FAC 07-24-01:
City of Cupertino
Regular Meeting
July 24, 2001
At 7:38 p.m. Chairperson Carl Orr called the meeting to order in Conference
Room A, Cupertino City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue.
Present: Chairperson Carl Orr, Commissioners Nancy Canter, Shirley Lin
Kinoshita, Hema Kundargi, Barbara Phelps (7:45 p.m.), Rita Young (7:40 p.m.),
City Clerk Kimberly Smith and Recording Secretary Dorothy Steenfott
Absent: Janet Molar
Kundargi moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of June 26, 2001.
Lin Kinoshita seconded and motion passed unanimously with Molar absent.
City Clerk reported that a letter was received from the Shakespeare Festival. She
stated that all commissioners are invited to the festival pre-performance opening
night celebration at Quinlan on August 11 at 5:30 p.m.
Orr distributed a video tape which Contained descriptions of public art from cities
all over the country and the members agreed to pass it around until they had all
seen it.
Kundargi volunteered to attend the mayor's breakfast on August 14.
A. Criteria for public art
The ad hoe committee reported that they did not meet after the June
meeting and requested that the commission provide suggestions to
incorporate into the draft document for discussion at the next meeting.
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B. Children's mural status report
Kundargi reported that she received a negotiable $3,500 estimate fi:om the
muralist. She also stated that the muralist would like to start the project at
the end of August. City Clerk stated that there is approximately $2,600
remaining from last year's budget that has been carded over. City Clerk
will prepare a staff report requesting additional funding to complete the
mural. The commission also discussed a desire to see a conceptual
drawing of the mural before the project begins. Kundargi will request a
preliminary design from the muralist. An ad hoc committee comprised of
Kundargi, Young and Phelps will meet with the muralist and Diana
Argabrite to view the conceptual design and e-mail the drawing to the full
C. Four Seasons Plaza report
City Clerk updated the commission on the project. She reported that the
landscape architect was told that the city needed to see a concept of the
landscaping for the hotel, apartments and Four Seasons Plaza. The
architect recommended that a peer meeting be held with other landscape
architects to obtain their definition of a gateway.
D. Distinguished Artist of the Year
The commission reviewed the nomination that was received. Orr
recommended that the commission deny approval of the application. City
Clerk will prepare a letter to the nominator stating that the commission felt
they needed more information and suggest that they reapply in 2002.
E. Follow-up report on Cupertino Art & Wine Festival information booth
Orr stated that he felt the commission did a great job informing the
community of the commission's purpose. Young will compile the survey
results and report back to the commission. The commission recognized
Phelps for the outstanding job she did on the brochure.
July 24, 2001 Fine Arts Corrmaission Page 3
A. Consider annual grant to Euphrat Museum
City clerk stated that the Euphrat Museum is usually granted funds outside
of the regular grant cycle. Several commissioners felt that Euphrat should
be required to provide a budget summary before grants are awarded to
them. City Clerk will invite Jan Rindfleisch to the next meeting.
B. Consider cancellation of August meeting
The commission decided to leave the August meeting on the calendar until
it was known what action council would take regarding the budget request
for the children's mural.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:27 p.m.
Dorothy Stee~tt, Recordi~_~g/Secretary