PC 12-08-86#
CITY OF ~' STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Ton-e 1\.venue CUpe.rtino, CA. 95014
~ (408) 252-4505
HEID 00 DECEMBER 8, 1986
Meetit¥J He.1.d in the Couneil Q1al'!lbers of CUpert.ino City Hall
commissioners Present: Chainnan Szabo Vioo Chairman Mackenzie CO';l.tnissioner AdWlls
a:mnissioner Cl.a\rly
Ccanm.issioner sorensen
7:30 P.M.
Staff Present: Rt:.bert Cowan, Direc..tor of Pl~ & Develq;:ment
St.eve Piasecki, Assistant Plannin;J Direc:tor · Glenn Griggt Traffic En;Jineer
Peggy M. O:'lcker, Att.orne:y Mark caughey, A.c;sociate Planner
M:Jl'ION: cam. Sorensen, to approve the Minutes of the Regular .Meetinc] of November 24, 1986, as sul:rltltted.
SEO:>ND: cam. Cli\u:fy
VOTE: Passed, c.cm. Mackenzie abstaining 4-0-1
-Chr. Szabo acknow'lerlged. several letters receivOO. in regard to the. possible closure of the Vallco Ice Skat.irq Rink and a letter received in
regard to rrEM 5.
-Chr. Szabo stated that the Plannin; cammission will meet on December 16, 1986, 7:30 P.M. to hear p.lblic. comroonts an the possible clcmire of Val:'..co Ice Skatfm rink. A discussion ensued considering the J?ossibili ty of a secorrl meet:i.n;J on this issue. COnso.JlSUS ro...ached. by the Commission to limit the discussion to one ,;ivenirq and to structure the rneet:i.n;J to include bob.'1 public cx:::unroonts arrl a discussion of procedural avenues that might be available.
PI.ANNlNG c.a1MISSICN MINt1I'ES Re;Jular Meetin:J of December a, 1986
PC -506 -----------. --·---.
' ' , ; t . ' ~·. ···., ~ -"~ .••
Attorney C.ocker s::.."tEd tl1.iit a legal opinion had been delivered to the
City a:iuncil; it :~:.i not c.liear at this time the SCXJPe of the opinion. Mr. CCMan stated that the Application pertaining' to this issue had been withdrawn by the Applicant.
An .Adjourned Ragu.lar Meetirq is scheduled to be held on DecEm'l!:>er 16,
1986, at 7:30 P.M.
Mr. M:::?-Iahon stated that he would v.iork to facilitate the hearirg.
Application No(s) Applicant:
Property OWner: Location:
Parcel Area(Acres)
USE PERMIT (34-"U-86)
.ll.=!J=..86 and 33-El\-86 CUpertino L.i.brary -Santa Clara QQ.mtv 1..JJmgies
~ino uniQtL§<;;hgo-....=l_.D""i=str--=:-1...,,' ct...,. ______ _ :-:aton School, southeast corne;r·ok Suisun Dr~
~p,dve ·--------· 10.4 acres
To ope.rate a teropora:cy public library eqmll.lna' approximately 3,400 sq.
ft. within Eaton School while the exi.stin:J CUpert.ino Library is re.nn:lelecl.
Staff Presentation: Mr. Piasecki noted that the Commission asked the Applicant to return with options arrl alternatives in rel0catinq the temporary library. He called attention to the packet of infonnation presented by the Applicant.
Pr.ANNING cn1MISSION .MINUI'ES Regular Meeti.n;J of December a, 1986
PAGE J Fe -506
ITEM 1 (COnt'd)
Staff reevaluated the parkirq 'is&'Ue arrl conclUded that it is unknown at this time what type of traffic will be generated.. canparisons were originally made wlth full se.tVice, pennanent library.facilities; it is. difficult to make correct asm:miptions on how the temporary library will
perfOl'.111. In addition, a worst case sit."Uation was stu:iled. one concern is the on-street parking that is occurrin',J. Staff suggested a staged approach for the on-site parking; an exhibit was presented to del\'nnstrate restripin',J with signs irill.catil'q parkin;J areas. If this. first stage is ineffective, the City ca.mcil o:iul.d be asked to implement prefer.:mtial permit parking for residents. Areas to be used for additional parking in
the third stage WeJ'.'e outlined tor the Ccmn.issioners.
In resprmse to c-..on::ems regarding inadequate lighting, S'baff suggested that the Hoors of Operation be limited to cloain;J the library ~o minutes before sunset or Ughtil)3" could be provided for acceMOry parking sites.
cam. sorensen questioned parkin:;J in a fire lane access; Mr. Piasecki
stated that the width of the lane is sufficient for access of ElIOOl"gency vehicles. However, the fire departlrent will Le asked. to evaluate this situation.
