PC 01-28-91 C!.TY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA. 95014 (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION HELD ON JANUARY 28, 1991 ROLL CALL: SALUTE TO THE FLAG: Commissioners Present: Chairman Mackenzie Vice Chairman Fazekas Commissioner Mann Commissioner Mahoney Commissioner Austin staff Present: Robert Cowan, Director of Community Development Michele Bjurman, Planner I Charles Kilian, City Attorney APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: ABSTAIN: Corn. Fazekas moved to approve the minutes of the January 14, 1991, as amended Corn. Mann Passed 3-2 Com. Mahoney, Corn. Austin POSTPONEMENTS OR NEW AGENDA ITEMS: ITEM 1: ITEM 2: ITEM 3: MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Apo1ication 17-U-90 (Chevron) Staff requests continuance to the meeting of February 11, 1991 Application 20-U-86 (Amended) (JMB Props.) Staff requests continuance to meeting of February 25, 1991 Application 16-TM-90 (Sobrato) staff requests continuance to the meeting of February 11, 1991 Com. Fazekas moved to continue items 1, 2, and 3 to the dates indicated above Corn. Mann Passed 5-0 WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: - None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: - None -, PtANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting of January 28, 1991 Page 2 ELECTION OF OFFICERS: SECOND: VOTE: ABSTAIN: Com. Mann moved to nominate Com. Mackenzie as Chairman of the Planning Commission Com. Mahoney Passed 4-1 Com. Mackenzie MOTION: Nominations for Vice Chairman were Com. Fazekas and Com. Mann, 2 votes for Corn. Fazekas, 1 vote for Com. Mann. Corn. Fazekas was elected for Vice Chairman of the Planning Commission. CONSENT CALENDAR: - None PUBLIC HEARINGS: 4. Application No(s): Applicant: Property Owner: Location: 25-U-90 and 42-EA-90 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Southeast quadrant of Blaney Ave. and Homestead Rd. USE PERMIT for a 16,500 s.f. expansion of existing office and maintenance building space, with general site improvements, for an existing utility company service center. Corn. Mann informed the Commission she would be abstaining from this application as she had an interest in the Company. staff Presentation: Ms. Michele Bjurman presented the staff report stating this is a Use Permit request for a 28,127 s.f. addition into an existing facility. She revièwed the site plan noting it is approximately 23 acres. The proposal conforms- to the Master Development Plan as approved by the Planning commission in 1970. The basic functions will be administrative offices and service/storage. Ms. Bjurman explained the additions and their locations. She noted there are a few areas of concerns: Non-point Source Pollution, she noted the applicant has been requested to work with Public Works to identify measures to mitigate any non- point source pollution. She noted the Environmental Review Committee expressed concerns regarding the proposed building, noting the basic function of the building would include minor servicing, but felt the building was far enough away from residents to avoid noise disturbance. She noted the City of Sunnyvale expressed concerns regarding the jobs/housing imbalance and noted housing on-site would be inappropriate. In response to Com. Fazekas question regarding Housing Mitigation Mr. Cowan noted the City council did adopt the Housing Plan which encourages the use of a mitigation fee and directs staff to prepare PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES R~gular Meeting of January 28, 1991 Page 3 a nexus study to identify the degree of burden placed on the community by people who create jobs. A~plicant Presentation: Mr. stan Thomas, Division Manager, PG&E, noted they were in agreement with staff. Ms. Pamela Sharkey, Project Architect, requested that the wording regarding "operating motors" on Cond. 15 be reworded and with regards to Condo 17 the Blaney Ave. overpass is a difficult item to be screening the roof. She noted they are not opposed to screening the operations building but would like to work with staff on this. The public hearing was then opened. Mr. Timothy McMahon expressed concerns regarding the hours of operation and noise level. Ms. Bjurman noted the hours of operation 7am - 5:30pm Tues - Friday with occasional emergency use. She noted the residents to the east of the building, because of distance, should not be effected by noise. MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Corn. Fazekas moved to close the public hearing Com. Austin Passed 5-0 Corn. Fazekas stated he would like to see screening of roof mounted equipment. Corn. Mahoney stated it should be screened from the Residential side. Com. Austin expressed concern regarding the noise level and questioned security. Mr. Cowan stated the City does have a Noise Ordi'nance with will regulate noise levels. MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: ABSTAIN: Corn. Fazekas moved to recommend granting a Negative Declaration Com. Mahoney Passed 5-0 Corn. Fazekas moved to 25-U-90 subject to the hearing with Condo 15 prior to exterior. Com. Austin Passed Corn. Mann recommend approval of application findings and subèonclusions of the modified to add the word "fenced" 4-1 -, P~.ANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting of January 28, 1991 Page 4 5. Application No(s): Applicant: Property Owner: Location: 1-TM-91 and 1-EA-90 K.W. Engineering, Inc. Ching-Chen Lin West side of S. Stelling Road, 200 ft. north of Seven Springs Parkway TENTATIVE MAP to subdivide approximately 1 acre into five lots ranging in size from 6,100 s.f. to 7,200 s.f. staff Presentation: Mr. Bob Cowan presented the staff report. He noted this is a re-submittal of an application which was recommended for approval by the Planning commission, but denied by the City CounciL The initial proposal showed a five lot sub- division which would develop the southerly half of Seeber Court. After review, staff felt the alignment should be changed, but felt with the need for housing the map be approved. He noted concerns of the City Council were primarily the design. The proposal at this time reflects the map which Council denied. Mr. Cowan explained the setbacks required, which could not be met, and noted staff is recommending denial at this time. APplicant Presentation: Mr. Charles Chang, Architect, presented drawings of the property noting they will share the cul-de-sac with the existing properties to the north. He noted the size of the buildings will be compatible with the neighborhood and disagreed with the 60ft. setback requirement and felt this was