PC 02-10-75CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA PC"179 i. .10300 Torre Avenue-, Cupertino, Calif ornia 95014 Page 1 Telephone: 252--4.505 . t MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING.COMMISSION HELD ON FEBRUARY 10., 1975 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA SALUTE TO THE FLAG Chairman Gatto called the meeting to order at 7:38 p.m. with the Salute to the Flag. ROLL CALL Comm.. present: Adams, Cooper, O'K.eefe, Woodward, Chairman,Gatto Comm. absent: None Staff present Director of Planning & Development Sisk Assistant Planning -Director Cowan Assistant City Attorney Kilian Assistant .City Engineer Whitten. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 27, 1975: Page 4, third paragraph from the bottom: Change "Counc," to Page 7, paragraph 6: After the first sentence'.add-: "He could not endorse this proposal which might limit the use of Memorial Park< We are considering a considerable housing application which is backing up against a residential development on the northeast section of Memorial Parka The very area for outside activities wid loudspeakers, with unquestioned day use planned before us today` does. not take this into consideration." Page 9, the middle paragraph, line 6. Sentence should read: "She would prefer to achieve open space, and a multi --story development, might even be more appropriate, Page 9, next to the last paragraphs line 4: After "berming" add "between the -tennis club and residential area"� Moved by Comm, O'Keefe, seconded by Comma Adams to approve the Minutes of January 27, 1975, as amended. -0 Mohan carried, 5 i !.1C-179 1MINUCES OF THE FEBRUAI:Y 10, 1975 Pf, vNN I-NG CO'ElI.SSION Lv HETING lg I'ae 2 i-V-75 approved POSTPONEMENTS, etc. -- None. BITTEN COMMUNICATIONS --- None. JORAL COMMUNICATIONS -- None. (PUBLIC HEARINGS I. Application 1-V-75 of DIVIDT,-,0) INDUSTRIES, INC.: VARIANCE to reduce the required rii.ni.muin rear setback distance For a duplex building from ten feet to nine feet on Lot 1, Tract 5615. Said property is located at the southwest corner of Vista Drive and Forest Street. first Hearing. �Coinm. O'Keefe abstained from this public hearing on the basis that he dives across the street from the prc)erty in question. The Planning Director introduced the proposal and referred to details in the staff report dated January 24, :L975. An informational exhibit, dated 12-31-75 was displayed on the screen. One corner of the proposed structure projects to within nine feet of the rear property line, which is a large radius as Vista Drive turns westerly and becomes Lazaneo Drive. The requirements for a variance were reviewed. Mr. Arthur Anderson, 405 North Central, Campbell, California, said he was representing Dividend Industries, Inc., and offered to answer any questions. He said there will be a 6' masonry wall. along this corner radius. Moved by Comm. Woodward, seconded by Comm. Adams to close the public hearings. Motion ca:-ried, 4-0-1 `loved by Comm. Cooper, seconded by Comm. Adams to approve application I-V-75, subject to the 14 standard conditions and conditions 15 & 16 as indicated by the staff. VES: Comm. Adams, Cooper, Woodw�.rd, Chairman Gatto DOES: None USTAINED: Comm. O'Keefe Motion carried, 4--0-1 Findings: a) There are exceptional. and/or extraordinary circumstances In that the turning radius is rather Large; b) The granting of the ipplication.is necessary for the preEernation and enjoyment of substantial >roperty rights of the petitioner; and c) The granting of this t PC_179 MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 10, 1975 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING n age 3 application will not, under the circumstances of this particular case, materially affect adversely the health or safety of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the property of the applicant and will of articular case, be materially ecircumstancesthese 0 under th p not, detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements of said neighborhood. °i 2. Application 2-U--75 of W. J. HERMAN (KESTER PROPERTY) USE PERMIT to allow construction of a maximum of 61--unit cluster development on 17.9 acres located adjacent to and*.easterly of Stevens Canyon Road approximately 200 feet southerly of Riverside