10300 Torre Avenue,Cupertino,CA. 95014 Page 1
Telephone : (408) 252-4505
Commissioners Present : Com. Mackenzie
Com. Adams
Com. Szabo
Corn. Sorensen (9: 30 p.m. approx. )
Chr. Claudy
Staff Present : Dir. of Ping. and Commty,Devel.Cowan
Assistant Planning Dir. Piasecki
Assistant City Engineer Whitten
(19-Z-85) approximately 1. 3 gross acres from BQ (Quasi-
Public Building) zone to R1-6 (Residential Single-family,
6,000 sq. ft . lot size zone or whatevr zone may be deemed
appropriate by the Planning Commission and TENTATIVE SUB-
DIVISION MAP (19-TM-85) to subdivide approximately three
acres into seven parcels . ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The
• Environmental Review Committee recommends the granting of a
Negative Declaration. First Hearing. Tentative City
Council hearing date is November 4, 1985.
Mr. Piasecki outlined the Staff Report , especially noting
Mr. Jauch ' s feelings that the culdesac should be shifted,
which would mean further encroachment into the Applicant ' s
Chr. Claudy established with Staff that the property marked
in pink was Mr. Jauch' s right of way and would not have to
be involved in construction.
Mary Kirkeby, representing the Applicant, felt the
flagging of the lot off Dumas caused problems, that the lot
would be too narrow to build a house on, and either lot
being required to face on the park would not be very liveable .
He pointed out that other parks had lots siding to them
he did not understand why having a rear or side yard to the
park would cause a problem.
Com. Szabo established with Staff and Mr. Kirkeby that the
trees would be protected and would act as a 15 ft . hedge.
Mr. Piasecki, discussing the flag, advised the Commission
that shifting the lot lines across the subdivision would
make it workable.
• Randall Smith, 22811A Medina Lane, President of the Congre-
gation of Redeemer Lutheran Church, advised they were
trying hard to conserve trees and serve the community best
with this plan. They did not see that surveillance would be
served considering the existing fencing and trees,but did
not want same removed, because of community benefit .
Page 2 Ted Greer, member of the Board of Trustees of Redeemer Lutheran
Church, explained the development enabled them to expand their
facilities and add landscaped parking, and was concerned that
if the plan had to be changed, Mr. Masters might not develop .
Irene Jauch, 10760 S. Stelling Road, confirmed with Chr.
Claudy that his understanding was the same as the position
in the City Council Minutes of August 15, 1985, and that
in previous discussions it had not been felt necessary to
construct on any of the Jauch property.
Mr. Cowan advised City Council had been told that when the
Redeemer Lutheran Church land was developed, there had to be
a decision whether the culdesac would be completed.
Chr. Claudy established with Mr. Cowan that though technically
the upper right quadrant of the red triangle could be left
out, this was not very satisfactory.
Mr. Ed Jauch showed slides of his and the adjoining property
and stated that storm drain and sewer line details on Cupertino
Sanitary District blueprints now appeared on their property
where previously they had not .
Chr. Claudy interjected that the Commission did not get
involved with such things which were left to City professionals
and established that in the Tentative Map the Commission was
merely approving that such facilities would be provided, and
not the position of them.
Mr. Jauch wanted to make it clear that there was not a manhole •
where it appeared on the drawing.
Mr. Kirkeby advised the storm and sanitary systems shown were
constructed in conjunction with the subdivision to the north.
Rachel Craven, 7589 Erin Way, member of Redeemer Lutheran,
felt Mr. Jauch' s property would be enhanced and Mr. Master' s
plans would add to their neighborhood.
Ann Anger, Cupertino resident, emphasized the developer should
not encroach on land that was not his .
Charles Masters, Applicant , advised that in a previous Map
lots 5 and 6 were to face towards a new street to the north,
but that Mr. Jauch had at that time presented a plan to turn
them around to be more compati'cle with plans he had. With
this plan he had been careful :lot to encroach on Mr. Jauch ' s
land, locating the culdesac bilb to give fair access to Mr.
Jauch, he said. He emphasizec the curb was off the pink
area mentioned. He noted his difficulties in working with
lots 5 and 6 the way that Staff preferred.
