PC 03-11-85 - I t1 • CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ; PC-461 10300 Torre Avenue,Cupertino,Ca. 95014 Page 1 Telephone : (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING CCi'•IMISSION HELD ON MARCH 11, 1985 SALUTE TO THE FLAG 7 : 3 0 P.M. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : Com. Mackenzie Com. Adams Com. Szabo Corn. Sorensen Chr. Claudy Staff Present : Dir. of Ping. & Devel . Sisk Assistant Planning Dir. Cowan City Attorney Kilian Assistant City Ens. Whitten APPROVAL OF MINUTES The following corrections were submitted: Page 2, paragraph 2, substitute "might" for "would probably" . Page 5, section 2, 5th paragraph, substitute ":nj.sinF' ,imation ' for "attendance" . I . Page 5, section 2, paragraph 8, substitute "response" for "behavior" . gage 6, 3rd paragraph, add "being loaded or unloaded" after „tables" . Page 7, 9th paragraph, add "near the liquor store"at the end' Page 5, 9th and 10th paragraphs, substitute "Mr. d_tchman" for "Mr. Hickman" . MOTION: Com. Sorensen, to approve the Minutes as corrected. SECOND: Com. Adams VOTE: Passed 5-0 POSTPONEMENTS OR NEW AGENDA ITEMS: NOTION: Com. Adams, to continue Item #1 to the Meeting of April 8, 1985 SECOND: Com. Mackenzie VOTE: Passed 5-0 MOTION: Com. Mackenzie, to withdraw Item #2 and Item #9 from the Calendar SECOND: Com. Adams VOTE; Passed 5-0 WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS • A letter from A;iita D. Marsh regarding Item #7 to be heard at that timr. . ORAL COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS ?LE.iMMOVED FROM CONSENT C ,LENDAR i. I ! PC-461 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, MARCMARCH 11, 1985 111 Page 2PUBLIC HEARINGS : 3 . Applications 1-Z-85 and 2-U-85 of CHRISTINA LA MONICO : REZO`,ING approximately 1 . 38 acres from CG (General Commercial) and R3 (Multiple Family Residential) zones to P (Planned Development with General Commercial intent ) zoning district or whatever zone may be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commis- sion; USE PERMIT to construct a 15, 000 sq. ft . retail shopping center consisting of three single story buildings and resulting yin the removal of an existing service station and two residen- tial buildings and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Environmental Review Committee recommends the granting of a Negative Declaration. The subject property is located on the northeast corner of De Anza Boulevard and Bollinger Roadi. First Hearing continued. Tentative City Council hearing date - April 1, 1985. ` ( Assistant Planning Director Cowan! distributed A. S .A.C. ' s* comments to the Commission, described the location and mentioned issues of circulation, reciprocal access to the north, relationship to residential to the east, potential sbortcutting and the bus turnout, all of which were covered in the written Staff Report, he said. He advised that the option of placing parking closer to the residential area had been examined, but it was felt there would Abe more problems, and this way the buildings wou:d act as a • I sound barrier. He noted the roofs would. be finished all around . to give a pleasing appearance . He pointed out on the zoning map a symbol representing h± h density residential, but advised Staff felt it • had not been is conscious act to designate that certain spot for high density housing, and had taken the position that the Planning Commission should have the lattitude to change it . On the matter of reciprocal easements, Corm. Adams determined that grade levels were presently unknown_, and Staff undertook to research the matter. Com. Adams wanted more information on the 10 ft . along the backs lof the -buildings, questioning it for security reasons . !Assistant Planning Director Cowan advised there were fire doors there and the owner wanted it for limited access . In response to Questions from Com. Mackenzie, Assistant City Engineer Whitten thought that Staff could re-examine the matter of"clipping"the corner at Bollintger and De Anza Boulevard. Mike Horton, architect on the project, added that this was a small development, and could not fit what A. S.A. C. wanted, though he listed design features that had 'been incorporated to make the project more attractive within the constraints. Commenting on the zoning, they felt this should be commercially