10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014
Telephone; 252--4505
Vice -Chairman Adams called the meeting to .order at 7037 p.m. with',
the Salute to the Flag.
Comm. present: Cooper, O'Keefe, Woodward, Vice -Chairman Adams,
Chairman Gatto (9>40)e
Comm. absent; None
Staff present; Director of Planning and Development Sisk
Assistant Planning Director Cowan
Assistant City Attorney Kilian
Assistant City Engineer Whitten
Housing Rehabilitation Counsellor Hendee
to CITY OF CUPERTINO Public Hearing to consider a specific
general plan for the old Monta Vista commercial area
bounded by Freeway Route 85.on the east and'Byrne Avenue
on the west and consideration of a street plan line for
Stevens Creek Blvd. between Freeway Route 85 and Ridgeway
Drive (entrance into De Anza Oaks residential development).
First Hearings
The Planning Director summarized the December 10, 1975, staff
memo regarding the Stevens Creek Boulevard Plan Line Study and
Appendix A,.Street Design Primer. He said the.intent of this
meeting was to discuss the many alternatives available and to
assess them, No decisions were expected at this meeting.
The Assistant Planning Director stated the people living within
300' of Stevens Creek Blvd. received a letter informing .them of
this public hearing. The>impact.of the widening of Stevens Creek
Blvd. through Old Monta Vista could change, some of the land uses,
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The Assistant Planner said the study has been broken down into three
1. Old Monta Vista, from Bubb Road to Phar Lap Drive.
If a 4-lane road is decided upon it will disturb the downtown section.
2. Phar Lap Drive to Foothil•1 Blvd.
There are some environmental issues involved here. When crossing the
flood plain we will have to be very careful about building the bridge,
etc. If a 4-lane road is built the section near Old Cupertino Road
would be just too dangerous; therefore, the staff would then recommend
closing of this intersection and establishment of some type of new
north/south intersection across Stevens Creek Blvd.
3. Foothill Blvd. to De Anza Oaks Subdivision.
Some of the problems here are the truck traffic and the Church property.
Right now, there is just one viable way to get out of this property.
If an ingress/egress is decided upon to Stevens Creek Blvd., this would
probably mean 4 lanes for Stevens Creek Blvd.
Stevens Creek Blvd. is the only good road from downtown Cupertino to
the foothills. McClellan Road is too windy and the City Council has
decided not to straighten it'out substantially.
Options: Retain the present character of downtown Monta Vista or
consider some type of urban renewal.
Planning objectives are to identify some viable means of getting
through the area. In order to do this we must hire accoustical
engineers, air quality people, urban economists, etc. We must study
the social problems and get involved in creek environmental study.
The final stage will be implementation of a program decided upon.
Vice -Chairman Adams asked for comments from the audience.
Mrs Thomas MacDonald, 22157 Clear Creek Court, President of Oak Dell
Ranch Homeowners, said they had a Board of Directors meeting and
introduced some problems. They are on the boundary of Subsections 1
and 2. He said they don't want Reach 2 to be a freeway cutoff,
particularly for trucks. Safety dictates widening of the road westerly
of the creek. They would like improvement of the sidewalk along the
roadway. They would like some parkway --size lanes, not very wide lanes
and narrow medians. Proper access to Phar Lap Drive concerns them
because this is their main access. They must think of the possibility
of a signal at that intersection, with increased traffic. When #280
backs up at peak hours many cars leave it and take Foothill Blvd. to
Stevens Creek Blvd. An extension of #85 could help alleviate this.
They are thinking in terms of just a service road, deadending at
McClellan Road.
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Mr, McDonald said the Cupertino Road intersection at -Stevens
Creek Blvd. is extremely dangerous and probably should be closed
off now. An extension of Janice Avenue would probably be
helpful,.but they question the economics of purchasing the right-
of-way for it They advocate a plan for removal of the old
service stations and billboards, They.have some concern for the
residences immediately south of the Boulevard in Monta Vista and
do not advocate a loop road through downtown Monta Vista-. They .
encourage the City and the County to provide integrating develop-
ment and elimination of present.structures that are eyesores. I
The Assistant Planning Director addressed the possibility of a
temporary extension of #85. He said our consultant has assumed
the freeway extension to Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road in the traffic
projections for 1995. If it is not built it will putfurther
pressure on Stevens Creek Blvd.
