PC 03-24-75z
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 Page 1
Telephones 252-4505
Chairman Gatto called the meeting.to order at 7:40 p.m with the
Salute to the Flags
Comma presents Cooper, 0°Keefe, Woodward, Chairman Gatto
Comm. absent: Adams
Staff present: Director of Planning and Development Sisk
Assistant Planning Director Cowan
Assistant City Attorney Kilian
Assistant City Engineer Whitten
Minutes of Regular Adjourned Meeting of March 6, 1975a
Page 1, second paragraph under Public Hearing should read:
"Chairman Gatto said the purpose of,this meeting was to consider
the 'staff's memo regarding hillside review procedures."
Page 2, paragraph 6, add the word "designation" after "Public
Facilities Zone",
Moved by Comm, Woodward, seconded by Comm, Cooper to approve the
Minutes of March 69 1975 as amended.
Motion carried, 3-0•--1
Comm„ O'Keefe abstained.
Minutes of'Regular Meeting of March 10,1975
Page 5, after paragraph 4, add the motion made by Comm. Cooper
and seconded by Comm. Woodward to close the public hearing.
Moved by Comm. Cooper, seconded by Comm, Woodward to approve the
Minutes of March 10, 1975, as amended.
Motion carried, 3--0-1
Comm. O Keefe abstained®
Pa,e 2
Hillsides study
April 21st
Fence Ord.
cont'd to
April 14th
10-V-74 cont'd
to May 12th
Upon request of the staff, it was moved by Comm. O'Keefe, seconded by
Comm. Woodward to continue agenda item 7, the Hillsides study,
to April 21, 1975, 7:30 p.m., in the Library.
Motion carried, 4-0
Upon recommendation by the staff, it was moved by Comm. Woodward,
seconded by Comm. O'Keefe to continue agenda item 3 (height and
.location of fences and vegetation) -o April 14, 1975.
Motion carried, 4-0
Upon recommendation of the staff, i- r,✓as moved by Comm. Woodward,
seconded by Comm. O'Keefe to continue agenda item 2 (10-V-74) to
May 12, 1975.
Motion carried, 4-0
Kr. Dale Adams, Deep Cliffe Drive; asked if there are any plans for
improvement of McClellan Road as it proceeds uphill from the golf
course. The Assistant City Engineer said this is unprogrammed, but is
in the Five Year Capital Improvements Program. In connection with
the Ponderosa Homes development, McClellan will be improved up to and
including the bridge this summer,
L. Application 13-Z-74 of SAN CARLOS HOMES & DEVELOPMENT CO.:
REZONING 20.7 acres from A (Agricultural/Residential - 10)000
sq. ft. minimum lot) to P (Plai.ned Development with residential
cluster use intent with approx_i:uately 2.4 dwelling units per acre)
or whatever zone may be deemed .appropriate by the Planning
Commission. Said property is _'.ocated southerly of and adjacent
to Voss Avenue at its westerly terminus. First Hearing continued.
'he Assistant Planning Director intiodu ced the proposal by reviewing
:he neighborhood plan and the concef�ual site plan. This is a trans-
Ltional area between the valley flocs and the lower foothills.
The Planning Commission determined that the .original proposal
was unacceptable because of the density. This new proposal,,
based on a slope/density formula, yields about 50 units. The uni
and common green are concentrated on the lower portion of the
property, although some of the units climb up the hill in the
canyon area. The Assistant Planning Director suggested that
perhaps the Commission might want to discuss the natural pond and
determine whether or not it should be considered a liability.
Lot sizes for these single-family, detached homes vary from 5000
to 8000 sq. ft.
Mr. Jack T. Chamberlain, 1620 El Camino Real,'representing San
Carlos Homes, said he and the staff were discussing maintenance
of the common: green area. He would like the Commission to con-
sider that this is of benefit to the citizens of Cupertino as.
well as the residents of this development. The pond ranges .in
depth from 4 to 6 feet and the liability responsibility should be
considered because he felt it opened up the property and has
taken away some of the buildable land.
Mr. Chamberlain answered Comm. O'Keefe that he does not think
at the present time in terms of isolating the pond.
