PC 07-22-91
10300 Torre Avenue
CUpertino, CA 95014
(408) 252-4505
MDU.ŒS œ '1BB ~ .......~..uG œ '1BB PlAIIIJK; CXHIISSIQf
HBm QI JOLY 22, 1991
SAU71E '10 'mE FLP.G
Cannissioners Present: Chairperson Mackenzie
Vice C1air Fazekas
Cannissioner Austin
Cannissioner Mahaney
Cannissioner Mann
staff Present: Rebert Cowan, Director of Camlmity Develcpnent
~ Cornelius, City Clerk
Travice Whitten, Deprt:y Director of Public IIbrks
Cià:Iy W::>rdeU, City Planner
Marilyn Norling, Housing and Sel:vioes Coordinator
Cheryl Kershner, Deprt:y City Attorney
Can. Fazekas IIDIIed to ðku-<Ne the minutes of J'uly 8, 1991,
as presented.
Can. Mahaney
tu»"U'UfllIiIITS œ _ ~ 1'D!JIS:
Itan 3: ADDlil"At";nn 8-u-91 John P. r..........;na r",rviaroar.. MI'I.....-..::uL _ Mr.
Cowan stated that he had received a letter ñan the attorney
representing the çliœnt, John P. Gad1ina Landsœpe Management,
requesting that Item No. 3 be a:ntinued.
Deprt:y City Attorney Kershner stated tbat the çliœnt was not
pi: s_tL and if Cannissiat did not amti.nue the itan, there C'OIÙd
be a prcblem in the future.
Mr. Cowan stated that t:he City wculcI start a CXJde enf~II"",L
acticn in the 1Æ!IIntime.
Can. Mann IIDIIed to amti.nue oonsi.derat.i.oo of Itan No. 3 for
bio ¡,¡eeœ and that Code Enf~....d. initiate an abatement
~1lA'" MeetiDg of July 22, 1991
Page 2
At that time the a¡:plicant entered ChaniJer and Can. MaIm withdrew the
Item No.7: ADDliœHnn 26-u-90 Nelson Chao - Mr. Cowan stated that
staff requested that Item No. 7 be oontinued to the meeting
of August 12, 1991.
Can. MaIm IIDWd to oontinue Item No. 7 to the meeting of
August 12, 1991.
Can. Mahoney
A gentlemm in the audience stated that the a¡:plicant dJes want it heard
as he feels that the case has been mishandled.
Can. MaIm IIDWd to nHJPeIl the a¡:plication and cancel the
previous nDtion to CX>Iltinue the matter.
Can. Mahoney
Can. MaIm IIDWd that if there was not time to amsider Item
No.8, it 'AOI1ld be cxmtinued to the meeting of August 12.
Can. Mahoney
Foll~ discussion, the nDtion and secorxi were ameOOed to set
oonsideration of Item No. 8 for the meeting of August 12. '!he dj,eJded
nDtion was aà::¥ed unaninDusly.
Linda Stuckey, P. O. Box 1115, CUpertilJc, addressed Camlission regarding
the Saratoga CountJ:y Club ~v¡,.vdðl to ext:em their <Flf 0JUrBe fran nine
1x>les to eighteen 1x>les. She stated that the Saratoga Plarming Camlission
<pes out to the site and reviews the ~~. 'Ibis appears to be quite
helpful in making cpx1 decisions. She stated she 'AOI1ld like CUpertilJc' s
Plarming Camlission to amsider such action as policy. She particularly
cited St. .:1osEiP1' s Olurc:h property.
Can. Mahoney stated that 'AOI1ld ~ '<IIOrth discussing and requested that the
item be pIt at a future agenda for amsideration.
Can. Austin and MaIm CX>Ilcurred.
~ aHfiSSICIi' MnI11ES
/lAJ11- IetÏDJ of July 22, 1991
P8ge 3
1. A;plicatia1 No(s):
A;pliœnt :
Pì.<-p=ty OWner:
Project IDeation:
Deep Cliff Golf Course
Peter 1IuI::back, Trustee
10700 Clubbouse Lane
cœsIIERATICIi' 'IO REZCIi'E ~te1y 53 acres gross £ran Agricultural
Single-family Residential (Al) to Private Recreational or other such
zoning classification as deellled aw<-l.¥Liate by the Planning Camlission or
City Council.
