PC 11-10-86...
CUpertino, CA • .)~5014
(408) 252-4505
MINUI'ES OF 'TI-IE RroUI.AR MEETING OF 'IHE PI.ANNillG <XM1ISSION HEID CN ~ 10, 1986 Meetin;J Held in the camcil Ci.ambers Of CUpe.rtino Cit.y Hall
SAWrE '.IO 'IHE · PIAG; 7:30 P.M.
Commissione.-""S-Prasent: Chairman Szabo Vice Chainnan Mac.k.enzie
Commissioner Adams Commissioner Claudy Commissioner Sorensen
Staff Present: Rd::lert CCMan, Director of Plwnin;r & Developne.nt St.Ewe Piasecki, Assistant Planning Director Glenn Griegg, Traffic Engi.nlaer
Peggy M. Cocker, Attorney
can. Claudy' to Octcber 27, 1986, can. Sorensen PasSed
,., •. ,"!
awrcrve the
as sul:::ani tted. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of
cam~ . Mackenzie llrNed to place Heaiin;Js. ITEM 1 at the e.rrl of Pl.lblic
can. Claudy Passed
Application 32-U-86 AWlicant request · · a
1986. :
Mr. am. Mrs. Hugh Jackson
continuance. to the meeting of December 8,
can. Mackenzie"Il'OVed to :r;x:>stpone IT.EM 3 to ~ 8, 1986. can. Cl.audy ·
Passed 5-0
PIANN.IN:; c:x:MUSSIOO MnIDrES Regular Meetin;J of November 10, 1986
PAGE 2 K: -505
. -~ .· ., ; ~ .~
Mr. Cowan stated that the Awlicant: for Item 3 had requested a continuance; how9ve.r, he was rt:1t1 available for the Hear:irq. He stated that the AJ;:plication is unique in that it involves a Ca:J.e Violation. cam.
Claudy rx:rl:ed his opposition to hea.rirq an Item published as being continued; the public ~d not have been awru:e of. the charge in the
hearirq schedule.• 'Iha Plann.in:J Ccramission agreed to take public testim:my
on Item 3 am then to <::ontinue the ai:plication to December 8, 1986.
-Letter received ftun Ronald J. and ~ J. Cllai:man, dated NOV'Efilber 7, 1986 c:oncerninJ Agenda Item 3 •
ITEM 2 -Application 30-U-85 (Revised)
Mr. Cowan stated that the Applicants we:rQ currently at the MAC MeetincJ.
ID!'Irn: cam. Clat¥.iy llX)Ved to continue ITEM 2 after h.earin:'J ITEM 3.
SECDND: cam. Ad.ams
VOTE: Pa-ssed 5-0
ITEM 3 Application No(s) Applicant:
Pl:'o,i;:erty OWner: location:
Parcel Area (Acres) :
USE PERMIT (32-U-86)
32-U-86 Mr· and Mrs. Hqgh Jackson Same Fast side of Bubb Road., approximately 120 ft, north of Elm Court
• 31 +-Cgross_l
To allow an office use within an existirq 2,400 sq. ft. bUilding in a P (Planned Develcprent) zoning district.
PI.ANNING cx:MflSSION MINUI'ES Regular Meeting of November 10, 1986
PC -505
ITEM 3 (CCl'lt'd)
Staff ~tiom Mr. Piasecki stated that the site is a former 7-11 convenience st.ore located next to the percolation pords. 'lb.ere is
adjacent :residential also. A sketch was presented. 'Ihe Applicant
requests office use of this facility lll'Xler Planned Develq::m:ent zonirq.
staff recx:mnerds a_wroval of this a_wlication; office use is consistent with allowable uses l.lnier the axistin] Planned Daveloi;m,mt Zoning. However, Staff requests the following cban:;res: 1) Renoval Of Ml illegal shed 00. the prq;erty
2) Addition of a lardscape islarrl in front ot the parking area
3) I.an:iscaping to be redone per Af'>AC review
4) Rastriwing of the existing pa:ck.inJ stalls
Applicant's Presentat.JQfil Mr. Jackson, in response to Staff Report, Major Issues, c., presert.ed a statement fran OJpertino Nursery statil-q that .a -variety of larx:lscaping materials were used an the property. '1his larrlscapin;J was planted at the request of ASAC; }.:hotograµis were presented
to the canmission. Mr. Jackson stated. that the parkin:J lot has been re.stripped as of November 7th. He stated that Ul"deJ:grourrl utilities Sni
storm drains were p.it in when the building was OOil t. He requested that item c. be re.noved fran COn:.litions of the Use Permit.
