PC 07-23-90 Cl'lY OF CIJJ?JmrnI), STATE OF CAL:IFCR«A 10300 Torre Avenue OJpert:i11o, CA 95014 (408) 252-4505 MINtJI'æ OF THE RmJIAR MEE:I'ING OF THE PIANNING cn!MISSION HElD 00 JUIN 23, 1990 '!be meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. SAIm'E 'IO THE FIl\G: ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: vice C1IaiJ:man Mackenzie Commissioner 1\dams Commissioner Mann Commissioner Fazekas Cammissioners Absent: staff Present: C1Iaiman Claudy Director of Camm.mity Devel"¥"""1t Cowan City Clerk Cornelius City Planner Caughey Planner Michele Bjunnan Assistant City Attorney Ieslie I..q:Iez APPROVAL OF MINtJI'æ: Acting C1IaiJ:man Mackenzie info:rJÆ!d those present that the minutes of JUly 9, 1990, were not available at this time ani would be placed on the agenda of the next meeting. rosTFCiNDIENIS OR NEW 1\GEND1\. ITEMS: Item 1: APDlication 27, 1990 IDl'ION: Com. 1\dams m::wed to continue Item 1 to August 27, 1990 SECX)ND: Com. Fazekas VOI'E: Passed 4-0 S-U-90 - Applicant requests continuance of August WRITI'EN o.:toIMIJNICATIOOS: -None PIANNI.t«; CXHŒSSIŒ MINUDS Regular Meetin;J of July 23, 1990 Paqe 2 cn1SENl' CAIENIJr.R: -None PUBLIC HEARINGS: 2. Application No(s): Applicant: Property OWner: Locations: 6-Z-90 am 9-'IM-90 Bruce Inlin, Carl Zan;Jer Bruce !J:wÍn, Carl Zan;Jer Southeast quadrant of Felton Way am Kirwin Lane REZONING of 0.40 acres, m:>re or less, from Rl-IO (Sin;Jle family residential, 10,000 s.f. min. lot area) to Rl-7.5 (Sin;Jle family residential, 7,500 s.f. min. lot area) or such other zonin:J classification as deemed appropriate by the Plannin;¡' Camnission or City Council. TENTATIVE MAP to create two lots measurin;J .20 acres each from one existin;J lot am abëmionment of exist:in3" adjacent public street right of way. staff Presentation: Planner Michele Bjurman reviewed her report with the Camnission am stated that staff is recanmerxiin:J an additional coniition which TNOUld be No. 16 pertain:in] to the right of way abëmionment on Application 9-'IM-90. B. J. Gilson, 20610 Khwin Lane, adjacent pJ:q)erty owner, stated that the property proposed for abëmionment has never been maintained by the City. He am a neighbor have done sane maintenance on it. He asked what the property owner on the other side has to do with that property. Actin;J Q¡air Mackenzie said he is not in a position to give legal advice on this. Assistant City Attorney Lopez said that by voluntarily maintainin;¡' a piece of property, a person does not get arr:¡ legal rights O'Ier it. He has no more than arr:¡one else. Mr. Gilson said that no one in the Plannin;¡' Department had investigated the ~ement district on the Felton tract. He was told back when the district was fo:tmed that the area bein;J di"""lSsed was the entrance for two pieces of pJ:q)erty. Mr. Gilson said that no one present in 01aIIIber was with the City when the improvement district was established am apparently, no one has checked the records. '!he Plannin;¡' Department should go out into the area am look at the property. '!he map shows the roumed curbs into it, am in actuality, the curbs do not tuzn into that property. Debris has ac:cunn.1lated on the vacant pJ:q)erty. PIANNIlG CXHfiSSICIl MINO':ŒS Regular Meetll1g of J'uly 23, 1990 Paqe 3 Actin;J <JJair Mackenzie e:np¡asized arr¡ decision made by the Plannin;J commission is contin;¡'ent upon the City OJuncil hear:in:J regarding abamonment. Mr. Brock, resident in the area, said that at present the existin;J house an:i the City's property are eyesores. '!he city does not maintain its property. He expressed support for the proposed project as lon;r as the Rl-7.5 zonin;J is not exten:ied to other properties as one of the attractions of the area is the larger size lots. Mr. Cowan stated that the Regnart creek channel does have enough capacity to contain a 100-Year Event. 