PC 07-28-86crr.ty OF aJPERl'JNO I STATE OF CALIFORNIA. 10300 Torre Avenue OJ.pertino, CA. 95014
(408) 252-4505
MINflI'ES OF 'IEE REX:;(JIAR MErn'mG OF THE PLJ1.NNING o::.M-fIS..'3ION HEID 00 JULY 28, 1986 Meetin;J Held in the C.ouocil Ola.mbers Of CUpe.rtin:; City Hall
Camn.issioners Present: Chairman Szabo
Cam.missioner Adams Cc:rnmissioner c.1audy caumissioner Sorensen
7:30 P.M.
'J:_aff Present: Rebert~' Director Of Plann:l.:rq & Devalq::ment
Steve Piasecki, Assist.ant Planni.ng Direct.ol:' Bert Viakovidl, Director Of ~blic Works 01.arles Kilian, City Atto:rnay
mr:rrn: C'Qn. Adams, to a:pprova the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of· July 14, 1986, as subu:lttsd.
SE<DND: can. Cla~"y
VOI'E: Passt:d, Com. Sorensen absta:i.ning. 3-0
-None . ,
i ! 1 ! I 1 I l I
\{{ I
~ar Meeting o.f July 28, 1986
:i:c -498
Application No,s) .A.Wlicant: Prq:>erty owner:
Parcel Area (At::res) USE PERMIT (24-U-86)
-2_4_:Y-§.._fi_Ei_xl. 22::.fJci3=6 __ _
~ay's B9nk
~~:-:----:---~-:-~·~~~~--~~~~-'--~-~ side of Soygh DeAnza Bou,1.eyat'd aml"'OXi-m,ort:elv soo ft. ~h of st.evens CJ:-eek ~
To mcdify an existID; carrmerciaJ. build.i.ng.
staff Prese.ntatiQfil Mr. cowan stated that the Applicant had sul:rnitte:l a
Map of the prc:rpoE>ed Barclay's Bank; howevf'..r, as in:ticated in the Staff Report, the final exhibits for this application were not ci:rt:ai.ned until Friday a.fternoon. COpies of th.is uia.t:erial W\'!lrei prasented to tOO ca:am.issiooers. A oolored isanet:ric illustration was also presented.
Mr. cowan stated t.hat this application was ~ by the City' a action to widen DeAnza Blvd. frontUg Barclay's Bank Which requirea a 22 ft. take of the build..i.n';J. 'Ihe City am. the Applicant have been involved. in a series of meetin:Js arx:l negotiations to resolve the coats involved in this action; the Map present.Ed represents the outcama of these meetin;Js. Die to lack of m:mey in the City budget, there is little rocm for significant
change in the prcposed design of the building. 'Ihe archite..""b..lral changes occur in t'"le front of the bu.ild.i.ng arrl will el:l.mina.ta the 1950's inotif using a textured stucco .__ ......... dor. 'Ihe rounded corners update the design arx:i highlight the front entranc.e.
'Ihe Site Plan cl'lJID;Jes inclu:ie th.a deletion of the drive-up window; the
number of park.i.n;J spetcea has oot been reduosd. 'Ihe 50 ft. lardscaping
stan:iard canoot be adbered to in this ai;plication. 'Iha projet.."t is to reo:Jr"IStruct the siba as it presantly exi.ata; it 1.s inp:lssible to build a 5
ft. sidewalk inboard fran a 10 ft. parkway wit.hoot :requirir-g a 100re extensive take. 'lbe Site circulates in tha same nian.ner as it currently
doeG; the curb-cut to DP..Anza has been re!OC7V'ed.
In response to can. Adams' question, Mr. Viskovich stated that three plans have been considered; the proposed plan is the least costly of the three. Chr. Szabo questioned the potential safety hazm.."d of cars exitirq from ca.li Avenue into Del\rlza Blvd .. traffic,; the cali Avenue exit will remain as it currently exists.' In the future, cali Avenue will be right turn only lane arrl parked cars at this location will not present the problem.that cw.TP....ntly exists. ·
Regular Meet.in;J of July 28, 1986
p~ 3
.t?C -498
ITEM l (eont'd)
'Ihe Planning O::lmdssion was adjourned to a Closed Session at 7:46 P.M.
'!he Meeting was reconvened at 8:05 P.M.
'Ihe l?Ublic:: Hearin:;J was then opened. 'lllere 'WEll."G no speakers.
