PC 06-09-86••
• ·CIT'l OF ~' STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torra Avenue OJp&rti.no, CA. 95014
~ (408) 252-4505
MINUl'J!S OE' 'lHE :ro:nJIAR MEEI'IlG 01''· 'l'HE PLANNING <X:.MMISSICN • HEID CN JUNE 9, 1986 . Meetin:J Held in tM <nmcil <.".bmlbat'B of OJpertim City Hall
roU. CAIL:
canmissioners Present: Olairman Szabo
Staff Present:
Vice Chaitman Macklanzie Ccmnissianar Adams cam.isaicner Cl.audy
Cnmmi ssioner sorensen
7:30 P.M.
MJTICN: o:m. SOrensen, to ~ tl1'a Minutes of the Regular Maeti.n';J of May 27, 1986, with the c:::on."SCtion in the Report of the Plannir:g camnissioo, secorrl parag:raµi, to read, "A charqe in the ti.ming of
the traffic lights was also requested."
SECQID; o:m. Adams vom: Pass.ed, can. Claudy abstaining. 4-0
Mr. O::Man requested the tollcwiD"J:
-Item l, At:Plicatian ll-U-86 be continued to the June 23, 1986 lllleet.in;;J.
-Item 9, ~ication 18-U-86/15-FA-86 be continued 'l.mtil the J\lna 23,
1986 Plamirq cam.i.ssion Meeting at~ request of the Afplicant. .
-Item 10, AWlicatian l-EXC-86, be removed ftan calendar. n>.e staff believes that the existin:J fenr:e located in the front: run sida yard
area.a is in capliancEl with pt"e:Sel'lt ze4"lirg ordinances. 'lll.e Applicant>
has agreed to um.ify the f.rx_nt yaJ:d fence; with this modification, the Applicant cc:mplies wi t.h th.a current ward.in; of the O.cd.i.nance •
. . -1-
Regular Meet:l.n; ot J\.:i.n& 9, 1986
PAGE 2 l?C -495
~ OR NElf ~ nns (O:>nt.'d)
Mr. a::iwan ~ tllat the c:amd..sed.on may wfsh to ~ the zonlnj ol'.'dinanca and requiN ~ oo private ~ similm:.· to ti1G ord.inal'X)I: that ~ ~ on public st.reat.s.
M:11'ICN: can. Adama m::T"8d tu poz;~"li8 It.. l and Itmn 9 to Jurltl\ 23, 1986.
SECQID: a::m. SOrclsen vo:ra: PasSed 5-0
z.ol.'ICN: o:m. Adams m:;ved to ~ Item 10 :f'.rc:m the agerm.
SEt.:X:ND: com. Mackenzie
VOl'E: Passed
-01r. szam ackrplll~ reoeipt of ~ let;t::el."B t.rau Ms. Vi..-ginia Tamblyn. Mr. Cl:lWan stated that~ lette.r& are in rm'~ t.o Item 7, J!.Wlicatic:n 16-0-86. 'Ibeae lette1"B will ba discussed at tllS time of
the JiWlicaticn disrussioo.
a:tm:Nr CAI.mIDl\R
IT.EM 2 Application No(s) J\Wlicant: Pl:q)arty owner: Location:
3-Z-8.§L].Q=,,.f.A:.a..-""'0.;:;..6 ___________ _
~~----~~~~~~~~~~~--~~ 0
Para.U Al:'ea (Acres) : "" 2~ g:t!X;}g
~ (J~Z-86)
fran Al-43 to Rl (RP..sidential., Sirlgle-family).
~.;"!AL ~CN: Negative Declaration
Tl:NI'ATIVE CIT'i CCUNCIL HEARING nrdE: J\.tly 7 1 1986
PU.NNm:i o:MtISSICN Mll'-lur.ES
Reg'Ular Meeti.n;I ot JUne 9, 1986
FC -495
ITEM 2 (Q:lnt'd)
Statt Presentation; Mr:. Piasecki stated that the A,.oplicants are requesti.rq to rezone a sin;Jle lot fran the current Al-43 designation t.c an Rl designaticn.
'Iha staf t Report states that there was C1"lS pa.reel that was rezaiacl t.o the
Rl-7 .5 within true I.J..nwood h:::res subdivision in 1982. In 1984 t:he. Planning Ccmnissian had initiate::J. haar.i.rqs and discussed at leN;Jth the :r.ezonin;J of the entire area to t.ha Rl-7. 5 Zoning District. 'Ille caimissioo withdreW the application due to Mighbol:hood opposition; the primary oonoern was the loss of greater satbacks required in the Al-43
Zanirq COde. In 1984 an ai;:plicant ·NM deni.ed. a ootback Variance for the
Al-43 Zalirg COde.
'Iha staff has reviewed the issue of setbacks. 70% to sot of the 68 ~·
in the m.Jbdivisioo. do rY.:lt now a:::lli>lY with the Al-43 setback limita:tiane; in additicn soma hcmea encroached. into the front yard setback requirement.
'n1e Sta.ft Report lists Op"'...ional At.."tiaw f01.· thn O::mo.i.ssian to d.iscusa.
If a ho.lse-size ard single sto.ry character beocmas t.ha basis fox: limitatial, Planned Dev'Glc:pnent Zot'lirq cn.tld be used to 2:113Strlct ~ size, using floor area ratio am sirqle atoty limitations. Since sudl & designation ot hoJse sir.a has not beea'l used the Crnimisaion may wish to take testimony. Naneth.eless · the staff cannot auOOtantiate a reason to
deny th.is At;plk.ation run recamnen:ia approval.
~licant's Present<ati.on; Mr. Duane Walstrom stated that th.i.s is a sinl?le. remodalin'J joo of addin; a d.inirq roan. Cn:rent zonin;J is so restrictive that any actioo is prch:il>ited; ~ing under curnmt zonirq (setback requirements) TNOUJ.d only allow an irreqularly ah.aped roan. Revif..W of the aerial map da:ocxostr:atee that ?OOSt banes in the neighborhood hz..ve a 10 , foot sideyal:d, setback; the ·character. of tho neighborbocxi mat.chns residential zan.i.ng rather than the Al-43 Zon.fn:J.
'l1le FUblic Hear:in;/ was then opened. 'lbere ~ oo speakers.