Rh.ff l?re£ootaHnn: Chairperson Mackenzie turned the Jœetinq over to Vice
Chair Fazekas. 'D1ree cx:mnissioners, Austin, Mahoney, and Mackenzie,
stated a amflict of interest because of ownership of property within a
300 ft. area. As it was necessary for one of these cx:mnissioners to vote
on the a¡;:plication, each of the three drew a straw. Based on the result,
it was det:eImined that Can. Mahoney '<o'CIÙd vote on the a¡;:plication¡
hc7.iever, he CDUld not take part in any discussion.
Deputy City Attorney Kershner infoDDBd cx:mnissioners that it '<o'CUld take
all three voting IIIE!IIiJers to vote "yes" in order for a J1Dti.on to pass.
Can. Austin and Chairperson Mackenzie left 0IarrtJer.
Following review of the staff LEPOtL, Acting Chair Fazekas qø¡ed the
¡;AJblic hearing. He stated that each mc.,'-'= of the ¡;AJblic '<o'CUld be limited
to five minutes.
AIDlicant PresentaHnn: Eric Bracher, 19542 Chardonnay Court, Saratoga,
and one of the l'L<-p=Ly owners, requested a mininun 90 day amtinuance..
As no one else £ran the ¡;AJblic wished to speak, Acting Chair Fazekas
announced that the ¡;AJblic hearing was closed.
VOlE :
Can. Mimn 11DVed that staff initiate a ¡;AJblic hearing for
appraximately 90 days £ran this date. ('Ihis '«IUld be the
first Planning Camlission meeting in Oct:àJer, which is
scheduled for 0ct:àJer 14.)
Qn. Fazekas
Pessed (3-0)
M:n'ICIi' :
Can. Austin and Chairperson Maclœnzie re-entered 0IarrtJer.
2. A;plication No( s) :
Pt"q)erty OWner:
Project IDeation:
CUpertioo Hills SWim & Ra~ Club
Rebert: and Sherry Me1bye
22090 Rae Lane
F""J11..r Meeting of July 22, 1991
Pðge 4
CI:NSIIERATIœ '10 REZCNE ~tely 2.99 acres gross fran Agricultural
Single-famai1y Residential (Al) to Private Recreational or other such
zoning classification as dee1"ed élwLUI:'áate by the Planning Cmmissicn or
City Council.
~..ff Presentation: Acting Chair Fazekas stated that the same three
cx:mnissioners 'NCUld need to abstain because of oonflict. Each of them is
a IIIeI'!ber of the CUpertino Hills SWim am RaCXIUet Club.
Following the drawing of the straws, Can. Austin remained in ChaIòJer to
vote while Can. Mahoney am Mackenzie left.
Director of CCrrm.mity Developnent Cowan reviewed his staff report.
Acting Chair Fazekas opened the public hearing am stated that each
speaker IoIOUJ,d be limited to five minutes.
Ed Lichtman, 21675 Regnart Road, CUpertino, requested that J1IEIIèers of the
Club who 10Iere present stand. He stated that club 1I.""L.:a.S are in basic
<Ii ......,11 cdllent with the inte1:pretation being given the wording of Policy
5-25 of the CUpertino General Plan. He stated the \\ICrding really means
"enoourage". '!he rezoning, as proposed, 'oIOIÙd limit future flEÐdbility.
IJcr.mzoning is not enrouraging the club's cx>ntinued existence. '!his is not
an incentive am, therefore, is against the General Plan.
John Marshall, 11101 South Stelling RDad am club 1I,,",L.:a. expressed the
following exmcems: lack of cx:mnmication fran the City (the club became
aware of this zoning hearing '!hursday); the ~~ 00es not g:J with the
General Plan. Nothing in CUpertino a:mpares with this club. He 'NCUld
like to see incentives for devel\.¥"".It CXII1trol.
Dick Wilson, 10850 Santa Teresa, charter IIIeI'!ber of the club, stated that
the club is an outstaIxiing citizen of CUpertino. He saw no reason for
change of zoning. M:.,L.:a.e want to J:'L.!.serve the club am open space.