Applicant's Presentation: Ms. Susan Fuller, County Librarian, Santa Clara eounty, surmna:r.ized information presented, "CUpertino Libra:cy Collection, Staff, SeJ:vices;" she noted the absence of several services currently offered, an::1 reviewed alternatives discussed urrler "'I'empon;ry Quarters
During Remodelfrig • II
In an effort to cammunicate to the c:onnnission the funds available, a state.me.nt of "Financial Resources" was presented. In response to Com. Mackenzie's question, she stated that ~ had not been budgeted for
fu:.rniture or shelving; the libra:r::y wished to obtain the maximum amount of square.footage.
Mr. Bab Guchert, county Property Management, discussed the cost of oanmercial space and add.eel that it is vary difficult to obtain· a six month lsase. 'Ihe price of Eaton School is unapproachable in the c:ommercial
IUal'.'ket. In response to Chr. Szabo's question, Mr. ecwan· stated that space
to be used by City Staff during renovation of City Hall will not accommodate the tenporary librcrry also. Ms. Fuller added that commercial
prices wo.lld have to be paid for such space.
'Ihe PUblic Hear~ wa8 then q:;enetl.
Mr. Phil Harris, 20087 SUisun Dr., CUpertino, cited sev~ examples with. '"°nstruction companies wherein deadlines were not met; he questioned the projected completion of the renovated. library within six nontl'lS and stated
that he believed tbat it \onlldn't be anyt:hirq short of a ye.ar. He questione::l park:i.n;J est.ilnates a.rd the use of p:r.aferential parking pe.nnits
for residents. In addition, there is a q,uestion of enforc.ing violations.
~ c:x:l1M!SSIOO MINUTES Regular Meeti.rq of December a, 1986
PC -506
I'I'Il1 l (Cont'd)
In response to question.a raised by Mr. Harris, Mr. ca.van stated that there are penal ties if construction is not oanplate.d on time. Mr. Grigg outlined COde Enfot'Cemel"± procedures an:i schedules in dealing with parkin3' violations an:l Mr. Piasecki pointed cut landscaping an Eaton SChool site am stated that the temporary parking lot ~d not disrupt the shrubbsry.
Ms. Eva Barr, 10552 I.a Roda, Q.xpertino, favored use of tl'le Eata1 School site a.rxi noted that a b~porcU:Y library was far prefru:able t.o not havirg
the library available. Sha urged consld·&ation of the plan submitted.
Mr. Greg Palmer, Director of Facility services for the School Diatrict, stated that at the present time the District is not considering leasing
the Wilson SChool site; presently it is beirq used by the high Sci'JOOl an:i for District storage spaqe. ·A decision has not been made by tl'la Board of Education to lease the school at this time.
Mr. Fli'"win Belles, 20127 John Drive, OJpertin:>, carplementc:..~. Ms. FuJ.ler on the infonnation presented. He stat.cad that he awreciated the fact that . camnissioners had visited t.he site.
Ms. Julie Shields, OJpertino L:i.brary O::mmission, respon:lEd to the o::n:em raised earlier by sayin; that permit parking works extremely well an her street arrl enforcement is excellent. She was highly favorable to use of the Eaton School site and noted that there will not be that many traffic
problems since the temporary library will not stock materials t'E!quJ.arly
used by adults. Alternative libraries will be used in the interim.
Ms. carolyn Whittaw, eupertino :rJ.brary canmission, favored the option of having the liorary open; she frut that many would abject to its closure. With regard to traffic, she questioned where, in CUpe.rtino, is there not traffic already? She noted the benefits of the library to the children.
Ms. Agnes Locher, CUpertino Library Ccmnission, noted that pa.rkir:q
adjacent to a camoo.rcial site may be difficult to firrl; in addition, the children could not use the ternporar.y librar.y.
cam. Adams IOC11led to close the Public Hearirqs.
Can. Soren..."*ll"l Passed 5-0
Com. Adams stated that the infomation received was adequate to enable the Conunission to make a decision. He suggested the addition of preferential park.im permit at this time. He favored the use of Eaton School for temporary use as a lD:irru:y.
cam. Sorensen concurred with the above. She su9gested consideration of alternat.inj the closing of the library arrl closure of adjacent c.W.ld care 6mter. She suggested that the summer read.iD:J program for children. be offered at other school or recreational sites.
