PC 09-09-85 r/
10300 Torre Avenue,Cupertino,Ca. 95014 . Page 1
• Telephone (408) 252-4505
SALUTE TO THE FLAG: 7:30 . p.m.
Commissioners Present: Com. Mackenzie
Corm. Adams
Com. Sorensen
Vice Chr. Szabo
Staff Present : Dir. of Ping. & Comty.Devel. Cowan
Assistant Planning Director Piasecki
City Attorney Kilian
CityEngineer Whitten
MOTION: Com. Sorensen, to accept the Minutes of the
Regular Meeting of August 26, 1985 as submitted.
SECOND: Com. Adams
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Chr. Claudy absent)
MOTION: Com. Mackenzie, to continue Item #5 for two weeks.
• SECOND: Com. Adams
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Chr. Claudy absent)
A letter from George Zsoka, 11247 Bubb Road regarding
Agenda Item #4, to be considered at that time.
1. Application 12-TM-85 of DE ANZA PROPERTIES (JASON
CHARTIER) : TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP to consolidate nine parcel
consisting of approximately six acres into two parcels with
approximately 2. 4 acres and 4 .36 acres and ENVIRONMENTAL
REVIEW: The project was previously assessed, hence, no
action is required. The subject property is located on the
east side of Torre Avenue approximately 250 ft . south of
Stevens Creek Boulevard and 250 ft . north of Rodrigues
Avenue in a P (Planned Development with Commercial, Office
and Residential, 15-30 dwelling units per gross acre intent)
zoning district . First: Hearing continued. PLANNING
Page 2 Mr. Cowan gave the Staff Report describing the Map as interim;
that in future there might have 'to be another map action.
John Vidovich, for the Applicannt, disagreed. The Iines were
accurate for the office buildings, he said, though when
building the apartments they would have to come in with a
new Map.
MOTION: Com. Adams, to close ,the Public Hearing
SECOND: Com. Sorensen
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Chr. Claudy absent)
Vice Chr. Szabo confirmed withl' Staff that no control of the
senior citizen project would be lost . Because of Mr. Vidovich' s
testimony, he suggested modifications to Conditions 17 and 18.
MOTION: Com. Adams, to approve Application 12-TM-85,
subject to the Findings of the Staff Report and
Subconclusions of thejHearing, with Standard
Conditions 1-15; Condition 16; Condition 17 modi-
fied to remove the second sentence; Condition
18 modified to read, "It is recognized that the
lot lines of the subject application may not
correspond to the building wall locations as
approved in conjunction with Application 17-U-85
(Rev. ) and that the applicant may file a subse-
quent tentative map to correctly locate all lot
lines with respect to planned buildings in the •
subject development prior to requests for any
building permits. " 1
SECOND: Cosa. Sorensen
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Chr. Claudy absent) 1, ,
2. Application 29-U-85 of FIRS"' IEAPTIST CHURCH OF CUPERTINO:
USE PERMIT to construct a parsonage for an existing church on
a 5. 5 acre site and ENVIRONMENTIAL REVIEW: The Environmental
Review Committee recommends the granting of a Negative
Declaration. The subject property is located on the west side
of Miller Avenue approximately1i350 ft . north of Atherwood
Avenue in a BQ (Quasi-Public) zoning district. First Hearing.
Mr. Piasecki presented the Staff Report and suggested clari-
fications to the wording of Conditions 17 and 18 .
Carlo Christensen, Developer, 18567 Ream Road, Castro Valley,
ed the architecture had been approved, and that it was
a very nice home. I
Scott Southard, 101051 Miller Avenue, Pastor, asked for
clarification of Condition 23 midi ascertained with Staff they
could go ahead with the parsonage if they had correct permits for
the trailer at the time the par.sohage was completed.
He felt the parking lot was not1' highly visible and was concerned
about taking out parking spaces to add landscaping, because of •
the expense, since they might later have to develop parking else-
where on the site as the congregation expanded.
Corn. Adams established that the existing driveway to the Page 3
parsonage would be improved to accommodate two vehicles.
