PC 06-26-75CITY OF CUPERT.INO , STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 Telephone-, 252=-4505 MINUTES OF ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION HELD ON JUNE 26, 19755 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL CUPERTINO , CALIFORNIA PC--.196 Page 1 SALUTE TO THE FLAG i Vice -Chairman Adams called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. withl the Salute to the Flag. i ROLL CALL Comm. present. Cooper, O'Keefe, Woodward, Vice --Chairman Adams, Chairman Gatto (7a42 p.m.) Comm. 'absent: None Staff presents Director of Planning and Development Sisk Assistant Planning Director Cowan Assistant City Engineer Whitten Associate Planner Laurin PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearing to consider 1973 Comprehensive General Plan. I a. Hillsides The Planning Director introduced the items that would be discusse. at .this meeting and the staff members involveda � The Assistant City Engineer reviewed "APPENDIX C.—HILLSIDE ROAD STUDY" and accompanying maps on the bulletin board, Based on the direction .the staff received from the Planning Commission at the June 12th meeting, the Engineering staff evaluated the cost and 1 methods.of financing of the two basic loop proposals. Road Cost Low Density City Plan Max. Dev. 42 units 141 units 307 units Alt. A $2.93175,000 $55,167.00/d.u.. $16,433.00/d..u. $T,547.00/d. Alt. B 3,220,000 7611667.00/d.u. 22,837.00/dtu. 10,.4 MO/d.u. Methods of financing improvements via assessment district; bondin, city funding cost of improvements and other means were explored. j 1'C-196 MINUTES OF THE' DUNE 26, 1-975 PLANNIAIC COMMISSION 11I;1:'PING ze,e 2 Alternate methods of r.cquiring street i_rnprovements were also explored. It was estabLished the developer a-,d%or property owner would install all improvements within the proper y boundary. Deferment of the actual street i.nrpr.ovements o-_i t1-1c. roperty is possible beyond the point needed by the i.ndiv:i.dual dev _c,pment. However, if it is deferred some 5 or. 10 years, i.t ':l111ounL5 to .r devel-oper signing a "blank check", s which would be passed on in tit.l.c ,.o Future owners of the units. i Another possibility whe.re.by the de eloper. and/or property owner constructs just the necessary strL—t _i(r:provements for his development f and dedicates all the right-of-way required to adjacent properties. The adjoining property owner and/o- developer would extend the road from its present terminus to the p+,int needed for his development at i his own cost. A third possibility would be the total street network would be taken as a dollar value and, based on thc: total number of dwelling units from the slope donsity forrrula, lii.iit:s of road improvements for each landowner or parcc.1 could be developed and defined on a reap. If it should become necessary for a deve_'oper to extend the road beyond the liitrits of hi.s development, thi; cost_ incurred can be returned to him when the other property develops by use of the Unimproved Street Ordinance. This third method'appe, r.cil t+be the most equita' le. The Assistant City Engineer noted that these street improvement figures did not include telephone, elEctric nor gas .lines since the staff was unable to get their figures. Becaise of the cost, the City might want to consider overhead :Lines for sin,, l Le--f�,+,iily homes in the hi.l.ls. 11 Normally, the sei or and water amour -IL to 1/4 of the total cost of improvements. Grading cLll run about $30.00 per foot. With grading and sewers only, we m_i.glrt get the costt down to about $40.00 per foot. There are approximately 400 acres iz Regnart Carryon and Lindy Canyon. Comm. Woodward suggested a relativ(!-V ritral road system leading up to a cluster deve:1c)>>me�nt in the hiJ LS, With City standard streets within the cluster development. The Seven Springs Ranch and Church :'roporty will probably have essentially basic subdivision costs. It was brought out that P.G. & E. c,.ill. furnish 1.300' of primary on overhead lines to single-fa�:iil.y del, �lopments. Details of the June 26, 1.975 memo from the Director of Public [-corks, regarding "Engineering input into 111.111 Area General- Plan", were discussed. This includes data from the 'Traffic Crn:;ul.tant Don Goodrich. MINUTES OF THE JUNE 269 1975 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Mr, Goodrich suggested various techniques..to make.a road less appealing to commute traffic, thereby reducing peak lane require- ments: stop signs, widening of the road only when traffic condi- tions demand it. However, the only alternates to Stevens Creek Blvd. are McClellan Road and Fr-eeway #2M McClellan is not an alternate and the freeway is already congested. There appears at this time'no way to reduce the appeal of Stevens Creek Blvd. as a commute routes It was felt by Mr. Goodrich that Bubb Road could be held at 2 lanes if intersections were widened to 4 lanes and. side conflicts are minimized. ,This factor can be applied.to any street in the area except,Foothill Blvd.. and Stevens Creek Blvd., Traffic figures for Stevens Creek Blvd. west of Foothill Blvd. ar4 needed, as well as a sensitivity study of second access from the Church Property to Stevens Creek PC-196 Page 3 At this point, Chairman Gatto wanted to discuss the basic question of policyr I There was a consensus that the policy for the hillsides would be governed by the holding capacity of the hills. Comma O'Keefe noted that development in the; hills will be expensive, neverthele s, the City cannot subsidize this area. I Comm. Adams asked if Alternate B could support more units than Alternate A. The Associate Planner said Alternate B would be the street system for individual developments and A would be for ..clusters. Comm. Adams felt it should be the burden of the hillside property owners to take care of the cost of the road system. Comm. Woodward said it should be established that kind of road standards are set for very hilly areas and for the relatively flat areas within the hills. The City also needs to look at how the costs