PI.ANNING CXMfil3SICN ~ Regular Meetin;J of DeceJ1lber e, 1986
PAGE 5 PC -506
ITEM l (COnt'd)
... ,..
can. Claudy noted conc:er.na regardirg the uoo of F.atcln sChool as a temporary library site; hl:MeVer, ha questioned the difficulty of f:iniirr:J viable uses for p.lblic sc.hoola which ~d not have greater· traffic impact. He cx:mmented an the fl::u;Jality of the numbers presented in the
budget. He would vote favorably on this tenp::lra:ey Use :E\e:t'mi.t deepit.e sane negative impact on :residents. can. Mackenzie and air. Szabo oon::urred.
M:Yl'ION: can. Sorensen moved to q.cant a Negative Declaration.
SECO:ID: C.om. Adams
VOI'E: Passed 5-0
IDI'ION: can. Claucfy IOCWed to a:i;prove ~lication 3'1.-u-86 subject to the f.irx:IID;s an:i subcor¥:!lusions of this Hearin] arxi the.staff Report, coniltions 1, 2; condition 3, delete the v..iords 11 30 minutes before;" o:m:litions 4-6. ·
SE<XtID: can. Sarensen
VOl'E: Passed 5:...0
IDI'ION: can. Adams moved to serd a Minute o:rdl!r to the City Council requestir.q preferential pennit parld.n;J be provided on SUisun Drive ani Farallone Drive.
SEO'.>ND: Com. Sorensen
VOJ.'E: Passed 5-0
Application No(s) Applicant:
Property OWner: I.Dcation:
Parcel Area (Acres)
USE PERMIT (32·-U-86)
. l
ur .. am MJ:s, Hugh~----
~anm Fast Si@ Of Bubb ~tel.y 120 ft ..
north of E]Jn_~ ·-----------.• 31+ (gross)
To allow an office use within an existirg 2,400 sq.ft. blildirg in a P (Planne:i Develo,p.rent) zoning district.
ptaff Presentation~ Mr. CcWcm stated that in J.985 tl'le City eouncil enacted an Ordinance that zoned the property in question to PlannErl
DeVelq;:ment with a defined set of permitted uses. A f\lJ:ther conditfo:·i required that each and f!!llery tenant ch.an:Je be revie.\\Jled by the PlanninJ Commission; the property has been leased it.-ithout authorization to an
en:JineerinJ canpany. The p.i:rpose of this Hearing is to atterrg;:Yt to legalize the use.
PI.ANNING cnfMISSION MINUrFS Regular Meetin;:r of December a, 1986
PC -506
ITil1 2 (Cont'd)
Mr. c.owa.n presented an exhibit arrl showing the restripin;:J of the parking . lot; in addition, an illegal shed should be removed fran the property. Staff reoaamen::led approval of the Use Per.mi:t. · ·
ARPlicant's Pres.entati9ru. Mr. Jim Pendergast, owner of the engineeri.rq finn which is the ter.ant in this buildirg, addressed the folla,.rirq points: -Shed: sin:::e it was portable, he assurnecl that a Permit was not required.
-Park.in;}: difficulty of turn aJ:OUrXi in the par.ld..rq area was denaistrated; restriping the parking .lot l<.O.lld be infeasible fran a i;;atety sta.mpoi.nt. -!aniscaping W'OUJ.d entail renx:rval of a drain.
-Security: the police have been called a m.nnber of t.i.Ioos. llidd.itianal lan::iscape screening will increase the difficulty of patrollir)J the
In response to can. Jldams' question, he pointed out the placement am height of the existin"J fence and retainirg wall. In response to can. Mackenzie's question, he stated that he was ch.eck.llq into a variance
prcx::edure and asked to be granted 30 days to rem::rve the she::i. It was determined that the Applicants were aware of the illegal nature of the
shed since the previo..is PUblic Hearing of NO\lember 10, 1986.
Mr. Hugh Jackson, AWlicant, stated that he did not kn:Jw that it was ille;Ja]. to :put the shed on the prcperty; however, he acknowledged that.he
was aware of tbe fact that the shk"rl ~ illegal since the Public Hea:cing of Nm·ember 10, 1986. In response to Can. Mackenzie regarcU.ng the
continued exist.P..nce of the sha:i, he stated that he did not own the ehGd
an:1 did not wish to renove it. He presented a series of photographs showin:J laroscaping, building and the site. He questioned Item c. of t-.he Staff Report an:1 stated that he did oot un.:ierstan:i that restriping involved c::h.an]irxJ the size of the parkin:J stalls. In response to can.
Adams 1 question, he stated that rerocivaJ. of tlle drain to plant laniscapirg was illcgical; he offered to plant shrubs where paving block currently
In response to questions of ea:n. Mackenzie, ?-1r. Jackson statoo. that
Southlan:l Corporation vacated the pl.."'Cperty in Novemb1::.ir, 1985; the site was
rented to the engineerirq firm in June, 1986. Although present at th.Et City Council Hearings wherein the oro.inance was drafted, he un:ierstocxi that he cama un::ier the grandfather clause.