Com. Mackenzie established with Mr. Masters that he could get
a 32 ft . inside radius of the culdesac without encroaching
into the pink triangle.
The Commission and Applicant discussed reconfiguring the lots
to make the plan work. It was established that a driveway •
to lot 2 could not be taken off Dumas because the curb was
already constructed there, and Mr. Kirkeby felt the house
would look like a townhouse at best .
MOTION: Com. Adams, to close the Public Hearing Page 3
SECOND: Com. Mackenzie
VOTE : Passed 4-0
(Com. Sorensen absent )
Chr. Claudy expliained the philosophy of fronting streets to
parks. He felt if lots 1 and 6 were defined facing south,
physical survellance and wider lots would be gained.
The Commission discussed the concept of cyclone fencing for
surveillance purposes if lot 6 was not to face the park.
Mr. Cowan felt the homeowners would tend to put up solid
board fence, because of the privacy problem.
Com. Mackenzie wanted visibility into the park as a require-
ment, and felt the street requirement was a policy.
Mr. Piasecki advised there was no obligation to instal a str-et .
Com. Szabo observed the visibility requirement could not be
enforced, since homeowners could plant shrubs,and that in
any case with the trees there would not be much visibility.
Chr, Claudy felt the culdesac was in the correct location
but also felt Mr. Jauch, who was not involved, should not be
required to give up property, and that it was not required
to build in the larger triangle now.
Com. Adams said the fire truck turnaround should not be
jeopardized, and was in favor of implementing a plan to
acquire title to the red triangle area.
The consensus of the Commission was that the Applicant be
responsible for all improvements for the culdesac, with the
exception of the pink triangle area, outside of the Jauch
right of way.
Chr. Claudy clarified for Mr. Jauch that the Applicant
would have to negotiate with him to buy the red triangle
area and, if refused, could apply to City Council to condemn
It was the consensus of the Commission that the front yard
of Lot 6 should face south, so precluding a 6 ft . solid
fence, and also precluding a 3 ft . fence on the first 20 ft .
of the lot .
MOTION: Com. Adams, to recommend the granting of a
Negative Delcaration
SECOND: Com. Mackenzie
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Com. Sorensen absent )
MOTION: Com. Mackenzie, to recommend approval of
Application 19-Z-85,
SECOND: Com. Szabo ..
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Com. Sorensen absent )
• MOTION: Com. Mackenzie, to recommend approval of
Application 19-TM-85, subject to the Findings
of th Staff Report and Subconclusions of the
Hearing, with Standard Conditions 1-15;
Conditions 16-19; Condition 20 modified to
Page 4 state that the driveway flag for parcel 6
shell he a minimum of 2n ft . in width and111
located on the westerly property line (with the
second sentence as in the Staff Report ) ;
Condition 21 modified to include, "the south
property line for lot 6 shall be defined as the
front yard as defined by R-1 Ordinanae, ' Section 27;
second sentence to be deleted; third sentence
as is; fourth sentence to be deleted; New
Condition 22 added to state that the Applicant
is responsible for the closing of the right of
way and the improvements shown, except for the
Jauch property that is not in the Jollyman
Lane right of way.
SECOND: Com. Adams
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Com. Sorensen absent )
PARCEL MAP (17-TM-85) to consolidate three parcels consisting
of approximately . 6 acres into one parcel. ENVIRONMENTAL
REVIEW: The project was previously assessed, hence no
environmental review is necessary. The subject property is
located on the southwest corner of South De Anza Boulevard
and McClellan Road in a P (Planned Development with Commer-
cial and Office intent) zoning district . First Hearing.
The Planning Commission has final approval unless appealed. .
Mr. Cowan explained the Application allowed the Use Permit
to be implemented.
MOTION: Com. Mackenzie, to close the Public Hearing
SECOND: Com. Adams
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Com. Sorensen absent )
MOTION: Com. Adams, to approve Application 17-TM-85
subject to the Findings and Conditions of the
Staff Report .
SECOND: Com. Mackenzie
VOTE: Passed 4-0
TIVE PARCEL MAP (20-TM-85) to subdivide approximately . 75 acre
into four parcels ranging in size from 6,300 to 6, 900 sq . ft .
ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Environmental Review Committee
recommends the granting of a Negative Declaration. The
subject property is located adjacent to the Southern Pacific
Railroad right of way on the south side of Rainbow Drive and
approximately 300 ft . west of Stelling Road and is prezoned
R1-6 (Residential Single-Family, 6,000 sq. ft . minimum lot
size) . First hearing. The Planning Commission has final
approval unless appealed.
Mr. Cowan, reviewing the Staff Report , advised Mr. Whaley •
had agreed to Staff' s requests, but that an issue not addressed
was whether a sound wall was necessary adjacent to the Southern
Pacific right of way . It was Staff ' s feeling, because of the
planned development nature and the rural area, such a wall should
not be required, he said.
Warren Whaley, the Applicant, had no objection to the Page 5
410 Conditions, had already implemented the suggested revisions
on the culdesac, but felt a sounuwall would serve no purpose .
MOTION: Com. Mackenzie, to close the Public Hearing
SECOND: Corn. Adams
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Com. Sorensen absent )
The consensus of the Commission was the soundwall not be
MOTION: Com. Szabo, to approve Application 20-TM-85,
subject to the Findings of the Staff Report and
Subconclusions of the Hearing, with Conditions
1-15 and 16-20 of the Staff Report .
SECOND: Com. Mackenzie
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Com. Sorensen absent)
USE PERMIT (15-U-85) for the par.pose of deleting a parking
structure and consideration of minor site modifications.
ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project was previously assessed,
hence no Environmental review is necessary. The property is
located on the northwest corner of Highway 280 and North
DeAnza Boulevard in a P (Planned Development with commercial
intent) zoning district . First Hearing. Tentative City
• Council hearing date - October 21, 1985.
Mr. Cowan advised that Staff' s concern in deleting the
parking structure had been the possibility of off-site
patrons frequenting a proposed lounge and drinking estab-
lishment , but as the Applicant had since determined it
unnecessary to have such, Staff now felt comfortable with
the reduced parking. He commented the change was positive
in terms of appearance, as the ramp would have been un-
sightly . He presented a revision to Condition 3 .
Chr. Claudy wondered whether the recordation of a covenant
should remain a part of Condition 3 .
Mr. Piasecki explained Staff would prefer not to use it because
of clouding of title and related problems, and felt with such
a small facility it would not be necessary. The Applicant
would not be putting up restaurant and bar signs, he said.
Com. Szabo felt Condition 3 might be misleading.
Mr. Vidovitch, Applicant, commented that because of the ABC*
licensing laws, they would only be able to serve liquor to
guests, and would not be able to charge. It had now evolved in-
to an all-suites hotel, he said, and did not involve cooking
or bar facilities and met all parking requirements for similar
small hotels .
Chr. Claudy established with Mr. Vidovitch that he was
giving up the restaurant to have the parking garage deleted.
Asked by Mr. Vidovitch if it could be interpreted as a minor
change, Chr. Claudy advised it had already been voted otherwise
and so had to go on to City Council .
Page 6 Com. Szabo was inclined to grant the capacity of breakfast
service to guests, which he felt important for the success
of the project . '
Mr. Fred Reed, President of Associated Land Management, agreed
saying they would serve continental breakfast and might want
to go further. For dinner, which was of less importance, they
had made arrangements with local restaurants for room service,
if required.
MOTION: Com. Mackenzie, to recommend approval of Appli-
cation 15-U-85 (Revised) subject to the Findings
of the Staff Report and Subconclusions of the
Hearing, with Conditions 1, 2 and 4 as written
in the Staff Report and Condition 3 as presented
at the Hearing.
SECOND: Com. Adams
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Com. Sorensen absent)
12. PAUL TAI: REZONING (20-Z-85) approximately 2 .1 gross
acres from BQ (Quasi-Public Building) zone to R1-6 (Residential
Single-Family, 6,000 sq. ft . minimum lot size) zoning district
or whatever zone may be deemed appropriate by the Planning
Commission and TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP (Map 21-TM-85) to
subdivide approximately 2. 25 acres into 12 parcels ranging
in size from 6,000 sq . ft . to 9,200 sq . ft . ENVIRONMENTAL
REVIEW: The Environmental Review Committee recommends the •
granting of a Negative Declaration. The subject property is
located on the east side of Stelling Road, south of and
adjacent to the West Valley Freeway (Highway 85) right of way
and approximately 100 ft . north of West Hill Lane. First
Hearing. Tentative City Council hearing date is November 4,1985.