Drive. First Hearings The Assistant Planning Director introduced the proposal, The use permit represents the second step in this proposal since the conceptual plan was heard by the Planning Commission at the last meeting and will be heard by the City Council at their next meeting, A condition was attached to the zoning approval in that the number of units may not exceed 61, and further, that the density could be reduced based on data in the forthcoming geological report The Assistant Planner said these 17+ acres are located south of Riverside. Drive and east of Stevens Canyon Roada Properties to the west are a series of semi -developed County properties.- At the panhandle portion of the property the density is ,more intense, but the fact that the property drops off just beyond these boundaries means there will be no developable lots around this panhandle. Colored slides of the property were shown There were three basic issues to be resolved: geology,, traffic and grading Although condition 18 of Resolution No. 1391 stipulates the requirement for additional geologic work, prior to tentative map time, the staff and the applicant agreed the use permit stage is a better time to clarify this question. The February 6, 1975, letter from Burkland and Associates (geologic consultants), was introduced into the record. Comm. OtKeefe was concerned about whether scarring of the land is necessary to determine whether or not there is a fault on this property. Mr. J eoffrey Swett, 343 Second Street, Los Altos, of Enviros, the firm that prepared the Environmental Impact Report, explained how it was determined whether or not there were anomalies on the property. f The soils people found the property generally very stable. The Assistant City Engineer explained the traffic analysis, which can be found in the February 7, 1975 staff_ report on application 2-U-75, �:-179 MLNUTES OF 'fill: FE3I'JJA11Y :LO, 1975 PL' vNIiJG CC)"I�ICSSION NLET'ING 4 1 The IAssi.st�int Planning Director reviewed the master site plan of the cut and fi.l_1 grading I -or this proposal. The homes along the north Should have a low profile to mininii,�e interference with the view. The parking ratio is fir above that required by the ordinance. There is a very good setback distance betc,Jeen Riverside Drive and 'the homes along the north border. H-Control Will have to carefully review the cut, Which should not ex,,eed 2:1 in order 'that it may be i (planted. It was brought out that these are Lwo--bedroom units that are non -family oriented. �Mr. Herman, the applicant, answered Chairman Gatto that the private ownership will encompass the home arltd patio and all the rest of the property will be in common ownership. There are about 1-2 units with balconies in lieu of patios. There are no fences around the units. Mr. Herman said he has been approached by the Deep Cliff Golf Course people about a property exchange, trading a long sliver of property along the golf course for additional property at the panhandle. This would mean the present fence along the top of the hill would be moved down to the base of the hill. Chairman Gatto asked for comments from the audience. Mr. R. W. Roberts, 22364 Riverside Drive, was assured that all units are single story except for one townhouse at the toe of the property. Mrs. Sharon Blaine, 22284 De Anza Circle, said her home is near Drea Road. They are concerned about the development and its impact on the neighborhood. This is the best proposal that she has seen for this property. The visual impact is good, but she is concerned about traffic that will be generated by this development. She asked that Drea be left closed and only to be used in cJses of emergency. She added that the De Anza Oaks development has 200 residences and only one entrance. Mr. John Finemore, 22374 Riverside Drive, objected to the cutting and grading and would prefer to have ret,ntion of the natural, undulating surface. The Assistant Planning Dir-,ctor agreed there will be a "stepping situation" by the homes and we will Dave to try to rai.t.i_gate this with landscaping. The Assistant City Eng'neer confirmed that the orange areas on the map represent 1' to 4' of cut. This is to achieve a buildable pad. Kr. Finemor.e also would like to see fine utilities go underground. The