PC 04-28-86.. Cl'lY OF ClJPERI'~, STA'.l'E OF CALIFOm1IA l-.~JOO Torre Avenue Olpert.ino, CA. 95014 ~ (408) 252-4505 MINUl'ES OF '.IHE mL'CJI.AR MEET.IN.:; OF 'll1E PI..ANN.rnG CXH-llSSICN HEID ctl APRIL 28, 1986 Meetirq Held in the a:uicil QiBlllbers of OJpettiro City H&.11 SAI.IJlE 'ro 'IBE FUG; ROLL CALL: canmissioners Present: ct-.ainnan Szabo Staff Present: APPRDVAL OF MINtn'ES Vioe Qia.U:man Mackenzie camnissiai.er Adams O:::mni:.ssioner Claudy ca:am:i.Jssianer sortulSE!rl 7:30 P.M. MJI'Ictl: can. Mackenzie, to approve the Minutes o:! the Regular M&atirq of April 14, 1986, M subnitted. SEOJND: can. lldams VOI'E: Passed s-o :ros'I'1?0NEMEN OR Nm .AGENi:lt\ ITEMS: -None ORAL o::MMUNICATIONS -None '0 -1- •.. \ ~ ··I r '· PIANNl.00 C01MISSIOO .MINU'I'ES Regular Meet.il:q of April 28, 1986 PAGE 2 R: -492 IT.EM 1 .AWlkation No(s) =~l=.,....,.Q=0_,_1JU. l...,.6'---:------------- ~licant: £it:lr Qf t;:ypert;inQ ____ , -----· Location Citywi.da ;I 'ID AMrnD provisions of the Rl (Residential~ Sirqle-family) Ordinance relating to setbacks, yards, ooight, definitions, pennitted uses and lot area. FIRST HF.ARlliG ~l'AL lJE'.L'E»ITNATCN: Pen::Un; TENTATIVE CTTY ro.JNCIL mTE: May 19, 1986 staff Pr:eaentation; Mr. Piasecki stated that the Cc:mnissioners are fa:miliru.· with the hc:.usekeep.i.rg change.a be.irq su;gested. 'Ihe ~ for tba Rl ordinance grew rut of o:::inoern :regardirlq Section 12 .1, Extensions Alcn;r Exi.stirq Building Lines; the la:n;ruaga of that section.is be:in;! mcdified to requ;lre a mininurn three foot setback fn:an any prcperty line. 'lbe followi.rq additional chan:]es were dbscribe:.1: -In Section 5.16, Height of Build.in:;: ~.dd "chimneys". -In Section 8.5.2: Areas Designated for One-stor.y Li'mitation: remove ( i) in ''by aff~ to the .Rl Zoning District" '!he Public Hearin:] was then q:,ened. Ms o Ann Ar¥:Jer I Olpert.ioc> resident I stated that she awre::iates the time the City Staff took to &tu:fy this problot:in, especially with regard to nanoonfor.min:;J uses. She st.<::t.-::d that there 1s a great. deal of unauthorized buildirq work be.irq done an weekerxla when it is impossible to contact anyone at City Hall to ootify the ru.ilding Inspector. '; -l • Ms. Arqer feels that this Amen'..'lment to Ordinance is very necessary and hopes that the w'Ording is st.rorq ena..igh to be enforced. &be, cited an . example from the Manta Vista area where a carp:n.t was to be built on the propei:ty line. 'Ibis matter WdS resolved with the inte:rvention of the reighbCJrs. MJI'ICN: can • .M.amr:J m:::ived to close the Public Hearing. SECOND: can. Mackenzie VOI'E: Passed 5-0 ... :t'· ' e PI.ANNIN:; CX!fi!SSICN MINCJrES ~ar Meetirq of April 28, 1986 PAGE 3 PC -492 ITEM 1 (COnt 1d) ·' 1_: \ Chr. Szabo stated for the raoo:rd that tonight's Hearirq is the secor'l'i on Item 1 an::l that tha amen:hnemta had been discussed exte:rwively in th.a first Hearin;. 'lhis aocxJUnts for the relatively short discussion at the cur.t'm1t Hearing. . ~ l MJTICN: can. Claudy IOC1V'Eld to reocm:nen:i the granting of a Nega.tiva ~laratian for the p:rqx:ised R-1 amendments. SF..COOD: can. Mackenzie VOI'E: Passed 5-0 MJI'ICN: can. Claudy lnCIV'ed to recanmerrl awi.-oval. of AR?lication 81,004.18, 'Ihe Amerrlment to the Rl Zonirq ordinance with the above n~oned co:r:rections to Section 5.16 arrl section B.5.2. SEXDID: can. Mackienzie VOl'E: Passed 5-0 OID BJSINESS -None NE.W BJSINESS -None REroRl' OF 'IHE PI.ANNING o::MMISSICN -can. Adams requested the support of the camnissioners in a proposed resolution asking that the Parks c::a:nmiesion examine the feasibility of acx;iuirirx; the historical artifact.a fran the Mother Loda Restaurant.; 'llle CCmmissioner suggested that the Parks Department contact Mr. Jam Kon:trabecki, the Awlicant, a.rd Mr. Gene saalwechter, the current owner of this :meroc'rab.Ula, with a prcpoeal to purchase these i tema and use them to adorn vario..m sites in OJpertino. 1he gentleman 'Who originally furnished this site wishes to salvage his investment in the historical :min.irq equipnent • 'Ihere are approximat:P-1.y 10 geld nUning carts, sane of which are fl."an the Almaden Gold Mine, vertical lifts used in the mines and a nuniber of snall.er items. Possible sites to pldoo tiiese objects might be city parks, the · Praret.heus develc:pnant, the prq;iose:i Mariott Hotel, Vallco Parle or the califo:r:nia Histm:y Center at DeAnza College. 