Comm. Woodward was answered by the Assistant Planning Director
tbat ,.the..open..area, at. De.Anza Oaks ,-is.,.,: the liability of the
homeowners. We have the condition on that approved application
that it will be a continuation of the public trail system.
Chairman Gatto asked the Assistant City Attorney to obtain a
,brief from the bonding company regarding a possible assessment
district for the pond and open space,
The City and the developer will check with their respective .
lawyers on the issue of liability
Page 3
Mr. Jim Carroll, 340 Myrtle .Street, Redwood City, felt that the
public access and public use of this area would be dependent upon
whether or not title of the property is retained by the homeowners..
The City of Cupertino has about'16 square miles of hillsides and
this is the first to be considered under the new slope/density
formula. He said an assessment district would take care of the
capital improvements.. Further, he suggested a maintenance.district
for maintenance of the open space. He said he would like to get
as much input as.possible from the Planning Commission before
proceeding with more definitive plans in regard to density, -con
figuration, location of open space, street pattern., and the
general reaction to the plan...:.
Chairman Gatto asked for comments from the - audience,
Page 4 j
Marty Larson, 22770 Mercedes Road, said she would welcome any way in
which this lake or pond could be in laded in the public land. She
would like to see a walkway around :hc lake as well as some benches.
She was concerned about the size and quality of the homes to be built
here. Mr. Carroll answered the homes will be 1600 to 2100 sq. ft., with
a good many of them opening onto the common green.
Dorothy Cheyne, 10458 Lockwood Road said she was concerned about too
high a density it .,His area. She questioned the need for any more
homes here, with the economy such as it is. She said the Ridgequest
and Patio Homes developments have many empty units.
Theresa C:rogur, 10444 Lockwood Road asked about street improvements
and schools. She said the neighborhood is quiet now and would like to
eep it that way. Comm. O'Keefe said he is confident that the property
,vill be developed in such a way as t_'o complement the neighborhood.
klcalde and Voss will be improved.
?amela Mayerle, 22821 Mercedes Road asked what can be done to prevent
levelopment of this property. She granted to know what procedure the
?eople should follow to block its development. Chairman Gatto said
:he General Plan has determined this property should be developed in
3 low density manner, The Planning Commission is a recommending body
m zoning matters. The City Council mbkos the final. decision. Public
input is welcome. Ms. Mayerl.e said she was not in favor of a
naintenance district for an open spo.ce area that is not accessible to
:he general public. She lives adjacent to this property. She answered
;omm. Cooper that she would like to see large homes here and not much
traffic. After further discussion, it was decided the property owners
in that area would get together and make a list of the kinds of things
:hey would like to consider for this property.
:omm. Woodward would like to know wl,,at value the residents place on
,isual open space.
Mrs. Lucien Hertert, San Juan Road, asked to see an aerial view of the
area. She wondered if the Planning Commission has adopted any policy
regarding homes along the tops of the ].knolls. Chairman Gatto said it
has been decided there should not be homes along the ridge lines of
prominent knolls. Mrs. Hertert said that if we are going to have a
maintenance district she wanted to call attention to the fact that we
already have a regional park district.
Mr. Jim Bybokas, 1.0459 Lockwood Drive asked if this property were not
rezoned what development could take place on it. Chairman Gatto said
there could be 65 to 70 homes on 10,000 sq. ft. lots under present zoning.
Mr. Bybokas said he is concerned about the proposed density and the
quality of the homes.
Ghairman Gatto explained the slope/density-formula -for the benefit
of the audience.
Mr. Bybokas said one of the best amenities of this area is the
present open space. All this plan appears to be doing is blocking
the view for the existing single family homes and duplexes He
said he would prefer to see -a cluster development with much open
Page 5
Judie Stepner, 22444-Riverside Drive suggested a meeting,be held
of -all the people..who are against this area being developed. j
Mr. A. T. Nollan, 10949 San Felipe Road asked if these development
projects are considered separately or collectively. Chairman -
Gatto said they are based on the general plan. .He added that.
this is not public land but is under private ownership.
Mr. Nollan said he is concerned about the 50 to'60 homes and the
traffic they will generate.. He would like to see less density.