kssistant City Engineer said the developer will be required to put all itilities underground. If the people on Riverside Drive would like their )oles underground it could be done at. their expense. MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 10, 1975 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PC--179 Page 5 Mr. Finemore askedabout the status of the proposed trails system in this area. The Planning Director stated that there are no trails at the present timer In the event there are in the future, they must make all-owances for them now. The Assistant Planning Director said, in regard to the grading, that there is very little cut in the panhandle. The knoll will be cut. There will be 3 major buildings on the knoll Mrs. Helen Weagart, 10900 Urea,: said hers is the only existing house on Drea Road, She thinks the general plan here is very nice. She asked about the proposed property trade, which was news to her. Her concern was about the possibility of about 120 retired people walking along the path, across her property, to get to, the golf course This has yet to be resolved, Mr. Martin Hall, Par Three Driver Cupertino, local developer, stated that this is one of the finest development proposals he has. j seend Mr. Dale Milligen, 22530 Ricardo Road, said his property bordersto j the property in question„ He wanted to know how the transition is going to be handled. Mr. Herman said that from a.planning stand- point, Drea Road should be open however, if the people pre:-er, it can be closed offs Mr. Sam Bradlyn, 22344 Riverside Drive, asked about the status of the fence between this and his property. Mr. Herman said they intend to leave the chain link fence where it is and there will be shrubberies, not to exceed 15` in height. Mr.' Bradlyn believes the existing building should be computed into the density figure. Mrs Dale Adams,.10734 Deep Cliffe Drive, is interested in main- taining their nice, -quiet neighborhoods He asked about the status of the suggested alternate egress by the Buck Norrad stables, Also, he would like to have the trails system considered here. He would like to have the Drea Road access eliminated° Mr. Dean Sayre, 1-0805 South Stevens Canyon Road, said he could not see putting people down in this "hole". He cited instances around the country in which dams have failed. He also called attention t all the automobile accidents that have occured at this corner Mrs. Beverly Weintraub, 22334 Riverside Drive, felt the plan call. .' for too many units. She felt that just because there would be no children here was no reason for lack of green, open space° i'C--179 MNUTFS OF TIIB 1F;BRih1RY 1.0, 1975 PL`NIENG CO I.11SSiON HIE' I!]TI�;G 'Upon request of Comm, Ad:.ims, there. , as further clarification of the anomalies shown on the mr 0 tomeLer traverses and an interpretation of the geophysical data, althou;;h t!:e geologist was not present at this meeting to answer questions not covered in his report. Ms. Stella Kester, 10350 Stevens Ca,i;lon Road, described ho,:a the debris ;and the concrete slab happen to be i.here. Alvoed by Comm. O'Keefe, seconded by Comm. Woodward to close the public .hearing. i 1 i Motion c�.cried, 5-0 In the event this application was t(; be approved at this meeting, Comm. Adams suggested a mod:ificati.oi to condition 16, including geology ;and soils work be done below the sp:i.ng on the western portion of the !property line, With regard to Drea exit, this second egress should be 'for emergency vehicles, and a break -:away barrier should be installed. !Comm. Cooper would like to see some :access here for bicycles and hikers Jbut not for motorcycles, i jComm. Cooper is concurred about the grading of the knoll. The Assistant ;City Planning Director said the max :,,uin cut is 4' and will allow 4-5 units on the knoll, 1'1Ir. Herman noted these i.ini.ts will be about 13' ;above the golf- course. Also, he eml.hasized that they do not want to disturb the existing mature trees. ''hey are moving as little dirt as possible. !Comm. O'Keefe concurred with the reconun%ndati_on for expansion of (Condition 16. He is concerned about the forthcoming geological report. Drea should be closed but should allow for emergency vehicles. He irepeated that 61 units density is not a certainty at this time, based Ion the geological report. Comm. Woodward had an additional cha'.ge to condition 16: That the grading plan be changed to allow a greater flat area on top, Comm. Cooper suggested elimination o.