should be allocated. He believes we would be hard- pressed to get the property owners close to the present road system to contribute to the extension of those roads Comm. Cooper agreed. Chairman Gatto pointed out that, at this point it is important to establish the character of the roads in the hillsides and how the Planning Commission would like the financing to occurs Mr. Jacobs, a present property owner along Regnart Canyon, said he would be reluctant to pay for development of other properties_ He also emphasized his wish to save the creek, 1Q6 MINUTES OF Till" JUNI' 26, 1975 PLA1NN' NG C:ov"lIISSIO ; MEETING 4 Mr. Childress, Pr(,sident of Reglan 1111.ter. Company, said the people up there have had to rai.ntaan their o..n ro<3d systems and services, Reglan ;,Dater Company has .125 water: meters nuw ,and can go to 250. They serve up to 825` elevc-ir-i_ori now, The Planning Director commented that it may be that urban services are not feasible in the R.egriar.t Carryon area. The Assistant- City (engineer stated that - maintenance costs of County roads are higher t.h,,:rri for roads bu:'.lt to City specif ications . To lower the road standards would result in increased maintenance costs. Comm. O'Keefe o';served piecemeal development makes poor planning. An early decision should be made a:; to poLi.cy up there. Comm. Woodward notad that this is a wooded area and wood utility poles would not necessarily be obtrusive,. Mr. Gaubatz, a cit.zc-.rr in the area , said the people who move up there do so to get away from close proxir.ri.ty ._o their neighbors. Ile asked the Planning Comun.ission to consider- tale People who already live up there. Mr. Jacobs said Lhey are circulatiig a petition right now to get rid of the cable 'i `.' up th:�r. e. He earned that th commercial property up there has already been rezoned. Mr. Childress agreed the Canyon sh(ri.ld be kept nice to protect the -investment of the people already there. Comm. Woodward was answered by the Assist ant City Engineer that there are 4 or 5 people up there noti,<<,,ho have deferred agreements. The agreement says that upon 6 months i)ti.ce from the City the property owner will install the i.rlprovenrenu . They also agree that in the event an assessment district is formed ul- there, theirs will be a "yes" vote. The Associate Planner answered Comr Cooper that there are about 30 property owners Iivina on their pre )crty tip there now and about 20 property owners w_i i:iron t a house. ( m:r.. Cooper said she would like to hear more of what the people preser _ly irp there want. Comm. Cooper asked what mechanism (-n.n be utilized now in the case of some property owner wishing, to dev(1_op. The Assoc-i.ate Planner said the way it is now, the maximum number c is -tr1 its that: could be up there would be the same as the .low -density fors rla. We would h�rve a lot of driveways. P G c MINUTES OF THE JUNE 265 1.975 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Comm. Woodward summarized the Planning Commission's feelings: 1) The cost of any capital improvements would be borne by the landowners rather than the City at large. 2) Until urban services are brought into the area, the rural slope/density formula is to be used. 3) The improvements, as they occur, will be initiated by the individual property owner or developer. 4) Skeleton street: The property owner or developer will dedi- cate but not contribute to off -site improvements. 5) A 24' street with concrete curbs and gutters and overhead power lines will be allowed in the hill areas. Comma Cooper said the City must make sure there is adequate.fire protection in the area, The Assistant City Engineer answered Comm. O'Keefe that the City will be responsible for.maintenance of the roads, even though they are built to County standards. Comm. O'Keefe did not necessarily go along with this. He said every taxpayer should be considered Mr. Bill McGuire said he has 5 acres along Regnart Canyon. He asked who is going to force road construction back into the inac- cessible part of the canyon in order to get the improvements paid for He objects to very long driveways. He is very concerned about the high cost of the public streets. He wondered if a person living along Regnart Canyon Road has to put. in street improvements now, Chairman Gatto said_.all he would basically need at this time is water service, septic tank; etc, Comm. O'Keefe said he was in favor of underground utilities in the hills. It was noted that the City recently put on overlay on the road as far.as Herb Regnart's driveway at a cost of $7000 for about 3000' The Planning Director said Dr. Myronak is in the process of preparing a document on air quality and energy which should,be completed by mid -Julys This is required by Law. The Assistant Planning Director briefly reviewed the "City of Cupertino General Plan Program Description and Standards of Land Use Designations Within The Lower And Upper Foothills Area of the General Plan Revision -- Exhibit C-2". The Commissioners were asked to study this prior to the next meeting, Pages 29 and 30 were discussed. If we allow 15% increase in density or if the developer shifts his density (density bonuses), we are talking about 200 or less units to achieve low/moderate income housing units. PC-196 Page 5 il 1 N'TrES n2 THE 'M I'll", 26, 1975(:():.i Il I [W M I 'T ING, PLanlv''l ' ,, WL I ll�lvc! F c) 1: Elie t. 11 il I s [d o S t-.u(jy r-he (on eE these c «zcnts is Hie, maE£iz. The Al';soc LaLe .1-allnoc mEled in Tcezr2 1:r) Ll'(! DIZIr is no abrupt ch'.-til.ge hoLwecu dle pluis's uId mLilu,"IS n r c-, to t: h o 14 111,1 F 1, c it r." A s germ! that I-.tll e [I yoo widen at an im-ersecLion Lii o22eJ ro abo«Era the signal CEnio\ it: docs nothing S(7-1-106llle Of fUtLll:o. meetings: JIII L v 10 H i-1.1 CIO S rudy t.1 y 'R, C' 1: 2Ta2Ri1g Cow J's i o I I yeetiRq July t 7 De A n3:?. L VC1 . S t- I t d y y ,ty - tentative Jet/ Plailtliill,;, Cclmr.lLssfcn Meeting 4UJOURl Cllaitman G-ILLO adjo.tirne(l nis at: 10:26 p.m, to 7:30 (),I-l- Ally 1-0) 1975. P 1 O VE 1) : ATTEST: City Clerk