Charles M:>nahan, 11259 La Jolla Court, club IIIeI'!ber, said the club has a
neighborhood-type spirit. He enjoys the facility am the financial growth
of l!1EI1èership.
Ed Licht:Jœn said four years aJP.. when he had joined the club, ",,",L.:a.Bhip
oost $4,000; it is IrM valued at $6500. '!be City need not '4IIC1:'J:'Y about an
offer the club cannot: refuse. He stated that the zaùng is a
psycOOlogica1 factor. '!be IIIE!IIÌJerShip is backed by the laOO value. '!be
proposed zoning makes IIIE!IIÌJerShip valueless. '!be ~..........8 of any future
upzoning 'oIOIÙd be a tremendous ~\AA:ds.
p..gI.1...r H.get.inq of July 22, 1991
P8I:J! 5
Bob ~losky, a club 1IIf!IIiJer, said that the City is currently ~
open space envL-uu,,"..ul. and would not let the IÆIIi:Jers upzane the ~'-\"=L Lt
in the future. Although this is a private club, it is not exclusive.
Dennis ~talœr, club mCIlbc.. and CUpertino resident, stated in regard to
the f4~ change of zoning, if it isn't broken, à:m't fix it. '!be club
is running SIIDOthly. If there is a prd>lem such as the October 1989
earthquake disaster and repairs had to be made, the club might have
difficulty getting a loan with a change in zoning.
GaIy Jones, club 1II!I\t)er, said II1I!IIly J;IE!qI1e bought in at the cun-ent price.
,CUrrent zoning SURJOrts that value.
Paul Ng, club 1IIf!IIiJer, stated that the þI.'~ rezoning would induce loss
of value in the market place. Unless all ~'-\"=Lt.ies are à:Ine at the same
time, others will prOOably sell. 'Ibis results in discouraging open space.
'1here being no other IÆIIi:Jers of the public wishing to speak, Acting C1air
Fazekas closed the public hearing.
Mr. Fazekas expressed a:mœrn regarding the land use diagram. He stated
that at saœ point it seaœ it sOOuld be changed.
Can. Mann 11DVed to find that the language oontained in the
General Plan is an'bigucus and that there be no zoning public
hearing at this time, but that this item should be part of
the Geœral Plan hearingø. Any language anbiguities and the
rœp shall be reviewed at that time. No zoning act:ia1 will
be taken at this time.
Can. Fazekas
Passed (3-0)
Mr. Cc7.im1 stated he will keep Mr. Lic:l1tJœn infoImed.
Can. Mahoney and C1aizperson Maclœnzie re-entered ChaniJer.
CbaiJ:person Maelœnzie anncunœd that Item No. 4 'oOUld be taken out of
order .
4. Awlicati.a1 No( s) :
PL'-\"=L ly OWner:
Project Iocaticc:
I.ewin Kinq .
I.ewin and Nancy King
10741 Santa :wci.a Road
VARIAM:E to Secticn 8 of Ordinance No. 1449 regarding side yard setbacks
to an existing single-family residence.
~11"T MBetinq of July 22, 1991
Page 6
Following staff report, Chairperson Mackenzie cpened the public hearing.
As no one present wished to speak, he announced that the public hearing
was closed.
Can. Mahoney IIDved to 1.......,"cOO the granting of a Negative
Declaration .
Can. Fazekas
Can. Mahoney IIDved to l.......",,,,,¡d a¡:proval with findings and
oonditions as per Planning Calmission Resolution No. 4357.
Can. Austin
5. AR'lication No(s):
City of CUpertino
Sh,ff Presentation: fbJsing and Services Coordinator Norling reviewed her
report and the prq¡osed ordinance with the Calmission. She stated that
staff is rea:mnending one change to the h'L~ ordinance: on page 5-16,
Itan A, the statement, '''lhese procedures shall not include height
requirements or front yard setbacks" to be deleted.
Following discussion, Chairperson Mackenzie opened the public hearing.
Nancy Burnett, 729 Stendahl lane, speaking on behalf of CURB (CUpertinians
urging Restraint on Building) , expressed cxmoern regarding residential
areas. She asked hew tlùs 'oOUld affect the General Plan. She felt it
'oOUld weaken it. 'lhe City IIU.ISt acbpt an acceptable housing element as
soon as possible. 'lhe City nust aài ßDre housing. By neglecting the
housing requirement, the City ¡œy be wasting General Plan dollars. She
gave her phone m.mtler to the exmnissioners and urged anyone with any
questions to call her.