not the current ordinance. He felt this is a good design. The public hearing was then opened. Corn. Mann stated she would like to see five parcels and was not opposed to this application, but would like to see the privacy of neighbors protected from second stories. Com. Mahoney noted he had no objections to five lots, if the traffic issues could be resolved. The Commissioners discussed the dispute over the setbacks required. Mr. Cowan stated because of the unique shape of the lot the setbacks will result in a building area which is less than required with the floor area ratio. Corn. Fazekas stated there should only be four lots and would oppose this application on the width of the street. Corn. Austin stated she was not opposed to five lots. concern regarding trees. Chr. Mackenzie stated the will be protected during construction. She expressed specimèn trees Mr. Owen Tainter, Cupertino, noted that he is opposed to this project and stated that all the houses should face the court. He PIÀNNING COMMISSION MINUTES R~gular Meeting of January 28, 1991 Page 5 expressed concern regarding the traffic. He felt four houses only, should be allowed. Corn. Mann stated she would like to see a plan for four lots. Ms. Kathie Heidenreich, 7723 Seeber ct., spoke in favor of seeing a plan with four homes. She expressed concern regarding traffic. MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: MOTION: SECOND: Corn. Fazekas moved to recommend granting a Negative Declaration Com. Mann Passed 5-0 Com. Fazekas moved to deny application 1-TM-91 with the findings that the lot design is not appropriate and number of lots should be four Corn. Mackenzie Corn. Fazekas withdrew the motion for denial. MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Com. Mann moved to continue application 1-TM-91 and 1-EA- 91 to February 11, 1991 Corn. Fazekas Passed 5-0 NEW BUSINESS: Application No(s): Applicant: Property Owner: Location: 6. 32-U-85 (Modified) Forum Life Care, Inc. Same Westerly terminus of Cristo Rey Drive USE PERMIT MODIFICATION to allo~ the skilled nursing facility and personal care facility to be constructed in two phases in accordance with condition 26 of Application 32-U-85 Staff Presentation: Ms. Michele Bjurman presented the staff report. She noted this was a Use Permit modification to allow the nursing facility and personal care facility to be constructed in two phases. She noted a condition of approval of the Use Permit for this application was to allow the applicant to request phasing. She noted the first phase will be· completed by Fall of 1991 and second phase will be completed as economic market dictates. Staff recommends approval. In response to Com. Fazekas question Ms. Bjurman stated the project is going forward except for the two portions requesting phasing. .'. Corn. Mahoney expressed concern regarding landscaping. Ms. Bjurman stated the landscaping plan, plant species are drought tolerant, this would be Xeriscape compatible. FTANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting of January 28, 1991 Page 6 Corn. Fazekas suggested allowing the previously approved landscaping, but the landscaping in phase II should meet Xeriscape Guidelines. Chr. Mackenzie suggested a time limit on phase II. MOTION: Corn. Mann movèd to approve application 32-U-85 (Modified) sUbject to the findings and subconclusions of the hearing with the following modifications: Add Condo 3, Phase II must be completed within 5 years; Condo 4. A landscaping plan should be submitted on areas not previously approved which shall follow Xeriscape Guidelines. Corn. Fazekas Passed 5-0 SECOND: VOTE: 7. Review and endorsement of proposed work program for stage III of the General Plan Amendment process. staff Presentation: Mr. Cowan stated the purpose of this discussion is to establish a design plan process for the General Plan. Mr. Cowan outlined the major points staff was seeking approval for at this time; Geographical Scope of the Plan and pointed out the areas to be considered noting these are areas of focus. Mr. Cowan outlined the four basic steps involved in the work plan as explained in the staff report. The first step will be to look at the trends, discuss possible meeting dates, discuss trend analysis, what will influence planning. He suggested a workshop process; second step, defining the alternatives, take change areas and look at intensity alternatives, evaluate growth scenarios, discuss market driven alternatives; third step evaluate alternatives, test alternatives against constraints and values; fourth step, plan selection, selecting the right alterative and making it work. Mr. Cowan noted all the major interest groups, homeowners association etc will be notified of the process. He suggested work program sessions and then public hearings. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Herman Hijmans, observing for the Chamber of Commerce, noted he is in agreement with staff and stated it is a workable program. Mr. Cowan stated what was presented· to the to focus and get started. As the Commissioners may have new ideas. commission enables staff process continues the Chr. Mackenzie suggested the Commission put together their own goals of what they want to accomplish by April time frame. Mr. Cowan stated early in the process the Planning Commission will be able to define their goals, the intent is to integrate the other Committees goals with the Planning Commission. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting of January 2B, 1991 Page 7 Com. Fazekas suggested a joint session mid April. The Commissioners agreed on workshops. 8. Designation of Planning Commission Representati ve and Alternate to the Environmental Review Committee (ERC). MOTION: Corn. Fazekas moved to nominate Com. Mann as Planning commission Representative to the Environmental Review Committee Corn. Austin Passed 5-0 SECOND: VOTE: Corn. Mahoney volunteered as alternate. REPORT OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Chr. Mackenzie noted it had been suggested that a legal seminar with the City Attorney be held. Mr. Kilian stated the study session will be 6:30 p.m. on February 11, 1991, but if more than three people a formal meeting would be held. Com. Mann suggested a study session before the Planning commission meeting. Mr. Kilian stated they could not discuss what was on the agenda the same night. He explained how the city of Sunnyvale held this type of meeting. Corn. Fazekas reported on the light rail system. REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: - None DISCUSSION OF NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS: - None