M:YI'ION: can. MackenZie m:Ned to close the PJ.blic Hearin::).
SEOJND: Cc:m. Mama
\IC1I'E: Passed 5-0
c.am. Mackenzie stated that present zonin:;J inhibits ':..hs Jlt:plic.ant and
others frcm rehabilitating tiifilr banes; thus the neighborllood is
tlu:eatenad with decay if th.ese restrlccl.ons are not lifted. 'lllis
~licatian is an a:wrcPriate cpportuni.ty to make a necessary cl'lan:;a.
'lhe ccmn.issioner stata:i he favors a zatlrq c.han::Je that ~d affect the entire neighbor.hoed; however, if the neighbortlcod doas not want this
change, spot zoning could be used as tl10 applicant has done.
Regular Meatirq Of J\Jna 9 / 1986
PC -495
ITl:M 2 (Cent Id)
O:D. Adamis oancu:rs a.n:1 will ~ this application. He feels that the
nei.ghborhocd shcW.d be ?."UOOE!d; t.118 Camn.i sa.icn has the opt.ion of a;p:rovirq
aie applicaticn at a tima or re.zcninq the neighbothood as a whole ar.d initiate act.ia'l to reactivate tr.i.e City initiated change. Nttltbar o:mnissione:rs Mame D:n:.' Mac.l«mzie f-ervor a delay of the applicati.cn un:Je.r cxnsidioo:atioo.
O::m. Sorensen f~ the awllcatioo un::ler OCC'ISideration. She concurs with reactivatinq the City initiated zoning'.
~. Clau:fy questiais the current zoning tut will not vote in fl:WOr of this applicaticn. Ha is favorable to neighborhood rezoni.rq:. llowever, two years ago the cnmd ssioo had numeroo.s hearirqs in 'Which the ~ te9tl!ied against a zon.ing ~· Until hana owners approach the canmission as a gro.Jp am request a zan.inJ c:hangu, the O:::m:nissianer will
not vote in favor of spot zoning.
Chr. Szabo stated that it is tllG dut"x of the O:mh;isioo to pxt t:his isw.e
~ore the pt'Cple. 'Iha ditficuJ.ty is that hana owners will not be
cxn::e.rned with t.his zaU.n-J situatioo lmtil tlwy inilvidual.ly haw a pt'Cblm with the cm:.ilnano8. 'lba C1iai:r:man fl'M.'Xt'R d1arqil'Y:1 tl'lle zoni.rv:J for
the ai:plication in question ru'Xi wishes to place oo the ageroa the :rezoning
of the area.
can. Claudy stated that while individuals wish to be allor...ied to develop or
charge their property, they are reluctant to exterxi the q:p:irtunity to deVelop or chan;Je prqJerty to neighborhoods. 'lba zonir.g shculd be c:han;;ed, but the CCmnissione.r will not vote in favor of spot zoning.
M:11'IC..,H can. Mackenzie lOCIVeCl L"l f.a:vor of grantirq a Nflgative Dec:laration.
SEC:aID: can. Sorensen
VOI'E: Passed 5-0
MJI.'IOO: can. Mackenzie moved to rec::ammeOO approval. of AWlication
3-Z-86/lO-EA~B6 subject. to the finding of the staff Report and
wit.hcut o::niltions.
SEC:ClID: can. Sorensen
VCJ.I'E: Passed: Clir. Szabo, can. Mackenzie, J.ldams, Sorensen, Ayes cem. Claudy, Nay 4-1
K1I'ION: can. Cla\Xly ID01rod to oon:i a M.inute Ord.er to the city Ccm'lcil request.i.n';J the Wtiation of the Zonir.g Classification charqa for
the subject neighl:orhocd.
SECnID: can. Acla:mB
VOI'E: Passed 5-0
R.egular Meetinq Of J\me 91 1986 PAGE 5
~ -495
Application No(s) Applicant:
~Q.Nner: l..ocation:
Parcel Area (.Acres) 12 • 2 CJt'QliJ§
T.EN'.rnTIVE MAP (9-'IM-86)
To subdivide nine pa:.t"Cela witl1 lot sizes rangirq fran 13, 070 sq. ft~
to 91,500 &:.:· ft.
~ DEI'ERMmA'.J..'ION: C.'at.ego'.:.'ically Exmc¢
'l'EN'.rATIVE CITY CX:XJNC:IL HEARll-C nM'E: J\ma 16, 1986
?taff _J,?J3~&~.Atioo; Mr. c.awan ~a map ahowirg the di.vision of the nOrt:hwest oo:mer ot the City oantGr area to a. nil14'1 lot subdivision .far primarily finan::ial ~. This action is oaisistant with tl1li UM Pel:mit1 ~, there. is a discrepmcy evolvir:q with the~ road plans, i.e. the widening ot DeAnza Blvd an:::1. st.evens c:roak Blvd.
'Ihe evolvin"J road patt.e.rn affects the setback relationships for the hotal an stevens Cree.It Blvd. 'Iha approved Site Plan of' tile Hotel was presented. '!here will ; be · an additional 5-6 feet of take, wider at the
corner, \llhich will affect the landscaped setback area.a. 'llla original ai;:proval had 22-23 feet of space betwaen curbline and driveway that serves
the hotel ports oochere; the net effect of th.a a:rnpranisa that staff is.
~ ~d be a decrea.se of 7-7.5 feet, wnile ~the 4 foot
sidewalk, resul.tirg in a plarrti.n;J area beblee.n sidewalk an:l driveway of 7 feet. '!he Commjsaion's ac..tion on the Tentative Map WCA.lld rooult in a reduct.ion to the 4-5 foot di.strux=e.
In response to the questions of the camni.'lSione.:ra, Mr. Grigg stated that
the ex~ineerinj ~ reflect actual bull~ plans and supplied other technical information.
staff re:::cnunendE:xi approval of this application and suggested the adoption of a Minute order to the City Council asldrq for a cb.a.nga in the setback :>:elations.hip primarily effecting the western side of the proposed hotel.
hmlicant' s ~.sentation: Mr. Mark .Kroll stated that he had no d:>j oction to the approximate 6, coo sq. feet of additional required space beyond the
expected plan line as shown in tha origi.no.l tentative map, as lon;:r as the placement of the hotel, as designed, is net affect.00.