zoned as it was on a busy corner and surrounded on three sides by commercial, • the said. He pointed out benefits of a noise buffer for the houses on Clifden Wayand long-a;-iaited ingress/egress to the north, !and stated they could live withlStaff' s conditions. PLANNING CC T LION MTNTJTES, MARCE 11, 1985. PC-461 ' P.a 3 Com. Adams established with Mr. Horton thatthe residences to be removed were approximately 15 years old and would not be preserved, that there were no special plans to take care of trash that might accumulate in the 10 ft . easterly boundary area, and that the wall alongside the Clifden Way residences would be cement plaster. He wondered if the developmentmIght, be functional without the driveway cut on De Anza Boulevard, since it was so close to the corner. • Assistant Planning .Director Cowan cautioned that the cut should be kept until the reciprocal access might be co :pleteL, foi' traffic reasons . Com. Mackenzie determined that the reciprocal access would link all properties eventually, but physical access would be limited to Paul ' s restaurant, and that other access could not be required to be completed presently . He established with the architect that it would be possible to block off some space. on the easterly boundary, though the buildings should not be any closer. Com: Szabo established that the gas station lot was present- ly zoned commercial and the other two residential and all were under one ownership. Darko Zuanic, 20395 Clifden Way, determining that the height of the wall would be 8 ft . , wanted to put a. 6/8 ft . wall at his Bollinger boundary. Chr. Claudy pointed out that it would be illegal to put such a wall on the property line, and suggested Mr. Zuanic check with Staff regarding setback requirements . Elizabeth Heimsoth, 20387 Clifden Way, noting she already had a privacy problem with the duplexes, did not want the proposed buildings behind her residence. She mentioned the dangerous corner and the bad traffic situation. William Ford, 20337 Clifden Way stated that the duplexes now gave them a good buffer and protection, whereas with this project there would be crime potential and their properties would depreciate because of traffic . He also noted it would be impossible to access Bollinger with the traffic situation there . Com. Mackenzie established with Mr. Ford that he would prefer to see a two-story, higher density residential ;:ro, ec.gi there. cry Schwind, 20381 Clifden Way was advised by Chr. Claudy that the type of tenants were unknown, but was assured there were certain restrictions. She wondered if more shots were necessary on De Anza Boulevard when so many were vacant and felt that the access from Bollinger was dangerous and accidents might be caused. • Com. Adams listed some modifications he would like to see to the easterly border. PC-461 ;PLANNING C0:'INISSION MINUTES, MARCH 11, 1985 • Page 4 . ''It was decided that first the zonin_., would be discussed and then Igo on if necessary . (Corr Mackenzie felt the project would be a good use of the land land would provide a transition to !the residential area. ICom. Sorensen was unsure it would be liveable residentially, but could appreciate neighborhood concerns about the commercial development . Corr. Szabo felt that more residential could be built, even though 'the situation was not ideal, and Pointed out there were already 'families living there who would be displaced. He did not feel !that valid reasons had been demonstrated to convert the site to ! commercial and noted that only one residential property would be left in that area of Bollinger. I f !Com. Adams felt that as the vacant lot was presently zoned !residential; the zoning should remain residential here . Chr.. Claudy did not want to lose ,.ore residential land in the ! City, especially as this was zoned to an appropriate density, land conjectured that reasonably priced apartments could be built . However, island commercial should be considered, he thought, if it was to be commercial, to mitigate the problems of being next to the residential area. The consensus of the Commission Was to leave the zoning on the three lots as it was, after sore discussion. They also preferred to keep the housing stock. Mr. Horton asked for continuance for further research. MOTION: Com. Szabo, to continue' Applications 1-Z-85 and 