PC 04-14-75I r
1' C; 185
MINUTES OF ltft: APtCL 1_F, 1)7r PLtr_v„i _VG [ON MEET TTT
Comm. Cooper arrived it the meeting; at this point.
Moved by Comm. O'Keefe, seconded by Ccmm. V!ood;•:ard to move agenda
item 7 up after item 21, upon recommcndation of the staff.
Motion carried, 5-0
There were none that (1d not refer, to agenda items.
I. CITY OF CUPERTI O : Public Hearing to consider an amendment
to Chapter 16.23 of the Munici.p.il Code pertaining; to the
height and location of fences aid veget<tion within the yard
setback areas. First Hearing c _,nt:inued .
The Assistant Planning Director reviewed the changes made thus far
to the Ordinance.
Chairman O'Keefe stated that it was his contention that the City of
Cupertino should not prohibit any t_,pe of fenci-ng within the City
as long as it is accepted by the nei_g'nbors and the Architectural and
Site Approval Committee. There should be more flexibility and less
control.. lie was thinking about dec )native, open grillwork type fencing.
Chairman GatLo asked for comments f_om the audience.
Mr. Louis Paviso, loalgtime Cupertin) resident and businessman, asked
if this ordinance includes commerci,31 as well as residential driveways.
Colleen J. Clark asked whose respon:,i_bili.ty it is to maintain a fence
that the City has installed. The A:>sistarit City Engineer answered that
normally, the City takes care of it. If there is a specific problem
she should call the City offices.
Page 3
Mr. Jon Neff, 489 Boynton:"Avenue, San Jose, introduced the idea
of the safety aspect being covered by the Vehicle Code. He said
that when a personbacks out of a driveway it is his responsibility
to do so safely. He asked why this is also being covered by
another law, Comm,, Cooper answered that. if it is physically
impossible to see as you bark out of your driveway because of
the obstructions, and these obstructions are not prohibited by
the Ordinance, then there is the possibility that the City can
be found at fault.
1 Comm. O'Keefe commented that we have allowed the automobile to
rule our lives to the extent that it even governsourlandscaping
Mrs, Hazel Hilquist, 20685 Rodrigues, Cupertino, said she feels it is important to consider safety in the ordinance. She has had
a •ch.ild run over. She believes. the maturity of the shrubs and
trees should also be addressed, She said we all want to keep our
city beautiful
Mr. H. E. Mallett, 20699 Rodrigues Avenue, Cupertino, asked for
the rationale used in establishing the sight triangle. It was
explained to him by the Assistant City Engineer. This same
rationale has been used by other jurisdictions as well,
Comm, Woodward said that since the distance from curbline to:
property line varies, he would.like to have the baselinemoved.
to the back of the sidewalk,
Mr.. Mallett said he would like a paragraph inserted in the
ordinance to the point- that in areas where there are no ,sidewalks
that at such time as a sidewalk is put in, the baseline will_ then
be established.,
Mrb Mallett noted that, more and more, people are utilizing their
front yards and he would _Like the Planning Commission to consider
not restricting to the 3° fence height of the front yard
Mrs Neff asked what the purpose is of a setback, The Planning
Director said it is to provide air, light and ventilations to
provide privacy from neighbors, and to provide the ability for
emergency vehicles to get into the back yards, etc.
The staff was asked to bring to the next meeting a report of
the number and location of accidents that have happened because
of vision obstructions,
Mr. Neff pointed out that if a car is parked outonthe curb it
will nullify the purpose of this ordinance as far as safety to
the children is concerned.
PC-13 `i
t af,e 4
removed from
'once Ord.
ir. Merrick, Cupertino ):;.;:i.dent., .<:,3;-: ssed the :recreation aspect of
the ordinance, 11c, said het has the dc-sire to LSe. a residential lot
for a tennis court, would rec uire a high fence. The Assistant
City Attorney said the use of the f. rice is not relevant here; safety
is the issue at hand.
Tars. Ann iMiger, Monta V_i.sta, cal Loc attentichi to the. extremely narrow
setback on Big Basin jIlay .in Saratofi r. She felt the drivers adjusted
the conditions and drove appropr:iat ,�� ly.
The Assistant Planning Director re,}rtt,ed on the survey he had conducted.
Comm. Cooper tiaas in favor of the e-. option procedure as opposed to the
variance procedure in this ordinan(e.