IDI'ICN: can. Clau:fy lOC1VOO to cloa.a thB Public Hea.rin;J.
SECXlND: can. SOl:"enSen
VOI'E: Pa.ssOO 4-0
M:1I'ION: can. Claudy moved to grru.t a Negative Declaration for Application 24-U-86. sF..CaID: can. sorensen
VUI'E: Passed 4-0
can. Claudy stated for • the record that oo un::lerstards. the nature of the
negotiated settlement; ~' he has reservations conce.m:i.rq the proposed applicatic11.
M:'II'IOO: can. Sorensen 100Ved to recamne:nd approval of At;plication 24-U-86 ·
subject to the :f:J.n::lin:'Js and conditions of ai;:pl."'OVal,
SECXIND~ can. Adams
VOl'E: Passed 4-0
Mr. Piasec.ti stated that the correct Exhibit number in the Resolut..lon
shoold read ~it A.
Awlication 1-GPA-BO; Interpretation of Garn.u::al Plan Policy 6a7 regardi.n;J awlicability to areas regulate:l by the Traffic Intensity Perfonnance St:an::la:rd.
Staff ~Qlll Mr. Piasecki st.a.too that this Application concerns an interpretation of policy. A letter was received from an incU.vidual who wishes to take advantage of General Plan Policy 6a.7 which allor,.m credit for redevelcprient of ~ areas; the credit is a bonus square footage of 1,000 sq. ft. or .40 FAR, whichever is the la.var figure.
As noted in the Staff Report, the word~ of the poUcy is va~:IUe and only references FAR; staff does not con..c,iider that th.is application meets the
intent of the policy. Howmrer, t.ne 'WOrdi.nq is sufficiently vague t'?
warrant a review by the o:mnission and the City Coundl to clarify t.i1e intent of this po.l.icy: nanW.y, whether tl1fl. bonus awlies to substandard areas regulated 'rYJ the Traffic Intensity ~orma . .,,ce Standard (TIPS) as well as to applyin;J to prq;.ierties regulated by F'.ARs. ·
"· '
Regular Meetirq of July 28, 1986
PC -498
ITEM 2 (cont'd)
Chr. Szabo stat.b::! tbat this application seems to work contrary to the aim of consolidation of ~a of property am asJood whet.he.r there was a :EX>SSible solution; Ml:. P:l.a&ac:Jtl noted that the Staff Report l!l.lso addressed this con;:em. Mr. O::Jwan stated th.at small paroel areas are given credit; later, these parcels are assent>led in an application for a Tentative Map
~· Exa:Iri>les were cited. Chr. Szabo asked. about the c:uta:ms if a c:onsolidation of the Barclay's Bank Euild.ing with an adjacent office area
occu..rra:l and Mr. cowan state:i that the FAA policy would be applied to each in:tividual paroel. ard then total square "!· .vtaga would be canbined. In effect, the bonUs of each small paroel c:o.lld Ld utilized.
Mr. Piasecki stated that the General Plan extends fl..1rther on Brett Avenue
than the Application applies to; staff has concerns rega:rdin:;J this application because of the relationship to other parcels which CXJUJ.d possibly ba consolidated into the ocmmm:cial area. staff is oo.nciarned
abc:ut possible int:aJ:pre~tlons of this Policy that the .AWlicant may have in mi.rd.
can. Claudy interpretation
whether under interpretation;
camnent4'd that his recollactiai. of the c.t:mnisrJion's of this policy i.::; that it .includ.a all~ areas
F.AR or TIPS; th>..s the proposed Minute Order was the proper
Cbnl. .Adams c:ar'..::.:urred.
M.Jl'ION: can. Clavdy iroved to reca:mnend adcption of the Minute order
pt"OpOSL'l:J the interpretation of General Pla..:: Pvlicy 6a. 7
SECXJND: Com. Adams
VOI'E: Passed. 4-0
rr.EM 3
Application 5-U-86; Azzarello Associates (Eateh Brotli.ers) -Minor ame."rlment to t>reviously a~ use pennit.