Mr. Piasecki reviewed the Staff Report and advised the only
issue was a request from an adjoining property owner that
construction vehicles come in anothr way, which was addressed
in the Conditions .
Paul Tai, Applicant , said he had worked closely with Staff
to find the best development solution; there were now 11
lots, two less than originally, because of dedication
requirements. He advised he had negotiated with Trinity
Arabians for access, and would be building a retaining and
sound wall at construction time.
Com. Adams established Mr. Whitten felt there was enough
dedication to cover the "worst case" for construction in the
Highway 85 corridor.
Com. Mackenzie observed that if the freeway was at grade
on Stelling this would not be the "worst case" .
Mr. Whitten replied that City Council ' s final position was
that the new road would be depressed.
Com. Adams questioned noise attenuation. •
Mr. Cowan agreed there would have to be noise attenuation in
conjunction with the construction of the freeway, but did not
want to see a 6 ft . soundwall built now that might eventually
be inadequate.
I *ABC - Alcoholic Beverages Com::.fission
Com. Mackenzie suggested double-glazing, and on hearing Faze 7
410 from the Applicant this and R-19 insulation were already
conservation requirements, he felt the units could be
required to be designed to meet requirements to be specified.
Mr. Whitten wanted it considered that if soundwalls were
built now, they would be on private property and the
State would not maintain them.
It was discussed whether and how to hold funds from the
Applicant for future soundwall construction.
Mr. Thai advised that as he had to build a retaining wall
anyway, he wanted to construct it as a 6 ft . to 11 ft . above
grade noise attenuation wall.
The Commission felt, because of the height, ,this would be
Mr. Cowan agreed (though there might be some redundancy
eventually) especially if the wall could be designed to be
expanded if necessary.
MOTION: Com. Adams, to close the Public Hearing
SECOND: Com. Sorensen
VOTE: Passed 5-0
MOTION: Com. Adams, to recommend granting of a
Negative Declaration.
SECOND: Com. Mackenzie
• VOTE: Passed 5-0
MOTION: Com. Mackenzie, to recommend approval of
Application 20-Z-85, subject to the
Findings of the Staff Report .
SECOND: Com. Adams
VOTE: Passed 5-0
MOTION: Com. Mackenzie, to recommend approval of
Application 21-TM-85, subject to the Findings
of the Staff Report and Subconclusions of the
Hearing with Standard Conditions 1-15;
Conditions 16-19; Condition 20 modified to
allow access either from Stelling Road or the
Highway 85 right of way; Condition 21;
Condition 22 added entitled "Sound Attenuation"
requiring 1) that as units are constructed a
qualified sound engineer be retained to
examine the plans and ensure units comply to a
29 decibel noise level, and 2) a covenant be
recorded passing this obligation on to poten-
tial new owners.
SECOND : Com. Szabo
VOTE: Passed 5-0
R".•.: a1A
;dr. Cowan advised� that City Council .had beenasked' fox°.: `.
design guidelines for the Vallco Habial, that, height had.
not been a concern to .them, th&t there had been :a -.strong
desire for a 1-5 horizontal/vertical setback relationship,
and that the architectural design was basically rejected. ' ,
he advised it was imnrobab.le the Hotel watlldbbe ready for
the next Hearing and might even be delayed into the. New Year. `
Com. Szabo established the present location of the towers
would be outside the guidelines.
The Commission felt because of the -significance for
Cupertino, they hi!eded to see a detailed model-.df::the
building with a block diagram to show the relationship,
of the surrounding structures, up to the freeway; Wolfe
Road; and Stevens Creek Boulevard down to the Widmark Hotel.
It was suggested that the matter of obtaining a model of the
City be explored, possibly to be built by a civic group
or school, since such models otherwise were very expensive.
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