Comm. Woodward wanted to know, on L corner lot, :•ahat is front setback
and what is side yard setback. !!e .a, told a corner lot has a double
front setback. Ile said ha would 1 to see t!h�2 term "exception"
rather that: "variance" u::3^d in the >r:li_nancc since a variance requires
proof of har_dshlp, and this could 1 "i.ffi_cul.t to establish.
Comm. O'Keefe feels thcr_e should be r�indom kinds of landscaping. Ile
wants nothing in the ordinance to < 'i -cess tii<< l�)ndscaping in the front
of the property. Ile would like. to -tri.ke "i etet,rt.ion" from the
ordinance. Atso, if a fence is un-� !u � it should be judged accordingly.
He is concerned about admi_nistrat:i� conflicts.
Chairman Gatto was in faT,7or of str. i'._:i g "vegetation" completely from
the ordinance.
Mr. Pavisso asked if you are allow;I to have barbed wire fencing.
Chairman Gatto said only height any locatio-n are addressed in the
Moved by Comm. O'Kcefe, seconded b Chhairman Gatto to strike "vegetation"
totally from the Fend_ Ordinance. ii:_n recommeeh?dation of the Assistant
City Engineer, this notion shall it �-lude the 1irase that .in the _street
intersection tri.an ;le only, when a '.a .ard exists, the City shall be allowed
to take measures to mitigate the- pr -blem.
AyI?S: Comm. Adams, O'Keefe-, 1�00(' ,ar.d, Chairman Gatto
NOES: Comm. Cooper
Motion c<' ,.r l.ed) 4-1
The staff was directed to strike ah)y reference to vegetation in the
Ordinance except within the sight triangle,
Comm. O'Keefe would like to allow d:,corative, grillwork -type fencing
within the front setb�rck, subject to review. The Assistant City Attorney
advised this can be hanriled as an e__c(°ption. Comm. Woodward would like
the exception procedure. to inc-ludo. input from the -neighborhood.
Page 5
Mr. Harold Johnson, Larry -Way, said he has lived in Cupertino
about 19 years and would like to have the Ordinance kept flexible.
If Torre Avenue does go through, his.back yard will become his
front yard. He was told the City has abandoned the extension of
Torre Avenue,
Moved by Comm, Woodward, seconded b�= Comm. Adams to continue the
Amend. to
amendment of the Fe-rnce.Ordinance to April 28, 1975�
Fence Ord,
Motion carried, 5-0
2. Application 3-U-75 of KITCHENGARDENS, INC,., USE PERMIT
to conduct an outdoor commercial activity in a commercial
zone, Said activity involves the renting of small garden
plots to the general public.: Said property consists of six
acres and is located within the southeast and the southwest
quadrants of the intersection of Stevens''C'reek Blvd. and
Portal. Avenue. First Hearing continued.
Since the applicant was not present at this meeting, it was moved
by Comm.. O'Keefe, seconded by Comm..- Adams to move application
3-U-75 to the end of the agenda.
Motion carried, 570
Realtor Don 0. Bandley said that as of the afternoon of this
meeting, he understood the option by :his applicant had been
Moved by Comm. Woodward, seconded by Comm, W Keefe to continue
application 3-U-75 to_April 28, 1975.
Motion carried, 5-0
Chairman Gat_to"called a recess at 9e27 p.m� The meeting recon-
vened at 9 .40 p m.
7. Application 3-Z--75 of CITY OF CUP ERTINO „ REZONING approxi-
mately 150 acres from various zones to Planned Development.
The 150+ acres are generally located westerly of Saratoga. --
Sunnyvale Road between Route 280 Freeway and Alves Drive
and easterly of Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road between Route 280
Freeway and St-: Joseph's Church, First Hearing,
, � ; 1, , E�T 1. N G
PC- L85 ULNUTES OF M& APRIT, 14, 1975 PI,A:,:,—N�(3 Co,11'r't'.;� ( ME
The -, Planning Director noted this application [s, the first- implementation
of the conceptual goiicl-a-1 plan. 'j-I�! lba.: ici (.Auj,,ienLs of Ote conceptual
zoning plan include trip ends, Land use, url-�,an design elcinents.
i Chairman GaLLo laid down a f(,,,7 rules lor this public hearing.
The audience was MOW they could follow Lhrou�S_,,h their copies of
the staff report as the Assistant PAnni,ng -revl-e�.,ied it. He
noted there Would probably be sever J public 'hearings on tI-IiS issue.
