PC 06-02-75CITY OF CUPERTIN09 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino Telephone- 252-4,505 MINUTES OF THE REGUIIAR. ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE PLANNING C0114ISSION HELD ON JUNE 2, 1975, IN THE LIBRARY CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA SALUTE TO THE FLAG The meeting was called to order at 8:05 p.m. by Chairman Gatto with the Salute to the Flag. ROLL CALL Commissioners present. Cooper, Woodward, Chairman Gatto Commissioners absent: Adams and O'Keefe Staff present: Assistant Planning Director Robert Cowan Assistant City Engineer Travice Whitten PUBLIC HEARING'S., 1, Application 3-Z-75 of CITYOF CUPERTINOa REZONING approximately 150 acres trom various zones to Planned Development. The 150+ acres are generally located westerly of Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road between Route 280 Freeway and Alves Drive and easterly of Saratoga --Sunnyvale Road between Route 280 Freeway and St. Joseph's Church. First Hearing continued. The Assistant Planning Director suggested they go through the First 1� Draft dated May 29, 1975, He cautioned this should be considered preliminary only. Mr. Cowan explained this is a conceptual plan meant to serve as guide lines. He then went through the draft, highlighting major points. On page 3, the third general development standard was changed to read, "An integrated aesthetic treatment performance standard." With regard to long-range goals for the study area, ' Mr. Cowan referred to plan exhibited on board which showed a central traffic parking accessway located mid block between Bandley and Stevens Creek Boulevard. Pc-192 Page I 1T- 192 i 11 INUTES (Y THE JLRIV 2, L975 A ill. V I W M c A orp ns i cM jpyTjN(; Assistant Planning DW cne: Ccni1j, 11sa nDkirinnd to til Uc'�_ 0-hib lt L'ic, -f -t( 1, s 2 8 -Mi C' �.� �� I - �' _'c. (,, to , 510 Freuway. M_t-o.r the ­n:jcj bri-efly Cj,.,jj I-jlj:jjj GaLU) opened Line meeLLng to Steven Mr. 20325 !is' Cupertino, said J. Robort Derq)�-;L '4'7LIS rcp?:C'SeMng Cal f)r)11110 1AWN, W said this 0111ding was set where. Waneo DrNe C;Ljs, d Mr. De-,,,ipsv1-�r b'_[" Sood local -ion. A Joca- o n on (-,, L i) o r i 'flitcy i-Lave enoug,11i 1) cope rty k,--von ;I i Le r I Low { 0 _ b u i Ld _fn,.Y, and Parking. Thicy were PPMAig for an 'J _Plaa. Dr_rnpstor ,_;'I"_d L1110 1"iy Utoracy a. S W 'Ll'it tale (,, -'� s i one rs a letter -anirding thS. Thn (7tv Au .,as a uniqu'e L 1 C L, I cO r he C i- 4_7 wa, i, 1-� ing, u �i 1,: J. on . '. , ]_:, _� r, �: '. , �_ to 1]1ov%' bt!r; u. 0 a t" s i no s:; 1. 1 -e jc%-, . ']"-I e r p :--op � c C", F:' c ale s LI I L s o f HC SOW-d L L:-i t,.- ij-I g a new building, Pvt noving tlni-� cidl ')LIC I�C) Chairman Gatto quastWad "Ic Mnar'sirns Of &W PYI)p2rty after take. '-fr. Lai: d"Ld riot. 1, y7a LOS s tj form; i nn 7:jL:1 011m 6,1L ly, said 1 t v;oulk_'I 'i)c-! su I.,f WOUL W UY 01 9L rki in d a 000 sq ft . buildiq'3. G.1,--"i an G' 1L "'� 0 Lto IeL 'Ib­Lr,-J.r.CtNs remain 2s nou conforml q use, Ac. &poster said 021- jLQI` to --eep the business s,oi_ng. C.'_-)[:Ira. Tvoodwarcl as-`­'26 1 f LIL0 Cj-Ly AtLor I'L:ij discitissed ',:LLh staff the effect of zo1.1ing roLat:i,:e �,o condaji-,i,.at,ou procedure. Mr. Woman said :Jr, Kilian w,n studying this and would be L'.10m Li oidinion. After a brief dJ_s'_:L..'!,S_i0!