'Ihere is no flood risk should that be a concen1 of the Camnission. MJI'ION: Can. l\èams nDVed to close the pmlic hear:in:J. SECOND: Can. Fazekas VOI'E: Passed 4-0 MJI'ION: Can. Mann nDVed to accept Application 15-FA-90 an:i rec:ammerxi the grant:in:J of a Negative Declaration. SECOND: Can. l\èams VOI'E: Passed 4-0 MJI'ION: Can. Mann II1CVed to approve Application 6-Z-90 an:i rec:ammerxi approval to the City Co1Jncil. SECOND: Can. Fazekas VOI'E: Passed 4-0 MJI'ION: Can. Mann nDVed to approve Application 9-'IM-90 with the addition of Con:lition No. 16 requir:in:J that the recordation of the final map is cont:in:Jent on awroval of con:iemnation of pmlic right of way at the close of escrow an:i Con:lition No. 17 that the lot lines will be squared off on the \òeSterly portion. SECXJND: Can. l\èams VOI'E: Passed 4-0 Mr. Mackenzie stated that the City Co1Jncil will oorxiuct a pmlic hear:in:J on september 4, 1990, regarding abamonment an:i the zonin;J an:i Plannin;J Commission approval is cont:in:Jent on sale of property. ORAL cnIMlJNICATIONS: Mr. Mackenzie asked if anyone present wished to speak on any item that was not on the agerda. No one came fo:rward to speak. Mr. Mackenzie announced that the applicant on Item No.3 is not yet in Co1Jncil Chamber an:i the Camnission will continue with the balance of the agerda an:i return to this application when he is present. l'IlINNIH:; <XJftISSICfi MIH:Jræ Regular Meetin;¡- of J\il.y 23, 1990 Paqe 4 4. Discussion of altemative methods for measurerrent of net am gross lot area for detEmnination of CCII'Ipliance with Wildin;¡' Floor Area Ratio (FAR) in residential zones. staff Presentation: Mr. Cowan reviewed his report with the Commission am asked if umsable areas shoold be taken out of Floor Area Ratio calculations . Mr. 1\dams S1Jggested that the Ccmmission c::orñuct a hearirxJ on this am that staff also look at the feasibility of allowirxJ only one-sto¡:y buildin;¡s urXIer certain con:litions to help control the massiveness of buildin;¡s in certain locations. Ms. Mann suggested that there be sane kin:i of limitations, Le. , sightlines that ca.Jld also be used to control heights of Wildin;¡s. Mr. Cowan said that as part of the codification of zonin;J ordinances, staff is l~ at the Rl-i zonin;J. Followin:J a suggestion that a subcamnittee of the Goals Ccmnittee provide input on this issue, Mr. Cowan stated that the Goals Ccmnittee is looking at broader issues. '!he Comm:ission reached a general consensus that they TNOUld like to review this as part of the zonin;J hearin3s am that the Director of CcmImmity Developænt brirxJ back any Goals Ccmnittee CCIIII!!Ients regardirxJ this item. As the applicant was now- present, the Comm:ission returned to lIgema. Item No.3. 3. Application No.: Applicant: 9-U-83 (Amended) Grego¡:y Groop RequestirxJ approval of a minor amemment to various approved architectural exhibits for the detached lot banes not yet construct:ed within the Seven Sprin3s Ranch develcpnent located on the west side of stellirxJ Read" sœtherly of Rainbow Drive. staff Presentation: city Planner Caughey reviewed the backgrourxi am p.L~ be.in;J presented as per staff report. He informed the Ccmnission that ASAC' s J:eCX:1II1IIeI'tion is that the banes need 1NOOd treatment to soften the hard textured surface. 'Ihis ca.Jld be looked at durirxJ the buildin;¡' pennit stage. Design parameters originally approved are not beirxJ c:han;Jed . PIANNJm CIHUSSICIf MIlIJ'.ŒS Regular Meetin;J of July 23, 1990 Paqe 5 Jiln Jackson, representin;J Gregory Group, told the Camnissioners that the staff report ani responses to their questions had covered everythin;J he was goin;J to say. The applicant can 'ÑOrk with ASAC's reccmmendation. The proposed c:him;Jes are bein;J done to serve a market demaro.. More rooms are not bein;J added, but planned rooms are bein;J made larger. Mr. Fazekas pointed out that in Plan 1, a media room was added. Discussion followed regarding what constitutes a bedroom. Mr. Cowan stated that one of the major =iteria established is whether or not there is a closet in the room. aJris Gatley, Marketin;J Director, Gregory Group, said that