In response to the commissioner's caument that substantial remcxieling was
done to the builct!.rYJ, he stated that it was not suhJtantial. Southland corporation was required to return the buildinJ to the original c:orrlition; it was at this tine that pru:titions were put up and Mr. Perrlergast ID::lved in Merrorial Day weekend. Mr. Cowc\11 confirmed that a stop -work order was
placed on the project since no ~...nnit had bee.n fasued.; Mr. Jackson denied
receiving a stop "WOrk order.
In response to questions, Mr. .Jackson stated that he was told t..hat a heat excil.anger was required \to . repair a neater. only later did he find out
that a new-heater was p.1t in; he apologizoo to the Commission.
Regular Meeting of December a, 1~86
PC -506
ITEM 2 (cont'd)
·. ,-: :;:·· )'·:
commissioner Mackenzie stated that the repair work in question required a 30 ft. crane, tr.«> repair trucks ard three worlanen; the Applicant stated
that he did rot see the cpe:ratioo. 'Iba canmissioner oamnented that the Applicant had a cxrisistent histoxy of ignorirq c:tty :requirements.
In response to ccmnissioner SOrensen 's question, Mr. o::iwn stat.Eld that he · did rm believe that the addition of lan:1scaping reaching 2 ft. in height
would adversely affect security. staff suggested a condition of AJ.:'.proval.
requiring A.SAC review ani awrcmU of landscaping; ren'Ml.l of the drain
could also be eval.uated.
'I.he PUblic Hearin:] was then opened.
Ms. Audrey Olapmn, 21461 Elm ct. I eupertino I agreed th.at the Office build.in:J was a vast improvement over the oonvenienoe store previously
there; however, she expressed cancanl regru:dirq: -Landscapin;J toward the front Of the property. She stated that appropriate lan:lsc.aping would not interfere with security • . -Use of high intensity ligh"t:in] on the prq:>erty -use of plywood to cover portions of the offioe w:i.rxicMB -Use an::l disposal of chelllicals
Mr. Pen:lergast stated that there were no chemicals. In response to can. Mackenzie's question, he stated that soils analysis is done at their location.
Mr. Jackson suggested pla~ of a p.laAter to the front of the property.
MOI'ION: can. Claudy moved to close the rublic HE:>.a.rin:J.
SE<X>ND: can. Adams
VOI'E: Passed 5-0
cam. Mains commented on the lightin] of the site an:i suggPsted a review by ASAC; can. Mackenzie noted that the lightL~ plan is not consistent with the character of a residential neighborhcx:x:L Consideration was given to use of a cyclone fen::e on the peri.Iooter of the property.
corn. Claud.y stated that existinJ shrul::bery will be adequate when the adcl:Je blccks are replaced with shrul::bery, an:l with the addition of a sprinklirq system. He noted 'l:.he use of plywood on w:i.n1or,.;a.
cam. Mackenzie stated that he would not vote favorably on this Application; if viewed. as a new application, architectural ~.ri.~ would have been required an:i the lightirx], lack of adequate parkin:;r tum
aroun:l am security problems W"Ollld have :made this ai;:plication unacceptable. In his view, tho Jq::pliCC'.nt has sh~ contempt for the planning process.
cam. Sorensf'..n concurred with Com. Adams that use of plywood on wirrlcws was unacx::eptab1e aOO. that lighting of the area needed to be reviewed.
PI.ANNING cx:M1ISSIOO MINUl'FS · Regular Meetin::T of Decemoor a, 1986
PC -5()6
ITEM 2 (Cont'd)
can. Claudy proposed •that tile Ocmn.issiai. approve ·this Application requiring' a reviet.r by ASAC of lan::lscaping plmlr lighting, wirdow treatment
and the. installation of a pl.ant.er an:l sprinkler systell\. L"1 response .to questions by tll6 Ccmmi.ssion, Mr. Oowan ~ that staff and. ABN; review the park.in:; lot. '1he shed will be remc:Ned. can. Claudy l'X1ted that
he shared sana of the conce.rns ~ed by can. Mackenzie: he asked that staff ensure cxuplianoe with required actions an this Application. Mr.
Piasecki. SU:Rested OJIJiition 6 state that improvements shall be installed within three J001lths Of approval.