R8gular Meeting of Jl.ln6 9, 1986
K! -4!.\5
'Iha PUblic Hearing was then op3l'll':!(l~ 'Ihere were no apeakam.
M:Yl'ICN: can. Claudy moved to cl(')SG the Public Hearirq.
SEO::ND: can. Adams
VOTE: PasMd 5-0
K1I'IClh o:im. Claudy n.v:wud to ~ appxoval of Application 9...rrM-86
subject to tl?.11 findinqs a.rd cco:;lusions of the stat:f Report, the
findings of thifJ Hearin:I arrl the aQiiticn ot a Ctn:litial that the final mp shall ~ ca'!Sistent with tllo9 ~inq drawings
raflectirq an additiaial tapered take for~ width a.la-q the
sart:hem side of stevens creek Blvd.. an::l tl"'9 ~ side of
DeAnza Blvd.
SECQID: a:m. l\dama VOI'E: Passed 5-0
M:YI'ICN: can. Claooy mc::r.ra;d to send " Mi.nute Order to tho City COJnc:!.1 enact.irq a minor ~ to the ~Ill of the Dou:bletree Hot4lll. to reflect t.hti charge in th9 aet.bflck runt.ion.ship Detw&en the hotel m:i the new aligrmle.nt of stevens Cteak Blvd.
sioc:am: cntl. Adall\13
VOTE: PaS84'd . 5-0
~4 e
-Mr. Piasecki stated th.."\t ~ Item 4, Applic.ation 12-U-86, Mr.
stokes was delayed &'Xi had requested that hia application ba ~ to
the end of the aqen:ta.
-air. Szalx> ~ if a"f\/ spea.k.9rs on this a~lication ware pre.sent.
'Ihere we.re no speakers.
MJ.I'ION: can. Claudy DXM:ld th.at AJ;:pliCiltion 12-U-86 be placed at the end of the agenda.
SECXJND: can. Adam
wrE: PassOO. 5-0
.AWlication No(s) AWlicant: Prope,,.-ty ONner: r..ocation: •
USE PERMIT (D--0-86)
To operate an 820 sq. ft. frozen yogurt r:.tore.
FIRST HF'...AR.m:;.
ENV'Il~ONMENrA.L DE.1.'ERMINATION; categorical1,y Exempt
TENI'.AT1.VE Cl'l'Y CO'.JNCIL HEARING DATE: J'nna 16, 1986
~ cx:HrrS.SiaJ MINt1l'ES Reg\.ll.ar Meeting of J\lne 9, 1986
~ -495
ITEM 5 (Cont'd)
Staff Pre.seni:atj.on: Mr. cowan presented a d..i.agre ahcMinq tlle propoad loc.ation of th9 n&W food establ~ within the~. 'llle t:.'hm1iuian awroved b.Q aailtiaial food establishments lamt natth. In tlle stat'f Report, page 2, a table ~ the various apprc:1V'led uses in tho center. 'Ihere ia a deficiency of Okie parking spaoa, with an ~c:n that the balance of the unleased space, 2, 300 square feet, will be reserved for nf:fioa activities.
'lbe staff does not feel that the one parl'.J.rq spaoa deficit is SUfficient to warrant denial of this Application.
In respa'lSe to can. Mmm question ragardin:;J the &:m.Ucpoont of thta southern portion of this cant:er, Mr. Cowan litat..ed that this spa.oo cm be
d.avelq:>ed u otfice or ~. 'lll8 oriq:l.nal ~ for thiJ:!i omter was to ba davolcp;d as office apeoa and the Use Pmlnit grarited; the camii uioo. askRd &'Xi the applicant ~ that the amter ~ square
foot~ of office UH • to -permit ~ use. 'll'l8· U• ~t JWSt be
dl.al"qad to allow both office ar¥i ~ use. 1'dtl.i:t.ianal Oftioo spaoa
wculd be be.nstici.a.1 fran the st:ax)jpoint of perk:ln;J. 'IM additioo , of. restaurants may present a serioos prd:llem. -
'!he Public Hearin;J was then opened. '.Il"J.ere ~E. ro speakers.
M'.1.l'ICN: can. Claudy moved to close the FUblic Heari.nq.
SEO:tID: can. Adams
VOl'E: Passed 5-0
can. Mackel'lzie stated his conce:ms reqcmii..rq tlla :i.naufficierrt park.in] in thi£ oc:mnercial centar. Whan approvir~ earlier Use Pea:mibJ, the o:mnissian knew that there was a parking shortage of one space; since this
was allowe.1., this Application ehoold be~.
can. Sorensen cautiona:t that Use Penni.ts bein;f a~ te E!'."aluated to determina whether t..hese businesaea · are genarat.ID;J more than anticipated traffic.
c:m. Mama stated that sin:::e this was an yogurt ahcp with many tri1s beirq
used, an exoesa of t'ratfic will be generatEd. at this sits. 'I.be camnissianer cited another example whe.ro traffic ~ a problem.
Traffic spillage was asSlllOOd to occur ac.t'OSS ~ street; it is unlikely
that custaners will park this far away for a yogi...u.t CCl"'..e. Residential areas are also too far away to be disturbed t.f.f this J:it.miness.
ea:n. Adams canf.irmed that the cai:i:ntl.s.sian can review this Application arr:f
time within the caning year.
Regular Meetil'q Of J1..lna 9, 1986
PAGE 8 R: -495
l'ml 5 (a:nt'd)
. '.·1·::
can.. Claudy CXllW.dllt'.ad that this aite does rot benefit t':t-an walk-in traffic; there are no traffic~ cl.ose 't:Jlj. camna:rcial food places '1ll1J.Y not do wll in such a loc:atia'l.
Kn'ICfi: can. Mac.ksnzie ~ ~al of Application 1J-U ... a6
subject to too find.UYJS of th.a staff report ard this Hearirq with
the Conditions as stated in tlle staff Riep::lrt.
SEO:.IID: can. s~ wm: Passed s-o
USE PERMIT (l.5-U-86)
To opsrat.s a 2,100 sq. ft. ~ Restaurant am:v.irq beer ard wine.
FmSI' HF...AR:rnG
staU present;ation; Mr. Piaaack.i stated that the subjec.t c:amne:rcial site is the Homestead Lane srJ.Oppirq cant.er. 'Iha Applicant is requestirq a 2,400 square foot restaurmrt:, oot 2,100 square feet.