.Mr. John Ennals, 10481 Florence, said that at the end of Phar
Lap Drive a lot of school children walk to Monta Vista High j
School along Stevens Creek Blvd., so some type of pedestrial
walkway is necessary, A 4-lane road through here is an open
invitation to those trucks. He cited theunsuccessfulbusinesses''
in Old Monta Vista. He would like some studies to see how we
could improve this area economically.
Mr, J. Gordon Laughlin, 22021 Stevens Creek Road, Oak -Dell Farm
owner, wanted to know specifically how wide the road will be at
Stevens Creek Blvd. He wanted to know if there is -going to be
some type change in the -elementary school -bus stop,.because the
cars go by here quite fast. He wanted to know to what lengths
the City will go as far as an EIR;-air quality and noise studies.
The Assistant Planning Director said the EIR will cover all these
points. A growth impact analysis has already been done.
Mr. R. D. Koenitzer, 10060 Phar Lap Drive, stated that at the
present time the only way you can get to Varian Park is a
circuitous route some 2 or 3 miles. He would like to see a good
pedestrian access along here. The Assistant City Engineersaid
he would like to discuss alternate plans for the Oak Dell area
and he would like to separate this from the Stevens Creek Blvde
plan line. The staff feels there should be some type of bicycle
and pedestrian access,
Mr. Don Gaubatz, 10033 Hillcrest Road, said the closing of Cu.pert no
Road would be welcome because it is dangerous. Quite a bit of
traffic filters up in his neighborhood.He is not convinced the
Janice Drive extension would solve the problem because there is
nothing to slow down the traffic ,along Stevens Creek Blvd.
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Mr, Louis Stocklmeir, 22120 Stevens Creek Blvd., said he is primarily
concerned about the bridge crossing the street westerly to Carmen Road.
The environmental impact would be of grave concern to him because the
widening will take out a great deal of the original topography that
has been there since De Anza camped here. It will disturb plantings
that have been there for 3/4 century and will change the views of the
present residents and proposed subdivisions. His objections to the
original plan line were the curves in the road. These have been
alleviated somewhat. Whichever way the road goes in, it will affect
him. He asked if some thought has.been given to the original 6 lanes.
His objection is the lateral curve at Phar Lap Drive. He asked if the
grade will be changed.
The Assistant Planning Director stated Mr. Stocklmeir did a lot of
work on the plan line some two years ago which is reflected in Plan 2A.
This was placed on.the bulletin board. His plan is to shift the
right-of-way north. Mr. Stocklmeir stated his plan line relates to
the present topography. The Assistant City Engineer said the
right-of-way widths and cut and fill are very schematic at this time.
The environmental impact report and simple economics will affect it.
Mr. Art Mussou, 10161 Camino Vista, is concerned about the property
west of Foothill Blvd., going on up to Permanente. Since the road
stops at Permanente, he sees no need for widening it; it would just
become a bigger drag strip. At this point, there was applause from
the audience.
Mr. Harold Mindell, 575 Edgewood Road, San Mateo, owner of 11875 Stevens
Creek Blvd., said he would like' to see a more desirable business
district in Old Monta Vista. He would like to see the City of
Cupertino annex Monta Vista. Barring that, he would like to know
if there are any plans to bring in sewer and electric service along with
street improvements. He .noticed the improvement plans don't show
anything regarding the railroad right -of --way.
Mrs. Jane Brokaw, 10081 Carmen Road, said Plan B would go smack through
her house. She likes Mr. Stocklmeir's plan better. She does not
believe improvement -of the buildings in downtown Monta Vista will
help because this is primarily a residential area. There are enough
good and large shopping centers close by. She lives in the County
because of the rural atmosphere ar.d she does not want to be annexed
or be wiped out by the widening of Stevens Creek Blvd. She suggested
just a slight widening of Stevens Creek Blvd. in some areas. She
said people are coming down Stevens Creek Blvd., through Monta Vista
to #85. She would like to see a traffic signal at Stevens Creek Blvd.
and Foothill Blvd. She believes widening of Stevens Creek Blvd. would
only be to accommodate the commute traffic. She would like to see
Carmen Road and Cupertino Road closed because they are both dangerous.