'Iha Public Heari.r¥j was then openad.
In respcrise to can. Claudy's question, Mr. Piasecki stated that in accordance with COUncil policy, a request for a use Penn.it affecting 25%
or ITOre of the site area, requires conformance with Staroard C.orditions ·
(urxl~um:lin:r arrl stonn draino:;); this requirement is bein:J appealed to
the City council.
IDl'ION: can. Adams m::wed to continue Item 3 to DecelrJ:)ar 8 I 1986.
SECOND: can. Sorensen VOI'E: Passed
At:Plication No(s) Applicant:
Property OWner:
31-U-86 an:l 32-EA-86 Westfield, Inc.
West side of North WOlfe Road, northerly of Stevens creek Boulevard adjaQ:IDt to Vallco
P.I.ANNJNG a:t1MISSION MINUTES RegUlar Meetirq of November 10, 1986
~ -505
IT.El1 1 (Cent' d)
USE PERMIT For expansion of retail space on the lower level of the· existing Valloo Fashion Park Mall, enoompassirq approximately 90,000
sq. ft. and for ~ion of the existi.n9' ~ garage structu.re.
$taff Presentation: Mr. O:Mtm stated that this Application requests an approximate 90,000 sq. ft. increase in retail space to be constructed in
the lc:Mer parkirq level of the e.>d.stirq center. A series of ctiagrams and illustrations were presented to show the expansion arrl archi:tectural cha.n:Jes, '!he A:[::plication involves the construction of a parJdn:i lot on
the west side of the center and the i"ealignment of the road pattern for Vallco Parkway between Wolfe Rd. arrl the perimeter road.
lllustratic:ns of the .interior of Vallco Park were presented; :Mr. COWan
ooted that the City o:::urv:il granted a Master use Penni": for Vallco Mall; however, late eveni.rq entertainment activity and restaurants with bars continue to require irxlividual. use permits.
One of the few issues involved in ·~is application is traffic circulation within the ce...11ter. A proposed .-:ondition will enable Staff and the A:[::plicant to worlc together to fin:l dE:si.gn solutions. Access for· b:ucks in service docks is also of concern. Mr. CoWan pointed out the potential traffic oon;Jestian points. In su.mnary, Staff supports the AWlication subject to Conditions Of Approval,
Can. Ada:ms noted c:mcern that trucks have inadequate space in the loading
dock run service dock areas; Mr. Cowan suggested. wid.enin:1 the area in question. air. Szabo questioned whether pedestrians are in t.he loading or service area; Mr. CCMan pointed out the pedestrian entranc:es an:::l. exit$ arrl
noted that potentW conflicts between pedestrians an:::l truckS might occur at same poirrts. In response to Commiasionera' questions, parking circulation patterns were outlined.
lmRJ.icant's Presentation;_ Mr. Richard Green, President of Westfield Inc., presented backgroun::i information on Westfield Holclin:Js, an AU.stralian
based ccmpany. ·.Westfield Inc.,, owns a numbe.r of properties in the United States; major business activity .in the U.S. is shoppin:j centers. He stated that Westfield acqu.irf>..s property, redevelops properties as oocessary am m:mages these propei::ties in such a manner·that they became a major focal point in the community. Westfield endeavors to pa':tiCipate in
the local community.
P!ANNIN:; CXMMISSICN MilTCJI'ES Regular Meeting of November 10, 1986
PC -505
ITEM 1 (Cont'd)
Mr. Graen stated that Vallco is tmique anong their holdin;Js; it is a well planned shewing canter; ~tfield is canmitted to maintain this level .of quality and to ~ every effort to canpliment the facilities there. 'Ihere is no need to change architectural style or the quality of interior
treat:Joont already existin;J.
'Ibis is the first of a phased develcpnent plan which will add another level of shcpping area ru'rl will acc::amrodate approx.i.mately 90, 000 sq. ·ft. of speciality shcps. '!he additional oojective is to attract a major
deparboont store to tlw corner of Wolfe Rd. Expansion is necessa:ry and important.
Mr. Ten.y Ferrero, Project Architect, preserrted a detailed plan of the new shoppin:J area, adjacent parking structu.i;e, Bel:Vice an::l loadi.-,g areas. He
responde:::1 to questions f:ran the canmissioners regardi!l'J traffic circulation patterns, pedestrian access f1-an parkirq structures, exits
frc:rn the shopping center, truck loadirq docks arx:l service elevators, safet:y a:ncerns for pedestrians (cru.ldl"'en) in areas aC!jacent to truck·
loading and unloaclincJ areas, an::l location of trash containers.
