PC 12-12-91
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA. 95014
(408) 252-4505
commissioners Present:
Chairman Mackenzie
Vice Chairman Fazekas
commissioner Mann
Commissioner Mahoney
Commissioner Austin
staff Present:
Robert Cowãn, Director of
Community Development
Ciddy Wordell, City Planner
Bert Viskovich, Director of Public Works
Charles Kilian, City Attorney
written communications:
- None
Oral Communications:
Ms. Sharon Blaine asked what are the legal ramifications of down
zoning property which is in the Williamson Act?
Mr. Charles Kilian, City Attorney, stated there are no laws, that
he is aware of that prohibits the down zoning of property. The
only restrictions on down zoning are constitutional, whether a
reasonable use of property is allowed. He stated down zoning is
appropriate under the appropriate circumstances. He stated this is
true for property not under the Williamson Act. He explained that
the Williamson Act is separate from the General Plan.
IV. Planning Commission Discussion on Land Use
Chr. Mackenzie explained the process of the meeting, he noted there
will be an opportunity for each Commissioner to present their idea
of the land use and then public comments. He requested that each
Planning Commissioner comment on their vote from December 9, 1991
meeting at the January 13, 1992 meeting. He requested this be
placed on the Agenda.
Planning Director Cowan presented the staff report. He stated
staff looked at the Goals Report and the Grand Blvd. Report and
from them developed fundamental basic goals. He reiterated
comments from the land use related General Plan topics as submitted
to the Commissioners.
Create a heart of the City, a positive memorable image, a gathering
place for Cupertino citizens.
special Meeting of December 12, 1991
Page 2
He stated there is a strong desire to create a heart of the city by
other commissions. For each goal, staff listed strategies as
outlined in the report. The heart of the City would be at City
ç~nter/Crossroads which would include mixed-use. A hotel should go
in this area. A grid system with on-street parking within City
Center to convey typical downtown ambiance. Also create a
"distinct signature" at the intersection of Stevens Creek and De
Anza Boulevard. Mr., Cowan discussed streetscape as outlined in the
Provide freedom of movement which gives residents, shoppers, and
employees the ability to travel throughout the City at a reasonable
He stated the City has to deal with the regional system as well as
the City system. He stated the City is at the maximum traffic
capacity at level service D with the existing General Plan build
out.. He stated this presents problems for expansion. He stated
TDM and TSM programs will have to be implemented.
eProvide ample housing opportunities for individuals of all income
levels who live and work in Cupertino to live in a home in
Cupertino that is safe and comfortable.
Mr. Cowan stated there is a need to provide more housing as
mandated by the State. He stated the plan is to increase housing
,along the major corridors. There may be opportunities in Vallco
:Park. He stated the nexus study will be submitted to the
Commission in January and this will identify what the demands are
in the community as a result of employment growth and some
'Foster economic prosperity which benefits business interests, City
government, and individual residents.
Mr. Cowan stated the Companies already in the city should be
allowed to grow. He stated there is a limited number of trips and
the question will be how they are allocated. He stated he has been
working with the major companies to look at technical solutions and
what kind of mitigation can be implemented. He stated the City
will need to use a trip factor. A hotel at the City Center may
still be viable.
Provide a living environment which is free from excessive noise,
special Meeting of December 12, 1991
Page 3
contains clean air, and has access to open space.
Mr. Cowan stated they need to discuss open space linkages. He
stated the Parks. & Rec. Commission are recommending smaller parks.
He stated there may be opportunities to have open space linkages
throughout Vallco Parkway. .
He stated the above are staff's interpretations of the goals and
each have to be more carefully analyzed and developed.
Com. Austin asked if the present companies expand over the general
plan do they have a plan to keep traffic mitigated.
Mr. Viskovich stated this is the plan and they are working with the
companies to provide TDM programs.
Corn. Mahoney stated there are other factors to the traffic
Com. Mann questioned if retail/commercial was considered for the
City center/heart of the city, and can other areas be down zoned to
force retail/commercial in this area and apartments in other areas.
Mr. Kilian stated this would create legal non-conforming uses.
In response to Com. Austin's question, Mr. Viskovich stated
apartments would generate less traffic than offices.
Corn. Mann suggested keeping the level of service at D, so as to
give the flexibility to go down to E.
Mr. Viskovich stated the General Plan does not allow level service
Each Commissioner presented their view of the city.
commissioner Austin presented a hand out on her view of landuse and
reviewed this with the commissioners. She discussed a thematic
approach. She noted where high density should be and also where
retail/commercial should be located.
She stated the thematic approach was for the Grand Blvd.
recommended concentrating on Stevens Creek for the
only. She
Com. Fazekas questioned what are the penalties if the City does not
comply with State mandate regarding housing?
Mr. Cowan stated if the state is not happy with the progress, the
City basically does not have a general plan.
Mr. Kilian explained if a City does not comply with the General
Special Meeting of December 12, 1991
pa,ge ,4
Plan' requirements a Judge has various options.
iriterest group,could also sue the city.
Mr. Viskovich stated that building a bridge from Bubb into De Anza,
as suggested by Com. Austin, has been looked at proves to be very
costly. De Anza College is not interested in doing this. He
stated a footbridge may be more workable.
He stated and
Com. Mahoney presented a map outlining his view of landuse.
He questioned the City Attorney if he could comment on one of the
major company's that he works for within the city.
Mr. 'Kilian stated as long as his decision will not impact him
~ersonally, and did nót think this is the case.
Com. Mahoney stated he agrees with the heart of the City, making it
people oriented. He pointed out were he would recommend housing,
retail etc. He feels the existing companies should be allowed a
reasonable amount of growth for example 50% over 10 years. The
traffic should be mitigated, He stated he is consistent with
staff's view, but would not put housing right on De Anza Blvd.