The Assistant Planning Director said Foothill Blvd. and Stevens Creek
Blvd. intersection will be at Level F by 1995, according to our traffic
Mr. Edward Gavigho, 22430-Cupertino Road (Phone 252-67.50), said
he has lived there for 30 years, They have the last family
vineyard in exis•tance and an extension of Janice would go right
through the middle of it,
Mr, Joe B. McCune, 10079 Carmen Road, said he has lived there for
27 years', He said he spoke with a gentleman from the State
Department of Transportation who said the, extension of #95 is .so
far down the road he should forget about it. We don't have enougl
money to maintain the present highways.. He asked .how this project
would be funded. Vice�Chairman Adams said nobody has these
answers -at this time. The purpose of ths-public hearingis to
air the•people's feelings. Mr. McCune.said that other than peak
hour traffic, there is absolutely no problem getting out of
Carmen Road, He said the traffic\ today does not warrant widen-
ing of Stevens Creek Blvd. from Bubb Road to Foothill Blvd
Comm. Woodward reminded the audience that this study is for the
purpose of planning for the future.
Mr. Stocklmeir.said we should not overlook the -fact that when the
City accepts this plan line the people s ould be aware of the
fact that their property is frozen or locked into i o. He said
nobody would purchase a home built on an established plan line.
Mrs. Darleen Romero, 10148 Adriana Avenue, Monta Vista, said she
has lived her entire life in this rural area. She objected to
removal of the stores in Old Monta Vista. She said she: has, no
problem getting out onto Stevens Creek Blvd., but does have.a
problem getting through -all the traffic signals now. She sees
no advantage to change. This is a rural residential area and
the people want to keep it that way. Many of the people are old.
and have their own opinions but can't come to City.Hall to
express themselves.
Comm.. Cooper thanked all the people who came to this meeting to
express their opinions.. She said the City really.wants to know:
what the people want. She asked that the staff explain to the
people what no change to Stevens Creek Blvd., means in terms of
levels of service in years to come. The Assistant City Engineer
said he would prepare a handout for the people, describing,levels
of serviced Comm. Cooper asked that this report include the
information of where this traffic is coming from.
Mr,, Hugh Jackson, 22420 Cupertino Road, Monta Vista; asked that
the people be notified at least 2 weeks in advance of the next
public hearing on this matter. He asked at what time in the
proceedings the City would be negotiating with the County. The.
Assistant Planning Director stated the County has gotten out of
the urban service area. The City would do all the planning,. If
there is funding involved, the County would be expected to,parti-
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Mrs. Ann Anger, Monta Vista, asked that at the next public hearing
there be a map color -coded to indicate which properties are in the
City of Cupertino, the County, and in Monta Vista. She is a long-time
resident of Monta Vista and has been working to keep downtown Monta
Vista. For instance, she said Rifredi's has been in Cupertino since
about 1961.
Mr. Jack McGovern, 10060 Pasadena, is concerned about the level of
smog over the valley. If we are going to make more room for cars,
then more cars will appear. He would rather see alternative methods
of travel.
Mrs. Diane Duerkop, 10191 Prado Vista, said she has lived there for
1-1/2 years. She said that if there are 4 lanes on Stevens Creek
Blvd., then the trucks will just go faster. She would rather see
improvement of 280 exits farther east. She would like to see traffic
signals at Stevens Creek Blvd. and Foothill Blvd.
Mr, Laughlin would like a study of where the people are going that
use these streets. Perhaps shift changes, staggered shifts, etc.,
could be instituted.
Mr. Henry Esterly, 22321 Cupertino Road, said his wife shops at
Homestead and Foothill Blvd. and at Cali Bros. She suggests more
people should use #85 and stay off Stevens Creek Blvd.
Mr. John Plagge, 22754 Majestic Oak Way, of Westridge Homeowners
Association, said Chappel Industries is constructing four duplexes
at Silver Oak Way. He asked if consideration is given to Silver
Oak Way opening onto Stevens Creek Blvd. He would like to put
emphasis on the fact that in the very near future we will need traffic
signals at Stevens Creek Blvd. and Foothill Blvd. Comm. Woodward
said a decision has been.made on Silver Oak Way. The Planning Director
said the intent is to extend it to Stevens Creek Blvd., but its actual
decision was left open because of the Stevens Creek Blvd. plan line
Mr. Mussou said downtown Monta Vita is being used as a bypass by
commute traffic. Even if the population doubled in Manta Vista,
people would not have a traffic pr3blem with the present roads. He
agrees there is an immediate need for a stop light at Stevens Creek
Blvd. and Foothill Blvd. The Assistant City Engineer said that in
the present 5 Year Capital Improvenents Program this traffic signal
is scheduled for 1978 79. He urges the people to attend the budget
hearings in the spring to make their thoughts known.