Despite separate pi."Cperty awnm:s, t.hio shoppirq center is unified by reciprocal ~ am egr:GSS mn parking ~; no one site is sufficient (ba.lanc".EtS) -cm its own., '!he Parkirq ~ is the. subject
of the staff RRport.
Initially, the staff believed that there was a 10 parking space deficit for the center; this figure was arrived at after discoo:nti.n; the chan;Je of Ol:dinancea which makes the Brunswick Bowling Alley ~y deficient.
Hc:TweVer, staff discovered an additioo error; t.he deficiency am::iunts to 30 parking spaces.
If the Use Permit ia awroved, this deficiency is significant. '.:.h~ Applicant was notified of this condition late this afternoon and optfr,ns were suggested that the Camnission cx:::uld:
-continue the awlication, as1dng t.he awlicant to evaluats parld.rq in
tha center aoo see if the deficienc/ can be canpe:nsatoo. for by
reatripi~. -approve the awlication with '.ha cont.in;Je.rcy that sane portion of the area of the center be left vacant.
PI.ANNin:; Q::ffllSSICN m:NU'!'ES
Regular ~ ot J\.1n8 9, 1986 PAGE g
-PC -495
ITEM 6 (Cont'd)
One possible ~tion for the pa.rkirq c'\ef iclt is that ~ tl'lr3 canter was Wilt, it had a l:x:wlinq alley, a P.iacl)Jrutlds Retrtaui"ru'lt, aOO. oamnercial
use. M::Utional restaurants have cbtained Use Perm.its, and now W'S have a significant deficiercy.
'Ihe Staff cannot rec:c:mneOO approval of this Jia:>lication.
can. Claudy notro that ow.r half of the parki.rq for this restaurant is located in the rear ot; the restaurant. Often ntither :pat:rais nor EmPloyea& will use a parking ~ loc.atm in this );XlBitian.
AppliCMt'I! PresgJt..m:;igu Mr. Terry Kent, ~tive of the~,
stated that ha was~ to hr:ar ot tile significant deficit in parkin}. svac:ea and the rasultirq 211G9'lltive staff ~tion. Plans haw l:Jeerl
made by the CMnem Nx1 the tenant to start b.ls:i.niass soon.
Mr. Kent stated that he is caifUsed ~th& j~ in the deticit of parkin;J spaces; he states that frcm his absm:vdtions
-the location of this restaurant is ~ted fran the at.her i:W-...aw:ants ard deli in the center. -even with approval. of thl.a a:i;::plicatian, only 41% of this pt"Oject. ~d
b9 restaurant use wh.ereas apprax::imate.J.y 67% of Mr. costan::ti'a p:rojec..t is restaurant use. -parkin;J needs in this area of the center have dec.':reased. '!be former tenant, Spa lady Health Cl•.:i.b, had classes at times similar to the haJ.rs
a restaurant is busiest; howwer, these cl.a.sses prcbably had 50-75
people in ona class and the evenirq use extel:'lcled ccnaide.rably later
than the typical restaurant.
-Mr. Illi is an experi~ restaurateur. He has viewed the parking area am is canfortable with its ~t.
· Mr. Kent requests awrovaJ.. ~.Jf this. application.
Mr. Bob Wen:lorf, architet:..t, stated that it was his intent in the design o~ the restaurant to create 1:m upscale, elegant use for th.a center t..'1.at will provide patrons with fine dining.
In resp:mse to the questions of Com. Mackanzie, Mr. Wendorf further clarified his design plans but did not stata tha number of sea.ts to be placed in the restaurant. He e2tplained th<."l.t the back exit can be used by patrons. At present the l:.ack exit will oo lighted; fU.1.tha.r plans to encourage patrons to park :in the badk run use this entrance have not tieen
determined. .
cam. Claudy asked abcut the lack of plans to u.isa this parking space when OJpertino has a shortage of parking. Mr. Werrlorf m:qgested one o.t" two parkin;1 spaces be eliminabed to create a place for some land..."lc..".lping am
make this area visually pleasing an::1 e..ncouragbxj its use. ·
. ;
PI.ANN'!.00 a:t-MZ:SSICN MINf.1ll:S
Rsgular Meetirq of June 9, 1986 PAGE 10
PC -495
ITEM 6 (Cont'd)
In response to can. Sorensen's qwa.st.ian, Mr. Werdort state:\ that no parking spaces ha.ve bean d.Gignated for oaipact cars. "
'!be rublic Hearirq was then q:iet-.ed.
Mr. Frank Hickam, 20990 ~Rd. t Olpert.ino, stated that 116 is the
manager at Brunswic.!t r.anes. Ha has two major conct'll:ns:
-parking: the back lot is huvily used ~~cul.arly after 6 P.M. 'IWo years ago, the City OJUnc:il was app.t~ ~ ~ parkin; problem.
In 1~ to can. Mackem:iei's question, Mr. Hickam. st.at.Gd. that restrlpinq the parkin; lot ws canaide:red ~ mEit.irq with the City Courcil. 'Ihere is n,., pc&Jibility of making the parking spar...ss tmy smaller than tlwy ar6 at present. Mr. Pia.s.ecld. ~ that additiaW. parkinq might ba obtained in front Of tll9 Qostani1 bJ.i.ldin;J •
-rest&u:ants with bear .and wine lioonses: 'lhls ~icaticn ·~
the third ~urant with beer ard wine aervioa to locate in this
Ms. Cherie Wiltry, 20684 C'.eleste Circle, OJ.partino, is the leazi.ng agent for the I.llis. 'll1eX'e are two points:
-Ml:'. Iui, a restaurats.xr for ten' years, has as cine of his main criteria8 parkin;J. '!he site lias baeJ'l visited on nume.rcus cx:::casiona to SU.."Ve'f the parkin;J patterns. 'IM bowl:in;r alley ~ to use ~king in the evcnir:q 1 durirq tha lunch aM dinner hour I the parkirq lot We\$ a1.Jrost vacant. 'Ibe parkirq lot was so vacant, in fact, that Mr. Lui ~
the concern that this center did not have a flCM of traffic. H°"16Ver,
the type of r.~urant Mr. Iui will bo runni:rq will attl.-act its own patrons.
Parkirq is acoass.ible d.i.roct:J.y to t.'1.e restaurant an::l will not deter
patrais fran c:an.irrJ to the facility.