2-U-85 to the Meeting of April 8, 1985. SECOND: Com. Sorensen VOTE: Passed 5-0 i 4 . Applications 2-Z-85 and 3-U'85 of PAN CAL INVESTMENT COP1PANrl I (JOE CHOI) : REZONING arproxi:n at[ely 2.14 gross acres from R1-10 (Residential Single-Family, 10, 000 so . ft . minimum lot size) ! zone to F (Planned Development with Residential 5-10 dwelling units per gross acre intent ) zone or whatever zone may be deemed appropriate by the Planning ComMission; USE PERMIT to construct 25 attached townhouse units and IENVIRONME •ITAL REVIEW: The !! Environmental Review Committee recommends the granting of a Negative Declaration. The subject property is located on the ' southeast corner of Blaney Avenue and Price Avenue . First Hearing continued. Tentative City Council hearing date - Aril 1, 1985. ' Com. Adams announced he would abstain from the item. Assistant Planning Director Cowan, giving the Staff Report, commented this was a radical departure from the last Hearing, ! but unless the Commission was concerned that ,at under 5 units per acre, it was less than their direction, the only remaining issue w^s the street 'system. He described the applicant ' s street plan (Alternate A) and Staff' s street plan 1 (Alternate B) which were exhibited, pointing out that the ! applicant ' s plan proposed an offset intersection which Engineer- ! ing felt was unworkable . PLANNING C0:•:Y,I sIC., MINUTES, MARCH CH 1 1, 1 FC ^ c -461 advised Staff wanted to see a development rattern that Page allowed the houses to front on Elaney arid have a garage access to the culdesac arrangement, which could be done in the PDT setting. He also advised they did not want disup- tive soundwalls and such along Blaney. Jim Jackson, attorney, representing Pan Cal Investment explained that the change was radical because the "in between" range had been very difficult, so that this was now a traditional type development . He described Alternate A as having a street opening onto Blaney, rather than Staff' s Alternate B that would open up onto Price, and stated they felt that because of neighborhood and traffic flow concerns Alternate A was preferable, and wanted an opr. orunity to make it work. He pointed out for Com. Mackenzie where the driveways and the curb line would go and established that five homes would front onto Price. Gary Evans, 10170 Mello Place, stating that he had been very opposed to the development, had completely changed his mind because of the single family concept and the comparable size of the dwellings to those presently existing in the neighbor- hood. He was confused about the possible subdivision at the Wilson school site, he said, since he had heard a future nark mentioned at the last Lreeting; however, he was in favor of 110 Alternate A for the access road. J .B. Burk, 19935 Price Avenue areed with Mr. Evans, and did not want another street on Price, in front of his house, so rr eferred Alternate A, and felt it would eliminate extra traffic and parking on Price. Ed `Lerman, 10150 i'4ello Place agreed with the applicant ' s '_oizposed design and with Alternate A and advised that all the neighbors he had spoken to were now in favor of the nroj ect . Vic Dervin, 10109 (,cello Place was satisfied with the develop- ' -merit and preferred Alternate A. Andy Prophet, 10171 Deeprose Place, thought Alternate A was excellent and supported the otrarspeakers. John Alburger, 10108 Mello Place felt Alternate B would lead 'to problems and was concerned about Price Avenue being a thoroughfare, and felt in any case, there should be some future traffic control on that street . David Garelick, 10132 Deeprose Place felt the Commission should take the support of the neighborhood as an approval of the development, and supported Alternate A. kinzen Wong, 19965 Price Avenue supported the development and felt Alternate A would prevent the annoyance of people slamming on their brakes at the intersection, that residents III would get from Alternate B. *'PD - Planned Development i . I PLANNING ,.:T r. PC-461 _ �ANNI G COMMISSION ('MINUTES, MARCH 11, 1985 • Page IDavid Trotter, 10144 S. Blaney, favored Alternate A, and wanted ! signs erected to stop through traffic at peak hours on Price . ( Roberta Garelick supported previous speakers and felt that restricting traffic on Price would be in order. •MOTION: Com. Mackenzie, to close „the