He. believes the present traffic on Foothill Blvd; is at maximum j
before major improvements shouldberequired. He said he does
not question this project but rather the magnitude of it. He said!
he got the feeling that this.project is a foregone conclusions
Comma Cooper said she was disturbed that the audience felt the
Plannling„:Comm lion hadade a.v.deeiisi -orj sthis .property, This
is the first time the plan has come back since their first pro-
posal•for 70+ units. She said she welcomes input from the people.
Now is the time for the people to come forward and -tell the
Planning Commission what they want and what they don't want,
Mr, Art Hoyt, 22.740 Alcalde Road said, helives across from the
pastured,,.This is a very beautiful piece of property. If he had
a preference, he would like to see single --story homes on large
lots here, In answer to Mr.. Hoyt`s questions, the Assistant
Planning Director said that Alcalde Road will be improved. With
this plan, four homes will be fronting on Alcalde.
Mrs-; Hertert commented that we are fortunate in Cupertino that
the people can come forward and speak to the Planning Commission
and the City Council- She is much in favor of the improved
communications policy regarding proposed developments. Informa-
tioii:is on hand at City Hall and. the Library for those who seek it.
Caryl Cates, 10431-Lockwood Drive said she would like to see this
property remain in open space. In addition to the horses, there
are deer in the area. She and her son thoroughly enjoy nature.
The space behind the school has been designated for park purposes
She said that in order to improve the street they would have to
take some of the park property. She was informed of City policy
in.regard to street improvements.
Page 6
Ms. Gates wanted to know what constituted "open land". She said she
is not impresscd with the De �Inza Oaks development with its "open space".
She wants to have a safe place to Live. When the density is too high
we will have more crime and more tu:_n--over of the homes.
Comm. Cooper said that on May 24th she is going to start teaching a
course at De Anza Junior College to inform the people how all this
!works, and she- invited the people to come.
;Patricia Blake, 10445 Lockwood Drive said she purchased her duplex
ten years ago because of the open space in the area. There has been
no problem renting tier units. If the environment changes drastically
this might change. She wanted to know if the developer was aware of
the rifle range up near the pond. In answer to her questions, she was
told the selling price of these homes will be $6.5,000 to $75,000.
She said it is nice to know the public is welcome to come and air their
problems. She is concerned about t'e narrow portion of Lockwood Drive
near Voss Avenue. She can't imagine 50 families being added to the
neighborhood. The Assistant Planning Director reviewed the street
pattern and the access points.
The Assistant City Attorney advised that a maintenance district would
involve a fairly serious agreement c)n the part of the City to assume
a fair amount of contribution in re-pect to liability and in respect
to maintenance.
Comm. O'Keefe said the single --family home concept is more for the
valley floor. He would be more in savor of clustering in the hills.
Long streets tend to become drag strips. He felt the proposed density
here was too great. At the present time, he said he was not in accordance
with the plan as presented in its c)nceptual stage. There would
probably be fencing on the rectangular lots here, which would be seen
from the valley floor.
Comm. Woodward said his major concern here is for the problem of
fencing in private lots on up the hillsides. He said he would be
more comfortable seeing something like the original concept with a
lower density, He does not have a ;)roblem with the road. Follow
the contour of the land is importan_. He suggested a row of duple-.,.>
along Voss Avenue facing the existing ones. He felt the plan presc•t.t_ed
at this meeting tries to create a t,/p=i.cal valley floor subdit.sion.
Comm. Cooper said she thinks the id.�a of a cluster plan is to avoid
the number of street cuts. Her coni.ern with this cluster is that from
the inside you would have a great deal of enjoyment of the open space;
however, the people living in the dovel.opment to the east of this
property would be losing all of the visual corridors. Even though
there is a lot of open space above, she feels the homes are too dense.
She is not against a few Large lots up there. She believes there is a
demand for them. She thinks that putting the common green .in the center
was good for the people living in the development, but she is also con-
cerned about the people outside the development.
® I.
Page 7
Chairman Gatto commented that over all, this plan is a step in
the right direction. The density is probably right. There is
some difficulty with, the placement of the units on the property.
He has less problem with the Alcalde side than with the Voss
side. He thinks it. would be advantageous ,to provide a visual
corridor or two from that area along Voss; Avenue. He said.
Comm.; WoodwardPs comment about fences stepping up the hillside
was good. The street pattern and ciruculation were acceptable
to him. He noted that the consensus as to the density was
split, 50 -- 50. A variety of units should be considered.