-'Ihe.:re is a major void in this oanter that a ootter rest.am:ant wUl rrun:i out.
In :response. to o::m. sor&nsen' s quastion, Ms. Wil t:cy Gt.atOO that there have
been revisions to the design of tl1a restaurant to ensure access to the
back park.i.n:;J lot. OJstorne.rs will be ero:m:aged to use this access.
Mr. Te.rry Kent stated that hta has contacted the CMner of the Pizza Peddler vJho states that his c:ustaners have parking prci::.llems only when
there are bowlin:J tournamants.
PI1\NNl.Na a:M1ISSICN MINtJI'ES Regular Most.in; of J'\lne 9, 1986
PJ\GE ll
~ -495
rrEM 6 (Cont'd)
Mr. Kent stated that the.re a.rs 23 parking stalls short o! .a required
number of 81; this is.~ 28.4% factor. , Q1 Brunswic.k they have a lilho~"'e o! 53 park:l.n;J ~ VeJ:"SeS 251 spaoeG rGqU.ired, ...mich is a 21% factor.
'lhe prcblems in parkin':J oc::icu.rs wit.h MllcDa"W.d' s Restaurant which has a shortage of 24 parkiD:] stalls or 41 spa.ODO :nquired; this is a 58%, a'.1.noSt
60%, factor. For the Coot&xil PJ:.~, with l9EM3ral restaurant tenants,·
there is a shortage of 27 spaces of the 56 stalls required~a 48% facb:u·.
In response to can. Macloonzie'a c:xmoonts regarding tha conve.rsicn of apace i.."'l this center frcm retail to restaurant which posaiblly caused part of
the park:Lng space d.e.ticit, Mc. Piasecki statad that his urx3.erstanilng ot
the situation is that the dQficit aoo.ml.llated with C0t1V0.n;ion of oamnerc:ial space to restaurant ~· Poasibly, tiler6 was an assumption that parking was bein:J ~between tenants, am that use Permits we.re
granted on that basis. In addition, thGI sl1a2:p in::rease in :rmrt:.auranta is a new ~ in this ai.'"M.
can. Mackan:de ~ that this ~licatian be contimwd so that staff a.rd the applicant T#JUld have time to review options to remedy the park:irq deficit. can. sorensen suggest.Gd that a tra!fic study be done by t.ha applicant durirq this tima. can. Claudy Md Adams concurred.
can. r..l<"'l'.dy stated. that this CQl'lt.er has a recreational orientation; as new Use Penni.ta are sul:m.itted, they sho.tld ooncem uses which are no oora intensive than the use that is vacatirg. 'lhe propooo:d. restaurant will
· take IIPm spaces than the Spa used ard ya\: the re..<.Jtaurant will occupy only
half of that square footaqe. 'Iha.re is a net loss in parld.n3' as a result
of the c:harqe.
01.r. sza00 stated that the cammi.ssian will not apprcrve this awlicatian at this t.i.l!ie. He offered the Applicant the option of appealing to the City council upon denial by the Planning o:tmuission, or ao:::ept.irq a postponement in "Which l.diiti.onal facts wt:cld be gathered. 'llla applicant
acx:epted a 30 day ~.nt.
~m:rON: can. Mackenzie moved to postpcmia Awlication 15-U-86 ai."'id set t..he
He.a.rim for J'Uly 14 Planrrirg canmission Hearing.
SECOND: can. Adams
'VOI"E: Passed 5-0
Break 9:00 -9:10 P.M.
{> '
Regular Meetin:1 Of J\.u')S 9 I 1986
PN:ZE l2 PC -495
.AWlication No(s) Applicant:
Property ownet.': I.ocatic.n:
USE mMIT (16-U-86)
'Ib enclcxw u 760 sq. ft. restaurant patio area.
~ 1JE'I'ERMINATJ:c:tl: categorically E>oou¢
~ cr:J:'i OJUNCIL HEARING °"''!'E: J\ma 16, 1SIS6
~ Mr. Cowan stated that this applian.tion is a r~ to roof aver an outdoor patio area, 760 ~ fM't, 'Which oc::ntains 2a seats. 'Iba issues are: . i
-traffic intensit.y pm::f~ stan.Wd: Cl:lfMln"DiCll Of this ootdoC1r
m::M, which is not now 81.lbjGOt to th.61 trip ~ ~d be· assessed .. for t.rip1 if roofed C'lll'llll:. 'lba cur.rant 8 wrplus trlpta ~d be re::tuond to 6 surplus tripe.·
-parkirXJ: thR influx of ~ has ~ the parkirg situation. '.Ihe aRJlicant has prepa.n!d a traffic study for thia oanter which irxilcated that at peak periods, app:r:aximately 305 parki.n':J spaces
ai:e ·~ of th& 421 spaces available. Frau the :oosults of the traffic stlJdl• ~ .. n:;_ ir', the opinion of staff, there is rrit a problem of parkirq on site.
-the cap on r.iest:atu"Mt space en this site: 'lha initial goal at approval
had a 1"'eSta!.u:ant cap of 11,000 Squa:t."9 f~; it i..~ nt:M 20,000 square feet. O..u-rently there is 15,000 ~ feat used with 5,ooo square feet J::."E!:ll&.i.ning. J\loso:rl::Jt.i. of the :ramainin:J space is ~upon t:l".9 trip ocur.t., ~.
A peri~l issue mentiooed in the staff report is activity occurrin;
alorq tl'l8 oorvioa alley. A patitioo has ~ sent :ragard.irq prd:>lems in this area; gates are left cpen, givi.N] aa:::.eoo to transients. ·
Mr. Q:lt.lan answered questions frall the o:mnissiooora ~dinj the use. of parkirq located in back of same of the stores. In response to CU:. Szabo's question, Mr. Cowan stated that th.a rut.door sea.tin; that occurs in front of the Boul.anjerle, Pot Sticker, Mc Harts, L'epicure and Erik's is
not oountai in traffic .intensity sta.rdards am are probably not counted in
the seat analysis.