Public Hearing SECOND: Com. Sorensen VOTE: Passed I 4-0 (Com. Adams abstaining) The Commission favored Alternate A for traffic reasons and felt the flow would be better, and wondered if there could be a little better alignment without elimination of a lot . They , requested that Staff and the developer collaborate to see what could be done. ! Assistant City Engineer Whitten commented that althou7h the [offset would create some conflict in a four-way stop situation, if it could be minimized it could be workable. MOTION: Com. Mackenzie, to recommend acceptance of the Negative Declaration of ;the Environmental Review Committee ' (SECOND : Com. Sorensen !VOTE:A . Passed i . 4-0 i (Com. Adams abstaining) 111 MOTION: Com. Mackenzie, to recommend approval of Application 2-Z-85 subject to Conditions 1-15 and Condition 16 of the Staff Report, the findings of the Staff Report and subconclusions of te H r_ earin° f!SECOND: Com. Sorensen f VOTE: Passed 4-0 (Com. Adams abstaining) I MOTION: Com. Mackenzie, to recommend approval of 3-U-85, subject to Standard Conditions 1-15 and Conditions to and 17 as per Staff Report, with new Condition 18 reouiring the Applicant to work with City Staff to attempt to better align the proposed new street and the existing Rodrigues Avenue, subject to the findings of the Staff Report and the subconclusions I of the Hearing. j !.SECOND: Com. Sorensen 1kk m I, OTE: Passed 4_0 !(Corn. Adams abstaining) (assistant Planning Director Cowan, noting that the tentative _ Pity Council hearing date was April 1st, stated that Staff would !try to have the street plan modified for their review at that time . 15. Application 1-TM-85 of DENNIS EARRY: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP o subdivide approximately . 6 acre.s into two parcels and E.NVI.?ON- iENTAL REVIEW: The project is categorically exesiot, hence, no _ction is required. The subject property, is located on the111 portheaste_rly corner of Stevens) Canyon Road and Ricardo Road in Ri-10 (Residential Single-family, 10, 000 sq. ft . minimum lot ipize) zoning district . First Haring Planning Commission has 4 (final approval. i 4 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, MARCH 11, 1985 PC-4b1 p Director of Planning and Development Sisk advised that the I a, e 7 Map had been previously approved in 1980 and had lapsed. He described the amalgamation of three 1917 lots into two more buildable lots. There were no questions from the Commission or comments from the audience, and the applicant was not in the audience. MOTION: Com. Szabo, to close the PUblic Hearin; SECOND : Com. Sorensen VOTE: Passed 5-0 Com. Sorensen wondered about the soils report required in 1980. Director of Planning and Development Sisk explained that this was a requirement of the subdivision. MOTION: Com. Szabo, to approve 1-TM-85, subject to Conditions 1-18 of the Staff Report and the Findings of the Staff Report SECOND: Com. Adams VOTE: Passed 5-0 6. Application 2-TM-85 of KIER AND WRIGHT (WILLIAM BARNES) : TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP to consolidate two parcels consisting, of ® • approximately . 58 acres into one parcel and. ENVIROHIINTAL REVIEW: The project is categorically exempt , hence, no action is required. The subject property is located on the • southeast quadrant of Foothill Boulevard and Cupertino Road in a F (Planned Development with office intent ) zoning district . First Hearing,. Planning Co,.,, _ssion has final approval. Director of Planning and Development Sisk advised that a Use Permit to construct an office building on the amalgamated sit . had already been approved. Chr. Claudy wondered what had become of the east/west ingress egress previously discussed, and also recalled the discussion at that time had been that the lot would remain residential. Director of Planning and Development Sisk advised that, at Council level, it had not been required to physically install ) the ingress/egress and recalled that in the discussion mentioned, there had been some indication that the lot had other than residential potential. Chr. Claudy and Staff briefly discussed the reciprocal access between the lot in question, the A.E. C. Electric lot and the lands of Preston. The applicant did not speak. MOTION: Com. Sorensen, to close the Public Hearing SECOND: Com, Szabo VOTE: Passed 5-0 • • MOTION: Com. Mackenzie, to approve Application 2-Ti.'