Mr, Gene Collins,, 10090 Peninsula Avenue, Cupertino, at the
corner of Peninsula .and .Grand -- better known as Tortilla Flat
said he likes it the.way it is. He said nobody. wants to purchase
land along Stevens Creek Blvd. because it is frozen. He asked if
the City has given thought to putting a solid fill over the dip
in the.. road.' He .said there. could.. be underpass for people to.
come out from the golf courses
Mr. Louis Stocklmeir gave the history of Stevens Creek Blvd.,
which.was not a road until 1873. At that time, 5 of our very
earliest pioneers of the western part of this valley settled
along here. In 1776 the Indians camped along the creeks here.
In the 1850`s there was a.ver.y large oak where the bridge
presently is. Capt, Stevens sold his property herein 1864.
Chairman Gatto. arrived at the meeting at .this point..:
Mr, Stocklmeir said the first post office site in Cupertino was
on the east bank of Stevens Creek,. north of the bridge, although
it was never used.
The Assistant City Engineer said traffic signals. are usually
funded by gas tax funds. -
Vice --Chairman Adams called a recess at 9:43 p.m. Comm. Woodward
left the meeting. The meeting reconvened at 10:02 p.m.
It was decided the next Stevens Creek Blvd. plan line study
session would be held on Thursday, January 15th at 7:30 p.m.
Comm: Cooper would like the telephone tape to include information'
of this public hearing.
Mr, C. Hernandez, 22601 Stevens Creek Blvd., said he is afraid
that if.Silver Oak Way is extended to Stevens Creek Blvd. the
commuters will use it as a shortcut to get around the congested
Mr; Robert E. Tolbert, 20720 Fourth 'Street, #16, Saratoga, said
he owns property on Stevens Creek Blvd. Until this plan line is
settled there is very little possibility of improvement of the
business district, They have to take secondary type tenants
because rumorshave spread about the area. It is very difficult
to get any decent businesses to move in. He advised the Planning
Department to let people know that it will be 5 to 10 years
before anything happens here. He owns the property on the south
.side 'of Stevens Creek Blvd., just west of the railroad tracks.
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Mr. Jim Duerkop, 10191 Prado Vista, Cupertino, said that even though
the widening of Stevens Creek Blvd. in Section 3 involves a minimal
amount of land it will only encourage the trucks to go faster. Ile
asked if it is our responsibility to widen Stevens Creek Blvd. to
augment the people who won't use the freeway. Ile was impressed by
the fact that the City is planning up to 1995. Fie said many of the
people now living in the area are there because of its rural atmosphere.
If the roads are widened our rural areas will disappear. It seems to
On that a businessman would need some incentive to improve. Perhaps
a small commercial center with a rural atmosphere would be successful.
Comm. Cooper said she was encouraged that a lot of people came out.
to this meeting and gave input. The City has bee.. talking about 4
lanes in that area, based upon traffic projections done by experts
in that field. If the people don't want widened roads then it is
important that these people reali::e what this means.
Comm. O'Keefe said he needs additional input. This is a small stretch
of land but but it affects many p,_�ople and the character of the area.
Chairman Gatto noted this plan liie has been discussed several times.
We are not ready to make any decision at this point. The existing
character of the neighborhood has been the one factor that has been
pointed out that it must be preserved. He believes the character of,
the area is more important than engineering projections at this point.
He believes.the unique character of the local shopping area should
be preserved.
Comm. Adams said traffic is like water -- when it bottles up in one
area it seeks other routes. He wants to make sure the people living
up there realize what -the future holds for their roads.
Vice -Chairman Adams adjourned this meeting at 10:27 p.m, to 7:30 p.m.
on Thursday, January 15, 1976.
/s/ John M. Gatto
/s/ Wm. E. Ryder
City Clerk