GA '' , 10300 Torre Avenue,Cupertino,Ca. 95014 Page 1
� Telephone : (408) 252-4505
Commissioners Present : Com. Mackenzie
Com. Adams
Com. Szabo
Com. Sorensen
Chr. Claudy
Staff Present : Director of Planning & Devel . Cisk
Public Works Director Viskovitch
Assistant Planning Director Cowan
1 . Applications 25-Z-80, 9-U-83 and 3-TM-85 of INTERLAND
ZONING APPLICATION regarding adjustment to the site plan and
an amendment of Condition 16 regarding dwelling unit types
and trip factors; AMENDMENT OF USE PERMIT to change the mix
of dwelling unit types and change the site plan regarding thei
location of dwelling unit types and the internal road circu-
TENTATIVE MAP to consider a phased tentative subdivi-
sion map to subdivide approximately 108 acres into 408 resi-
dential lots and two lots to be held in common and ENVIRON-
MENTAL REVIEW: The project was previously assessed, hence,
no action is required. The property involved contains
approximately 148 acres and is generally bounded by Rainbow
Drive, Stelling Road and Prospect Road. First Hearing .
Tentative City Council hearing date - May 6, 1985 .
Chr. Claudy expressed regret that the applications had come
back, after so much work had been done .
Assistant Planning Director Cowan described the changes as
almost minor in terms of mix, site plan and street system,
and described the most significant change being proposed as
the angle zero lot line concept of housing which would replace
townhouses at the end of the culdesacs .
410 Addressing how the change in the mix affected the traffic
generation issue in Condition 16, he determined that the
angle zero lot line dwellings would have the same trip
generation factor as the townhouses they were replacing.
Page 2
He advised that the primary road system in the northwest •
quadrant had changed direction and would not now make a circui-
tous route to Upland, with the result of directing traffic to
Stelling, which Staff had favored all along.
He described the open space changes which would result in fewer
spaces between clusters, but more useable open space, which was
He listed the issues to be left to City Council as the Rainbow
Drive design in that area, water supply and fire station.
Chr. Claudy determined that the trip factors had been calculated
using Caltrans data,and also that the mix was not locked in, so
that it could not be determined if the average size of dwelling
had increased or not . He wondered why the entrance off Stelling
could not be a four-way stop . He also suggested that the
exit onto Rainbow should be made right turn only, to force the
traffic to Stelling, with a short left-turn light at that
intersection, thereby encouraging) the traffic to continue on
Rainbow to De Anza Boulevard. Both suggestions should be
considered by City Council, he thought .
Com. Adams noted that on the original site plan there had been
i two circular traffic impediments In route to the Prospect/
Stelling exit .
Public Works Director Viskovitch explained that since this was
a private roadway, other measures could be used if required.
He commented that Stelling Road was the neighborhood roadway
for the development, and that alll traffic should not be diverted
to De Anza Boulevard.
Chr. Claudy answered that all commuters should be put on the
major arterials .
Jim Jackson, attorney for the applicant, explained that the
Hearing had been deemed necessary because of the precise zoning
language, and described the project as now more precisely
engineered, better, and with less units and less bedrooms . He
described the angle zero concept as more compatible and genera-
ting smaller dwellings .
Chr. Claudy established with Mr. Jackson that the development
rights for five houses would revert to Mrs . Lyddon.
George Szabo, Berkus Group Architects, was aware of the history
of the project and the strong feelings of the neighbors, and the
changes here were for better solutions, he assured. He described
the improvements of the solar orientation and the mix, using the
zero lot line dwellings . He described the motor court approach,
the new greenbelt approach and the improved preservation and
landscaping plan. He stated that the number of units fronting
on Upland and Rainbow had been decreased to less than half the
original, and would present a better aspect to the said streets .
The angle zero lot line dwellings were an outgrowth of Planning
i Commissions ' input, he said, and would present a more favorable
aspect to the street than conventional dwellings for narrow lots . 411
He closed by hoping that the issue of traffic could be worked
out with the neighbors at the meeting on April 17th with City Council .
• PC-464
•m. Mackenzie explored the matter of the houses on Upland Way
oeing sunken.
Architect Szabo explained that the site would be graded such that
there would be a three to five feet drop in the worst case, but
that the homes would be on larger lots and would present substantial
open space to the street . On questioning by Chr. Claudy, he
agreed that every house adjacent to Upland and Rainbow would front
on these two streets, that less than 500 of the houses would be
two-storey, and felt that fencing' would probably be wrought iron. •
Com. Szabo explored the mix of the proposed project compared to
the original. .
Arch. Szabo answered generally, that in such a project the mix
I would normally be equal.
Com. Adams questioned the potential tree loss, and was advised
by Architect Szabo that a cluster and a major oak, not originally
saved, would be saved and that the creek and edge areas would
also be better preserved.