In response to the safety carx::ems raised by air. Szabo, Mr. Green interjected that the lOOGt effective tcx::>l is to restrict delivery times to early m::>n·iing hoo.rs. Mechanisms under consideration would be use of a
gate to restrict access to times before the Mall is q;ien. After initial stockin;J of a new store, smaller trucks can often be used to make deliveries. sezvice docks were located on the plans. Can. Adams stated his conoem reg-dl:'d.in:J the two sites where truck loading areas ~
pedestrians roay come in contact with each other; he asked that this situation be remedJed.
In response to can. Claudy's question, Mr. Green stated that retailing has
charqed--current retailers obtain oore productivity rut of space. In , addition, occupancy cost in CP..nters has risen, directly related to land
arrl buil~ costs; thus, in:lividual retail store space is smaller. Typical desired space wculd be 30 ft. by 80 ft; Vallco has 30 ft. by 150
ft. Also, the center needs synergism between the stores. This explains
the way the expansioo was designed.
Mr. Ferrero aitl.ined the plans for the Mall, use of open space and
skylights, an::l mate:dals used. Open space e.liminated on the first floor will be relocated for use of ccmnunity and holiday events on the lower level. In response to cam. Sorerisen' s question, the applicants stated
that there should be parkirq avd.ilable 80 -90% of the time with the
exception of the Christnas season. Com • .Ad.ams concurred with concenis regardin::; parking arrl suggested notifyin::J patrons when any specific
parking ramp is f..Ul. .f
. "
PIANNmG C01MISSION MlNUI'ES Regular Meeting of NOi/ember 10, 1986
PAGE 6 Fe -505
ITEM 1 (Cont'd)
i••<' .... '--· .. '.
'" 1'·
can. Claudy ~..nted that durirq canst.ruction there will be a loss of parkirq space and suggestOO that the garage be Wilt to provide replaoeroont parkir¥J during oonstructian. Mr. Green acknowledgOO that this wo.lld be a lcqical p."la.sin:;J of the p:roject. In response to Cail. Adams' question, he stated that the project will be Wilt fairly rapidly; nontheless the rooebowl area has to be u.sOO for par~.
In response to can. Sorensen regarding the use of kiosks, Mr. Green stated that they will be used and if designed run ioo.rcharrlised oorrectly can provida quality lOOrCharrlise to custoioors. He reaffirmed that Westfield is ccmnitted to continuing community, educational, arrl special events in the Mall. ·
'Iha Public Hearing was then opened.
Ms. ~id Bischof, 14641 Drake Dr., CUpertino, asked if adequate retainirxJ walls will be Wilt to prevent haoos in the adjacent area f.ran slidin;J into a oollapsed parki.rg a..~. She also expressed oonce:rn abot..lt noise.
Ms. Edith Pedersen, 19657 AmhP.rst Dr., Olpertino, asked for clar.ification of statezrents in the Staff Report. Mr. Ferrero respaxted to questions.
Mr. James S. Mills, INAS En:J.i.nee.ring, stated that the three way stop .intersection is a major source of noise for the complex. ~ :restated solutions noted in the Rep:>rt am answered questions of the Commissioners regardir:g traffic circulation pat.terns.
Ms. Jane Bierstedt, Barton Aschman Associates, presented the series of tables used to estima:ta the traffic resul·.:ing fran the proposed expansion
of Vallco Park. She estimated that the expansion will generate 300 new trips durin;J the "P.M. Peak hoo.r. can. Macken.de noted that an ave.rage rate was used for the entire center, applyirg even to mrginal space; thus the figures are a conse:t:Vative asmnrq;:Jt.ion.
To evaluate the impact of added tra:t.:fic, an intersection level of Service calculation was canpleted. calculations were mada at several intersections arx:l. added to the traffic gerP ... rated by the expansion; she
present.Erl the results of thesB calculations as noted in tr.a Barton ABchman Report, concluding that all intersections are operating at accept.able
leve.ls of service. In response to can. Claucly's question, Ms. Bierstedt stated that re..<:>.idential neighbc:thocds were evaluated on a :regional basis. Traffic was assigned on the relat.ive location of the neighborhoods.