1 The AssIsLaut Planning Director rev ewed t-,he boundaries of the
I property under discussion. That pypertjr on the east side of 11iQuay
9 can be a of io.dusrrial- atid r� ,iden!'-iat (4-10) as it is developed
:within the prescribed 1-ci-p cind coil:-3I.riint. On. th� wost side of Highway
9 it Can_ be developed rosident:ial curivn,-ccial and Industrial
with a trifCic. generation f.,ictor cr straint.
It was the coiisen,-,u--, of the PtannIc,_; (,(.),Iraissioirl that the staff had
prepared an e:-Zeellot-IL report on tlii,.,, '.ssuc�.
Comm. Cooper was ai-,�7,we~^od that are ffiout 35 owners of record
in this area, The ,iiallest araca is about 6000 sq. 1-t. The 'i-larianis
own 69 000 sq. f t . , ,Aiic I i incliide,:3 �ev� ra I parcels .
i Mr. Morton Mein, 548,S) Felt, San Jc---,,�, it). parcels 326,
24-43, 49 and 50 at h norlie,,,rt c )rner of L.,,,.zaneo and Saratoga -
Sunnyvale Road, going back to Band! iy Drive on well as a piece on the
1 south end going east, winiost to the sar,lLce Station. 1-1 e c ot' nm 0 n t 3 d
-favorably on the MKI report, ON 1 VT1-[l 11, 1975. llc,'7ever, the
zone on 326, 24, 48 and 49 are not thkiy are stated In the report.
He said A are "CC", sinco prior ro 1973. Ine -50' seLback is not
too difUcult for them except if yen takn 50' along
Road and LV along Bandley Drive, t W is a trc-.,i-,,,.-?ndous a-ount of
property to lose. A stop light is -;ch�,,dulccl k'or the. intersection of.
Saratoga -Sunnyvale and J,azaneo Avenue.
The Assistant Plarin',n,-, Director arcs ered Mr. 'Yhein that the H-Control
recommended a 15' sorbaclk from the urbljue, not the property line
on Bandley Drive. Access to Saratc:;a-Sunnyvale Road .All be linLted.
Mr. Don 0. Bandley, 10040 South Sar;.Loga-Sunnyvale- Road, Cupertino,
said he felt this plait was a step 1 1 t1he ri.ght dircction. In general,
he said the staff has done an excel 1-eiiLj job. He addressed two parcels
in the Saicit Family name at Alves Prive. and Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road.
He answered Corarti. Cooper that he wcAd be agreeable viiLh trip end
Mr. Niick Loukiano, 1 Embarcadero, San Francisco, asked for
clarification of the Brown property recently rezoned, as to
whether or not it is subject to this conceptual plan. The
Planning Director said the PD ML zoning is consistent with the
general plan and, therefore, is valid.
Mr. Itsuo Uenaka, Cupert.i.no Nursery, 10431 North Sunnyvale --
Saratoga Roads Cupertino, said that in looking at the conceptual_
plan and the restrictions placed on the property on which'
Cupertino Nursery is located, he wondered whether, they will be
able to stay in business. He would like to do some long-range
planning for the benefit of the employees as well as the owners.
They feel that they need access to highway traffic in their type
of business- Traffic along Bandley Drive is not going to be
as helpful as their present access. Relative to the 50' setback,
his property is restricted by the location of their present
buildings. They are located about 57' from the curbline. If
they are to landscape the 50` they would lose all their,parking
and they don't know of an alternate location. He also. panted to
know how the City is going to apply the 16 trip ends constraint
to his existing business. What is the base point? He also
wanted to know whether his business would be penalized for j
success, due to.traffic. Further, he said the nature of his j
„hus;zless .is such that _it males them comply with the changing i
nature -of the community. Their.original purpose was to supply
new landscaping Now they provide re --landscaping and maintenance
of landscaping. They have diversified, A nursery requires a
lot of land. area. In order to move with the community they have j
diversified into the kinds of things now offered at Cupertino
Nursery. He wondered -whether they would be allowed to continue
to do this, He said they feel that patience is a virtue They
have grown as the community dictated.
Comm. Woodward said that with his present acreage, Mr. Uenaka is
not using his fulltrip end capacity. If he reserves these unuse
trip ends he could greatly increase the intensity of his busi-
ness. Trip ends belong to the property owner.