Com. Austin stated when she met with Apple Inc., they had predicted
20 percent over 20 years.
tom. Mahoney stated the meeting with Apple Inc. was to look at a
different configuratioñof the campus.
Com. Mann presented a map of her view of landuse. She noted she is
not in'favor of the Grand Blvd. concept, but in favor of the idea
of a parkway with,trees. She pointed out were she would recommend
housing, retail etc. She stated mixed-use should be placed on the
~rándBlvd, if this was decided. She is in favor of a hotel in
City 'Center. Com. Mann also spoke in favor of the light industrial
in the Monta Vista area. Retail should go into the crossroads area
and other areas down zoned to apartments. She noted these are very
long term goals. She noted mixed-use should be encouraged and
strip retail discouraged.
CÌ'lr. Mackenzie presented his view of the landuse. He presented a
map' outlining his views øfwhere residential and office should be
as well as retail. Most of Stevens Creek was presented as
residentiiil. The strip commercial should remain on De Anza. He
·f·eels some retail should be forced into existing retail centers.
'I'he"·h'otel should be full service. He feels the heart of the city
should begin with the expansion of the library. He was not in
favor of a thematic approach. He stated the height of the
buildings would depend on the Grand Blvd. concept and is not
opposed tomixed~use.
Mr. Cowan'noted some of the Commissioners had talked about
special Meeting of December 12, 1991
Page 5
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redevelopment schemes. He explained ways in which an agency could
be created. He feels the only way to get many places redeveloped
is through market incentives.
Com. Mahoney
. . '.,.,'"
The Commissioner discussed the current General Plan in comparison
to the proposed.
Com. Mahoney stated the housing problem cannot be resolved by
rezoning to residential.
Com. Fazekas stated he liked the layout of the staff report anð the
points outlined. He noted the Landuse Committee had concluded :tq¡;¡t
the deeper the lot the better for high residential. The shallower
lots being dedicated to office, etc.
Public Comment
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Mr. steven Haze, San Juan Rd., commended staf·f for the process' of
the meetings and feels they have been sucpessful. He requestep
that time be made available to him to make a presentation at a
later hearing.
Mr. John Sobrato, Sobrato Development, noted he attended some of
the TDM program meetings. He stated the Companies wiLI,not, De al¡le
to mitigate traffic 100 percent. He requested that the Commission
give consideration to level service E at certain peripheral
locations, this will give the companies room to grow. He. stated
that only 29 percent of the congestion is attributed to.·the Major
Companies in the City even with their expansions.
! .
Mr. Mark Kroll suggested that the Planning commission hear thé
presentations from the Major 'Companies sooner than p'lanned. He
feels this would be helpful to the Commission as well as .the
Mr. Jerry Matranga, Cupertino School District, stated the School
District has been involved in the planning. He gave the' Commission
an update of the school sites in cupertino. He noted they are
looking into the future as to how they..willaccommodate ,the growth..
Mr. John Harley, Tandem Computers, stated they are still interested
in perusing the idea of a hotel and looking at where the best site
would be. In response to Chr. Mackenzie's question, Mr. Harley
stated he will be prepared in early January, if necessary, for the
Mr. Cowan noted the Commission will meet on the, l~th and 22nd
January for special meetings. It was decided that the Major
companies will make there presentations at·the 22nd meeting.
special Meeting of December 12, 1991
Page 6
Com. Mahoney requested information on the impact of TDM programs if
development doubled.
Mr. viskovich stated the impact is hard to determined without the
programs béing implemented, but will look into other areas were TDM
programs are already in place;·'He stated there will have to be
agreements made with the large Companies, if they want to grow they
must keep the trips down.
VI. Discussion on Memorandum from Daryl Fazekas regarding
Architecture and Site Approval Appointments
The Commission held a discussion on Com. Fazekas' request regarding
"Density Mitigation Fee". Com. Fazekas reiterated comments from
his letter addressed to the City Attorney dated 4-21-91. He
explained how the process would work. He noted it would have to
meet all the guidelines.
Charles Kilian, city Attorney stated that he has to research the
questions asked by Com. Fazekas.
Mr. Cowan explained the concept of the City controlling the pool of
trips available, the trips would be dealt out for economic benefit,
but it would not be dollars.
Chr. Mackenzie suggested looking into this issue further before
making any decisions.
The Commissioners held a discussion on the ASAC appointments.
In response_'Eô.colli. Fazeka.s' request, Mr. Kilian stated that ASAC
can change their Ordinance to add professional personnel to the
Com. Mann stated there is already an Architect on ASAC and adding
another Architect may be of no benefit to the city. She feels this
proposal should be discussed with ASAC before going any further.
Com. Fazekas stated he is proposing a non-resident to work with
staff to help develop guidelines.
Com. Fazekas moved to send a Minute Order to ASAC
suggesting that the look at adding a non-resident to the
Com. Austin
Passed 3-2
Chr. Mackenzie, Com. Mann
VII. Discussion on possible Selection of Planning commissioner on
Affordable Housing Committee
Com. Mann volunteered to serve on the Affordable Housing Committee.
special Meeting of December 12, '·1991
Page 7
It was agreed by acclamation that Com.
Affordable Housing Committee.
Mann will serve .on the
The Planning Commission adjourned at ·8;45 P'~" to·
the next Regular Meeting of January 13, 199,2 at)
6:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
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Catherine M. RobJ.llard,
Recording Secretary
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Approved by the Planning commission
at the Regular Meeting of January 13, 1992
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Amended 1-13-92
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