FAC 08-26-2019 APPROVED MINUTES FINE ARTS COMMISSION Special Meeting, Conf. Rm. C C U P E RT I N O 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino August 26, 2019 ROLL CALL Present: Mahalingam, Kasamsetty, Chokshi, Dhami, Matley APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of the Draft Minutes from the July 22, 2019 meeting Motions: Commissioner Matley motioned and Commissioner Dhami seconded the motion to approve the minutes from the July 22, 2019. Motioned approved 5-0. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS 2. Subject: Distinguished & Emerging Artist Award Commissioners discussed potential City Council meeting dates to present the Distinguished and Emerging Artist Award winners., tentatively scheduled for November 5, 2019. Commissioners discussed using the library as a reception area prior to the City Council meeting and displaying artwork from the winners by November 2, 2019. Commissioner Matley noted that waivers will be required to display the artwork. Commissioners will contact winners in September and October. 3. Subject: Young Artist Awards Outreach i Commissioners discussed past themes and new themes. Commissioners decided that the theme would be "What makes me smile" with an application deadline of i August 26,2019 Cupertino Fine Arts Commission Page 2 November 15, 2019. Commissioners discussed outreach opportunities including Fall Fest, schools (art and public), cultural events, and social media platforms. Directed staff to update flyers and provide to Commissioners. 4. Subject: Fine Arts Commission 2019-2020 Approved Budget Staff Liaison Erick Serrano provided an overview of the Fine Arts Commission work items that include the Marketing Project and Art in Unexpected Places as well as associated budget for the work items. Commissioners discussed their work with former Commissioner Michael Sanchez for Art in Unexpected Places. Commissioners discussed two potential sites, Cupertino Sports Center and Blackberry Farm, and incorporating Distinguished and Emerging Artists into the program. COMMISSIONER REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair Mahalingam discussed the upcoming Mayor Meetings and attendance. Commissioner Chokshi to attend the September meeting, Commissioner Matley the October Meeting, and Chair Mahalingam to attend the November meeting. Chair Mahalingam discussed the Augmented Realty Art Walk Project that provides a phone application to demonstrate public artwork throughout the city. The phone application would provide details on the artwork, artist, and would be multi-lingual. Chair Mahalingam provided updates on the Hyatt House and Main Street Public artwork. ADJOURNMENT Chair Mahalingam adjourned the meeting at 7:44 p.m. to the special meeting on August 26, 2019 at City Hall, Conference Room C. ;Respec lly submitted: ff Liaison: Erick Serrano, Senior Planner