-85 subject to Conditions 1-10 and the findings of the Staff Report SECOND : Com. Adams VOTE : Passed 5-0 i . PC-461 IPLA:-i',i1 G CG=ISSION MINUTES, MARCH 11 , 19=5 Page 8 17 . Application 6-U-85 of GREGG C . PUN :Ei (PHOTO DRIVE-UP) : T CT' ^i�""m USE PERMIT to construct a single-story, 4, 930 sq . ft . expansion 'to the existing 1, 210 sq . ft . Photo Drive-up facility for a total building area of 6, 140 sq . ft . and ENVIRONNENT l REVIEW: The Environmental Review Committee recommends the granting of a Negative Declaration. The subject property; is located on the northwest corner of South Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and Wildflower Way in a P (Planned Development with commercial, office and fresidertial 5-15 dwelling units per gross acre intent ) zoning district . First ?searing. Tentative City Council hearing date - .:'`.arch 18, 1965. Director of Planning and Development Sisk advised Staff was !satisfied from an architectural standpoint, but there were design issues inconsistent with the South De Anza Eoulevard Conceptual Design Plan and the driveup window was inconsistent with the !Criteria adopted by the Planning Commission and the City Council for such facilities, and as the applicant was unwilling to ;consider these concerns, Staff recommended denial, he said. (Referring to the letter from Mrs . Marsh addressing traffic concerns, he suggested the neighborhood should submit such concerns to City Council and described the procedure. Chr. Claudy noted that the expansion was approximately 400 , and was almost rebuilding. ICom. Mackenzie enouired if the criteria would be different for Ia redevelopment than for a new development . • I Chr. Claudy advised that something; only increasing 10;; mi=-ht be viewed differently than something increasine- 400;, as in this 'case, but that the same criteria applied to every Use Permit . !Ray Rooker, architect on the project described the structure Ias simple, non-conflicting and meeting the general design guidelines. He pointed out the abundant landscaping specially ,shown on the site plan, and explained they had retained the ;present facility for several reasons; that they had been there !for several years; they had completed extensive landscapine; and offsite improvements in order to have the driveup window, which ,was already existing; and equipment would be expensive to relocate . fHe commented that though Staff guidelines required 75 ft . of !landscaping along the frontage, they were suggesting tonight that they could create the illusion of more landscaping by taking ;out the front portion of the drive-up lane and installing 'rass- crete or some such material. He pointed out there were many !buildings in the area that did not meet the guidelines and listed them !Director of Planning and Development Sisk remarked that the !buildings listed were either in the County or the City of San (Jose, and felt there was an opportunity here to meet Cupertino (standards with this substantial redevelopment . 1kr. Rooker, on the issue of traffic, felt they ^,ere' not creating 'problems, especially since the development was low-key and they were providing, reciprocal ingress/egress to the Yama.gami site, thereby eliminating an ingress;egress on De Anza E.oule;gars?. 411 Gem. Adams asked what would take place in the expanded area. I . 4110 PLA,';t;_Ti:G C=TSSION MINiUTES, MARCH CH 11, 19E . "-451 9 i` r. Rooker il explained it would be a retail facility, rrimar `,r Page of photography ecuipment, he thought . Commenting on the �� privacy issue, he advised the applicant would augment the existing conifers and would provide a soundwall . Further on the landscaping, he advised that they would rut in grass instead of gr ounacover if necessary, r d wanted to add more mature shrubbery instead of raising the berm; but if this was not satisfactory, they would take out the paving and cut in alternate material, he reiterated. Lill Feitchmann, 7394 Wildflower Way was concerned with traffic problems and described them. He felt the building should be further back to eliminate traffic and crime problems behind the building, with parking in front, and possibly eliminating the drive-up window. He did not feel there was an adequate noise barrier from the Wildflower side and suggested also