Plan 5 is considered a three bedroom boose; however, the City 1tIClÙd probably consider it four bedrooms. The Plan 6 den meets the =iteria established by the City to be a true den am not a bedroom. Only Plan 5 is considered four bedrooms in this proposed group. Even if this amen:hnent is approved, the total bedroom oamt 1tIClÙd remain consistent ani well urrler that allowed. Mr. Gatley explained that the houses are plotted in phases, probably three or four. A marketable mix of plans is p.It together. In the first ~, the variety is fairly equal. FUture phases are plotted based on previous sales; however, it never is allowed to affect the streetscape or exterior look of the project. staff 1tIClÙd 'ÑOrk with the applicant ani ASAC regarding the architecture. '!his could be added as a con:tition. Ms. Mann expressed conceJ:n regarding the massiveness of the proposed hames as did Mr. Adams. Mr. Adams stated that it looked like approxiJnately half of the units would be increased in size am therefore, he felt reticent about it. However, he did not see arr¡ real negative iItpact at that particular site am therefore will vote yes on the application. Mr. Fazekas also expressed concem regarding massiveness. Mr. Mackenzie said that he had trouble with the original rules ani had voted against these ani he will vote against this. M::Y.I'ION: CaIn. Mann moved to deny the application as amen:ied because the mass of the structures is too great for the size of the lots; there are no secon:l story setbacks am in essence, five bedroom houses 1tIClÙd be built. SECOND: can. Fazekas VOI'E: Passed (CaIn. Adams dissentin::J) 3-1 PIANN:Im CIHfiSSICII MJ:N[J]E; Regular Meet:in:J of .:JUly 23, 1990 Paqe 6 Mr. Mackenzie pointed out to the applicants that they have five 1tIOrking days to file an appeal in writinJ at the city Clerk's office. '!his would mean a deadline of 5:00 p.m., M::n::Jay, JUly 30. 5. Discussion of potential !IKX1i.fications to the ridgeline identification am buildin:J height measurement policy as amerxied by City Council in May, 1987. staff Presentation: City Planner Caughey told the C'Y'I11IIIiRl3ioners that staff is request:in:J direction. Does the camnission want to consider !IKX1i.fications to the ridge1ine identification am buildin:J height measurement policy. Mr. Mackenzie expressed concem regarclin; ' the front of the house fac:in:J the valley floor. His concem is that if the house is built straight up, there is no relief in the wall. He suggested that the City encourage the breakID;J up of that wall. Mr. Fazekas reviewed the guidelines used by the cities of IDs Gates am Saratoga. Director of Cammmity DevelVl-""e¡.-t Cowan told the OCIIUIIÌssion that this fall (September-November) this issue ccW.d be reviewed dur:in:J the RHS (residential hillside) ordinance review. On slop~ lots a restriction ccW.d be established requir~ a parallel line in oonfomance with the slope of the hill. If a hane is constructed on the ridgeline where it is flat, the city might want to require the buildin:J to be one-story such as a rambl:in:J ranch-style hane. '!he Ccmmission also t'li"""USsed the possibility of hav~ a palette of colors that blero. in with the natural colors on the hill or requir~ a color be used from an approved palette of colors that blero. in with the hillside's natural colors. Perl1aps there ccW.d be ASAC review for hillside houses. '!here was commission consensus that this be reviewed with the RHS ordinance review. REroRl' OF '!HE PIANNING a:MrrSSION: Com. Adams stated that he had atteOOed the Mayor's I1mcheon am the proposed tax measures were the major topic of discussion. 'lbese are briefly reviewed in the report of the Director of Cammmity Development. Mr. Cowan aI'1I1a.lI1Ced that taoc>rrow from 5:30-6:30 p.m., the Goals Cammittee is be:in:J briefed regarclin; ' the proposed tax measures. Follow~ that meet:in:J, at 7:00 p.m., is a Highway 85 hear:in:J. Both meetin;¡s are open to the public am the OCIIUIIÌssioners are invited to atterxi.