Comma O'Keefe said there should be less roads, less fences and
less density. This property is valley floor that is starting
to go up the hillsides. The San Carlos Homes Project is
presently designed more appropriately valley floor.
It is not appropriately for a hillside,rectangle lots -rv=
and road should be redesigned.
Comm. Woodward said the pond should not be considered when
figuring the densityof the property, if the development is
not to assume responsibility for it.
Mr. Carroll said they were looking for direction, In regard to
the.open space, the people who will.be fronting on the open_
spa.c:e ,,wi11 ..be, assur,od...that -,:there >ss+ 11. ,not ;:be ..a.ny :development
above _them; however, they will die paying for this. In regard '
to configuration, he said .there is a'visual corridor down Voss
and one down Alcalde. The streets follow the contourof the
.and. The homes are a combination of split level and stepping.
The proposed density is much less: than the presently existing
duplexes. They plan to be in conformance , wit-li the slope/density
formula. He said they are basically custofi..home builders, not
.builders of duplexes.
Comm. Cooper said the thought of duplexes was to help provide
visual corridors. She; personally, did not object to single-
family homes, especially on large lots. She suggested clusters
ofclusters of homes. Comm. Cooper said she has argued for
computing only the buildable land. She said the number 50
for this land is maximum.
Moved by Comm. Woodward, seconded by Comm. O'Keefe to continue
application 13--Z-74 to April 28, 1975.
continued to
April 28th
Motion. carried, 4-0
Chairman Gatto called a recess at 10:15 p.m.- The meeting
reconvened at 10:28 p.m.
Page 8
2. Application 10-V-74 is continu:�d to May 12, 1.975.
'3. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearing to consider an amendment of
Chapter 16.28 of t:be Municipal Code pertaining to the height and
location of fences and vegetation within the yard setback areas.
This has been continued to April. 14, 1975.
4. Application 3-TM-75 of W. J, II:_:IiiA`d (KESTER PROPERTY) TENTATIVE
IIAP to subdivide 17..5 acres i_nr:o sixty-one single-family, resi-
dential, cluster units with on_, lot to be held in common ownership.
Said property is located adjac pit: to and easterly of Stevens Canyon
Road approximately 200' southet-ly of Riverside Drive. First Hearing,
The Assistant Planning Director r.evie�,-,ed the action that has been taken
on this property and called attenti'a to the fact that this public
hearing is in regard to thin tentative map application. The Architectural
and Site Approval Committee has app�-owed the concept of this development.
The tentative map is technically co(.-rect in all respects. The property
lines surrounding each unit are lar>er than previously discussed.
There will be fencing of patios but not of entire :tots.
Mr. W. J. Herman, 220 State Street, Los Altos, said he had no conflict
with the curb height nor the break-;i;,,!:y fence at Rancho Deep Cliffe
Drive. The CG & R's will cover the lot -lines aiid the fenced areas.
lie would like to leave the fence height- around the patios open to see
what the people who will he hiving _here want. This could be subject
to staff approval. The Planning Co: -mission agreed with this.
Mr. Murray Levi.sh, Aetl&@A:r Associates, said he had been retained to do
a geological investigation. They f,�und no evidence of active nor
inactive faults on the property. lb! explained in technical terms how
lie had arrived at this conclusion. Comm. Cooper thanked him for going
through this process for the benefii: o" the non -technical people.
Chairman Gatto asked for comments f-om the audience.
Mr. Sam Bradlyn , 2.2344 Riverside Dr. v,�! said he has spoken at all of the
previous hearings on this property ;_nd he feels that nobody has paid
any attention to him. Ile feels the tensity was not given enough
consideration. Comm. Wo.odwar.d staLE.d that the slope/density formula
was employed here.
Mr. M. L. Hall, 13303 Par 3 Drive, Cupertino, said there were four +
people who spoke .in favor of this This is 2.9 units per acre.
On Riverside Drive it is 5 to the acre and people came in and spoke
against that project. Ile said that people who live in glass houses
should not throw stones.