Regular Maeti.-q of J\Ine 9, 1986 PP.GE 13
k'C -495
ITEM 7 ( O:x1t Id)
&;i?licant's PreserJtatiq:u. Mr. Iar.cy 'Ibanas, ~W.R. Gx"aQf&,
stated that Baxter's is givinJ up ~Wy 20 aeatm to ccmplet:a this
~osu:re. seats al."'9 beirq rmDllEld in t1lfD intm:ior of th3 ~t t:o put in a salad bar. sans Ulbles in tl'l4 outdoor area ara also beirq
rem::PVQi. can. Mackenzie ca.1fil.'1Md with the awlicant t.hilt tMee outdoor tables ~ rd:. OOlUltad in the 260 eie.at.i.n; capacity. Mr. ~ stated that food &l!Vice waa a.vailal:>J t.n i!l the outside dining area in ~ to can. Mli.m' s question. It was noted that the a.rt:.side area was used dur:in;J part Of th.a year cnly •
With re;<U"d to the petiticn ca~ the problems ooc:un·inq cin the back
alle<.f, Baxter's has stressed to the. OW1"lQ'S ot the center that this problem nust be taken care of.
cau. Mnckenzia noted that one of tbs c!etr.i.mGnts of this ~ial 1£1 Uut4:. with each :restaurant u&.. or expansicn tbs pa.rkirq spaoa detioit i.nc:rea.GM. can. Adzmt's questicned -:.-Jhethsr there is a benefit to be gained for thl!l City or far tba .l"'Utaurant patrons. a::m. Mackenzie noted. that the :numarcus outck:lor seats toth in th.a center in ~ and in
Baxter's are oot being counted. e 'lll8 l?Ublic Hearin] was then opa.ned.
Mr. Ken Mucla, Vice P.residentv Construction, W.R. Grace, stated that there were pi"SVioos problems in the bar an:l d..iaco cperation of tl'le restaurant; Baxter 1 s is a food orientatoo oancept and w.i.11 ~1us ha a be'nefit to the ·City. The police department. will confirm the problems experienced.
Rega.rd:ln:r the seat en.mt, 10 sects are bein;J ral.inc;p..tl.shed to thta salad
bar; at present, the 10 tables an the patio seat 40. 'llle basic reason for the oonversion is that if the same volume of b.lsiness is done with the Baxter's oancept, t.he bus.ineas will have o:::m.trol of food and labor costs and the in:.:rease in prof it wccl.d be significant.
(i • t
Mr. Colin Tamblyn, 19721 Bixby Driva, a.~, stated tha.t he is against additional space in the center l:la.in:J given to restaurants; t.na ~ enclosure will .1n:rease the cuxrent restaurant spaoo. COI'lcel."l'lS of neighborir:q residents are:
-cx:lors fran cookin:J a.re increasirq: originally the.re was a limit to restaurant square footage an:1 a pt"cltlbition against. ~ food
~ current vacancies in the center: -fax enf o:r.cement of preventi.rq access to the mc.k alley
-garbage containers placed along the back f~ of h~ 1 properties
-lack of 'l'laintenance of tl1eSa garbage carrt:.ainers: 'lbe :P..:Jt sticker's use of grease to stir frf an:i poor disposal practices resll.lt in a foul mriell am a visually unpleasant area. 'Iha thrown out food scraps am cookilYJ oils are attractirxJ cats.
PLANNIN:; a:::MO:SSICN :t.m'UTES RegUJ.ar Mesti;.:ig of J\ma 9, 1986
PAGE 14 PC -495
IT.EM 7 (Cont'd)
Mr. ~ stab'd that tl'Ml ooighbomood feal.a that aey &dditic:n of ?:Utaunmt space will cnll' increase problems with ~ an1 odor-'lll8 in=reuo of people usifq t:he rut.door silt.i.rg to eat :requires ·~tional.
~ ot the sb.':Pppirq om.ter. Per.hat:@ tile DEM owners ahould ba in!OJ:Wd ~ the restrictions connuictad with the shoppiD:J center.
'nw motal dtxlr8 in tl'>A9 back, mi.ch look like fire doors, are being left
opal1 mn thus in:::rea.se t:lle ti.re dangm' for th& center.
Chr. Szabo ccmnent:ed th.at General Plan policy :restricts outdoor asatirlg
not to exceed 20\ of indoor seiatin:J. Mr. O::iWan stated that he wwld review this policy and report back to the camuiuicn. Ha will notity tha
owners o'l! ths center regardirq use of outdoor seatirq a.Na in tbs imUn portioo ot the catplex; pm:haps a formal hearirq will blla necessary.
M:11"ICW: ecm. Claudy n"OV'eC1 to ci.000 the Public Uearirq.
SEX.'XIID: oe:ra. Maczenzit.l
VC1I.'E: Passed
a:m. MmmJ stated that the site has a park:ln;r ~en problm in the evenirq.
a:m. Cla.udy ~ that this situatkn is sd.milar to that previously
heard by the cemnission; namely, ther1.~ is a theoretical shortage of parkirg which is CXDpO.ll"rled "r.:rJ e:xpan;;ed restaurant activity. Use of
ootdoor seat.irq, which is not c::o.mted, does not ~ til8 actual. dsmal'ld
for parJd.rg space:3.
can. Mackenzie questioned whether the floor plan in use at Hcul.ihan's is in violation of the Use Penn.it.
can. Somnsen ~ cx:n::em that this prcblans with parJd.rg in the Hcmestead ~ing canter SN recco.u:rirY:J in till9 Orchard Valley Market Place.
Qu:. Szabo suggested that a~"'OVal of t.h.is awlicatian could ba caniltiam upon the restriction that no fUrther space in this c:mte:r be
used tor restaurant \lei&. Mr. Cowan statoo t.hat the Master use Pm:.m.i.t
Wl::)ll].d have to be ameN:.'led to aCCC11m::data such a change. Mr. Kilian stated that a Hearin;J ~lid be req1.ti..red to chan:Je the Master Use Permit ...
Fi..rrl.irgs ooncarru.rq health, safety and welfare would be necessacy to justify a cap reir.q placed. on restaurant u.sage.
can. Mackenzie stated that ha canzcl justify approval of this Jl..pplk..at..ion.