having no access to Wildflower from the development, or alternatively, closing off Wildflower. Tim Ceyf ino, 7411 Wildflower, Way, supported Mr. Feitchmann on the traffic issue, adding they were in an ideal location between Rainbow and Prospect for people who did not i.rant to stop at stop lights . He suggested closing Poppy, and felt that the brisk business of Photo Drive-Up and the expansion of the retail business would create more traffic . I) Anita Marsh, 7429 Wildflower Way felt her letter was very relevant to the issue, since the traffic situation would be compounded by the project , and retail sales created more traffic than office use would, she emphasized. She pointed out they were at the back door of three commercial develop- ments and did not want them increased without at least a traffic count being taken. She felt the ideal solution would be a demarcation between the residential and retail area, possibly by the use of a culdesac . Chr. Claudy, remarking that closing streets was often suggested by residents in such situations, asked 'Ars . Marsh for her comments regarding the inconvenience that this would cause them. Mrs . Marsh described the longer routes that they had presently to take in the interests of safety, and felt the noise, traffic and hazards they suffered far 'outweighed the inconvenience . She established that the Commissioners had read her letter. Preston Oka, 1341 Aster Lane, advised that his family owned Yamagami ' s Nursery. He established with the architect that the building would be higher than the sidewalk and the location of the fire door, and established with Staff that the median on South De Anza. Doulevard to be built in conjun- ction with the City of San Jose was not yet in the five year program. i 1 � PJ-�I}6l PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, r•'ARC'ri 11, 1985 III Page 10 n Gregg C. Dunker, the applicant, stated that he, his general manager and two vice presidents would be occupying the building and that their video operation would be transferred into the 'new area to create more convenience for customers . He emphasized that the landscaped areas would be maintained. Questioned by Corm Adams on the amount of increased retail activity, Mr. Dunker advised that ! this would amount to approximately 1,000 sq. ft . I' Director of Planning and Development Sisk, on the request of Cora. Sorensen, exhibited some slides of the existing building. It was established that the drivetp window would remain in the same location, that there would not be a "dog house" on the roof and the existing roof was to! be removed. The Commission and Staff, discussing the traffic concerns, felt Ithe application could not be denied on such a basis, since the limract of this particular project would not be great , considering 'the existing problem. Chr. Claudy summarized that the consensus seemed to be that the conditions, standards and requirements were appropriate, especially with the size of the increase, although the architecture was ,acceptable . Mr. Rooker suggested they would like to proceed to City Council without the drive-up window and discuss the matter with City Council, Chr. Claudy established that if the drive-up window requirement was removed .and the asphalt areal converted into landscaping the (Commission ipuld be satisfied, and it was further established that !setbacks were adequate for the required landscaping. MOTION: Com. Sorensen; to close the Public Hearin; SECOND : Cora. Szabo VOTE: Passed 5-0 Corr. Adams established that processing and control of hazardous chemicals was addressed elsewhere. MOTION: Corm. Mackenzie, to recommend acceptance of the Negative Declaration of the Environmental Review Committee SECOND: Corm. Adams VOTE: Passed 5-0 OT r. ,«� I0. Com. a,CtCPn'L1P., to recommend c."'�"'rgVal of Application 6-U-e5, subject to theilfindings` of the Staff Report and Conditions 1-15; twritten ions Cndi�ior. 16 ^as �.