Page 9
Moved by Comma Cooper, seconded by Comm,.Woodward,to close the
public hearing„
AYES: Commw Cooper, O`Keefe, Woodward, Chairman Gatto
NOES; None
ABSENT: Comma Adams'
Motion. carried, 4-0
Moved by Comm„ Woodward, seconded by Comm., O`Keefe to approve
application.3-TM-75 subject 'to the standardconditions and to the
additional conditions. recommended by the staff, including
Exhibit B.
AYES* Comm„ Cooper,, O'Keefe, Woodward, Chairman Gatto
NOES: None
ABSENT: Comm. Adams
Motion carried, 4-0 Y
5. Amendment to Use Permit 15-U-68o CUPERCINO HILLS SWIM AND
,..RACQUET CLUB . '; :.To 2 nod.if_y the;: sites :plan : and , am.e-nd the ,condi-
tions of approval related to hours of operation and outdoor
lighting„ Said property is located southerly of and adjacent
Lo Rae Lane approximately 370 feet westerly of the 'inter-
section of Rae Lane and .Linda Vista Drive„- First Hearing.
Comm„ Cooper abstained from this.hearing since she belongs to this
The Assistant Planning Director answered Chairman Gatto that this
has been categorically exempted from the EIR requirement..
The use permit should have been: amended at the time the decisions.
were made to rezone this property. He referred to the staff
memo, dated March 20, 1975,
Mr. R. A. Christiansen, 1161 Yorkshire Drive, Cupertino, repre-
senting the Club, said they now have plans to construct the club
house of 1400 sq. ft. The plan now shows 6 rather than 7- tennis
courts. There is nothing in their plans for of the
courts, The lighting in this application is in the -pool area and
around the club house. The,'club has no wish to get into any
controversy with the neighbors. Many of the n.eighbors,belong to
the club.
Page 10
Chairman Gatto asked for comments from the audience.
'Mr. Vincent J. Romano, 10347 Linda Vi.:=.t i Drive, said he was one of the
,principals of the n.cmo (petition) LhaL ii�is been submitted. They have
no objection to the plan. They enjoy the club and most of them are
members. Their purpose �-,as to check. tke neighborhood since time was of
the essence. They are against night 1_ ic;hting. Ile said there was an
amendment to the use permit in 1963 in regard to operating hours to
10:30 p.m. They are concerned about_ i_raffi.c in the area, now that
Rae Lane has been closed.. IIe woul-d pr_e.fer. an 11:00 p.m. restriction
Ion the books, and to not enforce this iaril.ess a problem arose. They
would be in favor_ of a 2' rather than a 4' rise in elevation for the
club house.
Mr. Joseph Erlich, 10367 Linda Vista Dr.ije, has 4 homes in the area,
three of which he rents. He objects to the diving board that is so
no:i.sy. He would not be in favor of tY.e EDQ righL up against the fence.
However, he is In favor of the club. Ile hopes the land fill in the
play area will be removed, because ,.he way it is now he and his renters
have no privacy.
Mr. Jim Mueller, :1_100.5 La Paloma, past. President of the Club, said the
diving board has been taken care of so the noise p-r--oblem has been
corrected. He revie,:ed the outdoor I=ie,10-i.ng. At a later date he would
like to speak to the, City about rai,-ing that fence to 10'. There is a
security light T,aith a 75 watt bulb in i.t.
Mr. Reed King, 10837 Linda Vista, &)ot.her Member of the Club, said he
would like to have the matter of the tennis court lights resolved.
Also, there are no signs posted tha'_ Eae. Lane is dead -ended now. He
was told the dead end sign will be i.ns t:<i_Lled shortly.
Mr. Christiansen said there have be,ri no complaints with the original
use permit. If anything, this plan is to reduce the membership of 250
Comm. Woodward wondered if the applicant would be willing to place a
higher fence around the BBQ area to J)f(- Eent privacy :intrusion of the
adjacent property. Chairman Gatto :;aid the grading should be included
in the if -Control. review.
Mrs. M. Coombs, Racy Lane, said their home is on the highest lot near
the club. They enjoy the club. Sh,� is very much opposed to the height
of'the knoll on which they propose t:o build the club house.