'Ihe Chamber cf cannnerce was also cite:l as a ~ for the presm:vation of this l\'\E!!OOrabilia. can. Claudy axpressErl hi~ reluctance to have the City [,Ut'Chase these items; while he has no objection to preserving tdstorically significant abjec:t.s, he su;gested that City purchases be limited to City interests. ' l. PI.ANNING cx::t.f.ITSSICN Mml:Jl'ES Regular Meetin; of April 28, 1986 PA.GE 4 PC -492 REFORI' OF 'lliE PIANNIN:; CXMMISSICN (Cont'd) ',':' MJI'ION: o:m. Claudy JOOVed to aen:l a Minute order to the City Council p:r:oposin;;J a Resolution that the Parks camnisaian examine the feasibility of acquirirg the historical artifacts frcm the M::>ther Lode Restaurant site for historci praservation p..rrposes. SF.:a:IID: can. Mackenzie vom: Passed 5-o -air. Szabo stated that he will not be present at the May loth Planning camnission due to vacation. -can. Mackenzie asked about: 1) 'lhe expansion of Gen'Co scheduled to be heard at the May 12th Plamrln:J commission. Mr. Cowan clarified that the struct:u:t'(~ bein3' ai::praved is a temporaxy structure to be used for storage items. 2) 'lhe trees that were to be saved in the prcposed buildir~ site of Jdm Vidovich. Mr. Cowan stated that the large hole at the site is frcm the rem::11fal of the burned l:lliJ.ding at that site am rot from ~ rc.x:ival of arry trees. 3) Review by' the Plannin;J Comrni.asion of parkin:J requirements for restaurants. He ci tea recent experiences of inadequate parJdng space at loca~ restaurants. Mr. Co'Nan stated that currently there is not a process set up whereby t.he Plann.in:j camnission and the City COUncil.can review such concerns on a fobnal basis. A:t pi-esent, the Plami.irq canmission can direct the Staff to review a OC'J!'cern. other Cammis:;ioners concurred that the l space for 4 seat paridng ratio for restaurants is inadequate. can. Maras suggested tllat the resources of the Chamber of camneroe might also be utilized, possibly in the fonn of a survey of the situation. 'Ihis matuu-will be added to a future agerx:la. Mr. ~ran stat.00. that aroon:lment of the sign otdinruioe is a priority for the City CCUX:il; in particular, the freeway orientation of signs. staff has been directed to pl:~ an a:i~.nt on this issue sin:e it figures praninantly in the developuent of the recently approved hotels at Valloo Park and the City Center. -Cam. Sorensen stated a conce.rn i--egan:li.rq sunlight reflection from the Sab:rato Headquarters Building on DeAnza Blvd. at Mariani Avenue. Mr. ~ stated that he has received other canplaints arrl has spoken with the Traffic Deparbnent. 'Ihe Plannin;J Staff is aware of the effects of ''mirror-glass" on buildings an:l reviews any proposed request for its useage; hcwever, the glass in this build.in;J is qJaque and was not considered. to be highly reflective. PIANNIN:; CXHlISSIC»l MINUl'ES Rogu.lar Meet.irq Of April 28 1 1986 PAGE 5 FC -492 RERRl' OF 'lHE PI.ANN:rnG o::MfiSSICN (Ccrlt'd) -can. Cla\Xfy CXl1'IDm1tOO that the l~ f:t'an Genco~ the lbnits. of the City'g Noise ~a REroRr OF 'IHE PI.ANNm:; D~. -Mr. eowan stated that he had received a request fran Pranet.heus to caistruct a cafe in the first ~ Office building; 'Ihl.s cafeteria will serve the offioo oarplex with hoJrs of operatiai fl."tm\ 8 A.M. to 3 P.M. However, there is oo specific authorization in the Use Permit (ll-U-83) for cx:mnercial US4l. Staff ~ a findin:] that the cafo bB CXl'lSide.:red an irx:idental ocmnarcial activity to the office operation rather than a tull sex:vioa c:xmnsrcl.al l':'E:lStaurant. Un:3er the auspicious of the ~"dition of ~ for the Use Par.mit, a minor ~ sl'lcW.d Joe made to allow :7.,400 square feet of the 160,000 ~ te8t of office space to be US«\ for ~ial activity. mr:roo: can. Claudy moved to ~ a Minut.e Ordal:' fin:tinq that th9 inclusioo of c:xmnerclal activity in t.htt first 1i1ase City center Off ice atlldirq is ao=ept:able to the a:mniasian as a m.in:.lr a:men:Jment of Use Par:mit o:::niltions. mxx:am: can. sarensen VC7I'E: Passed 5-0 -Mr. c:av-an inf0l:lll0d. the Cc:mniDsicxiem of an urxxEirq aam.ira.r an earth:}'.Uake preparedness. He will make resru:vatioos fox: any C"rJmj ssicner who wishes to attend. ADJCURNMEN'r: Havi.rq oc:ncluded its blsi.ness, the plannirq c::amtlssic:u adjour.1".la:i at 8:05 P.M. to tha next Reg\llar ~ of May 12, 1986 at 7:30 P.M. ATTEST: APPROVED: \. / 1 ) 1\(. r 1 c10 C tU ,_ (e ~ Chai.rperson