-,, rat said sh,.)L,-Itd rt'I acu a policy a�roement ",Lid let We City AM0111ey i1v kinvi, it. Mr, Peter L. Pavlina, 576 E. El Canina, Somyvals, qwmrioned the nocessity of an jotecnwL sticet buluec- walloor Green aQ GrcenleaF DuLve it ',.,ros agreed Kim that ports, 'proivl5ly be ;'Iiif',inated. Dr. Joseph F. 1036 - -7 ',;. Road1 Cupertino, said the 50 ft. notback aMOL-100d LO U 50 Ft. My park on wMi side of .1 ay 9 7.7 L t-. I I t 11 L !, r oi'; C_' t' r y ow i I e r s ina i t'_i" n 11.. _LC. Chairman Gat-Lo _TI L-en t -Fol: I .'3:!XCA7A2d FrouLages throuph My. Dr. B uowil so 1 c! 1 In2 SOL60CIL X: �Zqn prol') b.!;1; IL no,, _I).:_Ivi lig ac ('.C-' 'ss to H"I v "I '-Ino I1JJ 1-1 o Lr") L Larea. MINUTES OF THE JUNE 2, 19,75 ADJ. PLANNING COKKISSION MEETING Dr. Brown said the curb cuts could be limited, but should not be elimin- ated. He said any possibility of connection between Highway 9 and businesses had been eliminated. Another member of the audience said they were making a beautiful entry to the City but_it would create a favorable climate for crime. It would be crazy to expect anyone to use the meandering sidewalks. Chairman. Gatto pointed out its feasibility using Vallco Park along Homestead Road and Wolfe Road as an example. Comm. Woodward said bus stop turnouts would be necessary. The sidewalks would serve bus passengers° He noted they are looking to the future. The sidewalks would not be built in the near future. They have to set an idea and then work toward it. %Ire Don Bandley, P. Oa Box 191, Cupertino, said the bicycle areas are as important as foot traffic. With a 50 ft. setback, some thought should be given to the bicycle traffic° Mr. Cowan said there are two -types of cyclists -- commuter and recreational. Mr. Grigg had determined the meandering bike path would not be used. _ire Whitten said the biggest problem was to keep bicycles off the street. He mentioned possible interference between the bicycle lanes and the bus stop turnouts A brief discussion was held on bicycle lanes versus bicycle paths. Mr. Walter Cohen, 10477 N. Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road, Cupertino, general manager of the produce stand, said he believed in beautifying the City but he thought there was a standof at a certain point. They have been there eleven years. Recenti,., when the City had blocked off one lane; his customer count had gone down 50%o The 50 fte setback will close them down completely. Their type of business is "look-see", the customers want to see the mass displays of produce. Chairman Gatto explained this war a long; range projection.; existing businesses would be allowed to exist. There would be gaps until properties were developed or could. ,be brought into conformance Mr, Cohen was answered the sidewalks would be included in the 50 rto landscaped. area. Mr.Whitten further clarified there could be some type of landscaping put in front of existing businesses to give continuity, but the existing businesses ,Mould be allowed to remain. 'Mr. Louis Paviso, 22820 San Juan Road; Cupertino, said if all the buildings along Saratoga --Sunnyvale Road faced the feeder road, there would be a line of walls. This was discussed. Mr. Cowan pointed out it was not untypical to have entrances face elsewhere than to the front, PC-7._92 Page 3 MUTES OF TAN jIM! 2, 19A A4J - PIA! � XG WS KKK 1 Ob! MATS(; 4 CI-lr MrI 80 111 FeC L rep e,ont i ne, the , !,-I r", t1 's , I r) L 11'r. jji 111C. Nil,! _'Ir. PC'I'_-.0j [,. NOW. IN, nwinun shommi 1]jcues of j,,j,,,s A the area wrich MusLyMnd opt. cnal MntmanLn of KnAscaped f I-oi-� L s�ii,u L�o! oF ��Ii Lo dISCUSS10a. Chairatni Gatto pointed our m, jajLj,j plailt-Ilig of trees Qw roferMol Lo VANo Park Yi a� ON h"I Apo do,�,_ie �,-;_LLh the tAlen itli. iLl -,,jjeij t1 pr0i", r!