Mr. Uenaka said that in. all fairness to, all the people working'
at the nursery, he would like to be .able to plan. ahead, 44'
Mr. -Rhein said he does not think they should be confined `to a
certain trip end constraint when there will be a stop light at
the corner to break the traffic and. the number of entrances and
exits will be controlled. Further, he, felt. that Bandley Drive x
should receive extra trip ends because that property is zoned
Page 7
j) 11-al-I C 0 Li L ' d Lo
lKy 5th
Mr. �-J. joliuson) I Lacry Way,
if Avenue is
gc,ing, to be clo.---.ed
off LTi.th
1:11iS pj',-,L--
11,' feA-L thi-:7, ?,=Ld be an
i nconvenence Lo t1le
-til Litic-,
are,'t. Gatto answe.re'd
tllaL 1-110rc Will bw
a ASnal
at aig! nq
9 and blariAni/Greenleaf Drive
and thero will
,-.o proLe--.,r i-he residents.
Mr. B. John, 10671 harry !Oil, said he could feel 1,juch
safer wAh TKNouL Av(Nmmn c1hosad o[F „tall Jivider sL-rj-ps up and
doC-Ia wouls ruchor Kx,. indusi:ry than residential
in iiis back yard.
Mr. 1,:dl -Iurphy, FooLhill- 11,.lvd. , CoperLino asked how mally trips
he 1,e allnad with till' 20'
letc AlTer Ae 50' tire taken away
from his 70' Eroarequ on 111alo,ay 9, 11c has had his automobile and
truck parts busTness at this locaLl,)o iii),ice Lho-n .20 Fears.
Mr. Lot.Os Pavl--c' 1�'-t 0111 , I)a,-; -'tccess Lo Highway 9, and he
was objecting W baK3 closed off. U said nobody Trom the onraff
has ccmo Lo talk vjDA him Son Wis muor. au,Loziolbile- repair_
business has bena bi AN Vn!aHoa siace 1932, and loc-,fore LIliat, since
Mrs. Colleen Clark, 10290 FooNA11 41A., asked `vlhat the
penalLy Will be for using; moro tYQ. Chaira;an (,atto
said the Gity wL!L cvalaaw Lon pleim Or deve.lop-,-.-'nL and Lhey ,,roii't be
approved if noc anisistam ;Ach thL ai�r'j pl,ifl, X'i-,,-,. Clai:k
some OL Lhese in he:e th:--111, many
Of = have liv2d Q clupertlac. China. 12t,omper ex.plaLiaed that. the 'trip
end conswaim splAins to n-,.v on tlh' not is
there nc"W. It thEiL 110 restrak&s are madc-, (,-),i the properties
until such Lima as Wic cnajor (-()fjes 'li vi!:h a reque.,�t.
Mr. Johnson, Larry Way, suggested Piall moetings be set Up ai-11h small
groups of the planning MAE speaklig, to the CC)LIPIU11ity oil a less
formal basis.
Mr. Zetoff, 10642 Larry Way,
sqid e
wryLody on his
block -is concerned
about whether or Mari;-lai-
i::. to 1),a
closed off from
lli,-h-viay 9. It has been
for i-ticl
-/ y(,,-,i:s and he
doubts Whether the
City can close it off if the
c1c)-c's-alt want it
Comm. Woodward wanted Lo an al-I-ornaLive Which is the same as
Alternate I except that the propert;, ok,:-�ier can keep surplus trips for
future use.
Moved by Comra. ',�Ioodward, seconded b: Car,-Iri. Cooper to continue this public
hearing to T'loaday, Hay 5, .1.975, in the coiiference room.
Morion car tied, 5-0
Page 9
Mr. Louis Pavisso proposed. Lazan.eo Drive should be renamed
Leib Lane and Greenleaf Drive should be Mulberry Drive as it
was "some 60 years agog
5, CITY OF. CUPERTINO. Public Hearing to conside-r an ordinance
regulating buildingdesign, building location and. land-
scaping in all zones as a means to ensure visual and
acoustical privacy, First Hearing.
Due to the late htours it was moved by Comm, Woodward'. seconded �Visual & acousti
by Comm, Cooper to continue the above public hearing to the cal privacy ord.,
next regular. meeting 1continued
Motion carried, .5--p
TION. USE PERMIT to allow construction of 49,200 sq. ft. of
light manufacturing space. Said property is located wester-
ly of and adjacent to Bandley Drive approximately 30 feet
northerly of the intersection of Bandley Drive and Lazaneo
Drive. First Hearing,.