MJI'ION: can. Claudy ll¥JVed for awrovaJ. Of Application 32-U-86 subject to fi.rx:J.in]s arxi corci.usions of this Haari.rg a.rd the staff Report, eon:lition 1-5; Corx:lition 6, I.ari.'l.sc.'lPW aOO Site Plan; deleting the 'WOl."ds, ''Replant the existin.;J larxlscape area" am add,
''Replant the bdrren area rt:M covenld by adoba bloelt: ••• " and adi "A.SAC review of external lighti.rq on thA\l bW.ldin:;J, wi.n::la'1
treatJN:mt an the .buildin;J, an:1 fen:::in:J."; can:tition 7 r eomitian 6, that ~nsnts shall be installed within.· three
:rront:hs of approval.
SEOOND: can. Sorensen
VOTE: Passed, Can. Mackenzie q:poeed 4-1
Break 9:19 -9:35 P.M.
consensus reaclled that an Mjourned RegUlar Me.eting was req1:tired to carrplete the HP...aring of the Agen:la.
MJI'ION: Cam. Claudy nvved to conduct an Adjourned Regular Meetin; on
December 11, 1986, at 7:30 P.M. to Hear ITEMS 4 and 5.
Sl:XX)Nl): Ccrn. Adams
VOTE: ?c:.ssed 5-0
rrm 3
Application No(s) Applicant:
Property OWner
Parcel Are.a (Acres)
J,6-U-85 (Amendetj} an:.i 35-El\-85
USE PERMIT (18-U-85 [Arnelrled])
To operate a child care center with a :maxinrum of 150 students usin;:/
existir:g school facilities, J new portable buildin:Ja, an:1 additional parking.
TENI'A'l'IVE CITY CXUNCIL HEARING J:ll\TE: Cece.mber 15, 1986.
"·--··---~-~--~---·---bihb_PJ ___ .............................. ----------1111l111lli\iliil1illilll1llllilllllllrllillilill!~---~
Regular Meet:i.n?,' C' f December 8 I 1986
Pli.GE 9
PC -506
ITEM 3 (O:mt'd)
Staff Presentation: Mr. Piaseck.l stated that the Application is to amerd a previously ai::provecl Use Pel.mt, axpard.irq the number of children ar:d staff allowed, and increase the area of school space by 3 1 000 sq.ft. of portable space. An exhibit was presented to illustrate concerns regarding this Application, namely, traffic. While staff views the proposal as an ai;:propriate use of a closed school facility, studies dem::mstrate a
significant increase in traffic generated. He revi.ewed traffic patterns
between the site arx:l Apple O::lnp..tter canpany arrl the Table of Comparable Traffic Generation frail the Staff Report.
staff suggested that a eonti.rn:laroe of this Application is in order to allow for further study of traffic mitigation alternatives by the
Applicant. Staff also cammented on the lack of definition on the appearance of t!le trailers to be USErl.
Aa?lic:ant's Presentatj&ru. Ms. I.eslie Arrlrews, Benefits Manager, Apple
Ccmplter o::aupany, statOO. that Apple Ca:rp.lter canpany wishes to add day care services for hifants and t.OOdle.t"B as a benefit for enployees; this enphasis explains the significant in:::rease in day care staff proposed.
She reviewed prop::>SOO hours of operation and noted a lengthy phase in program start-up extendirq over twelve to fourteen lWI'lths. She questioned
the projected six fold traffic increase an:i roted that AWle wished to be a good neighbor to the resident.i.al area. · · . ·
In 1-esponse to Com. Mackenzie's question, Ms. Andrews stat.00 that busing has been discussed arrl woo.ld be difficult to implement due to the age of the children served by the facility. can. Ma:roa interjected, that. he has worked with programs where 2 year olds ware. bussed and stated that some resolution of the traffic situation wculd make a significant difference to
the approval of this AWlication. a::nn. SorenSP..n cxmmrred, add.in:} that County Education Departlllent busses children from 18 ll'IOl'ltilS of age.
In response to questions by C'..ammissionei."S, Mr. Piasecki presente:i an illustration showin;J the prcpose::i portable site ar.d the expansion of the
parking area. 'Iha Applica."'lts acknowledged that this was a sketch; Com.
Adams commented that he would not accept such as a layout for approval.
Ms. Ann Beasley, Real Estate Specfalist, Apple Catplter Company, state:l that the portables would be used for the infants arrl toddlers; she answerod questions regardinJ operations procedures in response to Com.
Adams. 'Iha Applicants stated that one consideration in placement of the
portables was access in bringing infants arrl toddlers to t:he cent.er. Com.