Com. Mackenzie established with Architect Szabo that themix
of the zero lot line houses would be two .and three bedrooms,with
' larger square footage not necessarily meaning more bedrooms, and
that the emphasis was expected to be on three bedroom models .
om. Adams established the proposed phasing with Architect . Szabo,
ii, ,
at the first would include models for the zero lot line and
angle zero dwellings, the common areas and a portion of the
entrance road treatment, including the entrance on Stelling;
that the second would include the edge conditions and some grading,
but that the exact phasing would depend on market demands and
! Com. Szabo established with Mr. Norm Meltzer, Vice President of
Interland that the construction time was estimated to be three
and a half to four years, at one hundred to one hundred and twenty
dwellings a year, and that work would start in early Spring, 1986 .
Chr. Claudy determined that a road traversing the property was
a turf block connection required by the Central Fire District .
He called for Architect Szabo ' s comments on the suggestion that
the entrance off Stelling be a four-way intersection.
Architect Szabo felt that Chr. Claudy ' s suggestion would not affect
the plans, and was agreeable .
Com. Mackenzie suggested that the said intersection be a right
turn out only, which Architect Szabo agreed to study, cautioning
that the residents might not want to take such a long trip .
Ron Hodges, landscape architect , described their intent and
plans to save the large walnut trees, some cedars and the large
oak tree within the grading restraints . He advised that the
,nterey pines were diseased but would be saved if possible and
71Tgmented with plantings between, and that the orchard feeling
would be reintroduced by planting ornamental fruit treees that
would most closely approximate the orchard trees .
Chr. Claudy, reminding the public that something would be built
on the site, called for suggestions for further improvements .
Page 4
Ann McElroy, 1358 South Stelling Road referred to p . 3 of the
Staff Report "Distribution of Traffic" .para. 2 and noted that
a greater number of dwellings would be oriented to Stelling.
She did not see how more traffic could be placed on Stelling,
since, now, a year after the stop signs had been placed there,
the traffic was as bad as before. l She referred to Condition
17 and wondered if she would have to give up a part of her
property and dedicate it to widen Stelling Road. She hoped
that something could be done about the present situation on
Stelling and the worsening of it , she said.
Fublic Works Director Viskovitch emphasized that there would
not be a requirement for Ms . McElroy to dedicate, that should
additional width be needed, the City would purchase it . He
stated that the stop signs had removed approximately 455 of
the traffic off Stelling During peak hours, so that even with
the added traffic from the development, it would be less than
it had been prior to the stop signs .
Ms . McElroy, observing that surveys had been taken three
months after the stop signs were installed, wanted more
taken, these to include one on how much the additional homes
going in up and down Stelling would add to the traffic .
Public Works Director Viskovitch agreed that travel time
surveys had been taken recently but actual counts had not ,
and advised the Commission that another such survey could be
Ms . McElroy explored the possibility of closing Stelling Road
and was advised by Mr. Viskovitch that residents in the
area had been opposed, so that stop signs had been
Dave Klinger, Waterford Drive thought that previously the
• main entrance had been across from Waterford, and recalled
a suggestion at a City Council meeting that a porkchop would
go into the Hoover area at .that point .
Public forks Director Viskovitch explained the porkchop was
a contingency plan, should there be a lot of turn movements
on Waterford.
Mr. Klinger inquired about the landscaping bordering the
development on Stelling, that it was to be unrestricted by
wall or berm.
Public Works Director Viskovitch commented that the reason
for additional dedication down Stelling was to convert it
into landscaping, but that a question remained about dedica-
tion of the Southern Pacific Property .
Donald Senuta, 1249 Weymouth Drive, had attended most meeting
and had cop1Psof all Minutes on the subject, and nobody had
ever opposed a circuitous route or proposed a straight str
on Rainbow. He mentioned a letter from Director of Planning i
and Development Sisk written after a City Council meeting of
January 26, 1983. describing the circuitous roadway and resid
ent funded maintenance plan, all of which had not come about . Page 5
410 He described the current stop sign outside their house, the
noise, screetching, high speed starts, etc . , and felt that
stop signs were not the answer.
Chr. Claudy conveyed the sympathy of the Commission and
advised that a Minute Order would be sent to Council on the
Paul Sonnenblick, Upland Way, supported the points that Mr.
Senuta and Ms . McElroy had made, emphasizing that Staff should
have some quantitative traffic data prepared for the City
Council meeting. He felt that because of new development in
the area and in the center of the City there should also be
new prdictions or a formal reaffirmation that the traffic counts •
and predictions made two to three years ago were correct .
He questioned the major ingress/egress being only at Stelling,
since in the past there had also been one at Prospect, and felt
that. perhaps that was still needed to keep Stelling as a
neighborhood street . He questioned the phasing; and which
document specified it, since he recollected that it started at
the southeast corner and worked towards the northwest .