� ��ter. with a new paragraph added that the plan has been nodif_ed to eliminate the drive-up window, the driveway serving the drive-up window, and modifying the landscarin` to conform! to the recuirements of the zoning ordinance; Conditions 17-22; Condition 23 eliminated. Subject also to the findings o= this • Hearing, that the drive-up window asinitially proposed is inconsistent with the Drive-up v,"indaw Criteria and the Criteria for the Mouth De Anza Boulevard Conceptual Landscape Plan. SECOND: Com. Sorensen VO 2: Passed 5-0 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, MARCH 11, 19E5 PC-461 It was agreed that a MINUTE ORDER be sent to City Council Fate 11 separately rewarding the Commission' s findings and encoura- gin City Council to act on a Hearing; for the traffic situation in the i;ildflower/Poo;y nei hborhood. 8 . AT plication 7-U-85 of RAYMOND C . ROOKER (LONNIE FRANCA- DAKIS) : USE PERMIT to construct a 2,750 sq . ft . second story addition to an existing 3,800 sq. ft . office building. Total square footage will equal 6, 550 so . f t . ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Environmental Review Committee recommends the granting of a Negative Declaration. The subject property is located on the north side of Pacifica Drive approximately 300 ft . east of De Anza Boulevard in an OP (Planned Office) zoning district . First Hearing. Tentative City Council hearing date - March 18, 1985. Assistant Planning Director Cowan exhibited photographs advising that the F.A.R. ' and parking were satisfactory and that the architecture was the only potentially controversial point . The Commission and Staff discussed the A. S.A. C . findings and it was established that two members had had concerns, reflected in the Minutes, with regard to the upper story . The Commission was also dissatisfied with the upper story, especially the window design. Mr. Rooker, the architect, explained it had been decide: to make the building look as low as possible, to integrate with the neighborhood. He . suggested that the concept of the expansion could be discussed and the Item could be continued in order that they could review the design. Com. Mackenzie requested that maybe arched windows could be put in the second story to match the first , and also that easing the slope of the tile roof in the middle be examined. Mr. Rooker pointed out that there were certain structural restraints and that also to tear off the whole expensive tile roof would not be cost-effective . Chr. Claud;; felt the architect should be given the chance to redesign and the direction to curve the top windows to match the lower only should be given. MOTION: Com. Szabo, to continue Acolication 7-U-85 to the Meeting of April 2, 19E5 • SECOND: Com. Adams VOTE : Passed 5-0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS HTFORT OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION • Com. Sorensen had received comr?lalnts regarding the traffic at Vista and Stevens Creek, reporting that it was an especially bad situation with regard to Collins school, which a 7 wascommute school. F. A.R. -Floor Area rta.tio A.S. is. C. - Architectural and Lite Control Committee , pc-461 PLANNING CO:4 ISSION MINUTES, :':ARCH 11, 1985 'age 12 Assistant Planning Director Cowan gave a brief history of the 411 situation and advised that the Corn„ission should approach City Council for the additional Staff and Plarnin Commission time required, should they wish a( change to be considered. The Director of Planning and Development advised that the School District had already appeared before City Council in :his regard and that a report from Engineering was awaited. Com. Szabo established with Assistant City Engineer Whitten that the City did not have jurisdiction over the traffic light at highway 280 and De AnzaiHoulevard, commenting that because of the length of the light, traffic tended to turn right onto De Anza and then make a U turn. Assistant City Engineer Whitten remarked that the State had not heeded their advice on the length of the light . Com. Adams enquired about the situation of a house on Upland Way where there was slipr_age, and wondered whether it was in the City. 1 The Assistant City Engineer advised that the claim received had been sent on to the County, since it was in their jurisdiction. REPORT OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR Assistant Planning; Director Cowan suggested that since the Agenda for the April 8, 1985 Meeting was heavy, two :fleetin„s, one on the Eth and one on the 10th be ar.",ve_�tisFc., with the Seven Springs Application bein,, schedules: for the 10th April . 410 Adjournment : I I ATTEST: APPROVED: /s/Dorothy Cornelius /s/John Claudy City Clerk I Chairperson • i I I I I I 1 I