Regular Meetirq of Nov~ 10, 1986
R:: -505
ITEM 1 (cont'd)
Dr. David R. McQ:lwarl questia.00 stateroonts made regardirq traffic evaluations an:l noted that Vallco is above the average in prcx:lucin;r sales; thus traffic pattern data reported wculd be extrerooly conservative. He
~ that nuch IOC1re traffic would be g~ted than ai;:peared in th.$ reports.
can. Claudy SUtm1arized the~issues as:
-General oorx::eptual issue of expansion into the urrle:rgrourrl parking an:l the building of another parking garage. Consen.....c-us by the Commission
would probably be re.ached on this issue. -Traffic and. safety aspects related to traffic and delivery. '!his is the most controversial issue.
cam. Claudy is favorable to the conceptual expansion of Vallco arxi felt t.hat this expansion ~d in;>rove the shopping center as a whole. He
expressed cx:n::em rega.rdin:J the placing of park.in;J in the rose.bowl area as an intennediate solutioo. He fUrt:her mcpressed cx:mcel."'11 reganilrq access an:l safety r:;f the loadirq docks. 'lbe a::mnissioner su;:igested that the Application be approved cxmoeptually arrl request that the Applicant address the :iSSJies surroon::ling the l~ docks.
can. Adams stata:l that cxmceptually the d'::lSign is satisfactory; however, he had reSf'..rvations reganilrq the l~ areas arrl the tunnel as well as the location (alignment) of the tunnel. He will accept the conc:ept l:ut
asked the Applicants to provide a resolution to the concen"IS stated. He asked that a filasim plan for the expansion be submitted to the Ccmnission. He noted that the original Use Penni t, 6-U-73, Item 18, an:l. stated that Vallco has done an excellent job of fulfilling this requirement over the years; he asked that Staff reassess the monetary figv.res at this time. Also, :regard.irq con.iltion 35 of 6-U-73, the Ccmnissioner asked that an update of the Traffic solution Stud.y be completed.
can. Sorensen concurred with the above and noted her oance:rn :regardirXJ the safety and other aspects of the tunnel. She favored l:::W.ldirq of the parkin;J garage first an:l elevators provided for the han:ilcai:ped an:i for
small children. She camnented that Vallco is seen in the camnrunity as a wann ar.d invi tin; shq::p:i.rq center.
cam. Mackenzie also favored further, inf orrnal review of the tunnel and
st.root alignment. Cllr. Szabo concllrrf"..d that the conceptual plan· was excellent; he asked that the tradition of Vallco be maintained for the citizens of CUpertino.
Mr. Co.Yan suggested that the Commission caild awrove the Use Pentdt arrl place :\ Condition that on-si.t.t>. ciJ.i:::ulation will be reviewed by Staff
before the issuance of1 l:uild.ing pe..ri:(\its. Com. Clai.+cty stated that the oanc:ept of a tunnel is reasonable; however, m::xilfication of traffic circulation patterns is necessary. He :noted prd:ilems with aligrnnent of
the tunnel. can. Adams suggested reducing flc.x:ir space if necessru:y to realign the tunnel and ease the problems at the seJ:Vice docks.
~ .;
•' PI.ANNING a::t'1MISSICN MINUI'ES '. ~. :: ti\ .. 1t1
Regular Meetin;J of November 10, 1986
PC -505
ITEM l (cont'd)
Mr. Piasecki suggested. that the Ccmnission require a phas.irq plan to be
daveloped by the AJ;:plicant and staff for final appror..ral. In response to
O::in. Adams' request for a Traffic Reduction study, he stated +-,.hat this was not necessary for the approval of this AJ;.plication; he asked that a Minute oroer be sent to the council to reassess these issues.
M1I'ION: O:xn. Claudy rocwed to close the F\lblic Hearirg.
SECUND: cau. Adams
'VOl'E: Passed
M1l'ION: Cam. Mackenzie moved to grant a Ne:Jative Declaration.
sEO:tID: cam. Sorensen
VOI'E: Passed
MJI'ICN: can. Miekenzie mved approval of Application 31-U-86 subjeCt to
the fi.nw.lrqs ani subcxmcl.usions ot the staff Report a.rd the
Hearirg with the Conditions 1, delete the worc:s, "A-.4"; Conditions 2-4; Conditiai 5, add.in;J the reqtJ.iremant that a solutial to the on-site tra!fic circulation pattern be reviewed
by the camnission for final ai::proval.1 o::niltions 6.,;.g; add COrdition 10 requirirg a Project Fhasing Plan be prepared by the Applicant arid Staff arrl reviewed by the c.nmdssion for final awroval. SECOND: can. sorensen
VOI'E: Passed 3-0
Mr. Cowan confinrsi with the Comm.Lc:;sion that Coniltion 5, on-site traffic circulation m:xilficati.on, may :t::'eSUlt in a deletion or reconfiguration of space.