Chr. Claudy did not recollect , but said that if there was a
Conditioncof Approval on the phasing, it would stand.
Mr. Sonnenblick established then would be five houses on Upland
Way, commented that he liked the angle zero lot line concept
• and the new assortment and confirmed that the Monterey pines
were dying and might be impossible to save, he thought, so there
should be a good contingency plan .
Public Woi'ks Director Viskovitch confirmed to Mr. Sonnenblick
that the distribution of traffic would remain the same as in
the previous plan, except that at Upland Way it would be slightly
I-ir. Sonnenblick wondered, in the case of the rights to five
houses reverting to Mrs . Lyddon, whether these development rights
j would be affected by the hillside slope density formula, since
a favorable aspect of the project had been the preservation of
hillside views .
Assistant Planning Director Cowan advised that the total 418
units had already been calculated based on that formula and
commented that much of Mrs. Lyddon ' s acreate was flat .
Chr. Claudy commented further, that since Mrs . Lyddon still
held forty acres, the slope density formula would not affect
the building of the five houses in question.
Don Davis, Dempster Avenue commented that the traffic situation
would not improve until highway 85 was built, and said that
from looking at the revisions and listening to the architect, he
saw some excellent improvements, especially in the greenbelt,
4Iwhich was now much wider.
Dorothy Lyddon, owner of Seven Springs Ranch, wondered how much
time had been spent discussing traffic around the new office
building near Cali ' s and how much Mr. Sonnenblick had spent on
the beautification of his own property .
?age 6 Art Rauser, 21016 Manita Court, advised that he owned a house
in the County at the Rainbow railroad tracks, and advised of
drainage problems from Seven Springs Ranch.
Public Works Director Viskovitch inforiued him of the Minor
Road Improvement Fund, explaining how it worked, and suggested
Mr. Rauser contact the City and explain the problem. '
Thelma Epstein, Rainbow Drive, complimented Interland and.
Nrs . Lyddon on the superior plan, but was still concerned about
traffic, and in that regard mentioned that she had not yet
received notification of the meeting with the Rainbow residents
and the City Council scheduled for the 16th or 17th April .
She stressed the importance of proper and timely notification
to the neighborhood, and on being apprised :that a notification
for the 17th was to be sent out the next day, asked that this
information be hand-delivered, to which Staff was agreeable .
Chr. Claudy suggested that Architect Szabo explain why Rainbow
was straight when it had been required to be circuitous .
Architect Szabo mentioned possible 'safety problems and a "race
track" situation, and felt there might be other ways to slow
down the traffic, but that the residents were going to have to
choose .
Chr. Claudy asked that sketches, at least, be available for
the April 17th meeting.
Attorney Jackson, answering a question posed by Ms . McElroy,
why a park was not now being proposed, stated that the City
did not want one and the developer would be paying fees instead .
Speaking to the traffic on Stelling, he advised that th? first
Interland proposal did not have any road tracking onto Stelling
and that the City had requested that a crossing should be
provided, so they had felt it might be done at Waterford. He
also advised that directing more traffic onto Stelling was one
of the Use Permit Conditions, and also stated that though they
could have eliminated all exits onto Rainbow and Upland, directing
all traffic to Stelling, they had not done so because they had
not felt this was required in the basic philosophy and pattern
of the original approval.
Chr. Claudy asked about the landscaping along the railroad
tracks .
Mr. Bodges advised that though Interland did not own the property
across the tracks, they would be providing a heavy buffer along
the entire railroad right of way, and described the current row
of Monterey pines being interplanted with new trees to create
natural pattern, with large scaler shrubs to block eye level views .
Architect Szabo added that because the units had been pulled
"urther away by the use of motor courts the landscaping strip
n their side of the railroad tracks was now far deeper.
Assistant Planning Director Cowan wondered if the Commission
.:anted to keep the solution landscaping solution on the access
'L'oad to Prospect .
Page 7
The consensus of the Commission was that P. . S•.A.C . ' should
review the matter in their final analysis, since internal
landscaping was not so important to the Commission .
Barbara Koppel, 7967 Folkestone Drive
epeated a question
that Mr. Sonnenblick had asked, why the change had been made
to the main ingress/egress being at Prospect .
Chr. Claudy advised that this was not new and had been
decided at least two years ago; that the exit onto Stelling
had been approved because of the fire station and the dedica-
tions that would otherwise be required.
Public Works Director Viskovitch stated thatthe subject had
been discussed during. previous hearings, and that problems
arose in trying to force traffic out onto Prospect because
of closures that would have to be made on Stelling and in the
Hoover area.
Architect Szabo emphasized that Prospect was, still a major
entrance in the new plan and they assumed people would have
just as much inclination to use it as in the other plan.