Moved by Comm. Woodward, seconded b� Con-im. O'Keefe to close the public
AYES: Comm. O'Keefe, Wocdward, Chairman Gatto
NOES: None
ABSENT: Comm. Adams
ABSTAINI'D : Comm. Cooper
Motion carried, 3-0-1
Page 11
Moved by Comm. Woodward, seconded by Comm, O'Keefe to approve
application 15-U-75 with conditions 1, 2, 3, 4 , and 5 recommended
by the staff and as amended by the recommendations on the petition
signed by the members of the club and residents of the area.
AYES: Comm. O'Keefe, Woodward, Chairman Gatto
NOES: None
ABSENT, Comm. Adams
ABSTAINED: Comm. Cooper
Motion carried, 3_0--1
A Minute Order to the H-Control was proposed by Comm. Woodward,
seconded by Comma O'Keefe, to call attention to site grading, and
visual intrusion of neighboring properties when they review this .
AYES. Comma O'Keefe, Woodward, Chairman Gatto -
NOES: None
ABSENT., Comm. Adams
ABSTAINED: Comm. Cooper
6. Application 3-U-75 of KITCHENGARDENS, INC
Since the applicants were not present and nobody in the audience
responded, it was moved by Comm. O'Keefe, seconded by Comm.
conted to
Woodward to continue application 3--U-75 to April. 14, 1975.
April 14th.
Motion carried, 4-0
7, CITY OF CUPERTINO., Public Hearing to consider 1973 Compre-
hensive General Plan (a) Hillsides.,
This was previously continued to April 21st.
86 Applications 1--Z-75 and 1-U-75 of MAY INVESTMENT CO., -
REZONING 5<6 acres from R1-10 (Residential, single-family,
10,000 sq. ft. per dwelling unit) to P (Planned Development
with residential, single --family, cluster intent) ; USE PERMIT
to allow construction of 40-unit cluster development. Said
property is located approximately 375 feet westerly of the
intersection of Forest Street and Vista Drive and adjacent to
and; southerly of the future extension of Lazaneo Drive
between Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road and Vista Drive, (Referred
Po.i e 12
back to the Planning Couuni_ssion by City Council with the
recommendation that the developer reevaluate the design.)
Comm. O'Keefe abstained from this public hearing.
The Planning Director reviewo.d the taff report dated March 21, 1975.
NIr. Rodger W. Griffin., representing the developer, -explained the 40
units will have from 1.332 sq. ft. to 1.680 sq. ft. The City Council
'has requested they roduce the <-)mount of roadway and to increase the
green area, which rhey have dotie by 0.4 acre. Better access has
:been given on emer;lc:ucy basis, He xpJa.ined the modification to the
units, He said 24Z o±- the site is ��aving, including driveways.
They have gone from 1.6 acres do,,n !..o 1.2 acres in paving. There is
,now one less two-story unit on the 4.ite.
Mr. Martin Hall sa-ici these units will be $9000 to $11000 less than
their other_ development. This iripoctant to the younger segment of our
community who can't afford thr,$65, 00 to $75,000 Domes.
Comm. Cooper was concerned about th,, visual_ relief of units 14, 15,
16 and 17.
There is berming along Lazaneo Drivki and there will be trees in
planters along the roadway.
There followed a fairly detailed di->cussion of the placement of the
structures on the site. Comm. Copper was still not happy with the plan.
;She would prefer to have one uni-t rf-,moved and visual corridors for the
,units on both ends of the project. She would, remove unit #20 and
!shift unit #21. Mr. Griffin suggested a manor shift of the units
!around #20 to give visual relief.
Moved by Comm. Woodward, seconded by Coiam. Cooper to recommend to the
City Council approval of the amended 7itn design for applications
L-Z-75 and 1-U-75 , per Exhibit A fou,—Ln revision and conditions of
approval enumerated in Planning Commission Resoluti0ilS :1397 and' 1398.
Motion carried, 3-0-1
Comm. O'Keefe abstained
a I
Comm, Woodward asked if the signing of the tire operation in Monta
Vista has been checked. The Commission decided to have them come
back to the Planning Commission for public hearing.
In regard to his memo to the Planning Commissioners regarding
I1-Control, the Director said comments should be directed in
writing to the City Council prior to April 7th.
Moved by Comm. O'Keefe, seconded by Comma Woodward to adjourn
this meeting at 12 :45 a.m.
Motion carried., 4-0
/s/ John M. Gatto
/s/ Win. Eo Ryder
City Clerk
Page 13