�Y ON. PaWna sAd Aq rconvi& Qanjbn ija vas hmport,qt, :5" Feocrson saLd a miA ecst of WaWnpHy, Od b I rj . riE'_ coplc'-s ol- 1_�i oil S a r --� t o "t-2 CS q u0s A011 1) f Nair, Wansca Of 1 ands : _c 1 n g �niA di sezisad TTr . Cwqan apswe zed CAN Unau -C Ff MI - - g 1 ON Ii-tv of a MISter Ml._OU ims necessary. pojowod an t1w road a Wndsawycd aria Wue. Nr. putpr9na A,! 30 a rHirinal soLback. ;W askad i F O%e A V'" Sock 1 �wi law Qure twe_ oundwas 001,111d. bL awnrucuel, A 50 -1. WNC nLnO,d have innawt: on whar thay n0ald (un; Oso Sm 4CCCSI. 'Jr. "',1swerA C�wa, Wal-acd We, WAd hays to decide cri approxi- mate disouicas (-_U.�i) i .. t, "-I , . JL ChArnnui Gatro SM an iapPrTwor poLni Ws L0 o' C,.,haL typci of low L-,-,Le­.sity ou 9 la%?d 1+ tle i,'rerr_ w,,Ls a(,-!-ver lost. N, y u F, e � C-, J I r I r e C I Ii: � tile inn-ancNq i V lwnd;c_-Lpi,.-i- to toward the major froarnSe. "r. Qs:ay ori:d the tzhcunL nF AvaL they were snvinp wnn raii'd n -(?rid ink Tw rk �, iii '�fl F! -f- "") P4- gtvin,,., .In 20 area. _L . ( - C, 'r )W"g ,11:. 1,(';Irilcy poi"XCAI Out WrO oniq a;'C': ',e(- T"i, trip 1oiLvUnr vvouid rmak( A to suppoA bAs. G'ItLO of. LhC [s oil U-;C, they ec,uld 1,-� .'r. rf� '!d !Lg-uii::1 this rnsLric Won %won 2114. (w,. Wotidi r.' WN rile us =,: ,__, Alowed to try to (ANif"all Ujuh _"P] An& nw rCAM 1ON one- pwrAnniml to cld"InA Pild tlqw. 141 I t L k :' I I L Ie t. 1 N Al MINUTES OF THE JUNE 2, 1915 ADJ . PLANNING COT11ISS ION IVIEE'TING Mr. Dcaight Durkee, P. Oe Box 21, Cupertino., said the Crossroads Improvement. District went in. over objections of property owners � They now have assessments against their homes that they cannot bear. Now the City says they cannot have commercial and they cannot get out of their property what is in it. Mr. Bandley said there should be some relief from tax assessments Tax assessment plus improvement equals $4G,000e Mr. Durkee said he had a $52,000.00 assessment placed on him. It was ascertained he had not joined the assessment district voluntarily. Mr. Cowan pointed out Mr, Durkee is now in litigation. with the City and Chairman Gatto said he felt the courts were the proper place for this to be. decided. Mr. Peterson said the intent of their presentation was that,50 ft. per se does not solve design problem; the schematic drawing as presented by staff did not engender the impact desired. It will take interplay of buildings and landscaping. Trying to legislate good design is impossible. Comm. Cooper said the main intent of the General Plan is so private sector will know what the City wants Mr. Peterson said he would like input on Mariani Avenue alignment. Chairman. Gatto said there were two points to be decided. (1) alignment of Mariani Avenue and (2) , a po]_icy statemen as to rigity or f1_exibility within 'the guidelines. Comm. Cooper said with -regard to the three alternatives suggested for alignment, it was hard to say because they did not know the use of the property Her initial inclination would be Alternate I. It was circuitous enough that individuals would be deterred from using it as a short cut. A.strai_ght street would invite traffic and encourage speeding. Comm. Woodward said with another traffic signal at Lazaneo and the one at Stevens Creek Boulevard, people would.opt for the first left turn they could get. They do it now. Chairman Gatto felt Alternate I was too circuitous � One of the main purposes of the road was to