MOTION: Com. Mackenzie, to close the Public Hearing
SECOND: Corn. Adams
VOTE: Passed 4_0
(Chr. Claudy absent )
MOTION: Com. Sorensen, to grant the Negative Decla-
ration of the Environmental Review Committee
SECOND: Com. Mackenzie
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Chr. Claudy absent)
MOTION: Com. Sorensen, to approve Application 29-U-85,
subject to the Findings of the Staff Report
and Subconclusions of the Hearing, with Standard
Conditions 1-15; Condition 16; Condition 17
modified to read, "Permitted uses shall generally
conform to the list of church-related activities
as described in the summary of activities and
as determined by the Director of Planning and
Community Development";Condition 18 modified
to eliminate the wording, "and 5 children in the
nursery"; Conditions 19-27 as presented in the
Staff Report .
SECOND: Com. Mackenzie
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Chr. Claudy absent)
3 . Applications 14-Z-85 and 14-TM-85 of JOHN VIDOVICH
(MARSHALL MOK) ; REZONING approximately 3. 5 acres from A
(Agricultural) to R1-6 (Residential Single-family,
6,000 sq. ft . minimum lot size) zone or whateverzone may
be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission; TENTA-
TIVE SUBDIVISION MAP to subdivide approximately 3 . 5 acres
into 12 parcels ranging in size from approximately 6,600
sq. ft . to 12,000 sq. ft . and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The
Environmental Review Committee recommends the granting of
a Negative Declaration. The subject property is located
approximately 50 ft . to 250 ft . north of Orogrande Place
and extends along Regnart Creek from the terminus of
November Drive to the Highway 85 right of way. First
Hearing. Tentative City Council hearing date - October
7, 1985.
Mr. Cowan, giving the Staff Report, advised that Staff had
that evening- heard from the Applicant that he would like the
option of decreasing the number of lots to 11 and retaining
the existing dwelling, which Staff felt would be satisfac-
tory if setback requirements were met .
He reviewed the circulation issue, advising that existing
November and proposed Festival Drives eventually would
contain two adjacent cu .desacs, to prevent through movement .
He advised of some future improvements to be borne by the
® Applicant in part, also advising that the final dedication
line for the creek channel might need to be adjusted, since
the Santa Clara Valley Water District had not yet responded.
He explained the reason the roadway weas situated next to
the creek was to allow for public access,which had been a
Commission goal in the past .
Page 4 Com. Sorensen was concerned about the 100 year flood and also that
the Santa Clara Valley Water District might require more dedication 0
for erosion control.
Com. Adams wanted it ensured that the Applicant did not in future
seek a variance for the existing house.
Com. Mackenzie established theibridge would be constructed in
conjunction with the 85 corridor development eventually.
Mary Kirkeby, 12228 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, Saratoga, Civil
Engineer, discussed problems with some of the Conditions. He
felt there would be little of Lot 1 left after the culdesac
dedication and asked that it be adjusted, since it was not a
major turnaround, so that instead of taking 10 ft . from the
lot, the property line could curve at the back. He pointed out
it would be a 32 ft radius either way.
Mr. Whitten agreed that Staff could work to reduce it .
Mr. Kirkeby, referring to Condition 23, said they did not feel
comfortable demolishing present buildings prior to recordation
of the Final Map. Referring tolCondition 18, he was concerned
about the burden, shared by three property owners, of over
$100,000 worth of improvements eventually. He also felt there
should be a time limit on how long the connection of Festival
and Orogrande was to be left, since the area was very congested.
He advised they had been in contact with the Santa Clara Valley
Water District, who saw no reason to widen the creek channel.
Mr. Cowan stated it was City policy that the buildings should be •
removed at this time, or at least a cash deposit taken to ensure
removal. He saw potential problems if the Map was recorded
without such removal and individual lots were then sold.
Mr. Kirkeby was concerned because of delays in financing that
could be caused.
Robert Mok, son of the Applicant, confirmed they wanted to keep
the barn, and at the time of building, would tear down everything
except the house.
Com. Mackenzie established with Mr. Kirkeby there would not be
a problem if demolition could take place at the time the building
permit was issued.
Clara Perusina, 10909 S. Stelling '. Road said they did not want
to subdivide their property. She was concerned about there
being no right of way to Stellirng Road from the three properties
on the proposed culdesac and wondered why the right of way the
Perusina family had sold to the State could not be used for a
street to alleviate that situation. She spoke of problems with
the creek, that the eucalyptus trees there scattered debris
and that the bridge had been washed out twice since they had
lived there.
Richard Judkins, 21155 OrograndePlace, representing the homeowners
there, said they were concerned with safety and therefore any
proposals which would affect Orogrande ' s status as a culdesac,
since they had heard rumors that'isome connection across the creek •
was contemplated. He established with Staff that any changes
would require further Public Hearing.