Adams asked t6 see a layoot reflectiTB potential bussing access necessary
to serve this center. cam. Claudy SLim!ClUrized the concerns of the canrnission as traffic impact and design of the ruilcl.irgs. He sta.ted that
the first concern was intensity of use; he m.tgg"ested that when traffic
l.np3.ct had been resolved, then design and layout issues could be
f' l
PLANNING CXM-1ISSION ~c; · Regular Meetin;J of December 8, 1986
FC -506
I'I,'EM 3 (Cont'd)
Mr. Greg Palmer, School District Representative, stated that th9 Sch:x:>l District anticipated use of these facilities by Apple for several. y~.
In response to fUrther questions, he stat&::l tliat the School District has an insufficient number of b.lsses to contract with Af.ple for similar se.tVices.
'llle Public Hear~ was then cpe.ned.
Ms. Pam Hershey, 19698 Wheaton Dr., CUperti.no, noted p:rogr.!!llS at O::>llins Elementacy School arrl stated that there are pa.rk:lrq, traffic and aa.Zaty problems at that facility. She pointed out traffic pat.tf>..rns am safety cone.ems that alrer.dy exist in the area.
Mr. Richard Nebel, 10226 No. Portal, O..tpertino, statEd that there is already insufficient park.in; on tlJ8 Nan Allan School Site; he noted the potential shortage of parkirq with 38 employees. He stated that the
p:t"q?OSa.l did not show design and larrlsca.. .. .mg elements am questioned the use of trailers. In addition, he viewed. child care as a W.siness am.
stated that this site shoold be saved as a future public sct.:.ool site. ·
Mr. Alfred Sautur, 10300 No. Portal, CUpertino, stated that he synpathized with the OJpertino SChool District in fin:ling pi-cper usage for school sites; however, he objected to the noise ru'rl traffic when the small World
Pre School was in q::>e.r3.tion and felt that proposed use of portables will
be unattractive.
Mr. Gedfrey ~, 10256 No. Portal, CUpertino, noted the residential character of the neighborhood and stated that he was assured that if
schools in the area 'Were clos00, the property would be rezoned residential. He felt that the propose:i use is a business an:l wau.ld be inappropriately located in a residential area; he concurred. with canrnents
made above rega:rdi.nJ parking. ·
Ms. I.ijle To};:ham, 10154 ~o. . Portal, CUpartino, concurred with canments
above on traffic arrl use of portables. He noted a traffic pattern problem.
Mr. 'Ibomas A. Rohner, 10142 No. It>rtal, Olpertino, questioned the basic layout of the prq:x::sed use for infant an:i toCldler day care; he cited State child care J:"egU].ations, a.rd noted traffic prd:>lems.
Ms. Mary Hennsmeyer, 10450 No. Portal, CUpertino, stated that she
concun-00 with everythil-.:;J that had been said arrl felt that the proposed Use Permit is inawropriate for the site in question.
Mr. Frank Gibbons stated that he agreed with everyth.in;j ooid except that Apple Corrputer could put this center adjacent to their site.
Consensus reached that the application is incomplete an:1 should be continued; the Applicant agreed to the continuance.
PI.ANNilKi CXMfiSSION MINUI'FS Regular Meeting of December s, 1986
PC -506
:rrm1 3 (Cont'd)
Can. Sorensen coml'OOl'X.ied Apple C'aipltar catpany for :recognizirlg the need. for child care services; she noted the traffic pn:ibletnS and ~ the
ui:;e~ of bussirq children to the center. In acldition, she suggested a back entJ::y to the Nan Allan Site.
In response to can. Claudy 1 s question, Attorney COCker stated that she
'WO.ll.d review the of qua.si-~lic p..lblio zon.il')3 as app:tqJriate for the
pl:"OpOSEd use an:i report back to the Plru"'\11.irq o:mnission.
Cllr. Szabo noted that innovative day cal."e centers are worthwhile an::l that there is a great need for such. ' ·
MJI'ION: com. Claudy IIXNed to Continue AwlicatJ.on 18-U-85 (Amended) and 35-F.A-85 to January 12, 1987, Meet.irq of 1che Plannirq O:mnission.
SEOJND: can. Mams
VOI'E: Passed 5-0
Application No(s) Applicant:
Property OWner: Location:
Pa.reel Area (Acres) :
USE PER1I'1' (33-U-86)
36-U-86 ani 36-E,A-82...__ Marriott Corporation
To construct and ope.rate a 150 I:OC.tll, 3 story hotel with a 50 seat restaurant.
Staff Prese.ntation: Mr.. caughey presenta:i a site map of the proposP.d.
Hotel an:i surroun:ilrq area. Th.a Tentative Map an:i the Planned Development Zonirq we.re recently app:t:oved; thf;l pror:osal is consistent with ~..neral
Plan Policy adopted by this cammission arrl City coun:::il establishirq the availability of a 200 Hotel roams within Vallco Park, north of 280.