The Assistant Planning Director identified the property on are
aerial photograph. Ise next reviewed the site plan. The zoning �
has been approved by the City Council. The H--Control informally
reviewed this proposal and they feel_ it has two faults, They
would like to see some of the front parking diverted to the rear
to allow more interesting landscaping along Bandley Drive, The
second issue was that the loading docks.should be redesigned so
they are internally oriented
Mr. Nick: Loukiano, 1 Embarcadero, San Francisco, emphasized that
Building A must stand -on its own, These buildings must be as
flexible as possible, From a marketing standpoint, you have to !
have the ability to have street identify, It. is imperative that ,
they have visitor parking next to the front offices. He then
reviewed the site plans including the courtyard between the
Mr. Pete Peterson, landscape architect; said they investigated
the possibility of breaking up the parking and found it impossible -
with these multi-Lenant buildings, He proposed, instead of
the 2' berm along the front, that they build the berm up higher
and depress the parking some 18" and break up the parking
somewhat. They will landscape the top of the berm. As to the
loadi_ndocl-s the T ^ould be moved to the mid Ale of th of
the buildings.
PC- i 35 14114UIIIS OF Tfli,: 1.4 , 1975 Pau ! w CWVUSS VON MEFUTIG
p2ge 10
ON. Peterson sAd the architecture of the bui](Iti),gs will he, warill,,
2 i:iz re �_J_l be sa!'.db I asted concrete
w0h aggregaw on all four sides of t. i;.! The 40' wide
courLyard cini Cl'. a foc,-il area. T t- DE'
-1)Te to ri,,ove 111-tilding, B
s C, I! -,",A I a t L 0 t ca "; L. t !),.I "To 7no r a t s i (1, e-
o u e
Th e ro a f a p u r 1 4 a;, IL
Mr. houkinno poNtO on QhU BUY ?iM nwre than allc)Tved,
W Feel &K,, t:, a -n to trip erids,
Lhe PLanniri!,, Dj.,_-,,-,ct7,-)jr r_, Ltj .[t- i's i; illt to (:.lei sider Qnqgaring,
o IF sh i f t- s . Th(,*i'ty Al`_( c oiol advinc,11 ihaL the llernniL
must comply tli,2 16 n:fjo rjids; if in, it whIL be revoked.
Mr. Lcukinno raquested a loiter KrA Ae City Snorney stoning On
� 'I r. Lo �eep th, iTi' and re!-Llove
tho island.
G')z,--.:1. (,"-, -_.: -.1o1= t'ho
fur of nporty A Ws area.
CoDra. Woo&a& Paid lie ccQd visua
.,A this proposal with proper
berning and
landsanpLat thim AFz,
,1-y lhid,_ Lha
cars. Tf�,i would
I I o rd! e i_- ;: 0 g, i,' t
moro parkf"g
V Go ranw, lie ilo�_,
opLeA "Lo :-:,,ove
OAK;, clocks
to !�AP the
iNiA onA
He slggasLed
Wo Aing up So front
T An buildinT;
ro allow some
1)Sn L i nA 110
.,routd, al_�,'.o to
u1no roof
line out to
Lho writers; of Who bUilAnjIS.
Cotam. Cooper
1F parking) co,/ri
is being
TO, T,cjAjW0 said it v
s 50%, ;,Tr , Pu
;,on said they
are planning
3 or 4 Lenams Eur Buf'dnig
Comm. Cooper suggestcal stvitchLrig Ruhidhig B around and providing
visitor enLrance via We courtyard, .)he they try to
arrange the purl -Ant, in such a way I- Lo landscaped areas.
It. Peterson said the parking bccoi,_s a preu'oiiilnelit factor. Two
PrOVLOUS e_.1-,�CLF0niCS lie has It, JLL are short on parking. Ile
Would actually )-Lke ,rioro parking th,,n is p-lannod here. Comm. Cooper
su,(q,:,,esLed they might wr,.nL to Cif nn,., ,c. LI,.oj_-r kind of tenant they are
seeking, and she fj_ ee:i th,,��y won' t 1 out beca)Ise of it.
Page 11
Comm. Adams said he could, not add any more than has already been
stated. The Planning Commission is not there to redesign the
proJecto He would like to see more landscaping. He is not
against a row of parking in the front. Also, the trash enclosures
should be ..shifted to the middle of the property and away from the,
Chairman Gatto said he would like to see a little more attention
given to the front entry, A breakup of the parking lot with
deletion of some of the parking stalls might help. Embellishment
of the courtyard area was a. good idea.