Com. Mackenzie pointed out that Lot 12 of theproposed
subdivision would be in that position, thus obviating the
possibility of such a connection.
John caller, 21203 Orogrande Place was gravely concerned
the creek would collapse if an adjacent road was constructed
and felt it should be redesigned.
Chuck O 'dell, 7716 Orogrande Place, was opposed to adding
homes when there was only one exit and the area was so
impacted by traffic . He emphasized that the culdesacs
mentioned should never be opened, and did not agree with the
construction of the bridge.
Vice Chr. Szabo and Mr. Cowan confirmed the culdesacs would
not be opened, but that there would be some type of circui-
tous route in the area eventually.
Ron Schrotenboer, 1091 November Drive also questioned the
addition of houses to an impacted area and mentioned the
difficulties of making a left turn onto Bubb Road from
September Drive during peak hours. He felt that traffic
should be addressed at the same time as the development.
Mr. Kirkby noted that, in view of discussion at a recent
Caltrans Meeting, a future crossing from Festival to the
easterly neighborhood would be possible.
Mr. Cowan reported that residents of Rose Blossom had
recently explored through traffic on that street with
411 City Council, and did not think they would welcome vehicles
crossing the freeway there.
The Commission wondered whether there would be problems
putting a culdesac in the 40 ft . right of way the State had
purchased from the Perusina family.
Mr. Cowan thought not, but to be definite would have to chec .
with the State.
Vice Chr. Szabo ascertained with Mr. Whitten that there
were appropriate engineering solutions available in loca-
ting the roadway adjacent to the creek; that any problems
could be corrected.
Mr. Miller disagreed, giving an example of Santa Clara
Valley Water District 's concern with the creek bank there.
He mentioned the proximity of the roadway to his property;
that he did not want people driving down there. He felt
houses =-backing -up to the creek would be more aesthetically
Vice Chr. Szabo established with Mr. Whitten that though
the Santa Clara Valley Water District had seen the Map
they had not yet responded, though the Applicant had
discussed it with them.
Mr. Cowan advised the Applicant had initially wanted a
double row of lots with the roadway moved to the north,but
410 that Staff had felt the environment of the creek being
shared was a policy.
Page 6 MOTION: Corr. Mackenzie, to close the Public Hearing
SECOND: Corn. Sorensen 110
VOTE: Passed 4-0 •
(Chr. Claudy absent )
Con. Adams felt the bridge should be tied to the tiring of
the 85 corridor construction, so that it would not have to
be torn down again and redone. '
Discussing the issue of the roadway, the majority of the
Commission felt it would be less problem for the homeowners
to put it next to the creek, and of more benefit to the
public and more aesthetically pleasing to have the creek
visually accessible, with a wrought iron fence for safety and
environmental preservation. '
MOTION: Com. Adams, to reopenIthe Public Hearing
SECOND: Com. Sorensen
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Chr. Claudy absent)
John Vidovich said he did not object to building a fence, if
it was needed, but felt it was aesthetically preferrable not
to build one.
MOTION: Com. Sorensen, to close the Public Hearing
SECOND: Com. Adams
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Chr. Claudy absent)
The Commission felt the protection of a fence was neessary. 411
MOTION: Co: . Mackenzie, to recommend the Negative
Declaration of the Environmental Review Committee.
SECOND: Com. Adams
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Chr. Claudy absent)
NOTION: Com. Mackenzie, to recommend approval of
Application 14-Z-85, subject to the Findings
of the Staff Report an,d Subconclusions of the
SECOND: Com. Adams
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Chr. Claudy absent)
MOTION: Com. Mackenzie, to recommend approval of
Application 14-TM-85, subject to the Findings
of the Staff Report and Subconclusions of the
- Hearing, with Standardl; Conditions 1-15; Condi-
tions 16;17;18; Condition 19 modified to add
the following sentence : "The size and shape of
the culdesac may be revised at Staff' s
discretion; Conditionsl20; 21; 22; Condition 23
first sentence modified to read: "All existing
structures on .the siteishall be removed prior
to issuance of building permits . " (Second
sentence to remain as written) ; Condition 24; •
Condition 25 modified to read: "The Applicant
shall be fully responsible for any flood control
channel improvements or further dedications
required by the Santa Clara Valley Water District
in conjunction with the subdivision, subject to Page 7
the review and approval of the City Engineer
(Including the erection_ of a staff approve: fence) ;
New Condition 26 to permit the Applicant to
combine lots 3 and 4 and retain the residence on
these lots, providing that buildings as constructed
meet all current Ordinances.
