· the lower story splits shall be revised downward to show a full 8 ft. instead of the existing 3 ft. existing pad separation. Com. Blaine UNANIMOUSLY 3-0 NEW BUSINESS ITEM #11, AB 2698 (Manufactured Housing Production Act of 1980) Assemblyman Roos. General Discussion led to the agreement between the Commissioners that the City of Cupertino did not want trailers (even with two-car garages) on concrete foun- dations. And they did not want mobile homes built on lots in the City. Modular homes were somewhat different in that it was difficult to identify them as modular homes. A cut off date for installation, and a requirement that a date of manufacture tolerance date should be established for the event of having to accept some form of that type of housing. Esthetics of installations should have con- trol. MINUTES/APRIL 16, 1980 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJDURNED FROM APRIL 14, 1980 PC-330 Page 7 (19) Assistant Planning Director Cowan mentioned that all the Planning Commission had to do was give a report regarding the bill. The Commissioners agreed they were in favor of opposition. If they had to be permitted, then restrictions as to age and conditions of moving onto lots should be controlled. COM. KOENITZER stated that, in general, it could be said that the application for location of solar energy component parts by Mr. Huntsman had made it apparent that the Staff needed guidelines for privacy intrusion, when adding 2nd stories to existing homes, in instances such as these. It was agreed that it might be worthwhile to review guidelines used by Staff. COM. KOENITZER stated that, in general, it could be said that the application for location of solar energy compon- ent parts by Mr. Huntsman had made it apparent that the Staff needed guidelines (r~ther detailed) to protect them in instances such as these. It was agreed that it might be worthwhile to review guidelines used by Staff. REPORT OF PLANNING COMMISSION: See paragraph above. REPORT OF PLANNING DIRECTOR Assistant Planning Director said the Staff could commence work on the project. He reported that work on the histor- ical ordinance, the noise ordinance, were coming up. He stated that he would provide a copy of the Work Program to the Commissioners for discussion. COM. CLAUDY said he wished to extend the congratulations of the members of the Planning Commission to the former Chairman, John Gatto, on the occasion of his winning the election to the City Council of the City of Cupertino, and also upon the occasion of his having been sworn in as a member of the City Council of the City of Cupertino. ADJOURNEMENT 10:45 p.m. APPROVED: City Clerk ~~/~