Chr. Claudy mentioned closing the Stelling entrance would be
the onlywayto force :eople to the Prospect entrance,I' en ar_ce, buy
Staff reasoned that traffic would just make a U turn to . go
up Stelling .
MOTION: Corn. Adams, to close the Public Hearing
® SECOND : Com. Sorensen
VOTE: Passed 5-0
In discussion, the Commission felt that the greenbelt and
angled lot line dwellings were improvements, that the long
culdesac out to Stelling rather than Upland was an improve-
ment and that the intersection_ there would present a pleasant
experience .
Com. Adams raised the question of solar orientation in some
cases, but it was felt this was a minor point and being too
slavish would make the project appear boring .
The Commission felt thatthe Use Permit should lock in the
number of bedrooms as the most effective control .
Architect Szabo wondered if the same dilemma had not existed
originally, but was advised that the Commission now saw this
aspect as of more importance . He explained their calculation
had resulted in a bedroom count dramatically under the
approved plan, but wanted the Commission to approve the same
number as before, to give flexibility .
NOTION: Com. Szabo to recommend approval of Application
25-Z-80, per Conditions listed in the Staff Report
with Condition 16 further revised to reflect that
the mix of unit types and dwelling counts and
upper bedroom size for each unit type be as
410 specified, total number of single family detached
dwellings not to exceed 29 . References to the ADT
factor are redundant .
SECOND : Corn. Sorensen
VOTE : Passed 5-0
* A . S. A . C : Architectural and Site Approval Committee
'iPage 8
MOTION: Com. Szabo, to recommend' approval of Application
9-U-83 as per Conditions, of the 'Staff Report
it g
modifying Condition to to add d the landscaping
and �fencing plan for the eastern boundary of the
project to incorporate some type of fencing to
ensure safety whilst maintaining a natural appear-
ance .
SECOND: Com. Sorensen
VOTE : Passed 5-0
Assistant Planning Director Cowan' asked the Commmission ' s • feelings
on phasing.
Com. Adams observed that the applicant ' s suggestion was logical,
since most of the excavation would be required at the higher end,
which would be left raw otherwise'.
Mr. Sonnenblick interjected that the phasing. issue had not
been properly heard.
Chr. Claudy stated the Commission ' s discussions were not part
of the Public Hearing .
MOTION: • Com. Szabo, to recommend approval of Application
3-TM-85 per the findings and Conditions of the Staff
Report and the subconclusions of the Hearing.
SECOND : Com. Sorensen
VOTE : Passed 5-0
MOTION: Com. Adams, to send a Minute Order to the Director of
Planning and Development indicating that the phasing
as proposed by the applicant shall stand, i . e . , to do
all common areas and improvements first , including
models, and second the perimeter conditioning of
planting and safety f ende along the railroad right of
way, and thirdly, the phasing of the construction
site beginning at the northwest and progressing
easterly and southerly (Upland Way and Rainbow Drive
j partthe
frontages shall be cons_dered of
quadrant ) .
SECOND : Con. Mackenzie
VOTE : Passed •
MOTION: Com. Adams, to send a :Minute Order to City Council
urging that at their meeting with the Rainbow Drive
. residents on April 17th they should endeavor to
incorporate a plan that meets the desires of the
residents along Rainbow Drive, incorporating previous data.
SECOND : Corn. Szabo
VOTE : Passed 5-0
MOTION : Com. Adams, to send a minute Order to Staff to have
traffic counts available for the City Council Meeting
on May 6, 1985, taken after the De Anza College traffic
has settled down.
SECOND : Com. Szabo
VOTE : Passed 5-0
2 . Application 11-TM-84 of Richard and Claudia Guzman -
Interpretation of Condition of Approval .
Assistant Planning Director Cowan_ explained briefly why
Planning Commission Resolution 2547 was ambiguous, in that
Condition 18 said the grading was conceptually approved, but
went on to say that the grading on the diagram was a worst
case condition. Staff wanted it clarified that the intent of
the Condition was to control the amount of cut and not the
difference in elevation of the finished floor of the buildings,
he said.
The consensus of the Commission was that the intent was to
control the amount of grading and a lot of cutting,
and that the Minutes should reflect that decision.
Com. Mackenzie had no further suggestions on• Item 11 which
had been continued from the April 8th Meeting for his
comments . He commended Staff on their presentation and felt
the guidelines would work well to determine the "grey cases
which should come before the Commission.
MOTION : Corr. Mackenzie,. to adopt Minute Order 81, 004 . 62
per Staff presentation.
SECOND : Com. Adams
VOTE : Passed 5-0
Assistant Planning Director Cowan reminded the Commission
that the ;next meeting would be on 29th April, 1985 because of
Staff absences .
ADJOURNMENT 10 : 3 5 P .M.
/s/Dorothy Cornelius /s/John Claudy
City Clerk Chairperson