SECOND: Con. Adams
VOTE: Passed 3-1
(Com. Sorensen voting against the motion
because of a concern with the fragility of the
creek; preferring to see the roadway redesigned) .
(Chr. Claudy absent)
Mr. Cowan noted the revised City Council hearing date of
October 15, 1985.
9: 45 P.M.
(Approx. )
4. Applications 15-Z-85 and 15-TM-85 of THE WILLIAM DAY
COMPANY: REZONING approximately 2.1 gross acres from Al-43
A ricultura -R( g 1 esidential, 43,000 sq. ft . minimum lot size)
zone to R1-7. 5 (Residential Single-family, 7,500 sq. ft .
minimum lot size) zone or whatever zone is deemed appropriat:
by the Planning Commission; TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP to
subdivide approximately 2.1 acres into nine parcels
ranging in size from 7, 500 sq. ft . to 11,600 sq. ft . and
411 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Environmental Review Committee
recommends the granting of a Negative Declaration. The
subject property is located on the northwest corner of Bubb
Road and Regnart Road. First Hearing. Tentative City
Council hearing date - October 7, 1985.
Mr. Plasecki noted the revised Nap included the trees and
also noted 3 additional Conditions, 23 to allow more
separation between the culdesac and Bubb Road; 24 for
City installation of sidewalks; and 25 requiring that the
Applicant submit a geotechnical investigation to advise
City Council of the integrity of the adjacent Santa Clara
Valley Water District water basins in the event of a
maximum seismic event .
Referring to the letter mentioned under "Written Communi-
cations" he advised the writer had asked for it to be
disregarded, since it referred to an adjoining piece of
property owned by the Santa Clara Valley Water District .
Vice Chr. Szabo established with Staff that the City could
not require the Santa Clara Valley Water District to
undertake the investigation.
The feasibility of tree retention was discussed.
Mr. Addington, present property owner, had been advised by
a tree specialist that all the pines were beetle-infested,
he said.
William Day, Applicant, described the poor condition of the
pines and that they were too close together to be satisfac-
torily thinned. He had plans to use decorative fencing and
landscaping to create a better effect, he said. He said
i 1
Page 8the remaining trees would be structurally
_S pruned to prevent
damace during; construction, and established with Staff he could
Frune these on Lot 4 to a 15ft .1 clearance to enable installation
of a firerlace.
Questioned by Com. Adams, ;�r. Day described the discovery of
the trunk line; there without benefit of easement since the
City had inadvertently omitted to acquire the of way, he
I right
said. He confirmed the
ir willingness to redesign the dwelling
cr relocate the pipe, but did not want to abs
orb P � the potential
high cost .
Mr. Day wanted flexibility to raise of lower the pad elevations
Ivir. Piasecki voiced Staff' s concern the pads were already
higher than those of surrounding houses and felt they should
not be more than half a foot higher.
Regarding Condition 25, Mr. Day thought it unfair to burden
this development,particular
e elopment, since there had been development
in thBarea since 1958 .He was also concerned with the time scale.
The Commission pointed out there was no mechanism to require
any other party to take part . It; was suggested Mr. Day could
appeal the Condition to City Council.
Mr. Piasecki and Vice Chr. Szabo established the Final Map
could be approved at the same time the study was submitted
to City Council, without returning to Planning Commission.
.sir. Day suggested the study coulld be subject to approval by
the Public Works Director.
Mr. Piasecki emphasized there was concern that City Council see
the report and set an acceptable level of risk.
A representative of Mackay and 'Somps, Civil Engineers was
concerned they might need to be&' within two-thirds of a foot
of elevations shown, rather than half a foot .
Jim North, 11267 Catalina Court; asked if there was a
requirement for the developer to maintain the privacy of
existing homes.
Staff listed the standard setback requirements and observed that
grade differentials were not presently controlled by Ordinance.
MOTION: Com. Adams, to close the Public Hearing
SECOND: Com. Sorensen
VOTE: ' Passed 4-0
(Chr. Claudy absent )
It was the consensus of the Comriission that the geological
study was unfortunately necessary.
