FAC 03-22-01 City of Cupertino FINE ARTS COMMISSION R~gular Meeting May 22, 2001 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:35 p.m. Chairperson Carl Orr called the meeting to order in Conference Room A, Cupertino City Hall, 10300 Torte Avenue. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Carl Orr, Commissioners Nancy Canter, Shirley Lin Kinoshita, Hema Kundargi, Janet Mohr, Barbara Phelps, Rita Young, City Clerk Kimberly Smith, and Recording Secretary Dorothy Steenfott 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Canter moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of April 24, 2001. Lin Kinoshita seconded and motion passed unanimously. _ 4. COMMISSIONER AND LIAISON REPORTS A. Report from Carl Orr on the Mayor's breakfast in May Orr reported on the May breakfast. Canter will attend the June 12 breakfast. Orr also reported that he participated as a judge during the Compaq art show. He stated that there were over 200 paintings and prints and five different categories that were judged. 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Criteria for public art Phelps described the ad hoe's findings regarding public art. She reviewed several of the points in the document. The commission will review the entire document and bring comments to the next meeting. B. Children's mural Kundargi reported that there are some delays, but the project is moving .--- along. .... May 22, 2001 Fine Arts Commission Page 2 C. Four Seasons Plaza City Clerk reported on the status of the project. She stated that she received comments on the artist contract from the Public Works Director and that council is interested in incorporating some kind of gateway at the site which could impact the scope of the project. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Distinguished Artist of the Year City Clerk reported that no nominations were received. She stated that the commission could extend the deadline or not make any award this year. Lin-Kinoshita moved to extend the deadline. Phelps seconded and the motion passed unanimously. B. Art & Wine Festival information booth The commission agreed to have a booth at the festival. Phelps volunteered to develop a brochure to hand out during the festival and Young volunteered to produce a survey form. Young moved to spend $175 on the booth rental. Kundargi seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Orr will contact the Shakespeare Festival to obtain brochures or flyers and Canter will contact Euphrat Museum for additional materials. Mohr volunteered to purchase some "sweet treats" to distribute during the festival. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. ~tt, Record(~ecretary