Chairperson Mackenzie then closed the public hearing.
'lhe Calmission discussed whether or not to delete the sentence rea:mœncIed
by staff.
Chair Mac1œnzie then leq¡ened the public hearing.
Me. Burnett asked if the Calmission was assuming that the fbJsing Element
could be accepted without meeting the City's regional share.
1lR}.1Ar H!et:ing of Jtùy 22, 1991
Page 7
Mr. Cowan stated the City I!D.ISt have adequate sites. '!his is being looked
at with the General Plan process. We need a better definition regarding
the ultimate capacity of housing.
'Ihe Chair, once again, closed the ~lic hearing.
Can. Austin IIDVed to rev.....llCI.d the granting of a Negative
Can. MaOOney
Can. Austin IIDVed to ~uve the çlication and rev.....llCI.d
~ of the ordinance as orig:i.nally sutrnitted without
the deletion.
Can. Fazekas
Defeated (Can. Mann, Mahaney, Mackenzie dissenting)
Can. Mann IIDVed to re.......I.llCI.d ~ of the çlication and
the ordinance with the exception of the sentence an Page
5-16, A as requested by staff. .
Can. MaOOney
Passed (Can. Austin, Fazekas dissenting)
3. AR>lication No(S):
&'-'1'= ly Owner:
Project IDeation:
John P. Gachina I.anclscape !gnt.
Rebert Ersepke and Rick S:iIraùni
10026/10038 Orange Avenue
USE PERMIT to occupy bio single-family residences, an a 1:atporaty basis,
to q,erate a landscape office business.
Rt-~TT Presl:mrAT.; nn:
City Plarmer ~me11 reviewed the staff .L'¥J1.l with
Al:Dlicant Press..,I.A1-itTI: John Gac:hina, çliœnt and resident at 21811
HentDsa Avenue, reviewed historical background for the a:mnission. He
stated that he thought that the operation was an approvec:\ use. 'Ihe
CXIIp!my oould not IIDve at this time, hIt wcu1.d like to remain at this
location through the S"'SBa!. and then start seeking a new location. He has
spent thousands of cbllars an ilrprovenenœ.
'Ihe Chair ~-d the ~lic hearing.
1l-J'.1"T MeetiDq of July 22, 1991
Page 8
RcI::b Craig, 10035 Orange Avenue, said he lived across the street fran the
operation. When Mr. Gachina originally IIDIIed in, he said he wculd be
there 6-8 WBeks¡ then, he revised the estimate to 1-2 years. 'lhere are
5-6 trucks parked at that location every night. Also, there is a storage
roan. 'Ihe applicant did renovate the property on the right side. Mr.
Craig expressed cx:mcern regarding storage and use of. fertilizers and other
chemicals. Mr. Gachina has said that he does not store on site, but
sanewhere else in the area. 'Ihe site is small and trucks with trailers
block the streets. (bce a \>1eek, the dunprt:er is changed by the garbage
cœpany and this also causes traffic cx:mgestion. !bIday through Friday,
the office opens at 5:30 a.m.¡ trucks start up at 6:00 a.m. (b Saturday,
it is very similar. (b SUnday, the office is open. Mr. Craig sul::mitted
four photos of the site. He said that one of the neighbors had called and
infonœd the City of the operation. Mr. Gachina needs to follOW' the
rules .
Lance Schendorf told CannÌ8sion he 1!ICuld like to explain how they had
çptten into the situation. Mr. Schendorf said he had looked at a zoning
map and ta1lœd to saneone at the desk in City Hall. He was told that this
operation could exist without a use peIIllit only in HI. zone. He looked at
the map of the area where it says P(. .-MI... . ). Assuming that meant that
HI. uses were ði¥L'-¥'-iate in the area, he ~vC'eeded. Evidently, this was a
mistake. 'Ihe cœpany is yc¡mg and trying to get through a bJsy I1~B""'1 in
drought. It needs another six m:mths. 'Ihe applicants have tried ~
address the neighbors' ooncerns.