MOTION: Com. Mackenzie, to recommend the granting of a
Negative Declaration
SECOND: Com. Sorensen
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Chr. Claudy absent ) 110
� I
40TI0N: Com. Mackenzie to recommend a pp� oval r oz Page 9
Application 15-Z-85, subject to the Findings
of the Staff Report and Subconclusions of
the Hearing
SECOND: Com. Sorensen
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Chr. Claudy absent )
MOTION: Com. Mackenzie to recommend approval of
Application 15-TM-85 subject to the Findings
of the Staff Report and Subconclusions of the
Hearing, with Standard Conditions 1-15;
Condition 16 modified to reflect Exhibit A,
1st revision; Condition 17; Condition 18
modified to add: "unless approved by the
Planning Department" to the end of the first
sentence; Conditions 19;20;21;22;23;24;25.
SECOND: Com.. Sorensen
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Chr. Claudy absent )
Mr. Cowan noted the revised City Council hearing date of
October 15, 1985.
6. Application 33-U-85 of EARL BUTLER: USE PERMIT to legalize
an existing garage conversion (approximately half the garage ha-
® been converted into a bedroom and bathroom) and ENVIRONMENTAL
REVIEW: The project is categorically exempt, hence, no action
is necessary. The subject property is located on the east side
of Peninsula Boulevard approximately 325 ft . north of Grand
Avenue in a P (Planned Development with residential intent)
zoning district. First Hearing. Tentative City Council hearin:
date - September 16, 1985.
Assistant Planning Director Piasecki gave the Staff Report .
He explained the previous Use Permit had expired, and stated,
for the record, that the applicant should be aware that street
improvements could be required and building permits should be
obtained within 24 months.
Earl Butler, 10156 Peninsula Boulevard, the applicant,
explained he had not realized the previous Use Permit expired
in two years. He requested that the frontage appear like a
double garage, rather then as suggested by Staff.
Mr. Piasecki observed the addition did not look attractive at
present and Staff hoped for an architectural tie-in with the
existing building.
Com. Adams established that the present appearance was that of
a double garage door.
MOTION: Com. Sorensen, to close the Public Hearing
SECOND: Com. Mackenzie
4110 VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Chr. Claudy absent )
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PC-474 PLANNING COPfi,:ISSI��� :-:Iii;J ;:,, S�� iL:,:.Lr.:� 9, 7-9
Page 10
The Commission had no objections to Staff' s presentation.
MOTION: Com. Sorensen, to recommend approval of
Application 33-U-85, subject to the Findings
of the Staff Report and the Subconclusions of
the Hearing, and Standard Conditions 1-15 and
Conditions 16-20 of the Staff Report .
SECOND: Com. Adams
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Chr. Claudy absent)
to subdivide approximately . 76 acres into three parcels ranging
in size from approximately 8,000 sq. ft . to 11,000 sq. ft . and
ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is categorically exempt,
hence, no action is necessary. The subject property is located
on the east side of Stelling Road (opposite Lilac Way) approxi-
mately 500 ft . south of Erin Way in a R1-6 (Residential, single-
family, 6,000 sq. ft . minimum lot size) zoning district . First
Mr. Cowan gave the Staff Report, drawing attention to •
additional Condition 21.
Com. Mackenzie established if Mr. Masters ' project (8-TM-85)
did not proceed, Mr. Clarke would be entirely responsible for
acouirin the dedications and making improvements.
Craig Clarke, 21885 Almaden, Applicant, described the poor
condition of the fruit trees on the property.
Com. Mackenzie established with Mr. Clarke that adjacent
property owners, including Mrs.! Sullivan, had no interest in
selling land that would improve', the project .
The Applicant was not conversant with Condition 21, but did.
not want to encroach on Mrs. Sullivan, he said.
Mr. Cowan advised that Mr. Whitten would negotiate with the
parties involved to come to a slolution regarding the dedication
and improvement of the triangle!;.
Corn. Adams observed the circumferential length of the culdesac
provided access for future development .
MOTION: Com. Adams, to close the Public Hearing
SECOND: Com. Sorensen
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Chr. Claudy absent) i
MOTION: Com. Sorensen, to recommend approval of Application
16-TM-85, subject to the Findings of the Staff
Report and Subconclusi'ons of the Hearing, with
Standard Conditions 1-15; Conditions 16-21.