- the first unit. That the grading and site plan for. the Stevens Canyon Road/private drive entrance area shall be modified as follows: a) The vertical alignment of the private drive shall be modified Co provide a relatively flat stacking space for four cars; b) The unit opposite lot 17 of tract 3571 shall be shifted 5' in a southerly direction ,trd shall have a maximum finish floor elevation of 442; c) That the modi_fic,,1 grading; plan shall not require the construction of a retaining wall over 4' in height. a MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 109 1975 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING .PC-179 Page 7 Moved by Comm. O°Keefe, seconded by Comm. Woodward to approve" 2-U-75 application 2--U--75 , subject to standard conditions 1 through 14, approved conditions 151 16 as amended, 17 as recorded and amended, 19, 20, 21 with 9 clauses including only emergency access to Drea, and condition 22 with 5 clauses., AYES: Comm., Adams, Cooper, O'Keefe, Woodward, Chairman Gatto NOES: None Motion carried $ 5-0 S This will go to the City Council on February 18thr Supervisor Ralph Mehrkens complimented the Planning Commission on its thorough handling of .public hearings... Chairman Gatto called: a recess at 10:35 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 10 55 p.m. Mrs. John. Hillquist, 20685 Rodrigues Avenue, was present to discuss the Fence Ordinance, Due to the late hour, agenda item 4 concerning an. -:amendment to Fence Ord the Fence Ordinance, it was moved by Comma Adams, seconded by cont�d to. Comm. Woodward to continue this to February 24,.1975� Feb. 24th Motion carried, 5-0 3< Applications 35-Z-74 and 25--TM-74 of SHAPELL INDUSTRIES OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, INCda REZONING 0.55 acre from CG (General Com-nercial) and. 0,51 acre from R3-2o2 (Residential, multiple, 2200 s� ft. per dwelling P , ry q p fling unit) to R2-4a25 (Residential, duplex, 4,250 sq. ft per dwelling unit) or whatever zone may be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission.; TENTATIVE MAP to divide two recorded parcels consisting of 1.06 acres into four duplex lots. Said . property�is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Foothill Blvd. and Silver Oak Way and the Southwest corner of Foothill Blvd. and Silver Oak Way westerly of an. existing . service station.. First Hearinge The Planning Director stated that during the general plan delibera tions it was determined that generally, this entire quadrant would have the ability for professional office, commercial and .residential_ uses, iIINUThS OF Tiff -1011 1975 VL.INNf.NG Co "HISSTON Mi?i';'1'ING Mr. A. Bcilough, 22634 Lubertz Oak Drive, said lie was representing Shappell Cndustries, cnd offered to answer any questions. Mrs. Mary P . Bean, 1.01 43 Amador Oak Court, wanted the 1'_1_anning Commission to be a�,,are of the problems in that area before this property is rezoned. She requested the requirement of alnT:1e Off-street parking since parking has become quite i problem a_lorig Silver Oak .,'ay, Also, their egress onto Foothill Blvd. is a problem, especially with the Permanente trucks being allowed the free right turn a!- the intersection with Stevens Creels Blvd. She requested a stop sign at this intersection so the trucks will have to start slowing doti�ni by the time they reach Silver Oak Way, Comm. O'Keefe cited the Kansas City study, in which it was determined there is a correlation between street parking and crime. He said that we also have here two sharp curves making a potential hazard. fie would like to minimize the hazard before i e accidents occur., The Assistant City Engineer called attention to the fact that the north- west corner of Stevens Creek Blvd. end Foothill Blvd. is under. County jurisdiction. 