Nancy Hertert, San JUan Read, urged preservation of the old alnDnd tree on
the site. It was planted in 1876. Two arborists say it is in relatively
!}XXI oondition cx:msidering its age and is probably the only one that old.
She shl::Jwed slides of the tree. It was planted by Sanuel R. Williaœ, the
first man to clear land in Cupertino. By clearing 100 acres, planting and
harvesting grapes, he received 50 of those acres fran the owner. He then
planted alnDnd trees arouOO the perimeter of the site. 'l1ú.s is the only
remain.ing alnDnd tree.
Mr. Craig said that the residents have no ill feelings regarding the
office b.1siness ¡ it is the traffic and tool sharpening noise that are
problEIIB. OI:he1:wise, Mr. Craig stated, he 1!IC1.Ùd have no problem to allOW'
the use for six m:mths or a little longer.
Chairperson Mackenzie closed the public hearing.
During discussion, o::mnissioners made the following u.aIl'cuLs:
can. Mahoney - eliminate the paving requirement and aài restriction
pertaining to hours of use and garbage pickup.
~11AT Meeting of July 22, 1991
PIIge 9
Can. Austin - change hours of use to start at 7:00 a.m., otherwise
allow it to cp!I'8te basically the same for six IIDIlths.
Can. Fazekas - do not BURX>rt truck parking there; a landsœping
OOsiness does not belc:mg there; office use wculd be all right with
parking for users; paving does not matter. 'lbere sOOuld be no storage
aIXi c:iunpJterB.
Chair Mackenzie - use should start at 7:00 a.m. arxi tools should not
be allowed to be sharpened there. 'lbere shculd office use only, with
no overnight parking am no trucks; OOwever, it is not necessary to
Mr. Cowan stated he oould understand IDw the ~ occurred.
'ttJe uses listed an the map pertain to the entire geceral area. Text
~ to be CXJI1SIllted to find the exact locations for each use. 'ttJe
Carmission oould allow the use to cxmtinue for six m::nths with mitigation
measures being taken regarding the c:iunpJterB, early JIDming starting, arxi
trucks .
Mr. Gachina said that five trucks are IIODIBlly there, rut they all cculd
be at the site in early 11DrI1ing when ~ is in the office. He has
Il1!Ide sane arrangements so sane of the trucks are out of the way.
Can. Mann arxi Austin stated that four trucks wculd be ac::oeptab1e to thEm;
the other amnissioners stated there should be no trucks an the site.
Can. Austin nDWd to ~u,¡e the ~liœtia1 arxi leave the
use as is allowing the overnight parking of up to four
trucks with trailers attached with 00urs to cxmfOI1ll to the
general cx:mnercial ordinance; J................Jd a¡:.proval of a
six-ilDllth use per planning Carmissicn Resoluticn No. 4359,
with postinq of the boIxI. as stated in Caxiitia1 No.2;
delete the requiraœnt for paved parking; allow use of a
dimpIter; no storage of chemicals, arxi to allow the shed to
remain for the six-ilDllth period. Findings are Il1!Ide that
this is the extraœ edge of Uoall'oc::rd.al use.
Can. MLWmey
Passed (3-2) with Can. Mann arxi Fazekas dissenting
Rl!X:ESS: 9:00-9:15 P.M.
6. ~licaticn No(S):
Prq)erty owner:
Project IDœ.tia1:
l-V-91 arxi 3-EXC-91
Ilsang :u,e
Ilsang :u,e
10091 Hillcrest Road
Ih'oJI.hlr Meeting of July 22, 1991
Page 10
gt-.q-ff Presenta+-inn,:
a:mnission .
City Planner \\brdell reviewed the report with the
ADDlicant Presentation: James lee, architect, presented historical
info:cnation to the a:mnission.
Chair Maclœnzie opened the public hearing.
John \"bJlfolk, Hillcrest Road, stated he was not in support of the
requested variance and exception and did support staff recx:mnendation. He
felt that the lot CDUld be developed without the variances. 'l11e I:W.lding
in back of the structure is not being used for storage. People are living
in it with a kitchen and a bat.hrcan.
Chair Maclœnzie closed the public hearing.