provide a safe left turn from Highway 9 to the residential area. He would suggest a combination of Alternates II and III, with a. blocking off before it got to Blaney. This -would -Sunnyvale Road and prevent Mariani encourage people to use Saratoga 'from becoming high speed arterial. Comm. Woodward asked Mr. 1•fiitien if the City was still planning on closing Forest Avenues Mr. Whitten said he was not sure if it was still an open question. PC-192 Page 5 111'A,.LNG M RP I I SS WN THWU LNG d() c(q,"e"Alul lots miula. Mr. poloWd (M H a routc VAIS CL Uwd �Ind I-Joc�-,Cll 0[f D.. could 1) 1: 0:Ti t! F Fo I 'L- A"'E' L111C. I s c (-� r L L" i i 10. d Lh zit -to I J'l1 -i f now Lim ch j 1 s I s ii 1d lie C 'I P -1 v i , -) C "is JAW �f WOH c(mm-urial for muny years 4: "Umtej C)TI 1"C"Y '°Nr)er T)f',)P(cLy had Lal.!ced to -C! n"-) IL 110 c o' t I CUL off 0 Wgrass VIA C�rolj Cram ;V! 9 to i-11L, ft— Moe as Q WCUld MW it: LOU Swill fo x0e ol buildi"g, 10 awd ha hael 110L heard 01YOW Omit an mwnrc-La w ua5t: sob" Chainymi ("no poirLed out Ws e ct le (.1 Rolm,, as ro iwmai-n as Pm-confoindjq-:; 'T " 1.L 5 a qLdLt o : yKi dl�]J.T),2S (.,,-JLto sa-Ld datailod aid Kno s0aduic Foi- 1"r, o haml a fairt- specific prorosal Go,- i�, 3�" „_Ti f-FC'!-'L 1:01- LO 1130 r'-s 's 45 it. 5�Tjq 02 chu opor zomp M�M,Mty, j 5 a t w ay T. ChHrman 000) askaj our. :V i A a it, 1:10 nvW& w_n. Cam. �nod4ard J'-I Llhis area. llc�0 rcula SO Wntntul 17 desi nwj 1) Wi d im aj s c A iv c L Lonal. signs o V'- P-d" v, L L C) 'Ifld C,'J„ITI . C'-,10�)2 -C -I C ori", Im. d ro i- o 1" s, c tD a tltiey do p pan 1)t';11"Uhij 0-to let: !I- L 1 Li rest: . 74r. 071 of cll')ires Comii,,. mi-MmInd. Not saiM .."M look m �mw wops - Wint traMc unuld oc u.- vile ��ixns s'.-Iould I)e pincod. AW how bun wq!� i)l C' c-.! 1-.', ,-,1 . Coo. ! ? f' S a v j L k , � }- I I (--, i 1 ": !: j are ,'11::ji'nly j�tfdnjirv'; I For F Ie:� i'- 1i y WI S skyn L51C 00-1 h 1 n in rim n f o_ran, ,e '(--L loom MINUTES OF THE JUNE 2, 1975 ADJ. PLANNING C01,LMISSION MLETING Comma Woodward said the assessment district would be the place to start with 10 ft. buffer. There should be something that says witliin a certain time there will be at least some minimal landscaping. Chairman Gatto suggested a bonding; effort. Mr. GRiitten pointed out there are already means of rein, burs ernent, Chairman Gatto said the whole City should share in the cost since the whole City will benefit. Mr. McKay said this 50 ft. setback was window. dressi:nge. .The straight 50 ft. does not work with architecture. A variable, undulation could allow for flexibility. He gave several suggestions. Chairman Gatto said the guidelines could defer subjectivity. The maintenance district should be the whole front, Mr. Whitten said the main thought for 10 ft. setback was turf. They might not want to get into landscaped area; the developer would maintain his own.- Chairman Gatto suggested taking the 15 ft. setback of sidewalk, turf and tree planting and fund it out of City funds.' City would maintain. Beyond that point the developer would take over. Comma Woodward felt the definition of setback should be looked at. They could keep the minimum building setback but have flexibility for 50 ft. landscaping area. Comm. Cooper reiterated her feeling that the intent must be spelled out Edith specific areas where they would be flexible. ADJOURNMENT At 11:07 p.m. Comm. Woodward moved to adjourn the meeting to Thursday, July 17, at 7:30 p.m. Seconded by Comm. Cooper. Notion carried, 3-0