35-Z-75 Moved by Comm, O'Keefe, seconded by Coiiim. Woodward to approve application :;proved 13'5-Z-75. AYES: Comm. Adams, Cooper, O'Keefe, Woodward, Chairman Gatto NOES: None Motion carried, 5-0 I'M-75 Moved by Comm. O'Keefe, seconded by Connn. Cooper to approve application :,,proved 25-TM-75, subject to the 14 standard conditions, conditions 15 and 16 and driveway access to Foothill Blvd, is not permitted. AYES: Comm. Adams, Cooper, O'Kee e, Woodward, Chairman Gatto NOES: None Motion carried, 5-0 Comm. O'Keefe proposed a Minute Ora-. r to direct the staff to make a study as to the feasibility of whether or riot street parking should be allowed on Silver Oak Way. The Planning Commission proposed a Minute Order to the City Council to contact the County regarding provision of a stop signal at this inter- section. 4. CITY OF CUPERTTNO: Public hearing to consider amendment of Chapter 16.28 of Municipal Code pertaining .to height and location of fences and vegetation within the yard setback areas. CONTINUED. MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 10, 1975 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PC-179 Page 9 5. Applications 1--Z--75 and 1-U-75 of MAY INVESTMENT COMPANY: REZONING 5.6 acres from R1--10 (Residential, single-family, 10,000 sq. ft. per dwelling unit) to P (Planned Development with residential, single-family, cluster intent) or whatever zone may be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission.; USE PERMIT to allow construction of 43-unit cluster develop- ment. Said property is located approximately 375 feet westerl of the intersection of Forest Street and Vista Drive and adjacent to and southerly of the future extension of Lazaneo Drive between Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road and Vista Drives First Hearing Comm, O'Keefe abstained from this public hearing because of his association with the applicant. The Assistant Planning Director reviewed the February 7, 1975 staff memo on this proposal., The plans were displayed on the bulletin board< Mr. Martin Hall introduced Messrs, Griffin and Finnegan, of Dick Finnegan`s Officer Mrs Roger Griffin described the plans for 43 detached living units on 5-1/2 acres. They will range from 1350 to 1600 :sq, ft, and will have 2 bedrooms with den or loft. These are designed to be adult units. Each residence will have 2 or more patios There will be auto _access from one side and pedestrian access from the opposite side. The entrance to the development is paved with a cobblestone appearance, There is a 4` separation between the units with overhang at the service entrance, Each unit has a full 2-car garaged He then went over the details of the elevations on the bulletin board> He noted. 2/3 of the project is single story. There are 151 parking spaces, which meets the ordinance. The gross density is 7e.66 and net acreage density is 8.27. Building coverage is 26% of the site, Mr. Griffin said he saw no problem with the suggestion of reduction of the green area along Lazaneo and increasing it in the center of the project. He said they are in agreement with the proposed conditions. He answered Comm.. Adams that the building envelope is 54' x 24 + 4'. Windows are oriented to the rear and to the side and not into the other units, They have determined the units will probably run in the low $50,000's. The 4` strip between the units will be the own.erst responsibility. Comm, Woodward was concerned about the, lack of continuity of a walkway through the project. Mr. Griffin offered to correct this deficiency. C- (. 7^I111111,'CI?S OF 'Cliff? I3IZiJA!;Y 1C) , 1.975 fI ,;'liNG CO!I.t[ SS IOV rIl?I'1' 1=NG 1.0 i ;Chairman Gatto observed there are n_ plans for a swimming poI Or ,rE CrCatl.On.il bU L1Cling. 1'Ir". Grlf i in sr1 Ld buildi.ng costs are such that tliey are L ry.ing to k0ep them down rl well as keep the association fees d(.)wn . ,Chairman GaLto asked for comments L -ct1 the au(_t:ience. itiir. Don Miner, P. 0. Box 673, Sarat:,-, .., Ca. s: id he is one of the owners of the property contiguous th this. They have a pipeline to the Meyer that that Lhey need to y :irrigate their property, which has :been in existance since the 1920`s. Ile said they are putting everyone ,on notice that they plan to continu, truck farri.ing Lhei.r property. Mr. Hall said he is very familiar with this pipeline. The property is for sale, so tie was surprised to dear they are planning to truck farm. f :Discussion turned to the layout of f )o propozsal. Co;nni. Adanis said that on the one hand there are. advantage,, t) the separation of buildings and on the other hand tho-re are disadvur -,ages, !Comm. Cooper is concerned about the _ong, nar.rwr space between the buildings. She does not know what the people can do with this property, !She believes they slicul.d be given a yard big enough to do something with for not give them any yard at all. Mr. Griffin said the banks are not F,'ving out loans now for common -wall :type units, Also, these are patJ-o i,:'.