The principle cone.em ct' Staff is the l")stablishment of an appropriate level of parkir):J, si· "~'1:1'.. overflow cieciiand is either precluded or significantly mit::.., ., ·.;,. :' ->r1 i~):Xlr• info:l:."ma.t.ion provided by the Applicant
arrl the City Ordir..r ":•.· · , .::.,~:J.ng use <'.".·;; carrpact size park.in:] stalls on
Hot.el;'Motel facilit.J ~-, ._:;,.,~_<? are two mitigatir:g solutions as noted iri the
Model Resolution:
l) Par1QJ:g B:t!:<:£' upon other Marriott courtyard facilities, he noted that with appropriate controls on aricilla:ry uses, the .95 ratio can
be workable wi ~hoot overspill.,
PI.ANNmG cn1MISSION m:NOTES Regular Mooting of December a, 1986 • PAGE 12 R: -506
ITEM 4 (Cont'd)
S'"'...aff included a condition of Approval statin';J that if ove.t"Spill parking' occurs on adjo.inirq sites, the Hotel operator will be require::l to 'INOrk with the city to resolve thase problems. He called attention to the
Traffic Analysis o::rnpleted arrl Staff Report section VI. B.
Mr. caughey stated that in identify in';} possible impact on the intersection at Pruneridqe and Wolfe a-1. r certain civil engineerin;J design improvements were requested by the Public Works Department; h.cMever, upon review of
this matter, the Public Works Dil:'\2Ctor felt that requiring the Applicant . to fun::l these i.nprovements 'l«lUJ.d be un:iuly burdensome. 'lherefore, the Applicant will be asked to provide the cost of p:r:-epari.ng erqineeri.ng drawings and specifications for these inipl"'OV'emP..nts; the City will fur.d and 1..:CI1Struct the iltp.roVeme.nts based upon traffic mitigation :furx;'ts provided by.
Vallco Park. Mr. caughey asked that the record of the Rlblic Hearirq reflect this intent.
In response to can. Claudy's question, Mr. caughey stated that the .95 parking ratio inclt.:rled employee parJdn3'. In response to can. Adams• question, he clarified the sccpe of the .Awlication statirq that the Application enr.::arpassed only a three acre parcel. Mr. Carlan added that
~ AJ?plicants were not aLle to pl:"EISOl'lt a detailed. davelq_:nent plan for the entire quadrant; detailed plans will be submitted when Use Permits are file:i. can. Adams noted the ~ar shape of same of the property and questioned their fitness for a:fT1 use other than park.ir.g overflow.
Mr. caugh9'J corrected. a draftsman's error on the architectural exhibits. Model Resolution, condition 16 should read, 45.:l feet. The Cross se:::tion was prepared to address privacy impact concerns expressed by adjacent residents. Regard.irq potential ·visual privacy impact to adjoining hcnnesites, he noted the Af;t:>licant's willirqness to provide extensive tree
CXNer on the westerly bourrlary of the project. A Corrlition of .J\WlXNaJ, has been proposed asking the Applicant to present a tree selection for
MAC Revier..,r to ensure appr'l)riate visual screening.
Mr. caughey reviewed the Staf"f Report and ASAC :review of the project and
stated that materials r-.elected are sanewhat disparate from those on. other fonns in the area. As noted, ~ on Wolfe Rd. relies heavily on the existing C::JVer of P..edwood Trees; the curb line along the easte.rn bourrlary
:requires saoo adjustment to ensure protection of the trees. A potential noise problem was noted. 'll1e Applicants indicate that this can be resolved without the installation of a s6un:l wall; thus, Staff has not required
that a sound wall be provided. Approval of the project was recomme.rrlecl,
and m::xilfied Con::liticns of Approval were presented.
PI.ANNING cx::MMISSION MINUI'ES Regular .MeetiN:j of December 8, 1986
PC -506
ITEM 4 (COnt'd)
Aa::>licant's Presentation: Mr. Jahn Mocnik, Marriott Corporation, asked
that use of carpact pa:r:Jd.ng' stalls be consirlered. In response to can.
Adams' s question, he stated that the project may be ClCllpleted by the
secax1 quarter of 1987. In response to Can. Claudy's question, he stated
that Marriott wished to serve t:J'le lt'Odsrate se:jlllel1t of the market with the
c.ourtya:rd, ani direct oonventian lodgin; needs to the Marriott 'I'cMn.-s. In
response to can. Mackenzie's question, he outlined. activities am sei:vices
available. Notirq potential parki.rq difficulties with the ll'OOtirg facilities, Mr. Mocnik confllned that they will be used by guests only. Mr. MIX:nik stated that he 'WCUld agree to a stipulation that the meetirq facilities of the c.ourtya:rd are for Hotel guests only.