Comm, O'Keefe wondered what it would -cost to put the parking
underneath the building, Mr. Peterson said the cost ,,could be
prohibitive. The roof apurtenances' screening should be an
integral part of the architecture, Comm_, 0 `Keefe suggested. the
office areas of Buildings A and B could be oriented to the patio �
area, A row of screening would 6e in order between the backs of �
the buildings and the last row of parking, One purpose of the �
PD is to create a continuity from parcel to parcel
Comm, Woodward said the architectural quality will be set by
the development of this project. He would like to see the �
r;r.:a.f.fic-c__rculatiC21 :pattern studied further. .
Chairman Gatto noted. this is a. definitive plan. He encouraged
th.e,applica-rt to get a copy of the PD Ordinance, H-Control and
the City Council will nevi p-u the precise plan,
Moved by Comm-, Adams,, seconded by Comm. 1,\loodvTard to continue � 4-U-75
application 4.-.U---75 to April 2.8, 1975„ 1 continued to
Motion carried;, 5- 0 f
4. GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE. A request to amend a condition of
approval of tentative map application 15--TINI--70 relative to
the installation of a free --standing sign for a retail store.1
Said property is located westerly of and adjacent to
Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road approximately 200' southerly of the
intersection of Sarat.00-a-Sunnyvale Road and. Homestead Road.
First IIea.ri ng
- I
The Planning Director reviewed the staff report of April 10,
`11 'fl-jT ES TM,, AP",11
r, .14
S'lr' i I'load, Sunnyvale,
is 111c
i..-c" ��!'--llc b out their
Ito ho true.
["hey T'.-"ould Lo
viirll �a
("w pro fil�
%oow 1 40X urMacHou in
gn area,
i1. A[ ,
P;l(_ :1 1:711 hig car
t 0
Ew ni L v 1 ul mw c 't- "�C'.�� 0 zlj)p ro'-4�c lh
i , I � , - � ) I ', ot -, 't � o 1: L v c i
D! I
)T'T�.sd by Lu cl. o' e. 1) 1 tb 11
hearing .
S- 0
S.�o im
'v'. Ant
A;01 .�l 71011
Khe orownd
it v
'J i
)2 rc- u
t o #9
A)ved by Mun
MY qVQ to)
of rho
of the
1 W
10 :Qcutr(ol.
X� f" S : Co!!-m, Adam,;., �)TRWQ, n Q�� u C to
NOES : My" Cooper
'fof-Lolcar lc' Z!-.1.
6. Apptic:ivinn 5-1J--75 of 51.':('7"TR !.SIAUYF'tiT�" AD PIIII C 0PT-f("q!
PERMTT to Alow
the ur Lliz
vion K njjpiy):jnjatc?jy
1,000 sq.
of f.toor
t:'11.1"Ll a (-n"ral
iii.v--.,--cial zc)iie in
a -matiner
AM th:�
��lcfal Pl-'in.
)rop(=rL-y is
adjace".L to
of '100A
!^.vc!iue approximately
fl" nordiedw of
-oek 1"J"'d'
1" i- rs L
P c;-'i r L n
Juanita IlAaren, 2210.1 1,[nully ;)n-d Share Becker, 10090
North Blaney Avenue, S;m Ju-se, W01:0- the use pcormiL.
Page l3
The Planning Director refe:.rred to the April 11, 1975, staff
report. The Planning Commission was also in receipt oL a letter
from the applicant which indicates they are in accordance with
the staff report.
Mrs. McLaren said she has been working on this property since
1969. She couldn't see why the Planning Commission feels they
should revise their plans to put the driveway on the south side,
She noted this is a great opportunity to get a business on a
small lot,
The Planning Director said the staff's recommendation is merely
to flip the proposal over and to allow only one curb break.
There should be landscaping where the curve portion is deleted.
Mrs Sharon Becker agreed to these conditions.
Chairman Gatto asked for comments from the audience, There were
Moved by Comm, Cooper, seconded by Comm, Woodward to close the
Public Heai ings
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Comm. Cooper, seconded by Comm. Woodward to approve
5-U-75 in accordance with the staff recommendations and mirror
image of Exhibit A, and the 14 standard conditions
AYES- Comm' Adams, Cooper, O'Keefe, Woodward, Chairman Gatto.
Motion carried,-5-0
8. Report from Planning Commission regarding Amendment to
Ordinance 220(e), Cluster Ordinance, establishing new
regulations affecting residential cluster developments.
Moved by Comm. Woodward, seconded by Comm. O'Keefe to continue
the amendmen.t to the Cluster Ordinance. to April 28, 1975�
Motion carried, 5W-0