'l'he ootential l:>e.nafits are unclear am violation of park~.IXJ stan:la.rd.-; are requb:ed to a~ this matts.r •
. ;
Regular Meetinq of .:rune 9, 1986 PAGE 1.5
PC -495
ITEM 7 ( Ocnt Id)
can. CJ.audy stated that appravul of an ai;:plication is not c~ upon a
~tion that beno.tit to the city will result. '!here are pmblf&'IS£ in the amt.er; ht:1wevoo:, this ~icat.ia1 'Will oot oontributea to th@ problGUS
o~ outdoor seat.int] in the main ~me, or to activitas in tha l:lack alley. 'll1e parld.l¥} shortage raM.ins of ~, hc:iwwor, &'Id app:rtJVal. of this awiicatian will ~ tha shortage. 'lh:a Cr:mni.a.ionm: cannot ax:prave t.his awJ.icatioo.
· can. Adams questioned ~ the vacant bu.i..ldinJ adjoini:rig the restaw:m'It
could be used. He agreed that the parkirq shmtage Wall a pt'Oblem.
au-. Szabo stated to the aa;>licant that tba ~us cf the Plmm.ir.g a:mnission was to deny appJ:'OV?U of this awlication ard atJ}OOd tl1e
~icant if he wished a ~· 'Iha ai;:plicant aslted. for & two 'W'eel~ postponement.
MJI'ICN: a:m. C'J.audy moved that Afplicatian 16-U-86 be ~ to the
J\In8 23, 1986 Plannirq Ccmnd..1iwian ~ing.
SECX'tID: a:tn. ~ vom: Passed s-o
In :respc:inse to Chr. Szabo' a request, Mr. ~stated that he has written
to the ~ of orchan:l Valley Mark.et PJ..ace rcigarding the violatians. 'Iha O:::tumi.ssion received w.ri tten pet.it:ions c:anc:e.utlng these violations.
Afplicatiol'l No(s) Applicant:
Prcpert:j• owner: Location:
Parcel Area
(Acres): ~L.6 ne~
USE P.ERMl'T (17·-U-86) To ope.rate a snack shop within an exist:in; service stat.ion a.rd. operate 24 hcurs a day.
Regular MaetirX] ot June 9, 1986 PAGE 16
PC -495
ITEM a (eont'd)
;, &t;C ~tion; Mr. Piasecki stated t.llat this awlicatian oonoBrM an ex:.l...Bt.i.D; z.t:lbil &nvioa station. A d:i.agra.m r.ms ~ to shaw the proximity ct thlli Sexvi~ statiek'l to thGI routa to OJpertino High Sdlool ·
an::l to md.sting residential 1.UIM. 'Ihs Applicant requests a~ to oc:cwert 170 ~ f~ to a ~ mark.et and to lErJitiraize. a 24 hcur cperatiai.
'lll8 staff Report ~ a cxmoern ~ prc:.od.m.ity to tht!a rwte to tM local High Sdwol; t.har9 M.va been prob1Ell!M at a similar facility which is al.so locat.GX:l nGAr ~ sch.ool site. In aoditicn, the Sheriff's Office has resezvatians ~rt a 24 hour ~tian in this vicinity. For these reasons, tl1'l st.a.ff~ clml.bl of this ARJl:icat.ion.
Mr. Piasecki ~ to o:m. Clau:fy'a question, atatm; that Staff is
~ to both tha cic:nwmicn of the sa:tVice sta.tioo off ice to a c.x:nvenience :mar..mt mn to 1:118 24 tnJr operat.im.
&!?liCNJt' s Present.at..i2ru. Mr. r.arry Izzo, Proj act Dasiq.ner, Rebert H. ~
& Associates, clarifiod t..ha follOW'lrq points:
-'Ihe term convenim ma...""ket does not desc.ril::s the pz"OpOSE!d snack shop Mcbil has in m:l.rrl. '!be snack shop will allcw mtorists to pay for their
gas am. :pick up a prepackaged snack item or car maintenance items. 'lbe
:p.xrpose is to provide BCmil extra in:a:re tor the deaJ."lt" and allows stations to keep gas prices lowiar a.rrl more o:::crpetitiva.
-'Ihe Shell Station across the street doss oot off er sexvices such as car
-Most stations in th.0 "raa, iTlC.11.:ding the Shell station, are 24 hour operatioos.
-Wham »:till COl:paratian converts their office area to a snack shop, they
put in a ccnplterized console systan that operatoo the seJ.f sex.ve
islam. 'Ibis shculd reduce the J.:CSS:lliility of rd:lberies.
-'Iha station will actively ensur1S removal of trash.
-High School stude:lts wi...11 have oo I"f'.asart to loiter at the station. M-Jtorists will be the primary custc:mers.
Mr. Chris Jennings, Mobil Oil Marketing Representative, eupartino, stated that tl1a i;mpose of p.xttirq in a snack shop is:
-custaw.>..r corrvenience -increase the profltability of the dealer
RJBqular M8etin;J Of J\Jna 9 I 1986
PC -493
ITEM 8 (OJnt'd)
Mr. .Jennin:Ju stated that st:Zl.tions are maintained in a clean and orderly manner to .i.rx.::recwe sales. EXtra cleanirq shifts and additional trash o:rrtainars are reoc:mnsnded to daal.ers when s.nack ~ are added to the r...ations l'i8.l:Vioe.
seo.irity will oo ~need with the oc.mp.xte.rized oonsuJ. system. cash will be removed frcm the islands ard plaosd in the fll"laCk ah.op area. 'll1S use of video surveillance is also a :pc:lGSibility.
Nr. JeimiJl;s reiterated the concerns en:i oolutiC'.'C"lS already mentioned by Mr. Izzo.
can. Claudy cc:moont:ed that his expe:d.mice with aoother Mobil station that provides similai· it.ems as this awlicat.ic:n ~has been favorable an:l
ha has rvt seen a prd>lem with loiUr:i.nrJ.
Mr. Piasecki stated that the applicant who has :bean operatin;J the stat.i.an
on a 24 hr,m' basis since Flffbruary c:k:lfw not ha'wJ the rttJU.ired Uoo Pc...'"1Dit am is presently applyin:J for· the IlSC4W&W pendt. ·
In add.itioo, the applicant can sell minor items (gum, cigarettes, candy) so.ft drinks frail machinas located i.nsida the station withalt a special Use Pe.rmit; this is considered incidental l!U"d related to business at a service station. 'l11aJ::9 ia no distinctioo of what c.an be sold \.lJ1dar a snack ahop label. 'llle te.1.'ln snack sliq> could in::J.uda the sale Of anythin:J that ndght
be sold in a convenience at.ore. '!he decision of llihat is sold will depend upon the decisions 'of the manager of the station.