M1l'ION: can. Adams lOC7VSd to send a Minute OI.'1er to the Cit.y COuncil
askirg for review of Items 18 arxi 35 of the original Use Permit, 6-U-73, for possible revision. sEOJND: can. Mackenzie
VOI'E: Passed 5-0
Break 9:52-10:04
,AWlication 30-U-85 (Revised) -Marriott C.Orporation -Requesting awroval of minor m:::dification to a previously approved U$e permit.
Staff PrP...sentation: Mr. CcMan statro that this Item is inco~y listed in the Ager:rla as a Public Hearir:g; this item is a minor amerrlrnent request. Staff suggest.Ed that due to the naqnitude of this project, the Commission A
refer thi<> Application to the city Council for review. W
PI.ANNING a::Mf!SSICN MINUI'ES Regular Meeting of November 10, 1986
PC -505
ITEM 2 (COnt'd)
' .. 1!"'1 '"::
Mr. CcMar1 stated that the camni.ssion will be considerirq sane charqes to the site plan an:l architecture for this develq::mant. '!he At:pl.icants have
· been work.irq with the Buildit'X] C'epart::ment; this has resulted in a series of minor amen:lments beirx] presented to the Canraission. 'Ihe Applieants have been asked to prepare side-by-side illustrations tc show the awroved plan an:J. the ~ :revision. 'Ihe site plan chan;es are the reorientatioo of the service yard, elimination of treesover a oorrluit at the request of the water District, and orientation of the port-cachere.
Mr. Cowan pointed out ~ changes in d~ign and materia,ls proposed f'.~r the upper levels of the structure. He called attention to the report fran the
ASAC ~ held earlier in the eveni.rq. '!be Applicant was asked to
address this issue. '!he charqe being considered is the t.reatwmt of the uwer levels of the stJ:uct:ure (Blase I only) •
Applicant!..s Present..ation: Mr. Jam I-mre, Project Al:chitect, introduced representatives fran Marriott. Ha stat:Ed that m::x:lifications of the oonceptual design are usual ru·.d are being preaented to the Q=mni ssion at
this time. Ha ~"ited a series of drawir:gs and. a thl."00 dimensional.
model of the prc:pose:i hotel.
With respect to site chan;,re.a, Mr. M:>ore Ert.ated that rem:wal of trees has
been required by the Water District; there is concern that roots. of the.
trees will invade the cove.rt ani de.stroyit'X] the covert. In addition, "the Water District is cx:>nce.rned abcut the load placed on the culvert by a dooble n::M of trees and. the possible coot of work required in the culvert. 'Ihe solution arrive:l at lTIUtually with tl1e Water District is a
benn alOI'X] F.in::tl Ave. of shrub materials which will act as a la.I'ldscape screen.
llle seccni issue is the P...nlargement of the seJ:Vice yard fad..rq Vallco ·
Parkway; modification of this area facilitates the~ of tiucks in /
the service yard an:J. relieves traffic prcl:>le.rrs on Vallco Parkway.
'Ihe other site issue is the entry ard the port cochere; the Fire Marshal
noted that the area \\"a.B too restrictive to accarrmodate the :necessary activity in this area.
With respect t.o the architectural chan;Jes in the buildir:q, Mr. Moore compared the series of slides presented to the COmmission notin.:r the changes in the approved conceptual plan and the modifications requested.
PI..rlNNlNG CXM1ISSION illNUI'ES Regular Meeting of November 10, 1986
PAGE 10 Fe -505
IT.E}{ 2 (Cont Id)
Mr. M:x:>re pointed out tl-.e cl:larqes in the plans being presented:
-elimination of the pedestrian bridge connecting the two buildin:Ja due to seismic considerations in an L shaped building. -creation of open la.rx:lin:Js an each floor level at the eni of the tc:Mer; which provides texture to the side of the builci.im an:i aids in life safety, allowirXJ snci<a evacuation in case of fire. -baloonies an the perimeter will be .incl.-eased in size. an:i planters and railings will be added; balconies of intennediate roans ·Will be eliminated ard sliding windows will replace slid.irq glass doors.
-the charqe in the st.air tower to comply with Uniform ruildin;r Code
~ that one set of stairs reach the roof of the building.