SECOND: Com. Adams
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Chr. Claudy absent)
111 8. Application 17 U-85 of aA='i!:C .� ROCKER: Pccuest for
interpretation that site, architecture and building; area
changes represent iinor modifications to the approved use
permit . Said project is located on the north side of
Granada Avenue 100 ft . west of Imperial Avenue in the
Monta Vista Commercial District .
Mr. Piasecki discussed Staff' s feelings, that collectively
the changes constituted more than a minor change in the
Use Permit . He described the changes proposed, emphasizing
the basement area, which added square footage and conse-
quently presented parking concerns. He pointed out that
the degree of concern in the Monta Vista area about archi-
tecture also influenced Staff' s decision.
The consensus of the Commission was that the architectural
changes were acceptable and pleasing, but the basement, fenc.
and deck were issues.
Mr. Rooker said theonly planned use for the basement was
heating, but that in future it could be desirable to use it
for dead storage space, and he did not want to agree not to
use a space he was paying for. He established it was not of
habitable height . Noting the request to take out the
interior staircase to the basement, he questioned this, sinc:
it would use up floor space, which would seem to be more
desirable, he observed.®
Com. Adams established the 450 sq. ft . basement was
already existing, and had not been added.
Vice Chr. Szabo asked Staff if the space had to be
counted in the F.A.R.'* if it was used for heating.
Mr. Cowan suggested it could be interpreted that part of
the 450 sq. ft . would be used for mechanical space, and
therefore would not be subject to parking restrictions. He
noted there was a question of enforcement, and also was
concerned that this not be construed as a change of policy.
The Commission made findings that the building was so small
the F.A.H. * averages for larger office buidlings did not
apply, and also that the space would not be full height, and
therefore was not useable except for storage.
The stairwell was discussed. Mr. Rooker did not want a
hatch, =_.since in one of his projects a hatch was giving
The Commission made a finding that the stairwell would take
up more useable space and would therefore be acceptable.
Mr. Rooker established an agreement would not be required.
Mr. Kilian observed the. only purpose of such an agreement
would be to notify successors on the property.
*F.A.R. - Floor Area Ratio
Page 12 Mr. Rooker felt the picket fence was unsuitable on this site.
He recollected that A. S. A. C. * had not recuired it and pointed out 411
there were other aspects of the guidelines they were not
incorporating; also. It would cut down on the amount of lands-
caping and would be a liability, as someone might stumble on it
at night, he said.
Mr. Cowan advised the picket feince feature of the guidelines
was to demarcate pedestrian from automobile areas, and felt
as the area developed there might be a need for it .
Com. Adams found it was unnecessary in this situation, since
there would not be parking at the perimeter of the parking lot .
Discussing the deck, it was established with the Applicant the
deck would rise 18 inches above ground level; consequently the 6 ft .
fence would rise four and a half feet above it .
Com. Adams, establishing that on the land to the west residential
could be permitted, felt the deick height was unacceptable.
Mr. Rooker pointed out the indoor/outdoor relationship favored
by the guidelines, and to lower, the deck would mean a step and
no room for furniture.
Mr. Cowan suggested the solution of a 3 ft . setback of the deck
from the fence, as required in a, comparable single family zone.
Mr. Rooker pointed out there were trees, including silk oaks,
on the property line and a wisteria rising above the 6 ft . fence.
Com. Mackenzie found that with the wisteria in that location,
there would not be a problem.
MOTION: Corr. Adams, to adopt a Minute Order indicating the
changes the Applicant proposed were minor in scope,
incorporating the Findings of the Hearing and Findin-s cf
Staff Report modified as follows: Finding 1 as
written; Finding 2 to read, "The 450 sq. ft . basement
shall not be used for office space but can be used
for minimum storage. ";Finding 3 deleted.
SECOND: Com. Sorensen
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Chr. Claudy absent)
Mr. Rooker spoke of the high costs of processing projects through
the City of Cupertino.
Mr. Cowan advised that the Commission was invited to a presenta-
tion A. S.A.C. * would be receiving on September 18, 1985 on
architectural expertise.
*A. S.A. C. - Architectural and Site Control Committee
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MOTION: Com. Sorensen, to..continue Application r' r '`� Page^ 13
• 3C-U-85
-to'the-Regular Meeting of u
September-23, 1985 7{
SECOND: . Com. Adams
VOTE: Passed
(Chr.' Claudy absent) ,
The Meeting .was adjourned at 11:40 p.m. to Tuesday,
September 17, 1985 at 7:30 p.m.
City Cleric. ' i Chairperson