'Iha Staff suggests that approval of th.is aJ;>Plicatioo be oontingmt upon
the .incorporation of security meaaures, trash enclosure measures, etc. in
the prq:iosal.
Can. Sorensen asked aoout the t.rees located at tha back of the station am was told that these trees hav.a been reooved dua to construction work. She
camnented that she sees a numbor of atud.ents in this area.
can. Adams suggested that the a:mnission usually req_uestg an upgradirq of an area when expansion proposals are reviewed. 'Iha o.:.mnissioner noted that thi£i At;plicatian contains no such upgradirq ptq)OSals. Mr. Piasecki
stated that the City cauncil recently adq:Jted the o:ttmission 1 s recanmen:;latian of a 25% rule for public improv·~ie.nts; this propoa.:tl represP...nts only a 12% area figure. 'Iba Cc.:lmnibsion, however, could request
that ch.arqes be made regarclir.q curb cut.sf larxiS<.-:.aping, etc.
can. Mackenzie stated that tJ'le 24 hour operation c.culd be a benefit for ootorists. He favors additional security arrl the installation of carp.rt;erized console systems. With 1-egard to the prq::osed sn.;..d .. shop, an
annual review would offer ths Commission the opportunity m see if loit.e.ring is a problem.
PI.ANN.IOO CXlfi!SS!OO' MINUXES Ragular Moetirq Of JUne · 9, 1986
PC -495
ITJ:M 8 (o:nt'd)
0;:.m. Clau1y ia :favorahls to the 24 hoi.lr ~tian and tl'l8 snack ehq> c:peratia11 he wishes t.o see this awlicatiai. oontinuod to allow the
~ to put proposed~ in the AR>J.icaticn. On:b cuts at this statia'l WC\lld be desirable.
Q:an. Sorensen a:ncura end 8dda that in the pi:oposa.l she wishes to St?.19 sane prc:111isi.a1 to p:nwent. stu::k:mta frau loiterirq. She turther agrees .that the station in general needa to be up;raded.
oau. .lidamS favors the :retention o! a MrVioe station in an area 'Whe.re it is needed but asked for sana upgradi..rXJ of this facility.
Mr. Piasec~d usund the o::m.miuim that staff would work with the cg>liomt m the ~ of this facil.it.y l::ut cautiam the camd saiooe.rs that there are l.bnited cpt.icris for o:mb."ollinq l'J'bJdent loiterirq. Also, altho.Jgh the Applicant is not~ to sell !:leer or wine at thi.a t..i.mla, it nm.y be difficult a.t a later date to makB a distinc:ticn ~ betn.-and wine sale.Ill am othar types of nrl:ail ope.rations. 'lhia 'Natld requiN a turt:bar application, ~.
Chr. Szabo state:! that he is oot particularly oanoerned a.bout the possibility ot high school students loittC:u.'"in] around a service station
s~ there are many plZ'10ilS of JDON intersst for them to go. Also, high
school students will n:rt: be in this m:ea at night. He does fervor tha addition of caditia'lS that ft.'OUld require the upgradinq of this facility.
a::m. Mackenzie favors periodic raview to ~that atudents are :oot loiteri.rq in this area. can. SOrensen also li.ant:Loned that there i.'sl an elementary sdloo1 in this area.
nm:rn: can. Claudy moved that Applicntion 17-U-86 be cxmtinusd to the
July 14, 1986 Planning a::mnission Hearirq.
SECaID: can. Mackenzie
'VOI'E: Passed 5..-.0 . ;
'Iha AWlicant. for Item 12-U-86 was :oot present.
IDITrn: eom. ClalX.iy moved that Jq:::plication 12-U-86 be 'contirrued .to the
J\lne 23, 1986 Plann.i.J~ camn.:i.ssion H&at·~.
SEO::m>: can. Jiidarrtl
VOTE: Passed. 5-0
Rl!!RR1' OP 'l1il ~ o:nn:BSIOO
-a:n. Clll\Xiy stated . tllllt on the cornsr of ~-c:raek B.1vd. m'2d I.oc::kv.xd Drive tbm:9 hi a mD'lin; van pu.rkld ~Y that ill bloc:ldrg traffic. -'l!w ~ stated that an tbD cxu:nsr Of V06'iS mld I.oda«xxi tb8:rQ
are llllllYeral ~ ~ that ~ ~ trca um.in.I the •id•T4l..k. ~trianll ~ t'orc:.ud to~ thm ~i'!Ot. '
-O:::D. Borclntla\ noted that the ~ U. en thfa north 11iide of ~ Good i:axth ~ &Mat.a about 20 peq>lcu with tm ~ pr:dllm at thia mite tha WIG of t:helJMa eM.ta fibould be lookad into. -a:n. ~ie uked tor inf'orm.ticn on the old 7 ... 11 st:ont lo::a.t:Gd on
aJtG Rclld. Hr. OJwan lltatiad that t?w stol'.111 wa& found to be in violation of both the b111d..irg pa:adt em the WM parmit. 'll1is staff Ms&~
to niaolw thiB p:abla tut haG mt baa'& ~tul yet. -OD. ldmml ulmd hclV lonq th& wiJWv signs hM.'O l:eat\ in tlw appli.an:»
11tmw on l.Ua!wy &JU stAiMlnro creek Blvd. Kr. ~ stated .that the Sign OrdinDnoe iii urDar rsvifJlif m1d 1fill !Jo ~ to the Q;:adMiCftlrl!I. Mr. ~ will .invutiqata tba two or thrM ~ that twve ~
~ aigrw.
REJ.<m' OP 'lJm PIANNI1G DI.RE:C.ICR -Mr. o::iwan llrul:aittsd a writ1:4nn -i.-uport--.
~: Havirg OOl'ci.uded its b.ud.nems, the Pl~ Chmlhwion adjoun'llld at 1CU25 P.M. to the next ~ ~ ot
JUntll 23, 1986 at 7:30 P.M.
(// .. ,· .. ;:>
. ., ~ .J t! ~ . • ~ --'-/ <---'-,. _· ._· -·"-·-~·-·-· . . . .
City Cler~
I_ : l )~ ; \ / I --.I .-., /1~
( 1 t ( I uu-u: ~ · l ' ,..