Ms. \\brdell stated that Bob Brushwiler, resident, 10143 Hillcrest Road,
has suJ::rnitted a letter qp:>sing the variance.
Can. Marm, Mahoney, and Fazekas stated that this awlication 00es not meet
the necessary =iteria for approving a variance.
Mr. Fazekas requested that the City investigate the possible use of the
secxmd I:W.lding as an apartment.
Ms. Austin also requested that use be investigated. She ~=sed cxmoern
regarding the dis=epancy in parcel width, as _11 as the height and II'ðSS
of the proposed dwelling. She stated there is no reason for a variance.
SEO:'tID :
Can. Fazekas IIDVed to adept Planning Camlission Resolution
No. 4360, rcu..llll,,,,,Jding denial of the variance and to deny
AF;. . ication 3-EXC-91 as per staff report.
Can. Austin
7. Jlt:plication No(S):
Property OWner:
Project IDeation:
Nelson Chao
Nelson Chao
North s.ide of Peni.nsul.a Avenue northerly of and
adjacent to Stevens creek Boulevard
~"'Tf PresentaHnn: City Planner \\brdell said that it is necessary for
the neighbors to reach ðýl:ea'letlt regarding parking. All of their use
peDllits are exmtingent on that.
RstJ11Ar IØ!t.ÌD] of July 22, 1991
PBge 11
ADDliœnt Pì._!II,t..ðt-inT1: Frank Oldham, architect, San Jose, said the
applicant has resolved part of the problem; however, Dr. Brown has stated
he is not willing to enact the condition of his use penni.t regarding the
parking and circulation inprovanents. Mr. Oldham stated he feels it is up
to the Planning Camlission to enforce the requirBœnt. Mr. Chao bought
his property eight IIDIlths aq:J. He wculd like to be able to use his
building; he wculd like the water tmned an and ~ for four people
to caxiuct business.
Ms. \'brdell stated that the building has been physically changed so a use
peIIDit is needeñ. No change in parking has been prcposed by the
Can. Mann stated she agrees with the staff rb.u.IIUC..dation. '!hen, if the
neighbors are not willing to inplement the condition, the City should
µ¡rsue it.
Mr. Oldham stated that earlier an the agen:a, the Camlission had given
sanecne a six-llDllth~. He suggested the amnission cb the same for
Mr. Chao and one eøployee and visitors while the City pursues the
neighbors .
Michael Pericus, owner of the M:mta vista Inn, said that ~tly, Dr.
Brown and others did not receive notice about this bearing. He stated he
did not kncJw what ~ the City ~ £ran the other owners. His
street cannot be eliminated; he J:"""'"",.....1ded that the amnission leave
things as they are. He stated this WðS the first time he had heard of
that obligation.
Chair Mackenzie closed the pmlic bearing.
Discussion followed regarding setting a pmlic bearing for abancDment.
'!he bearing oould be cxn:Iucted in SepteIItJer. In the meantime, the
amnission CXJUl.d cxmtinue cxmsideration of this application.
Deplty Director of Public tbrks \tú.tten said Dr. Brown is not cxmcerned
regarding this matter. 1ÞoIever, Mr. Chao and the M:mta vista Inn wculd
have a circulation problem.
Mr. Cowan suggested that the he¡D:ing be oontinued to AugUst 12 so staff
can try to get the three owners together. eansicleration for setting a
pmlic hearing CDUl.d be placed an the agen:a of the AugUst 19 City Council
meeting .
~lbr Meeting of July 22, 1991
P8ge 12
Mr. Whitten stated that a public hearing pertaining to road abanoou"....lt
muld then be set by the Council for October 7.
MJTICN: Can. Fazekas IIDVed to oontinue CDI1Sideration of this
awlication to the meeting of August 12 at which time a
cmpleted awlication with re<:ulll.....dations and mmber of
parking places needed will be presented.
SECX:tID: Can. Mahoney
VOIE: Passed
AnDHM!Bl': At 10:00 p.m., the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully subnitted,
Do Corne .
ReCDrcting Secretary
~ by the Planning Camlission
at the Regular Meeting of August 12, 1991
1".12".;£ /.J~.~
. r . ~ / Dorotliy Cornelius, ty Clerk