Analysis of this requireroont showed that the stab::way v.'OU.ld <blble back on itself an.:i the exiting pattern ww.ld be potentially cxmfusirg to .in:lividuals trying to exit the building in an emergancy situation. He
disa lSSE<i the cllanges in design :neoe.ssary to aoc:::amrodate requi:remenb.\ · of
the uniform Build.ID;J CJda. He present.ad slides to illust..rate design
requi.re1oonts for the tower to acxx:antoodate the st:ai:r\i.lay leadin;; t.o the
roof of the l::uilding.
Mr. Moore stated that Marriott had gone through design de\relq:::ment arxi had worked out pi:oblems that occurred in the oonceptual drawin;Js. . He aske::1 A that the camnission approve the :rood.ified plans submitted at the He.arin;J. W'
In response to can. Adams' questiort, Mr. Moore stated that the roam count
had not chan;Jed. . ' ' '
can. Adams stated that he had no objections to the proposed ~es; hawever, he ~d have preferred that the stepped configurati.on·of the conceptual model be retained. Conuui.qsioners Adams arrl sorensen note:l comments of AS.AC. cam. Mackenzie noted the loss of some of the trees on Finch Ave. ani commented that the loss of the stepped design was a problem. can. Claudy concurred that the loss of trees was a detriment to
the projec..t as a whole an:l to the theme of Vallco Park. While he was
originally favorable to the stepped design 1 he actru:::.tad that he nON favored the design presented. Ccan. Sorensen favored~, stepped design of
the building an:1 expressed her concern regarding the rem::.ival of the trees on Finch Ave. She stated that the servloe. yard facing Vall~ Parl~y neEded to be addressed; she noted c:amments made by ASAC.
Mr. Moore stated for the record that the Fire Marshal had not seen nor yet approved the stair exi.tirg proposal submitted to this hearing.
•Regular Meeting of November 10, 1986
PC -505
e ITEM 2 (Cont'd)
MJI.'ION': can. Adams moved to serrl a Minute Order to the City Council addressing thf.! aa::eptanoa of the Plannirg Commission of the minor amen::lments of: removal of one rc:M of the Finch Ave. tree cover, nv:xiification of .the. design of the service yard, elimination of
the pedestrian bridge between Rla.se I and Phase tr b..tlldirgs, the reorientation of the port ccchere and front drive, the ~ngs on each floor at the en::l of the ~' the JOOdification pf design
of the balconies, change of the ~ design to a glassed wall, .
ban::1ed on top of the buildi.n3'. SEOOND: o:::m. Mackenzie vom: Passed on all elements of the IOOdification with the exception of
the chan;re of the ~ design to a glassed wall barrled .on top of the b..tllding 5-0
Olan;Je of the ~ design arr. Szabo, can. Ada.ms, Maclr.enzie, Sorensen q;p:>ssed 1-4
Com. Claudy stated that he fO'.md the charqe. of the stepped. design to the glassed wall barrled on tq;> to be satisfactory.
om wsrnESS
ITEM 4 ,At:plicatian 12-U-86, (Srrog Doctor) -COmplianoe with COnditions of AE:Proval
Mr. CCMan stated the Ccmnission's approval of the use permit contained. an automatic expiration clause if all corxtitions were not ll!et; there is sti.11
some diff:lculty with the :r:e::iprocal acoess easements required. '!he applicants are endeavoring to correct this problem.
-Ccnn. SorensE>n asked regarding the possibility of a new post office location in CUpertino. · Inco:nnation is not available at present .
... Com. Adams asked regardi.rq the presei:vation of two large trees on the Vidovich carmercial site; he confirmed that preservation of these trees was a Corditian of~ an:i asked that the trees be protected durirq the constructiai at this location.
-Com. Mackenzie note:::l that he has been asked why the Planning ccmnission
has allowed large houses to be built on relatively small lots. Com. Claudy has received the,same inquiry.
REFORI' OF THE PI.ANNING DIRECTOR -Written Report submitted.
Regular Meeting of November 10, 1986
1 1~ 12
ft. -505
'·1-11 ;_.,,,
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ADJCORNMENI': Having concluded its business, the Plann:ir.tJ CCmmission
adjourned at 11:45 P.M. to the next Regular Meeting of NO\lllmi:ler 24, 1986 at 7:30 P.M.
AWrCNed by the Plannirq canmission
At ~ Regular~ of November 21+ l1JijJ,~ c: (i-v
Nicholas Szabo, Cl1airmn ---
I 1986:
I r