Mr. Ben Stockwell, Architect, respo.rx:1sd to questions :regarding orientation
arrl lan:lscap:i.nJ shCMn on the drawin:fs presented.
Mr. Ned Smith, Iandscape Archita..--t, also resporxio::l to the above questions.
Mr. M:x::nik added that, regarding condition 13, staff su;igested OOV"enant places acliitional. restriction on the property; the property owners do not wish to be inclurled as a participant in correcting any parkb-q deficiency
that may occur. He asked. that another vehicle be used rather tllan the recording of a covenant.
'lbe Public Hearin:;J was then opened.
Ms. sally Keath, Ch!teau West Homeowners Association, submitted a petition with 139 signatures arxi presented a lettat' dated December 2, 1986. Sha reviewed the objections to the Application as stated in the letter.
Mr. Steven R. SWenson, 1789 Larlc, sunnyvale, stated that the rr.ajor objection of ne.igh.borin:J residents is that the proposed buildin3"s are not consistent with the structut"eS already built. Valla:> Village consists of one an:i two-stm:y buildin;Js, ""911 landscaped arrl oonc:ea.led from adjacent resideri.tial areas. 'lh.e proposed builr.b-q, a].m::)6t four stories tall, will be a visual impainne.nt to the neighborhood. He presented a series of slides to derronstrate abjections to the visual .impact, traf~ic corgestion
arrl privacy ilrpact of the proposed Wildin:;)'.
Mr. 01arles Rogers, Bunnyvale, asked where additional parkl.n:J would be located an1 noted a concern that off-site parkin:j would be located in the trian:;Jlllar property to the west. In addition, he asked for information on
the realignment of Wolfe Rd. at Prune.ridge. He stated that restaurants already located• in this area,have caused an enonoous increase in traffic and noise; residents are fearful that similar problems will arise with the proposed project.
Regular Meetirq Of December 8 1 1~86
PC -506
I'1'.lli 4 (Cont'd)
Mr. Clel Harr, Sunnyvale; in response to his question, Mr. eowan :reviewed the General Plan for this area am confirmed tllat 200 hotel roans have previCAJSly been awroved north of 280 .. Mr. Harr stat.00. that the parking ratio ai;:pearect to be grossly inadequate. In ~ to further quest.ions,
Mr. Caughey stated that the Central Fire District requested a secon::laey access point which will be aligned to Wolfe Road. Attorne.y Cocker stated
that resti·iction of restaurant facilities to hotel gtll"..st is legal ard is
not an \lllUSUal CXJl'Xiltion; enforcement lNU.lld be ~ lbnitirq of advertising. Mr. Harr oonten:::la1 that advertised or non-advertised, these facilities will be recogn.i.zed ar:d. used by the general p..lblic and asked.
regardirg provisions for overflew parking.
He expressed ccmcern regarding the location of off-site park.in;J. In ·conclusion, he stated that there is inadequate roan for a 149 rcx:m l)otel due to t.he lack of parki.rq an:l the present access road for the other three restaurants.
Mr. Bill Prince, 824 Panlell Place, sunnyvale, suggested that property
sun:oundirg the propose:! Wilding was already planned. for overflow parking use.
. l
Ms. Georgia stinau, 824 Parnell Place, SUnnyvale, stated that since J\me
1985, residents of this area have atteropt:ed to work with Vallco to deal with pr-.:blems caused by restaurants in this area. She noted that a thtee · story hotel is proposed in what was ~ to be a neighborhood center;
She guaranteed that patrons of the restaurants will disoover am. use the
hotel facilities, advertising or oo advertis~.n;r. She stated that the project is camplet.ely inappropriate for the area, and is inawrcpriate in
a neighbo!hood shoppin:J center. In addition, a soorx:lwall alO'l'YJ Linnet
Lane is necessary.
cam. MackP...nzi~ m.:iggested that this discussion be oontirrued to~ 11, 1987, to allow Canunisaioners to obtain further infonnation from Marriott an:1 Plan.n.iIX] Staff,
MOI'ION: Com. Mackenzie m::ived to continue Application 33-U-86 an::l 30-FJ\-86 to the December 11, 1986, Re;Ju].ar Adjourned Meeting of the Plannin;J Commission.
SECOND: Com. /\dams
VOIE: Passed 5-0
The Plannir:q Canmision then adjourned the Regular ~ing to Deceruber 11,
1986, beg.inn.in;:; at 7:30 FM in city Hall.
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