Staff__ Pt1.1Sel"lta'.,i.Qru; Mr. Piasecki stated ·tnat the Applicants are requesting that the camtlsaion approve a minor m::dif ication of a previous Use Parm.it which would allow them to locate a stai.rcase for fire exiting
~· 'llle )\Wlicants recently discovered t~~&t this st.aircase is a
'Ihe Staff Riep'.:)rt noted an alternative solution of locat:i.n:;; the fire exit staircase within the ruild..in:J, wh:i.d.1 re,'\.llts in a loss of sane square
footage. A Rt:..svie..r of Plann:inJ o::mnissio:i Policy on interpretation of FARs in:lica.,.es that any requirement for the buildir.q 1 s function un:lm: the fire
code n\USt be in:luded in the plans. Staff roca.nmended denial of the
proposed minor ~"'It AH?lication, ar:d suggesta:l that the Applicant be directed to find an altR..rnative l!Qlution.
In response to Chr. Sze~'s question 1 Mr. Piasecki reiterated the Staff concams regardin;J invasion of privacy to adjoining l."eSidtantial areas, the
loss of landscapsd are.a bet:wP..e."' the l::uilding arrl the property lil'lB a.00. the
possibly difficulty of unautl1orized lLSe causing an annoyance.
Regular Meetin;J Of July 28, 1986
FX:: -498
ITEM 3 (Cont'd)
Appl;i.gmt's ~tion: M'r. Dave Azzarella, Azzarella Associate':!, stated that they are proposirq an exterior stai.rw.:iy to conform to Fire Department require:me.nts for an emergency P-:ld.t. 'Iha intent is irt an i.ngress/egre._qs use on a daily basis~ :potential 'fil:.i.S\J.Se of this stail:way .. ~.11 be pnwent:ed by .inclooion of an alarm en the doo:r: arrl the placement of gates .in the cyclone feoc:e at the entran:::es to this stail."'Case.
Placement of the staircaB.e inside the' b.lilclin":J i~feres with the interior layout am. l~ the available square footage. Floor space has
already been reduced to meet. pa.rkirg require,ments. 'Ihe proposed· stairway ·
\.l.IO\ll.d be open arxi constructed with a pre-fab concrete stairway.
In .Cestxmse to can. Adams' question, Mr. Azzarello stated that the location for the prcpoeed stab:way was selected in ca:npliance wit.h
l:uildirq codes. Use of a spiral staircase '11."aS ruled oot. '!be canmissicners noted that the Co:.ie requires that the stairr.a.se be lo:::atod on the l~ am of the structure which is the west elevation of this l:m.ldi.rg. Mr. Piasecki noted th.at the secotd prcl::>larn is ~t the staircase must be counted in the square footagiei; the size of the l:uildi.rq will have to be redut..nd to ccq:iensate for the additior1 of tlus staircase. can. Claudy stated that a third prd::>lem is the plaoemant of an ~nci exit \ootllch leads to an en=losed area. A gate installed in the fence would
be locke::i to preve.rrt. :misuse or t.respassiiig; neither of these alternatives will be approved by the Fire Department. Use of an open stairwell :may
:rooet: Fire c.ode requirE'roents rut creates a nuisance.
Cor.sensus reached by the O::mnissioners that the proposed awlication is unaa:::eptable. can. Mama statec'l. that the eme.rgenc.y sta:irway should bc=t built with.in the buildirq am exit fran the first floor; can. So:r.e.nssn sees the proposed staircase as a possible nuisance.
MJI'ICN: can. Claudy m?Ved t.o make a fin::li.n:J that the proposed amendment to can.struct an exterior emergency exit stairway does not . constitute a minor amendment t.o Application 5-U-86.
SECOND: can. Sorensen
VOI'E: Passed 4-0
-Orr. Szabo stated th.at he atterrled the Mayor's Il.m::hoon. Channel 3 VJOn a national award for the best Ccmrunity Olannel; Cl1.annel 30 won reccqnition for sane categories of programs presented.
-Orr. Szabo ooted decisions :macte by the City ca:a~il.
-wri tt.en Report s'Ul::mi tted.
-Mr. eo.van announced the 88th Ar.tnual, League of caJ.lfornia Cities conference, October 19 -22, 1986, to be held in IDs Angeles.
PI.ANNI:OO c::aH.tSSION MOroI'ES R8gUl.ar ~ of JUly 28, 1986
PC -498
AD.Ja'J'RNMENT: Havirq oanclu:led its bus.ineas, the Plannin;J CCmmission adjourned at · ·a:40 P.M. to the next IWguJ.ar· MeQtin] of
1Wgust 11, 1986 at 7:30 P.M.
~ by the Planning CCt!'ll!dssion At tho R8gUl.ar in;J of Aug~st 11 , 1986:
. ~ . .;