�mes and it will be very difficult to leave this land in weeds because it becomes an integral part of the !home. f 1Comr.^.. Cooper said she does not know what the residents would be able to/ do with this long, narrow property. Mr. Griffin said they could do this, !but that would increase the price of the units. He questioned whether the !people would be willin, to pay $3 to $4000 additional for this open space. Comm, Cooper next suggested repositi,>ning of the units so they don't `have that long, narrow strip. Mr. Giffin said this would trade 'landscaped area for driveway area. Comm Woo dward said he knows lots of people who don't want a garden. iHe concerned that with the last i:ve units, they have entrances ! to an alleyway. Mr. Griffin said this offers those people more privacy, IMr. Hall said that in talking with p(opl.e every day he is learning that they don't warit just the old side yat-d. They want to utilise this land because it brings cod -or into the home. Chairman Gatto said the zoning is .L in,!. But lie questioned the design. Here we have a single family cluster type development. Ile questioned a MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 10, 1975 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PC-179 Q Page 11 the need for the large amount of common area in the center of the development. He would like to see some of that .given tothe individual units. He thinks we have to go either with single family or cluster homes here. Moved by Comm. Coopers seconded by Comm. Adams to close the public. hearings Motion carried, 4-0-1 Comm.. Cooper felt the zoning and density were appropriate but not the plan. Mr. Dick Finnegan said the quaint little town of Carmel .is a good example of minimal setbacks. It is a delightful community. With the cost of things today we have to tighten up the space. He agreed that they could increase the space around the buildings at the cost of common open spaced Comm. Woodward reviewed the requirements of the PD zoned Comm. Cooper said she comes, into contact with many people, and she hears them cite the need for more breathing room. She was in favor of a reduction in the number of units. Moved by Comm. Adams, seconded by Comm, Cooper to continue..: 1-Z-75 and applications 1-Z-75 and.1-U-75 to the next regular meeting to 1-U-75 allow the -applicant to restudy and redesign. continued' Motion carried, 4-0-1 6. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Amendment to Ordinance 220(e), Cluster Ordinance, establishing new regulations affecting residential cluster developments. CONTINUED TO THE NEXT MEETING. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None 1.79 fMI;IUIH"; OF TLIF 1,11-J;[ZUARY 10, .1.975 PLANNING COMI` ISS1.ON MEETING 12 "A-75 Decl. ENUUO '14JENTAL REVIEW COMMIT` E11:: Recommendation for Negative Declaration 7. Application: 1-EA-75 Applicant: Cold::ell Banker Management Corp. (Dr. Brown property) Location: Bandle.y Drive, north of Lazaneo Discretionary Action Requested: Application for rezoning 15.5 acres from P (Planned Developi::ent with commercial/:industrial use intent) to P (Planned Development with industrial use intent) !The P.le.nning Director said the ERC comiii_ttee reviewed the proposal for the 1 + acre business park for elect-roaic industries and found the project to be in conformance with the General Plan and, therefore, { reccmi,.iended a Negative Declaration. Moved by Comm. Adams, seconded by Co;un. O'Keefe to ask the Planning Director to file a Negative Declaration on application 1-E.1-75. Motion carried, 5-0 REPORT OF PLANNING COMMISSION: N,,ne REPO ;`C OF PLANNING DIRECTOR: N _ ne ADJOU R:`.MENT Moved by Comm. Adams, seconded by Coci.,n. Woodward to adjourn this meeting at 12:45 a.m, to 7:30 p.m, on February 20, 1975. ATTEST: /s/ Wm. E. Ryder City Clerk Motion carried, 5-0 APPROVED: /s/ John M. Gatto Chairman