PC 06-12-75f•. CITY OF CUPER.TINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino 9501.4 Telephone. 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR: ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSIO' HELD ON JUNE 12, 1975 IN THE LIBRARY CONFERENCE ROOM CITY HILL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA SALUTE TO THE FLAG Chairman Gatto called the meeting to order at 7.40 p.m.. with the Salute to the Flag.. ROLL CALL Comm. present. Adams, Cooper, Woodward, Chairman Gatto Comm. absent. O`Keefe Staff present. Director of Planning and Development Sisk Assistant Director of Planning Cowan Associate Planner Laurin Assistant City Engineer Whitten. PUBLIC HEARING 1 CITY OF CUPERTINO. Public Hearing to consider 1973 Comprehensive General Plan. (a) Hillsides The Assistant Director of Planning recapped the progress made to date in relation to the time chart. It is hoped the General Plan will be .finished by September 2n.da In order to get there; the data base work regarding traffic, air quality and noise have to be finished. After that, evaluation can begin. The staff hopes to have the preliminary proposal drafted by July 17thr The Assistant Planning Director said he has been working with the Water_ District on the flood plains and this will be documented. The Central_ Fire District has suggested contacting an agency in Southern California in regard to fighting fires in different types of hilly areas. PC--194 Page 1 4 nlK MLNUTES OF THE JUNE 12, 1975 2 The Associate Planner revie�,rcd the on the bulletin board relating 1,:o numbers of dwelling uni s W tht, hills and traffic lanes needcol. Tri'ffir Coii-sukl Lalit Don 'rich has, in a recent letter, traffic flow. IThe Associate Pla-nner Cx()!-or(_d 1-110 t.�,',!ij-,Cz._!-,,i—�icd disadvantages of clusLor ver-,us the hAls. It is important at this stage for thk-' Plar)-,i-in,-, Cot -,3--;ion to give Lho staff direction as to the density they wouic". ljk.e to in the hills. There is an up ROA111LIrL Canyon. The City maintains it up to 'MI-. herbRe,�nart S dr-Lv,--,,.,ay. There [s also a subsLaridard road going up to the t`r Older Ranch. These roads nu to b� wideried to :-it loasl,- 2 SGI4e Lype of loop system �is neected to Provide, an aiLccrrui--e acuss for safety. The Associate Planner azi,;t--,ed Comm Cc,,) -per that the criteria used to design the road system is based ni fire access. Ili' has also applied ,cerLain standards for newpozess. 0 LliL, r-,.-.,o proposed ruad sysrems, one is about 2/3 thi-i ni: the .Lhor. :Chairman Gatto noted Lllz:,L at the pr, ious me-2t- in�; it T,,:as decided to i �do I Minjmu�'a pian lin'a. VhC Tle-Xt s* -:') is the qpte7t:ion of how and who should -pay for thi off sl.i:-� impi ;The AssiSLant City Sagincer emplore, for a cost -per -unit approach to the problc,--, of off site A base system must jue estnb]Ashed and a cost study : Comm. Coop,.'r asked if it will ba nekessary to improve the enti-re loop system prior to any development up Merc. The 03,siStont CiL.y Engintaer i ,said you IhL-,re to puL ii, Lh;:'_ utiliti-3 and services in order to dcvk--'Iop. Comm. Cooper EnigZested just the jjr<o ing be done L111til SM11 time as a certain % of an area is developed. Che AsslsLant City Engin(cr said one of the, problems is that Hui Fir- Disucict re(pilres �-,n i-riproved ;road. Also, if the grading is done riwiouL cur -lb guctor we would ;end up wtth an erosicn problem 1-0 b- at a IaL--er date. however, the road cculd be piecamew , occe, we 1-.,ave an overall. plan. I ;Comm. Cooper felL that Wen the iT131) are required, then we. are inutomaticatly telling th"2 pC-op,11-e, to Sl-ie is not sure the City Wants to encourage innodWe dt---'velo, 1)eil- of the arei.-t. There was sorae diSCUSS-f-011 the Cty 1)<2ck properly up near Regnant Road oad Nancy Hertert this is i, a tl l y open space area. Horse trails are being coiislerE'd here. d it I MINUTES OF THE JUNE 12., 1975 PLANNING COM1,1ISSION MEETING The Associate Planner said the question of character of the area must be resolved as soon as possible. There must be a cost study of the loop road with the cross cuts, and a design of a loop system that will provide a minimum amount of roads that will service the hillsides. There was some discussion about the steep—i ness of the road that will go to the City park. l Chairman Gatoo said the first phase for the General Plan: is to get the plan line resolved to let the people know how they will be affected. i Mr. Lamont Williams said he is very familiar with the lay of the land in this area and he doubts the validity of the proposed plan. line -near his property. He advised the Planning Commission not to endorse something that cannot be achieved. Chairman Gatto recapped the Planning Commission is requesting a loop system that provides the best access to the greatest number of properties up there. We must get the basic spine worked out and if necessary, it can. be shifted somewhat as the properties develop The Assistant City Engineer estimated the street, ee1,rluding PGG. & E and telephones, will -run $1.00 per foot. He reviewed the requirements as specified in the CL-dinanceo Chairman.Gatto believes a 2--lane travel road is all the width necessary up there.. Curbs and gutters should only be required for', erosion, prevention; swails may be all. that are necessary in some areas. The street lighting should be low intensity and probably only at intersections Comm. Woodward was in favor of only enough street lighting for CD safety. We are looking for a rural atmosphere. The amount of improvements required will dictate the character of the area. Comm. Adams said he would. be in favor of a 24' road and all curbs and gutters. The Assistant City Engineer said that, due to the grades, the roads will be carrying the water runoff Without curbs and gutters you get into some real maintenance problems All agreed there should be no sidewalks up there. As far as character for the area, it was agreed that the area in the Los Gatos hills that the Planning Commission toured is the closest to what they would like to achieved PC-194 Page 5 41 0 !d ATTEST: City Clcrk APPEOVED: F/ john 1L natto